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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin, new york city police clear protesters from a university building. officers enter through the windows and the rest pro palestinian demonstrators with barricaded themselves inside. also coming up is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to go into rafa no matter what. he says, the army will enter the southern gauze and city with or without a ceasefire deal with come us. and we take a look at kenya flash floods. there have devastated large areas are corresponding meet survivors trying to come to terms with what happened
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the little welcome to our show, i'm seeing busy in berlin and we begin in new york city where police say they have cleared pro palestinian protestors from a building on the campus of columbia university bringing a day long stand off to a dramatic and this was the moment police entered hamilton hall, where protesters had barricaded themselves. after entering early tuesday, the officers can be seen here, climbing through a 2nd floor window. some reported leave with guns drawn. the rate came at the request of the university president after protesters had defied a university ultimatum to back down or be expelled. the president has now asked the police to stay on campus until may 17th. we say they've arrested dozens of individuals that add to the more than 1000 people,
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detains on more than 25 campuses across the us. in recent weeks, dw correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber is in new york city at columbia university, joins me for more benyamin. what is the latest after this actions day by police? the police here in new york quote and of the area of the university, we see cars leaving the area below where there when police started doing arrest, also coming closer to columbia university. and also when this runs with this emergency unit appeared, and then there's more than 20 law enforcement offices into this whole that was occupied by students early tuesday in police is still on the scene to many police of the many a unit and columbia university also send out a press release of to 9 pm, saying that they are requesting additional support and told a new york police department to go in a university and to arrest the students. we've seen at least 3 buses with
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a students that have been arrested and leaving the area, but we don't have a clear number yet of how many is students were arrested and who's still on campus ground. let's remember that access was already denied to students into the fact that the stuff and only essential essential stuff. and also those students who live inside were allowed to enter a campus ailey. been, you mean a lot of police officers there a lot of passionate protesters, how would you describe the interactions between those 2 groups from what you've seen so that several approaches go see, and that's what we've seen. also of a couple of days. there was a lot of chanting also here that still many waiting and see what's happening with all those a cars, the from the police leaving. but it's important to make the difference of those who protested inside and also of those who protested outside. and that's something what a protest is inside of these and camping have also told us that there is indeed a difference when you know that those who are inside are academics and faculty
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members there. we're also strict id a checks in place over the last a couple of days. but yeah, it's a pretty, it tends to situation many, some students that i talked to told me that they would not believe that and what you would actually go in with so many police of results with a this easy were unfolding here. so we can expect the situation to remain tense it, but it remains to be seen. what will happen in the next day? a couple of days. also, we'll get more information of what's happening inside the new york city mayor said tuesday that he believe the professional agitators were co opting these protests and parts. have you seen any truth of those statements? so as to is definitely that they produce as insights. when you hear those trends and also when you compare them to the chance that you hear outside, they are indeed different when we, when we came here a few days ago and outside of the 10s, with some of them also it denying the existence of, of these relevant, 2 state solution that they were different from the tents that were inside. but
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what's also too, i mean there's so many new ones to so many different groups that jewish students and jewish faculty members have said that they feel threatened. it also puts more pressure on a, the president of columbia university to then take this interest than many other colleges across the u. s. it's all ready taken. alright, that's been you mean of as goober in new york city, your columbia university where police have cleared those protesters. benjamin, thank you. well, it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country's military will enter the southern gaza city of rafa. regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with some us speaking at a meeting with the families of his really hostages, netanyahu said israel would not in the war until all of his goals had been achieved, including illuminating hamas battalions in rasa. many had hoped agreement on a ceasefire, could have bert a ground incursion in the territory. meanwhile, the un,
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it's called on israel's allies to do quote, everything in their power to prevent an assault on rafa. speaking to reporters, you in chief, antonio gutierrez, issued a strong fleet for ceasefire, for the sake of the people of gods, for the sake of the hostages and their families in israel. and for the sake of the region and the why that will. i strongly encourage the governments of israel and the how mosley the ship to reach know, and the agreements. we thought that i fear the war with all its consequences most. you've got some of the across the region. watson exponentially, are you in secretary of the secretary general, antonio gutierrez there. his comments. com as the u. n. release agency for palestinians u n. r w a is warning that even though more aide is now reaching cause a, a rough military operation could severely disrupt those distribution efforts. the
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crossing at rough, uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people. here the you and estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of aid going into gaza will continue to scale out even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, 8 has entered gauze. if you land at the air, often using via gyptian port of lariche, freight trucks then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern garza without
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a dangerous drive. through the conflicts out and for us is building a floating, a peer off of gauze as mediterranean coast that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough tracts. so under the current circumstances where we don't have safety, where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals. and a like the opposition leader in georgia has been injured during protests over the
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country is controversial for an agent to bill police in the capital to please use water cannons and tear gas to disperse thousands of people. and the bill would require media groups and various civil groups to register as being under for an influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. critics, they, the law similar to one, used to silence critics in russia protested, scrambled to safety. as george's police began cracking down, deploying water cannons, and fire into dust and rubber bullets to disperse thousands of people rallying outside parliament. people were injured including opposition will make is the
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reason we progress really busy. and people will know what sort of the we just bought purchased his head, trying to block george's parliament amid the 2nd reading of the so called russian law standing here to defend the board. yeah. to go towards europe, which is the, by the commentary on for voting with the settings hearing for this legislation, which will prevent george's urine separation. earlier in the day, cyril in peace were expelled from parliament. they say they've been unable to ask critical questions of the bill. the ruling georgian dream pounds, he sees the move will ensure greater transparency. on monday,
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it brought thousands of supports as to to please see in a show of support opposition paths. he's accused the government of forcing civil servants to attend to the rally. the highly contagious bill is back before parliament on wednesday. over to africa, where canyon president william router has ordered the military to evacuate residents in flood prone areas. following the death toll rising from the monsoon range to more than $170.00 people, a combination of factors including climate change as being blame for the floods, which i've driven usually $200000.00 people from their homes or correspondent felix marine good has met some of those forced to leave shot had was what as raging efforts to find that remaining 40 is still ongoing. a shelter load of sided less on the victims faces many trying to come to terms with
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the tragedy that has heat samples. julie's family, easy morning, date was the 4th for their lives and 6 of i. but they had 3 year old taught class, was credited to read by the flags to what i searched for him every week, but couldn't find him. if i don't find my baby while he's still alive, i don't know without ever forgive myself. i'm just praying that god drives me more days to stay with my baby. because when i remember the struggles we've had and the damage that has taken place in the floods for you, i'm wondering where the god saved his life or what happened to him like julie is doubtful if that's how find me phone shelter to stay in for the night away from that place we have that we should begin. she and her husband have fond memories of that 3 year old son isaac commodities, bought the day on the evening before he was credited every by the flats, unequal on the she was celebrating his food. this day on sunday evening at 10 o'clock and he ate the whole dis,
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they shake alone and he was going to sleep. but i'll take you to check. i asked him whether he wanted some tea and he said he just wanted to sleep. so i told him, happy birthday. so i hugged and kissed him and he went to bed. i didn't know that anything was happening, was it? the wolf, since we're coming towards us, is colorado. julie is not alone. kangi lost his business to the flags, his machinery made useless. his college should be covered in mud and direct me. i didn't mean what he means on. a lot of things have been destroyed in my business. and not that i was storing some items for drivers at all got carried away. i might be deflect, broken through one side of the building up on the came out the other hand carried away. everything that i had in there when one of my employees almost got swept away, but the security guard was able to save him from being taken by the floods, i guess. okay. and that was the such and retrieve what still going on. nobody knows how much time it to the safe to clear the debris family members are hoping they can
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get to locate their loved ones and have a chance to buy them. can you as president william photo visited the areas give us stated by the floods? you promised the government will attribute homes, we settled the homeless and get that children back into school. but he came to the wanting to people living in areas by that about the flooding. the mapping that has been done on board for the areas that are prone to run slides and a and flooding. we are asking every can in such areas to leave because the forecast is that green is going to continue. and the likelihood of flooding and people losing lights is read and therefore we must take pre emptive action. the president also asked about people's remain hopeful, even in the middle of the crisis once that's possible. and it's julie hope things to that. thoughts are finding how missing baby one i'm hoping that i can get to see
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him while he's still alive. the victims can only hope that he's cloud of grief and loss with past that the lights kind of go back to know more and that tragedy would stay away from them. and that's all for now. we'll be back soon with more headlines . it's watching the stage burst into already is whenever they feel like a door limits, 1000 kind of for design and fashion and find most pieces in the sky. many on including the how do they do it? the secret lives of size starts may 22nd on d w sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you.