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Southern  Epicures. 

-rv^sAr-  CF  c 
SEP   26   ]S92 

Copyi-ighted  by  tne  •>  — ^ 

Flower  Committee  of  the  ^  /  ^  ^  J     JK 

)endent  Presbyterian  Church,  '  / 

Independent  Presbyterian  Church, 
Savannafti,  Ga. 



T    ▼    T 


It  has  been  the  effort  of  the  young  ladies,  who  have  under- 
taken this  work,  to  send  out  a  book  that  will  combine  the  practical 
with  the  dainty.  These  receipts  have  been  given  by  some  of  the 
leading  Southern  epicures;  and  have  been  tried  and  proven.  It  is 
the  earnest  wish  that  this  book  may  meet  with  the  public's  approval ; 
not  only  because  of  its  worthy  object  to  assist  in  the  rebuilding 
of  the  Sunday  School  of  the  Independent  Presbyterian  Church,  but 
for  its  own  merit. 

▲  ▲  A 



Bread,  .........  35 

Cake  Receipts 22 

Candy,  .........  40 

Crabs, 13 

Desserts, 25 

Drinks, 38 

Eggs,  to  serve, 39 

Fish, II 

Ices, 30 

Meats  and  Entrees 13 

Oysters, 12 

Preserves  and  Pickles,      .  ....  32 

Salads, 18 

Soups  and  Stews, 5 

Vegetables, 20 


*  Xtouilloii. 

Let  one  pound  of  beef  from  the  round,  chopped  very  fine, 
stand  for  one  hour  in  one  pint  of  cold  water ;  then  put  it  on  the 
fire,  and  let  it  just  come  to  the  boil.  Remove  at  once  and  strain. 
Season  with  celery,  salt  and  pepper,  or  parsley  and  salt.  Serve  in 

Mock  Bisque  Soup. 

One  quart  of  tomatoes,  two  quarts  of  milk,  a  large  tablespoon- 
ful  of  butter,  and  a  large  one  of  flour,  a  scant  teaspoonful  of  soda, 
pepper  and  salt.  Put  the  milk  on  to  boil,  and  then  rub  the  flour  and 
butter  together  ;  thin  with  a  little  cold  milk,  and  add  this  to  the 
boiling  milk,  and  after  it  has  boiled  for  about  fifteen  minutes,  add 
the  tomatoes  and  soda,  which  were  first  strained  through  a  colander 
and  then  stewed.     Season  with  salt  and  pepper. 

Terrapin  Soup. 

Scald  four  fine  terrapins  in  boiling  water,  and  take  off  the 
outer  skin,  Cut  them  in  half  and  take  out  the  eggs,  and  put  them 
in  a  basin  of  water.  Then  take  carefully  all  the  meat  from  the 
shells  ;  the  liver  take  also.  Mince  finely  the  latter  with  one  pound 
of  fat  bacon,  and  put  it  into  your  digester ;  wash  the  terrapins,  and 
put  them  in  ;  add  twenty  cloves,  two  blades  of  mace,  salt  and  pep- 
per, and  cover  well  with  water.  Put  it  on  a  good  fire,  and  boil 
steadily  for  about  four-and-a-half  hours.  Then  put  into  a  bowl 
almost  half  a  pint  of  browned  flour  ;  add  a  teaspoonful  of  allspice, 
a  little  cayenne  and  a  little  butter ;  pour  some  of  the  soup  liquor 
upon  these,  and  mix  into  a  smooth  paste.  Then  add  the  paste  and 
and  eggs  ;  stir  well  and  put  back  on  the  fire  to  boil  well  for  three- 
fourths  of  an  hour,  Before  sending  to  the  table  add  two  glasses  of 
wine,  and  if  liked,  some  force  meat  balls.  If  the  terrapins  have  no 
eggs,  half  dozen  eggs  should  be  boiled  hard,  cut  into  four  parts  and 
put  in  the  soup.     Serve  lemon  with  it. 

Force  meat  Balls. 

Chop  the  meat  very  fine ;  chop  fine  two  or  three  shces  of  cold 
ham,  and  mix  with  it  also  a  piece  of  lemon,  a  little  nutmeg,  black 
pepper,  allspice  and  two  eggs.     Make  into  balls  and  fry  brown. 

mock  Turtle  Soup. 

A  shin  or  marrow-bone  of  beef — a  large  fat  one,  with  plenty  of 
marrow,  makes  the  soup  nicer.  Three-fourths  pound  of  bacon  mid- 
dling, one  pint  browned  flour,  one-half  dozen  eggs,  one  lemon,, 
one  level  teaspoonful  of  cloves,  one-fourth  teaspoonful  of  mace, 
black  pepper  and  one-half  pint  of  wine.  Trim  and  wash  the  bacon, 
and  cut  it  into  several  pieces  ;  break  the  bone  ;  take  out  the  mar- 
row and  put  it  in  cold  water.  Then  have  ready  your  kettle  with 
about  twelve  quarts  of  cold  water,  put  in  the  shin,  bacon,  a  little 
salt  and  black  pepper,  and  put  it  on  to  boil  six  or  seven  hours  be- 
fore dinner.  Let  it  boil  steadily,  skimming  well  two  hours  before 
dinner,  put  in  the  marrow,  and  take  out  some  of  the  best  portions 
of  the  meat  to  make  force  meat  balls.  Half  hour  before  dinner 
run  the  soup  through  a  colander  to  take  out  all  pieces  of  meat, 
thicken  with  the  browned  flour  and  spices  ;  let  it  boil  well,  add  the 
wine  and  let  it  boil  up,  and  it  is  done.  Have  ready  in  tureen  the 
force  meat  balls,  one  sliced  lemon,  one-half  dozen  hard  boiled 
eggs,  cut  in  four  pieces  each;  and  pour  the  soup  upon  them.  Serve 
with  lemon  and  wine  on  table. 

Tomato  Soup. 

A  nice  shin  bone,  two  quarts  of  tomatoes,  half  pint  browned 
wheat  flour,  one  teaspoonful  of  pulverized  allspice,  a  little  black 
pepper.  Crack  the  bone  so  that  the  marrow  may  come  out ;  wash 
it  and  put  it  on  in  8  quarts  of  water,  with  a  little  salt,  five  or  six 
hours  before  dinner,  and  let  it  boil  steadily,  skimming  it  well,  An 
hour  before  dinner  run  it  through  a  colander  to  take  out  the  pieces 
of  meat,  which  will  have  boiled  to  pieces,  add  the  tomatoes,  allspice, 
and  black  pepper  to  taste.  Fifteen  minutes  before  dinner  mix  half-pint 
browned  flour  with  half  pint  or  more  of  the  soup,  which  you  have 
cooled  so  that  there  are  no  lumps,  and  add  to  the  soup  ;  let  it  boil 
five  or  ten  minutes  and  serve.  You  may  add  a  little  lemon  juice 
at  table  if  you  like. 

Pota.£o  Soup. 

Boil  six  large  potatoes,  after  they  have  been  pared  and  sliced 
with  one  small  onion  ;  pass  through  a  colander  and  return  to  pot, 
adding  salt,  cayenne  pepper,  parsley  and  one-fourth  pound  butter. 
Boil  ten  minutes  longer,  when  you  put  in  tureen,  and  add  one 
cup  of  rich  cream. 

Okra.  Soup. 

A  nice  shin  bone,  two  quarts  of  okra,  two  quarts  of  tomatoes  • 
corn  cut  off  six  ears,  one  green  pepper,  salt  and  black  pepper  to 
taste.  Wash  the  bone  and  put  it  on  to  boil  in  four  quarts  of  water 
When  it  boils  up  skim  well,  and  add  the  okra,  sliced  very  fine,  and 
the  green  pepper  sliced,  let  this  simmer.  About  three  hours  before 
dinner  add  the  tomatoes,  which  have  been  passed  through  the 
colander,  so  that  they  are  entirely  free  from  lumps,  and  one  pint  of 
butter  beans  put  in  now,  is  an  improvem.ent.  Then  about  one  hour 
before  dinner  you  add  the  corn,  This  soup  must  not  be  on  a  hard 
boil  at  any  time^  but  must  boil  steadily. 

Turkey  Soup. 

The  frame  and  bones  from  cold  turkey,  one  quart  of  milk 
or  cream,  yolks  of  two  eggs,  two  tablespoonful  of  flour,  one 
large  tablespoonful  of  butter,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Put 
the  bones  on  after  they  have  been  cracked,  in  three  or 
four  quarts  of  water  and  boil  steadily  up  to  half  hour  before 
dmner,  then  strain  and  return  to  the  pot,  adding  one-and-a- 
half  pints  of  milk.  Rub  the  flour  and  butter  together.  Then  add 
the  yolks  of  the  eggs  and  the  other  half  pint  of  milk,  put  this  into 
the  boiling  soup,  and  let  it  boil  for  about  ten  minutes  longer  when 
it  is  done. 

Black  Bean  Soup. 

One  pint  of  beans,  six  cloves,  a  half  onion,  pepper  and  salt,  a 
slice  of  bacon.  Soak  the  beans  all  night  in  about  three  quarts  of 
warm  water,  and  put  on  to  boil  in  the  same  water  in  the  morning. 
Let  it  boil  almost  all  day  ;  strain  through  a  sieve,  put  in  slices  of 
lemon,  a  little  browned  flour,  fried  bread  in  squares  to  eat  with  it. 

Artichoke  Soup. 

One  quart  of  milk,  one  quart  of  artichokes,  one  tablespoon- 
ful of  butter.      Scrape  the    artichokes  and  boil  them  in  salt  and 


water,  until  perfectly  tender.  Boil  the  milk  with  the  artichokes, 
then  add  butter  and  black  pepper ;  then  thicken  with  flour  to  con- 
sistency of  cream. 

Cla.iu  8oup. 

To  one  pint  of  clams  add  one  quart  of  milk,  three  small  onions, 
two  tablespoonfuls  of  butter,  the  yolk  of  one  egg,  rubbed  in  a  table- 
spoonful  of  flour,  a  little  thyme,  salt  and  pepper,  parsley,  and  six 
grains  of  allspice.  Cut  the  soft  part  of  the  clams  in  two  pieces,  and 
mince  the  tough  part  very  fine,  and  boil  it  one  hour  in  a  quart  of 
water  before  the  soft  is  added.  Then  boil  the  soft  part  with  it  one- 
half  hour  before  adding  the  milk  and  egg. 

Crab  Soup. 

.Fry  an  onion  in  butter  and  stew  with  it  the  tomatoes,  mace,  pot- 
marjoram,  red  pepper  and  salt ;  strain  the  tomatoes,  and  to  it  add 
the  picked  crabs,  with  a  quart  of  water.  Stew  down  until  rich 
enough;  add  a  spoon  of  butter, just  before  serving;  rub  up  the 
yolk  of  an  egg  with  a  teaspoonful  of  flour,  two  of  cream  or  milk, 
and  stir  in  ;  about  one  dozen  tomatoes,  or  one  quart  of  milk  will 
answer  for  six  crabs. 

Bisque  Soup. 

Stew  and  strain  one  quart  can  of  tomatoes  with  a  scant  tea- 
spoon of  soda.  Boil  three  pints  of  milk  ;  add  a  large  tablespoon- 
ful  of  flour,  well  mixed  with  a  dessert  spoon  of  butter,  salt  and  pep- 
per to  taste.  Let  all  boil  for  ten  minutes,  then  add  the  tomatoes 
just  before  serving. 

Oyster  Soup. 

One  quart  of  oysters,  one  quart  of  milk,  one  tablespoon  of  but- 
ter, one  small  tablespoon  of  flour,  cayenne  pepper,  salt  and  celery. 
Boil  the  milk  with  the  celery  cut  up  in  it.  When  it  comes  to  a  boil 
add  the  flour  and  butter,  which  have  been  rubbed  up  together,  and 
boil  for  about  ten  minutes,  then  the  pepper  and  salt,  and  oyster, 
which  have  not  been  drained. 

Chicken  Ste^iv. 

One  pint  of  milk,  one  cup  of  cream,  one  tablespoonful  of 
butter,  three  tablespoonfuls  of  flour,  half  a  teaspoonful  of  onion 
juice  and  a  little  chopped  parsley,  one  glass  of  wine.  Rub  butter 
and  flour  together  until  well  mixed.     Boil  milk,  and  when  it  comes 

to  a  boil,  stir  in  butter,  flour  and  cream.  Continue  stirring  and 
boil  a  few  minutes  ;  add  onion  juice  and  parsley.  Then  chicken 
which  has  been  boiled  and  chopped  fine.  Take  off  fire  and  add 

Brunsv^ick  Stei»^, 

To  two  quarts  of  cold  water,  put  one  chicken  cut  up,  and  two 
or  three  slices  of  fat  bacon,  cut  into  small  pieces.  Let  it  boil 
slowly  for  four  hours,  then  add  one  half  pint  of  Irish  potatoes,  cut 
small,  one  half  pint  of  ripe  tomatoes,  peeled  and  cut  fine,  one  half 
pint  of  butter  beans,  three  ears  of  tender  corn,  cut  down  the  center 
of  each  grain,  and  then  cut  off;  one  teaspoonful  of  pepper,  the 
same  of  sugar.  One  tablespoonful  of  butter,  and  salt  to  taste.  Let 
this  boil  one  hour.     Take  out  all  bones,  and  serve  hot. 

Oyster  Stcwr, 

Oysters  should  be  drained  several  hours,  then  cream  your  but- 
ter, (a  tablespoonful  to  a  quart  of  oysters),  one  dessert  spoonful  of 
powdered  biscuit,  rubbed  up  with  the  butter.  One  or  two  blades  of 
mace,  two  gills  of  sweet  cream.  Stew  all  together  until  the  oysters 
are  plump. 

Kidney  Steiiv. 

Take  two  .kidneys,  (veal  are  preferred),  cut  them  in  round 
slices,  place  them  in  a  pint  of  water  with  sufficient  browned  flour 
to  make  a  thick  gravy,  add  a  small  piece  of  butter,  a  little  black 
pepper,  a  tablespoonful  of  Worcester  sauce,  a  httle  onion  cut  up,  a 
small  glass  of  sherry  adds  very  much  to  the  flavor,  but  is  not 
necessary.  Kidneys  should  be  boiled  a  very  longtime,  until  per- 
fectly tender. 

Slirinip  Ste^w, 

One  quart  of  shrimp,  one  pint  of  milk,  one  tablespoonful  of 
butter,  one  teaspoonful  of  flour,  cayenne  pepper,  one  wineglass  of 
wine.  Boil  the  milk,  then  mix  the  flour  and  butter,  rubbed  up 
together;  then  add  the  pepper,  after  boiling  for  about  ten  minutes; 
then  place  the  shrimp  in  and  boil  for  ten  minutes  more.  Just  be- 
fore serving  put  in  the  wine  and  cut  a  few  small  pieces  of  lemon. 
Crab  stew  is  similarly  made  to  this. 


Chicken  nvitU  ]?Ittsliroon  Stew. 

Fry  the  chicken  without  any  gravy.  Take  one-half  pint  of 
milk,  and  with  it  put  the  liquid  that  comes  with  the  mushroons ; 
boil  together,  then  add  one  tablespoonful  of  butter  and  a  dessert 
spoon  of  flour,  rubbed  together  and  stir  in  the  milk.  After  boiling 
ten  or  fifteen  minutes  add  cayenne  pepper  and  salt,  then  add  the 
mushroons  ;  which  will  boil  for  ten  minutes.  Pour  this  sauce  over 
the  chicken,  just  before  serving. 

Terrapin  Ste^*". 

Cut  off  the  heads  and  throw  them  into  cold  water  for  about  one 
hour,  to  draw  out  the  blood.  Scald  them  in  boiling  water;  to  take 
off  the  skins  and  nails,  then  boil  rather  slowly  until  they  are 
thoroughly  done,  so  that  the  legs  can  easily  be  pulled  off.  Then 
let  them  draw  again.  Open  them  and  take  out  the  gall.  Cut  them 
up  tolerably  fine,  and  put  them  in  a  stew-pan,  throw  in  a  little 
water  to  prevent  them  from  burning.  Put  a  quarter  of  a  pound  of 
butter  to  each  terrapin,  taking  care  to  keep  them  well  stirred,  to 
prevent  burning;  season  with  cayenne  pepper  and  salt  to  taste. 
Stir  in  the  yolks  of  three  eggs,  (that  have  been  boiled  for  ten 
minutes,  and  are  well  mashed,)  to  each  terrapin.  Stir  this  whole 
very  thoroughly,  and  pour  in  by  degrees  a  wine  glass  of  rich 
cream  to  each  terrapin,  to  which  when  stewed  down  a  little  add  a 
wine  glass  of  Maderia  to  each  terrapin.'  Stir  all  the  time.  In- 
stead of  water  use  the  liquor  in  which  the  terrapins  have  been 
boiled ;  add  a  few  allspice  while  boiling. 

Calf)«  Head. 

Take  a  nice  head,  and  after  having  it  well  cleaned,  put  it  to 
boil  in  two  quarts  of  water  for  one  hour-and-a-half  slowly  ;  pepper 
and  salt  to  taste.  Remove  from  the  water  and  clean  it  from  the 
bones  in  as  large  pieces  as  possible,  leaving  out  the  brains.  Put  a 
large  bit  of  butter  in  a  pan,  and  dredge  it  well  with  flour,  and 
brown  first  on  one  side  then  on  the  other.  When  done  put  it  on 
a  dish  and  garnish  with  parsley.  Make  the  gravy  of  the  liquor 
with  the  brains  washed  in  it,  and  thicken  with  butter  and  flour. 
When  the  gravy  is  done,  put  a  large  cup  of  sherry  wine  in  it,  and 
stir  well.     Pour  it  over. 


— FISH. — 


Cut  the  shad  in  pieces,  as  if  for  frying,  sprinkHng  between  the 
layers  a  small  quantity  of  onion,  allspice,  pepper  and  salt.  Cover 
the  whole  with  vinegar,  lay  a  plate  over,  and  bake  for  four  hours 
in  a  slow  oven.  The  bones  are  dissolved,  and  it  is  a  nice  relish  for 
luncheon  or  tea. 

Sheep  IIea.<i» 

Have  ready  a  large  chafing  dish,  put  into  it  well-cleaned,  cut 
up  and  salted  fish.  Put  in  water  enough  to  cook  it  well,  and 
when  cooked  there  will  be  very  little  water  left.  Add  then  a  cup  of 
tomato  catsup,  a  tablespoon  of  butter  and  a  little  cayenne  pepper. 
Instead  of  the  catsup  use  a  half  a  pint  of  claret  and  a  little  spice, 
with  butter,  pepper  and  salt.  This  is  a  delicious  dish  for  late 

Freslt  Salmon  Pates. 

Two  cans  of  salmon,  two  eggs,  one  large  lump  of  butter,  pep- 
per and  salt  to  taste.  Moisten  the  fish  with  milk  and  water,  pound 
the  bones  and  add  them  to  the  seasoning.  Put  into  shells  or  pate 
pans,  sprinkle  with  cracker  dust,  and  bake  for  a  few  minutes. 

To  Stew  Fish. 

After  the  fish  is  cleaned  it  must  be  in  Salt  for  one  hour,  then 
slice  it,  wash  off  the  salt.  Shce  onions  in  the  stew  pan  with  two  or 
three  tablespoons  of  sweet  oil,  then  put  in  the  fish,  a  small  bunch  of 
parsley  chopped,  salt  and  cayenne  to  taste,  some  mace,  a  tea  cup 
of  vinegar  and  water  to  cover  the  fish.  Let  it  cook  on  a  slow  fire 
until  done,  then  remove  the  fish,  return  the  stew  pan  to  the  fire, 
squeeze  the  juice  of  a  lemon,  with  the  yolks  of  eight  eggs  an,d  grated 
nutmeg.  Stir  these  with  the  other  ingredients ;  return  the  fish  to 
the  stew  pan,  and  let  it  stew  for  a  few  minutes. 


Soak  in  cold  water  over  night,  and  prepare  in  the  following 
manner  in  the  morning  .  One  pint  of  the  fish  chopped  fine,  and  a 
half  pint  of  mashed  Irish  potatoes,  with  a  pint  of  milk.  Boil  to- 
gether in  a  pan,  adding  butter  and  pepper  to  taste.  Poach  ten 
eggs,  and  throw  them  over  the  top  as  you  serve  the  codfish. 

Codfish  Balls. 

One  pint  of  raw  codfish,  two  pints  of  raw,  pared,  Irish  pota- 
toes, two  eggs,  a  teaspoonful  of  mustard,  pepper,  and  butter  the 
size  of  an  egg.  Pick  the  fish  very  fine,  put  the  potatoes  in  the  pot, 
then  put  the  fish  on  top  of  them.  Cover  with  boihng  water,  and 
boil  for  a  half  hour.  Drain  off  all  the  water.  Mash  fish  and 
potatoes  together  until  fine,  then  add  the  other  ingredients.  A  lit- 
tle milk  may  be  added.  Have  a  deep  kettle  with  boiling  lard, 
drop  croquettes  into  this  and  fry  to  a  light  brown. 

Fried  Fisb. 

The  following  are  best  to  prepare  in  this  manner  :  trout,  smelts, 
and  whiting.  They  should  be  well  cleaned,  rolled  in  flour  and  corn, 
meal,  which  have  been  thoroughly  mixed  and  salted.  Dip  in  hot 
lard  and  fry  to  a  crisp  brown. 

A.  Sauce  for  Boiled  Fish. 

Two  ounces  of  butter,  a  little  flour  and  about  two  tablespoon- 
fuls  of  water.  Put  about  two  ounces  or  two-and-a-half  ounces  of 
butter  in  a  saucepan,  with  two  tablespoonfuls  of  water ;  shake  in  a 
little  flour,  place  over  a  clear  fire,  and  shake  one  way,  until  it  boils. 
Then  pour  over  your    fish. 


Fried  Oysters. 

Beat  the  yolks  of  two  eggs,  add  a  little  nutmeg  and  a  blade  of 
mace,  pounded,   a  spoon  of  flour  and  a  little    salt ;  dip  in  your 
oysters.     Fry  them  in  lard  a  light  brown. 
Oyster  Pie. 

Line  a  deep  dish  with  a  thinly  rolled  dough,  put  in  a  slice  or 
twQ  of  bread  to  prevent  its  becoming  misplaced,  and  bake.  Sea- 
son the  oysters  with  pepper  and  salt ;  add  one  large  teaspoonful  of 
butter,  mix  one  large  teaspoonful  of  wheat  flour  thoroughly  with 
a  cup  of  milk ;  pour  the  mixture  into  a  dish,  after  removing  the 
bread.  If  it  does  not  fill  it,  add  a  little  cold  water. 
Escaloped  Oysters. 

Drain  thoroughly  from  liquor.  Fill  deep  dish  with  alternating 
layers  of  oysters,  with  pepper  and  salt  to  taste,  and  cracker  crumbs, 
and  small  pieces  of  butter.  Having  the  last  layer  of  cracker 
crumbs,  you  can  add  celery  in  small  pieces  or  seed.     Bake. 


Creamed  Oysters, 

Prepare  a  rich  cream  sauce  of  one  pint  milk,  tablespoonful  of 

butter,  salt,  pepper,  celery,   then  thicken   to  the    consistency    of 

custard.     Then  drop  the  oysters  in,  and  boil  a  few  minutes. 

Oyster  Pate, 

Use  the  above  receipt  for  filling,  and  place  in  pate  shells. 

— CRABS. — 

Deviled  Crabs. 

Prepare  the  crabs,  then  add  a  tablespoonful  of  butter,  salt, 
pepper,  a  little  vinegar,  mustard,  two  well  beaten  eggs.  Place  in 
backs  and  sprinkle  lightly  with  cracker  crumbs,  and  bake  lightly. 

Crab  Rissoles. 

Stew  or  fry  the  crabs  when  picked,  with  pepper,  salt  and  but- 
ter, then  mix  them  with  a  small  onion  cut  up  with  some  powdered 
biscuit  or  a  slice  of  soaked  bread,  and  a  half  nutmeg  grated  over  it. 
Roll  the  ingredients  into  form-like  doughnuts,  and  dip  them  into 
an  omelette,  and  floured  with  corn  flour  or  powdered  biscuit.  Fry 
in  lard. 


To  Dress  tbe  Inside  of  a  Sirloin. 

Cut  the  inside  of  a  sirloin  of  beef,  and  put  it  into  a  stew-pan 
with  a  pint  and  a  half  of  good  gravy,  a  tablespoon  of  catsup  and 
a  little  mace,  pepper  and  salt.  Let  it  stew  slowly  for  one  hour,  and 
serve  with  horseradish  sauce. 

To  Bake  a  Tongue. 

Put  the  tongue  into  an  earthern  pan,  lay  a  few  slices  of  butter 

on  the  top,  cover  the  pan  with  a  crust  made  of  flour  and  water,  and 

bake  it,  according  to  its  size,  in  a  moderately  heated  oven.     When 

done,  take  off  the  skin  and  straighten  it  out  on  a  board.     Securing 

it  through  the  root  and  tip  with  a  fork  or  skewer.     When  cold 

glaze  it. 

To  Broil  Steak. 

Steak  about  three-quarters  or. half  an  inch  thick.  Divide  it  in 
halves,  place  the  grid-iron  over  a  clear  fire,  and  rub  the  bars  with 
suet  to  prevent  the  meat  from  adhering  to  them.     Place  the   two 


steaks  on  it,  and  broil  them  ;  turning  them  frequently  with  a  fork, 
carefully  pricking  it  through  the  fat.  If  the  stake  itself  is  pricked, 
the  gravy  will  run  out,  and  it  will  harden.  Have  ready  a  hot  dish, 
on  which  you  have  placed  a  lump  of  butter,  the  size  of  a  walnut,  a 
tablespoon  of  mushroon  catsup,  and  a  little  salt  and  pepper.  Lay 
the  steaks  on  the  dish  and  serve  as  quickly  as  possible. 


Take  two  pounds  of  fresh  tripe,  cut  away  coarsest  fat,  and 
boil  it  from  twenty  minutes  to  half  an  hour  in  equal  parts  of  milk 
and  water.  Boil  in  the  same  water  which  boils  the  tripe;  four  large 
onions,  the  onions  should  be  put  on  the  fire  at  least  half  an  hour 
before  the  tripe  is  put  into  the  stew-pan,  and  then  made  into  rich 
onion  sauce,  which  serve  with  the  tripe. 

Minced  Mutton. 

Take  a  pound  and-a-half  of  dressed  mutton,  and  mince  the 
mutton.  Season  it  with  pepper  and  salt,  warm  half"  a  pint  of  good 
brown  gravy,  or  gravy  made  from  the  bones.  Make  the  mince 
very  hot  in  it,  and  serve  it  on  the  table  with  a  border  of  poached 

Roast  Sboulder  ria.mb. 

Place  the  joint  at  a  moderate  distance  from  a  clear  fire, and  keep 
it  constantly  basted,  to  prevent  the  skin  from  becoming   burnt. 
When  done  dish  it  up,  and  serve  with  gravy,  made  in  a  dripping- 
pan.     Serve  up  mint  sauce  in  a  tureen. 
Ltamb  Cbops. 

Cut  the  chops  from  a  loin  of  lamb.  Let  them  be  about  three- 
quarters  of  an  inch  thick;  broil  them  over  a  clear  fire.  When  they 
are  done,  season  them  with  pepper  and  salt.  Have  ready  a  mould 
of  nicely  mashed  potatoes  in  a  hot  dish,  place  the  chops  leaning 
against  them,  and  serve  very  hot. 

Calf's  Head  Boiled. 

Soak  the  half  calf  s  head  in  cold  water  for  an  hour  and-a-half 
then  for  two  minutes  in  hot  water  before  it  is  dressed.  Put  it  in  a 
sauce-pan  with  plenty  of  cold  water,  and  let  it  boil  gently.  When 
the  scum  rises,  skim  it  carefully.  After  the  head  boils,  let  it  sim- 
mer gently  and  hour-and-a-half.  Serve  it  with  melted  butter  and 
"parsley  over  it,  and  garnish  with  slices  of  lemon  and  tiny  heaps 
of  fried  parsley. 

Roast  Shoulder  of  Veal. 

Remove  the  knuckle  from  the  shoulder  of  veal  for  boiling, 
and  roast  what  remains,  as  the  fillet,  either  stuffed  or  not  with  veal 
stuffing.  If  not  stuffed  serve  with  mushroon  sauce,  and  garnish 
with  sliced  lemon. 

Receipt  for  Boiling'  Ham. 

Let  the  ham  soak  in  water  one  night.  Put  it  on  to  boil  early 
the  next  morning.  Let  it  simmer  all  day — taking  it  off  the  fire  at 
night.  The  next  day  take  of  the  skin,  cover  it  with  breadcrumbs 
or  cracker  dust,  and  bake  it.  A  pint  bottle  of  champagne  or  ale 
will  improve  the  flavor. 

Ham  Croquettes. 

Three  boiled  Irish  potatoes,  a  small  spoon  of  salt,  a  pinch  of 
black  pepper,  a  tablespoonful  of  butter,  a  tablespoonful  of  cream, 
and  three-quarters  of  a  cup  of  lean  ham,  minced  fine. 


Ham  and  Chicken. 

Cut  into  pieces  as  for  frying  a  full  grown]  fowl.  Slice  thin 
about  one  dozen  slices  of  raw  ham,  with  the  fat  on.  Lay  in  boil- 
ing water  for  one  or  two  minutes  to  draw  out  the  strong  taste.  Cut 
into  slices,  rather  thick,  some  cold  boiled  (white)  potatoes.  Grate 
about  one  half  an  onion.  Place  in  a  large  stove  pan  a  layer  of 
chicken,  one  of  potatoes,  one  of  ham  ;  sprinkle  a  little  onion,  and 
one  teaspoonful  of  butter.  Repeat  until  all  the  ingredients  are 
used.  Put  no  water.  Cover  and  bake  in  a  moderate  oven  for  one 
hour,  or  until  the  chicken  and  ham  are  thoroughly  cooked.  A 
very  little  salt  is  required;  add  pepper. 

Chicken  With  Okra  and  Tomatoes. 

One  red  pepper  pod  whole.  Cut  up  two  spring  chickens. 
Fry  a  whole  onion,  and  pepper  until  slightly  brown,  then  remove. 
Put  in  the  chicken  and  fry  a  light  brown.  When  cooked  take  up 
and  pour  into  the  same  sauce  one  quart  of  tomatoes,  which  have 
been  chopped  fine  and  strained,  or  one  can  and  one  quart  of  sliced 
okra.  When  they  are  thoroughly  done,  stir  the  chicken  into  them 
and  serve;  removing  the  pepper  at  the  same  time  with  the  onion. 

Cbickeu  a  la  Creme. 

Fry  two  spring  chickens,  drain  from  the  pan  all  grease,  pour 
over  the  following  sauce ;  let  it  all  simmer  together  for  a  few 
minutes  before  serving :  Sauce. — One  tablespoonful  of  butter,  one 
tablespoonful  of  flour,  one  small  cup  of  milk,  one  small  cup  of 
sweet  cream.  Melt  the  butter,  but  don't  brown,  stir  in  the  flour,  and 
cook  until  thick,  then  pour  in  the  milk,  and  lastly  the  cream.  Stir 
together  the  yolks  of  two  eggs,  and  add  four  tablespoonfuls  of  milk 
or  cream..  Pour  over  chicken  to  simmer  a  few  minutes,  but  not  cook, 
or  it  will  curdle.  Salt  and  pepper  to  taste  ;  add  a  little  chopped 
parsley.  One  can  of  mushroons  added  to  this  sauce  is  a  great 

Terrapin  Calapasli. 

The  terrapin  must  be  opened  and  stewed  down  slowly,  and 
well  seasoned  with  a  little  mace,  allspice,  black  and  red  pepper. 
Then  melt  one  tablespoonful  of  butter,  which  has  been  rolled  into 
balls,  with  one  of  flour.  Cook  together  slowly  until  thoroughly 
done  ;  add  one  wine-glass  of  wine ;  put  back  into  the  upper  shell ; 
cover  with  cracker  dust,  dot  with  pieces  of  butter,  and  brown  in 

Rice  Bird  Pie. 

Take  one  quart  of  boiled  rice,  three  eggs,  two  spoonfuls  of 
butter,  and  one  pint  of  milk.  Stew  one  dozen  birds  gently,  then 
remove  and  cool.  Beat  eggs  separately  until  light;  stir  in  the 
butter  with  the  yolks  ;  add  the  whites,  then  the  milk,  (half  pint  of 
the  water  in  which  the  birds  have  been  cooked  is  better  to  use, 
witha  half-pint  of  milk,  but  that  is  optional)  ;  add  salt  and  pepper 
to  taste.  Put  a  layer  of  this  mixture  in  a  baking-pan,  then  one  of 
rice  birds,  and  alternate  until  all  the  ingredients  are  used,  letting  a 
layer  of  the  rice  preparation  come  on  top.  Let  it  bake  in  a 
moderate  oven  for  about  thirty  minuies. 

Rice  Bird  Pilau. 

Stew  one  dozen  or  more  rice  birds  until  thoroughly  done,  with 
one  red  pepper  and  salt  to  taste.  When  cooked  remove  from  the 
water,  and  sprinkle  in  one  pint  of  rice.  Boil  twenty  minutes,  then 
drain  all  the  water  off;  stir  in  the  rice  birds,  and  put  on  the  back 
of  the  range  to  steam  until  the  rice  becomes  grainy. 

Sbrimp  Ca.i& 

Cut  some  round  slices  of  bread,  about  one  inch  thick,  and 
brown  shghtly  in  butter.  Peel  and  chop  very  fine  one  quart  of 
shrimp.  Stir  in  one  heaping  spoonful  of  butter,  one  tcaspoonful 
of  French  mustard,  a  little  salt  may  be  added,  but  is  not  neces- 
sary.   Spread  on  the  rounds  of  toast,  and  serve  cold. 

Sltrimp  a  la  Neivburgh. 

Peel  and  cut  in  half  two  quarts  of  shrimp.  Put  in  a  vessel  on 
the  fire,  with  a  heaping  spoonful  of  butter  and  saltspoonful  of 
cayenne  pepper,  and  if  convenient  four  truffles,  cut  up  ;  cook  five 
minutes,  then  add  one  glass  of  Maderia  or  Sherry  ;  cook  three 
minutes.  Break  into  a  bowl  three  eggs,  and  add  a  half-pint  of 
cream  ;  beat  well  and  stir  in  the  shrimp.  Let  the  mixture  simmer 
slowly,  (but  not  boil)  until  it  thickens  well.  Crabs  can  be  used  in 
the  same  way. 

A  la  Couclic. 

Prepare  chicken  as  for  fricassee.  Peel  cucumbers,  and  slice  as 
for  table.  Scald,  peel  and  slice  tomatoes.  Put  in  layers  in  a  bak- 
ing dish  with  a  spoonful  of  butter  in  each  alternate  layer  of  all  in- 
griedients,  with  salt,  pepper  and  grated  cracker,  Bake  in  a  mode- 
rate oven  until  the  chicken  is  tender,  and  the  same  thick  and  rich. 

Liver  and.  Cbickeii  Pate. 

A  light  colored,  tender  calf  hver,  cut  or  chopped  into  small 

pieces.    One  half  the  quantity  of  lean  ham,  prepared  the  same  way. 

Pepper,  parsley  (chopped  very  fine),  a  pinch  only  of  cloves,  allspice, 

and  mace  ;  cook  thoroughly.     When  done  put  in  a  mortar,  and 

pound  well.     Skin  and  remove  the  meat  of  a  chicken  or  foul,  frorh 

the  bones  and  mince  fine  ;  stir  in  a  spoonful  of  butter.     Mix  with 

the  liver  paste,  put  in  a  mould  and  steam  for  two  or  three  hours. 

Sbrimp  Croq[uettes  "Witli  Rice^ 

Peel  and  chop  fine  two  quarts  of  shrimp.  One  cup  of  boiled  rice. 
Put  one  ounce  of  butter  and  one  of  flour  together  in  a  sauce-pan, 
and  stir  until  they  begin  to  bubble,  then  add  half-pint  of  milk  and  a 
gill  of  rich  cream.  Stir  and  cook  until  it  forms  a  rich  creamy 
sauce,  then  add  the  dry  boiled  rice,  and  stir  in  the  shrimp  ;  a  httle 
pepper  and  salt  to  taste,  Put  on  the  ice  until  firm ;  when  mould 
and  fry  like  other  croquettes. 


Tomatoes  Stuffed   with  Sbrimp. 

Take  large,  firm  tomatoes,  cut  off  a  small  piece  of  the  stem 
end,  and  remove  carefully  the  inside  with  a  teaspoon.  Cut  the 
shrimp  into  two  or  three  piece,  but  don  t  chop  them.  Mix  with  a 
heaping  spoonful  of  butter,  salt  and  pepper.  Stuff  the  tomatoes  with 
them,  sprinkle  a  little  cracker  dust,  and  brown  in  an  oven.  Crabs 
are  very  nice,  served  in  the  same  way. 

Sbrin&p  Baked  \¥itli  Tomatoes. 

Stew  a  little,  and  strain  one  quart,  or  one  can  of  tomatoes. 
Have  two  quarts  of  shrimp  peeled.  Put  a  layer  of  tomatoes  in  a 
baking-pan,  then  a  layer  of  shrimp,  a  spoonful  of  butter,  and  a 
layer  of  cracker  dust,  pepper  and  salt  to  taste.  Sprinkle  the 
cracker  dust  over  the  top,  dot  with  butter.  Bake  slowly  until  thick 
and  slightly  jellied. 


Turkey    Salad. 

Boil  turkey  until  very  tender.  If  a  large  fowl,  use  only  the 
white  meat.  To  this,  cut  into  small  pieces  (not  minced),  add  an 
equal  quantity  of  crisp  celery,  cut  into  squares.  Mix  well ;  put  in 
a  little  salt  and  pepper ;  then  put  into  a  cool  place.  Just  before 
using,  mix  in  the  Mayonnaise  dressing — any  of  the  refceipts  given 
below  will  answer — then  garnish  dish  with  slices  of  hard  boiled 
eggs  and  olives. 

Mayounaise    Dressing^. 

The  yolk  of  one  hard  boiled  ^g<g  powdered ;  about  one  mus- 
tard-spoonful of  mustard  ;  a  little  red  pepper,  and  salt  to  taste ;  the 
yolks  of  three  raw  eggs  mixed  well ;  then  add  the  olive  oil,  slowly 
and  stirring,  until  quite  thick;  then  put  in  a  dessert-spoonful  of  vin- 
egar, or  lemon-juice,  if  preferred. 

Frencli   Mayonnaise. 

One  half  tea-spoonful  of  mustard,  two  salt-spoonfuls  of  salt,  a 
pinch  of  red  pepper  ;  to  this  add  the  oil,  drop  by  drop,  stirring  hard 
for  nearly  an  hour.  Then  may  be  added  two  table-spoonfuls  of  vin- 
egar or  the  juice  of  a  lemon. 

FrencliL    Dressing. 

Mix  three  table-spoonfuls  of  olive  oil  to  one  of  vinegar,  one  salt- 
spoonful  of  salt,  a  sprinkling  of  black  pepper.  This  dressing  is  ex- 
cellent for  lettuce  or  sliced  tomatoes. 

Crab    Salad. 

One  dozen  crabs,  six  potatoes  mashed,  mix  well ;  one  table- 
spoonful  of  butter,  one  onion  minced  fine,  table-spoonful  of  mus- 
tard, tea-spoonful  of  black  pepper,  the  same  of  celery  seed,  red 
pepper  to  taste,  half  tea-cup  of  cider  vinegar :  two  hard-boiled  eggs, 
the  yolks  pounded  and  mixed  in,  the  whites  cut  in  rings  to  put  on 
top  of  dish,  together  with  slices  of  lemon  and  tomatoes.  Allow  to 
cool  in  refrigerator  before  serving. 

Potato    Salad. 

Boil  one  quart  of  old  potatoes ;  when  cold,  cut  into  pieces,  put 
in  one  tea-spoonful  of  salt,  then  add  one  half-pint  of  thick  cream, 
into  which  you  can  cut  up  a  small  piece  of  onion  (it  is  best  to  mince 
it  very  fine);  put  in  a  little  red  pepper  and  a  sprinkling  of  black ; 
then  place  in  the  ice  box  some  time  before  serving. 

Eg-g  and  Celery  Salad. 

Cut  twelve  hard-boiled  eggs  into  slices  ;  take  the  crisp,  white 
part  of  two  bunches  of  celery,  cut  up  fine ;  put  a  layer  of  cel- 
ery, then  of  eggs ;  then  add  Mayonnaise  dressing,  made  of  the 
yolks  of  two  raw  eggs,  a  half  tea-spoonful  of  mustard,  a  little  red. 
pepper,  salt  to  taste,  one  teacup  of  olive  oil  stirred  in  slowly,  drop 
by  drop  ;  thin  with  vinegar  or  lemon  juice,  and  mix  well  with  celery. 
Shrimp    Salad. 

One  quart  of  picked  shrimp.  For  this  quantity,  two  heads  of 
lettuce  are  required.  Mayonnaise  is  made  by  yolk  of  one  hard- 
boiled  egg,  mashed  with  fork,  to  which  is  added  the  yolks  of  two 
raw  eggs,  twelve  drops  of  tobasco,  two  salt-spoonfuls  of  salt,  a  little 
red  pepper,  one  tea-cup  of  oil,  put  in  slowly,  stirring  all  the  time- 
when  thick,  add  two  teaspoonfuls  of  vinegar   and  a  little  black 


Lobster    Salad. 

Take  one  large  or  two  small  lobsters  ;  when  well  boiled,  pull 
to  pieces  with  fingers  instead  of  cutting ;  then  mix  well  with  May- 
onnaise; then  place  in  the  lettuce  leaves.  The  dish  can  be  gar- 
nished with  hard-boiled  eggs  and  the  lobster  claws. 


Cl&icken     Salad. 

Boil  two  chickens,  using  only  white  meat  cut  fine  ;  add  two 
bunches  of  celery  cut  up  ;  mix  well  with  Mayonnaise;  then  place 
in  a  dish  containing  nice  crisp  lettuce. 

Boiled    May  on  liaise. 

One  cup  of  fresh  milk,  yolk  of  one  egg,  tea-spoon  of  mixed 
mustard,  salt-spoon  of  salt,  a  dash  of  cayenne  pepper,  table-spoon 
of  vinegar,  Mix  mustard  and  egg  together ;  add  gradually  the 
milk,  salt  and  pepper,  last  the  vinegar ;  put  it  to  boil,  and  stir  un- 
til it  thickens  to  consistency  of  cream.     Put  in  ice  box  to  cool. 


Corn    Pie. 

Take  one  dozen  ears  of  corn  ;  boil  six,  and  cut  from  cob  ;  then 
grate  the  others  raw ;  mix  together  with  one-half  pint  of  milk,  one- 
fourth  pound  of  butter,  four  eggs  well  beaten  and  one  quart  of 
stewed  tomatoes ;  salt  and  pepper  to  taste ;  bake  until  nicely 
browned.  To  this  a  quart  of  shrimp  makes  an  improvement. 
Corn  Fritters, 
One  dozen  ears  of  corn  grated,  half-pint  milk,  a  table-spoonful 
of  flour  (self-raising),  three  eggs,  a  little  salt  and  black  pepper; 
fry  in  boihng  lard;  then  lay  them  on  a  large  piece  of  brown  paper, 
to  absorb  the  grease,  and  serve. 

Egg  Plant. 
Boil,  then  remove  the  skin  ;  mash  well  with  salt,  pepper  and  a 
little  onion,  bread  crumbs  and  one  egg  well  beaten,  one  table-spoon 
butter.     Place  in  pan,  and  bake. 

Egg  Plant,  Fried, 
Slice  plant,  and  lay  in  salt  and  cold  water  for  an  hour  or  two  ; 
dredge  with  corn  meal,  and  fry  a  light  brown. 

Candied  S-iveet  Potatoes. 
Parboil  six  potatoes,  peel,  and  slice  ;  sprinkle  with  brown  sugar 
and  butter  and  a  little  water.     Bake  until  candied. 
Mashed   S^veet  Potatoes. 
Boil  potatoes  until  tender ;    mash,  smooth,  add  butter,  a  little 
sugar,  cinnamon,  one  teacup  milk.      Place  in   baking   dish,  and 


]Sa.kcd.   Toma-toes. 

Scoop  out  the  center  of  tomatoes,  and  dress  them  with  a  few- 
bread  crumbs,  a  little  sugar,  salt,  pepper,  and  little  bit  of  onion. 
Place  in  shell  of  tomato,  and  bake.  Tomatoes  must  not  be  too  ripe. 


Boil  three  heads  of  spinach  until  tender ;  then  place  in  flat 
dish,  and  pour  a  little  melted  butter  over  it ;  slice  hard-boiled  eggs, 
and  place  on  top  ;  salt  and  j^epper  to  taste. 

Twreiify  Minutes'  Cabbcig^c. 

Slice  a  hard  cabbage  in  four  parts,  and  put  into  boiling  water; 
boil  twenty  minutes,  and  pour  on  melted  butter  ;  salt  and  pepper  ; 

Cabbagfu    Pudding^. 

Boil  until  tender  one  large  cabbage,  then  remove  from  water, 
and  fold  back  the  outer  leaves ;  take  the  heart  and  chop  fine  with 
well  boiled  ham,  bread  crumbs,  salt  and  pepper  (black  and  red); 
place  this  in  cabbage,  and  refold  the  leaves  ;  return  to  fire,  and  let 
boil  thoroughly. 

Bell  Peppers— to  be   Served  W^ith  Beef. 

Take  half  a  dozen  sweet  bell  peppers,  and  slice  as  you  would  a 
tomato,  heart  and  all ;  boil  vinegar  with  salt  and  sugar  ;  when  cold, 
pour  over  the  peppers. 

To  Boil  Bice. 

Wash  and  pick  thoroughly  ;  then  place  in  boiling  water  with 
salt ;  let  boil  for  ten  minutes,  then  pour  off  the  water,  and  place  on 
back  of  stove  to  steam.     Shake  the  pot  constantly. 

Baked  Hominy. 

Boil  hominy  thoroughly;  let  cool;  then  beat  in  one  eg^^,  one 
cup  milk,  one  table-spoon  butter,  a  little  salt.    Bake  light  brown. 


Boil  till  thoroughly  tender;  then  drain,  lay  on  toasted  bread, 
and  ])our  over  tliis  melted  butter,  a  little  salt  and  pepper. 

Stew^ed  Celery. 

One  cup  celery  cnit  into  small  pieces  and  boiled  till  tender, 
pour  over  this  melted  butter  and  salt  and  pepper. 

stuffed  Bell  Peppers  Witli  Shrimp. 

Remove  the  veins  and  seeds  from  the  peppers,  soak  for  seve- 
ral hours  in  salt  and  water  ;  then  prepare  a  regular  shrimp  salad 
with  Mayonnaise  dressing  —  chop  the  shrimp  quite  fine;  stuff  the 
peppers,  then  sprinkle  the  top  with  cracker  dust,  and  bake. 


Sug'a.r  Cookies. 

One  pound  butter,  two  pounds  sugar,  well  creamed  together ; 
two  wine-glasses  whiskey,  two  small  nutmegs,  yolks  of  three  eggs 
well  beaten,  one  tea-cup  milk  with  light  tea-cup  of  soda  dissolved 
in  it,  then  the  whites  beaten  stiff,  four  pounds  flour ;  stir  in  half  the 
flour,  put  the  other  half  on  rolling  board  open  in  the  center,  and 
put  in  dough  ;  work  lightly  with  rolling  pin.  As  soon  as  dough  be- 
gins to  crack,  roll  into  cookies,  and  bake. 


Three  eggs,  heaping  table-spoonful  of  sugar  to  an  egg ;  one 
and  one-half  table-spoons  of  melted  butter,  tea-cup  of  milk,  half  a 
tea-spoon  of  soda,  just  flour  enough  to  roll  out,  one  nutmeg. 

Soft  Oin^er  Cake. 

One  cup  of  sugar,  one  cup  of  butter,  two  of  molasses,  one  cup 
of  milk  with  tea-spoonful  of  soda  dissolved  in  it,  five  cups  sifted 
flour,  heaping  table-spoonful  of  ginger,  one  nutmeg. 

Virgiula.  Spong^e    Cake. 

Yolks  of  twelve  eggs,  whites  often  beaten  separately  and  very 
stiff,  one  pound  sugar  mixed  with  yolks,  then  add  whites,  one  tea- 
spoon of  lemon  juice  and  grated  rind  of  one  lemon;  take  the 
weight  of  six  eggs  in  flour,  and  with  a  broad-bladed  knife  mix  in 
very  quickly ;  put  in  oven,  and  put  over  cake-pan  a  pan  with  a 
little  water;  when  cake  rises  to  top  of  pan,  take  off  pan  of  water, 
and  let  cake  bake  ten  or  fifteen  minutes. 

Almond.  Cake. 

One  pound  sugar,  one  pound  butter,  one  pound  flour,  one  dozen 
eggs  and  one  pound  blanched  almonds. 


White  Fruit  Cake. 

One  pound  sugar,  three-fourths  pound  butter,  one  pound  flour, 

whites  of  twelve  eggs,  one  cocoanut  grated,  two   pounds   ahnonds 

blanched  and  cut  fine,  one  pound  citron  cut  fine  ;  use  a  Ijttle  milk, 

if  necessary. 

Fruit  Cake, 

One  pound  of  flour,  one   pound  of  loaf  sugar,  one   pound  of 

citron,  four  pounds  raisins,  four  pounds  of  currants,  two  pounds  of 

almonds,  one  dozen  eggs,  rose  water,  mace,  cloves,  cinnamon  and 


:Ylarsliiiiallo^«r  Cake. 

Three  table-spoonfuls  of  gelatine  soaked  in  a  small  cup  of  cold 
water  one  hour,  then  place  it  on  the  fire  to  dissolve,  but  don't  add 
any  more  water  ;  remove  from  fire,  beat  three-fourths  of  a  pound 
of  pulverized  sugar  with  it  and  the  beaten  white  of  one  egg ;  flavor 
to  taste ;  beat  hard  until  quite  stiff,  then  place  in  a  well-greased 
pan  which  has  been  lined  with  a  greased  paper — place  in  same 
sized  pan  as  your  cake  has  been  baked  in.  If  the  filling  is  made 
the  day  before  the  cake  is,  and  set  where  it  is  cool,  it  will  be  much 
firmer  and  better.  Use  any  plain  cake  receipt  for  this  filling. 
Liemou  Jelly    for  Cake. 

Four  lemons,  one   pound   sugar,  one-fourth  pound  butter,  six 
eggs,  all  beaten  together  ;  put  on  fire  until  it  thickens,  then  set  on 
ice.     Use  juice  of  the  four  lemons,  but  the  rind  of  only  two. 
Cbocoiatc  Cream  Cake. 

One  table-spoon  melted  butter,  one  cup  sugar,  two  cups  sifted 
flour,  two  eggs,  two  tea-spoons  baking  powder,  half  cup  dessicated 
cocoanut.  Filling :  Melt  two  squares  of  chocolate,  add  two  table- 
spoons of  sugar  and  enough  boiling  water  to  make  it  thin  enough 
to  spread.     Cocoanut  can  be  left  out. 

Chocolate  Cake. 

One  pound  sugar,  half  pound  butter,  six  eggs,  one  pound  flour ; 
flavor  with  vanilla.  Filling :  One  and  one-half  pounds  sugar,  heap- 
ing table-spoonful  butter,  and  just  milk  enough  to  thoroughly  mois- 
ten sugar;  let  this  come  to  a  boil,  then  add  three-fourths  of  a  cake 
of  Baker's  chocolate,  grated  or  cut  fine.  When  this  becomes  thick, 
and  ropes  in  dropping  from  spoon,  flavor  with  vanilla,  and  remove 
from  fire,  then  beat  hard  for  a  few  minutes.  Spread  on  cake  before 
it  hardens. 

Nut  Cake, 

One  cup  of  butter,  two  of  sugar,  three  and  one-half  of  flour,  six 
eggs,  one  cup  of  milk.  Boiled  icing:  One  pound  granulated  sugar, 
water  enough  to  cover  sugar,  put  on  fire  and  let  boil  without  stirring 
or  jarring,  until  it  ropes  in  dropping  from  spoon.  Have  ready  the 
well-beaten  whites  of  three  eggs  ;  pour  the  boiling  S}rup  slowly  on 
the  eggs,  beating  hard  all  the  while,  then  flavor  to  taste  with  lemon 
and  rose-water.  Beat  until  cold.  Take  two  pounds  of  English 
walnuts,  reserve  enough  halves  to  spread  on  top  of  cake;  pound  the 
remainder  fine,  and  mix  them  in  about  one-third  of  the  icing,  keep- 
ing  the  other  two-thirds  for  top  and  sides. 

Cltocola,te  l^^clairs. 

One  phit  water,  half  pound  butter,  three-fourths  pound  flour, 
ten  eggs.  Put  water  and  butter  on  to  boil,  and  when  it  comes  to  a 
boil  add  sifted  flour,  then  remove  from  fire.  Beat  the  eggs,  yolks 
and  whites  together,  very  light,  add  one  tea-spoon  baking  powder, 
and  stir  in  dough  when  cool  ;  then  drop  in  small  quantities,  about 
a  tea  spoonful,  on  pan  lined  with  buttered  paper,  and  put  in  oven  to 
brown.  Custard  :  One  quart  milk,  two  cups  sugar,  one  cup  flour, 
four  eggs  ;  let  milk  come  to  a  boil ;  then  add  sugar,  eggs  and  flour, 
well  beaten  together,  and  flavor  with  vanilla.  When  the  pufls  are 
done,  cut  with  a  sharp  knife  half  around  the  bottom,  and  fill  each 
one  with  custard.  Chocolate  for  top  :  Take  equal  parts  of  sugar 
and  chocolate,  a  little  butter,  and  water  enough  to  moisten  sugar; 
let  this  boil  until  it  becomes  stringy  ;  flavor  with  vanilla. 

Ice  Cream  Cake* 

One  cup  butter,  three  of  sugar,  four  of  flour,  whites  often  eggs, 
one  cup  milk,  baking  powder. 

Oraiig:e  Cake. 

One  cup  butter,  two  of  sugar,  four  eggs,  three  and  one-half 
cups  flour,  one  cup  milk,  two  heaping  tea-spoonfuls  baking  powder 
and  the  rind  of  one  orange.  Use  boiled  icing  receipt  only.  Flavor 
with  the  juice  of  one  small  orange  or  half  of  a  large  one. 

Aiig'els'  Food  Cake. 

One  and  one-half  cups  sugar,  sift  once  ;  one  cup  flour,  sift 
once;  measure  and  sift  five  times  ;  one  cup  of  eggs,  whites  beaten 
very  hard  and  rapidly  from   start.     Add   sugar  very  gradually  to 


Avhites,  then  scant  tea-spoonful  almond  extract,  then  flour  sifted  in 
gradually.     Mix  quickly,  and  get  in  oven  at  once. 


One  pound  sugar,  five  eggs,  one  tablespoon  butter,  three  table- 
spoons water,  one-fourth  table-spoon  soda;  add  flour,  roll  thin,  and 

fry  in  hot  lard. 

Creole  Kisses. 

To  one  pound  of  powdered  sugar  put  six  eggs  and  one  tea- 
spoonful  of  vanilla.  Do  not  beat  eggs  until  after  the  sugar  is  add- 
ed, then  beat  hard  until  very  light.  Add  one  pound  pecan  nuts, 
and  only  stir  enough  to  thoroughly  mix  nuts.  Drop  on  ungreased 
paper,  and  bake  in  a  cool  oven. 

Mother's  Crullers* 

Three  eggs,  one  and  one-half  cups  sugar,  half  cup  milk,  a  tea- 
spoon of  soda  dissolved  in  a  little  vinegar,  one  spoon  of  butter,  and 
flour  enough  to  roll.  Season  lightly  with  vinegar,  grated  orange 
peel  and  cinnamon.  Cut  with  a  jagging-iron  into  squares,  cutting 
these  through  the  center  into  strips.     Fry  in  boiling  lard. 


C'rea.xn    Meriug'ue  Puddiugr. 

One  quart  cream,  three  lemons,  sugar  to  taste,  twelve  mer- 
ingues;  whip  the  cream,  which  should  be  cold,  stiff;  mix  the  sugar 
and  lemon  juice  together,  whip  it  in  gradually  with  the  cream ; 
spread  on  a  flat  dish  ;  arrange  the  meringue  over  the  top.  Keep 
in  the  ice  box  until  eaten. 

Old-Fasbioiicd.  Cream  C]ia.rlottes. 

One  quart  cream,  one  ounce  Russian  isinglass  (it  can  be  pro- 
cured at  any  drug  store),  one  pint  rich  white  custard  without  sugar. 
Churn  the  cream  with  a  syllabub  churn,  and  as  you  skim  it  put  it 
on  sieve  to  drip.  Dissolve  the  isinglass  in  a  cup  of  boiling  water. 
Let  it  be  lukewarm  when  you  use  it.  Set  a  tin  bucket  in  a  pan  of 
ice.  When  very  cold,  pour  in  your  custard,  and  beat  into  it  alter- 
nate spoonfuls  of  churned  cream,  isinglass,  sugar  and  vanilla,  until 
it  gets  quite  light  and  stiff.  Pour  into  a  mold  previously  lined  with 
sponge  cake,  and  set  immediately  on  ice. 


Kock  Cream. 

One  pint  milk,  three  eggs,  three-fourths  cup  of  sugar,  lemon 
extract,  one-third  box  of  Cox's  gelatine.  Soak  the  gelatine  in  just 
enough  cold  water  to  cover  it,  for  an  hour  or  two  ;  put  the  milk  to 
boil ;  rub  the  yolks  and  the  sugar  together  till  very  light ;  beat  the 
whites.  When  the  milk  boils,  add  the  gelatine,  then  the  yolks  and 
the  sugar ;  let  it  boil  a  few  minutes,  then  remove  from  the  fire  and 
add  the  flavoring  and  beat  in  the  v.-hites.  Pour  immediately  into  a 
quart  tin  jelly  mold ;  set  on  ice.  When  turned  out  it  will  be  in  three 
layers — one  of  jelly,  one  of  custard,  and  one  of  the  froth  whites. 
Lemon   Cream. 

Four  eggs,  one  lemon,  six  table-spoonfuls  of  powdered  sugar. 
Take  the  yolks,  juice  and  grated  rind  of  one  lemon  and  four  table- 
spoonfuls  of  sugar.  Cook  together  in  a  custard  boiler,  stirring  con- 
stantly until  it  is  thick  as  custard.  Beat  in  the  whites,  previously 
beaten  to  a  froth,  with  two  table-spoonfuls  of  sugar.  Take  from  the 
fire,  and  place  in  a  dish  to  cool.  When  ready  for  serving,  surround 
the  dish  with  lady -fingers,  and  pour  the  mixture  in  ;  or  it  can  be 
served  without  the  cake. 

Baked  Custard. 

One  quart  milk,  four  eggs,  one  cup  sugar,  half  teaspoon  ful  salt, 
nutmeg.  Boil  the  milk,  beat  the  eggs  very  light,  and  add  the  sugar 
and  salt.  Pour  on  the  milk  very  slowly,  stirring  constantly.  Bake 
in  a  pudding  dish  or  cups — if  in  cups,  set  them  in  a  baking  pan 
half  filled  with  boiling  water.  Grate  nutmeg  over  each.  The  se- 
cret of  a  good  custard  is  in  slow  baking  and  the  most  careful  watch- 
ing. Test  often  with  a  knife-blade,  and  do  not  bake  an  instant  after 
the  blade  comes  out  smooth  and  clean.     To  be  eaten  cold. 

Rice   Pudding. 

One-half  cup  of  rice,  boiled  in  a  quart  of  milk,  well  beaten  af- 
ter it  begins  to' boil ;  yolks  of  three  eggs  beaten  with  a  cup  of  sugar 
in  the  pudding  dish  ;  grate  the  rind  of  one  lemon  into  the  rice,  and 
add  the  juice  of  half  a  lemon  ;  turn  rice  into  the  eggs  and  beat  well 
together  ;  beat  the  white  to  a  froth.  Sugar  to  taste,  and  add  juice 
of  the  other  half  lemon.     Brown  in  oven. 

Wine    Jelly. 

One  box  gelatine  (Nelson's),  two  lemons,  one  pint  best  sherry, 
two  large  sticks  cinnamon,  two  eggs.     Soak  the  gelatine  for  one 


hour  in  a  pint  of  cold  water.  Put  one  pint  of  water  to  boil  with  the 
cinnamon,  egg  shells,  lemon  juice  and  rind,  and  sugar  to  taste, 
When  it  boils,  pour  in  dissolved  gelatine,  and  stir  until  it  is  thor- 
oughly dissolved,  add  beaten  whites,  and  let  it  boil  twenty  minutes, 
then  add  the  wine  and  let  it  boil  once  more.  Take  it  off  and  strain 
it  through  a  pointed  flannel  jelly-bag.  If  the  weather  is  very  cold, 
a  half  pint  more  water  may  be  added.     Set  in  the  ice  box  to  jell. 

Bread.  a,itd.  Butter  Puddiiigr. 

Cut  thin  slices  of  bread  and  butter,  lay  by  layers  in  a  deep 
dish,  sprinkling  each  layer  with  currants  until  the  dish  is  full.  Then 
fill  up  with  this  mixture  :  One  quart  milk,  six  eggs,  six  table-spoon- 
fuls white  sugar.  Flavor  with  lemon,  orange  or  vanilla.  Put  in  the 
oven  to  bake  a  light  brown  on  top. 

Plum  Pudding. 

One  pound  raisins,  one  pound  currants,  half  pound  citron,  one 
pound  suet,  one  pound  sugar,  one  pound  bread  crumbs  or  half 
pound  bread  and  half  pound  flour,  ten  eggs,  a  httle  salt,  cinnamon, 
mace  and  nutmeg  to  suit  taste.  Mix  the  fruit  well  with  flour  sprink- 
led over,  and  mix  the  whole  with  a  bottle  of  porter.     Boil  six  hours. 

JLemon   Pudding. 

Five  eggs,  three-fourths  pound  sugar,  one-fourth  pound  butter, 
the  crumbs  of  one  loaf  of  stale  bread,  and  two  lemons.  Mix  the 
butter  and  sugar  together,  add  the  yolks  of  the  eggs,  well  beaten, 
and  the  bread  crumbled  fine,  then  the  juice  and  grated  peel  of  the 
lernons.  After  this  is  baked,  have  ready  the  whites  of  the  eggs 
beaten  to  a  stiff  froth,  to  which  add  one  extra  cup  of  powdered  su- 
gar. Lay  smoothly  on  the  top  of  the  pudding,  and  put  in  the  oven 
to  brown  slightly. 

Batter  Pudding. 

Five  eggs,  eight  table-spoonfuls  sifted  flour,  one  quart  milk, 
one  teaspoonful  salt,  one  half  saltspoonful  soda.     Bake  in  cups, 

Rice  Custard. 

Half  pound  rice,  half  pound  raisins  or  currants,  six  ounces  pow- 
dered sugar,  a  quart  rich  milk,  half  ounce  cinnamon  broken  in 
pieces.  Boil  the  rice  with  raisins  or  currants,  which  must  first  be 
floured.  Boil  the  milk  with  the  cinnamon.  As  soon  as  it  comes 
to  a  boil,  take  it  off  and  strain   it  through   a  sieve.     Set  it  back 


on  the  fire,  and  stir  into  it  alternately  the  eggs  and  sugar,  taking  it 
off  frequently  and  stirring  to  prevent  it  from  curdling.  When  done, 
set  it  away  to  cool.  Turn  the  rice  out  of  the  cups  or  molds  into  a 
deep  dish,  pour  some  of  the  custard  over  it,  and  serve  up  the  re- 
mainder of  the  custard  in  a  sauce  boat. 

Fruit  Pudding:. 

Two  cups  flour,  one  cup  sugar,  one  cup  butter,  two  eggs,  one 
and  a  half  tea-spoonfuls  baking  powders,  one  cup  milk.  Any  kind 
of  fruit  or  berry  mixed  with  this  and  baked  in  the  oven  with  sauce. 

Peacli  Pie. 

Make  one  rich  crust  and  bake  it,  laying  a  folded  towel  in  the 
plate  at  first,  to  prevent  the  crust  from  puffing  too  much.  Stew  a 
can  of  peaches  in  their  own  syrup,  adding  more  sugar  if  necessary, 
then  fill  the  empty  crust.  Beat  the  whites  of  three  eggs  very  stiff, 
and  add  three  table- spoonfuls  pulverized  sugar  and  a  little  bitter 
almond  extract.     Put  back  in  the  oven  till  the  meringue  is  well  set. 

Pj-uue  Pudding. 

After  washing  one  pound  of  cooking  prunes,  soak  them  in  one 
quart  of  water  for  a  few  hours,  then  put  them  on  to  boil  in  the  water 
in  which  they  were  soaked,  and  boil  until  the  stones  separate  from 
the  pulp  ;  then  take  from  the  fire  and  rub  through  a  colander.  Beat 
in  a  tea-cup  of  white  sugar,  a  little  vanilla  and  the  beaten  whites  of 
five  eggs.  Pour  into  a  buttered  dish,  and  bake  in  a  quick  oven.  A 
boiled  custard,  made  out  of  the  five  yolks  and  a  pint  of  milk,  goes 
with  this  pudding  as  a  sauce. 

Orange  C'liariotte. 

One-fourth  box  gelatine  in  one-fourth  cup  of  cold  water. 
Let  soak  until  soft,  then  one-fourth  cup  of  boiling  water.  Use  a 
half-pint  cup  for  measuring.  When  the  gelatine  is  thoroughly  dis- 
solved in  hot  and  cold  water,  strain  ;  then  add  one  cup  of  white 
sugar,  juice  of  one  lemon,  one  cup  of  orange  juice  with  pulp.  Be 
careful  not  to  put  in  any  of  the  thin  skin  around  the  pulp.  Let 
stand  until  it  nearly  congeals,  then  beat  the  whites  of  three  eggs 
very  stiff,  beat  all  of  the  ingredients  together,  then  put  some  in  the 
bottom  of  your  dish,  then  a  layer  of  lady-fingers  (split),  then  the 
remainder  of  charlotte.  Serve  with  whipped  cream  or  boiled 

Rice    Puddingy. 

Quarter  pound  each  of  rice,  butter  and  sugar,  a  pint  and  a  half 
of  milk  or  cream  and  milk,  six  eggs,  teaspoonful  mixed  spice,  mace, 
nutmeg  and  cinnamon,  or  half  wine-glass  rosewater.  Boil  the  rice 
until  it  is  very  soft,  drain  it  and  set  away  to  cool.  Stir  the  butter 
and  sugar  together  until  very  light,  add  to  it  the  spice  and  rose- 
water  ;  beat  the  eggs  very  light  and  stir  them  gradually  into  the 
milk,  then  stir  the  eggs  into  the  butter  and  sugar,  alternating  with 
the  rice. 

Blackberry  Dumpling'. 

Make  a  rich  crust,  and  lay  one  layer  of  crust  and  one  of  black- 
berries, sprinkle  sugar  over,  then  another  layer  of  crust  and  one 
of  blackberries.  Roll  the  mass,  place  in  a  pudding-bag,  place  in 
boiling  water,  and  boil  an  hour  and  a  half. 

Liemoit  TTIeriiig-ue  Pie. 

]\Iake  a  thin  short  crust ;  the  grated  rind  of  two  lemons,  four 
eggs  stirred  well  together  ;  put  on  and  let  boil.  While  boiling,  add 
the  juice  of  one  lemon,  and  stir  in  two  table-spoonfuls  flour.  Place 
crust  and  this  filling  in  pie  pan  :  the  whites  of  two  eggs  well  beaten 
and  four  table-spoonfuls  pulverized  sugar.  Place  this  in  the  oven, 
and  let  brown. 

Sitow  Pudding. 

One  ounce  gelatine  in  pint  cold  water  ;  soak  twenty  minutes, 
then  pour  in  two  pints  boiling  water  and  juice  of  two  lemons,  and 
add  five  small  cups  of  sugar.  Let  stand  until  cold.  Whip  the 
whites  of  ten  eggs,  beat  all  together  until  it  is  well  mixed.  ]\Iake  a 
rich  custard  of  the  yolks  and  pour  over  it. 

Pie  Crust. 

One  pint  flour,  two  table-spoonfuls  lard,  pinch  of  salt,  one  table- 
spoonful  butter.  Mix  with  ice  water,  using  a  fork.  Mix  dough 
stiff.     Roll  thin. 

Potato  Pudding. 

Three  eggs,  three  sweet  potatoes  (n6t  large),  four  table-spoon- 
fuls powdered  sugar,  one  table-spoonful  brandy  or  wine,  nutmeg 
according  to  taste,  one-third  pound  raisins,  one  tea-spoonful  butter, 
one-half  pint  milk.     Then  bake. 


Almond.  S'tveetmea.ts. 

One  and  a  half  quarts  milk,  one  pound  almonds  (beaten  in  a 
mortar  until  a  powder),  one  pound  block  sugar.  Boil  milk  and  su- 
gar until  very  thick,  then  add  the  almonds  and  boil  to  a  paste. 

Cocoaiiut  Pie. 

Four  cocoanuts  grated  fine ;  weigh  them  ;  use  the  same  weighl 
of  white  sugar,  with  about  three  table-spoonfuls  of  butter  rubbed  up 
in  it,  ten  eggs  well  beaten,  and  nearly  a  quart  of  cream,  the  juice 
of  one  and  the  grated  rinds  of  two  lemons.  If  not  quite  sweet  enough, 
add  more  sugar.  This  quantity  makes  seven  pies,  and  the  paste 
used  is  made  of  one  pound  of  butter  and  two  pounds  of  flour. 

Rice  PuddiiiGT* 

Two  heaping  tablespoonfuls  of  boiled  rice.  Stir  in  while  hot 
half  a  table-spoonful  of  butter,  five  table-spoonfuls  sugar,  four  eggs 
beaten  quite  light,  and  a  quart  and  a  half  of  milk.  Put  in  two  or 
three  whole  sticks  of  cinnamon,  grate  nutmeg  on  the  top,  and  bake 
it  one  hour. 

— ICES. — 

Stra,-«vlierry  SHerbet. 

To  one  quart  of  berries  mashed  through  a  fruit  strainer  add 
one  quart  of  water,  the  juice  of  one  lemon,  and  sweeten  to  taste. 

Milk  Sherbet, 

Three  lemons,  one  quart  milk,  half  pound  sugar,  the  white  of 
one  egg.  Boil  the  milk,  pour  it  over  the  rind  of  the  lemons  and 
sugar,  let  stand  until  cold,  then  drain  arid  put  in  the  churn.  Just 
before  removing  the  dasher  add  the  juice  of  the  lemons  and  the 
white  of  the  egg  beaten  stiff. 

Piiiea,pi»lc  Stierbet. 

Take  two  fine  ripe  pineapples,  and  peel  them.  Take  a  strong 
fork  and  shred  all  the  eatable  parts  into  a  bowl.  Add  the  juice  of 
one  large  lemon.  Add  to  this  a  pound  and  a  half  of  sugar.  Pour 
over  all  five  parts  of  boiling  water.  Stir  well,  and  when  cold  strain 
through  a  coarse  cloth,  and  freeze  an  hour  before  dinner. 

Liemoit   SlierbeS. 

Nine  lemons,  pound  and  a  half  of  sugar,  three  and  a  half 
quarts  water.  Wash  the  lemons,  and  take  off  the  thin  outer  rind. 
Put  the  sugar  with  the  rind,  and  pour  over  this  the  water  (which 
must  be  boiling).  Let  this  stand  until  cold,  then  add  the  lemon 
juice,  and  strain  all  together.     Then  freeze. 

ESlaclkberry  Ice. 

Put  in  a  kettle  two  quarts  of  berries,  half  a  pint  of  water  and 
one  cup  of  sugar.  Scald,  and  strain  through  a  cloth.  Then  add 
three  pints  of  water,  juice  of  six  lemons.  Sweeten  to  taste,  and 

Ca.raniel  Ice  Cream. 

One  cup  of  brown  sugar,  two  cups  of  white,  two  quarts  of  milk, 
one  pint  of  cream,  one  table-spoonful  vanilla.  Put  the  milk  to  boil, 
and  brown  the  sugar  to  chocolate  color,  then  pour  in  a  little  of  the 
boiling  milk  to  thin  it.  Then  to  the  white  sugar  add  the  rest  of  the 
boiling  milk,  and  to  this  add  the  caramel  preparation.  When  cold 
add  the  cream  (whipped)  and  vanilla. 

Bisque  Ice  Cream* 

Half  pound  macaroons,  three  quarts  milk,  three  eggs,  about 
one  gill  sherry  wine,  one  and  a  half  pounds  sugar.  Brown  maca- 
roons in  the  oven,  and  then  crush  them  with  a  rolling-pin  ;  pour  the 
wine  over  them  (making  a  paste),  add  the  sugar.  Mix  one  table- 
spoonful  corn  starch  with  the  eggs,  and  stir  into  the  milk  when  it 
comes  to  a  boil.  The  milk  must  be  cold  before  mixing  with  the 

Straw^berry  Ice  Cream. 

Two  quarts  milk,  one  quart  berries,  one  quart  thick  cream. 
Wash  and  pick  the  berries,  put  into  a  bov/1  and  cover  with  sugar  a 
little  while  before  ready  for  use.  When  ready  to  use,  mash  through 
a  fruit-strainer,  add  to  this  the  cream  and  milk,  and  sweeten  to 

Velvet  Cream  Iced. 

One  and  a  half  ounces  gelatine  or  isinglass,  one  and  a  half 
cups  of  wine  poured  over  gelatine,  one  lemon  rind  and  juice.  Let 
stand  for  one  hour,  then  add  three-fourths  of  a  pound  white  sugar. 
Place  over  the  fire  in  a  double  boiler,  and  stir  until  gelatine  and 


sugar  are  dissolved.     When  cool,  pour  in  one  quart  of  cream,  beat 
hard  while  pouring  in,  and,  when  as  thick  as  custard,  freeze. 

Or,  one  box  Nelson's  gelatine,  one  pint  of  wine,  one  lemon, 
rind  and  juice,  two  pounds  of  sugar,  and  three  quarts  mixed  cream 
and  milk. 

Coffee  lee  C'resftiii. 

Two  quarts  milk,  one  large  cup  ground  coffee.  Put  into  the 
milk,  and  let  come  to  a  good  boil.  Six  eggs  beaten  lightly.  Sweet- 
en to  taste,  then  strain.  Just  before  putting  in  churn  add  one  pint 
of  well  beaten  cream.    It  must  be  cold  before  putting  in  the  churn. 


Artichoke  Yelloiv  Pickle. 

For  a  two  gallon  jar  use  a  large  bottle  of  mustard,  about  one 
pint  and-a-half  of  sweet  oil,  about  four  tablespoonfuls  of  powdered 
spice.mace,  allspice,  nutmegs  and  a  few  cloves,  four  tablespoonfuls  of 
brown  sugar,  a  pound  of  white  mustard  seed,  not  quite  an  ounce 
of  Tumeric,  a  little  chopped  garlic,  half  a  pound  or  more  grated 
horse-radish  ;  vinegar  enough  to  reduce  it  to  a  thinnish  paste.  All 
these  ingredients  are  to  be  mixed  up  like  salad  dressing,  and 
poured  over  the  artichokes.  The  jar  is  then  covered  with  a  plate^ 
and  boiled  in  water  for  five  or  six  hours.  Too  much  vinegar  is 
not  good.     Dilute  it  with  water  if  too  sharp. 

Green  Tomato  Pickle, 

One  gallon  of  green  tomatoes,  sliced  and  sprinkled  with  salt, 
let  them  stand  twelve  hours,  then  pour  off  the  water  ;  add  one 
pound  of  brown  sugar,  one  tablespoonful  of  cloves,  one  of  allspice; 
beat  up,  one  cup  of  mixed  mustard,  six  or  eight  onions,  sliced,  half 
cup  celery  seed,  mace,  one  spoonful  black  pepper,  six  green  pep- 
pers, chopped  fine,  one-half  pint  grated  horse-radish.  Beat  and 
mix  the  spices.  Put  the  tomatoes  and  spices  alternately  in  a  skil- 
let ;  cover  with  vinegar,  boil  until  tender  ;  add  two  large  spoonfuls 
of  sweet  oil. 

Pepper  Pickles. 

Let  the  peppers  lay  in  salt  and  water  one  day  and  night ;  make 
a  filling  of  mustard-seed,  onions,  cloves,  mace,  allspice,  cinnamon, 
ginger  and  a  little  cucumbers.  After  filling  the  peppers,  sew  them; 
lay  them  in  a  jar  and  cover  them  with  vinegar. 

Cabbage  Pickle. 

Cut  the  cabbage  in  four  pieces,  lay  them  in  strong  salt  and 
water  over  night,  scald  them  three  successive  days  in  salt-water, 
each  day  ;  adding  more  salt  to  the  same  water.  Cover  the  bot- 
tom and  sides  of  kettle  with  cabbage  leaves,  and  fill  with  strong 
vinegar,'  and  boil  until  you  can  pass  a  straw  through  the  stalk, 
after  which  make  a  seasoning  of  horse-radish,  mustard  seed,  celery 
seed,  cloves,  spice,  pepper  and  little  sugar.  Mix  these  in  cold 
vinegar,  and  pour  over  the  whole. 


The  proper  cucumbers  to  be  used  for  this  purpose  are  those  of 
the  largest  sort,  which  must  be  taken  from  the  vines  before  they  are 
too  ripe  or  yellow,  the  young  mushmellon  is  better.  Put  them  in 
strong  salt  and  water,  three  or  four  days.  Stir  well  every  day,  then 
put  them  in  a  kettle  with  same  salt  and  water,  with  vine  leaves 
over  and  under,  and  a  little  rock  alum  ;  set  them  over  a  very  slow 
fire  for  five  hours.  When  very  green  take  them  out  and  drain  them 
well,  then  boil  some  vinegar  and  pour  over  them  hot.  The  next 
day  drain  them  well  again.  Cut  a  piece  out  of  side  and  take  out 
seeds  with  a  teaspoon  or  apple  scraper  ;  dry  them  well  with  a  towel, 
and  put  in  the  following  stuffing :  Horseradish,  mustard-seed, 
garlic,  pepper- corns,  mace,  cloves,  allspice,  some  cabbage,  cut  up 
fine.  When  full  take  the  piece  that  was  cutout  and  sew  it  on  ;  boil 
a  sufficient  quantity  of  fresh  vinegar,  and  pour  on  the  mangoes  hot; 
tie  them  down  close. 

Siwanip  Plum  Preserves, 

One-and-a-half  pounds  of  sugar  to  one  pound  of  plums,  one- 
half  pint  of  water  to  every  pound  of  sugar.  Thoroughly  scald  the 
plums,  until  they  begin  to  burst,  then  take  them  out  of  the  kettle, 
and  put  them  in  a  bucket  of  cold  water.  Let  them  remain  until 
cold,  then  put  them  back  into  the  kettle.  Use  the  water  that  they 
were  scalded  in  for  making  the  syrup,  as  it  has  already  so  much  acid. 

Peach  Marmalade. 

One  pound  of  sugar  to  a  pound  of  peaches,  with  a  half  pint 
of  water;  put  the  kernals  in  water  ai^  boil  until  they  are  tender. 
Then  add  the  sugar,  skim  it  well,  and  boil  until  clear,  which  will 
be  in  a  few  minutes.  After  putting  the  marmalade  in  jars,  wet  a 
piece  of  paper  with  brandy  and  lay  on  top. 

Pine  Apple  I?Ia.riiialade. 

Grate  the  pine  apple,  then  weigh  them,  allowing  one  pound  of 
sugar  to  one  pound  of  fruit.  Strain  the  juice  from  the  pulps ;  add 
sugar  to  the  juice,  which  boil  to  a  thin  syrup,  then  put  in  the  pulps 
and  boil  slowly  until  it  looks  clear. 

Pea.cb.  Preserves, 

Weigh  the  fruit,  and  to  every  pound  allow  one  pound  of 
sugar.  Dissolve  the  sugar  in  as  little  water  as  will  do  it,  put  it  on 
the  fire  and  let  it  come  to  a  good  boil,  and  strain  it.  Then  return 
it  to  the  kettle,  and  as  soon  as  it  comes  to  a  boil,  drop  in  the  fruit. 
Let  them  cook  for  a  short  time  ;  take  out  the  fruit  on  dishes — set 
them  in  the  sun  till  quite  cool,  then  return  them  to  kettle,  repeat 
this  three  times  ;  boiling  syrup  all  the  while.  When  the  fruit  is 
done,  let  the  syrup  boil  until  thick.  Cook  all  preserves  quickly. 
Cook  them  until  clear,  not  until  thoroughly  done,  for  they  must  be 
cooked  in  the  sun.  The  peaches  must  be  spread  cut  on  dishes 
with  a  little  syrup  on  them,  the  rest  of  syrup  kept  in  a  bowl.  The 
peaches  must  be  turned  over,  piece  by  piece  ;  adding  a  little  syrup 
constantly.  Two  days  in  this  way,  with  a  hot  sun  will  do.  Let  the 
peaches  get  perfectly  cold  after  being  in  the  sun,  before  putting  in 

Q,uiiice  Preserves. 

Pare  and  core  quinces  the  same  as  peaches,  put  them  ia  cold 
water  and  boil  until  they  begin  to  look  clear,  then  make  your  syrup 
with  one  half  pint  of  water  to  every  pound  of  sugar,  preserve  as 

Ogeechee  L.ii»cs  Preserves. 

Cut  off  the  ends,  par-boil  in  two  waters,  in  the  first  put  a 
small  piece  of 'alum.  To  one  pound  of  limes  add  one  and  one- 
fourth  pounds  of  sugar,  boil  together  over  a  slow  fire,  until  they  are 
clear  and  tender ;  take  them  out,  boil  the  syrup  until  thick.  Put 
the  limes  back  and  let  them  warm  through  again. 




One  cup  luke-warm  milk,  one  egg,  one-half  yeast  cake,  one 
tablespoonful  pulverized  sugar.  Mix  the  whole  together,  making 
a  batter,  put  the  same  to  rise  ;  when  risen,  add  flour  until  you  have 
a  dough,  which  you  must  knead  well,  then  make  the  rolls,  and  put 
them  to  rise  again,  when  risen  bake  in  a  hot  oven. 

Sally  I^unn. 

Three  tablespoons  of  pulverized  sugar,  one-and-a-half  cup  flour, 
three  eggs,  two  tablespoons  of  butter,  one-half  yeast  cake  ;  mix 
and  make  a  stiff  batter,  put  the  same  to  rise.  When  risen  bake  in 
a  quick  oven  ;  the  eggs  must  be  beaten  separately. 


One  pint  of  milk,  four  eggs,  beaten  separately,  one  pint  of 
flour  ;  bake  fifteen  minutes  in  a  hot  oven.     Put  the  whites  in  last. 

French  Bolls  and  Twists. 

One  pint  milk,  one-half  teaspoon  salt,  one  yeast  cake  ;  flour 
to  make  a  stiff  batter.  Set  it  to  rise  ;  when  light,  work  in  one  egg, 
one  tablespoonful  butter,  knead  in  flour,  stiff  enough  to  roll,  let  it 
rise  ;  when  light,  roll  out,  cut  in  strips  ;  bake  thirty  minutes  on  but- 
tered tins.  Make  up  all  raised  bread  with  sugar,  one  tablespoon- 
ful to  one  pint  flour. 

Panizette  Corn  Bread. 

One  quart  meal,  well-washed  and  wrung,  one  teacup  of  cold  or 
hot  hominy,  mixed  thoroughly,  two  well  beaten  eggs,  one  table- 
spoon of  lard,  mixed  into  a  thick  batter  with  milk,  a  little  salt,  and 
baked  in  a  quick  oven. 

Bro^irn  Bread. 

One  quart  rye  flour,  one  pint  Indian  meal,  one  handful  white 

flour,  one  cup  molasses.     Beat  in  molasses  two  teaspoons  soda, 

one    quart  sour   milk,    one  teaspoonful   salt.    Steam    six    hours ; 

brown  in  oven. 

Home-made  Crackers, 

One  pint  flour,  one  heaping  tablespoonful  lard,  one  teaspoon- 
ful baking  powder,  little  salt ;  water  enough  to  make  a  stiff  doughy 
roll  thin  ;  cut  and  bake  in  a  hot  oven. 


One-half  pint  milk,  one  half  pint  flour,  two  eggs.  Beat  the 
eggs  very  light ;  add  gradually  the  flour  and  milk,  and  little  salt ; 
grease  very  thoroughly,  twelve  muffin  pans,  and  divide  the  mixture 
into  them  ;  bake  in  hot  oven. 

Cheese  Stra.vvs. 

One  cup  of  flour,  one  cup  grated  English  dairy  cheese,  that 
has  become  dry  from  keeping,  one  large  spoonful  of  butter  and 
same  of  lard  ;  a  saltspoon  of  salt,  and  one-half  saltspoon  of  cayenne 
pepper.  Mix  the  dough  with  ice  water,  and  roll  very  thin  ;  cut  in 
even  strips,  half  inch  wide  ;  bake  in  oven. 


Butter  half  the  size  of  an  egg,  one  cup  of  sifted  flour,  one  cup 

of  milk.     Beat  butter,  flour,  and  a  little  salt  together.    Bake  in  thin 

wafer  irons. 


One  teacup  of  hominy,  one  teacup  of  flour,  one  dessert  spoonful 

of  lard,  two  eggs,  one  teaspoonful  baking  powder ;  make  a  thin 

batter  with  water. 

Beaten  Biscuits. 

One  quart  flour,  one  large  tablespoonful  lard,  mixed  with  inilk 

to  make  a  stiff  dough.  Beat  until  it  blisters  ;  roll  out  and  cut;  bake 

in  a  hot  oven. 


Four  quarts   of  flour,   one  large   tablespoonful   of  lard,    four 

tablespoonfuls  sugar,  one  yeast  cake,  one  teaspoonful  salt.     Make 

a  stift  dough  with  w^arm  water,  knead  thoroughly  ;  set  to  rise  about 

six  hours,  then  knead  lightly  with  a  little  flour  ;  make  into  rolls  or 

loaves  ;  set  to  rise  again,  when  risen,  bake. 

Neivport  Tea  Bread. 

One  pint  flour,  two  tablespoonfuls  of  sugar,  one  tablespoonful 
of  butter,  two  eggs,  one  cup  of  milk,  one  teaspoonful  cream  of  tar- 
tar, one  half  teaspoon  of  soda. 

Rice  Bread. 

Boil  one  pound  of  whole  rice  in  milk  enough  to  dissolve  all  the 
grains ;  adding  it  boiling  as  it  is  absorbed.  Have  four  pounds  of 
sifted  flour  in  a  pan,  and  into  this  pour  the  rice  and  milk  ;  adding 
salt  and  a  wine-glassful  (large),  of  brewers  yeast ;  knead  and  set  to 
rise  till  light.     Form  into  loaves  and  bake. 


Rice  \raffles. 

One  cupful  boiled  rice,  three  cupfuls  flour,  three  eggs,  one  tea- 
spoonful  soda,  and  a  piece  of  lard  or  butter,  the  size  of  a  walnut. 
The  ingredients  must  all  be  prepared  separately.  Be  sure  to  beat 
your  eggs  very  light.  See  that  every  particle  of  soda  is  thoroughly 
dissolved,  and  that  after  it  is  added  the  baking  be  not  long  delayed. 
This  batter  may  be  used  in  [waffle  irons,  or  else  baked  like  flannel 
cakes  upon  the  open  griddle. 

Homiuy  Muffins. 

Two  cups  of  fine  hominy,  boiled  and  cold  ;  beat  it  briskly,  and 
stir  in  three  cups  of  sour  milk,  half  a  cup  of  melted  butter,  two 
teaspoonfuls  of  salt  and  two  tablespoonful  of  white  sugar.  Then 
add  three  eggs,  well  beaten,  one  teaspoonful  of  soda  dissolved  in 
hot  water,  and  one  large  cup  of  flour ;  bake  quickly. 

Rice  Bread. 

Two  tablespoon fuls  of  cold  hominy,  two  eggs  beaten  separately, 
one  pint  of  rice  flour,  one  tablespoonful  ofbutter,  one-half  teaspoon- 
ful of  soda  and  acid  each.  As  much  milk  as  will  wet  the  dough 
sufficiently  ;  beat  all  the  ingredients  thoroughly  together.  Put  into 
a  pan,  a  little  fire  at  first  to  make  it  rise,  then  increase  the  heat  for 


To  one  pint  of  flour  put  one  cup  of  milk,  one  teaspoonful  of 
butter,  one-half  teaspoon  of  yeast  powder  and  a  little  salt.  Roll 
very  thin,  and  cut  to  suit  the  fancy. 

Qerman  Bread. 

To  one-half  pound  of  butter,  put  two  pounds  of  flour,  six  eggs, 

beaten  separately,  one-fourth  pound  of  sugar,  and  one  cup  of  yeast. 

Corn  Bread; 

One   pint  of    corn    flour,  one  pint  of  milk,  three  eggs,  one 

tablespoonful  of  melted  butter,  one  teaspoonful  tartaric  acid,  one 

teaspoonful  soda. 

Sally  I^unn  itirithout  Veast, 

One  quart  of  flour,  one  teacup  ofbutter,  salt  to  taste,  two  eggs, 
beaten  separately,  one  pint  of  sweet  milk  ;  melt  the  butter,  stir  well 
to  the  yolks,  then  the  white  beaten  alternately,  flour  and  milk.  One 
spoonful  of  soda  and  two  of  cream  of  tartar,  or  two  heaped  tea- 
spoonfuls  of  yeast  powder.  Grease  a  pan,  bake  and  serve  im- 



Raspberry  Viueg'a.r. 

Cover  two  quarts  of  berries  with  one  quart  vinegar,  let  it  stand 
twenty-four  hours,  then  strain  it ;  to  every  pint  of  juice  one-half 
pound  of  sugar;  put  tt  in  a  stone  jar,  and  let  it  stand  in  boihng 
water  until  the  sugar  is  entirely  dissolved.  Then  take  off  the 
scum  carefully  and  bottle  it  for  use. 


Put  one-half  gallon  of  sour  orange  juice,  one-half  gallon  of 
good  brandy,  one-half  gallon  ot  good  Jamaica  rum  into  a  large  jar 
or  demijohn  ;  add  seven  pounds  of  brown  sugar.  Let  it  stand  for 
a  few  days — shaking  it  now  and  then.  After  that  run  it  through  a 
flannel  bag  or  thin  napkin  ;  put  it  into  bottles  at  a  window,  where 
the  sun  shines,  and  as  it  clears  put  into  clean  bottles. 

Orang^e  Cordia.1. 

The  peel  of  five  oranges,  cut,  thin  ;  with  one  gallon  of  whisky, 
five  pounds  of  sugar ;  remain  standing  three  or  four  months. 
Strain  through  letter  paper,  and  bottle. 

Blackberry  TITiiie. 

Bruise  large,  ripe  berries,  and  to  every  eight  quarts  pour  one 
gallon  of  boiling  water.  Let  it  stand  twenty-four  hours;  strain  and 
squeeze  through  a  coarse  towel.  To  every  gallon  of  juice  add  three 
pounds  of  brown  sugar;  pour  when  well-mixed  into  a  keg  or  demi- 
john ;  put  over  the  mouth  a  piece  of  thin  muslin.  Let  it  stand  for 
seven  months  to  ferment,  then  draw  off  and  bottle. 

Pousse  Ca,£e. 

Curacoa,  chartreuse,  maraschino  and  anisette,  equal  quanti- 
ties. One  resting  distinctly  upon  the  other,  and  the  whole  topped 
by  brandy  ;  forming  a  beautiful  combination,  and  affording  the 
illusion  of  a  draught  of  liquid  rainbow. 

C'liianipa.g»c  Puncli. 

One  quart  of  champagne,  one-half  pint  of  brandy,  one-half 
pint  of  rum,  one  cup  of  strong  tea  (green)  ;  juice  and  lind  of  two 
lemons.  Mix  sugar,  tea,  lemon,  brandy  and  rum  together,  twelve 
hours  before  using  ;  add  the  champagne  and  a  large  lump  of  ice 
just  before  using. 

Egg  Nog. 

Beat  the  yolks  of  six  eggs,  with  one-half  cup  of  sugar,  then 
add  one-half  pint  of  brandy,  and  the  white  of  six  eggs  brought  to 
a  froth. 

Sa,uteriie  Puiicli. 

Pare  a  lemon  very  thin;  and  over  the  peel  pour  one  wine-glass 
Santa  Cruz  rum,  then  add  one  quart  of  Sauterne,  sugar  to  taste,  and 
serve  with  plenty  of  ice. 

Russia,it  Tea. 

A  pot  of  well  drawn,  mixed  tea,  three  lemons,  one-half  pint  of 
brandy,  sugar  and  water  to  taste. 


Grate  one-half  cake  chocolate ;  make  a  smooth  paste  of  it 
with  a  little  cold  water,  then  place  it  upon  the  fire,  stir  in  a  pint  of 
milk  and  one-half  pint  of  water  ;  add  sugar  to  taste. 


To  the  juice  of  one  lemon  add  four  teaspoons  of  sugar,  one- 
half  teaspoon  of  cooking  soda,  then  fill  your  tumbler  with  water. 


Puffed  Omelette* 

Six  eggs,  yolks  and  whites  beaten  separately  ;  one  tablespoon- 
ful  of  flour  mixed  with  a  small  cup  of  cream  or  milk.  Put  salt  and 
pepper  to  taste,  pour  the  mixture  into  a  very  hot,  buttered  pan ; 
cook  three  or  four  minutes — fold  and  serve  on  a  hot  dish. 

Cbeese  Omelette. 

Four  eggs,  two  tablespoonfuls  of  milk,  salt  and  pepper.  When 
it  begins  to  thicken  add  a  half  cupful  of  grated  cheese.  Ham, 
chicken,  or  jelly  can  be  used  as  the  cheese. 

Poached  Eggs^ 

Break  and  drop  one  at  a  time  into  salted,  boiling  water,  taking 
care  to  keep  the  yolk  whole.  Serve  on  toasted  squares  of  bread ; 
put  melted  butter  on  each  slice,  then  the  egg,  and  sprinkle  with 
salt  and  pepper. 


Creamed.  £g'g^8. 

Have  six  hard  boiled  eggs  and  one  pint  of  cream  sauce.  Place 

slices  of  toast  on  a  hot  dish,  and  over  them  pour  one-half  the  sauce. 

Slice  then  the  whites  and  grate  the  yolks  of  the  eggs ;  place  on  the 

toast,    and   pour   over  remainder  of  sauce ;  put  in  oven    a   few 

minutes  ;  garnish   with   parsley    and   serve.     Should   be  in    large 

flakes    of  mingled  white  and  yellow,   and   as   delicate   as   baked 


Boiled.  £g°gs.. 

Put  them  on  in  cold  water,  and  when  it  has  boiled  the  eggs  will 

be  done.     To  boil  hard,  cook  twenty  minutes. 

Scrambled.  Eg'gs; 

Put  one-half  cup  of  sweet  milk,  one  tablespoonful  of  butter, 
salt  and  pepper  in  a  deep  pan.  When  this  is  nearly  to  boiling 
point,  drop  in  the  eggs,  (six).  With  a  spoon  gently  scrape  the 
mixture  up  from  the  bottom  of  the  pan,  as  it  cooks.  Take  from 
the  stove  before  it  has  quite  all  thickened. 

Stuffed  Eggs, 

Cut  in  two  six  hard  boiled  eggs;  remove  the  yolks,  mash  fine; 
add  some  cold  chicken,  chopped  fine,  a  tablespoonful  of  butter,  a 
little  minced  parsley  or  onion,  salt  and  pepper.  Mix  well,  fill  the 
eggs  and  put  together ;  roll  in  beaten  egg  and  bread  crumbs.  Fry 
in  boiling  lard  until  brown. 

Escaloped  Eg^g^s. 

Mix  equal  parts  minced  ham  and  fine  bread  crumbs,  season 
with  salt  and  pepper,  and  melted  butter  ;  adding  enough  milk  to 
make  soft  fluff;  fill  buttered  gem-pans  with  this  mixture  ;  break  an 
Ggg  upon  the  top  of  each,  dust  with  salt  and  pepper.  Spi  inkle  on 
fine  cracker  crumbs,  and  bake  eight  minutes.     Serve  immediately. 

— CANDY. — 

Chocolate  Caramels. 

Three  pounds  brown  sugar,  one  cake  Baker's  chocolate,  one 
cup  milk.  Let  this  boil  till  a  little  hardens  when  dropped  into  cold 
water.  Remove  from  fire,  and  stir  in  one  heaping  tablespoon  of 
butter;  flavor  to  taste  with  vanilla.  Keep  up  a  constant  stirring 
during  the  boiling. 

Taffy  Candy. 

One-fourth  pound  of  butter,  three  fourth  pound  of  brown  sugar, 
two  ounces  of  molasses ;  flavor  to  taste,  with  ginger,  nutmeg  or 
lemon.     Do  notstirthis  candy  while  boiUng. 

Cocoanut  Taffy. 

One  pound  of  light  brown  sugar,  or  white  granulated  sugar, 
one  quart  of  good  molasses,  one-half  pound  of  butter.  Let  this  boil 
until  it  hardens  in  cold  water.  Then  stir  in  one  grated  cocoanut. 
Grease  your  biscuit  board  or  marble  slab,  and  pour  the  taffy  on. 
Then  pour  over  it  a  small  quantity  of  lemon  essence.  When 
nearly;cold  cut  into  squares. 

Sug^ar  Candy. 

Six  cups  of  sugar  (powdered  or  granulated).  Two  cups  of 
water,  one  cup  of  vinegar,  one  tablespoonful  of  butter.  Boil 
without  stirring.  When  it  hardens  in  cold  water,  pour  into  a  but- 
tered dish.  Begin  pulling  as  soon  as  it  can  be  handled  ;  using 
only  the  tips  of  fingers  pull  rapidly.     Do  not  grease  your  hands. 

Peanut  Candy. 

To  two  pounds  of  sugar  add  one  tumbler  of  water,  one  table- 
spoonful  of  butter;  boil,  stirring  constantly.  Just  before  taking  otT 
stir  in  a  pint  of  parched  and  pounded  peanuts,  (measured  after 
prepared).     Drop  with  a  spoon  upon  a  buttered  dish  or  a  slab. 

Jflolasses  Candy. 

Dissolve  one  cup  of  light  brown  sugar  in  a  half  a  cup  of 
vinegar;  mix  these  with  one  quart  of  molasses,  (not  syrup).  Boil 
until  it  hardens,  when  dropped  from  the  spoon  into  a  cup  of  cold 
water;  then  stir  in  a  tablespoonful  of  butter  and  one  teaspoonful  of 
soda,  dissolved  in  hot  water.  Give  one  final  stir  and  pour  into  but- 
tered dishes ;  pull  until  white,  using  only  tips  of  fingers.  After 
pulling  spread  on  biscuit  board,  and  when   cold  cut  into    small 


Frenclk  Candy. 

Take  the  white  of  an  egg,  the  same  quantity  of  water  as  egg, 

(measured  in  half  an  egg  shell).    Stir  in  one-and-a-half  pound  of 

confectioners  sugar  ;  cook  well  until  it  becomes  like  dough.     Shell 

one  pound  English  Walnuts.     Place  a  half  of  nut  on  each   side  of 

a  small  piece  of  the  dough,  flavored  to  taste  with  vanilla.     Dried 

figs  or  dates  may  be  used  in  the  same  way. 


Cl&ocola.te  Creams. 

Boil  two  cups   sugar  with   one  of  water,  about  ten  minutes ; 
flavor  with  vanilla,  and  beat  till   cool ;  melt  three- fourth  cake  of 
chocolate  in  top  of  tea-kettle  and  dip  the  balls  in  it. 
Nug'a.tiiie  Candy. 

The  filling  for  French  candy  is  used  for  this,  flavored  with 
vanilla.  Stir  in  nuts  of  all  kinds,  (chopped  well).  Flatten  the 
mass  and  cut  in  squares. 

Cocoanut  Drops. 

Grate  the  meat  of  one  cocanut ;  add  to  it  one  quart  of  pul- 
verized sugar,  the  frothed  whites  of  two  eggs,  and  the  milk  from 
the  cocoanut,  mix  all  together,  and  with  the  hands  make  into  little 
drops.  In  a  short  time  these  will  be  dry  and  firm  enough  to  eat. 
They  require  no  cooking. 

Ma,illa,rd's  Cbocolate  Caramels. 

Two  cups  of  grated  chocolate,  two  cups  of  brown  suger,  one 
cup  of  milk,  one  cup  of  molasses,  one  tablespoon  of  flour,  a  piece 
of  butter,  the  size  of  an  egg.  Boil  one  hour,  then  butter  a  pan  and 
pour  it  in  ;  cut  it  to  your  liking. 

Chocolate  Caramels. 

One  cake  baker's  chocolate,  four  cups  of  brown  sugar,  one  cup- 
sweet  milk,  one  tablespoonful   butler,   one-half  cup  of  molasses, 
vanilla,  and  a  little  vinegar.     Boil,  stirring  all  the  time. 
Peppermint  l>rops. 

Three  cups  sugar  (granulated),  one-half  cup  luke  warm  water, 
two  teaspoons  peppermint,  if  the  essence,  or  three  or  four  drops  of 
the  oil.  Put  the  sugar  and  water  on  to  boil ;  as  soon  as  it  reaches, 
the  boiling  point  stir  briskly.  Remove  one-half  the  quantity  in 
a  bowl,  stir  well,  and  diop  on  tins  well  buttered  or  a  marble  slab. 
Then  take  the  rest  and  do  the  same  way. 

Oround.  Nut  Candy. 

Four  cups  granulated  sugar,  two  cups  chopped  ground  nuts. 
Put  the  sugar  in  a  saucepan  over  the  fire,  stirring  constantly  for  fear 
of  burning,  as  there  is  to  be  no  water  in  it.  Continue  stirring  till  the 
sugar  becomes  syrup,  immediately  put  in  the  nuts,  stirring  till  tho_ 
roughly  mixed,  when  at  once  pour  out  on  a  marble  slab  or  a  dish, 
previously  buttered.  It  is  better  to  pour  as  thin  as  possible,  which 
is  difficult,  as  is  begins  to  harden  so  soon. 

Latest  Designs 


%iish  Footwear  |  F^ncy  Evcning  Slippers. 

From  the  §  And  Width  from  A  to  E 

Leading  Makers.    |  OUR  specialties. 

Globe  Shoe  Store, 

169  Broughton  St.,  Savannah,  Ga. 


155  Broughton  St., 

Savannah,  Ga.  t 


Fine  Table  and  Pocket  Cutlery, 
4*        Garden  Hose, 

Tile  and  Tools. 


The  Mutual  Co-operative  Association, 

G.  S.  VAN  HORNE.  Agent. 





WINES.      —      LIQUORS.     —      CIGARS. 


Odd  Fellows  Hall, 

Barnard  and  State  Streets,  SAVANNAH,  GA. 

The  Leading  Furniture  and  Carpet  Dealers  of  the  State. 


165  and  167  Broughton  Street,        —        SAVANNAH,  GA. 

Our  EIGHT  Story  Building  is  always  crowded  with  the  Choicest  Designs  and  the 

best  makes  in  every  line  of  goods  we  handle. 

Our  Specialties  are 

Parlor,  Chamber.  Dining  Room  and  Office 

Moquette,  Velvet,  Brussels  and  Ingrain 

Lace  Curtains,  Window  Shades  and  Upholstery  Goods. 

We  are  also  Agents  for  the  best  makes  of 


Competent  'Workmen  and  obliging  Salesmen.    Satisfaction  guaranteed.    Call  on  us 
on  the  Corner  of  Broughton  and  Barnard  Sts. 


V.  W.  Dale.  >1ki:it.  W.  Dixon, 

Dale,  Dixon  &  Co. 


All  kinds  and  sizes  for  any  kind  of  house,  dock  or 
ship  building. 

n  n 

Also  a  specialty  for 


For  families,  and  built  to  suit  any  corner  in  any  ladies'  house,  and 

are  the  only  Refrigerators  with  cold,  dry  air  that  keep 

any  kind  of  meats,  butter,  preserves,  etc., 

for  days  without  becoming 


— DALE,  DIXON  &  CO. — 




Beef  Specialist, 

Marketing  of  all  Kinds. 

City  Market,         -        -        Savannah,  Ga. 

A.    S.    NIOHOLS, 

No.  128  Broughton  Street, 

Savannah,    Ga. 



145   Broughton  Street,  Savannah,  Ga. 


Ladies  and  Children's  Cloaks.  Boys'  Clothing. 

Ladies'  Muslin  Underwear.  Gents'  Furnishing  Goods. 

Agents  for  Buttericks  paper  Patterns. 

established  1838. 
Chas.  M,  Gilbert.  John  H.  Gilbert. 

C.  rvr.  OILBERT  &  CO. 


Rio    Cokkee.  Liverf^ool    Salt. 

Cuba    N/Lolasses 

Sa-vanneih,  -  -  Georgfa. 



S.  W.  Cor.  Bull  and  Broughton  Streets. 


The  Most  Reliable  Place  to  Buy  Your 

Drugs,   Medicines,  Toilet  Articles,  Perfumery, 

Soaps,  and  a  Thousand  and  one  Articles 
for  Family  Use, 

—  IS  AT  — 






Oetpita,!,  _  _  _  _  $500,000. 


MILLS  B.  LANE,  Vice-President.  GEO.  0.  FREEMAN,  Cashier. 



Grain  and  Provision  Brokers. 


93  Bay  Street,  Savannah,  Ga. 


Millinery  Goods. 

No  151  Broughton  Street, 


New  York  Office.  585  Broadway. 

J.    K.    LAKAR, 

Hatter  and  Men's  Furnisher, 



No.    ST    Bull    Street, 

Savannah,    Ga, 

Thomas  West  &  Co., 

[in  liquidation  ] 
Importers  of  and  Dealers  in 

HavJIand  &  Co.'s  French  China,  Glas^  and  Crockery, 

Reed  &  Bartons  Fine  Electro  Plated  Silverware, 

Table    Cutlery,    House    Furnishing    Goods,    Etc. 

133     Broughton     Street, 

Savannah.  Ga. 


J.  F.  KoUoek.  Thomas  Screven. 


Real  Estate  and  Insurance  Agents, 

92  Bay  Street, 

Savannah,  Ga. 

M.  Y.  &,  D.  I.  MacINTYRE, 


Commission  Merchants, 




Great  Southern  Freight  and  Popular  Passenger  Route 


And  Georgia,  Florida,  Alabaira.  the  South  and  Southeast. 
First-class  steamers  sail  four  times  a  week  between  New  York  and  Savannah  and 
weekly  between  Boston,  Philadelphia  and  Savannah  as  per  advertisement  in  New 
York,  Savannah,  Atlanta,  Maeon  and  Jacksonville  papers.  By  this  route  passengers 
avoid  the  heat  and  dust  of  all-rail  transit,  and  enjoy  meals  served  with  elegance  and 
other  comfort  incident  to  a  sea  voyage. 

For  information,  tickets  and  staterooms  apply  to  agents  at  railroad  depots,  or 
C.  G.  ANDERSON,  Agent,  Savannah. 

R.  L.  WALKER,  Agent,  New  Pier  35,  North  river.  New  York. 
RICHARDSON  &  BARNARD,  Agents,  Lewis  Wharf,  Boston. 
W.  L.  JAMES,  Agent,  13  South  Third  St.,  Philadelphia. 
W.  E.  ARNOLD,  Gen'l  Trav.  Pass'r  Agent. 
B.  R.  PRICE,  Soliciting  Agent,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Jas.  M.  l>ixon. 

A.  B.  HULL  Sc  CO. 

Wnf/L-E^Rsm  FLOUR,  HAY,  GRAIN, 

Staple  and  Fancy  Groceries, 


No.  128  Bay  and  128  River  Streets,  '.•  SAVANNAH,  GA. 



Stoves,  Mantels, 

Ranges,  Grates, 

Crockery,  Tiling, 

Glassware,  Gas  and  Oil  Fixture; 

House  Furnishing  Goods. 

JAS.  DOUGLASS,  30  Barnard  Street. 

Wm.  g.  cooper, 


Importer  of 

^aaines,  teas  and  table  delicacies. 
28  Whitaker  Street. 

Savannah,    Ga. 


Wholesale  and  Retail 

Butchers'   Stalls. 

Dealers  in  all  the  Latest  Table  Novelties  in  Season. 

47  AND  48  City  Market, 
Telephone  531.  also  TaylOR  and  DrAYTCN  Sts. 



Manufacturer  of  and  Sole  Agent  for  Georgia,  Florida,  South  and  North 
Carolinas  and  Alabama. 


—   FOR  — 





F  ans, 



Rarasols,  and 


GO   TO 



Attend  to 



c.  GRAY  &  SONS'  i  Dry  Goods  &  Notions, 

Check  Nainsooks,  2>2C.  Figured  Challies,  3c. 

Surah  Silks  reduced  to  50c. 

C.    GRAY    &o    SON, 

Lot  of  other  bargain  attractions  space  will  not  permit  us  to  mention. 



Groceries,   Fruits,   Beef,   Veal,    Pork,    Mutton, 


Also  Oysters  and  Game  of  all  Kinds  in  Season. 

Macon  and  Drayton  Sts.,  SAVANNAH,  GA. 
Telephone  4.76. 

My  wagon  will  call  for  youi 
orders  if  desired. 

SOLOMONS    &    CO. 

Wfeolesak  and  Retail  Druggists, 


WE  beg  to  call  your  attention 
to  our  stock  of  Dru<tS, 
Medicines,  Chemicals  &  Toi- 
let Articles. 

Soda  Water.— We  manufac- 
ture our  Soda  Water  from  Pure 
Bi-('arb.  Soda,  (no  marble  dust). 
Our  syrups  are  made  from  the  best 
sugar  (no  so-called  Rock  Candy 
Syrup),  and  flavored  with  pu'e  Fruit  Juices.  We  are  the  only  authorized  parties 
in  the  city  to  make  and  sell  Whipped  Cream.  No  one  else  can  dispense  the 
genuine  article.     We  are  agents  for  Huyler's  Celebrated  Candy. 


Savannah,  Ga. 

SOLOMONS  &  CO.,         Congress  St.  and  Bull  St.  Branch. 


ELLIS,  YOUNG  &  CO.,  J.ft-.?^J5b. 

Naval  Stores  Factors, 

And  Dealers  in 

Naval  Stores  Supplies. 
City  Exchange  Building,  SAVANNAH,  GA. 



Savannah,         -         -        Georgia. 

Baldwin  Fertilizer  Company, 





Correspondence  sol-cited  from  all  interested. 

JAS.    T.    STEWART    <St    SON, 


General  Cotton  Brokers  and  Insurance  Agents, 


London  and  Lancashire  Fire  Insurance  Co. 

Also  Underwriters-  Agency  of  Nzvv  York. 


Sunday  School  Kxchange, 

j^eligioLis  Books, 
1^         Fancy  Work, 

\  Fresh  Caramels, 

Home-made  Cake, 
Charlotte  Russe, 
And  other  dainties  for  the  table  on  hand. 

Orders  taken  for  Luncheon  parties  at  the 
Sunday  School  Exchange,  on  Bull  Street,  under 
the  management  of  the  ladies  of  the  independent 
Presbyterian  Church,  for  the  purpose  of  raising 
funds  for  rebuilding  the  edifice  destroyed  by  fire. 


-    Coal  or  Wood    - 


D.  R.  Thomas, 

Office,  111  Bay  Street, 

Wharfs  foot  of  West  Broad  St.  SAVANNAH,  GA. 

Telephone  228. 


Dealer  in  * 



[Pou/try,  Fis/i  afid  Game  in  season. 
Cor.  Barnard  and  Gaston,  Streets,         SAVANNAH,  GA. 


Mcdonough  &  ballantyne, 

Iron  Founder/  6^  HflCHiNUTj, 

Blacksmiths  and  Boilermakers, 



Mills  and  P/ 


iUR  Mills  are  made  with  best  wrought  iron 
shafts,  turned  true  and  guaranteed  for  one 
^  year.     Also  our  pans  are  cast  smooth  and  made  ^ 

of  best  quality  of  iron,  all  of  which  we  will  sell 
at  lowest  market  price. 

Orders   Solicited. 

East  Broad  St.,  Savannah,  Ga. 


The  A.  H.  Pugh  Printing  Company, 



Unrivaled  Facilities 

General  Printing 

Catalogue  Work  A  Specialty. 

Correspondence  Solicited.