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\S A 





Department of Psychology 
University of Bristol 




Copyright 1962 

U.S.A. Edition distributed by 

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 

Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number 6 1 - 1 0008 

Set in Imprint 11 on 12 pt. and printed in Great Britain at 



















IN this book an attempt will be made to outline the principles of 
cybernetics and relate them to what we know of behaviour, both 
from the point of view of experimental psychology and also from 
the point of view of neurophysiology. 

The title of the book, 'The Brain as a Computer', is intended 
to convey something of the methodology involved; the idea is to 
regard the brain itself as if it were a computer-type control 
system, in the belief that by so doing we are making explicit what 
for some time has been implicit in the biological sciences. 

Neither the chapters on experimental psychology, which are 
explicitly concerned with cognition, nor die chapters on neuro- 
physiology, which are intended to outline the probable neuro- 
logical foundations of cognitive behaviour, are complete in any 
sense ; they are intended to be read and understood as illustrative 
of a point of view. It is clear, from the speed with which all these 
subjects are developing, and from the vast bulk of knowledge that 
we now have, that a detailed analysis would make a lifetime's work 
for many people: The emphasis is primarily on the cybernetic 
viewpoint, by which we shall mean simply an attempt to recon- 
sider the biological evidence in terms of mathematical precision, 
and with the idea of constructing effective models as a foundation 
for biological theory. This implies no radical departure from much 
of biological tradition ; it is no panacea, but it is an indication of the 
possibility of constructing a somewhat different conceptual frame- 
work, especially one allowing the application of relatively precise 
methods, not only because of the need for precision in science for 
the positive benefits of quantification, but also in order to avoid 
the messiness and vagueness implicit in ordinary language when 
used for the purposes of scientific description. 

Cybernetics, is a new science, at least in name; it is a new 
discipline that overlaps traditional sciences, and proposes a new 



attitude towards those sciences. Although it has had its own 
historical evolution, the views of modern cyberneticians are both 
distinctive and novel. The word 'Cybernetics' has been derived 
from the Greek word for 'steersman', and points out the essential 
properties of control and communication. 

In some respects Cybernetics certainly represents a very old 
point of view dressed in a new garb, since its philosophical forbears 
are the materialists of early Greek thought, such as Democritus, 
and the Mechanistic Materialists of the eighteenth century. This 
ancestry is, however, no more than the bare evolutionary thread of a 
materialistic outlook, and we are not primarily concerned here 
with the philosophical aspects of its development. It should, 
indeed, be quite possible for those who are radically opposed to the 
Mechanistic Materialists and their modern counterparts to accept 
some part of cybernetics for its methodology and pragmatic value 

"We will now outline the main ideas of cybernetics, and say some- 
thing of its importance for experimental psychology and biology. 

Cybernetics might be briefly described as the science of control 
and communication systems, although it must be admitted that 
such a general definition, while being correct, is not very helpful. 

Cybernetics is concerned primarily with the construction of 
theories and models in science, without making a hard and fast 
distinction between the physical and the biological sciences. The 
theories and models occur both in symbols and in hardware, and by 
'hardware* we shall mean a machine or computer built in terms of 
physical or chemical, or indeed any handleable parts. Most usually 
we shall think of hardware as meaning electronic parts such as 
valves and relays. Cybernetics insists, also, on a further and rather 
special condition that distinguishes it from ordinary scientific 
theorizing: it demands a certain standard of effectiveness. In this 
respect it has acquired some of the same motive power that has 
driven research on modern logic, and this is especially true in the 
construction and application of artificial languages and the use of 
operational definitions. Always the search is for precision and 
effectiveness, and we must now discuss the question of effectiveness 
in some detail. It should be noted that when we talk in these 
terms we are giving pride of place to the theory of automata at the 
expense, at least to some extent, of feedback and information theory. 


The concept of an effective procedure springs primarily from 
mathematics, in which it is called an algorithm. It has been an 
important mathematical and mathematical-logical question to ask 
whether parts, or even the whole, of mathematics is effectively 
derivable. Is it possible to derive all theorems of classical mathe- 
matics in a purely machine-like manner? The theorems of Godel 
(1931) and Church (1936), and the work of Turing (1937) on the 
Turing machine, as it is called, gave answers to these questions as 
far as mathematics was concerned. It was possible to show that all 
of classical mathematics could not be reproduced in this manner, 
although most of it could. These results have actually led to mis- 
interpretation outside mathematics, in that they were thought to 
imply that there were some mathematical operations that could 
not be performed by a machine, whereas they could be performed 
by a human being. This is a mistake, and certainly does not 
follow from any work done on decision procedures. What does 
follow is that, in order to deal with certain mathematical operations 
(for example, those involving the choice of new branches for 
development), a machine would need to be able to compute 
probabilities, and to make inductions. It must necessarily be 
agreed, however, that the machine may make some mistakes in its 
computations, though we must not overlook the fact that these are 
exactly the sort of conditions that would apply to a human being 
performing the same operations. 

Within this framework a decision procedure is to be viewed as a 
mechanical method, of a deductive kind, for deciding what follows 
from a particular set of axioms or, if you like, a simple routine 
procedure that a person can follow even though he does not 
understand the purpose of the operation. Let us illustrate the 

If the problem to be solved is one of finding two from a finite 
set of numbers that have a certain property A y say, then we can 
enumerate all the numbers to which the property might apply 
until we either find or do not find two numbers with the said 
property. This procedure is clearly one that could be carried out by 
an unintelligent helpmate who knows, and can follow, no more 
than the simplest routine procedures. There are many such 
algorithms in mathematics, and very nearly all classical mathe- 
matics can be shown to follow a similar routine pattern; but this 


leaves untouched the problem of how mathematical theories were 
constructed in the first place. 

By 'effective', then, we shall mean the construction of a theory 
that can be translated into a particular blueprint form, from which 
an actual hardware model could, if necessary, be constructed. It 
has some of the same properties that we associate with operational 
definitions. To avoid ambiguity over the terms of our scientific 
description we insist that they be clear and precise enough for us 
to draw up a hardware system from them. 

The principal aims of cybernetics may be listed under three 
headings : 

\/(l) To construct an effective theory, with or without actual 
rafrdware models, such that the principal functions of the human 
organism can be realized. 

(2) To produce the models and theory in a manner that realizes 
the functions of human behaviour by the same logical means as in 
human beings. This implies the simulation of human operations 
by machines, whether in hardware or with pencil and paper. 

(3) To produce models which are constructed from the same 
colloidal chemical fabrics as are used in human beings. 

The methods by which these three aims are collectively realized 
are manifold, and can be summarized in the following list: 
(1) Information theory, (2) Finite Automata, (3) Infinite Automata, 
including, especially, Turing machines, (4) Logical Nets, which 
are particular finite automata, (5) The programming of general 
purpose digital computers, (6) The construction of all the models, 
in any fabric, which might collectively be called 'special purpose 
computers', and may be both digital and analogue, and may be 
'pre-wired', or involve growth processes, or both. All these 
methods will be discussed later in the book, and more especially 
those concerned with finite automata. 

Probably all these approaches need to be developed together, 
and certainly it seems to be the case that we have lots of partial 
models that need to be translated into some common form. We 
shall try to show how the various stages of out machine can be 
built up, using various different descriptive languages; but first we 
must consider what is meant by an inductive machine and, by 
implication, a deductive one. 


There is no point as yet in trying to give a precise definition of 
the inductive process but it can be characterized easily in various 
special terms. In the business of language translation, the problem 
of translating from one language to another is, at least in principle, 
strictly deductive, provided that both languages are already 
known; all that is needed is a dictionary and a grammar. If, how- 
ever, one of the languages is not known, then the problem is 
inductive, at least until such time as a dictionary and a grammar 
can be constructed. In the same way it looks as if there are two 
phases in learning: firstly, the finding of a solution to the problem 
presented; secondly, the application of that solution in perform- 
ance. The application, after the problem has been solved, is a 
deductive process, although the recognition of the appropriate 
place to supply a solution is an inductive one. 

There are many other examples, such as in games, where in 
learning the tactics one is behaving inductively although, having 
learned the tactics, their application is a purely deductive pro- 
cedure. In other words, the notion of 'induction* is dependent 
upon the transfer of information from one point (or person) to 

These matters themselves contribute to a new view of what is 
involved in the learning process, and we shall attempt to utilize 
this knowledge in framing a clearer picture of what we are search- 
ing for under the names 'learning', 'perception', and 'cognition* 

Information theory is 'a precise language, and a part of the 
theory of probability. It is capable of giving a precise definition of 
the flow of information in any sort of system or model whatever. 
It has been used already to describe various psychological and 
biological models, especially those of the special senses. It can also 
be used in the study of learning and problem solving, and it is, 
in fact, an alternative description of these processes. 

Information theoretic descriptions are, broadly speaking, 
interchangeable with descriptions that are couched in logical net 
terms. Sometimes one is the more convenient and sometimes the 
other, and sometimes both may be used together (Rapoport, 1955). 

The concept of a finite automaton requires more careful atten- 
tion. This is another effective method of defining any system that 
is constructed from a finite number of parts, which we may call 



elements, or cells. Each of these elements may be capable of being 
in only one of a finite number of different states at any given time. 
The system or model (these words are synonymous here), which is 
connected according to certain rules, has an input and an output, 
for we are concerned with the structure of the automaton which is 
defined by a specified set of rules, and has a specified output for a 
particular input. 

If we allow the number of states or parts to be infinite, then we 
should be describing an infinite automaton. A well-known example 
of an infinite automaton is a Turing machine, which is made up of 
an infinite tape which is ruled off into squares, a reading head, and 
a control. The control scans one square at a time in turn according 
to the instructions which make up the programme. It can move 
either to the left one square on the tape, or to the right one square 
on the tape, and it can write a symbol on the square or erase an 
existing symbol which is already on the square. It was with such a 
theoretical machine that Turing was able to show the effective 
computability of a large class of mathematical functions (Turing, 
1937), and his machines will be described more fully in Chapter 

Logical nets, which arc of special interest in the biological 
context, are paper and pencil blueprints, couched in the notation 
of mathematical logic. They are effectively reproducible in hard- 
ware, and will be used to describe the class, or some sub-class, of 
finite automata. 

The general purpose digital computer is a hardware machine 
made up principally of an .input and an output system, a storage, 
and an arithmetical unify* A control system is included in the 
storage. It can be described in logical net terms as a finite auto- 
maton and is equivalent to a Turing machine in its capacity 
provided that it always has access to all the information it has 
used in the past. 

Finally, by special purpose machines we mean the class of all 
machines, whether in hardware or in paper and pencil, that can be 
used to exemplify any process whatever. Here we are especially 
interested in the class of finite automata which, when synthesized, 
might be described as special purpose computers. We are also 
particularly interested in systems that are not fully defined, or 
have the property of growth, or both. By a combination of all 


these techniques we may hope ultimately to simulate human 
behaviour in most of its aspects. 

In constructing our models of behaviour, we cannot always 
meet the exacting criteria demanded by those scientists mostly 
those who do not themselves construct theories and models 
when they ask that models should be predictive and testable. In 
fact, models must usually start from more modest beginnings, but 
eventually they meet these criteria. 

It would seem appropriate now to say a word about the sort of 
analysis this book attempts, especially in so far as it may seem to 
differ from other works which, while having similar ends, proceed 
differently in keeping to a policy of deriving particular models 
from specific sets of experiments. A recent book by Broadbent 
(1958) may be said to represent the best sort of example of this 
alternative approach. 

In general, the aim of the cybernetic type of analysis as repre- 
sented here is really an attempt to provide a conceptual framework 
for experimental psychology, and even experimental biology 
generally. It does so by careful analysis of concepts as provided by 
experimental psychologists and other scientists, and tries to bring 
them together, seeking by various means to see what is necessary 
to our model making, and what is not necessary. This could be 
described in part as a meta-theoretical procedure, and as one 
aiming to interest the mathematician and the philosopher as well as 
the strictly experimental scientist. This is not to be taken, as 
meaning in any sense that the vital role of experiment is being 
denied, but rather by way of emphasizing that experiment must be 
seen as part of a broader undertaking, involving the effective 
synthesis of many different lines of thought. 

The view expounded differs from that of such works as Broad- 
bent's only in emphasis, the emphasis having shifted somewhat 
away from the immediate evidence, and the immediate ad hoc 
models, to slightly more general forms of model construction. 
Both ways of carrying out psychological research seem equally 
valid and necessary, and the writer regards them as being essen- 
tially complementary. 

At the same time as the cybernetician at least this particular 
one is searching for an analysis of concepts and principles and 
methods, a theory is being provided at varying levels of generality, 


and this seems to be an apposite place to state a , irly basic 
assumption that underlies this work. The assumption is that 
science does not only proceed by observing and stating results and 
observing again, eventually to generalize. Those many writers who 
have said that it is necessary to describe behaviour before we can 
hope to explain it are surely while in one sense stating the 
obvious missing an important point, the point being that in 
constructing models and theories, and in analysing theories and 
concepts from various points of view, one is liable to be contri- 
buting to the science itself. The assumption here is that the 
method of presentation of so-called facts is as important as the 
facts themselves; or to put it more crudely, languages and the 
references of languages are almost inextricably bound together. 

A little more discussion in the field of methodology, by way of 
added detail, will be found in chapters III and XII, for the bulk of 
the book is concerned with the methods of cybernetics and the 
modelling of behaviour, human and otherwise. 

It is because of the belief that methods and findings are inter- 
mingled that much can come from a logical and a philosophic type 
of analysis of existing models, based directly on experimental data, 
or a scientific analysis based directly on the data themselves. Every- 
one knows that it is fairly easy to carry out experiments as such in 
psychology, but the problem arises over the interpretation of the 
results. This view has sometimes been mistakenly interpreted to 
mean that scientific theories can be built without any reference to 
empirical fact which is obviously nonsensical or that logic is 
being boosted as a source of empirical knowledge in the same way 
as immediate observation. The wiser opinion is surely that they 
should be undertaken together, as being complementary to each 

In saying that one of the next big undertakings of the cyberneti- 
cian involves analyses of cognitive operations in terms of views 
proposed by philosophers such as Price (1953), Wittgenstein 
(1953), K6rner (1959) and Ryle (1949), among others, we may 
possibly be furthering the misunderstanding, so let us say at once 
that we do not intend to imply that we shall ignore experimental 
results; on the contrary, experimental results are still our basic 
material, and the other forms of logical analysis are necessary to 
increase our understanding of that basic experimental material. 

[ndeed, this is precisely a point where cybernetics and experimental 
Dsychology have common ground since models, either of a 
Daper and pencil or of a hardware kind, are constructable to 
nake precise what is being asserted. This is done in such a manner 
;hat it is clear both to the psychologist who wishes to use the 
esults and to the logician who wishes to analyse the methods and 
heir implications. 

To avoid confusions of language, and in order to broaden the 
outlook of the experimental psychologist, we hope to carry out the 
Tiodel making analysis of experimental results. This means that 
;ve should pay attention to the forms of linguistic analyses of 
ogicians, and bear in mind the efforts towards precise linguistic 
instruction by such writers as Woodger (1939, 1952). 

Indeed, the development of artificial languages is intimately 
Dound up with cybernetics, since they can be regarded as blueprint 
anguages from which actual hardware models can be made. 

In the same way we shall bear in mind the distinction made by 
Braithwaite (1953) between models and theories, and we shall 
:hink of them as having a sort of twofold relation to each other, 
tfhere the theory is an interpretation of the model, and the model 
i formalization of the theory. Anything whatever could be taken 
;o be an interpretation of a model (i.e. a theory), and anything 
;ould be taken to be a model of a theory ; the important thing is the 
elation between the two. At the same time we shall, of course, 
sonsider certain well-defined models, always with an eye to the 
ntended interpretation. 

The intended interpretations remain primarily on the be- 
lavioural level, and although it is hoped that models of a neuro- 
:>hysiological kind will eventually be constructed indeed, some 
lave already been constructed it is at the molar level of be- 
lavioural analysis that cybernetics would be most obviously useful at 
:he moment. 

Generating schemes such as those of Solomonoff (1957), the 
heuristics of Minsky (1959), and the various attempts to meet the 
criteria of human thought, are to be derived in a series of stages 
: rom a set of conceptual models which start from the concepts of 
>stensive rules (Korner, 1951). The ideas of classes, relations, 
>roperties, order, process, etc., which are fundamental to our ways 
)f regarding the empirical world, will be derived similarly; and 



this book can be no more than a link in the long and complex 
chain. Initially, the main objects will be both methodological and 
behavioural; as we progress, the emphasis will change increasingly 
from the first to the second. 

Naturally we shall draw on ready made techniques, such as 
Theory of games, Linear Programming, Dynamic Programming, 
Operational Research, and the like, since they all represent pieces 
of the framework of the conceptual world from which the empirical 
world must be reconstructed. 

Neurophysiologically, we continue to wait for predictive models, 
and this primary analysis is intended as a basis for model con- 
structions of neurophysiological utility; what it does not claim to 
do is to supply them, for that is something that lies beyond the 
compass of the present analysis. 

It is important that it should be clearly understood that this 
book is not about cognition as such, nor indeed about neuro- 
physiology as such. It is concerned with models of behaviour 
which include cognitive and neurological data, and of course some 
attention is paid to modelling these foundation subjects. At the 
same time it should be said that the main aim is methodological; 
we want to show the power and usefulness of formalized methods 
of theory construction, and yet we do not wish to pretend that 
these supplant experimental data; they are secondary to them. But 
it is also thought important that methods of constructing theories 
should themselves be the subject of analysis and experiment; it is 
by such means that comparisons between theories are facilitated, 
and the implications of a model are made more lucid. 

Many criticisms have been levelled at the hypothetico-deductive 
method, but although it is sometimes unwieldy, and certainly 
there are other possible, and quite valid, approaches, it should be 
remembered that cybernetic ideas are largely built up around 
axiomatic systems. They are easier to check in axiomatic form, 
and even models which are apparently useless and unwieldy, like 
Hull's hypothetico-deductive model of rote learning (1940), are of 
the greatest use because the reader will bear in mind that, in the 
age of the computer, it is possible to take a system that looks 
completely and hopelessly obscure and complicated, and yet 
derive its logical consequences. In fact, the learning programmes 
that are discussed in Chapter VI look very complicated in the flow 


chart form, but any models that purport to explain behaviour in 
any important sense will be far more complicated than even the 
Hullian set of postulates. We must not, therefore, set our face 
against the hypothetico-deductive method ; rather, we must find a 
way of using it, and the digital computer supplies one such way. 
Logical nets, of the kind we shall be discussing, supply yet another 
way, but it must be admitted that more research has still to be 
done on suitable notation as a shorthand if such models are going 
to be handleable on a large scale, for otherwise precision degener- 
ates quickly into more verbal discussion which, while useful, and 
even essential, is thought to be inadequate to the task of setting up 
behavioural models at various levels sufficiently rich and precise to 
permit the standard of prediction we are seeking. 

In outlining the sections of this book, it may be said that the 
first section, contained in Chapters I to VI inclusive, is about 
cybernetic models. First they are summarized in a general way, 
and then we pay special attention to finite automata, and particu- 
larly finite automata in logical net form, which seem especially 
useful to the modelling of behaviour. Actually there are many 
cases in which other forms of model are more suitable for particular 
purposes, but we shall talk largely in logical net terms, although it 
will be understood that translation into other terms will usually be 

Chapter III is rather a special chapter. It is about logic and 
methods of a quasi-philosophical kind. It is almost in the nature of 
an appendix, but there are a number of models and theories there 
which might be regarded as being of behavioural interest, and they 
are a source of many ideas used at other points in the book. 

It is not thought that philosophy can contribute greatly to 
psychology, and speculative philosophy can contribute perhaps 
nothing at all; but a certain sophistication over linguistic matters 
seems to be essential. The writer believes that much that phil- 
osophers discuss could be decided, or at least clarified, by ex- 
perimental methods, and his position is therefore in a sense 
anti-philosophical, but this will not be allowed to obscure the fact 
that care and thoughtfulness over concepts and language is vital in 
any science. 

In Chapter IV we have outlined a very general and loosely 
constructed model which is to be used for experimental purposes, 


by analysing the existing empirical data from cognition. At the 
end of Chapter VI we start to introduce some examples of learning. 

Chapter VII summarizes learning theory, and more space is 
given to the traditional theories of Hull and Tolman, and less to 
the current and more burning issues on methods of reinforcement. 
The reason for this is again that the book hopes to find readers who 
are not already familiar with cognitive problems, and whose interest 
may be partly methodological. 

Chapters VIII, IX and X deal with neurological matters, although 
Chapter X represents an all-round approach to the perceptual side 
of cognition. Chapter VIII is, in particular, an attempt to sum- 
marize the main relevant facts of the neurophysiology of nervous 
function, and although it tries to make the explanations simple 
and certainly it is not addressed to the specialist in neurophysiology 
it can be better understood by those who have already carried 
out some previous reading in the subject. 

Chapter XI pays lips service to thinking, and also says some 
more about perception. The writer is very conscious of the 
relatively sketchy nature of the treatment he has given to many of 
the problems discussed in the book, but his main hope has been to 
persuade experimental psychologists that there is much to be said 
for a greater concentration on matters of methodology, especially 
from the cybernetic point of view, while continuing to develop 
experimental psychology, which the writer thoroughly believes 
should still be their chief aim. 

The last chapter, Chapter XII, is a sort of summary of attitudes 
and findings which are of interest primarily to the experimental 


This first chapter is intended to outline the general purpose of 
the book, which is both methodological, and a beginning to a 
model-theory construction process based on the methods of 
cybernetics. It is, in essence an attempt to utilize to the full our 
concepts, whether from philosophy, logic or science, and to 
construct a conceptual world in terms of machine analogues, from 
which we may ultimately derive more precise theories of behaviour, 
and theories of the internal organization of the human being, 
especially at the level of the nervous system. 



'CYBERNETICS' is a word that was first used by Norbert Wiener 
(1948), and has since become widely accepted. as designating the 
scientific study of control and communication, and applying 
equally to inanimate and to living systems. 

Wiener's basic idea was that humans and other organisms are 
not essentially different from any other type of control and com- 
munication system. The principle of negative feedback is charac- 
teristic of organisms and closed-loop control systems in general, 
and this suggests that organisms could be substantially mimicked 
by electronic switching devices which are controlled by negative 

The word 'cybernetics', although a recent addition to our 
vocabulary, in fact refers to much that went on for many years 
before in various fields such as electrical engineering, mathe- 
matics, psychology, physiology and other disciplines. The actual 
area covered by cybernetics is perhaps vague, and certainly very 
large. It cuts across many of the accepted divisions of science, and 
this means that cybernetics has many different aspects that will be 
of interest to scientists working in various branches of scientific 
endeavour. jThe main emphasis in this book will be focused on the 
interests of the experimental psychologist and the biologist, 
although it is believed that it should also have an appeal to those 
concerned with many different sides of science. 

We shall now say a little about the mathematical and historical 
background of cybernetics. 


The primary interest of mathematics to cybernetics is due not 
only to the direct relevance of mathematical logic and questions 
involving the foundations of mathematics and axiomatic methods, 
but also because of the design of computing machines. 



First let us briefly consider the history of mathematical thought 
and the problem raised for the foundation of mathematics. 

We should begin by reminding ourselves of the important fact 
that mathematics is a language or language form. It is, indeed, a 
highly precise and abstract language that handles or is capable 
of handling any of the structural relations that actually exist, or 
are theoretically capable of existing. An example of this can be 
drawn from geometry. 

The geometry of the world in which we live appears to be four- 
dimensional that is, from the relativistic point of view; but from 
the purely mathematical point of view we can develop geometry 
in any dimensions whatsoever, and the user of the ?z-dimensional 
geometry can choose whatever value of n is necessary or relevant 
to his particular problem. This is an example of the imposition of 
a theory on to a model. 

Pure mathematicians develop mathematical systems (models) 
that may have no application whatever; it is like the development 
of the grammar of a potential language, and the constructions 
follow simply from the various possible sets of rules. At the same 
time it is a fact that a great deal of the mathematics that has been 
developed has quickly been turned to practical account. One of the 
reasons for this is of course the fact that mathematicians keep 
their eyes on the problems that scientists are dealing with, and a 
new line of development with no applications tends to fade out 
very quickly. 

The power of the mathematical language lies partly in the fact 
that its constituents have a well organized structure, and partly in 
the fact that the notion of number seems to be basic to our 
descriptions of the world. Mathematics, though, is not always 
numerical; there are branches of mathematics, such as those 
dealing with shapes and relations of a geometrical kind, that go 
under the name of topology; there is also mathematical logic, 
which deals with properties and propositions which are not 
numerical. Indeed, the main feature of mathematics is that it tries 
to pick out the most general structural relations in any situation 
capable of description. It is thus a very general language, and a 
powerful form of model making. 

One possible misconception should be mentioned. Much that is 
symbolic and put in terms of algebraic symbols where these 


symbols represent real or complex numbers, is not mathematics, 
or certainly may not be mathematics of any importance; whereas 
much that is written in longhand is mathematics. Mathematics is a 
language that is ideally a shorthand, but also it is a powerful 
system for making deductions, and carrying out reasoning pro- 
cesses, because of the ease with which it is possible to see the form 
of the deductive or inductive argument. In ordinary, everyday 
language this is hardly ever the case if the description is compli- 

.Our interest in mathematics is directly associated with cyber- 
netics, for mathematics is concerned with the whole development 
of precision, which is also the concern of cybernetics. In particular, 
it has been in the search for mechanical methods of computation, 
and for proof that mathematics has played an important part in the 
evolution of 'thinking' machines. 

The theories of Godel (1931), Church (1936) and Turing (1937) 
are connected with any symbolic or linguistic system whatever, 
and with any axiomatic system. These theorems are important 
landmarks in the history of mathematical logic and the foundations 
of mathematics. They assert that no theory language (i.e. any 
language that is used descriptively in science) can show its own 
consistency within itself. 

The theorems also deal with what are called decision procedures, 
or mechanical methods of finding proofs of mathematical state- 
ments, and Church was able to show that, for a system rich enough 
to include classical mathematics, no mechanical method was 
possible for discovering whether every statement in such a calculus 
was a theorem of that calculus or not. By calculus, we shall mean a 
particular postulational system, such as Euclidean geometry of the 
plane, or what we may call a 'model'. It was Turing who gave the 
most suitable expression to the point in developing his theoretical 
computer, the Turing machine, which we shall describe more 
fully in Chapter III. These are, or should be, matters of con- 
siderable importance to those experimental psychologists and 
biologists who are interested in cybernetics, because it tells them 
something of the nature of machinery, as defined in terms of 
simple operations, and the power of precise linguistic forms. 
These theorems have also been the foundations of some measure of 
misunderstanding, because the word 'machinelike', although 


suggesting what is obviously mechanical, does not exhaust all 
possible machines. 

Mathematically, the above theorems were formulated in pursuit 
of the goal suggested by Hilbert (1922), that all mathematics was a 
formal system of symbols (abstract marks or sounds) that were 
manipulable according to sets of rules, and that there was a sense 
in which mathematics should be capable of being shown to be 
complete. This is now known to be impossible ; the sense of com- 
pleteness involved, although capable of various precise definitions, 
is roughly the sense in which we would expect a self-contained 
system to fit together coherently. This means that every statement 
made within the system should be capable either of being shown 
to be a theorem of the system or not, and all the true theorems 
being shown to be true, and those only. It is this which is not 

There are in the main three different schools of thought with 
regard to the nature and foundations of mathematics. They are : 
The Logistic school of Whitehead and Russell (1910, 1912, 1913), 
Peano (1894) and Frege (1893, 1903), which argues that mathematics 
is a part of logic; the Intuitionistic school of Brouwer (1924) and 
Heyting (1934), which argues that mathematics is independent of 
logic, and comes from a direct appreciation of numbers ; and the 
Formalist school founded by Hilbert, who believe that mathe- 
matics is a formal game with symbols. These three schools have 
carried on continued arguments regarding the foundations of 
mathematics, and it is perhaps fair to say that the bulk of current 
opinion favours the first view: that mathematics is founded upon 
logic; but the whole question is a very complicated one, and it is 
not obvious that the various views expressed are really at variance 
with each other. However, this is not a matter of primary interest 
to biologists and psychologists, and it will not be pursued here. 

Independently, but still within mathematics, there has been the 
development of computing machinery, and although the motive 
force was quite different, the results had a great deal in common 
with the foundation studies. At the same time, what was to be 
regarded as an effective procedure or a mechanical procedure, 
sometimes called 'decision procedure' or 'decision process* in the 
sense of Turing, easily covered what a computer was thought to 
be capable of performing, since computers, in their early days at 


any rate, were thought of merely as adding and subtracting 
machines of an automatic kind. It was only later that they were to 
be thought of as having far greater generality, and capable of being 
driven by electronic rather than by purely mechanical means. 
Even now, few people have come to think of a computer as any- 
thing but a deductive system, and it is the inductive use of the 
computer which is the one that is of primary psychological 
interest; this, indeed, is one of the main themes of this book, and 
of cybernetics. 

To return to the mathematical foundation of computers, we find 
that the first calculator that was used for any widespread computa- 
tions was one designed by Pascal and used for insurance purposes 
in France, and this same computer was improved by extension 
from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division by no 
less a personage than Leibniz. Also in France, it was Colmar who 
has generally been credited with producing the first commercial 
computer. But the father of the large-scale automatic computer 
in its modern form is most certainly Charles Babbage. 

In his work Charles Babbage anticipated virtually all that is 
characteristic of the modern computing machine, and during his 
lifetime he also used the technique of punched cards as a classifica- 
tion system, a method that was rediscovered in America, some 
years later, by Hollerith. 

We shall be discussing the main points of the general form that 
the modern computer has taken in the next section but one of this 
chapter; at the moment we should notice simply that the concept 
of a computer, although dependent upon the work of engineers of 
every kind, was primarily a mathematical project. 

Cybernetics also has roots in applied mathematics, in particular 
in the statistical mechanics of Willard Gibbs, and the general 
development of statistical thermodynamics and the gas laws. The 
common ground here lies in the fact that information, in the 
technical sense of information theory, and the distribution of gas 
particles have a common descriptive law. 

In analytical mathematics, a considerable contribution was made 
to the theoretical background of cybernetics (though he was quite 
unconscious of the connexion) by Albert Lebesgue with his 
special form of definition of an integral. The development of 
abstract algebra, and in particular the theory of groups, has also 


contributed to the general theory. The purely mathematical back- 
ground of cybernetics will not be developed here except in so far 
as it is necessary to an understanding of the biological applications. 


The sudden recent rise to prominence of cybernetics was due, 
immediately, to World War II. There existed then a series of 
problems which had not previously been met. The main one was 
that of range-finding for anti-aircraft guns in high-speed aerial 
warfare. The older systems involved human computers and these, 
with manually controlled locators, were wholly inadequate for the 
job in hand. The essence of the process involved was to track and 
predict the direction, velocity, and height of enemy aircraft. The 
human being's part in the operation was much too slow and 
inaccurate, and there were people available with machines already 
developed to do the job adequately; these machines were, of 
course, computing machines. 

These computing machines had already been designed, and 
some built, by Vannevar Bush, Norbert Wiener, and others, and 
were almost ready-made for the job. These scientists, as well as 
others such as von Neumann, Shannon and Bigelow, were in a 
position to see that machines of an electronic kind were ideally 
suited to carry out the whole of the operations of range-finding 
and location without any human intervention whatever. 

These electronic computing machines were already developed to 
a very high degree of efficiency for the solution of mathematical 
equations, and some technical difficulties had led to the suggestion 
that a process of scanning, similar to that used in television, might 
be incorporated into the computer. Another innovation was the 
use of binary notation rather than decimal notation as in the early 
Harvard Mark I computer. 

The problem of tracking, however, called for the mimicking of 
another characteristically human type of activity in the form of 

Feedback is what differentiates the machines that we are 
primarily interested in from the popular docile machine such as an 
aircraft or a motor car, or even the most obviously docile machines 
of all such as spoons, forks and levers. 


Feedback involves some part of a machine's output being 
isolated, to be fed back into the machine as part of its input a 
controlling part of the input. Man obviously operates on a gross 
feedback system in so far as he must have knowledge of the results 
of the actions that he performs in order that he may continue to 
act sensibly in his environment. A man playing darts will not 
improve unless he can see the results of his actions. More generally, 
a man who cannot see his results in a learning task will not improve, 
i.e. he will not learn; this fact has been well understood in experi- 
mental psychology. 

A fairly well-known machine that exhibits feedback is a ther- 
mostat for controlling the temperature of domestic water supplies. 
A lower and an upper limit of temperature is set, and when the 
water which is being heated gets to the upper limit a mechanical 
device cuts out the heat source. The water then starts to cool, and 
when the temperature reaches the lower limit the device operates 
again, but in the opposite way, and the heat goes on. The 
temperature of the water oscillates between the two limits, which 
may be as high or as low as we please. The important thing is 
that it is the temperature that itself controls the change of 
temperature. This is precisely what is meant by a self-controlling 

Self-controlled steering mechanisms, such as are used in ships 
and aircraft, also operate on a principle of feedback, and most 
human muscular systems work on the same principle. A man 
cycling, or a driver driving a car, makes small correcting adjust- 
ments in his muscular movements so that small errors in directions 
or balance are corrected. The process is one of error-correction by 
a series of compensations. 

All the instances that we have described are examples of what is 
called negative feedback, wherein a part of the response to some 
stimulus is used to operate against the direction of the original 
stimulus. Positive feedback involves the same compensatory or 
self-controlling aspects, but in this case the energy side-tracked for 
control purposes operates in the same direction as the principle 
energy rather than against it, and thus creates unstable, or 'run- 
away' conditions. In general, cybernetics has been concerned with 
the negative feedback type of arrangement. 

Self-controlling machines, or 'artefacts' as they are sometimes 


called, have been classified according to the following general 
characteristics, according to Mackay (1951): 

(1) The receiving, selecting, storing and sending of information. 

(2) Reacting to changes in the universe, including messages 
referring to the state of the artefact itself. 

(3) Reasoning deductively from sets of assumptions or postu- 
lates, and learning. Here, learning includes observing and control- 
ling its own purposive or goal-seeking behaviour. 

It is these characteristics that include artefacts within the defini- 
tion of the organism. Indeed, as we have seen, the basic assump- 
tion of cybernetics is that the human organism definitely comes 
within the framework of our definition, and it follows that the 
human operator is (in an obvious sense) a machine. 


^The computer, particularly that of the digital type, is of the 
greatest importance to cybernetics. Such machines are now con- 
structed for a variety of different purposes. As well as solving 
mathematical equations, which was their original purpose, they 
are, of course, capable of adding up numbers, sorting and classify- 
ing information, making predictions that are based on forms of 
induction, and performing at least all the operations which are 
capable of being stated in precise language. The theoretical 
possibilities inherent in such systems are almost without limit, 
although in practice there may be serious limits of a definite kind. 
It is not always easy for the technician to achieve results in 
practice which appear to be perfectly possible in principle. This is 
one reason why the technique of machine-construction and 
organization has developed far faster in blueprint than it has in 
hardware. It costs large sums of money to build computing 
machines and, after they are built, further large sums to keep them 
working; it is well, therefore, for those who are interested especi- 
ally in the potentialities of machines, that it is sufficient to develop 
an effective technique for discovering the capabilities of a machine 
without going to the enormous expense, in terms both of money 
and time, of building it. This subject, and the sort of blueprint 
techniques practised, with their close relation to mathematics, is 
of the first importance to our subject. 


Computers have advanced mainly with the advances in techno- 
logical methods, especially of the electrical and electronic 
techniques which are closely bound up with the realization in hard- 
ware of machine theories. This process of realization demands a 
whole technology involving the design and manufacture of valves, 
resistances, relays and the like, that will function with a certain 
degree of efficiency under specified conditions. 

It is clear that the building-in of a maintenance and repair 
system will be quite vital if the computer needs to be permanently 
running. It has been suggested by von Neumann (1952) in this 
context that we might use a duplicating technique in construction 
which von Neumann called 'multiplexing'. 

The general form of a digital computer 

The digital computer is, to put it quite generally, composed of an 
input and an output system, a control, and a storage system. The 
storage system usually contains the control, and is divisible into 
two parts: the slower, permanent storage, and the faster, tem- 
porary storage which includes the control itself. 

The process of operation of the computer could be typically 
described as that of accepting instructions in the form of coded 
'words', which it stores as pulses in mercury delay lines or as 
imprintations on the sides of magnetic drums. Those of the words 
which represent numbers are then supplied to the input, and the 
instructions, which are usually taken in numerical order, operate 
on the numbers as they appear. The process could be likened to 
that of saying to someone, who is capable of no more than adding 
up and storing information, that you want him to add the first 
number, which you will tell him later, to the second, and the sum 
of these to the third, and so on. These are the instructions which 
he stores. You then give him the numbers in the correct order. 
The alternative to ordering the numbers would be to designate 
each with a name. Of course, their addresses (their storage locali- 
ties) must certainly be known. 

Obviously the working of a modern digital computer, operating, 
as it does, at extremely high speed, will depend upon efficient 
parts of an .electronic kind. These parts are largely comprised of 
the staticizors and dynamicizors, which may act both as control 
and as temporary storage; the cathode-ray oscillograph; and the 


electronic gates that realize simple logical functions, since the 
mathematical operations of the computer are essentially dependent 
on the simple logical operations of Boolean algebra. Input and 
output mechanisms in the form of readers and writers are neces- 
sary for coding and decoding instructions, and translating the 
information on the punched card, or tape, into electronic pulses, 
which is the form in which the computer generally carries its 

Since it is not our purpose to discuss in detail existing com- 
puters of the well-known digital and analogue varieties, we shall 
make no attempt to do more than summarize their general 
structure, with the object of giving the untutored reader *a feel for 
the subject* in a general way. For a detailed treatment he should 
consult one of the many texts available. 

We shall now add a few notes on the language of computers, 
input and output systems, storage, circuitry, and finally, pro- 
gramming. There will also be a word or two on the difference 
between digital and analogue systems. 

The language of computers 

It is not without significance for biologists and experimental 
psychologists that the language that computers generally use is 
that of a binary form. Computers can be built to handle decimal 
mathematical systems but this involves 10-way instead of 2-way 
switches, and runs into great technical difficulties. It is another 
foundation point of cybernetics that the neuron is (or can be regarded 
as) a form of 2-way switch. 

A binary system can represent any symbolic system whatsoever, 
not only mathematics or arithmetic in the narrow sense, but any 
language, so there is no loss of generality in using a binary form of 
language. It is true that this has the effect of making words longer, 
but this is offset by the great speed at which it can operate as a 
complex 2-way switching system. The following table of samples 
shows the conversion from decimal to binary code for arithmetic. 

The ordinary operations of mathematics can be reproduced in 
binary form in the same way as in decimal form. For addition, if 
we think of 108 as being a shorthand form of 

Ixl0 2 +0x 10+8x10 



and 56 as being 5 x 10+6 x 10 
then the sum of these, 164, is 

Ixl0 2 +6x 10+4x10 

































So in binary form a number such as 19 can be thought of as 
Ix2*+0x2 3 +0x2 2 +lx2+lx2 (10011) 

and 7 can be thought of as 

Ix2 2 +lx2+lx2(lll) 

and the sum, 26, is 11010. 

If we simply add the binary numbers directly, we see that we 
get the same result, remembering to carry one whenever we have 
two in a column: 


Similarly, we can easily subtract in binary code: 



This says that if we subtract 13 from 22 we are left with 9. The 
reader can go on from here and construct other examples, e.g. 
multiplication, division, and indeed the whole of arithmetic. 

Input- and output-systems and circuitry 

The input and output systems of digital computers are usually 
in the form of punched tape or punched card. Figure 1 shows an 
example of a piece of punched tape with the instructions on it for 
the computer control of the Ferranti machine tool cutter. STA 
stands for the initial signal, NMC gives type of message, DAX 
, DAY and DAZ indicate coordinates in which cutting is 
to take place for 'change points' (where the curves are all made up 
from circles, and therefore there has to be frequent change from 
one circle to another). The other coordinates are of the pole of 
curves, and RAT is the cutter feed rate. DIA gives diameter 
of circle, and TDC compensation sense. 

The use of the pole, and the related notion of the polar, are here 
used as convenient means of defining the circles that collectively 
define the curve to be cut, The^ofe is defined, for a circle, as being 
any point outside the circle which is the point of intersection of 
tangents drawn to the two points at which any line cuts the 
circumference of the circle; and the locus (the set of points for 
which this is true and a straight line with respect to a circle in 
Cartesian coordinates) of the intersection of the tangents is called 
a polar with respect to the pole. 

This example is meant only to show an ordinary piece of tape 
with punched holes which are represented here by filled-in black 
dots and no holes otherwise ; these represent 1 and respectively 
and so in turn represent a binary code. The example itself is a 
practical form of computer control. 

Figures 2 and 3 show Hollerith cards as used by the DEUCE 
computer with essentially the same method of representing 1's 
and O's. Figure 2 shows an instruction card where NIS is next 
instinction, SOURCE applies to address of number to be operated 
on, and DEST to its destination after the operation. Most of the 
rest of the instructions are concerned with the careful timing 
of the operation. 

The fact that each storage location can be thought of as a source 
and as a destination is a reminder that the characteristic operation 



ti * 


<= . 

i : 

CJ * . 


I * m 

ir\ t 






O gj 



"^ S 



< * 

ce O 

iiiiil P 




of the computer involves the removal of a number from one storage 
location, usually to perform some mathematical operation on it, 
and the subsequent placing of the number, or the derived number, 
at a new storage location. 

Figure 3 shows the DEUCE Data card which carries the numbers 
themselves, which are confined to the 12 rows and 32 columns of 
the DEUCE field. The DEUCE uses 32 binary digit numbers. 

Alternative forms of input and output exist. Such methods as 
morse keys, the human voice, teleprinter with decimal conversion, 
flashing lights (neon and otherwise), have all been used at some 

Positive voltage 



Negative voltage 

FIG. 4. FLIP-FLOP CIRCUIT. A typical circuit composed of simple 
flip-flop switches. These switches simply take up one of two 
positions on or off as in an ordinary electric light switch. 

time or another. Reference to the appropriate texts is necessary 
when detail is needed, but the principles, at least, are simple. 
Binary coded messages are fed into a classification system which 
has wires which become electrified whenever they come opposite a 
punched hole, and this has the effect of placing a pulse into the 
circulation of the machine. The similarity to the human nervous 
system is already suggestive. 

There are many methods of storage, and the best known can be 
summarized quickly. They are the simple flip-flop circuits, of 
which Fig. 4 shows a typical example. The idea of a flip-flop is 


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eb ss 


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neatly summarized by analogy with the mechanical behaviour of 
a length of tube, sealed at each end, with a freely rolling steel ball 
inside the tube. If we pivot the tube over a wedge-shaped block, 
the ball is at the lower end and holds the tube against one face of 
the block in a stable position. To change to the other state, we have 
to apply a force to the other end of the tube to overcome the down- 
ward force of the ball acting under gravity, until the ball rolls to the 
other end, and the tube takes up a stable position on the opposite 
face of the wedge. If the initial position is called 0, the other posi- 



FIG. 5. A FLIP-FLOP. The switch is in one of its two possible 

states. When the force is applied the tube tips, the ball moves to 

the other end, and the switch goes into its alternative stable 

position against the other face of the wedge. 

tion can be called 1. Figure 5 shows the mechanical analogue in its 
initial position. 

The staticizor is another way of using an electronic AND-gate, 
Fig. 6, for the retention of information as to whether a pulse or no 
pulse was present at an input terminal at a particular instant in 
the past. 

The proper memory store is not usually composed of staticizers 
because of the great expense involved in using two valves for each 
binary digit stored, which is what is entailed. The most used 


'permanent* memory stores are the delay-line memory, although 
these lose their information when the machine is switched off, the 
high-speed electrostatic store, the magnetic drum storage, and the 
magnetic core type of storage. In principle, their working involves 
the storing of 'words' (in binary form) that can be written in and 
taken out of store at will We shall not discuss their detailed 

The 'word' of a computer, we should add, is usually a 40-binary 
digit set (on the average), which represents an instruction or a 
number. A collection of words represents the language of the 
computer, which is a translation of ordinary language into punched 



> X 



FIG. 6. AND-GATE. The AND-gate has two input terminals, and 

one output terminal. The output is fired if and only if both 

inputs are fired simultaneously. 

tape or card, and subsequently into pulses inside the computer, 
and then back to punched card or tape and ordinary language 

We have already shown something of the sort of circuitry 
involved in the AND-gate of Fig. 6, and we must now add to this 
in OR-gate and a NOT-gate, and we shall see that the use of 
: and', 'or' and 'not' is more than sufficient, logically, for our 
computational purposes. 

We should mention that, in practice, modern computers have 
arcuitry which is relatively simple in detail, and complex only by 
virtue of the large numbers of relays or two-way switches involved. 





FIG. 7. OR-GATE. The OR-gate has two input terminals, and one 

output terminal. The output is fired if and only if either one or 

both inputs are fired. 






Programming involves suitably instructing the machine. This 
:an be illustrated by the example of a man who is told to add 
lumbers for us, and we will not say very much on the technique, 
which varies in detail from machine to machine. The simplest sort 
rf instruction for the DEUCE, for example, takes the form '13-15', 
#hich simply means, replace the contents of temporary store 15 by 
Jbe contents of temporary store 13, leaving the temporary store 13 
jnchanged. It is not difficult to imagine the suitable stringing 
:ogether of instructions of this sort, which will also involve the use 
}f the automatic adder, multiplier, and so on. Any set of such 
nstructions constitutes a programme, which is usually placed in 
:he storage system, to be called up subsequently by the control, as 

Digital and analogue systems 

All that has been said here so far has been about digital systems. 
There are also analogue systems and analogue computers. The 
difference between digital and analogue methods is essentially the 
;ame as between discontinuous and continuous functions in 

We shall not be much concerned with analogue systems, but we 
shall just say a few words about them. They represent numbers 
md other physical conditions by physical variables (e.g. voltages 
ind currents) rather than by digital numerical means. They are in 
widespread use as calculators, and also as simulators of various 
physical states. One example is to be found in the various flight 
conditions encountered by an aircraft, which can be wholly or 
partially simulated in a computing machine. It is clear that 
psychologists are, in a sense, seeking to simulate human be- 
lavioural conditions in their theories and models. 

Neurophysiology and psychology 

Following up a discussion of digital and analogue computers, 
we must come to consider the more general questions of artefacts, 
Dr machines. 

If machines can perform mathematical operations with such 


success, what else can they do like human beings, assuming that 
they do perform mathematical operations in a manner which is at 
least somewhat similar to humans? 

Psychology and physiology in particular, and the biological 
sciences in general, have taken notice of the revolution in machine 
design in order to investigate human behaviour and general 
physiological function from the machine point of view. We have 
already suggested that the similarity between machines and 
organisms is so great that the specifications for one appear to be 
capable of including the specifications for the other, and we should 
be able to make use of this fact in our attempts to understand 
human behaviour, build simulators for it, and so on. 

This has led, in turn, to the construction of various machines 
in blueprint form, and special techniques for their design and 
construction; indeed, some of them have been constructed. These 
can be described, preliminarily, as mimicking some aspects of 
human behaviour. They are models, and they generally mirror 
some aspects of human behaviour, but not all of it. Not that it will 
necessarily always be impossible to build a complete human 
machine, but there are various reasons why it will not be useful to 
do so. The models will endeavour to mimic some of the aspects of 
behaviour rather as a putting green mimics some aspects of golf, 
or a wind-tunnel model of an aircraft mirrors the aerodynamical 
aspects of aircraft. 

It is clear that electronic devices which mirror some sides of 
behaviour will not mirror, for example, the biochemical side, since 
the biochemical side is peculiar to the use of protoplasmic materials 
which are those materials used in the construction of living 
organisms, in its usual sense. But the fact of using different 
materials is no barrier to the use of machine artefacts for under- 
standing behaviour, although the extent to which such considera- 
tions do matter must be given some thought. 

What is of obvious interest to the psychologist is the fact that 
machines are said to think, and this, too, is why logic is brought 
into the picture, since it is logic that helps humans to think, in so 
far as they do think in correct fashion. 

It is believed that the whole development of machines that can 
learn and think is a vital product of the general theory of cyber- 
netics, and, of course, first cousin to the process of automation. 


These models, coupled with methods used in modern psychology, 
will occupy most of our attention in the later chapters. 

'Can we sensibly and seriously say that machines can think?' 
Is it true that humans are, in some sense, just machines?' These 
ire matters of philosophical as well as psychological interest. 

The answer the cybernetician is inclined to give to these 
questions takes one of two forms: (1) Machines do think, and 
machines could be made to think just as humans think, or (2) 
fn so far as we can only deal with the machine side of humans, we 
:an behave as if (1) above were true, even if it is not. 

We are concerned with a strictly behaviouristic viewpoint, and 
whether or not the word 'thinking' is appropriate, and philosophers 
will often object to its use here, the processes inside humans and 
:hose inside possible machines are capable of being made the same. 

It must be emphasized very strongly that cybernetics as a 
scientific discipline is essentially consistent with behaviourism, and 
.s indeed a direct offshoot from it. Behaviourists, in essence, are 
people who have always treated organisms as if they were machines. 

Communication theory 

We have already seen that the control and the communication of 
.nformation are completely bound up with each other in a com- 
puter, as indeed they are in a human. These two closely related 
subjects are the focal point of all knowledge. They are most 
certainly the central theme of cybernetics. 

The theory of commxmication, or 'information theory', as it is 
sometimes called, is a very general and rigorously derived branch 
rf modern mathematics; a branch of probability theory. The 
:heory introduces the notion of an information source and a 
ncssage which is transmitted, by any of the many possible means, 
LO a receiver that picks up the message. There may also be an 
interference source that interrupts or otherwise disturbs the 
transmission of the message along the communication channel, 
and this is called a noise source; this very general situation may be 
represented diagrammatically. 

The message may be coded, or it may be sent in language that 
itself requires to be interpreted with respect to its meaning. Codes 
and languages are essentially the same, and ordinary languages are 
really codes for our 'ideas' or concepts. The fact of coding or 



encoding messages naturally implies the process, at the receiving 
end, of decoding or interpreting the same message. 

The amount of information that passes along some channel can 
be measured, as can the capacity of the communication channel; 
this leads us into some mathematical technicalities which we will 
take up in the next section of this chapter, but in the meantime 
there are one or two other points which must now be mentioned. 

In the first place, languages have certain properties of a statis- 
tical or probability character. In particular, certain letters and 
certain words occur more frequently than others, both in English 





FIG. 9. COMMUNICATION. A generalized picture, in block dia- 
gram form, of the communication situation on a noisy channel. 
The coding and de-coding may be repeated any number of 
times and a filter may be utilized in the channel to regain 
information lost through noise. 

and any other language. There is a definite probability that can be 
associated with the occurrence of any particular letter, which 
means that the notion of information is closely associated with 
probability. Information is measured by the probability of occur- 
rence of the particular message passed. 

The sequences of symbols that characterize any sort of language, 
or any set of events, have certain statistical properties ; indeed, our 
ability to decipher languages or language-codes depends upon its 
repetitiveness, what statisticians call its statistical homogeneity. 

Generally, we say that any sequence of symbols which has a 


>robability associated with each symbol, is a 'stochastic process', 
"low a particular class of stochastic processes, called 'Markoff 
>rocesses', has the extra condition that the probability of any 
;vent is dependent on a finite number of past events ; often this 
iame has been restricted to a conditional probability on one past 
ivent, but we can think of it as operating over any finite number of 
ivents. If the Markoff process also has the property of statistical 
tomogeneity, it is called an 'ergodic process'. These names will be 
Iready familiar to psychologists, as they represent closely allied 
vays of regarding human behaviour (Bush and Hosteller, 1956). 
Ve shall return to this side of the subject later. 

Let us consider a very simple language, with an alphabet of only 
he four letters A, B, C and D. If the occurrence of each of these 
stters is equiprobable, we might expect a typical series, or a 
tring, of letters in a message such as ABBACDABDDCDABDB 
IABDCACC, and so on, where all the letters occur equally often, 
f, however, A is three times as likely to occur as B, and B twice as 
ikely as either C or D, then we might get AABBAAAAABCAA 
aake the matter more complicated by saying that if we get A 
hen there is twice as much chance of B following it as there is of 
>; D is never followed by A, and so on. We can then build up 
loser and closer approximations to any ordinary language what- 
oever by using words (collections of letters) and by considering 
heir frequency of occurrence and their order. Such a rule as: 
J always or almost always follows Q, for example, would be true 
>f English. These will be probability statements, it must be 
emembered, and therefore there may be exceptions to the rule. 

Let us following Shannon and Weaver (1949) use the 
pords : 

0-10 A 
0-04 ADEB 
0-06 ADEE 
0-01 BADD 

0-16 BEBE 
0-04 BED 
0-02 BEED 
0-05 CA 

0-11 CABED 
0-05 CEED 
0-08 DAB 
0-04 DAD 

0-04 DEB 
0-15 DEED 
0-01 EAB 
0-05 EE 

nth the associated probabilities of occurrence next to each word. 
This stochastic process, composed of the five letters A, B, C, D 
nd E with the words listed above, gives a typical message such as : 


and so on. 

In the same manner as this we can approximate to any ordinary 
language whatsoever. Thus a zero-order approximation is one in 
which the symbols are independent and equi-probable. First- 
order approximations have independent symbols, but the same 
frequency of letters as in the language. The following is an 
estimate of the frequency of letters in English per 1000 letters 
(Goldman, 1953). 

E 131 D 38 W 15 

T 105 L 34 B 14 

A 86 F 29 V 9-2 

80 C 28 K 4-2 
N 71 M 25 X 1-7 
R 68 U 25 J 1-3 

1 63 G 20 Q 1-2 
S 61 Y 20 Z 0-77 
H 53 P 20 

A second-order approximation has a digram frequency; this 
connects two successive letters in terms of probabilities, as in our 
conditional probability case mentioned above. A probability 
influence that spreads over three successive letters is called a 
'trigram' frequency, and this, for English, is a third-order approxi- 
mation; and so we go on until the second-order word approxima- 
tion is obtained. 

The bulk of the mathematical aspects of the theory had been 
developed quite independently of the theory of communication, 
since it is merely a branch of probability theory. The importance 
of the direct relation between die information flow and the change 
of the state of the particles of the world and their distribution is 
still problematic. Entropy, which is the measure of disorganiza- 
tion, is said, in statistical thermodynamics, to be increasing, and 
has an analogue in the passing of information. It is a strange 
picture, but in terms of the world, control systems are seen as little 
pockets of negative entropy that are running against the main 
flow of the tide of disintegration. 

The full significance of the relation between entropy and 


information is by no means wholly clear, but it has the ring of 
fundamental importance. 

The idea of a statistical distribution of particles can be made 
clearer if we consider the distribution of particles of air in the 
ordinary room. Unless conditions are unusual such as the 
window being open and causing the door to slam with a gust of 
wind we may expect the particles to be, roughly speaking, 
equally distributed through the room. Gases, like air, are known 
to fill their containers completely and arrange their density 
according to the space available. The Clerk Maxwell demons, 
those fictional twin characters who, had they existed, would 
have made perpetual motion possible are to be pictured as 
standing at each of two doors which lead away from the room to a 
heat engine and back into the room again. The demons open and 
close the doors according to the velocity of the particles which 
approach them. The first exit is opened only for the high speed 
particles, and the second is opened only for low speed particles, 
thus creating a temperature gradient which can be made to do 
mechanical work and therefore permitting the possibility of 
perpetual motion. This keeps the energy in the system constant, 
but does not allow for the increase of entropy, against which the 
demons would be fighting a losing battle. 

The most important feature of communication theory is 
perhaps that, considered as feedback control systems, machines 
and organisms are essentially the same, and therefore have the 
same problems of communication. 

The theory of communication can be regarded from at least 
three different levels. In the first place, there is the technical 
problem of transmitting accurately the symbols used in com- 
munication. It is fairly obvious that telecommunications should be 
of interest here, and the problem is primarily syntactical. We mean 
'syntactical* to suggest the organization of the basic symbols 
according to rules, in a sense to be discussed later. 

The second level problem can be called the semantic problem, 
and deals with the meaning that the symbols are said to carry. 
Thirdly, we want to know whether, or to what extent, the meaning- 
ful communications affect behaviour. This last might be called the 
'pragmatic' problem* Some attempts have been made to develop 
the semantic theory of information, but little has been done at 


the pragmatic level. This is, again, precisely the domain of 

All that has been said so far in this section has been about the 
syntactical problem at the technical level, and has been largely 
concerned with pointing out that a technical problem of com- 
munication exists. The problem is primarily electronic, at least for 
those who are concerned with the development of the theory, and 
their interest, and indeed the theory generally, has been directed 
towards the more technological forms of communication such as 
radio-telegraphy, radio-telephony, radio, television, and a wide 
variety of methods of signalling. This involved morse code and 
teleprinters and, with it, the essentially mathematical process of 
making and breaking codes. It is of immediate interest that the 
theory in fact covers much more than these technical problems 
technical, that is, in a narrow sense for in particular it covers the 
ordinary, though vital, problem of communication between 
people, both as individuals and groups. 

The technical aspect of communication 

Communication theory really represents the attempts of the 
communication engineer to understand what he himself is doing. 

It should be said, in passing, that information as used by the 
technologists has a slightly limited usage (which is characteristic of 
any term that has been given a precise meaning), and refers to all 
the messages that are capable of being sent, rather than to any 
sentence that has already conveyed meaning. The actual measure 
of information is given by 

H = Zpi logzpt 

where pi is a Laplacian probability and such that </>*<!. 
A simple example will make the position clear. If the well-known 
choice in the Merchant of Venice had been extended from 3 
caskets, as in the play, to 16 caskets, and a message had been passed 
to the suitor telling him which casket contained 'fair Portia's 
counterfeit', he would have been given just 4 bits of information. 
This can be seen from the general formula, or it can be thought of 
as the number of times that we have to divide 2 into the number 
of alternatives before we reduce them to 1. If there were 4 
caskets, then a message indicating which casket contained the 


portrait would have just 2 bits of information. The word 'bit 5 is a 
contraction of 'binary digit', and the significance of this unit is that 
a message containing 2 bits of information needs 2 binary 
digits to communicate all the possibilities defined by the situation. 
The case of the 4 caskets demands the need for 4 messages for 
all possible outcomes, hence these can be coded as 00, 01, 10 and 
11, thus requiring only 2 binary digits (bits). 

Many other technical facts have been discovered, such as the 
Hartley Law which relates bandwidth to frequency of information. 
This makes it clear that any signal, being ergodic, will be a con- 
tinuous periodic function, and thus will be characterized as a 
wave function, having frequency, wavelength, bandwidth and so 
on. Similarly, there are problems of noise. A practical example is 
that of the needle-hiss on a gramophone record. There is a well- 
known theory of filtering, due to Wiener (1949), that is intended 
to reduce the noise-to-signal ratio to a minimum. The procedure is, 
in essence, a statistical one, and can be thought of as picking one's 
way through the noise to minimize its effect. A channel with noise 
is a function of two stochastic processes, one for the message and 
one for the noise. This is closely connected with the familiar 
processes of frequency, amplitude, and other forms of modulation. 

Hartley himself developed a theory of information similar to the 
one now widely accepted, wherein the concept of meaning was 
rejected, and the process of selecting from a set of signs organized 
as a language, with an alphabet, characterized the central notion 
of 'information'. The concept of bandwidth is quite fundamental 
to all communication, and Hartley's Law can be broadly interpreted 
for all such systems as meaning that the more elements of a 
message that we can send simultaneously, the shorter is the time 
required for their transmission. Some applications of these ideas to 
psychological data will be discussed in later chapters, although our 
primary emphasis in this book will not be on the application of 
information theory, but on the application of finite automata. 

Let us now return to a consideration of some further aspects of 
the technical definition of communication. Wo can graph stochastic 
processes in a manner that brings out the importance of the 
constraints that are enacted on any code that may be used. 

The following graph illustrates the states and the transition, 
probabilities that will affect the artificial language of our example 


with, the worcta A A T^TTR A TM7T? *. mi 
TrinH A A v 7 e dots re P resei it states of 

a kind and the lines represent the transitions from state to state 
with the associated probabilities marked against them 

replace phone^ 

dial engaged 

phone 'b**^ mm ^ 




shows the transitional steps from state to state in terms of the 

artificial language described in the text. The second diagram 

shows the same thing for a simple telephone system. 

The constraints on language are illustrated by this graph If we 
consider a language like Morse code it is clear that, having just 
transmitted a dot or a dash, anything can follow; whereas if there 


has just been a letter space or a word space only a dot or a dash 
can follow. If, for example, we did not have a letter space between 
morse letters, it would be quite impossible to tell whether four 
successive dots was meant to be four successive E's, or H; such 
examples abound. In a sense this is part of the syntax of any 
language, and directly affects the technical problem of transmis- 

One further example of a technical problem, code capacity, 
will be noticed before we leave the technical and syntactical 
problems of communication theory. 

The code capacity of a channel has to be appropriate to the 
passing of a code, and the code capacity in the simple case, where 
all the symbols used are of the same length, has a simple form. If 
we have an alphabet with 16 symbols, each of the same duration, 
and thus each carrying 4 bits of information, the capacity of the 
channel is 4n bits per second, where the channel is capable of 
transmitting n symbols per second. 

The subject of coding and transmission of codes, as well as the 
problems of decoding and breaking codes, is an extensive one. We 
shall return to it briefly later when we consider problems of 

Language, syntax, semantics and pragmatics 

The distinction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics is 
fundamentally a logical one, and has here been borrowed to apply 
to the general theory of communication. It is a distinction due 
largely to Carnap. The idea is that syntax is a formal set of signs 
that have certain grammatical properties; they follow rules which 
allow certain combinations to occur and not others (in theory 
construction we shall think of these as being like models). Mathe- 
matics is purely syntactical until we say that the signs that 
mathematics uses: 0, 1, 2, 3, +> > and so on are; nought, the 
positive integral numbers one, two, three, and the operations of 
addition and subtraction, and so on. Similarly, the #, y, and z of 
elementary algebra can stand for fish, people or anything at all 
that follows the same rules; and when the correlation or association 
is performed, we have a descriptive language or theory. 

As soon as we say that the symbols in our syntactical model 


refer to or name certain objects or relations, then we have added 
rules of meaning, and we are in the province of semantics ; and if we 
then add the reactions of the person talking and the person spoken 
to, we are in pragmatics which deals with the behavioural effects of 

In many ways it is true to say that syntax is mathematical logic, 
semantics is philosophy or philosophy of science, and pragmatics is 
psychology, but these fields are not really all distinct. The relation 
between syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and the desire to extend 
their integration at certain levels of description, is a motive power 
involved in the present book, and one that is perhaps not logically 
necessary to a cybernetic standpoint; nevertheless it is taken as a 
justification for the examination, cursory as it is, of logic and 
philosophy in the next chapter. We shall, therefore, be talking 
in terms of these distinctions in other chapters when we are dealing 
with logic, language, mathematics, as well as general problems of 
communication. The closeness of all these to communication 
theory will be quite apparent. 


^Another pillar of cybernetics appears in the development of that 
branch of engineering concerned with servosystems. As with 
computers, this is a specialized field, and there are many text- 
books available for a suitably detailed study should the reader feel 
this to be necessary to his purpose. Here, we shall only outline the 
general principles of servosystems. 

A servosystem is a closed loop control of a source of power, it is 
usually an error-actuated control mechanism operating on the 
principle of negative feedback. A servomechanism is a servosystem 
with a mechanical output such as a displacement or a rotation, 
although the closed-loop of control could be used to model a far 
broader range of outputs. 

Servosystems themselves can be divided into those that are 
continuous (these are the most usual), and those that deal with 
error, or whatever is the controlling factor in terms of discon- 
tinuities, such as step functions, where the variable makes sudden 
jumps from one value to another. They can also be divided into 
manually and automatically controlled systems, where we think of 


such characteristic activities as temperature regulators, process 
controllers, and remote position controllers. 

The power source and the amplification and transmission of 
signals in servosystems may take many forms, although the 
electronic and electrical are by far the most popular. We should, 
however, mention hydraulic and pneumatic methods as alternatives 
to electrical ones. 

Servosystems are self-controlling systems, and of course in this, 
again, they bear some resemblance to human beings. 

They are capable of being represented by differential equations. 
Linear differential equations represent linear servosystems, and 
non-linear differential equations represent non-linear servosystems. 
Here again, a great deal of mathematics could be generated, but 
this would not be of direct interest to the psychologist. The 
mathematical development is in the form of differential equations 
and functions of a continuous variable, or variables, and there is an 
analogue of this in theories of learning (London, 1950, 1951; 
Estes, 1950, and many others) where differential equations are used 
as defining certain crude molar changes in learning, remembering 
and other cognitive acts. 

To put it briefly, a servosystem is a standard engineering method 
for producing automatic control in actual hardware components; it 
is used as part of most automatic control systems. With the Ferranti 
computer-controlled machine tool cutter, mentioned earlier, the 
actual positioning and moving of the cutter, relative to the piece to 
be cut, depended on the transmission of information to the control 
by virtue of servomcchanisms. In that case, one servomechanism 
was needed for each dimension of movement. 

Similarly, in such devices as automatic pilots we have the basic 
manipulations of the control surfaces of the aircraft depending on 
servomechanisms. Characteristically, we have the input signal 
made up of a desired position signal, and the error or departure 
from the desired position which derives from the output, 
involving a comparison between the actual and the desired state 
of affairs, and then, a compensating message being sent by the 
control to the item controlled, effecting whatever changes are 

There are many physiological processes that appear to operate 
as closed-loop systems, and this idea is supported by the appear- 


ance of the general principle of homeostasis that has been closely 
associated with behavioural descriptions of organisms. 

Finite automata 

The last and most important idea of general cybernetics is that 
of finite automata and, rather especially, their representation as 
logical nets. It is, in fact, so important as to receive explicit 
description in Chapters IV and V. Here, as a brief introduction, 
we should say that it was an insight of McCulloch and Pitts (1943) 
to see that Boolean algebra (discussed more fully in the next 
chapter) could be directly applied to the description of something 
very much like idealized nervous systems. 

The essential link was, of course, the fact that as we have 
already mentioned computers could be described in Boolean 
terms, on the one hand, and nervous systems seemed like two-way 
switching devices, on the other. 

This book is going to be concerned primarily with the develop- 
ment of the theory of logical nets, or 'Automata theory', as it is 
sometimes called. We hope to show how certain finite automata 
can be constructed in a manner similar to organisms, and thereby 
to offer an alternative approach to psychological problems. 

Universal Turing machines (to be discussed in Chapter III) 
are infinite automata, and we shall further distinguish between the 
theory and the syntheses of finite automata, by which we mean 
simply the difference between paper and hardware machines. 

Logical nets are themselves dependent on mathematics, com- 
puter design and communication theory, and represent the syn- 
theses that are most immediately applicable to biological ends. 

Cybernetics has, we shall argue, not only helped the telephone 
engineer, and those concerned with the technological problem of 
communication, by making their problems explicit, but also and 
even more obviously helped the biologist and the psychologist. 
For example, for many years the neurophysiologist has been guided 
by the idea of a reflex arc, like a telephone switchboard system, but 
he is now graduating to the idea of controlling systems of a 
homeostatic type. This advance not only broadens our understand- 
ing of biological function, but it also makes way for the application 
of mathematics, and the generally increased precision of prediction. 



In this chapter we have summarized the principal constituent 
parts of cybernetics. These are: (1) Mathematics, (2) Computers, 
(3) Communication theory, (4) Servosystems, and (5) Finite 
Automata. The last of these is rather more in the nature of a 
development than a foundation constituent part. 

These subsections of cybernetics are, of course, subjects in their 
own rights. Here we are concerned with experimental psychology 
and biology, and have only summarized as much of the above as 
seems necessary to our proposed development of cybernetics for 
those purposes. 

Cybernetics in general is defined as the study, in theory and in 
practice, of control and communication systems. Its relation to 
language, by virtue of its communication interest, ensures a vital 
link with logic, and also encourages the study of language which, in 
turn, inevitably touches the domain of philosophy. 



UP to now we have concentrated most of our attention upon 
cybernetics and its relation to experimental psychology. Experi- 
mental psychology has been thought of in very broad terms, and it 
overlaps neurophysiology and some parts of zoology. Indeed, 
experimental psychology, although capable of being interpreted in 
a purely molar way, is to be thought of as being concerned with 
human biology. By 'molar', here we mean simply to distinguish 
the relatively gross behavioural characteristics of organisms from 
the details of cellular activity which, by contrast, we shall call 
'molecular*. Human biology implies a close relation with all of 
biology, and of course with sociology, although this book is not 
intended to deal with the social side of the subject. 

Now it is impossible to carry out a plan which involves the 
application of new methods in science without considering the 
philosophical or theoretical consequences, and this is especially so 
in cybernetics, which is so closely connected to logic, mathematics 
and scientific method; such considerations are the reason for the 
inclusion of the present chapter. 

The great importance of the contribution made by cybernetics 
to biology is that, under certain circumstances, it can formalize 
theories and make them precise. This same contribution is often 
claimed for mathematical logic, and here it is of relevance to quote 
Carnap (1958) on this point: 

If certain scientific elements concepts, theories, assertions, derivations, 
and the like are to be analyzed logically, often the best procedure is to 
translate them into the symbolic language. In this language, in contrast to 
ordinary word language, we have signs that are unambiguous and formu- 
lations that are exact; in this language, therefore, the purity and correct- 
ness of a derivation can be tested with greater ease and accuracy ... A 
further advantage of using artificial symbols in place of words lies in the 
brevity and perspicuity of the symbolic formulas. 



Much more could be said about formalization, but at the least 
we may claim the above advantages for cybernetics, with the 
additional advantage that our logical model is effectively construct- 
able, and is therefore operationally effective. Indeed, as we have 
seen, actual hardware constructions are often desirable. 

Another side to this matter, which seems to be closely related 
though not necessarily connected, is the philosophic (almost anti- 
philosophic) movement of pragmaticism, and this at least includes 
the general belief that science can contribute to the solution of 
philosophical problems, and, by dropping the classical search for 
universality and certainty, can solve its own theoretical problems 
(George, 1956a, 1957b; Crawshay- Williams, 1946, 1957; Pasch, 
1958). This whole matter will be discussed to some extent in this 
chapter, but it is in fact a subject which calls for far more detailed 
treatment, with its specialized philosophical interests, than it can 
be given here. However, we hope we have already said enough to 
convince the experimental biologist and psychologist of the neces- 
sity for a theoretical analysis of his own activities, assuming he was 
not already convinced. 

Naive Realism is probably a good starting point for scientific 
endeavour, but it is difficult not to believe that there are times when 
a more critical appraisal of one's starting point becomes necessary. 
Not, we would emphasize, that we wish to become involved in 
ontological or epistemological disputes indeed they hardly seem 
worthwhile to most scientists but we should at least be fully 
aware of our own logical and philosophical commitments. 

We must be prepared to revise our scientific theories con- 
tinuously, and this means that we arc committed to an under- 
standing of our methods for constructing theories in the first place. 

There is one possible misunderstanding about this sort of work 
that should be cleared up right at the start. The kind of thera- 
peutic linguistic analysis and criticism that is to be considered in 
this chapter is at least as much meta-thcoretical as theoretical. 
Let us put it this way: scientists indulge roughly in the following 
activities: making ordinary day-to-day observations, carrying out 
controlled observations, making observation-statements which 
purport to state what is observed and no more, generalizing about 
these observation-statements in the form of hypotheses, theories, 
etc., and finally, criticizing their findings, both the practical and 


the theoretical. Criticism is what is meant by meta-theory, as 
against theory which is inside the science itself, as it were. 

It is a commonplace that virtually anything can be a model of 
anything else, and that description and explanation depend on this 
fact. Similarly, any theory or language can be described in another 
theory or language, which we call a meta-theory or meta-language. 
In turn, the meta-theory can be the subject of a meta-meta-theory, 
and so on. 

In psychology certainly, theory and meta-theory are often 
:onfused. The tough-minded experimentalist asks how a piece of 
inguistic analysis can help him in his work, and looks for theore- 
ical help when he is being offered rneta-theoretical help. The idea 
}f methodological analysis is to help clarify the viewpoint of the 
scientist about his theories, point out his logical and linguistic 
confusions whenever possible, and help to orientate him in an 
explicit point of view. Science is, more than anything else, an 
ittitude, and the object of our methods is to try to inculcate a clear- 
leaded attitude. This whole purpose is to be distinguished from 
heoretical science which constitutes, broadly speaking, the 
jeneralizations within the subject and remains, in the form of 
cybernetics, our principal topic. 

We should mention that the term 'psychology' will be used 
hroughout this chapter in the broadest sense, to cover all and any 
Darts of the science of behaviour. Thus, physiology may be sub- 
iumed under the same term, as may any other part of biological 

A particular problem that arises is the relation of psychology to 
)hilosophy. This is a vexed question in the eyes of philosophers, 
ind it is noticeable that there is all too often an attitude of armed 
neutrality between the two camps which leads, needless to say, to 
he detriment of both. The writer takes the view that the distinc- 
ion between science and philosophy is essentially one of degree, 
ather than a division marked by a sudden gulf, as is suggested by 
he sharp distinction sometimes made between the analytic and the 
ynthetic, or between formal and factual sciences (for example 
iuine, 1953; George, 1956a). 

We are not concerned here with discussing possible distinctions 
)etween the pragmatists and the formal semanticists, the logician 
ind the experimentalist. A useful distinction certainly can be 


drawn between the logical and the empirical, and at a certain level 
it is possible to distinguish formal from factual commitments, 
without pressing the matter too far. The reason this is important to 
the scientist is because he must decide what end his generalizations 
are to serve. In this chapter we shall explicitly state the theory- 
construction methods that are to be adopted in the application of 
cybernetics to psychology and say something of the relation of 
philosophy to cognition. One reason for this is that psychologists 
should be familiar with the work of the philosophers, as has been 
suggested already, and in this pursuit the whole question of the 
relation between the two approaches is brought into relief. 

It is not our intention to claim that a methodological analysis of 
learning or perception is an alternative to a scientific theory of 
learning or perception; indeed, we believe that the scientific theory 
is the proper aim of the psychologist, and the methodological 
analysis is only a preliminary which helps to clear the way. We 
believe that much that has been said by philosophers about per- 
ception is either misleading or wrong, and indeed it must be so in 
the eyes of scientists when philosophers write in terms of their own 
'casual* observations of themselves and others. 

An important reason for encouraging the psychologist to read 
at least an outline of philosophical problems is to make him more 
sophisticated about language and its use, since one distinction that 
generally seems to hold is that philosophers are far more percep- 
tive of linguistic difficulties than are their psychological counter- 
parts, although in fact the psychologist needs this sophistication 
just as much. He has recently been blinded in these matters by his 
overwhelming faith in experiment, and while experiment is vital to 
science, so also is theory, and the need to avoid conceptual con- 
fusion. Wittgenstein (1953) has said: 

The confusion and barrenness of psychology is not to be explained by 
calling it a 'young science' ... for in psychology there are experimental 
methods and conceptual confusion ... The existence of experimental 
methods makes us think we have the means of solving the problems 
which trouble us; though problems and methods pass one another by. 

There has been some doubt as to what Wittgenstein meant by 
this passage, and it is possible that he meant one or other of at 
least two different things. Certainly it is true that psychology has 
sometimes foundered on methodological rocks, in that some of the 


workers in the field appear to think that experimental methods of 
the 'molar' kind can be used to solve problems of thinking, 
imagination, and the like, in a manner in which behaviouristic and 
molar techniques could not possibly succeed. Thus it sometimes 
appears that the essence of the problem is often missed by a parti- 
cular experimental approach. This usually means that the problem 
demands methodological rather than experimental techniques, or 
waits on the advance of neurophysiology ('Molecular* experi- 
mental methods), or both. We shall continue throughout the book 
to use the words 'molar' and 'molecular' as relative to each other, 
and meaning 'with respect to large scale variables' and 'with respect 
to small scale variables', respectively. 

In a sense, pragmatics and cybernetics together attempt to give 
an answer to Wittgenstein that might have satisfied him. The 
choice of the sensory, perceptual and learning fields arises only 
because, needing a particular and central problem on which to 
exercise the techniques, they appear to be the most central ones for 
behavioural studies. 

Our approach to cybernetics is through a methodological or 
analytic approach to psychological problems. Our interest, then, is 
no longer in the problems that can, in any narrow sense, be made 
to follow from certain assumptions ; we are now interested in the 
development of a scientific theory, the second half of Braithwaite's 
'zip-fastener' theory. In other words, we may start by appeal to 
marks on paper and give an interpretation to these in developing 
descriptive statements, on the one hand. On the other hand we can 
turn to what is the more important business for scientists, the 
making of inductive generalizations based on a series of observa- 
tions. Philosophers are really concerned with what it means to 
talk of making observations, and so really only one part of the 
formal half of the zip-fastener theory is touched upon in their 
domain, the other formal part and the factual half being utilized in 
the field of science. Our main interest here is in trying to make a 
Braithwaitean type of approach more realistic in meeting scientific 

Implicit in this whole work is the feeling already alluded to, that 
the division between philosophical and descriptive sciences is 
artificial and, at best, one of degree; thus, when words like 
'factual' and 'formal' are used, they are used on the understanding 


that they are rough classifications employed merely for con- 
venience, and in no sense fundamental. This approach has an 
explicit attitude to the mind-body problem which, from the 
scientific point of view, is not a problem at all, and from the 
philosophic viewpoint is capable of a new interpretation (Pap, 
1949; Sellars, 1947; Quine, 1953; George, 1956a; Morris, 1946). 
Descriptive pragmatics, in which the observer and the speaker both 
occur (as well as the signs they use), are regarded as wholly con- 
tinuous with semantics or pure pragmatics, and no sort of gulf or 
sudden discontinuity is thought to arise between them. 

Cybernetics and philosophy 

Philosophical or linguistic analysis may be regarded, then, as 
being preliminary to any sort of scientific process, and we are in 
fact limiting our science to cybernetics. In other words, our 
explanations are intended to be in the form of blueprints for 
machines that will behave in the manner made necessary by the 
observable facts. 

There is some evidence that all scientific explanations take this 
form, or should take this form if they are to be effective. The same 
sort of insistence on the empirical reference of scientific theories is 
seen in so-called Operational definitions (Bridgman, 1927). 

It seems worth repeating that cybernetics, which is only in- 
cidentally concerned with the actual construction in hardware of 
machine manifestations of its theories, is consistent with behaviour- 
ism. It takes behaviourism further along its path in making it 
effective, without destroying any of the increasing sophistication 
that behaviourism has recently acquired. 

Our next task is to outline, for the non-philosopher, the various 
philosophic categorizations and classifications. This must neces- 
sarily be brief* 

Viewpoints in philosophy 

In trying to draw up brief and yet coherent classifications of 
different philosophical viewpoints, one is confronted with a certain 
measure of difficulty and ambiguity. This is, of course, true of 
most classifications, and stems from the fact that there arc virtually 
as many different philosophical views as there arc philosophers. 


Furthermore, all the different philosophical categories cannot be 
placed in a single dimension; indeed, apparent inconsistencies in 
terminology would quickly arise if such were attempted. 

Bearing in mind these basic difficulties, an attempt will be made 
to give a brief account of the principal philosophical views, with the 
idea of providing an orientating background to the analysis of cog- 
nition from a philosophic and ultimately cyberneticviewpoint. Since 
such an analysis must necessarily be brief, it will not serve every 
purpose, and it is only intended here to be sufficient for an under- 
standing of the various philosophical approaches to knowledge and 
perception. It may be thought of as attempts to classify on the 
philosophical level what psychologists have called learning and 

Convenient classifications 

As a basis for discussion it will be useful to consider the cate- 
gories suggested by Feigl (1950) as being roughly appropriate for 
the study of methodology and epistemology. Feigl lists the 
following nine views: 

1. Naive (physical realism). 

2. (Fictionalistic agnosticism) fictionalism. 

3. Probabilistic realism. 

4. Naive (conventionalistic) phenomenalism. 

5. Critical phenomenalism (operationism, positivism). 

6. Formalistic (syntactic) positivism. 

7. Contextual phenomenalism. 

8. Explanatory (hypothetico-deductive) realism. 

9. Semantic (empirical) realism. 

(These views will be referred to hereafter without use of that 
part of the title which is placed in brackets.) 

We consider these nine possible philosophical viewpoints 
sufficient for our initial classifications. The issue could be narrowed 
by overlooking even more of the differences between the various 
views held, and combining 1, 3, 8 and 9 under the heading of 
Realism, and combining 2, 4, 5 and 6 under Phenomenalism, and 
leaving 7 as a sort of half-way house between the two. Thus, in one 
dimension our main distinction is to be between some form of 
Realism and some form of Phenomenalism. Any attempt at a final 


integration, which may leave many particular questions undecided, 
would probably say that Critical Realism and Critical Pheno- 
menalism (if in each case they are sufficiently critical) would differ 
very little, and there would still be internal differences with respect 
to questions of cognition. 


Cutting across almost all that has been said is the question of 
language and its use, and the more general problem of communica- 
tion. There are at least two apparently different views about the 
nature of the linguistic problem. We may on one hand take up 
G. E. Moore's view that natural language is the proper and 
sufficient description of a realist world, and that the problem of the 
philosopher and of the scientist is to see that he uses natural 
language in its correct way. This view of language could be 
maintained independently of an epistemological or ontological 
commitment. It would hold, roughly speaking, that to say as the 
fictionalists do that 'atoms do not really exist* is to misuse the 
term 'exist', for whatever one conceives to be the sense of existence, 
the fact that atoms exist is certainly true. In a sense the problem 
here has been to push language away from the ideas underlying it. 
We can interpret what you say according to common usage, but its 
underlying sense may not be so obvious. 

In fact, we shall not accept this viewpoint, but shall try to be 
aware of the ways two at the very least in which realistic 
philosophers such as Moore regard language. Realists holding the 
second view, while trying to keep as far as possible to natural 
language, would feel free to lay down conventions and rules about 
language, although these constructed languages would ultimately 
be within the structure of a natural language. This docs not 
necessarily mean that what the constructed languages say can be 
wholly reduced to natural language without the vagueness that 
attends the use of simile and metaphor, since the whole point of 
such constructed languages is to avoid such vagueness. What, on 
the other hand, we cannot do is to explicate 'truth' or 'meaning', or 
any other problem term of natural language, within a constructed 
language and hope to explicate its natural use, which may of 
course be vague. A formalized system lays down rules by which 
such vagueness may be ruled out, but it does not by virtue of this 


explain the meanings of the basic terms. This, we personally 
conceive, is closely related to the study of signs from a pragmatic 

It is, indeed, along these lines that we believe that science can be 
as vital to philosophy as philosophy is to science. 

Scientific theory construction 

Now we shall turn to the explicit process by which we shall 
construct theories of science, and by which we believe they should 
normally be constructed. This is the theme of the remaining 
section of this chapter. Again, as in the case of philosophical 
analysis, we believe and for the same reasons that an explicit 
statement of methods is necessary. Psychology has continually 
suffered from verbal and methodological muddles, and this at 
least might be avoided with a little care. 

First of all we shall illustrate our conception of the nature of the 
scientific procedure in a simple, anecdotal manner, showing its 
close and crucial relationship to the role which cybernetics plays 
in the scientific process. This relationship will be clarified at the 
end of the present chapter. 

The nature of science in general 

In order to relate our intuitive ideas of logic to the general 
process of communication and to the very basic ideas of science, 
let us suppose that an observer has just arrived at a town in 
Erewhon, where he is to study the behaviour of shop-keepers. 
For the sake of the example we will assume that he does not know 
the language of the country, and that in any case he is too shy to 
ask questions (physicists cannot ask questions of particles with any 
hope of an answer). His mission is to construct a scientific theory 
that describes the shopkeeping behaviour of the Erewhonians. 

He starts by observing the behaviour of shopkeepers on the first 
day, a Monday, and he finds that they work from nine until five. 
On Tuesday he finds that the same times are observed, and he is 
now in a position to make his first inductive inference, to the effect 
that they work every day from nine until five. The next day, 
Wednesday, confirms this hypothesis, but his observations on 
Thursday show that his first hypothesis is inadequate, since on 
this day the shops are closed at one o'clock. Friday brings working 


hours of nine until five again, and Saturday is the same, but on 
Sunday the shops do not open at all. This upsets completely any 
second hypothesis which he might reasonably have formulated on 
the evidence up to that point, and it will be some weeks before our 
observer begins to see the repetitive nature of the facts. 

After a few months the observer may be reasonably sure that he 
now has a hypothesis that adequately covers all the facts, and it will 
not be shown to be inadequate until the occurrence of a national 
holiday or its equivalent. It is probable that he will never be able to 
understand completely the variation of certain national holidays, 
such as Easter, and even if he does learn the rule which governs 
this particular holiday, it is quite certain that he will never be able 
to understand what rule governs the occurrence of certain other 
holidays which are given merely to celebrate some unique event, 
and never recur. 

In the above analogy the rules will never be quite sufficient to 
make a completely watertight theory, but the method will be 
sufficient for most purposes, and this is all science is ever con- 
cerned with : a theory and a model/or some purpose. 

For similar reasons we can never have more than probability 
laws in science, since we can never be sure that they will not 
subsequently be in need of revision. 

There are other aspects of the analogy that also hold good. If we 
had employed only one observer to discover the shopkceping laws 
of Ercwhon, he would have been in the akward position of having 
to decide at which particular point he should set up his observation 
post. We should be interested to know whether what our observer 
saw was typical of the behaviour of all the shopkeepers, or not. 
Suppose our town was such that different rules applied to other 
shopkeepers that he did not see; how would he know how to 
answer such an implied criticism? All he could say would be that 
he tried to take a fair sample of the population* The efficiency with 
which he carried out his sampling is a measure of the accuracy of 
the results. This is really a matter of individual differences, and is 
treated in experimental psychology by statistical methods. 

This story has represented roughly what scientists are doing, 
and we can now discuss the problems of the psychologist in 
particular, bearing in mind that our illustration still needs to be 
explicitly linked to the cybernetic approach. 



Psychological theory 

The psychologist has to construct theories of behaviour: 
learning, perception, etc., that satisfy some logical standards, quite 
apart from incorporating our knowledge of behaviour, neuro- 
physiology, and what is intuitively accepted in behavioural terms. 
Indeed, the process of producing any theory of behaviour requires 
the production of effective procedures for determining the applica- 
tion of the theory at a variety of different descriptive levels. 
This of course is already widely accepted in the physical 

The essential steps that need to be outlined are: (1) that any 
particular scientist must go through the process of making observa- 
tions, as already illustrated; (2) he must generalize upon these 
observations, and (3) will eventually produce scientific theories 
which are initially hypotheses, and become laws' when they are 
highly confirmed. Now it is not important whether what is being 
described or constructed is mathematics or a science such as 
psychology. Whatever it is that is under discussion or investigation 
at any particular time is what we will call the object-language, and 
we must discuss it in some other language, a metalanguage. This 
meta-language may be itself an object-language for some other 
investigation, but this is of no importance at the time. 

We are also vitally concerned with the construction of object- 
languages, and these can be represented as models of whatever the 
non -linguistic entities are that need to be modelled. 

Scientists are forced to start from assumptions, which represent 
their prior agreements with themselves for the sake of a particular 
investigation. The assumptions are represented by only partially 
analysed statements ; the notion of partly analysed terms is secon- 
dary to this, and will represent an internal analysis of sentences 
into their parts. Language and that is what a scientific theory is 
part of has the sentence as its natural unit. The syntax of the 
prepositional calculus or any systematic marks on paper, any 
structure such as a lattice, blueprint, or map, is capable of being 
used as a model for a scientific theory, and here we accept the 
essential distinction, made by Braithwaite (1953), between a model 
for a theory and the theory itself. The model will be explained in 


the theory. All this is couched in the natural or symbolic language 
that is used for descriptive purposes by particular scientists. 

It may be necessary to add certain pragmatic devices to any 
scientific explanation, in the form of ostensive rules or definitions, 
operational definitions, and the like. These may serve to sharpen 
the meaning of the language used for the theory, or the meta- 
theory, for even here we soon find that only very few and very 
limited investigations can be restricted to one clearcut theory 
language. We must therefore be prepared to think in interconnected 
chains of such theory languages, which will give repeated descrip- 
tions of different facts of nature on different levels and in different 
ways. It is, in a sense, the particular investigation that is the 
scientist's working unit. The whole of science or any of its 
divisions can thus be reconstructed in any number of ways. 

For the psychologist, working beyond a narrow behaviourism 
and yet determined to avoid that which cannot be treated on a 
basis of public observation alone, the problem is to find more and 
more models and interpretations, as well as theory languages, 
for the coherent description of his vast collection of empirical 

The result of an uncertainty about the correct progress of theory 
and explanation in science has sometimes led to models being used 
descriptively, whereas in fact what needs to be developed is a 
model with a theory that has a controlled vagueness : that of the 
surplus meaning of its theoretical terms. This lack of specificity, this 
possibility of many interpretations of the same model, rather than 
the attempt to construct a model which fits in detail one possibly 
non-representative piece of the whole set of observations to be 
explained, is necessary to the fruitfulness of science. 

The psychologist will be concerned with the following pro- 
cedures that may be listed in the order they usually occur: 

(1) Learning by description the existing information (George, 
19S9a) on a branch of the subject we will call A, Testing this 
information for consistency (internally and externally) and finding 
it wanting in certain respects either in generality or consistency. 

(2) The stating of simple, observational facts collectively with 
inductive generalizations originally called A, and now A' (if 
different from A). This requires a language the foundations of 


which are to be agreed upon; it will not necessarily be the same as 
in (1), but necessarily capable of being interpretable in the same 
language, at some level, as (1), or alternatively (1) in (2). 

(3) The generalization process, based inductively on a certain 
number of instances, and always subject to revision. 

(4) A model for A, essentially deductive, which is utilized in 
terms of the inductive parts of the theory. It may be pictorial, 
symbolic, or anything at all that is capable of interpretation in 
terms of the language of either (1) or (2). 

(5) If we use a merely descriptive language for the generaliza- 
tions, we must be prepared to show the nature of the underlying 
structural model, since a description of empirical facts is really a 
description of structural relations. This process is called the 
formalizing of a theory. 

(6) This whole process is sufficient for psychology. 

(7) This process may go on without end, with continual check- 
ing, criticism and analysis, which may take any part of the whole 
(or the whole) of science as the object of its investigation. 

So much then for the initial complications, wherein theories are 
particular (or particularized) languages, or parts of independently 
formulated languages, ultimately capable of interpretation in 
natural language (or a slightly more rigorous equivalent). Thus, if 
we use the word language* for the interpretation of a system of 
marks, we are already committed to a certain theoretical structure. 
This is why a scientific theory and a language are interdependent, 
and may be one. 


We are concerned with cybernetics and therefore with logic 
and, what is essentially the same, logical nets as models of be- 
haviour (see Chapters IV and V). We do not intend, here, to describe 
in any detail the whole of the possible range of models that can be 
used in the processes of scientific theory construction. The most 
obvious of those that have already been used are the syntax of the 
propositional calculus, the functional calculus, and the various 
existing calculi that are intended to be given an interpretation as 
propositions and functions, and have thus been widely used by 



philosophers and mathematicians. These are open to use in science 
and will, if the logistic foundation of mathematics can be believed, 
lead to the whole of mathematics. Mathematical structures such as 
lattices, abstract algebras and other symbolic models or structures 
may also serve as such models. From the viewpoint of cybernetics, 
these systems may be constructed in hardware; indeed, any 
symbolic model can be regarded as a physical system and produced 
in hardware. 

The model that we have been mainly using one that can be 
seen to be closely related to other models and theories that we have 
mentioned is that of a finite automaton which, for all practical 
purposes, is an idealized organism. 

At first our aim here was certainly not strictly neurological, but 
rather, while using a model that can also be used for neurology, to 
seek to develop a theory that has usefulness, precision, and the 
possibility of predictability at every level. 

The logical nets which we are to discuss are roughly isomorphic 
with a part of logic, that part called the propositional calculus 
coupled with a part of the lower functional calculus, all suffixed for 
time. The word 'roughly' occurs above because in fact the logic 
concerned is actually supplemented by a time-delay operator. 
There is a relationship between the nets that can be drawn, and 
the formulae that can be written which is closely analogous to the 
relationship between geometry and algebra. 

Logic and cybernetics 

We have already said something about logic and its relation to 
logical nets; now, we must try to be more specific, and describe a 
least as much of logic as is necessary to an understanding of 
cybernetics and of our theory of logical nets. 

In the first place, logic arises because logic seems to represent 
the process of ideal reasoning, and it is reasoning that the machines 
in which we are interested can do. They have to be able to perform 
the operations of a deductive and inductive character if they are to 
be of cybernetic interest. Such machines have sometimes been 
directly described in logical terms; in fact there has been a general 
theory of machines, of the control and communication type, that 
draws on mathematical logic in its description. We shall now 


describe something of the development of modern logic and deci- 
sion processes in paper machines. 

Logic in ordinary language 

In an historically given or natural language such as English it is 
not always possible to draw strict inferences, because of the vague- 
ness and ambiguity of some of the words we ordinarily use. We 
sometimes mean something special by a word, but there is no 
complete and definite set of rules for what words should mean, and 
vagueness is therefore inevitable, for inferences depend on mean- 
ings, and meanings in natural language are vague. But in spite of 
this there are many obvious examples of the use of logic. Thus, 
when I say 'Jack is a man', I do not need to know any more facts 
about Jack to know that he is also a featherless biped, since all men 
are featherless bipeds. This simple inference follows from the 
meanings of the words 'man' and 'featherless biped', and I arn 
assuming that there is little chance of these words being mis- 
understood; but there are very many sentences which refer to 
classes, events and relations which are very far from clear. 

For a long time philosophers have analysed language with the 
object of trying to sort out logical puzzles, but in the meantime 
mathematicians have developed a mathematical theory. 

Since mathematics has to be definite in a way that ordinary 
language does not, we should expect to find, and do find, that 
mathematical logic is a perfectly precise arrangement of symbols, 
like ordinary algebra wherein instead of saying that x stands for 
anything at all, we say that x stands for a class of objects: x is all 
featherless bipeds, or all automobiles, or all of anything at all. 
Now the most interesting sort of relations are those of class- 
inclusion and class-exclusion. All red shoes for example, are 
included in the class of all red objects, and excluded from the class 
of all green objects. Of course, difficulties can arise, because it can 
be argued that red shoes are perhaps not all-red, or that green 
shoes may not be all-green, and that both are a mixture of different 
colours. The answer to this is that the algebra of classes, or 
Boolean Algebra as it is often called, only holds for objects which 
are capable of being classified as a member of some class. More 
complicated algebras have been developed, and some mention of 
these will be made later in this chapter. 


One particular interpretation of the Boolean algebra of classes 
is of special interest. This involves the assumption that all the 
classes are to be understood as propositions or sentences. Thus, if 
we say in the algebra, where the dot V between x and y is taken to 
be 'and', that x.y is the class of all objects that are (say) red and 
round, then, following the convention of changing x and y to 
p and q, we can say that p.q is the conjunction of two statements, 
say, 'Jack is a man' and 'All men are featherless bipeds'. 

The mathematician, having said that he means his variables 
p, q y r, . . . to be understood as sentences, then constructs relations 
between his symbols that seem to be in keeping with the way we 
use logical inference in ordinary language. In fact he will preserve 
the intuitive meanings of 'and' and 'or' (for which he uses V, and 
which he means to be an inclusive 'or', meaning^ or q or both); 
he will also have a symbol for 'not', i.e. *~', and from these he 
builds up a whole system of mathematics. 

We shall just repeat here, using the ordinary calculus of classes, 
the essential relations from which, by use of careful rules, the 
whole system is built up. 

X.Y means X and Y 
Xv Y means X or Y 
~J? means not-X 

FIG. 1 A. AND. X. Y is short for X and Y and is represented by the 

area of the overlap of X and Y, where X may represent all red 

objects say, and Y all round objects, then X and y represent all 

red and round objects. 


FIG. IB. OR. Xv Yis short for X or Y in the inclusive sense of or 
and is represented by the whole area of X and Y taken together. 

FIG. Ic. NOT. Everything not within the circle of X, is not 

-X. If X represents all green objects, then all objects of other 

colours lie outside the circle because they are not green. 

The diagrams show clearly the significance of these 
simple relations. Let the square stand for the whole possible 
universe under consideration and be symbolized by 1, then the 
opposite, or nothing, is symbolized by 0. 

It will be easily seen that simple reasoning can be carried out in 
this system. Let us use the symbol *C for 'is contained in* 
*-V for 'implies', and '=' for an equivalence relation, then, 
A.B = A 


The syllogism about Jack and featherless bipeds can now be 


With these simple examples we shall leave Boolean algebra and 
turn to the propositional calculus, which interprets the variables 
of Boolean algebra as propositions. 

Before stating the formal requirements of the Propositional 
Calculus as an axiomatic system we would explain that we are now 
explicitly stating, in a meta-language, the symbols to be used in the 
object language (here, the propositional calculus), and the way 
they can be formed into acceptable units, like words, sentences, or 
formulae. In English, for example, the word *word' is well- 
formed and the word 'xxyyzz* is not. This reminds us that all 
combinations of symbols do not satisfy our formation rules. We 
set down, then, certain well-formed formulae called axioms, and 
use a rule of inference to generate further well-formed formulae 
which have the additional property of being true in the system, 
i.e. theorems. 


The propositional calculus is said to formalize the connectives 
and, or, not, and if ... then. There are many different systems and 
various notations for the propositional calculus. The formulation 
(called jP) which we shall give is one of those used by Church 
(1944). P is composed of: 

(1) Primitive Symbols: [,], D,^ and an infinite list of pro- 
positional variables for which the letters p, q, r 9 s, u, v, w (with or 
without numerical subscripts) may be used. 

(2) Formation Rules: 

(A) Any variable alone is well formed (wf). 

(B) If A and B are well formed, so are ~A and A DB. 
Where A and B are syntactical variables (variables ia the syntax 
language) which designate formulae of the calculus (in this case P). 

(3) Rules of Inference: 

(A) From A and A DB to infer B (modus ponens). 

(B) From A to infer S A | where Sj, A \ means the result of 
substituting B' for A' in all its occurrences in A. 


(4) Axioms: 

(A) pD[qDr]D.pDqD.pDr 



It should be explained that the dots (.) in these axioms take the 
place of brackets, and that the general rule is one of association to 
the left. Thus p Dq Dp is ambiguous as it stands, and could mean 
either (p Dq) Dp or p D(q Dp) ; if no dot occurred, then it should 
be taken to be the former, but the dot in axiom B implies the 
latter. Similarly, axiom C with full brackets reads : 


As a result of these axioms and the rules of inference we can 
define a theorem. A theorem is a well formed formula (wff ) which 
is obtainable from the axioms by a finite number of applications of 
the rules of inference. We could, it should be noticed, reduce the 
list of rules of inference to only one by the omission of substitution 
and the use of an infinite list of axioms. 

We are not, of course, concerned with what might be called 
the technicalities of logic, so we shall not discuss the deduction 
theorem, regular formulae, completeness, duality, independence, 
etc. However, it is worth mentioning that the decision problem 
(the effective procedure for discovering whether any wff is a 
theorem) has been solved for the prepositional calculus, and it says 
that every tautology is a theorem and every theorem is a tautology. 
By a tautology we mean a wff of the prepositional calculus which 
has the truth value t (see below) for all possible combinations t and 
/ (to be interpreted as 'truth' and 'falsehood') replacing the pro- 
positional variables in the wff. The decision problem for the lower 
functional calculus, and therefore all higher functional calculi, has 
been shown to be unsolvable. In the network models of Chapter V 
we shall use '=' rather than ' D', where '=' means 'if and only if 
rather than the one-way relation 'if then ... '. 

We shall also mention the Sheffer stroke (used by von Neumann 
in his logical nets), which is another constant in the prepositional 
calculus. It is written --- [ and is defined a \b = df,~av~b, 
where 'df.' means 'is defined as'. There is also a conjunction stroke 
symbol I which is defined by a \ b = df.< >a*~b. It was of 


interest that the prepositional calculus can be constructed in terms 
of the one single primitive constant term, the Sheffer stroke, and 
this is the reason for von Neumann's choice of basic logical net 


To go from P to F l (the functional calculus of the first order) we 
need to add individual variables: x, y, z, x l9 y^ z ... , and 
functional variables .P 1 , G 1 , H\ F\, GJ, flj, ... F\ G\ H\ F\, Gf, 
H\, ... F n t G 71 , H n , Fl, GJ, #J, ... these being singularly, binary 
. . . w-ary functional variables. 

The functional calculi permit the analysis of predicates and 
functions, and we shall wish to make assertions such as 'for all 
x, F l (#)' and 'there exists at least one x, such that F 1 (#)', and 
we shall thus need to add the Universal and Existential quanti- 
fiers, respectively, to our notation; they are (x) and (Ex) respec- 
tively, which makes the above two sentences: 

(x)F l (x) and (Ex)F l (x) respectively. 

We shall need, also, to construct new formation rules, rules of 
inference and axioms to meet the needs of our new primitive 
symbols which will include, as part of it, the whole prepositional 

It is, of course, possible to generalize further to the functional 
calculus of order 2, (F 2 ), there are many different kinds of such 
functional calculi and so on up to F n . 

We shall now add a word on truth-tables. We cannot discuss the 
Matrix method, as the tabular method is called, in detail here, but 
it is sufficient for a two-valued interpretation where t and / are 
used (these may be thought of as 'truth' and 'falsehood', or as 
'firing' and 'not firing' in the logical networks) if we ascribe t and/ 
exhaustively to all the variables in our formulae. Thus, to take a 
simple formula of P such as <-^>p, its truth-table is: 






and pvq (where V may be read as 'inclusive or', i.e. porqor both) 
has truth-table : 












then p DJ, which can be translated as r^pvq^ has truth-table arri- 
ved at by combining the above two truth-tables; it is as follows: 











For the functional calculus the truth conditions on the existen- 
tial and universal operator demand that one or all values of x 
satisfy the respectively given formulae: 

(Ex) F 1 (x) and (*) F 1 (x). 

It is easy to see how it may be possible to extend the notion of 
truth-tables to 1, 2, ..., n truth-values. Thus a truth-table for V 
in a three-valued logic could be written: 
































Much thought and effort have gone into the construction of 
many- valued and modal logics (Rosser and Turquette, 1952), and 
we can do no more here than summarize the general scheme of 
things, while suggesting a little of their possible value for cyber- 

It is clear that just as we can generalize geometry from the best 
known two- and three-dimensional cases to any number of dimen- 
sions, so we can for logic. We can simply say that we do not wish to 
limit our interpretation to 1 and as 'truth* and 'falsehood* ; we 
can have n truth values whether we give the other n-2 values an 
interpretation or not. We shall say something later of the signi- 
ficance of this matter for switching systems, but straightaway we 
can see that the law of the excluded middle, which says that 
everything is either a or not-#, may be discarded if this sort of 
logic is to be used descriptively. Indeed, intuitionistic logics have 
long denied the law (Heyting, 1934). However, we can regard our 
many-valued logics as satisfying this law by retaining some 
corresponding law of the excluded (n+l)th. Intuitionistic logics 
and many-valued logics, it should be noted, are not necessarily 
the same. 

The modal logics give a specific interpretation to the truth values 
beyond true and false. Reichenbach, for example, has attempted to 
analyse the foundations of Quantum Mechanics in terms of a 
three-valued logic wherein the third truth-value had the interpreta- 
tion of 'undecidable*. Other qualifying modalities can be intro- 
duced as interpretations, such as Necessarily true, Contingently 
true, Possibly true, Impossible, etc., and modal operators such as 
Np, Cp, Pp, Ip, etc., have been introduced into the literature. 

There has been much discussion as to the possible usefulness of 
many-valued logics, and it seems that on most occasions when it 
might be useful, the descriptions are usually capable of being 
reduced to the usual two-valued terms. Yet again there are many 
sorts of situations, both with regard to truth and in ordinary 
empirical descriptions, where things are not conveniently regarded 
as being either a or not-a. This, of course, involves matters of 
probability, and is the reason for our later discussion of what have 
been sometimes called empirical logics. 

The horseshoe sign D that we have used for material implica- 
tion in the prepositional and functional calculi is by no means the 


only sort of implication sign that might have been introduced into 
our formal logical scheme of things, and much argument has 
surrounded the interpretation of this symbol as 'material implica- 
tion'. C. I. Lewis (1932) has developed a logic based on strict 
implication which he believes comes nearer to what we normally 
mean by 'implication' in ordinary language. He takes 'Op' to 
mean 'p is possible', and V as meaning 'is consistent with', and 
this leads to the possibility of p being given a definition in terms of 
the self-consistency of p: 

OP = pop 
Similarly for two variables p and q, we have 

Opq=p oq 
and implication, which is symbolized by ... -S , is defined 

which, on application of the above, leads to 
P "3 q = 

This sort of logic is more important in the analysis of language 
than in logical networks, nevertheless in the study of networks the 
various possible logics should be borne in mind, and the evident 
infinity of possible logical calculi. 

To take our artificial languages or calculi one step farther we 
should introduce predicates P, Q, R, ... which can be associated 
with particular 'argument expressions' a, b, c, . . . so that by P(a), 
Q(b) y R(c) is meant 'a has the property P', etc., or to take a parti- 
cular example, 'Napoleon was a Corsican'. 

It is now possible to construct calculi (and therefore models) of 
enormous complexity and richness, many of which are directly 
important to cybernetics. In this context special notice should be 
taken of the artificial languages of Woodger (1952); unfortunately 
we lack the space to illustrate his work here. (See page 86 et seq.) 

Generally, we shall remember as much as we can about logic 
for three reasons: (1) Logical calculi can. be used as models and be 
reproduced in hardware. (2) Logical calculi can be given explicit 
interpretations for descriptive purposes in scientific theories. 
(3) Logical calculi and their interpretations are, like scientific 
theories, examples of some of the most complex and sophisticated 


human behaviour, and are thus of considerable psychological 

Paper and pencil machines 

Our next subject for discussion concerns what are sometimes 
called Paper Machines (specialized automata). The aspect which 
has our particular interest springs directly from the decision 
procedure considerations described earlier. The idea is, as has been 
said before, that there are some aspects of mathematics that are 
machine-like in their characteristics and, once the directions are 
laid down, even a stupid person could follow them and eventually 
find an answer to whatever problem is posed. What is so important 
about this is the fact that we have a ready-made method for laying 
down a blueprint, or a theory, that we shall know is effectively 
constructible, without the need for actual construction to take 
place. It means that we can build paper machines without going to 
the expense of finding out in practice whether the blueprint will 
work or not. 

But before pursuing this notion further, a little more must be 
said on that vitally important matter, the postulational or axio- 
matic method. This involves making a set of basic statements 
usually taken to represent facts or hypotheses that we are going to 
assume. The process is then to have some rule of inference, such as 
the one used in the last section for the syllogism, whereby we can 
deduce theorems from the postulates. It is the complementary 
process to that gone through by our Erewhonian observer, and is 
dependent upon it. 

The most widely known examples of postulate systems are 
those of geometry, such as Euclidean geometry in two or three 
dimensions, and group theory, which is a part of modern abstract 
algebra. There the problem of proving theorems was one of show- 
ing that the statement in the theorem was reducible to the state- 
ment of the postulates; if this could be shown, then the theorem 
was true or, as mathematicians sometimes say, provable. 

We should remind ourselves that mathematics, in view of its 
incompleteness, is not quite the cut-and-dried system we once 
thought it to be, though some of its partial systems, like geometry, 
are sufficiently precise and complete. Geometry is a symbolic 


system, like all other constructed languages, that contains general 
concepts which are themselves an offshoot of behaviour. 

There is one point, before we return to 'paper machines', that 
we must make quite clear: we could produce in hardware all the 
machines we have in blueprint, given the time and the money, and 
provided our blueprint methods have a decision procedure, and 
they could also be of immeasurably greater complication than 
anything that actually exists. In the meantime we have these 
effective theories, and indeed many of our most exciting discoveries 
have been theoretical. The problem now arises, in view of a certain 
widespread distrust of theory, as to how we can convince the world 
at large that the theories work, without actually building the machine 
in hardware, and it is here that 'paper machines' become important. 

The words 'paper machine' were used, probably for the first 
time, by Turing in an unpublished paper on 'Intelligent 
Machinery', and we can describe a paper machine as the process of 
writing down a set of instructions or rules, and a procedure that 
could be carried out by a man who was quite ignorant of the pur- 
pose of the rules or the procedure. This has already been discussed, 
and now we must explain the position a little further. 

Consider, for example, a problem demanding such a machine- 
like procedure. One might ask a child to look through all the 
integers between one and one thousand to see if any one or two or 
more of the numbers have some special property. To take a trivial 
example, are there two such integers whose product is 827? And if 
so, how many such pairs are there? Granted that the child knows 
how to multiply integers together, and has the most ordinary 
intelligence, he could give a definite answer to the question. We 
have already seen how this works for the propositional calculus in 
discovering whether any wff is a theorem or not. 

Now this sort of 'blind' procedure of following rules when 
given them, and using paper and pencil for the process, is in 
effect a computing machine. It is now a reasonable question to ask 
what sorts of problems can be solved by such procedures. The use 
of a man, a pencil, a piece of paper and a rubber, is what we call 
a 'paper machine', and what we now have to face in programming 
the man are some of the most important problems in modern science. 
It is one obvious approach to the subject of the theory of machines. 

Let us look at this matter in a more historical context. The notion 


of an effective procedure, or a decision procedure, has its place in 
mathematics and logic, and we will consider some of the simpler 

There are various examples in mathematics of the search for 
such decision procedures or methods. For example, there is an 
algorithm (synonym for decision procedure) called Euclid's 
algorithm which will tell us whether or not, in the elementary 
theory of integers, two numbers are relatively prime. If we are 
presented with a statement to the effect that any two numbers p 
and q are relatively prime two numbers are said to be relatively 
prime if they have no factor in common except unity then the 
algorithm will tell us whether this is so or not, i.e. whether the 
statement for any particular values is true or false. Thus the whole 
set of such statements can be divided into two groups, those that 
are true and those that are false, and no such statement is un- 
decidable. This process has been described as machine-like. 

The point that is of special interest is that undecidable formulae 
do occur in any system sufficient to generate all we now refer to as 
classical mathematics, and although it does not follow on this 
account that there is no decision procedure for all of classical 
mathematics, this nevertheless is also a fact, a fact that has been 
shown to be the case by Church (1936). 

Church's theorem, as we have called it, shows that if there are 
no undecidable formulae in a formalized system, then it must have 
a decision procedure. These are matters of paper machines that are 
vital to a consideration of what can and what cannot be built, from 
a theoretical point of view. Let us now consider the problems 
outlined in this paragraph from another aspect, that developed by 
Turing under the title of Turing machines. 

Turing machines 

A Turing machine consists of a length of tape which may be as 
long as we please, and therefore potentially infinite. The tape is 
marked out into squares on each of which a symbol can be printed. 
The body of the machine is a scanner that scans, one at a time, 
squares which each contain one symbol. The machine can alter the 
symbol on the scanned square, move to the right one square, move 
to the left one square, or stop. The symbol actually scanned, to- 
gether with the internal configuration of the machine at the 


moment of scanning, decide which actual operation will next be 
performed. The machine indeed is not one that needs to be built; it 
is a paper machine, and is mainly of interest to consider precisely 
what machines are capable of in principle. 

Turing was able to show that there existed a Universal machine 
that was capable of doing anything that any other machine what- 
soever was capable of doing, provided a description of the other 
machine was forthcoming, i.e. if the details of any machine 
whatsoever are printed on the tape of a Turing machine, then it 
will be able to carry out the operations of the machine so described. 
This means, of course, that all machines are, in a sense, reducible 
to a Universal Turing machine. 

A Turing machine is completely defined by a set of quadruples 
(set of four symbols) which act as the orders that determine the 
behaviour of the machine and its process of calculation. 

We shall now define, by way of illustration, a simple Turing 
machine, and show how it operates. (See Fig. 2.) 

A simple Turing machine is defined by three types of quad- 
ruple, using symbols q l9 q z , ..., q n to indicate the state of the 
machine, and *So, 1, ..., 5m to indicate the symbols on the tape. 
The three types of quadruple are: 

The first two symbols of each quadruple give the present states of 
the machine and the symbols scanned, whereas the next two sym- 
bols of the quadruple tell us the next act of the machine and its sub- 
sequent state. For example, the quadruple 

says that the machine, when in the state j x , scanning the symbol 5 2 , 
will move one square to the left and go into state q. 

Two particular symbols S and S v written B and 1, have special 
significance, in that overprinting with a B amounts to erasure of a 
symbol on the tape, and S^ will be used to represent 1's which are 
of special importance, since we wish to represent decimal numbers 
by collections of Ts. 

We will now observe a Turing machine performing a very 



simple operation, that of addition. Our numbers are to be repre- 
sented on the tape by one more 1 than actually occurs in the 
number, which means that 2 is written 1 1 1, 4 is written 1 1 1 1 1, and 
so on. If we wish to add 2 to 4, or indeed any two numbers m l and 
m& say, we proceed in the following way. 

Let/ be the function /(#, y) == x+y which represents addition; 
in our case we are interested initially in m-^+m^ Z is a Turing 


B B B 



FIG. 2. TURING MACHINE. A Turing machine is composed of a 

tape ruled into squares, a scanner and a set of instructions that 

moves the tape to the left or right one square at a time, or 

allows the symbol on the square to be overprinted. 

machine which will compute this function. Let Z consist of the 
following quadruples: 

B a, 



Now if AI is the initial instantaneous description, where by 
instantaneous description we mean an expression containing only 
one ^-symbol and containing otherwise only S-symbols, without 
*- or -*, which means that it is of the form 




where P and Q are expressions possibly empty, that is, involving 
no symbols whatever, then here 

A 1 =q 1 (m l9 m 2 ) = q I m 1 Bm 2 

where A^ is simply a way of writing the two numbers to be added 
in Ts, remembering that there is one more 1 in this rendering of A I 
than in the number itself. We may incidently write m 1's as l m . 
The B separating the m, mi and m 2 is effectively a comma. If we 
suppose initially that m l 0, then m^ = 1, since it has one more 
1 than the number represented, and 

Therefore A I ->q 1 B B 1 1 2 -+B q 2 B 1 1 2 -+B B q 2 1 1 2 -+ 
B B q B B I m 2 > and this last is terminal ( nneans 'yields' here), since 
of course there is no quadruple starting q z B, and therefore no 
instructions on which to proceed further. 

Therefore the computation yields an answer as above in the 
terminal instantaneous description, and this expression contains 
I m 2 or 77^2 1 >S > an d this means (by convention) that the answer is 
7ft 2 , where at the end of the computation the number of 1's in a 
number correctly represents that number. The result of our 
addition is thus seen to be 0+w 2 , on the assumption of m^ = 0. 

If we had supposed m ^ 0, then A I = j x 11 lay 1 Bl'V 1 
-*h B 1 li - 1 B 1 V 1 -^ 1 I!' 1 B 1 2 +1 B ft B l^- 1 B l^^ 1 
which is terminal. 

This gives m^+m^ as answer, and of course if we had made 
m =2, and m 2 =4, and written them in as 111 and 11111 
respectively, we would have found the tape containing six 1's at 
the end of the computation. 

This example has been, of course, of a simple Turing machine, 
and shows it performing merely a simple operation; more compli- 
cated Turing machines can be constructed, using more quadruples 
and even more than one tape, and with such machines we would of 
course be able to deal with more complicated functions. This 
would have led us in time to a consideration of recursive function 
theory and its identification with effective computability, but that 
is a pathway we shall not tread here, since it is primarily of mathe- 
matical interest, and the general results have already been men- 
tioned. However, perhaps this much should be said by way of 
elucidation : The idea of a recursive function is important because, 


as we shall see in computer programming, it represents a general 
method for manifesting the totality of mathematical operations 
or virtually so. 

One thing that should be made quite clear is that although a 
Turing machine can make any machinelike computation whatso- 
ever, it will take a long time to do the more complicated operations, 
and so will often be extremely wasteful of time. This, of course, 
is not a practical difficulty, since we are here only interested in 
what a machine is capable of, in principle. 

We do not wish to push the matter of mathematics and logic 
any further. What seems to be of vital importance for the theory of 
machines is this : whatever can be done by humans can be done 
by machines. This is, of course, contrary to many opinions which 
have resulted mainly from misunderstanding the processes of 
these paper machines, but there is in fact no obvious reason to 
doubt that a machine could be built to do what a human being 
could do in all cases, provided that an adequate description is 
available of what the system to be mirrored actually does. 

The fact that there exists no decision procedure for mathe- 
matics as a whole does not mean that there are parts of mathe- 
matics that are not investigatable by machines. It does mean, 
however, that the methods to be employed are beyond the reach of 
what has been called a decision procedure. Other methods are 
needed, of a more random character, such as cannot be put in a 
manner that could be followed by an unintelligent helpmate. Let 
us try to throw a little more light on this point. 

The theorems of Godel, Church and Turing are not a barrier 
to what machines can do, any more than they are a barrier to using 
an unintelligent helpmate. If we can tolerate an occasional wrong 
result such as human computers sometimes produce then 
we can use machines that can be constructed to pursue the further 
mathematical inquiries just as humans pursue them. This point 
can hardly be overemphasized, since it has sometimes been used 
as an argument against cybernetic development, which of course it 
is not. We can now discuss these same methods of paper machines 
from a more positive standpoint. 

Machines and biology 

Although nearlv all of the discussion in this chapter has been 


concerned with the development of logic, it is not here that our 
primary interest lies. Mathematics is a convenient place to try out 
such machine theories of logic, and it is an historical fact that it is 
mathematicians who have so tried them out, but the machines with 
which this book is primarily concerned are of other kinds. 

Learning machines of various sorts have been built, and these 
are of great psychological and behavioural interest. What are the 
problems here? The main point is that it is not possible to build all 
the machines we would like. But we can and do build the blue- 
prints, and by such decision procedures we can discover what is 
and what is not possible. 

It is certainly the case and this is exhibited by the develop- 
ment of computing machinery that we can construct an analogue 
. that could do anything that can be described sufficiently definitely 
by biologists. This, perhaps, may not appear helpful, and indeed 
it is certainly not the reason for studying 'thinking machines', but 
the fact is that such a criterion may be taken in a sense as a measure 
of the meaningfulness of a biological statement, 'Is it effectively 
constructible or reconstructive?' might be the form of such a test. 
If not, then it seems that the mechanism has been insufficiently 

There are, of course, technical difficulties. We do not as yet 
know sufficient of colloidal chemistry to construct systems of the 
same colloidal materials of which humans are built; but though we 
cannot at present construct the analogue of human behaviour in 
hardware, these purely technical difficulties are irrelevant to 
matters in principle. 

The general argument about paper machines and their implica- 
tions in the general field of biology may seem trivial, but it is being 
emphasized for the reason that it is not widely recognized by 
biologists and psychologists that there is a field of mathematics and 
mathematical logic that has a direct relevance to their own fields of 
interest. The fact is that paper machines tell us a great deal about 
the nature of machine construction, and which thinking operations 
are possible, and about the possible construction of nervous and 
other biological systems, and their possibilities. Their main use 
and it is indeed a very valuable one for most scientists may be 
to suggest experiments, but such investigations have an even 
greater value than this in that they suggest theories, not only of 


particular branches of knowledge but also about the nature of 

Now we must return to our discussion of scientific theories and 
their evolution. 

The evolution of scientific theories 

The next stage in our analysis of the theoretical problems for 
psychologists is to enlarge on the methods of the earlier sections 
of this chapter at the most general level, and consider the possible 
modes of development of scientific theories. In particular, we shall 
continue to consider, but more explicitly, the case of experimental 

The existing state of experimental psychology is perhaps at the 
transition from the 'taxonomic' stage (collecting data) to the 
theoretical stage. The second stage of a theory is marked by the 
fact of having a theoretical language that allows the role of the 
experiment to become primarily that of a test for theoretical 
predictions. This clearly expresses the need for theory, and it also 
re-emphasizes the need for carefully considered experiment. So 
much of psychological theory is limited in value by the fact that 
most writers in the field use imprecise, discursive methods, and so 
many of the experiments carried out are ill-conceived. It is surely 
obvious that while not all the questions involved in scientific theory 
construction are merely linguistic, a great many of them are ; and 
even those which are not merely linguistic are coloured by 
linguistic considerations. What is needed in psychology, apart 
from rare skill in experimental techniques, is some of the linguistic 
skill of the methodologist and the logician. 

We will now turn to a more explicit consideration of the recent 
work of Braithwaite, in which the relation of models to theories 
has been analysed. 

Braithwaite (1953) has pointed out the relation between models 
and scientific theories with great clarity. His view is that there is a 
sort of parallel between the development of scientific theories from 
observation statements, on one hand, and the reconstruction of 
empirical data from a model, on the other. These are two parallel 
zip-fasteners, as it were, the theoretical-zip being tied to observa- 
tions at the bottom, and the model-zip being tied to observations 
at the top. In this chapter we have discussed some of the problems, 


and the structure, of the formal languages and the cybernetic 
models, which start from sets of marks on paper and proceed by 
rules to generate further sets of marks or strings. These sets of 
marks are models, and are then open to interpretation as languages 
which may be used for any purpose whatsoever that is consistent 
with the interpretation placed on the marks. It is rather as if, to 
speak metaphorically, the collection of marks (called calculi) have 
certain structural properties like maps of anywhere at all, and the 
problem is to select a map that fits the country in which the 
scientist is interested at any particular time. Braithwaite's analogy 
of a zip-fastener depends on the fact that the model at the lowest 
level and the theory-language at the highest level are both attached 
to reality, and we can go up and down the levels (meta-levels) in 
between, in either direction. We are using hierarchies of languages 
as the bases of the themes. 

It is generally believed as our earlier anecdote illustrated 
that we can proceed from a set of statements of direct observation 
to generalizations by inductive inference, and from the generaliza- 
tions back to the testable particulars by deduction. This is the 
theory; the model is in essence the skeleton logical structure of this 
theory, and it is therefore clear that there is the closest relation 
between theory and model. 

Before proceeding to make any comment on this view of 
Braithwaite's, it is important for theoretical psychologists to note 
that he has also given considerable support to a view held by F. P. 
Ramsey (1951) that the theoretical terms that occur in scientific 
theories are not merely logical constructs. This means that the 
theoretical terms cannot be defined solely in terms of observed 
entities if we wish our theory to be capable of expansion to incor- 
porate new information as it arises, and this of course we surely do 
ultimately need. 

Let us now consider the broader nature of psychological theories. 
We shall start with natural language and its use as descriptive of 
particular occurrences and generalized hypotheses, and we shall 
try to refine its statements by setting up glossary (George, 1953a, 
1953b) definitions for our principal logical constructions and 
observable variables. This involves the necessity of adding refining 
contextual definitions to all except the explicitly primitive terms of 
the system. We could, on a more precise level, do the same thing 


by using either reduction-sentences, or by reformulating from 
time to time our sets of explicit (eliminable) definitions. Rules of 
inference are not usually explicitly formulated at the natural lan- 
guage end of our continuum, but are so formulated, of course, as 
and when we proceed to the use of formalized languages. Indeed, 
we regard the important sense of the word 'formalization' as that of 
'making rigorous', and making the rules of use for a set of 
symbols explicit. We should proceed from the observables on the 
molar levels of observation and, by use of theoretical terms (in- 
ferred entities, logical constructs, or intervening variables, are 
points on a continuum of the Realist-Nominalist kind by which we 
may mean that they stand for actual physical systems in one 
extreme or mere functional connexions without any implied 
physical existence at the other) to build a psychological qua 
psychological theory. From this as our datum, the process of levels 
of language allows us to expand the system in many different (as it 
were) dimensions. The most obvious extension that seems to be 
necessary is to descriptions of a neurophysiological kind. Thus, the 
constructions on the 'molar' level should be capable of redefinition 
in the language of neurophysiology. There is, however, an 
important sense in which this procedure of redefinition on any 
level of description has been confused with a different thesis known 
as 'reductionism', but what is intended here is only the ability to 
translate from the language of one level of description to the 
language of another level; indeed such translation should be 
possible between different linguistic frameworks on the same level 
of description. There is no obvious way, on a purely molar level, of 
granting priority to one linguistic system, with a certain choice of 
terms and categorizations, rather than to another, except by the 
tests of a pragmatic kind that can be carried out at all levels of 
description. Actually, any particular molar theory must be tested 
by seeing whether it uniquely defines, in certain test cases, such as 
under classical or instrumental conditioning, a definite operator 
such as those that have been suggested by Estes (1950) or Bush 
and Hosteller (19Sla). They may be further tested, of course, by 
any logical nets that may be derived from them. Theories that are 
so vague that any mathematical operators or logical nets can be 
derived from them are insufficiently precise, and can only be tested 
on molar-pragmatic grounds as to alternative interpretations of 


the same precise operations. The psychological theorist is there- 
fore under obligation to show the breadth of utility of his theory, 
and its plasticity in allowing precise rules, etc., to be derived from 
it whenever the need arises. 

The above statement argues that a theory must at least satisfy 
the following conditions : It must have certain molar explanatory 
properties that place it in advance of any existing theory; it must 
therefore have some, even if crude, explanatory powers in a lan- 
guage that has been made sufficiently precise for its use. It will be 
realized parenthetically that the precision of the questions to be 
answered will decide the precision of the theory to be used. Then 
the molar theory must be flexible enough to allow implicit re- 
definition of its primitives and theoretical terms at any other level 
of description (either more or less molar than the datum-language). 
We should then be able to translate it into a molecular language 
that permits of being made precise at any moment, and from which 
logical nets and mathematical models are capable of being derived. 
It is extremely important that a theory be tested in this ramified 
way since, at the purely molar level, it appears that we cannot 
always adequately distinguish the predictive value of the different 
theories offered. It may, of course, turn out that there is an 
important sense in which the purely molar theories are little more 
than scaffolding for the presentation of the important questions 
which are concerned with, say, the relations of logical nets with 
each other; or the more general problem of producing a blueprint 
for the relation of the internal parts (variables) of the human 

We should notice the difficulty that the work of Braithwaite has 
made for the view that logical constructs are definable in terms of 
observable entities. This becomes more acute as we approach a 
more formalized level of language. However, Braithwaite's own 
suggestion that such theoretical terms should be reserved for the 
high level statements, and can only be implicitly defined, is 
certainly acceptable. The writer has drawn attention to the use of 
logical constructs in psychological theory before (George, 1953a), 
and has pointed out that it is precisely the vagueness attendant on 
the surplus meaning of such logical constructs that gives them 
both their power and their vagueness. The difficulties of theoretical 
terms in more formal languages still demand some further research ; 


ndeed, this problem appears already to have reared its head in the 
ittempts that have been made to apply mathematics to psychology. 

There are two further matters that now demand comment, the 
irst being a sort of criticism of Braithwaite, in that there is some- 
:hing of a gap between the way science actually works and the cut 
md dried systems he suggests. It is as if he were giving a prescrip- 
:ion for the ideal state of an ideal science, whereas we have tried to 
:alk realistically in terms of the actual situation with which the 
experimental psychologist is faced. He starts with a great mass of 
data, based mostly on observation, upon which generalization is to 
DC made ; the nature of the generalization will depend upon intui- 
:ive and anecdotal notions. Thus, although one may start in 
principle from a model and give interpretations of that model, one 
nay also formalize a theory, i.e. one may proceed from a set of 
scientific generalizations to the logical core of those generalizations, 
[n fact, the original generalizations will be partially confused with 
i model as often as not, and the explicit stages of Braithwaite only 
arise, if at all, after much work has been done on the confused mass 
rf empirical data that represents the normal growth of a science. 

The second point takes us outside the theory-construction to 
:he directives and foundation principles upon which the theory is 
:o be built. Here, the cleavage is along the lines of behaviourism 
md introspection, and it is a dispute characterized at some level 
by the 'Mind Body problem*. At the working level of the scientist 
there are still problems of what behaviourism implies, i.e. how 
Droadly or how narrowly the behaviouristic notion is to be 
employed, and if taken too narrowly, how much of a science of 
psychology is lost, if anything. 

The answers to these last questions can be given here only 
Driefly. Some form of behaviourism, involving at least the study 
}f that which is obviously public, is quite vital. A science of 
behaviour so based should include all the data that the intro- 
spectionist deals with, but it will not use the same language. 
Indeed, self-observation is essentially part of the subject matter of 
behaviouristic psychology, but necessarily approached in a public 
manner. Self-observation statements are therefore indispensably 
involved in a behavioural science, and such statements are 
continuous with (ordinary) observation statements. There should 
be no confusion here at the level of the absolute behaviouristic 


science, but in fact confusion does sometimes arise, since we do 
not always see where the observer enters into the apparently 
public scientific system. In the practice of psychology we have to 
combine, for many purposes, information from introspective and 
behaviouristic sources, and we are forced into a degree of eclecti- 
cism. It is to the behaviouristic approach that our processes of 
formalization, the applications of logic, and all the matters dis- 
cussed in this chapter, are applied. Failure to recognize the nature 
of the complicated problems of constructing scientific theories has 
vitiated a great deal of the work of psychologists; recognition 
should improve his scientific standards. 

One last, clarifying word should be said on the matter of 
behaviourism. What it is hoped to avoid in modern psychology is 
on the one hand, the narrowness of early behaviourism, which 
simply ignored problems which did not fit into its over-simplified 
notions. On the other hand, it is equally vital not to become 
embroiled in a morass of ontological and epistemological disputes. 
We are concerned with the systematic construction of scientific 
theories, meta-theories, and criticisms of both ; and with the nature 
of the actual assumptions, and the interbehavioural interpretation 
that is both possible and desirable for psychology, and indeed for 
the whole of science. 


We have seen that explanations may take more than one form. 
The reduction-sentence methods of Carnap are made necessary by 
the notion of 'dispositional properties'. The notion of causal 
consequence certainly presents a difficulty for logic, i.e. in the logical 
model, but for science it is not a genuine problem. We simply act 
in accordance with what we believe would happen if some action 
were performed. This is, in fact, induction at work, and no scientist 
is worried by the knowledge that he cannot be certain of what 
would have happened if he had done something that he did not 
actually do. The general form of the Hempel-Oppenheim (1953) 
theory looks something like what is needed as a form of scientific 
explanation. The conditions they set down are certainly too strong, 
but the general form comes nearer to what scientists actually do. 
Let us consider this matter a little further. 


Hempel and Oppenheim's theory can be stated (oversimply) as 
that of finding true sentences Ci, Ca, ..., C r which are ante- 
cedent conditions, and Z/i, 2, ...,# which are general laws 
together forming the explanans for the explicandum (E), which is 
made up of statements which are the description of empirical 
phenomena: that particular phenomenon (or phenomena) that is 
to be 'explained*. Their method deals with what they call causal 
(as opposed to statistical) explanations, and demands many special 
properties of the explanans. The sentences of the explanans, which 
are the general laws, are to be true (they will not accept 'confirmed 
to some degree* with respect to certain evidence) ; they must also 
be 'familiar' in a certain sense, and testable. The language they 
would use to formulate a model theory would be that of the lower 
functional calculus without the identity relation. There are many 
more complicating conditions which cannot be discussed here, 
and with which the writer would generally agree, but the total sum 
of their plan while it should be familiar to every psychologist 
is in fact too strict to be followed by every scientific theory. 

The same criticism of over-strictness is applicable to Carnap's 
conditions as laid down in 'Testability and Meaning' (1937), 
which expresses the process of reduction (to be distinguished 
from definition) of sentences to observation sentences. 

Most of the predicates of science being dispositional predicates, 
everyone now knows of the non-eliminability of such predicates as 
'soluble', the ordinary word used for the property of being capable 
of being dissolved in water. This led Carnap to the process of 
reduction sentences of the form: If x is immersed in water then, if 
and only if x is soluble in water, x will dissolve. This is of the 
logical form 

The process of reduction of the dispositional predicate by 
reduction-pairs may finish in non-dispositional predicates, 
referring to a test-operation. A weaker test, involving unilateral 
reduction-pairs, is usually used in experimental situations. (A 
brief account of this process can be found in Pap (1949, Chapter 
XII) and, again, should be familiar to every psychologist.) This 
process of 'reductionism' is an alternative to explicit definition, 
and has some advantages. 


The psychological theories of Hull use the traditional theory- 
construction method of psychology; it is hypothetico-deductive, 
a postulational method (with complications) which uses logical 
constructs', and derives consequences. Operationism is not 
excluded from such a system, and the more nearly operational such 
definitions, etc., can be, the better for most purposes. This is not 
to be taken as an indication of a final answer to the most suitable 
method of constructing even the molar sort of behaviour theory. 
Investigation of theory-construction in science is as much a subject 
in evolution as science itself. 

What is needed by the psychologist is a systematic method for 
translating statements of observation into generalized laws or 
hypotheses, without hopeless vagueness. This demands that the 
meta-language assumed, and the language refined for the actual 
statement in the theory, are sufficiently clear. For this, definition is 
probably vital; there is certainly no point in introducing false 
rigour, but for the more rigorous part of psychology, where 
disputes are mostly about terminology, the calculus of empirical 
classes and relations is perhaps the ideal form of description. Here, 
the terms and their relations are relative to the context of inquiry; 
they do not insist on rigid class membership, but permit a degree 
of vagueness that heralds the use of probabilities. Here, as in all 
formalized systems, the theory and the model are closely and 
explicitly related. Such a formal, yet elastic, language also goes a 
long way to avoid the hazards of talking of 'things having pro- 
perties', etc. 

The use of natural language, languages, and scientific theories, 
has one further complication. A precise, descriptive language 
(including an explicit or implicit model) is a scientific theory. The 
marks on paper (or sounds in the air) which have no meaning 
(interpretation) are not, of course, a language. The point is that 
our precise, descriptive language should be capable of interpreta- 
tion in natural language, but that the precise relations themselves 
are not necessarily capable of being precisely produced in the 
natural language, other than by analogy. To believe that natural 
language (a theory of the world on a crude level) is sufficient for 
science simply because the final interpretations of precise language 
have to be in natural language, is surely a mistake. 

What is vital for the psychologist to notice is that logic (all 


systematic languages) has two different roles to perform for him : 
(1) in clarifying their existing statements and theories, and (2) as a 
precise, descriptive language itself. Both roles are vital, and it is 
vital to distinguish them. 

We shall now leave philosophy of science and return to the 
closely related matters of logic. 

Empirical logics 

We have referred to empirical logics and their use to behaviour- 
istic-cybernetic methodology, and we shall now say something 
more about them. 

It has generally been thought that the logics of the type of the 
propositional and functional calculus are too precise to deal with 
the vagueness in most of the ordinary situations that we wish to 
describe. This has suggested to many people that more realistic 
descriptive languages could be found by using probabilistic logics, 
and we shall see later that the use of probabilistic logics has a 
direct application to logical networks, which are at the very heart 
of cybernetics. However, the main idea is to avoid vagueness in 
description and still retain enough rigour to avoid the pitfalls of 
ordinary language. These methods may be thought of as analytic 
tools, or as descriptive methods for a science (Kaplan and Schott, 
1951; Woodger, 1937, 1939, 1952; Korner, 1951). We shall here 
merely outline what we believe is likely to prove a very powerful 
linguistic tool in both experimental and social psychology. Its 
importance lies partly at least in its close link with logical nets, 
because these logics can, like the logical nets, be given an interpre- 
tation at any level of investigation, making it easy to pass from a 
description at one level of generality to another. 

To put the matter simply, the idea is to map the calculi of 
classes, relations and predicates on to the calculus of probability. 
This means that when we talk of class membership, or of relations 
between classes, we talk rather of the probabilities that exist 
between these items or classes. In other words, instead of saying 
'Jack is a man', we shall simply say that ']ack is probably a man', 
where we mean, of course, to imply an incomplete description of 
Jack which leaves us in doubt and implies that the probability 
falls short of 1. This example may at first sound over-simplified, 


but on the basis of a perfunctory description one might be 
unsure as to whether the person referred to as 'Jack' was a 
human; even if human, 'Jack' could be a woman disguised, 
and so on. 

If we bear in mind that in logic we are concerned with giving an 
interpretation to a system of formal symbols, then we will realize 
that an alternative interpretation of such empirical logics would be 
to say that 'Jack is a man to some extent'. This may seem a less 
plausible interpretation, but it could at least apply to those un- 
fortunate cases of endocrine disorders where change of sex is 
involved. If we use the example 'Jack is to some extent a neurotic', 
we can clearly see the point of substituting a probability in place 
of a certainty with respect to class membership. 

It is not being suggested that imprecise description is to be 
preferred to precise description, but rather that where the facts 
described are imprecise (our own knowledge of them is incomplete) 
it is better to have a precise description of their imprecision. 
Mathematics is a language with which you can actually carry out 
the measurements, and there is some point in saying by analogy 
with well known methods in statistics that empirical logics are 
non-parametric mathematical descriptions. 

It is clear that a description of any situation can be couched in 
terms of a probabilistic language of this sort, where the interpreta- 
tion on the variables may be anything we like. The probabilities 
may be computed on the basis either of a priori probabilities or of 
empirical probabilities. Let us briefly illustrate the method in one 
of its many forms. 

Suppose that a set of variables of a physiological kind are asso- 
ciated with a certain piece of molar behaviour, then, if we can 
obtain a set of measures for a certain range of behaviour, we can 
describe the total behaviour pattern as a relation. Let us say Rob 
is such a relation, where a and b are two states of the organism and 
R is to be interpreted as 'probably follows in time*. A definite 
value may be calculated from the cases measured. 

R itself is made up of the measurable variables A, B, ..., N. 
Then we may measure these variables, and although they may not 
constitute a complete basis for describing R, we can discover 
which are the best indices for R. Then we might also consider 
relations between the variables and so on, so that, given any 


subset of the variables, on some future occasion we can ascribe a 
probability to the relation 


Alternatively, we can interpret the logic as we did above with 
respect to an utterance such as 'Jack is married to Jill', also of the 


If we assume we do not know all the facts but know certain 
indices of marriage, such as 'they live in the same house', 'they 
appear to be affectionate towards each other', and so on, then we 
can ascribe a priori probabilities to these subrelations r, s, ..., t 
which are a basis for the relation R. The more we know of the sub- 
relations the more completely can we ascribe a probability to R. 
Obviously, we may weight the subrelations so that they do not 
necessarily contribute equally to the total probability ascribed at 
any particular time. 

As far as the notation is concerned we need not bother about 
that here (see Chapter V), except to notice that we can easily think 
of a, b, .,., n as either items or classes, to be distinguished where 
necessary, and jR, 5, ..., T as relations which may be monadic, 
diadic, etc., having subrelations r, s, ..., t and so on, with sub- 
subrelations for as many levels as we want. Then the X. Y 9 Xv Y, 
~X of Boolean algebra become two diadic and one monadic 

Rab, Sab, Na 

where it will doubtless be wise to retain particular letters for 
particular relations, as in the Lukasiewicz type of notation where 
the relational operator is written first to save the bother of mani- 
pulating brackets. Here, of course, the relational operators conceal 
a probability, and to make this explicit we could write 

Rab P or Rab(p) 

say, to remind the reader that a probability^) will be ascribed to the 
relation under description. 

It should be added that Woodger, in his biological language 
previously mentioned, uses explicit predicates of a biological kind, 
over and above the symbols of the prepositional and functional 
calculus. He introduces such predicates as 


which is read as '# is before y in time* ; and 

Sli (oc, y) 

meaning '# is a slice of the thing y 9 ; and then again 

Org (*) 

meaning 'x is an organic unit', which can be put into an axiomatic 
form : 

Org (*) DTh (*) 

which means to say that 'each organic unit is a thing*. 

These simple beginnings are soon made quite complicated, and a 
precise biological description is built up and used to describe 
processes of genetics and cell division. Although these descriptive 
languages may sometimes seem to state the obvious with unneces- 
sary precision, it must nevertheless be admitted that this is a 
beginning of a somewhat different, yet similar, descriptive lan- 
guage which, with the help of the computer, may become of great 

Stochastic processes 

In discussing logical net models we have frequently mentioned 
the important part played by stochastic processes, and the fact that 
they had been used in cybernetics. They have at least been used in 
attempts to apply the mathematical descriptions to psychological 
phenomena, and this is part of cybernetics. 

The work of Bush and Hosteller (1951, 1955) comes to mind in 
a consideration of Stochastic Processes. They have tried to apply 
the mathematical paraphernalia of certain types of stochastic 
process to behavioural problems, and in particular, to the analysis 
of particular experiments. 

It will be remembered that a stochastic process is a sequence of 
symbols that implies a temporal order and yet is itself random. A 
particular stochastic process, of importance in behavioural 
analysis, was called a Markoff net, in which the steps of the 
sequence are related by definite probabilities. Furthermore, if 
nature is something like an ergodic source we may expect that the 
Markoff processes, with which behavioural descriptions are going 
to be concerned, will be of the statistically homogeneous kind. 


For Bush and Mosteller the process starts with a stochastic 
model, and proceeds through statistical methods to the mathe- 
matical model for some aspect of behaviour. This is all meant to 
apply to molar behaviour activities. They are thus concerned with 
operators, especially matrix operators, and the statistical descrip- 
tion of behaviour in terms of these operators, which represent the 
response tendencies implicit in a class of events as described by 
probability variables. 

We shall later show briefly some of the close connexions that 
exist between the work of Bush and Mosteller and the work of 
logical nets. We can straight away say that both conceive of molar 
behaviour as capable of statistical description and indeed as being 
essentially a Markoff process. The methods actually used differ 
largely in that logical nets are concerned in deriving a description 
of molecular behaviour as well as molar behaviour, and so have 
involved themselves more deeply in descriptions of the organisms. 

The end of the anecdote 

We should now add an epilogue to the anecdote which we related 
earlier. The cycle of events involving assumptions, tests and 
generalizations is claimed to be typical of science, but what we 
should now notice is that it is typical of human behaviour. The 
processes of deduction and induction may be irrational and private 
in man, but the essentials are identical. 

Cybernetics is concerned with showing that the inductive as well 
as the deductive part of the Erewhonian observer's behaviour 
could be carried out by a machine. 

The whole field of methodology in science is vast, and the subject 
matter could be extended to many volumes. However, what is 
perhaps most obvious is that logic and language can be applied to 
all sorts of problems. The method is to construct artificial lan- 
guages and then place the appropriate interpretation upon them. 
From one point of view, cybernetics can be regarded as being 
precisely a branch of this general field of applied logic. 

It should be emphasized that linguistic problems will occur in 
science, even in the realm of applied logic. As long as this is 
remembered, then such matters can usually be cleared up in the 
contexts in which they occur. 



This chapter has outlined a many-levelled method of modelling 
human behaviour by the use of empirical descriptive methods and 
of theoretical terms that are capable of redefinition on other levels 
of description. 

A particular view of science is delineated by which the scientific 
process is seen as the collecting of data and the making of inductive 
generalizations from those data, and then the drawing of deductive 
inferences from the generalizations. This, it is claimed by many of 
those interested in cybernetics, is a process that can be achieved 
by machines as well as organisms. 

Logical systems which are to be used as models for our cyber- 
netics theories are summarized briefly, and some mention is made 
of the more obscure logical calculi. 

Effective procedures are seen to be paper computers, and are of 
the utmost value in a discussion of what is possible for hardware 
construction. This is one of the firmest links between mathe- 
matics, computer design and the construction of effective theories 
of behaviour. 

Some further discussion has also taken place with respect to the 
evolution of scientific theories, and some of the difficulties met in 
constructing such theories. Finally, a point of view of relevance to 
philosophy has been implied, although the programme of prag- 
matics suggested has not been carried through. The emphasis is on 
methodological rather than philosophical forms of analysis, since 
from this aspect classical philosophical analysis seems to have only 
a limited contact with the needs of modern science, which is con- 
cerned not with absolutes but with limited contexts of meanings. 



A FINITE automaton, in the sense of McCulloch and Pitts (1943), 
was a stimulusresponse system which could involve representa- 
tions of the previous stimulus states of the system. From this 
model we must go on to ask, with Kleene (1951), about the general 
nature of finite automata, and what kinds of events can be repre- 
ssnted by them. 

We shall first set out the McCulloch Pitts definition of a finite 
automaton, and we shall call our particular automata 'neural nets', 
initially, thus preserving the original title of the founders. We shall, 
however, change the title to 'logical nets' in the next chapter (and 
from then on), when we outline the particular finite automata that 
this book will use for its analysis and synthesis of psychological 
problems. The reason for this change of name is largely to preserve 
the distinction Braithwaite (1953) makes between a model and a 
theory, and in this way to make it clear that a finite automaton is 
not in any way committed to being a model for a theory of the 
central nervous system. 

McCulloch-Pitts neural net 

A neuron is a cell body whose nerve fibres lead to one or more 
endbulbs, where we can think of an endbulb with respect to one 
element as being simply the next element in the net. A nerve net is 
an arrangement of a finite number of neurons in which each end- 
bulb of any one neuron impinges on the cell body of not more than 
one other neuron. A special case arises where that cell body is its 
own. The separating gap between cells is a synapse, and an end- 
bulb may be one of two kinds, excitatory or inhibitory, but not 
both. The neurons are called input neurons where no endbulbs 
impinge, and otherwise, inner neurons. The conditions on the 
firing of input neurons are determined by conditions outside the net, 
while for inner neurons a threshold number h must be exceeded, or 



at least equalled, by the balance of excitatory over inhibitory in- 
puts, firing the instant before the time t (say) under consideration. 

The conventions on which the networks are drawn are as follows : 
A circle represents an element (or neuron) which is in one of two 
states at any instant t, it is either live or dead. If live, then its output 
fibre will be sending out an impulse at the instant it is live. The 
output fibre must be in one state at any instant, and an instant is 
assumed to be the firing time of all the elements. The output may 
bifurcate as often as is needed, but it can only be in one state for all 
its bifurcations. There can be as many inputs as we like, and these 
inputs can be divisible into two classes, excitatory and inhibitory. 
The excitatory ending is represented by a filled-in triangle, and 
the inhibitory by an open circle. A heavy dot is used to indicate 
that wires crossing over are also having contact, except that when 
three wires are involved, since no loose endings will occur apart 
from the input and output elements, there will be no ambiguity in 
omitting the heavy dot. This replaces the 3- notation sometimes 
used in electrical circuits. The number h in the circle is the 
threshold number which is such that, if e be the number of 
excitatory fibres live at any instant and i the number of inhibitors 
live at any instant, then the condition for the element to fire is that 
e^i+h. The neural net of Fig. 1 illustrates some of the principles 
so far described. 

Since in describing finite automata we shall be using matrix 
algebra to some small extent, let us give the simplest of the 
necessary definitions. A matrix ay 

(an ai2 
021 #22 
ami OmZ 

is written with brackets as above or with square brackets [,]. The 
use of suffices a*j labels the element of the rth row and jth column. 
A matrix can be written A, where A stands for an mm matrix, as 
above. Two matrices of the same order (having the same number 
of rows and columns) can be added. Thus, if 

(#11 #12 #13\ 
#21 #22 #23 ) 
#31 #32 #33/ 




(*11 *12 *13\ 
*21 *22 *23 1 
*31 *32 *33/ 

FIG. 1. A LOGICAL NET FOR SIGNS. The logical net is one that 

could be taken to represent a sign. If A and B fire together this 

fact is 'remembered* by the loop element B, and if then A fires 

alone G fires as if B had fired; A is 'a sign for* B. 

Matrices can also be multiplied so that A multiplied by B is 
written AB, and this is generally not the same as BA. 


^31*13+^32*23 + ^33*33 

If we substitute numbers for letters and have 

/2 3 
A- (1 2 

\2 3 








/I 2 3\ 
=(l 2 l) 
\1 I/ 

/9 10 13\ 
= ( 9 6 11 ) 
\6 10 10/ 

(10 16 19\ 
6 10 171 
4 6 5/ 

We can also multiply a matrix, such as A above, by an ordinary 
number (called scalar) such as 2 where we represent it by the 
letter k. 

/4 6 8\ 

kA. = ( 2 4 12 ) 

\4 6 2/ 

We should notice also two particular matrices, those having only 
one row or one column. These are called row and column vectors, 
and they may be written (an a2 ... ai n ] and {an 021 ... a m \}* 
The braces are used, in the second case, to save having to write the 
column vector in column form. 

A specialist text should be consulted for a detailed analysis of 
matrices and other related algebraic forms; we shall, however, 
develop other properties of matrices if and when they are needed. 

To return now to finite automata. If we assume that a nerve net 
has k input neurons N I9 N& ..., N^ for positive k, then for any 
period of instants, reading back from the present^) (say r instants), 
we can represent the total activity of the automaton by a k by r 
matrix. The matrix will be made up of O's and Ts according to 
whether the particular input neuron fired at a particular instant or 

A typical matrix for k 2, r 3 is : 


\o i/ 

for columns JV X and N 2 and rows p, p 1, p 2. 


Such a matrix represents, or could be taken to represent, the 
whole history of the input, and in terms of this we define an event 
as a property of the input of an automaton. An event is any sub- 
class of the class of all possible matrices describing the inputs over 
all the past time right up to the present. Such matrices will be 
called input matrices. 

An example of an event in terms of the above matrix would be 
the firing of N^ zip I and the non-firing of N% at the same time. 
This event would be one of the events represented by the above 

We must now, following Kleene (1951), narrow our definition of 
an event. First we shall define a definite event as an event that took 
place within a fixed period of the past, and that matrix is said to 
cover definite events of duration r. 

It will be noticed that there are kr entries in a kr matrix which 
covers k neurons over a period of duration r. This means that there 
are 2* f possible matrices, since they can be made up of all possible 
combinations o'f and 1, and there will be 2 2 r definite events 
represented by such a set of matrices. A positive definite event is 
one in which at least one input neuron fires during the duration of 
the event. 

Now we must briefly consider the representation of definite 
events, since we must be sure that when we use neural nets for our 
behavioural purpose, they are within the safe ground of logical 
consistency; they are, in fact, taken to represent regular events, 
for which we must seek a definition. In this respect Kleene has 
proved many theorems which are primarily of mathematical 
interest, and those interested in the mathematical theory of finite 
automata should consult his work. 

One of the important consequences of Kleene's theorems should 
be stated immediately. He has shown that almost any event which 
is likely to be of biological or psychological interest can be con- 
structed in our neural nets; he has even shown an effective 
procedure for the construction of the necessary net. 

An indefinite event is one that cannot be described by precise 
reference to a past firing of an input element. Figure 2 shows a 
simple example of an indefinite event. It uses the notation of the 
lower functional calculus as well as that of the prepositional 
calculus suffixed for time. 


Figure 2 can be represented by the logical formula 

(Et)t<*N 9 oMki (1) 

where (Ei) is the existential operator, and means 'there exists a t 
such that'. Here we use the usual symbol for a material implication. 

The element of Fig. 2 could, of course, be characterized in 
simpler terms. If we label the element M x in terms of its input and 
output (say A and B respectively), we could write either 

or we could write 

Bt = At-i v At-z v . . . v At-n (2) 


Bt = At-i v Bt-i 
which clearly characterizes the behaviour of the element. 

FIG. 2. A LOOP ELEMENT, If Ni fires, it fires Mi, and then Mi 
continues to fire itself indefinitely. Mi is called a loop or looped 


There are many mathematical complications over the 'starting 
conditions' of automata, and further complications of detail, but 
our main concern is now over that further class of events called 
regular events. These will be defined. 

A regular event exists if there is a regular set of input matrices 
that describe it in the sense that the event either occurs or not 
according as the input is described by one of the matrices of the set 
of input matrices or none of them. 

A regular set of matrices shall be the least class of sets of matrices 
(including unit and null sets) which is closed under the operation 
of passing from E and F to EvF, to EF and to E*F, where v is 
the Boolean disjunction, EF means E.F where . is the Boolean 
conjunction and * is defined by EE . . . EF. 


These regular nets (nets that represent regular events) are 
primitive recursive (Kleene, 1951) and realizable, and logical 
difficulties can be wholly avoided as long as we keep within their 
domain. This we shall do, and all the logical nets discussed from 
here on are ones that represent regular events and can be described 
by a regular set of matrices. This refers to a certain kind of finite 
automaton within the compass of which our investigations will 

We cannot explain the full significance of such terms as 'primi- 
tive recursive', but we should state that primitive recursive func- 
tions are those defined by Godel in search of a function that 
encompassed all the familiar mathematical functions. Primitive 
recursive can be taken to be identified with 'effectively comput- 

Uneconomical finite automata 

Most of our later discussion of finite automata will not be 
concerned primarily with economy of elements used. Culbertson 
(1950, 1956) has explicitly investigated the properties of un- 
economical automata; his work is close to the needs of experi- 
mental psychologists who are concerned with the construction of 
models for molar use, as well as those which are primarily con- 
cerned with being interpreted as a 'conceptual nervous system*. 

Culbertson (1948), in his earlier work, developed scanning 
mechanisms and models of visual systems in neural network terms, 
and these will be discussed later at the appropriate time. The same 
is true of memory devices and other mechanisms that might help 
towards the construction of robots, where, by 'robot', we mean a 
hardware finite automaton. 

He also devised the outlines of a theory of consciousness, 
designed to elucidate the mind-body problem by exhibiting the 
relationship between subjective awareness and the objective 
activities of the human organism. 

A further interesting discussion of memoryless robots has 
shown that they could exhibit behaviour that might be called 
intelligent, and this intelligence (or apparent intelligence) can be 
increased by making the memoryless robot probabilistic rather 
than deterministic. In the same context Culbertson has also 


investigated the possibility that a robot can be constructed satis- 
fying any given probabilistic input-output specifications. 

Von Neumann (1952) has investigated the alternative problem 
of showing how deterministic robots can be constructed in terms 
of unreliable elements. 

Von Neumann's work is of great importance and of great 
practical value. His paper was significantly entitled Probabilistic 
Logics, and it is concerned primarily with the role of error in logic 
and, by implication, in finite automata. He constructed his own 
notation, built like Kleene's in terms of the logical notation of 
McCulloch and Pitts, and he was able to show that typical syn- 
theses of logical nets are possible by simple and effective devices. 
Some of these findings have been incorporated into the particular 
models which we shall be discussing in the next chapter. 

The main part of von Neumann's work and although we shall 
not be considering this very much further, we must continue to be 
aware of it is the manner in which he deals with error. First, to 
summarize his findings, we shall look at what he calls the 'majority 
organ', the 'Sheffer stroke' element, and then the 'multiple line 

It is well known that the whole of Boolean algebra can be derived 
from the one connective called the Sheffer stroke and symbolized I ; 
von Neumann makes this a basic organ of his system. The follow- 
ing figures indicate the nature of the Sheffer stroke in logical net 

a p . \ o/b 


FIG. 3. SHEFFER STROKE. The Sheffer stroke element fires unless 
both inputs a and b fire together when the ouput is inhibited. 

terminology, and also the derivation of the other well known 
Boolean connectives from it where 'I'll- ' means permanently stimu- 
lated. Figure 4 shows the shorthand symbol for the full Sheffer 
stroke organ of Fig. 3. 



FIG. 4. SHEFFER STROKE. Von Neumann's symbolic representa- 
tion of the Sheffer stroke element of Fig. 3. The two diagrams 
are synonymous. 

Now we can derive 'or', 'and' and *not* in terms of Sheffer stroke 
organs as follows: 

A [ 

FIG. 5. OR. The inclusive or of logic as represented by Sheffer 
stroke elements. 

FIG. 6. AND. The and of logic as represented by Sheffer stroke 

FIG. 7. NOT. The not of logic as represented by Sheffer stroke 



The other basic organ to be considered is the majority organ, 
and this can be written 

m (a, b, c) = (a v V) . (a v c] . (b v c) 
= (a , b) v (a . c) v (b . c) 

and this can be drawn as in Fig. 8. 


FIG. 8. THE MAJORITY ORGAN. The output fires if a majority of 
the inputs A, B, C fire. 

The operations of conjunction and disjunction can be derived 
from the majority organ quite easily: 


FIG. 9. AND. Representation of logical and by the majority 


where 'I In-' means never stimulated, and 


FIG. 10. OR. Representation of logical or by the majority organ. 



The multiple line trick 

The basic problem that von Neumann sets himself to solve can 
be stated in the following way. Suppose we construct an auto- 
maton, and that we build it in terms of the single organ repre- 
sented by the Sheffer stroke, and then we represent the probability 
of the malfunctioning of a particular element by *(<-). If we are 
given a positive number 5, where 5 represents the final allowable 
error in the whole automata, can a corresponding automaton be 
constructed from the given organs which will perform the neces- 
sary functions while committing an amount of error less than or 
equal to S? How small can 8 be? Are there many different methods 
of achieving the same end? 

FIG. 1 1 . MULTIPLEXED SYSTEM, With inputs a, b, c and outputs 
x, y the system is connected by n lines, represented here by ===. 
The probability of outputs firing for inputs firing can be cal- 
culated at different rates of error of connexion. 

We see straight away, of course, that 8 cannot be less than r, 
since the reliability of the whole system cannot be greater than 
that of the final neuron, which may have error e. This applies to 
the first question but not to the second. 

Consider Fig. 11. The multiple line trick, as von Neumann 
calls it, merely involves carrying messages on multiple lines instead 
of on single or even double lines. 

We first set a fiduciary level to the number of the lines of the 
bundle that is to be stimulated. Let this level be k. Then for 
0<A<i, at least (1^) N lines of the bundles being stimulated, the 
bundle is said to be in a positive state; and conversely, when no 
more than kN are stimulated, it implies a negative state. A system 
which works in this manner is called multiplexed. 



Von Neumann next proceeds to examine the notion of error 
further for a multiplexed automaton. 

The rest of this section gives a fairly rigorous example of von 
Neumann's argument, and this may be omitted by the reader who 
is not explicitly interested in the mathematical theory. The 
argument is only a part of the general form by which von Neumann 
was able to demonstrate the point that reliable automata can be 
constructed from unreliable components; or, more simply, that 
error in an automaton can, if limited, be controlled. 

FIG. 12. THE MULTIPLEXED CONTROL. The replicated inputs to 

majority organs increase the probability of successful trans- 

mission of information. 

Denote by X the given network (assume two outputs in the 
specific instance pictured in Fig. 12). Construct X in triplicate, 
labelling the copies X 1 , X 2 , X* respectively. Consider the system 
shown in Fig. 12. 

For each of the final majority organs, the conditions of the 
special case considered above obtain. Consequently, if N is an 
upper bound for the probability of error at any output of the original 
network X, then 

AT* = +(l-2) (3JV 2 -2JV*) s/c (N) (3) 

is an upper bound for the probability of error at any output of 


the new network Jf*. The graph is the curve N* ==/ (A/), shown 
in Fig. 13. 

Consider the intersections of the curve with the diagonal N* = 
N. First, N = \ is at any rate such an intersection. Dividing 
N-f (N) by JV-1 gives 2 ((1 -2e) jV-(l-2e) JV+ ), hence the 
other intersections are the roots of (1 2e)N 2 (1 2*) AT+ = 0, 

i.e. for e> they do not exist (being complex (for 

or = | (for e =&)); while for < they are A/" = No, 1 No, 


For Af = 0; AT* = >N. This, the monotonic nature and the 

continuity of AT"* =/< (N) therefore imply: 

First case, e>: 0<AT<J implies AT<AT*<|; <AT<1 implies 

Second case, e<: Q^N<No implies N<N*<No; No<N 
<^ implies No<N*<N; $<N<lNo implies N<N*<lNoi 
l-No<N<l implies l-No<N*<N. 

Now there are numerous successive occurrences of the situation 
under consideration, if it is to be used as a basic procedure, hence 
the iterative behaviour of the operation N-+N* =/e (N) is 
relevant. Now it is clear from the above that, in the first case, the 
successive iterates of the process in question always converge to 
, no matter what the original N; while in the second case these 
iterates converge to Afa if the original AT<, and to 1 N0 if the 
original AT>|. 

To put the matter another way, in the first case no error level 
other than N^% can maintain itself in the long run, where ~ 
means 'approximately the same as', or 'the same in the limit', i.e. 
the process asymptotically degenerates to total irrelevance. In the 
second case the error-levels N^No and JV~1 No will not only 
maintain themselves in the long run, but they represent the 
asymptotic behaviour for any original AT<| or N> , respectively. 

These arguments make it clear that the second case alone can 
be used for the desired error-level control, i.e. we must require 



<, i.e. the error-level for a single basic organ function must be 
less than ~16 per cent. The stable, ultimate error-level should 
then be No (we postulate that a start be made with an error-level 
N< ). No is small if is, hence e must be small, and so 

This would therefore imply an ultimate error-level of about 
10 per cent (i.e. JV~(M). (For a single basic organ function error- 
level of ~8 per cent (i.e. 0*08).) 


FIG. 13. ERROR CONTROL GRAPH. N is upper bound for the 
probability of error at any output of an original network (X in 
Fig. 12), and N* for the new network derived by multiplexing 
e is the error. N0 is a root of the equation for N* shown in 
graph as curved line (see text for explanation). 

This argument is taken a great deal further, and made very 
much more rigorous, and von Neumann introduces the concept of 
a 'restoring organ' which helps to control the error. He hazards the 
guess that 'neuron pools' in the human nervous system may work 
on such a procedure as he outlines. 

It is probable that von Neumann's principal contribution to the 
behavioural theory of neural nets lies in his demonstration that 
error in the components at least will not be a reason for believing 
that very large switching devices would be hopelessly inadequate 


because of the multiplication of error. There are, of course, many 
other ideas that spring from his work, and which we should bear in 
mind in our search for suitable behavioural models. 

Turing machines 

We shall say a little more here about work on Turing machines 
(see also Chapter III). Their interest lies in the question as to 
what is capable of being computed by a machine, and the questions 
raised by current research on Turing machines are largely concerned 
with that branch of mathematics known as recursive function 

Among the most interesting of recent results on Turing 
machines are those obtained by de Leeuw, Moore, Shannon and 
Shapiro (1956); they have been able to compare a deterministic 
machine with probabilistic machines for a certain set of tasks. 

A study of Turing machines has a special interest for the psycho- 
logist because of its relation to the nature of paper machines in 
general, which are so important for the consideration of effective 

Lastly, it should be mentioned that a Turing machine is equi- 
valent to a general purpose digital computer, provided that the 
computer is able to have access to all the tape or cards it has used 
throughout its operation. 

Many discoveries are still being made about the nature of finite 
and infinite automata. Rabin and Scott (1959) and Shepherdson 
(1959) have shown that two-way automata (those that can move 
both ways along their input tape) are effectively equivalent to 
one-way automata. 

Extensive theorems have been proved about one-tape, two- 
tape, three-tape and w-tape automata, and this is of special 
behavioural interest since, if the tape is to be regarded as repre- 
senting a temporal flow, then it is important in relating Turing 
machines and other two-way automata to a one-way automaton, 
whether or not the one-way automaton is single or multi-tape. 

The syntheses of finite automata 

We next turn to the subject of the actual hardware machines 
that have been built as syntheses of the general theory of finite 


automata. We shall exclude some machines from this discussion 
and leave them until the end of the next chapter, where they may 
be better understood after the discussion of the particular set of 
finite automata there described. 

There are many difficulties confronting a discussion of the 
syntheses of finite automata, and we can but summarize some of 
the better known of these models. We shall subsequently make 
some generalizations about the nature of syntheses. 

We should bear in mind that we have already outlined the 
structure of digital computers, and these are the most obvious of 
all examples of such syntheses that are of interest to us in the 
behavioural sciences. We shall say no more about them at the 
moment, although their special use when programmed as learning 
machines should be borne in mind. 

Grey Walter's models 

Grey Walter (1953) has produced two syntheses of finite auto- 
mata. The simpler one is called Cora, a conditioned reflex analogue, 
and its general structure and function are briefly noted in the 
following description. 

Cora's response to changed conditions is indicated by a short 
discharge in a neon glow tube, seen as a flash of pink light, which 
is the response to a particular stimulus. With such a system, a 
sound such as a whistle can be made a sign of a forthcoming light 
stimulus. In other words, it is a simple association system, and it 
will be seen later that this is the basic idea underlying our logical 
networks of the next chapter. 

Machina Speculatrix (popularly known as 'the tortoise') is some- 
what more complicated. It has two sensory elements in the form 
of a simple contact receptor and a photoelectric cell. The tortoise is 
mobile, being driven by an electric motor, and it carries an accumu- 
lator, two valves, registers, condensers, and a pilot light (Appen- 
dices B and C, Walter, 1953.) 

Technical description of M. Speculatrix 

M. Speculatrix is intended as a model of elementary reflex 
behaviour, and contains only two functional elements: two 
receptors, two nerve cells, two effectors. The first receptor is a 



photoelectric cell, mounted on the spindle of the steering column 
always facing the same direction as the single front driving wheel, 
which is one effector. In the dark the steering is continuously 
rotated by the steering motor (the other effector) so that the photo- 
cell scans steadily. The scanning rotation is stopped when moderate 
light enters the photo-cell, but starts again at half speed when 
the light intensity is greater the dazzle state. The driving motor 
operates at half speed when scanning in the dark, and at full speed 
in moderate or intense light. The other receptor is a ring-and- 
stick limit switch attached to the shell, which is rubber-suspended. 
When the shell touches something, or when a gradient is en- 
countered, its displacement closes the limit switch. This connects 
the output of the 'central nervous* amplifier back to its input 
through a capacitator so that it is turned into a multivibrator. The 
oscillations produced by the multivibrator stop the circuit from 
acting as an amplifier, so that simple sensitivity to light is lost; 
instead, the connexions alternate between the 'dark' and 'dazzle' 
states. The steering-scanning motor is alternately on full- and 
half-power, and the driving motor, at the same time, on half- and 
full-power, the effect of which is to produce a turn-and-push 
manoeuvre. The time-constant of the feedback circuit is selected 
to give about one-third of the time on 'steer-hard-push-gently', 
and two-thirds on 'push-hard-steer-gently*. This gives a prompt 
response to the first contact with an obstacle. Though there is no 
direct attraction to light in the obstacle-avoiding state, the feed- 
back time-constant is shorter when the photo-cell is illuminated, 
so that when an obstacle is met in the dark, the avoidance drill is 
done in a leisurely fashion, but when there is an attractive light 
nearby, the movements are more hasty. 

The electrical circuit is shown in Fig. 14. This is only one of 
many possible arrangements, but it is probably the simplest in 
components and wiring. The photo-cell is a gas-filled type, and 
generally needs no optical system, a single light-louvre giving 
sufficient directionality. It is convenient to connect the tube 
between the grid of the first amplifier tube and the negative side of 
the 6V accumulator needed to run the motors. The grid of the 
input tube is connected to the positive side of the 6V battery 
through a 10 megohm resistor; illumination of the photo-cell can 
therefore only change the bias on the input tube from zero to 



about 4V negative. In the dark the first tube, having zero bias, 
passes its full current, and the relay in its anode is 'on*. This 
tube is a triode, or a triode-connected pentode. The relay should 
have a resistance of about 10,000 ?, or rather less than the anode 
impedance of the tube, and a single pole change-over contact. The 
resistance of this relay and the anode impedance of the first tube 
form a potentiometer which fixes the screen voltage of the second 
tube. The anode of the first tube is thus connected directly to the 
screen of the second and also, through a 0*5 mF capacitor, to its 
grid. This provides a relatively high gain for changes in illumina- 


+ 6 

FIG. 14. CIRCUIT OF M. speculatrix. This figure shows the 
circuit of M. speculatrix (after Grey Walter). 

tion and steady-state amplification when the input is larger. The 
effect of this coupling is to permit transient interruption of the 
scanning motion when a faint light enters the photo-cell, thus 
gradually bringing the model on to the beam at a distance, then a 
steady inhibition of scanning when the light is brighter or nearer. 
The relay in the anode of the second tube is of the same type as the 
first, but the moving contact goes straight to the positive terminal 
of the 6V battery, instead of through the pilot light. The stationary 
contacts are connected in the same way, 'on* to the driving motor, 
'off' to the scanning motor, in both relays. In faint light, relay 2 is 
closed momentarily; in moderate light it is held closed, and in 


bright light it remains closed but relay 1 opens, thus providing for 
swerving away from a bright light. 

The pilot light, which is in series with the moving contact of 
relay 1, is short-circuited when relay 2 closes, and is therefore 
extinguished when the driving motor is turned to full power and 
the scanning movement is arrested by light. When the light from 
the pilot bulb is reflected by a mirror into the photo-cell, it is 
extinguished, but the disappearance of this light restores relay 2 
to 'off', and the light appears again. 

Grey Walter tried the interesting experiment of connecting Cora 
to the obstacle-avoiding device in the 'tortoise and, as a result of 
associating touch with the onset of trouble, it was found that the 
whole model would retreat when touched. The education process 
involved, in Grey Walter's own words, 'blowing the whistle and 
kicking the shells a few times'. This simple sort of associative learn- 
ing is of the greatest interest from the point of view of learning 

One special point of interest arises with the combined model, 
and it is one of those which justify the construction of hardware 
models. After the defensive backing reflex had been conditioned 
the whistle was blown and, without reinforcement by kicking, the 
flash of light that indicated the activation of the memory circuit 
occurred without an explicit eliciting stimulus. This meant that 
every time the dodging operation occurred the pink light flashed, 
and although this could have been predicted from the blueprint, the 
prediction was not in fact made. 

But we must curtail discussion of these machines and carry on 
to the next model. As in all these cases, the original references 
should be used when the full detail is required. 

Ross Ashby's model 

Apart from Ashby's lengthy justification of the principle of 
ultrastability in the design of human brains (Ashby, 1952), he has 
produced the well-known 'Homeostat'. This models the process of 
ultrastability, and is of special interest to psychologists. 

The Homeostat is an analogue computer, and consists of four 
boxes with a magnetic needle pivoted on top of each. The magnets 
can be deflected from their neutral positions from which they will 



return to a position of equilibrium, although the return is not 
always by precisely the same method. The magnets are connected 
to water potentiometers, and the four boxes are interconnected 
with each other. 

The Homeostat is thus composed of four main units, and the 
angular deviation of each magnet constitutes the variables in the 
situation. Each of the four units emits a d.c. output proportional 
to the deviation of its magnet from the neutral. In front of each 

FIG. 15. THE HOMEOSTAT. Wiring diagram of one unit. ^provides 
anode potential at 150V, while H is at 180V, so E carries a 
constant current. M is the magnet. A, B and C are coils. X is a 
commutator, P a Potentiometer, S a switch, U a uniselector, G 
a coil of a uniselector and F is a relay. 

magnet is a trough of water, and electrodes there provide a poten- 
tial gradient. The magnets carry wires which dip into this water 
and pick up a potential difference that depends on the position of 
the magnet, sending it to the grid of the triode (see Fig. 15). J 
provides the anode potential at 150V, while H is at 180V, so E 
carries a constant current. If the grid-potential allows just this 
current to pass through the valve, then no current will flow 
through the output; whereas if the valve passes more or less than 
this amount of current, the output circuit will carry the difference 


in one direction or another. So, having been fixed, the output is 
proportional to M 's deviation. 

The next stage involves the interconnecting of the units so that 
each sends its output to the other three. This leads to the torque 
on all of the magnets being proportional to the sum of the currents 
in coils A, B and C (see Fig. 15). There is also an effect from D 
itself as a self-feedback. Each input passes through a commutator X 
and a potentiometer P before it reaches the coil, and these determine 
the polarity of entry, and the fraction of input to reach the coil. 

This system, so Ashby claims, exhibits the important character- 
istic of purposiveness, and he believes that the variations in the 
manner of achieving ultrastability are a characteristic not normally 
seen in machines, but usually seen in living organisms. The point 
is well made that organisms show this purposiveness, and any 
machines that purport to be humanlike must exhibit such charac- 
teristics. In the logical nets of the next chapter we shall find that a 
motivational system will exhibit some of the same characteristics as 
Ashby' s Homeostat. One cannot but wonder at the possible out- 
come of connecting the Coxa-Speculatrix compound to the 
Homeostat; it seems that it might, under appropriate circum- 
stances, exhibit even more intelligent behaviour, if such connexions 
proved to be a practical possibility. 

Ashby (1956a, 1956b) has set out a large-scale design for a brain 
in terms of step functions and the characteristic of ultrastability 
and, more recently still, has argued on behalf of set theory for the 
appropriate description of finite automata. This is, in fact, a form of 
description that is implicit in our own logical nets. A more recent 
set-theoretic description by Beer (1960) is also of relevance here. 

Let us next consider Shannon's maze-running machine. 

Shannon's model 

Figure 16 shows the Shannon's maze-runner which will be 
briefly described (1951). 

The top panel of the machine shows a maze derived from a 5 x 
5 array of squares. There is a sensing finger which has contact by 
touch with the walls of the maze, and the finger is driven by two 
motors which orient it in a north-south and an east-west direction. 
The finger now has to feel its way to its goal. 

The finger searches each square in turn, and if it reaches a 



Carriage wheels 


Flexible cable 
to carriage 


Indicating^ lamps -^^^^ 

~ oo obooo 


FIG. 16. MAZE-RUNNER. On the panel there is a 5 x 5 range of 
squares, these can be rearranged to any desired pattern thus 
changing the maze through which the sensing finger must find 

its way. 


partition it goes back to the centre of the square and starts again. 
The systematic search depends on previous knowledge and certain 
strategies. It can also get into a sort of 'neurotic* cycle when an old 
solution becomes a part of another path which leads back into 

The strategy involves the use of two relays for each square of the 
maze, and they can remember any of four possible directions such 
as north, south, east and west. This means that any square has a 
special orientation associated with it. Solutions lead to the locking 
in of relays, and there are also ways in which the machine can 
forget. If, for example, the goal is not reached in a specific number 
of moves, then the previous solution is regarded as no longer 
relevant, the assumption being that the maze-runner has got into 
a cycle. 

Shannon's model shows some of the same characteristics as do 
the logical nets we are to consider, and it certainly exhibits many 
of the simple characteristics of learning. It has, indeed, all the 
essential features of a learning machine in the form of a memory, 
a receptor system, an output system and is selective in its operation. 

Uttley's models 

In many ways Uttley's syntheses of finite automata are the 
most interesting of all, from our point of view, since the essential 
process of classification and conditional probability are both 
accepted as necessary parts of the logical net system that we are to 
use to analyse behaviour. 

Uttley's original classification system had the following pro- 
perties: it was based on the sensory system of an automatic card 
filer of the Hollerith type. The idea that the human senses worked 
on a classification principle had previously been suggested by 
Hayek (1952), and Uttley was able to build a simple classification 
system in hardware. Its circuit is given in Fig. 17. 

The principle is a very simple one, and merely demands that 
any number of elements can be gathered together into any or all 
the possible sets of combinations of their elements. We can 
extend this in both a temporal and a spatial manner by considering 
the same element an instant or two instants later as being effectively 
a different element in the sets that one is classifying. Since this is 
an essential part of our argument on perception and sensory 



processes, and is going to play a major part in the rest of the book 
we shall not pursue it at the moment. 

Uttley's second machine (1955) is a conditional probability 
machine. This, again, is a hardware representation of a basic 
concept that will be taken over into the logical nets. Its essential 



x-W 1> 


FIG. 17. CLASSIFYING SYSTEM. This is a simple example of a 

hardware realization of a classifying system, constructed by 

Uttley, and classifying the inputs, A, B, C and D into every 

possible combination. 

characteristics are that it is capable of counting different combina- 
tions of occurrence, and computing that, given a particular 
stimulus a y then the probability of b following is the number of 
occurrences of a in the past when followed by i, divided by the 
total number of occurrences of a in the past, regardless of whether 
or not they have been followed by b. 


It should be emphasized that in Uttley's system we can regard 
what he calls the 'tunes' (patterns of occurrences) as being spread 
out either spatially or temporally. 

It is also of interest that Uttley's work, unlike that of Shannon, 
Walter or Ashby, has been explicitly aimed at the synthesis of the 
principles on which organisms behave, and less in terms of 
actually presenting miniature organisms. 

George (1958) has built models that have the same essential 
properties as Uttley's two models, but since these were con- 
structed in terms of the theory of nets we shall not discuss them 
until a later stage in the present work. A model called Flebus has 
been built by Stewart (1959), and a model by Chapman (1959). 
Chapman's model will be described now, and Stewart's since it 
is closely related to logical nets will be dealt with in the next 

Chapman's self-organizing classification system 

The principle of Chapman's classification system differs from 
that of Uttley's in its demand that any number of elements can be 
gathered together into several of the possible sets of combinations 
of their elements, not exceeding an arbitrary number. There is a 
further condition: that the several combinations of elements which 
can be gathered together shall be those which occur most frequently 

At first sight, the limitation on the number of combinations that 
can be classified appears to be a simplification imposing an un- 
justifiable constraint on the system. However, if we consider a 
situation similar to that of visual perception, where the number of 
elements is so large that only a tiny fraction of the possible 
number of combinations occurs, the economy of Chapman's 
system becomes obvious. The condition of relating priority of 
classification to frequency inevitably means that the system does 
not classify elements as soon as it is conceived, and at that stage it 
is therefore not strictly a classifying system. Its structure is such 
that, by operating on it with groups of elements, it 'grows', and 
learns to classify them. 

The technique by which this is achieved in the hardware model 
is one of inhibition. Each of the inputs to the machine representing 
an element or primitive stimulus is connected to every one of the 


outputs, representing events, by a number of barely conducting 
paths, consisting of threads of cotton moistened with lime water. 
When a group of elements is 'fired' by application of a positive 
potential to the ends of the cotton threads, the event is registered 
by the lighting of several of the output lamps. For each such 
event, all conducting links connecting inputs which were not 
active to outputs which were active, are rendered less conducting 
by the passage of a large current, and the consequent evaporation 
of moisture. In addition, the active links are rendered less con- 
ducting, at a different rate, unless or until the output on which 
they terminate only just fires (i.e. its threshold is only just exceeded 
by a small quantity e). In general, if a number of different events 
occur, a tendency is observed for the outputs to distribute them- 
selves among the events, and eventually to represent each event 
uniquely. However, with suitable adjustment of the rates at which 
the two sets of conducting paths for each event are modified, it is 
possible for certain outputs to respond, not to separate events, but 
to several events all containing a common subset of elements. In a 
sense the machine has recognized a general characteristic of its 

By careful control of the vapour pressure surrounding the 
cotton threads, the machine can be made to forget events which 
have not occurred recently, or whose frequency has diminished, 
and so allow more frequent events to overwrite them. Although a 
system which allows overwriting would cause confusion if used to 
store detailed information, it has a very obvious advantage as an 
early warning system in an organism whose environment is 
changing, and it seems likely that a system of this type plays an 
important part in directing attention. 

Chapman's machine is significant in itself as a pointer to the 
way in which economy can be achieved in a large classification 
system; but what is of more importance is that he, like Pask 
(1958, 1959), has demonstrated that a very highly organized specific 
system can grow from a non-specific medium with a relatively 
simple structure, obeying generalized rules of growth. 

An interesting comparison occurs between Chapman's model 
and the Mark II Cell Assembly of Milner, which will be discussed 
in Chapter X. 

Another approach to the 'growth nets' which are implied by 

(7 10 5\ 
6 8 4) 
5 4 6/ 


Chapman's model is through matrices. An input matrix has rows 
which represent input elements, and columns representing the 
successive states of the input. The initial structure of the net is 
given by a structure matrix, a square matrix whose elements 
represent the sensitivity of the various links (cotton threads) 
between input and output elements. This structure changes as a 
function of the input matrix, and there is a series of structure 
matrices with links whose sensitivities are changing. For example, 
where the critical threshold is 0*10, the following structure matrix 
defines a simple growth net with three inputs and three outputs 
(the rows and columns of the structure matrix) : 

10 5> 
8 4 
4 6, 

Now for input vector (1, 1,0} the resultant output is { 1, 1, }. 
The result is that a new structure matrix is formed, and the 
elements of Si are all diminished, the links which are fired being 
diminished less than those not fired. 

This whole problem of matrix description of growth nets is now 
undergoing a careful analysis, and will be discussed no further 

General synthesis 

Obviously if one asks general questions about syntheses of 
theories, one is immediately transported back to those theories 
from which the syntheses emanated. We should say, though, that a 
very important account of the synthesis of two-terminal switching 
circuits has been written by Shannon (1949), and this deals with 
questions as to which logical theories can be translated into hard- 
ware, and it deals especially with questions about the simplest 
form that such syntheses should take. This matter is rather con- 
cerned with mathematical and electrical engineering aspects of 
switching circuits, and will hold no immediate and direct interest 
for the experimental psychologist. 

Except to say that there have been many other models built 
apart from those here briefly discussed, we shall be content at this 
point to leave the question of synthesis of automata, and return to 
it much later after we have seen more clearly what sort of systems 


we might next try to convert into hardware models. It should 
perhaps be said, from the psychological point of view, that the sorts 
of models that are likely to be most useful are liable to be a very 
great deal more complicated than anything that has so far been 

An alternative method of approaching the same problem 
(George, 1957d) is to consider the possibility of programming a 
general purpose digital computer with a full description of the 
automaton we are interested in, and then feed the inputs into the 
automaton that is now inside the computer. The difficulty here is 
the inadequate size of memory stores in any of the existing general 
purpose digital computers. However, it might be possible to use 
this idea in one of two ways, (1) either by enlarging existing 
memory stores, or (2) by giving a most abbreviated description of 
the automaton. This last suggestion might reduce to a simple form 
of mathematical operator, in the same way as when we approxi- 
mate to a description of a molecular model by a molar description, 
and in turn to a mere mathematical operator or set of operators. 
This again suggests the possible usefulness of the work of Bush 
and Mosteller (1955). 

By use of the same molar theoretic ideas as mentioned above, we 
might hope to be able to reproduce, in the future, many of the 
best understood psychological variables in an analogue computer, 
and study their relations there under various sets of conditions. 
This is something that waits primarily on the search for well- 
defined behavioural variables, and well-defined relations between 


This chapter has been concerned with introducing finite auto- 
mata. It starts by considering the general properties of finite 
automata as defined by McCulloch and Pitts and followed up by 
Kleene. The form that these finite automata take is that of logical 
or neural nets, although of course they could also be regarded as 
tape automata, with input and output tape, a scanner, and a storage 
system which is either independent or a part of the input and 
output tapes. 

The next type of automata considered was the net designed by 
von Neumann, and this led to a brief discussion of his treatment of 


error and the control of error in automata. Von Neumann's 
automata had the interesting property of being defined in terms of 
a single basic element, the Sheffer stroke. 

The second half of the chapter deals with the synthesis of 
automata, and we considered a few well-known and representative 
hardware models built by Grey Walter, Ashby, Uttley, Shannon 
and Chapman. 

In this chapter the microscope has, as it were, been turned on 
to that part of cybernetics that is concerned with constructing, in 
paper and pencil and in hardware, models of behaviour systems. 
These models are of both conceptual and general methodological 
interest, and from among the conceptual models we are interested 
in models which predict behaviour accurately. Ultimately, of 
course, we are interested in the particular model or set of models 
that bear structural as well as behavioural similarity to the human 



WE shall now develop a general notation for the use of 'logical 
nets', as we shall call them from now on. These are essentially the 
same as the neural nets of the early sections of the previous 
chapter; they are finite automata, and we are interested in the 
pursuit of effective methods for constructing psychological 
theories, rather than in developing a mathematical theory for its 
own sake, or in the logical or philosophical aspects of the analysis. 
Using such means, our interest lies in improving their predictive 
value, as well as in their property of allowing easy revision of 
existing psychological and biological theories. This can be done by 
making clear the assumptions and the process of theory construc- 

After we have outlined the principles on which the nets are to be 
constructed, with suitable illustrations, we shall proceed to a 
preview of the sort of finite automaton we need to reconstruct 
organisms in terms of the known experimental psychological facts. 
These are to be thought of, initially, as being broadly descriptive 
or molar only, and not until later chapters shall we start to con- 
sider possible neurological interpretations of these models. 

We shall not only attempt some sort of preliminary reconstruc- 
tion, but we shall also consider existing theories of cognition in the 
light of the models we are using. Such theories of learning as those 
of Guthrie, Hull and Tolman are typical of those we have in mind 
(these theories will be discussed on pages 179 to 234) to begin with, 
but the later modifications of Hull by Spence, and the more recent 
theories of Seward, Deutsch, Broadbent and Uttley must also be 

We wish, then, to outline an automaton that mimics human 
behaviour; to build a machine which is capable of learning, not 
merely by utilizing what has been built into it, but also by acquiring 
information to which the machine is exposed, and using this 


information predictively. We must therefore 'build in' the capacity 
to learn, and not the details of the learning itself, as this is essential 
to adaptive behaviour. However, we shall not pursue this general 
discussion here, but rather we shall consider how the psychologist 
may use his information in building up a conceptual nervous 
system in the form of logical nets. 

We must first assume certain properties of a somewhat simplified 
character about the net we are going to construct, in the same way 
as did McCulloch and Pitts. We can then develop and test the 
suitability of the construction principles as we compare the nets 
with what we know of actual behaviour and neurology. The com- 
plications of individual differences can then be introduced. 

Just as physics started by considering ideal spheres, or ideal 
particles, neglecting moments of inertia, and friction, so we must 
start with some idealizations, as we have already done with 
neural nets. 

Our building bricks we shall call 'elements', rather than neurons. 
These are intended to be interpreted later as neurons after the 
principle of Braithwaite, which makes the elements initially 
formal symbols like those used in symbolic logic. These elements 
are connected by wires or fibres of two sorts: input fibres and 
output fibres. Impulses are assumed to run down these fibres in 
one direction to elements which are strung together in the form of 
a net. 

Briefly, and informally, the principles on which these nets 
operate are as follows : Each element is assumed to take the same 
time to fire (an instant), and to be refractory for just that instant of 
time which is the same for all elements. Each element has a thres- 
hold value that has to be overcome before the element will fire. 
Furthermore, two sorts of inputs can occur: one that will excite 
and help to fire the element, and one that will inhibit and stop the 
element firing. These will be called excitatory and inhibitory 
fibres respectively (represented by closed-in triangles and open 
circles in the diagrams). If the threshold of an element is only 1, 
say (see Fig. IA), then it is excited by the firing of the single 
excitatory input. If there are more inputs, and the threshold of the 
element is still 1 (Fig. IB), then the element will fire if there is 
one more excitatory input firing than inhibitory inputs. 

If the threshold is more than 1 , say, 2 or 3, then the condition for 





FIG. Ic 



FIG. 1. LOGICAL NET ELEMENTS. Figure IA shows the simplest 
element which simply delays an impulse for one instant. IB shows 
five excitatory inputs, and like IA, has a threshold of 1. Ic has a 
threshold of 2 and since it has only one input it can never fire. 
ID fires if either input fires and thus if we label the inputs A and 
B and the output C, the equation for firing is C t+1 = A t v Bt, 
where s means *if and only if' and v is the logical c or'. IE shows 
the logical 'and' with formula. C t+1 s= A t . B t . 


the element firing is that the number of excitatory fibres firing at 
any instant must exceed the number of inhibitory by the amount 
of the threshold. By this token, Fig. lc will clearly never fire 
because there is only one input, and it needs at least two to fire 
simultaneously to overcome the threshold. Figure ID will fire if 
either one of the inputs fires, whereas Fig. IE will fire only if both 
the inputs fire together. 

What is extremely interesting about these nets is the fact that 
they can easily be built by using the ordinary relays, or two-way 
switches, so common in electronic engineering; but they can also 
be taken to represent the ordinary relations of simple mathematical 
logic. For example, Fig. ID fires if either of the inputs (let us call 
these A and J5) fires, and this represents the logical connective 
'or'. If we call the output fibre C, we can say that C fires if either 
A or B fires, and since we mean the 'or' to be 'inclusive', then it 
will fire if A and B both fire as well as if either A or B fires alone. 
In symbols, 

C ss AvB (1) 

where ' = ' means 'if and only if, and V means (inclusive) 'or'. 
By exactly the same sort of reasoning Fig. IE represents 'and'. 
Thus, using the same lettering as for Fig. ID, we can say that C 
fires if and only if both A and B fire together. In symbols, 

C^A.B (2) 

where V means 'and'. 

We can write the formulae for any elements whatsoever in the 
same logical terms, and could thus replace all our nets by formulae 
precisely as in the previous chapter, and rather as geometrical 
figures can be replaced by their equations in Cartesian coordinates. 
It will be noticed that A and B must fire simultaneously for C to 
fire, and this can be brought out by using time-suffices in our 
system. Thus, instead of (2) we could write: 

Ct = A+-\ . Bt-i (3) 

The fact that these nets are correlated with logical notation is, of 
course, the reason for calling them logical nets, and later we shall 
wish to give them an interpretation as nerve cells, axons, dendrites, 
and the like, and we must even now bear in mind that this is our 
ultimate aim. 



We shall pursue the logical notation to some extent in terms of 
those branches of logic already described in Chapter III; it 
involves no more than the prepositional and lower functional 
calculus. The value of the mathematical logic is that, when the 
subject becomes very much more complicated, it can be regarded 
more and more as a branch of mathematics, and we can be led on 
from mathematical logic to other suitable mathematical techniques. 
Our discussion here is entirely for experimental psychologists and 
biologists, and it is therefore concerned primarily with the manner 
of interpretation of such simple nets, both as molar and molecular 

The elements mentioned above, and their type of connexions, 
are typical of the elements in all the nets in which we are interested. 

FIG. 2. LOOP ELEMENT. A simple loop element which once fired 
continues to fire itself indefinitely. 

They are all elements which are capable of being in one of two 
states, that of excitation or inhibition. They are, as we put it, either 
'live' or 'deaf. However, we find it convenient to add to our 
number of elements, or rather, to consider one other kind of 
connexion; this is illustrated in Fig. 2. These are what McCulloch 
and Pitts called 'circles' (the element M^, and were illustrated in 
the formulae of Fig. 2 of Chapter IV, in a discussion of indefinite 

Here the output fibre is also part of the input of the element. 
This is very important in that it could be interpreted as a primitive 
form of remembering. The element, when fired, will go on firing 
itself until some inhibitory later stops it firing. If one has such a 
'looped' element, or loop element as we shall call them, and that 



loop element has no inhibitory fibre as part of its input, or if the 
threshold number is always greater than the number of the 
inhibitory inputs, then of course the loop, once fired, will never 
stop. It will not be possible for the element to erase this particular 
'memory'. If, however, we added another input fibre capable of 
inhibiting the loop element, then, of course, the loop element's 
firing could be stopped. Figure 3 shows this simple element. 

Bearing in mind an ultimate neurological purpose, it is natural 
that we should think of a whole network of such elements as being 
capable of division into input elements, inner elements and output 
elements. It should, however, be noted that the input elements have 
output fibres and input fibres which are free at the other end; 

FIG. 3. LOOP ELEMENT. This is the same as Fig. 2, except that 

we have added an inhibitor input that can stop the element 

firing if necessary. 

output elements have free output fibres ; and of course the inner 
elements are free at neither end, for they have both input and 
output fibres connected to other elements. 

Let us next consider one of the simplest significant networks. 
Figure 4 shows such a simple net which has A and B as input 
elements, C, D, E as inner elements, and F, G and H as output 

First let us see what happens. If A fires alone it fires F directly, 
and also fires D which fires an ineffective inhibitory into E. 

If, however, A and B fire together, then C is fired and not D, 
and this fires E which then goes on firing until A is fired alone 
again, and then the inhibitory fibre from D becomes useful in 



stopping the firing of E. This erases the memory, which was that 
A and B had fired together. The importance of this is that if A 
fires alone after A and B had fired together, then G would have 
been fired without the need for B to fire. This process is a simple 
analogue, or representation, of a conditioned reflex, and is, of 
course, a logical equivalent to Cora (see page 105). 

Consider A as the unconditioned stimulus and F as the uncondi- 
tioned response to A, and G as the response which can become 
conditioned to A. This conditioning will take place when A and B 
have fired together, so that, in the future, A firing alone will fire 
G y which it would not have done previously. 

FIG. 4. LOGICAL NETWORK. This is a slightly modified version of 

Fig. 1 (Chapter IV) and is a 'sign* or 'association' net which 

associates the firing of A with the firing of J5. 

Since conditioning experiments will frequently be mentioned, 
let us say straight away that we are thinking of the typical experi- 
ment whereby a flash of light, say, which is to be the conditioned 
stimulus, is associated with the act of salivating, this itself being 
the unconditioned response to the unconditioned stimulus of the 
smell of food. Salivating then will become the conditioned 
response to the flash of light if light and food occur together for 
some number of trials. Extinction of this association will occur 
subsequently unless the flash is reinforced from time to time by the 
presence of food. 

We would emphasize that the above interpretation is for illustra- 



tive purposes. The net of Fig. 4 has, of course, a very short 
memory, since it forgets as soon as either A or B fires alone. 
Although the next firing of A alone will elicit G, it will do this 
once only, which means, of course, that the association is soon 

As one would expect, more complex nets can and have been 
constructed, nets that will remember for any number of times we 
want them to; such, for example, as will remember either A and jB 

FIG. 5. BELIEF NETWORK. We have referred to this network 
which is an extension of Fig. 4 (showing more loop elements 
connected in a particular way) as a Belief-net or jB-net. In 
general it associates any number of inputs and counts the 
degree of association to any extent. 

together or either of them apart. It is possible, also, to construct 
nets that associate events like A and B even if they do not happen 

So much for the basic informal idea of nets. Not only do they 
seem to mirror, or be capable of mirroring, some of the properties 
of nervous tissue, but they can now be used as tools for research. 

We shall now give a somewhat more rigorous account of the 
principles upon which these logical nets are to be constructed. 
Figure 5 illustrates a simple association net based on the same 


principle as the net of Fig. 4. This is the net we have elsewhere 
described as a 5-net (George, 19S6a, 1957a, 1957d), and is to be 
thought of as the basis of the C-system. The terms '.B-net' and 
'C-system' in the model are to be interpreted respectively as 
belief-unit or belief (a theoretical term) and cognitive system in the 

The equations of the J3-net element by element, in terms of 
its firing conditions, are as follows : 

ft = (M-i - ~#-i) v (ci-i . (Jajci.! 

. ~(U-i v l|-i)) (7) 

In deriving (7), use is made of the obvious simplifying condition: 

*0~(lJ*lf) (8) 

Then the generalized equation for any number of ^-counters 
(the name we give to sets of ^-elements) is : 

5s(*J_i.#tJ.(a)4-i) (9) 

(In equations (1) to (6) any delay elements (see Fig. IA) that may 
be necessary are ignored.) 

The generalized equation here makes use of (8), and of the 
obvious condition that results from the fact that if c n+I fires, then 
c n must necessarily be firing. Similar equations can be derived 
for the {/-counters (as we shall call the sets of J-elements), and a 
final condition on the 'key' element, (ab) 1 in Fig. 5. The primed 
notation always indicates an output element, and the combined 
primed elements are the 'key' elements. These key elements will 
be composed of every combination of all the primitive inputs a, b, 
...,n that the system contains. The final condition on the key ele- 
ment (ab)' is: 

(ab)' = (( . bt-i . 4-i) 

v (flfr-i . bt-i) v (a t -i . c}_!) (10) 

v (bt-i . 4-i) ~^-i) 

We will next show that our methods of devising these J5-nets are 
perfectly general, and that we can cater for any number of input 
fibres, and can count to any number of combinations whatsoever. 


The methods for counting can be extended indefinitely; this 
should be self-evident, for the counters are essentially linearly 
connected, and any number can be added to either the c- or rf- 
chains. By 'chain' we mean simply a linearly connected set of 
elements. It is also obvious that we can think of the inputs as any 
number of the full set of possible combinations of any finite set of 
inputs, a fact which disposes of the only serious question posed by 
the need for generalization, that of the counting of any number of 

In considering the net so far described it should be borne in 
mind that events of duration (or length) 1 are the only ones counted 
where the distinction is made between a.b and either ~a.b or 
a.~b, and there is no counter system for ~a.~b. Elements of 
threshold could be easily introduced to allow the counting of the 
last sort of event, and a distinction could easily be drawn between 
events a.~b and ~a.b if it were necessary; that would simply 
involve a separate chain of counter elements. Indeed, as we increase 
the number of inputs in the system, so we shall need new chains of 
counters. In fact we can radically reduce the number of elements 
by indulging in a binary counting system which records directly, 
in numerical form, the number of times a particular event has 

Another distinction we may need later will be that between 
classification systems which count all events, and those that count 
only 'positive' events. By 'positive event' we mean an event of 
which the description does not include any c ~' symbol. Thus we 
include events of the kind a.b> but not of the kind ~a.b.c. which 
would merely be regarded as b.c. For these positive counters the 
problem of generality is easily solved, since we only need as many 
fe-elements as there are combinations of events, and they can be 
fed straight into the chain of counters. The first case, where 
'negative' events occur, calls for a shade more care since we now 
have to multiply greatly the number of /-elements. Thus, for 
three inputs, where all the combinations of events are to be 
counted, we must have an /-element for the events a.b~c, 
a.~b.Cy ~a.b*c, etc., and, given these /-elements, they can now 
be attached to chains of counters as before. 

We might now say a few words about the duration of events. 
We are normally interested, in behaviour theory, in the relation 



between events that occur close to each other in time, but not 
always occurring simultaneously. This suggests that we should be 
concerned with events of greater length than 1, and it can easily be 
seen that we can arrange to count events of any duration whatever 
simply by multiplying the number of inputs for each and every 
combination that occurs at as many different instants as is neces- 
sary. This, of course, would be grossly uneconomical in practice, 
and we shall be generally concerned with events of relatively 
short duration and with events occurring at successive intervals 
of time. 

FIG. 6. AN EXTENDED BELIEF NETWORK. This network is a farther 

extension of Fig. 5 and shows the possible temporal relations 

between two inputs A and B* 

This whole question of temporal order in events becomes 
extremely complicated, and it will be referred to in more detail 
from time to time throughout the rest of the book. A consideration 
of uncompleted tasks and delayed responses, especially in human 
behaviour, reminds us of the problem, and this immediately 
raises the question of the relation of the memory store to the 
classification and control system. 

Figure 6 shows the classification of events of length 2, where 
each event is composed of all combinations of A and B and their 
negations. In the figure, not-^is indicated by A. The boxes 
containing the events such as AB/AB represent sets of counters 


arranged as in Fig, 5, or any other of the many possible arrange- 

Classification systems 

We must now describe one important aspect of logical nets ; it is 
that part which is closely concerned with perception, and the 
sensory systems of organisms. 

Figure 7 shows a simple classification system for positive events, 
as we shall call it. We believe that this is the basic principle on which 


FIG. 7. A CLASSIFYING SYSTEM. This is a simple illustration of a 

classifying system with respect to four inputs. This is not of 

course the only manner in which such classifying systems can 

be constructed. 

perception works, even though a very powerful set of economies is 
certainly employed in living organisms to reduce the necessity for 
complete classification. Indeed, classification is seldom complete; it 
is built up in stages involving different sensory modalities. Of 
course the same sort of argument applies to our association net or 
B-net. All we have wished to show here is the beginnings of an 
effective method for the construction of learning systems. We do 
not think that this is necessarily the method employed by the 
organism, but it is a method in terms of which we can reconstruct 
theories of cognition, and this we shall do in later chapters. 


The order of presentation of the argument will now be to 
proceed from sensory processes, or input systems, to control and 
storage systems, and finally to the output systems. 

The input system is in some sense a classifying system. This 
matter has already been dealt with to some extent elsewhere 
(Uttley, 1954), so here the description will be somewhat limited. 
Let us conceive, initially, of a large number of 'primitive' inputs. 
These are equivalent to the simplest distinguishable elements in 
our world. They record, in the form of the firing of, say, cones and 
rods, spots of yellow, green, black and white, and so on. They are 
very simple in that they merely record, or do not record, character- 
istic elements of the environment according to whether or not the 
appropriate inputs are stimulated (Price, 1953). From these 
primitive inputs, by classification processes, we build up the sense- 
data and the physical objects and concepts with respect to our 
environment and ourselves. It will later be seen that this picture 
of perception is probably over-simplified, and it is probable that 
classification, as here depicted, begins at a later stage in the 
organization (see Chapters X and XI). 

Let us name these primitive inputs 0, &,..., n, or, where we have 
to consider very large numbers of them, #1, #2, .-., a^ fa, 62, ..-, 
b m , d, - > and so on. We may separate the different sensory modali- 
ties by saying that the sets 

n m 

S at, Z fy, ..., etc. 

represent the different special senses, viz. seeing, hearing, 
touching, etc. Although this represents a theoretical interpretation 
of the model, it obviously entails no difficulty of any sort at the 
model level. The set Zai may be made up of elements of the visual 
classification system, Sbi made up of elements from the auditory 
system, and so on. 

In the above manner we can acquire the mathematical means of 
defining a classification and control system that may have as many 
inputs as we please, and cater for every combination of the input. 
It will be capable of counting as many of the conjunctions and 
disjunctions of any of the combinations we please by the illustrative 
methods already described. 


We shall need, in order to discuss the actual construction of 
particular finite automata of biological interest, to have certain 
simplifying concepts. The use of molar inputs and outputs has 
already been described. (We shall generally use the same letter for 
the output as for the input where the output letter is primed. Thus, 
if a has a directly connected output then it will be a', b will have b', 
and so on.) 

The next simplification will be to call any set of counters that 
connect any combination of inputs a J3-net. The words S-unit 
have also sometimes been used instead of fi-net (George, 1957a, 
1957d), the idea being that these fi-nets, in keeping with our use 
of molar and molecular stimuli, can occur on either the molar or 
the molecular level, and are the organs which, in iterated fashion, 
make up almost the whole automaton; they are somewhat similar 
to the packages that are used in the construction of digital com- 
puters. In practice, we may wish to add a further long term 
memory store to the system, but this need depend on no more than 
what could be 'tapped' from the looped elements, although, by 
applying 'logical' principles, it will be able to derive information 
from that 'tapped* input, which will greatly increase its stored 

A further word of explanation is here appropriate, although still 
couched in general terms. The storage system will derive its 
information directly from the input classification and the other 
parts of the storage system. These bits of information will be in the 
form of events (or, in an ovbious sense, event names) of various 
lengths. The central store will then be able to put these events 
together to form new events (or event names), as illustrated in a 
very simple case, for events of length 2, in Fig. 8. This figure, of 
course, shows only a sample of the possible elements and con- 

The principle is straightforward. An event name of length 2, 
A/B (where '/' means 'followed by'), can clearly be stored, as 
can event names A/C, B/D, D/B, etc. Now it seems clear that there 
is an important relation between A/B and D/B, for example. 
Both lead to B, and therefore must be associated. Similarly, if we 
set up the association C/J5, then AjC and C/JE taken together 
may define an association A/E. 

If we can now associate 'words' with event names, and construct 



sentences, then we have the possibility of deriving logic and 
language. So far, this task of the reconstruction of a complete 
language on these lines has not been attempted, although we may 
expect to find such attempts being made in the future. 

The need for economy in storage space will also demand a 
process of generalization that depends upon recognizing similari- 
ties among differences and differences among similarities; this is 
implicit in a classifying system. This general principle of classi- 
fying events, besides enabling recognition to occur, also enables 



































classifying principle to events that are already at least of length 2. 
Thus the classifying principle permits of drawing inferences by 
association. As an illustration, if A IB and BID have the common 
element A ID, this may be fired if A IB and B/D have both fired 
together or even if they have been fired at any time at all. The 
figure only shows a few sample connexions. 

reasoning to occur, although here we are not actually suggesting 
which of many possible forms the actual associative processes 
necessary to reasoning may take in the human organism. 

We must also have a motivational system (M-system in the 
model language) which, in keeping with the basic 'needs' of the 
organism, decrees what is useful to it, and what shall be retained by 
the conjunction- and disjunction-counters, and what shall not. In 
this respect the equations (and all that has been said so far) are 
oversimplified, since there must be added the motivational inputs 


and outputs which fire into all the inner elements of a -B-net. 
There is therefore some increase in the complication of the neces- 
sary and sufficient conditions for an element to fire. 

A 5-unit will exist to connect any subset of inputs whatsoever, 
and these units will be elicited in a definite temporal pattern. Let 
us consider a definite pattern of events, and suppose the occurrence 
of the following combination of stimuli: 

or more briefly 

' B-D-G- 

In fact such patterns will be frequent and in enormous quantities 
so let us make up a longer slice of behaviour: 

J?--G-JB- T- C/-S- U-K-L-O- C7-S-F-P- U-E- 

which might be a short series of discriminable activities, say the 
mere recognition of some familiar object. This sort of series should 
immediately remind the reader of a Markoff process (Chapter II), 
and suggest a whole field of new possible interpretations. 

It will be appreciated that many hundreds of counters will, on 
the theory, be fired even for such a simple action. Many B-units 
will register a large number of conjunctions, and also a certain 
number of disjunctions. 

It should be noticed that, with the simple use of delay elements, 
we can, on our c- and ^-counters, count events that fire as remote 
from each other in time as we please. 'Together', therefore, does not 
necessarily mean 'simultaneously'. 

But there are many complicated considerations that must be 
discussed before any progress can be hoped for from the mathe- 
matical methods. First, it is essential to try and fix the ideas 
implicit in the theory. 

Before pursuing our interpretation of the cognitive aspects of 
our automata, we should perhaps give a block diagram (Fig. 9) of 
the machine we are describing. The cognitive system or control is, 
it will be noticed, somewhat similar to (or analogous to) the 
cerebral cortex in so far as it is the highest level in the automaton. 
We shall discuss the motivational system, the emotional system 
(part of the rest of the internal environment) and the memory 
system (also really a part of the cognitive system) later, and in the 



meantime we shall discuss the cognitive system, or immediate 
classification and control system. 

The automaton conveniently divides up into a control-system 
(this is referred to as a cognitive-system, or C-system at the level of 

FIG. 9. THE BEHAVIOURAL MODEL. This shows the fairly arbitrary 

distinctions that have been made between the store, the control 

and the motivational system. All in the brain is really in storage 

except for incoming and outgoing messages, 

the model), a motivational-system (M-system), and we may 
include an emotional-system (^-system) which is closely related to 
motivation, apart from the permanent memory store referred to 
above which, as we have already said, is a part of the cognitive- 


system. The classification of inputs and outputs, involving percep- 
tion and organized responses to stimulation, will be regarded as 
being a part of the control system, as will be the high-speed 
memory store. 

We shall start by describing the most important part, which is 
the C-system. There will be some obvious point in saying that the 
C-system is the name of that section of the model which will 
subsequently be interpreted as the control or cognitive system in 
the automaton. 

Clearly, if we restrict ourselves to the memory of the loop 
elements of our control system (Fig. 5), then we would have to 
face the fact that the number of loop elements available directly 
affects the nature of the probability on which the automaton will 
operate. Before clarifying this point, let us make explicit the 
importance of the conditional probability on which the automaton 
will operate. 

Let us suppose that a particular 'physical object' using that 
term in the broadest sense that philosophers of perception would 
use it is represented by a combination of primitive inputs 
abcdef, say. We shall call this set A, for short. Let us suppose 
further that some number of physical objects B, C, ..., N follow 
each other in that order. Then there are relations of an important 
kind that connect these physical objects. 

The first important sort of relation that our system has to con- 
sider is the perceptual one, and this means, in the main, the 
problem of recognition. Given some properties a, b, ...,n, what is 
the probability of their belonging to some particular set A, say? 
This implies the use, by counting as above, of probabilities which 
suggest the appropriate set, of which what is sensed at any 
instant is a subset possibly, of course, an improper subset. 

We think of the operation of perceiving as a definite process of 
analysing and classifying the environment ('sampling* is perhaps 
the best single word to describe the perceptual operation), and as 
being spread over a finite time. It is an ordering process in which 
the probabilities vary as the information about the members of the 
set increase, wherever that is possible. The tachistoscope on one 
hand, and the close analysis with ruler and calipers on the other, 
represent two extremes in this regard. Ideally, however, the 
process of perceiving the word 'sensing' will be regarded by 


some as more appropriate for this seried operation can be 
represented by a series of probabilities 

tending to 1 in the limit, where ultimately each and every property 
of the finite set is identified. In practice, of course, this hardly ever 
happens, and we recognize objects (to think now of our inter- 
pretation) by small parts of them, or at a glance, in a manner 
familiar to those acquainted with Gestalt theory. Roughly speak- 
ing, the more familiar the object the more quickly we recognize it, 
and this is simply because a certain subset of properties abcd y say, 
is nearly always a subset of A. This model will be somewhat modi- 
fied later, when we consider problems of perception in greater 
detail in Chapters IX and X. 

Now the basis of this mechanism is clearly supplied by the 
counting and classification system described the model of the 
cognitive system. In practice, however, recognition will also 
depend on context. All that this means is that the probabilities 
associating different elements with different sets must be the 
basis of further probabilities associating different sets with each 
other. This, of course, will cut across the different sensory modalities. 

The automaton's behaviour at any instant clearly depends on 
two factors : (1) the current state of the environment, both internal 
and external, and (2) the whole past of the organism, as stored in 
the memory store. We must, then, conceive of the counting as 
leading to responses that are purely classificatory. This storage 
operation does not cause overt response, although naturally overt 
responses occur as a result of these classificatory responses after 
classification (perception) is complete. 

All that has been said in this chapter so far is aimed at showing a 
method of describing artificial organisms or automata. These 
automata are capable of being described precisely in logical terms, 
and of being constructed in terms of two-state switches. The 
methods so far discussed are quite general, and designed merely to 
show the reader that the associations necessary to learning and 
perceptions are easily obtainable in such a system. 

From this point on, most of the rest of the book is concerned 
with bringing such general methods into line with the empirical 
facts of behaviour and physiology. This is not to be done by 


writing specific equations for larger and ever larger nets this 
would become too complicated but by making the principles of 
more complex operations of behaviour clearer, in terms of these 
simple associations. Ultimately, no doubt, the more complex nets 
must be specified, but this may necessitate the use of a computer, 
probably with the help of an automatic coding procedure. 

Theory of perception 

The theory for the above model for perception is, strictly 
speaking, the interpretation placed on the model. In fact, the 
theory was formulated first and the model provided subsequently. 
The theory of perception here stated, and now to be briefly 
described, is molar, and is itself subject to reinterpretation on the 
molecular level. It will be seen to be generally adequate as an 
interpretation of the net model, and is believed to be consistent 
with many of the observable and intuitively known facts of 
perception. We would remind the reader again that this model and 
theory are intentionally general, and are not yet being discussed in 
detail; we are now mainly concerned with illustrating method. 

Perception is regarded as being the process of interpreting the 
messages that arise from the various sensory sources. This implies 
that we should regard the operations of sensing, perceiving and 
believing as on a sort of continuum in which the individual is 
not necessarily able to distinguish various points or intervals. 

The act of perceiving is represented as an organic process of 
selection and interpretation. The selection is partly due to the 
limits of application of the various senses, and partly due to the 
'set' of the individual, which means that the information in the 
store (representing his previous experience) will operate in con- 
junction with what is momentarily perceived. 

Perceiving is thus interpreted as a process of elaboration of 
sensory input, where there is a selection from all the potential 
stimuli in the environment, and where there is a counter system 
(store) for each of the items perceived. The counting, it should be 
noted, may well be approximate (Culbertson, 1950), and certainly 
receding of the store and other factors mainly concerned with the 
economy of storing information, will also arise (Oldfield, 1954). 
The responses for this system are classifactory and are themselves 


stimuli to the overt response system. We have chosen to describe 
this in the terminology of beliefs. We say that perceptual beliefs are 
aroused as a result of the categorizing process that perception 
serves. These are ordinary beliefs, although distinguished from 
beliefs-in-general in so far as they are directly concerned with what 
is perceived, whereas other beliefs may be derived, by other 
cognitive or logical operations, from what is already stored. 

The word 'belief is used here as a theoretical term and in the 
behaviouristic manner, although it is hoped that it will be capable 
of being interpreted as a formalization of the 'belief ' to which we 
refer in ordinary language. To avoid confusion, let us think of 
belief as a purely theoretical term which is closely related to a 
hypothesis (Krechevsky, 1932a, 1932b, 1933a, 1933b) or an 
expectancy (Tolman, 1932, 1934, 1939, 1952). We shall in fact use 
the word expectancy for an activated belief. For example, we shall 
want to say that there are various beliefs stored at various levels of 
generality, and that at any instant an activating stimulus will arouse 
some of them, and those aroused are called expectancies. The 
arousal of beliefs, as well as the strengthening of beliefs by con- 
firmation, will depend on the motivational system as well as on the 
perceptual and storage systems. 


Before completing our general description of the control 
system it would be convenient to summarize the role of motivation. 
The M-system at the model level, as exemplified by the logical 
network, is fairly simple, and in fact needs no more than the 
designation of Values' to certain inputs. This particular point will 
become clearer after the analysis in the next chapter. 

The need for a motivational system in the model is clear if we 
want the system to be selective, and since our model is to be 
interpreted ultimately as an organism, it is obviously necessary that 
it should be selective. In the first place, selection must be on the 
basis of survival; those activities which are bad for survival are 
omitted, and those which are good are included. Connected with 
this basic idea of two sets are many other basic motivators such as 
food, drink, sex, etc. In the model these are built-in, as they 
represent activities that are instinctive or innate, and thus passed 



from generation to generation by genetic means, and they are 
elicited by stimulation which will occur in the appropriate 

We can think of the model as having two sets of motivation 
chains made up of loop elements, so that any response which is 
followed by a reinforcing or non-reinforcing stimulus will, in 
effect, associate that response with either one or the other of the 
two sets. This will mean that the C-system will not operate its 
counting except in conjunction with the motivational effect of the 

FIG. 10. A MOTIVATION LOGICAL NET. A simple example of the 

way reinforcement could be introduced into a belief net of the 

kind drawn in Figs. 4 and 5. 

response. Figure 10 shows a sample M-system (with only two loop 
elements) connected to our original C-system. Activity of the C- 
system, now modified, is dependent on the outcome of the response. 
It is again emphasized that these models are illustrative of the 
method, and that alone. In fact, all that is required is that some 
stimulus in a conjunction set be necessary to the conjunction. That 
extra (though necessary) stimulus can be designated the 'motiva- 
tional stimulus'. A simpler example will be given later in this 
chapter (see Figs. 15 and 16). 
At the level of the molar theory, we shall say that stimuli will 


not be effective in eliciting a response unless they are satisfying 2 
need. Clearly this is not true of the perceptual system, which 
cannot tell whether a need is likely to be satisfied until recognition 
is carried through. However, here there is some reason to suppose 
that the classifying system of perception is influenced by the 
motivational state, at least in the 'choice* of events classified. This 
suggests the relevance of 'attention*. 

Behaviour may be initiated in some obvious sense by motiva- 
tional needs, or it may be initiated by external stimuli which have 
the effect of creating a need, and this implies a complication that 
our model can easily be shown to cater for. This means that 
further input elements presumably from internal sources 
should activate the system by firing the inputs initially in a random 
manner. After learning has occurred, these internal activators will 
be themselves selectively associated with other particular inputs. 
The present association system can clearly be extended so that a 
loop element will fire until such time as a particular input fires and 
stops the loop element from firing further. Figure 10 shows such a 
simple system, in which D represents the 'need* stimulus, and C 
the stimulus that satisfies the need. For learning to take place we 
must now introduce the same counters between D and A, B and C 
as exist in our C-system (Fig. 5). 

Any system of counters that we have described as a cognitive 
system would systematically count everything that occurred that it 
was capable of discriminating, unless there was some system for 
selectively reinforcing certain events at the expense of others. This 
is the principle of motivation, and it is necessary for selective or 
purposive behaviour in an automaton. 

Now to consider briefly the linkage between the M-system and 
the C-system. There are many equivalent ways in which this can 
be done, and perhaps the simplest now is to dispense with the 
k- and /-elements, and join the wires from the left-hand selector 
directly to the conjunction counters, and the wires from the right- 
hand selector elements directly to the disjunction counters as far as 
excitation is concerned, and the other way round for inhibition. 
This is not a vital matter since there are many methods, and these 
will model many different processes. One alternative method is 
shown in Fig. 10. 

We shall not give the logical net equations for the new system, 


for it is obvious that these could be derived as has been shown 


In brief, we can say of the jB-system that it is concerned closely 
with the M-system, being a signal of different degrees of satis- 
faction which the organism is experiencing. It has the job of 
facilitating the purely organic aspects of behaviour, but it also has 
overt manifestations that make it of importance as an index of the 
feelings, etc., which are part of our awareness. The whole problem 
of consciousness could perhaps be introduced into the system and 
regarded as an extra stimulus response activity (probably con- 
nected with the reticular system, see Chapter IX), but we shall 
not attempt to deal with this here. 

Machines in general do not have either motivational or emotional 
systems, simply because they are not normally purposive. However, 
there are certain purposive and selective systems in being, and for 
them the M-system is vital, even the ^-system is vital, if the 
systems are to be in any sense autonomous and are to survive. 

As far as the human being is concerned there are various 
theories about the effect of emotion on his activities. It seems 
certain that they have both a disruptive and a facilitating effect. 
The main problem is to decide when one and when the other. 

Our E-system could easily be constructed in a manner similar to 
the M-system, so there is no purpose in drawing up a network for 
it. Its role would be to exhibit a set of specified signals as the 
appropriate states arise. Clearly, emotion is a factor that will have 
to be considered in any model (and therefore theory) of the 
individual; but we shall not attempt to take this argument any 
further at the level of our logical networks. 


Something must, of course, be said of memory in the theory and 
in the model. It seems reasonable to suppose that there will need 
to be at least two different stores, roughly comparable to those in a 
digital computer: (1) a high-speed counting store which will be asso- 
ciated with perception and recognition, and (2) the more per- 



manent store where as much as possible of everything that ever 
happens to the organism will be recorded. We would like to make 
it plain here that we tend to think of the cognitive operations, such as 
'thinking*, as being the process of transfer to and from the stores, 
although also involving language. This will be discussed later. 

Our molar theories of behaviour tell us that in recall there are 
simplifications and distortions of memory that make the remember- 
ing process almost one of reconstruction rather than of reproduc- 
tion. Bartlett (1932) and others have shown these characteristics in 
operation, and they can be seen to be connected with set, attention 

I 1 

FIG. 11. A STORAGE SYSTEM. The simple principle of storing 

binary digits by logical nets. All sorts of variations on the same 

theme are possible. 

and perception. The storage can be organized in a variety of 
different ways and, from the point of view of human organization, 
the correct method can only be arrived at by experimentation, 
presumably at the neurological level. Our purely molar behavioural 
account here must be regarded as limited and suggestive; however, 
more will be said on this matter in the next chapter. 

We shall now say a little about the possible range of models. 
Culbertson (1950) has listed some of the network devices that 
could be used, and we shall simply say that a system such as that in 
Fig. 1 1 would obviously have the capacity to accept information, 
and release that information on stimulation. 

It could, of course, also be arranged to circulate the information 


released so that it returned to the store again, if necessary. Such a 
net is a simple equivalent of the delay line storage system in com- 
puter design. Instead of handling words as impulses in mercury 
tubes, the words are handled by sets of elements, and the number 
of elements in the set dictate the length of the word handled. It is 
an open question as to whether what is remembered is coded as an 
instruction connecting sets of input elements, or as a number 
indicating the conjunction or disjunction of sets of input elements, 
where the actual inputs referred to are localized by the anatomical 
location of the store, or both. Matters of this sort can only be 
settled by further neurological experiment. 

Obviously we could store information in a logical net in a 
variety of ways; even without loop elements we could arrange for 
chains of elements to circulate information indefinitely, and this 
again would be similar to the delay line form of memory store. We 
shall next consider one or two examples of hardware automata that 
are closely associated with logical net theory. 


Figure 12 shows the logical net of an input and output classifica- 
tion system combined. This was the basis of Stewart's automaton 
which he has called 'Flebus'. Stewart's aim in building this auto- 
maton was partly influenced by the inverse of the well known 
Turing game which was concerned with answering the question: 
'Can automata behave like humans'? 

Flebus has four input channels, each of which may be in one 
of two discrete states. Figures 13 and 14 show the hardware of the 
input and output classification system. 

The programming of the automata sets up plugboard connexions 
between the sixteen output sockets of the input net, and the fifteen 
input sockets of the output net, but of course the automaton can be 
programmed in a variety of different ways. Stewart then used the 
automaton for a series of experiments involving the human 
operator, the automaton being used to simulate a number of 
different situations, such as the use of binary controls in a binary 
display situation, routine checks, fault diagnosis, and so on. 

The use of the automaton as a simulator involves further special 
input and output material, and the realization of simple logical 



functions and stochastic processes that can be made as complicated 
as we like. 

The automaton has great versatility, and realizes some of the 
properties we should expect to find in a human organism, although 

FIG. 12. A STIMULUS-RESPONSE NETWORK. A stimulus classifying 

and response classifying system. The text should be consulted 

to understand its significance. 

in a very simple form. One of its most interesting features is that it 
was constructed directly from logical net diagrams. 

George's models 

These models, like Flebus, were built directly from logical nets. 
The first model is a direct realization of Fig. 5, and shows a 






n m 

C B A 

FIG. 13. FLEBUS. A network diagram for Flebus (see text). 


L^ LjU, ^ ^p^ T^-L^ 

h h ^i h ^ ^ h u i 


+ I 

FIG. 14. FLEBUS. A further network diagram for Flebus (see 



Darticular classification and conditional probability system. Only 
:wo inputs are classified, and the memory is only over six events, 
3Ut the model can easily be extended, by the use of additional 
elays, to include any number of inputs and any length of memory, 
[t can also be extended to deal with temporal sequences as in Fig. 6, 
md logical associations as in Fig. 8. 

This brief statement applies to the first model made (George, 
L956a). The second model was built in units whose logical net 
liagram is as in Fig. 5, but whose memory has now been extended 
.o something near eighty events. There were some twelve of these 
inits available, and they could be connected in any way whatever 
:o realize a wide variety of different automata. These automata are 
capable of realizing all the characteristics already described, and 
:ould be shown to demonstrate many of the characteristics of 
;imple learning. Some of the units could be regarded as M-units, 
ind thus the effectiveness of any association may be made to 
lepend on their firing at some time t. 

A third and a fourth model are still under construction, and 
hese are intended to be used to model the eye and the visual 
ystem, on one hand, and simple learning on the other; they are 
>oth designed on the basis of blueprints in logical net form. The 
nodels were constructed with the idea of trying to find a workable 
ind inexpensive method for constructing large scale automata in 
lardware. It is clearly easy enough to draw logical nets, but though 
hese are sufficient to illustrate effectively the principles of be- 
laviour for a large scale experiment, a hardware system is far 
sasier to build than to describe in logical net form. 


The model and theory we have been outlining from the general 
)oint of view can be manufactured in a variety of different ways, 
>oth digital and analogue; but the interesting thing about logical 
lets is the fact that all the essential features of an organism seem 
o be capable of being reconstructed in them in terms of simple 
wo state switches. Hence there is a distinct resemblance between 
he structure of such a switching system and the nervous system. 
This, we have argued, is the way models should be constructed: 
vith the theory and the intended interpretation in mind. It is this 


property that places logical nets among the most important of the 
list of models of behaviour theories that have so far been created. 

In this summary we have outlined a model (or method of model 
construction) of the human organism in a form that is still idealized 
and contrary-to-fact in many ways, but which can gradually be 
brought more into line with the empirical facts as these facts are 
yielded by experiment. We have briefly discussed an interpretation 
of the logical net model in the form of a molar theory of behaviour, 
and this was derived independently as a direct result of molar 
behavioural experiments. In constructing the molar theory, how- 
ever, we had methodological as well as psychological problems in 
mind. We want to advance by slow but careful, and accurate, 
degrees towards a model that could be interpreted as a human 
organism, and the rest of the book will be concerned with develop- 
ment towards this end. The model and the theory need the sort of 
flexibility that allow them room for expansion both in detail and on 
various levels of description. 

A further point about the many-levelled methods employed is 
that the theory (or theories) itself could, of course, be formalized. 
We think of theories and models being connected in a definite way, 
and the process of formalization would be the process of showing 
the precise logical structure of the theory. There can be no doubt 
that all theories should be capable of formalization, but theories can 
be formalized to different extents, and this is where we investigate 
the coherence, precision, and logical consistency of a scientific 
theory. The logical net is a ready formalization in logical terms of a 
behaviour theory, although many other formalizations, all logically 
equivalent, are possible. In a sense, indeed, they may not even be 
logically equivalent, since the use of theoretical terms in the 
theory or theory language is vague enough to allow a variety of 
possible interpretations. 

We may now summarize the methods briefly. A theory in science 
certainly in the behavioural sciences may occur at many 
different linguistic levels which represent different sorts of levels of 
investigation. Behaviour can be described introspectively, in 
molar observable terms, or in molecular terms. This means, 
roughly: in terms of private experience, in terms of the behaviour 
of the organism-as-a-whole, or in terms of the physiological and 
biochemical variables. A complete theory will plumb all these levels 


and thus allow workers dealing with all aspects of human be- 
haviour to draw on all the available information. These theories 
can all have their logical structure and consistency analysed, and 
are all subject to confirmation, and with the possible exception of 
introspective language, this means empirical confirmation by 
public test. 

In discussing these methods of theory construction we have 
introduced a few empirical statements, usually of a fairly general 
character, and we have not tried to show very much in the way of 
the detailed predictions and applications that follow from these 
empirical statements. Space forbids this, hence we have been able 
to give no more than a skeleton theory of behaviour which would, 
for any particular application, need to be greatly expanded in 
detail, and of course be supplied with the individual constants or 
boundary conditions that may be applicable. 

The idea behind these methods has been Jiat we should have a 
flexible framework which would serve as a scientific tool for 
research to encompass the experimental work in progress, and also 
be precise enough to avoid the pitfalls of ordinary language; and 
yet again, be capable of being used as approximate models for 
theories, and to answer questions of varying generality at any time. 

Some points from controversy in cognition 

Since what has been said so far may seem unduly empty to the 
experimental psychologist, it should be added that there are various 
questions that are to be discussed with reference to the model- 
making methods so far outlined. 

The first set of problems comes from learning theory, and 
surrounds the nature of reinforcement. The manner of our refer- 
ences, so far, to motivation hinting that this is a need-reducing 
process of the Hullian kind (see Chapter VI) is intentionally 
limited; however, we have also mentioned that 'external* stimuli 
can themselves produce needs, and for the time we shall leave open 
the discussion as to whether stimuli can be associated, or patterns 
of either stimuli or stimuli-responses can be learned without any 
reinforcement through need-reduction. This whole matter must 
wait, for the benefit of those not familiar with this controversy, 
until the end of our introduction to learning theory. 


There are other problems that arise in learning theory that are 
obviously not going to be settled by the method of model construc- 
tion alone, such as the continuity-non-continuity theory of learn- 
ing, and the closely associated matter of discrimination learning 
and ordinary learning. These, and our second group of problems 
which are concerned with perception, will also be considered later. 
The perceptual problems are concerned with the various models of 
the recognition process. 

In general terms it might be said that a variety of different 
models could be constructed to perform the operations of learning 
and perceiving, and the difficulty is to decide between them, 
although that is by no means the whole question. 

So far we have dealt with classification and conditional prob- 
ability as if they were essential to the final model, and in some form 
this is probably so; but there is no certainty that the problem is as 
simple, even in principle, as it has been made to appear up to now, 
and later we shall certainly seek to fill in the detail, and modify what 
has been previously said. It seems likely, for example, that the 
Broadbent concept of a filter will be desirable in some form, and 
also possibly a more sophisticated relation between response 
activities and the central store. 

In this last respect Deutsch's learning theory should be men- 
tioned. Broadbent has argued that Deutsch's model we can call 
it a model in so far as it seems to be capable of realization in logical 
net form, which is to say that it is capable of being actually 
constructed has links of elements that allow neatly for a need to 
be set up with the result that a certain element or set of elements is 
kept live until the need-reducer occurs, whether by being seen, 
tasted, or whatever it may be, at which moment the link stops 
firing, or is switched off. This is something that lends itself well to 
logical net treatment. Figure 10 shows, in simple form, precisely 
this principle, whereby stimulation by motivational stimuli would 
be capable of activating the system, causing it to search for 
appropriate stimulation. It could, of course, also be done by 
regarding a particular response as a searching response which 
gradually fires the set of relevant inputs. 

Figures 15 and 16, which Stewart (1959) calls 'reward type 
connecting net' show even more clearly this same type of feedback 
characteristic in a response system. At the end of Chapter IX it 



will be seen that this argument links directly with what is said 
there by Pribram on current neurophysiology. 

FIG. 15. A REINFORCING NET. A reinforcing system which illu- 
strates the simplest sort of reinforcement. 

In Fig. 15 it is assumed that S is an input element, S M is the 
motivating stimulus, and R is the output element. If S and R fire 


A variation of Fig. 12 (see text). 

together and the result is to modify the external environment so 
that S M fires, then J will be fired, and the feedback loop will be 


kept active until inhibitory inputs stop it. Figure 16 is a simple 
generalization of Fig. 15, and also shows the characteristic of 
simple learning. 

Probabilistic considerations within the deterministic net- 

The design of the counting system already outlined is intended 
to realize an inductive logical machine or automaton, and it follows, 
therefore, that the basis of the network is probabilistic. Indeed, the 
method of connecting the counters for scoring and erasing pur- 
poses will be a direct influence on the sort of probability that will 
be realized by the network. A further influence on probability 
considerations will be the number of counters available relative to 
the number of events to be counted. 

It will be easy to see that such a machine or network as the one 
under discussion, even with many more counters, will remember 
only the recent past if the number of events it has to count is 
large relative to the number of counters. If the number of such 
events is relatively small, then a frequency probability of the 
Laplacian kind will be the outcome. 

In the above connexion careful attention will have to be paid to 
various approaches to probability, induction, degree of confirma- 
tion and degree of factual support (Carnap, 1952; Hempel and 
Oppenheim, 1953). 

That our automata will be probabilistic, and may also have the 
properties of 'growth', is fairly clear, and these properties must 
certainly be considered in the next stages of cybernetic development. 

Pask (1958, 1959a, 1959b), Beer (1959) and Chapman (1959) 
have considered and built systems that are concerned with learning 
and perception, and which have the properties of growth, and 
some of these will be referred to again in Chapter VIII. 

Chapman's model of a classification system, described briefly 
in the previous chapter, is very similar to the logical nets we have 
described, but differs in that the degree of connectivity of different 
elements of the classification system is a function of the experience 
of the system. These growth nets are probably more nearly a 
model of what actually occurs in the nervous system, although they 
sacrifice the logical description and have a mathematical descrip- 
tion in its place. Furthermore, it can be shown that anything that 


Chapman's nets can do can also be done by logical nets. This is an 
important point in that it suggests that logical nets are an effective 
method for description, even if what is described is contrary to 
biological fact. However, Chapman's methods are certainly of the 
utmost importance to the next development in the subject. 


The method of 'multiplexing', which means the replicating of 
messages in a system, could be applied to the nets we have 
described. This would increase the probability of their working, 
even though the basic components were not always working 
effectively. Again, we are not intending to give a detailed analysis 
of a multiplexed net system, but it is clear that we can follow up 
the principle of the executive and restoring organ (von Neumann, 
1952) if we duplicate the network wherever it is possible. 

In considering Fig. 5 we can see that a duplication of both the 
inputs from a and b to k, with an increase of the threshold of the 
^-element to 3, would permit the failure of any one of the inputs 
to fire at any instant while still bringing about a correct count. 
This is an example which can be applied without much difficulty 
to all the other elements ; only the /-elements would be recalcitrant 
under such changes, although even these, despite some malfunc- 
tioning, would still be capable of keeping a proper record. 

Another matter that will receive no detailed consideration is the 
use of random elements. These can be used almost anywhere at 
any time, and the predictability of the network will largely be 
destroyed as a result. Their use in explicit design may be some- 
what limited, even when the network is explicitly intended as a 
model of organic behaviour, since the fluctuating interference of 
the emotional systems on the cognitive system is not a random 
matter, but a systematic causal one, and random elements would at 
best be a makeshift device, for which a deterministic substitute 
should ultimately be found. The indeterminacy of the system 
would be sufficiently supplied by the interference between one 
system and another, and the attempt to retain proper communica- 
tion would be made in terms of multiplexing. 

Theory of games 

There are many things that might now be said to develop 


strategies in logical nets from their beginnings in Game-Theory 
(von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944; Thrall, Coombs and 
Davis, 1954), but we must confine ourselves simply to indicating 
the link between Game-Theory and logical networks. 

First we should notice that various strategies are related to proba- 
bility estimates and guessing behaviour, and apply to behaviour at 
the level of uncertain information. This means that Game-Theory 
will be of special interest at the initial stages of learning. 

The behavioural question is with respect to which strategy will 
be employed under various conditions, and the answer would 
appear to be that we may work out a best strategy on well founded 
empirical evidence, but we also want to see how the changes might 
be expected to occur in practice. 

The occurrence of beliefs of roughly equal value will give rise to 
states of uncertainty, but where equality of beliefs exists that is, 
an equality of strength in terms of some motivational principle of 
maximum reward-minimum effort (George and Handlon, 1955) 
there will still remain the component variables that will generally 
differ. An individual will evaluate a particular state of affairs in 
terms of giving one sort of variable priority over another, resulting 
perhaps in the pessimist's or the optimist's strategy, or in other 
variations that reflect the varying experience of individuals. 

In short, strategy techniques may represent individual differ- 
ences (differences in experience) between the same logical nets; 
they are individual constants or boundary conditions in behaviour. 
They may be brought about in nets, all of which have the same 
starting conditions, as a result of a different segment of environ- 
ment being encountered, or they may be due to differences in the 
stability characteristics of the net, or both. By stability char- 
acteristics we mean the extent to which 'rapid counting' takes 
place when environmental conditions change a reinforced to a 
weakened connexion. The motivational system hastens the slow 
counting change in the C-system, and makes it possible to change 
habits quickly. 'Rapid counting' is one way in .which response 
choice could be changed very quickly with changed circumstances. 
Probably this occurs through the use of language in human 
behaviour. By 'rapid counting' we mean literally the same effect as 
would occur by stimulation of a counter every single instant over 
many successive instants. 


In psychology the random activity of a Thorndike cat (a cat 
confined in a box but able to escape when it solves the problem of 
opening the escape door) is followed by a definite strategy in 
escape as a measure of success enters the picture. If we change 
the reward conditions slightly we may change the connexions 
slightly, which will make the difference between the use of one 
particular technique and the abandoning of that technique and the 
use of another in its place. 

The problem which now has to be described in detail, for any 
particular net, is : how does the net acquire the strategies it uses 
relative to a particular environment? This again is further described 
in terms of computer programming in the next chapter. 

A description of Game-Theory in general involves infinite, non- 
zero-sum and 7z-person games, and these can be developed in very 
considerable detail and rigorously defined (von Neumann and 
Morgenstern, 1944). Solutions by algebraic and graphical methods 
can be devised. 

From the point of view of experimental psychology the theory 
of games offers itself as a model of some aspects of human be- 
haviour, especially of competitive social behaviour, and we would 
expect this to be a part of the very extensive model that will 
eventually be needed by psychologists. 

As far as this book is concerned, this subject and its ramifications 
demand a specialist text and although it will be mentioned from 
time to time no attempt will be made to apply its findings as a 
model. This applies also to other branches of probability, and 
more generally to System Engineering (Goode and Machol, 1957). 
The literature on this subject is growing rapidly, but the interested 
reader will see more easily the importance of its development, and 
its relation to our other conceptual models, in those writings that 
are concerned with such topics as the effective computability of 
winning strategies (Rabin, 1956; Gale and Stewart, 1953). 

We would again remind the reader of the tape automata. It 
should be clear by now that we can regard the whole operation of 
learning, as well as the other cognitive operations of memory, 
thinking, etc., as operations on an input tape which is ruled off 
into squares. The output tape is now separated from the input 
tape, and we may also introduce a storage tape. The problem of 
learning is, then, to place symbols on the output tape that change 


the nature of the input symbols. This can be done as an opti- 
malizing process ; the storage tape must record the degree of success 
or failure of the whole operation and thus operate selectively on 
the choice of symbols for the output tape. 


This chapter follows up the general approach to finite automata 
which was started in the previous chapter, and further narrows the 
interest to logical net systems. 

These logical net systems are then brought into line in a general 
way with the generally known facts of behaviour. This means that 
it is convenient to consider a general model having an input 
classification system, a cognitive system, counters and association 
units (which we have called Z?-nets), and storage systems, as well 
as a motivational system which selectively reinforces the associa- 
tions to which the system is exposed. Finally, some mention is 
made of the presence of emotion in the system. 

The Braithwaite distinction between model and theory is 
utilized here, and we use such terms as S-net with the 'idea in 
mind' that it could be interpreted as a belief. Although this belief 
should be regarded as a theoretical term, like hypothesis or expect- 
ancy in Tolman's theory of learning, it is intended that it could 
perhaps be eventually interpreted in the sense of the word 'belief 
as we use it in ordinary language, but the whole matter is compli- 
cated by the fact that the way we use words in ordinary language 
can be too vague to be more than a rough guide to usage in a well- 
defined system. 

The methods of logical nets are used to illustrate various systems 
or units which might be useful to mirror behaviour, especially, of 
course, cognitive behaviour, with which we are mainly concerned. 

Some models in hardware by the author and Stewart are then 
described, and the chapter closes with a brief note on Theory of 
Games, which is obviously a conceptual and idealized description 
of decision making generalizations. 



IN this chapter we consider the problem of learning from the point 
of view of computer programming. This means the programming 
of a general purpose digital computer. 

Oettinger (1952) has shown that the EDSAC (the computer at 
Cambridge) can be programmed to learn certain quite simple 
operations. It is important that in doing so it acts on information 
that has not yet been obtained when the original programme has 
been stored in it, and thus the behaviour of the computer is condi- 
tional on certain events not initially known. Let us give a simple 
example of the Oettinger type of programme. 

The easiest way to regard the computer as an analogue of the 
outside world is to think of the input tape as being the computer's en- 
vironment. But since tape-reading on the EDSAC is its slowest opera- 
tion, Oettinger has divided the machine into two parts, letting one part 
play the role of learning machine and the other the environment. 

The description of the learning activities can be interpreted in 
terms of a series of shopping expeditions, where the shops are 
described by an m x n matrix : The elements <% = 1 if shop i has 
article /, otherwise ay =0. Any row of the matrix is a row vector 
defining the contents of a particular shop (shop vector), and any 
column represents the article and all places where it may be found 
(article vector). 
An 8 x 7 'stock' matrix 


















describes 8 shops selling 7 articles. The m th shop vector is stored 
in location m+i in EDSAC, where m is the reference address. 

Now the learning machine selects a shop number 4, say, at 
random, and forms the address m + ik of the corresponding shop 
vector, and from this an EDSAC order C m +i k (C m means contents 
of storage location m) which collates the shop vector with the given 
order vector. If C order is obeyed, then a^ = 1 if the article is in 
stock; if ami = 0, it implies that 4 has not got the article j in stock. 

This process goes on until a shop is found with the desired 
article. Now the computer stores the information, and also a little 
extra information about other articles in the shop besides the one 
searched for, and this in turn means that a future search will often 
be unnecessary, even if the article has not been searched for 

This simple sort of learning has obvious limitations that are 
recognized by Oettinger, and he sets out some methods by which 
the relative inelasticity of the programme might be overcome. It is 
sufficient for our purpose that we can point to the fact that pro- 
grammes of a contingent character have actually been constructed. 

Somewhat similar programming has been undertaken by Turing 
(see Bowden, 1953, and Shannon 1950), where this sort of learning 
was involved in the playing of chess. 

Shannon programmed a computer to learn chess, but neither he 
nor Oettinger paid any attention to the parallel problems of 
learning as dealt with by experimental psychologists working on 
both animals and men. 

In this chapter it is intended to outline a series of programmes for 
a general purpose digital computer, showing the problems that 
occur in getting the computer to learn for itself. In discussing 
computer programmes there is some difficulty that surrounds the 
actual terminology in which a computer programme has to be 
stated. This varies with each machine, and we shall therefore 
represent our programmes in the form of flow diagrams from 
which it would be easy to write the detailed programme for any 
computer whatever. As a matter of interest, the computer used 
for these experiments was the English Electric DEUCE, which is a 
medium-sized general purpose digital computer, already men- 
tioned in Chapter II. 

The difficulties that have been experienced in programming 


computers to learn are mainly due to the fact that, in programming 
them to play a game like chess, you can assume no background 
information whatever; it is the equivalent of a newly born child. 
Everything it knows has been told it expressly for the purpose of 
playing the game. 

Shannon says that the computer lacks 'insight', and in such cases 
this is inevitable, since insight can hardly be able to operate over a 
single problem considered in isolation. But Shannon went beyond 
this ; he said that computers were at a disadvantage because they 
lacked 'flexibility, imagination, inductive and learning capacity*. 

Now it is certainly true that the form of most general purpose 
digital computers is inconvenient for many purposes; nevertheless, 
with a sufficiently large store a great deal of flexibility can in fact 
be achieved. Imagination we can leave for the moment, but induc- 
tion and learning capacities can most certainly be attributed to 
them, indeed, given them by virtue of the programme. 

A computer does what it is programmed to do, and it can be 
programmed to perform inductive operations, and to learn. It is 
this that is the main purpose of our investigation. 

Programming the computer to play a simple game 

In Chapter II we outlined the basic idea of programming a 
computer, and now we must consider the problem of programming 
it to learn. This will be dealt with in roughly the same historical 
order as it has occurred, starting with simple, special cases. 

We have already implied that what has been called 'insight' 
seems at least to depend upon taking over information from one 
situation and using this information in another situation. Or it 
may be thought of and this is in essence the same thing as 
building up general principles which can be seen to apply to more 
than a single isolated case. 

The result of this consideration is to make it seem artificial to 
programme the computer to play one particular game, such as 
chess, or noughts-and-crosses. However that may be, it will serve 
as an example to illustrate the method to be used. 

The computer starts with empty registers, which means with no 
knowledge at all, so for its first game it must be explicitly told what 
it has to do. The comparison even with a new-born child is perhaps 


somewhat misleading, for that which is innate in the human is, by 
analogy, already built into the computer. 

We shall first consider noughts-and-crosses, since it is a simple 
and well-known game. The first thing is to number the squares of 
what we may call the noughts-and-crosses board, using the 
numbers one to nine inclusive, but of course in binary form. This 
numbering seems to raise a problem, and the actual choice of the 
numbers directly affects the statement of a winning position, or 
rather, a won game. There are many ways of carrying out the 
numbering, but this turns out to be a matter of no importance 
since the computer, provided it is told which game is won and 
which lost, will still be able to learn to play the game, regardless of 
the numbering system used. 

This point about numbering the board state is important in 
that we want eventually to programme the computer to learn 
anything, and not simply restrict the performance to one particular 
game. This means that every game must be capable of being stated 
in terms of an array, and that the notion of a 'game' must be 
extended to what is usually regarded as learning, the game being 
simply to learn what the environment is. 

A further point to notice is that, even for noughts-and-crosses, 
the computer must be able to discover the results of the games it 
has been playing; it must know whether the final position is a 
winning or a losing one, for this represents the necessity for 
confirmation or disconfirmation in terms of what motivates the 

The computer programme must also provide means for avoiding 
moves that lead to a loss, and encouraging moves that lead to a win. 
This is the very problem of motivation, and it goes back to the law 
of effect. More generally, where games are not necessarily won or 
lost, we can substitute some principles of optimalization. 

To return to the board state, it will be clear that, for the game of 
noughts-and-crosses, this is simply the whole of the sensory field 
of the computer, and if we seek generality we must avoid giving the 
computer special means of looking at certain situations (e.g. 
particular games) which are of no use for other situations. We have, 
then, a set of quite general elements, as we shall call them, which 
we refer to by numbers, any nine of which represent a noughts- 
and-crosses board. 


The computer must now learn the tactics that allow it to win, 
assuming that it is given direct instructions as to how to select the 
elements. It will learn that certain ways of carrying out this process 
of selection are called 'winning ways', and others losing ways'. 
This, however, implies the existence of concepts in the computer, 
and it would be better to say, more simply, that when the number 
10, for example, is punched at the end of a game, the moves of that 
game are avoided in future; and when the number 11 appears, the 
moves are repeated. Number 12 is a draw, and will leave the 
"tactical values' unchanged. In one sense the whole process is 
quite automatic. 

The method of storage must be considered next. Clearly, the 
registers of the computer must be used in such a way that the 
order in which the moves are made is recorded. Associated with 
each order there must be a number, which we shall call the Value 
number' (the 'tactical values' referred to above), which increases 
or decreases according to the success or otherwise of the particular 
play. We can, say, add 1 for a win, subtract 1 for a loss, and leave 
unchanged for a draw. We shall not, in fact, need to take the whole 
nine moves of a game together and give an evaluation to that; 
rather, we shall want to break down the total sequence into 
subsequences, say, just three, or five, successive moves, starting 
with the opponent's move, followed by the computer's own move, 
followed in turn by the opponent's. 

Among a number of further points that arise is the necessity to 
keep a record of the complete set of moves making up a game, in 
order that it will be possible to decide whether the moves are good 
or bad. This merely represents the fact that we cannot tell whether 
a hypothesis is good or bad (true or false) until we have tested it and 
seen the outcome. This process of confirmation is simple in the 
game situation, but will be more complicated in general. It is true 
that we shall want to regard the business of living in an environ- 
ment as being much like playing a game ; and thinking, under these 
circumstances, is much like the computer playing a game with 
itself, playing both for itself and for its opponent. In this case we 
may wish to associate two numbers in the interval (0, 1) with each 
sequence of moves, if one number is the probability of one event 
following another, and the other number is the Value* to the 
organism of this particular sequence. 


The object of the experiment with simple games is to see if the 
machine learns the tactics after being told the rules. There is, 
however, rather an arbitrary division between rules and tactics, 
and it should be said that rules can, of course, themselves be 
learned, provided that the computer is able to watch the game 
being played, or that a sample of games is fed into it for analysis 
into component values. This implies the use of the computer as a 
sequential analyser of a stochastic kind (Bush and Mosteller, 1955), 
and since this is so, it is convenient to regard a tactic as a rule for 
the purpose of our example. 

The rule we will now illustrate is well known in noughts-and- 
crosses, but to make it, and our subsequent discussion, clearer we 
will select a numbering scheme for our board and play some games. 

The board will be numbered in the following rather special way 
for purposes of illustration: 

1 5 9 

This has the added convenience against which there is certainly 
a loss of generality whereby a game won is a game in which 
three numbers adding up to 15 are selected by one player before 
the other. Indeed, from the computer's point of view, noughts- 
and-crosses can be redescribed as a game of playing in turn, the 
winner being the first player to select three numbers that add up 
to 15. 

In terms of the above numbering our rule, then, is to check the 
board state to see whether two numbers have already been selected 
such that there exists a third number, not yet selected, which will 
collectively add up to 15. If so, then this number should be 
selected, either to win the game or to stop the opponent winning. 

A further problem arises in the course of the game. Since we 
wish the computer to learn about its environment, or learn to play 
a simple game (which, we have asserted, is the same thing), its 
speed will be greatly affected by the slowness of its input and out- 
put as compared with its computation speed, to say nothing of 
the comparatively enormous delay created by its human opponent's 
thought. In practice, therefore, it has been found convenient to 
divide the computer into two parts, which we will call a and j8 


(Oettinger, 1952), programming a with all the rules and the tactics, 
and f$ with only the rules, and letting ft learn the tactics by playing 
the games. Figure 1 shows the flow chart for the complete opera- 


In practice a and p can be two different sets of registers of the same computer. 
| Place instructions containing both rules and tactics in a. | 

Place the random numbers in the storage elements of p. These represent the 
Values* of the combinations of moves made by p. j 


[Place instructions containing the rules only in 

When the board state is presented to a it fills in a letter previously 
vacant according to its explicit instructions. Then transfers records of 
board state to ft. 

When the board state is presented to p, it first checks whether there are 
any two numbers among the winning sets of triads, which have both been 
filled by the same computer, and if the third number making up the winning 
triad is so far unused it must fill it in. Otherwise it proceeds to the next 

p now searches through the appropriate registers to find the maximum value 
number and makes the move accordingly. 'Appropriate* here means for 
games started by a and reading S/8/3/, that all the registers starting thus 
and with next move I, 2, 4, 6 and 7 must be checked. There will be a 
convention for cases of equal value numbers. It then transfers record of 
board state to a provided the code letter for win draw or loss does not 
appear. If they do then proceed to next step. 

W, L or D having appeared, p puts I. I or on to every move made in the 
game and then destroys the copy of each move that he has made and pro- 
ceeds to next game, thus returning an empty board state to a. 



simplified flow chart for the game played between two computers, 

both of which know the rules of the game, while only one knows 

the tactics. 

We next see a series of games played, taking for granted the fact 
that the original randomly chosen set of values was attached to the 
registers. These can be stated as follows, where the symbol / means 


'is followed by', and the value tables from which we start have the 
last number in each case representing the initial random value. 

5/1/1 5/8/4/1/1 

5/2/0 5/8/4/2/5 

S/3/-4 5/8/4/3/0 

5/4/2 5/8/4/6/4 

5/6/4 5/8/4/7/-S 

5/7/1 5/8/4/9/6 


5 J9 1-2 

If we assume, for the sake of illustration, a fairly regular pattern 
of play in a, then, letting L stand for lost and D for drawn, the 
following games may result. Note the convention assumed for 
taking the first of two tied value numbers. 


After this point the game remains constant for a playing con- 
sistently. Exactly the same process occurs for a varying, although 
it takes much longer to reach a stable state. 

It remains to add that the computer can easily perform the 
operations described, and it very quickly learns the important 
tactical steps, after which it never loses. One more point of interest 
should be noted: the computer never has exactly the same state- 
ment of the tactics as a, since a plays on a purely deductive basis 
following a rule which is verbal, whereas ]8 carries through the 
steps of checking the maximum values from the tables in store. In 
practice, of course, this will lead to exactly the same result. 

This point is connected with the statement that we should not 
yet want to claim the full meaning of 'insight' on the part of either 
a or j8, since there is no possibility of taking over a result and using 
it in another situation. To grant the circumstances for this to be a 
possibility, the computer must be taught at least one other suffi- 
ciently similar game, with the record of the noughts-and-crosses 
experience still available to it. For these results to be utilizable we 
should need the computer to generalize its results. 


It can be shown that such generalizations are possible. One 
example is offered by teaching the computer to play noughts-and- 
crosses and to follow this up by teaching it or getting it to 
learn three-dimensional noughts-and-crosses. The learning of 
the latter game can be shown to be facilitated by having learned 
the former. An extension of this same principle will suggest itself 
for all learned material. 

A simple explanation of how such a generalization may come 
from noughts-and-crosses alone is afforded by considering an 
alternative numbering scheme for the board, say, 

1 2 3 
8 x 4 

7 6 5 

and then examining the following games: 


It is clear from this short sample that all sequences of moves 
which follow the starting move of # will have the general form 

xm n(n+4) (1) 

if they are not to be losing. 

The principle which can now be directly extended to all the 
moves of the game is completely general, and eventually states in 
the form of (1) a decision procedure sequence. It should be noticed 
that the statement of (1) implies the cyclic nature of the number. 
Thus, 11 is the number 3. 

The ability of the computer to make the above generalization 
depends upon the ability to recognize numerical differences and to 
state general mathematical forms; this is something which it 
must separately learn, unless it is already programmed in. 


The problem of Auto-coding is also of great relevance to our 
search for a learning system. The problem can be put in this way: 
If we know a simple and sufficiently precise language, we shall 
wish to instruct the computer in that language, and to do so we 


shall need an interpreter. For this, the dictionary suffices, so we 
build the dictionary into the storage system, and the computer 
translates our language into the form of its usual programme. 
There is, of course, a wide variety of auto-codes in existence, and 
they raise some important issues of relevance to learning. 

In the first place, language is known to be closely bound up with 
controlling operations, both deductive and inductive. Indeed, we 
can illustrate the difference between deduction and induction in 
terms of language translation. Where the translation takes place 
between two known languages, the operation of translation is 
deductive; but when one language is not known, the operation is 

It should be mentioned that certain 'compiler' auto-codes 
like Fortran, the IBM code have a structure very similar to a 
formal logical system. Naturally, the possibility of inductive as well 
as deductive auto-codes is of importance, since it represents the 
fundamental problem of how organisms learn languages. 

The scientist is continuously trying to find the appropriate 
generalizations about the world he observes, and he could be said 
to be translating the language of nature, inductively, into a 
language which he already understands. This is, in fact, an almost 
ideal example of learning; such work links directly with stochastic 
processes and information theory. 

The learning situation is exactly mirrored - in a trivial instance 
by the computer learning to play noughts-and~crosses, or any 
other game. The problem is to construct a dictionary from which 
language translation takes place, or to construct a model in axio- 
matic form from which deductive inferences can be made. The 
interesting point which is now being brought out is that models or 
dictionaries or axiomatic systems are all much the same in their 
use. Indeed, we are saying, in effect, that models are often, even 
usually, verbal. 

General inductive programming 

Let us use the following notation: A, 5, ..., N will represent 
stimuli or input letters, and Q> JR, ..., Z represent overt responses 
or output letters. These letters may be suffixed if necessary, giving 
a potentially infinite stock of input and output letters. The mode 
of generation may be quite general, so that at any instant whatever, 


although the number of input and output letters is finite, the 
number of letters can always be increased. 

We can now state the problem as being one of setting up a 
dictionary which relates input to output letters, according values 
and probabilities to such relations by virtue of differential rein- 

Now for every input letter M there will be an output letter Y, 
and for every choice of M and Y there will be a probability of 
some further input letter N 9 and an assessment of the value of N 
is made by the computer. The 'assessment* is not itself an easy 
matter to decide in the full scale learning of human beings, but it at 
least involves the reinforcement of associations which are in 
temporal contiguity with 'pleasurable' outcomes, by designation. 

This temporal interval of reinforcement could be graduated and 
extended over any number of time intervals. It could also, in the 
more complex programmes, be associated with the occurrence of 
anticipated outcomes, even where these are remote in time from 
the reinforced associations. 

It has to be the case that the motives, or some motives, are built 
in. For human beings, the main motive is undoubtedly survival of 
the organism. For the computer we will normally designate some 
input or output letters as positive or negative, motivationally. 

The question of whether or not the computer can construct 
new goals for itself must be left for the moment, but it will be 
returned to after a further discussion of the general inductive 
programming procedure. 

In practice, inductive programming is best illustrated on the 
computer by dividing it into two parts and letting one part play the 
role of the environment and the other the organism; in thinking of 
the matter, however, it is easier to think of it as a tape that is 
punched with the details of the environment and passed into the 
computer, and it is with this analogy in mind that we shall consider 
the matter. (Figure 2 shows a generalized flow chart.) 

We shall have a tape made up of input symbols and representing 
the environment, and the problem of the computer will be to 
categorize the relationships between the letters on the input tape, 
and modify them in terms of its previous experience. For example, 
if A is followed by 5 if and only if the computer prints R after A, 
then we say that the occurrence of B is contingent on the occur- 


rence of R on the output tape. This means, of course, that the 
input tape must be a function of the output tape. This is what 
logicians call a contingent relation, and it represents the fact that 
what people do may change the nature of the environment in which 
they live. 

Computer a is stocked with instructions for generating outputs (i.e. (3's 
input letters) and responding to p's output letters. The original instructions 
for these operations are random. 

Computer a records its input letter and responds according to the principles 
outlined in Figs. I and 3 of this chapter. 

a has to go through the ordered set in storage appropriate to the input 
letter (see Fig. 3) and if there is no such event letter it makes either a ran- 
dom response, or if there is another event letter similar to the missing one, 
it will respond as if that one occurred. This last principle of stimulus general- 
ization depends upon the inputs being themselves complex patterns of 
Whichever takes place the result is recorded in a separate storage register. 

If a now receives another input letter before a response has been made to 
the last letter, it checks blocks I and II of the store (see Fig. 3) and if the 
input letter does not occur there then the input letter is put into a tempor- 
ary storage and the computer returns to the scanning prior to making 
the response still not made to the last letter. If the last letter was involved 
in block I or II, then the second input letter would be put directly into 
temporary storage without a preliminary check of blocks I and II. 

a now associates a new value number with the input-output relation last 
processed according to the satisfaction or otherwise subsequently derived. 
This also means that a certain range of effect may occur so that the input 
before that and perhaps also the one after has its value number changed. 
With language in the computer it will also change its description of its 
environment as a result of these value number changes. 

. i 

The computer a is now in a position to process the next input event, and 
may if there is a delay before the next input arrives derive the logical conse- 
quences of the information already in its storage system. 


a generalization on Fig. 1 and shows in simplified form a game 

in which one computer plays the environment and the other the 


It may also be the case that the machine's response to a particular 
input letter will have no effect whatever on the next input letter, 
and in such a case the logician will say that the two letters on the 
input tape say, C and D are necessarily related. 

Quite obviously these are two limiting cases, and in between we 


have relations of varying degrees of complexity. Thus, E may 
follow F if and only if some combination of R, S and T is printed 
on the output tape. This could be regarded as the analogue of the 
machine solving a problem; indeed, a scientific problem could be 
regarded in just this light as a particular set of relations existing 
between input and output letters. The idea of controlling the 
environment emerges when the computer is in the position of 
being able to anticipate every input letter by virtue of the previous 
input letter, and change the next input letter whenever that is 
desirable ; this depends directly on the selective reinforcement of 
the system. 

This is the way in which a computer can learn. It stores in- 
formation made up of the occurrence of successive combinations 
of symbols or events and, by ascribing probabilities to these 
combinations, ensures that a control is maintained, assuming 
always that the ability to control the succession of events is in fact 

The storage registers themselves are not fixed in their length, 
and this causes some difficulty. Obviously we shall want to store 
events of what are sometimes called length three (cf. Tolman's 
expectancy, discussed in the next chapter), which means an input 
followed by an output followed by an input letter, e.g. A/R/B. But 
this may not be enough, since the probabilities associated with an 
event of length five, say, are not the same as the product of the 
probabilities associated with events of shorter length that make 
up the event of length five. That is to say, 

p(A/R/B/S/C) ^ q(A/R/B) . s(BIS/C) 

where p, q and s are probabilities. In a special case, of course, they 
may be equal. 

Problem solving behaviour calls for an extension of the length of 
events used when the problem is not soluble with events of too 
short a length. This implies that there must be means for genera- 
ting events of greater length as they are needed. 

Statistically speaking, this matter of storage represents the well 
known methods of a stochastic type. It is a matter of associating 
probabilities with successive elements of a sequence, where these 
probabilities are changing regularly as a result of each successive 
input. In fact it is probably undesirable that all the probabilities 



should change quickly, and there will be some method available 
whereby, once a particular relationship is well established with 
probabilities approaching or 1, these 'certain beliefs' may be 
moved to a separate store, or at least to a set of well defined 
registers. At the same time we must use some method of 'rapid 
counting* to undo quickly an obviously inappropriate response due 
to changed environmental conditions. This might be achieved by 
heavily weighted reinforcement, or through language. 

All this links up with work that has already been done on 
'heuristics* (Minsky, 1959), which demands the use of fairly well 
defined generalizations as partial or intermediate solutions. 
'Heuristics' here really means analogies (i.e. generalizations) taken 
over from one situation and used in another in order to solve the 
problem presented by the new situation. 

A tactic in noughts-and-crosses can be learned by the differen- 
tial reinforcement of moves in a game in which all the moves in a 
game lost were scored 1, and all moves in a game won were 
scored +1> even though some of the same moves may occur in 
either game. This does not matter in noughts-and-crosses, where 
the range of possible moves is small, and discrepancies in move- 
evaluation are soon worked out; but in a long game like chess it 
would take time of astronomical proportions to evaluate every 
move in a game, and a similarly excessive period to learn a decision 
procedure by such a method. We must therefore look for inter- 
mediate or simplifying principles. 

Obviously, just these sorts of heuristics, or simplifying prin- 
ciples, enter into chess as played by ordinary humans. They have 
rules of thumb that guide the strategy or tactics of the game, and 
these tactical generalizations could be formulated in an inductive 
programme in the same way as in the generalizations which we 
have already discussed; but we shall try to show that language leads 
to an alternative formulation. 

Language for the computer 

We now wish to add words X l9 X 2 , ...,X n to our system, and we 
wish the computer to have a potentially infinite number of words 
at its disposal. This implies that it has the means of constructing 
an indefinite number of words. The method, which is learned by 
example in humans, may also be so learned by the computer. 


The principle of association, by which words come to be 
associated with physical objects (or events), is exactly the same as 
the manner in which events have already been shown to become 
associated with each other. Indeed, it will now be apparent that 
our input tape may contain words as well as event symbols, and 
furthermore, there is really no need to distinguish these outside 
the machine, since the word will associate with an output, say, 
and precipitate an action in the same way as an event. 

This raises many interesting problems for the programmer. 
It can be shown that computers can learn simple languages in this 
way, and of course the natural languages for them to use are those 
languages which we call 'logical'. They are the logics of empirical 
classes and empirical relations (Chapter III), since they are 
descriptive and probabilistic. It is from this that ordinary language 
can then be derived. 

We can see here a clear link between this sort of programming 
and auto-coding, although at present virtually all auto-coding is 
deductive. This is a matter we shall discuss briefly later, in con- 
nexion with an inductively programmed computer changing its 
own goal. 

The argument about inductive or learning programming seems 
to suggest that no distinction, except one for purely linguistic 
convenience, need be drawn between words and concepts. The 
word 'concept* might be used to apply to the development of a 
state, represented by a Markov Chain table in the register in the 
computer, up to the stage at which it reaches verbal reformulation 
as a result of the computer now having a language with which to 
describe everything and anything that occurs to it. This includes 
relations between output events, between input events, and be- 
tween output and input events. These inputs and outputs must 
also themselves include words, for it is now well understood that we 
shall want to distinguish between words about events and words 
about words. 

It should be noticed that generalizations may occur in linguistic 
form representing events that may never have occurred in the 
computer's experience. This is closely linked to what is called 
'imagination', and reminds us that this imaginative process, closely 
allied, one suspects, with what is called 'creative thinking', can 
most conveniently be handled in language, although, if the tables 


of the computer generated new strings of symbols, it would seem 
to be largely an academic matter to inquire whether these were 
verbal or not. 

A computer that has gone this far can, in principle, surely deal 
with the problem of transferring findings from one situation to 
another, and thus satisfy a condition which seems to be much the 
same as is needed by human 'insight*. We can now bridge the 
gulf between the two computers a and j8, where they could be 
shown to perform the same responses on different bases. These 
different bases refer to the fact that although one computer learns 
to do the same thing as the other, it stilll does it on the basis of 
tables rather than verbal instructions. 

Non-linguistic induction 

Earlier in this book we represented the material on which a 
computer works as a set of numbers. This means that all the opera- 
tions of a general purpose computer are mathematical operations. 
From this point of view, games like noughts-and-crosses are 
problems of set theory. The same argument exactly applies to other 
games like draughts, chess, and even card games, although there 
may be additional conditions to be satisfied. 

The significance of all this is that we want the most complete 
basis for all possible arithmetical operations, and this we find under 
the name of primitive recursive functions (Davis, 1958). 

Primitive recursive functions are the general class of functions 
that include everything that normally occurs in classical mathe- 
matics ; the operations of addition, subtraction, and all other mathe- 
matical operations can, of course, be exemplified in this way. This 
means that if the computer has the power by virtue of being 
programmed to carry out any primitive recursive operation, it 
would seem that it could do as much as anyone could hope to do 
by way of learning. 

Changing goals 

There has been some argument among cyberneticians as to 
whether a computer can or cannot change its own goals. Semantics 
are certainly involved here, but in particular terms which will be 
explained, it can most certainly be said that a computer can change 


its goals. This is, of course, necessary if the model is to be useful 
to psychologists interested in learning. 

If the computer is differentially reinforced it will perform, with 
respect to a certain subset of variables, optimalization operations. 
This is like putting survival above all else in a human being; but 
these are by no means the only goals, since in the inductive associa- 
tive process we can evaluate every association with respect to its 
contribution to the optimalization of the basic variables. A simple 
example of this is to say that when an event is associated directly 
with something obviously good for survival, it becomes thought of 
as itself good for survival. We may call these other goals secondary 
goals, and these of course will change according to the changing 
circumstances upon which the computer is making its inductive 
inferences. Similarly, there is no reason why we should not ascribe 
specified values to the basic goals, and allow these to change if and 
when a secondary goal exceeds the basic goal in value; such things 
seem to happen with humans when they are prepared to sacrifice 
their lives for some cause. 

Cybernetics and learning 

Much of what has already been said in this book may be taken 
as summarizing some of the results of cybernetic research, and 
forging a link between learning and cybernetics. Something more 
explicit must now be said on this subject. 

In the first place we must consider the relation between the 
learning theories, such as those of Hull and Tolman, and cyber- 
netic research. It will be remembered that Hull's theory dealt with 
stimulus response units (see next chapter) which are strung to- 
gether into a stochastic process of the same kind as the one analysed 
by the computer. In fact the resemblance goes deeper than that, 
because the concept of differential reinforcement that we have used 
is very similar to that of Hull's concept of primary and secondary 

In the computer programme we have assumed some such concept 
as a primary drive, and further, that initially neutral stimuli take 
on this drive, or motivational characteristic, by virtue of their 
association with primary drives. 

Tolman's theory is essentially the same in its interpretation of 
needs and cathexes (this means Values', roughly speaking; see 


next chapter, page 179), where the secondary cathexis that be- 
comes associated with an original neutral stimulus is simply an 
alternative rendering of what the computer may be said to be 
doing. This confirms in part the belief that Hull and Tolman 
represent two different renderings of the same system. 

Tolman's basic association unit is stimulus-response-stimulus, 
rather than stimulus-response and, as with motivation, we might 
say that the emphasis has gone away from the habit type of learning 
and towards the more sophisticated type where the emphasis is on 
the next state, rather than a mere response to a stimulus. 

In our computer learning, the same stochastic methods are used, 
but we shall not lay heavy emphasis on stimulus-response, nor on 
stimulus-response-stimulus, as a 'basic unit', since learning can 
be clearly seen to depend upon very complex associations, of 
which stimulus-response and stimulus-response-stimulus seem 
rather simple special cases; and this is true regardless of the 
interpretation we place on the words 'stimulus' and 'response*. 

Our computer experiments point to the fact that our methods of 
describing learning must be effective. We must consider what our 
assumptions (Woodger has called them zero-level statements) are, 
and make them explicit and give them an operational definition. 
The use of the computer lends further emphasis to this point. 

To return to the essentially Markovian (Markov Chain) nature 
of learning, it seems clear that the length over which our condi- 
tional probabilities must spread is a function of the complexity of 
the problem to be solved (or the operation to be learned), and the 
extent to which the organism is motivated to learn it, and the 
organization of the memory store. 

The principles of the input and the output depend, no doubt, 
upon a classification principle (Uttley, 1954; George, 19S6a, 
1957d), whereas the central problem is that of organizing the 
information for storage. 

The details of the storage organization have by no means been 
worked out in detail, but Fig. 3 shows a suggested scheme of 
organization. Programmes have already been designed which 
order information such that the most valuable comes out in the 
first registers to be scanned, and the ones with high probabilities 
come next; this simply means that urgent matters are dealt with 
first and habits next. If the input does not demand an urgent 


response, but merely elicits a habit response, then it enters into 
the bulk of storage where matters are still 'more obviously' being 
learned, with the exception that the first set of this large set has 
been generalized into 'beliefs', so that some arbitrariness may have 
been enacted on the facts. This will not matter if the degree of 
arbitrariness is not too great. In other words, it will not matter if 
we treat Mr Smith exactly as we treat Mr Brown, provided the 








FIG. 3. THE STORAGE SYSTEM. The storage systems may be 

regarded as being responsible for ordering stored information. 

This figure shows the simplest priorities and there will also be a 

variation in degree of generality of information. 

difference between them is sufficiently small, so small that we shall 
get similar sorts of results from the same response to either. 

Finally we come to those matters where learning is still occur- 
ring, which will naturally lead to the longest delay in responding. 
Those of high value and probability are the most important, but 
these variables also partially cloak the other factors of recency and 
frequency, except in that value is a direct function of frequency, 
and that, among equal values, the most recent will appear as the 
top item in the subset. Motivation is represented by built-in 


stimuli, and the development of secondary motivation is brought 
about by association. 

The pattern of learning is clearly beginning to emerge from 
studies of this sort, and it is perhaps not too much to claim that we 
now understand how learning occurs (or could occur), although we 
do not understand either the biological or the social details 
sufficiently well to allow us to make predictions for individuals 
beyond a very limited range. 

Looking again at what we have said in the light of modern 
learning theory, it might be guessed that both stimulus-response 
and stimulus-response-stimulus elements occur. The first 
represents the 'habits', or events of high probability, where no 
emphasis on the next response is needed (since the stimulus- 
response connexion has a high probability). In the stimulus- 
response-stimulus element, the automatic nature of the response 
does not occur, but the 'urgency' (very high value numbers) may 
or may not be high. What is important is that much longer seq- 
uences may occur, indeed need to occur, for reasonably accurate 
learning and problem solving. 

It is also interesting that the presence of neither primary nor 
secondary motivation is necessary to associate with any novel 
input to bring about a response, since the value numbers associated 
with all input sequences are relative to the others of the same set, 
and thus a response will still be made, although of a random kind. 
This brings out the point of trial-and-error learning. 

This trial-and-error is subsequently reinforced, and thus 
prepares the way for the sort of 'insight' in another sense which 
recognizes the appropriateness of a response as a result of selective 

As a result of this we may say that objects subsequently have a 
'cathexis* and an 'induced cathexis' (a value imposed by associa- 
tion on an otherwise neutral event. See next chapter). But this, as 
in Tolman's theory, will be relative to the context in which they 
may occur. For the computer, the context is given by events of 
greater length that have already a high probability associated with 
them. To take a case: for event A, the probability and value num- 
bers may be such as to predict not just A/R/B, but A/R/BIS/CI 
T/D, or some such longer event. 

Generalization will occur if we say that each input is really a 


combination of subunits which it surely is in organismic learning 
and this means that two sets may be identified if they have 
common numbers and are such that no distinction is forthcoming 
with respect to one input as opposed to the other. A special case of 
this more convenient in the nomenclature of this book is the 
simple identification of two different input variables. It will be 
noticed that this argument of generalization can clearly apply to 
inputs, outpust, or input-output relations, of any length whatever. 

Other aspects of learning can easily be explained in terms of 
this computer organization, so that 'transfer of training' occurs 
simply as a result of generalization over events of length greater 
than two. 

Memory is such that frequency and recency are necessarily 
factors, since this is the way we have ordered the events to be 
remembered, subject, of course, to the other conditions of value 
and probability. 

'Set', by the same sort of argument, depends simply on the 
context of events of length greater than two often, indeed, much 
greater where the response is made to a stimulus with the 
expectation of another stimulus, simply because of its high 

'Learning sets' will be accounted for by saying that a particular 
relation that is well learned does not interfere with the same input 
letter being associated with a new output, since the first is now of 
high enough probability. This means that it would be immediately 
responded to were it not for the explicit instruction not to respond 
to it. To remember not to respond is thus something that is a 
function of the degree of learning; or in other words, the dis- 
crimination (as opposed to generalization) can be carried through 
better where the probabilities are wholly separated. 

This last point is brought out more clearly where the system 
works on an approximate basis, and comparison of probabilities is 
approximate, and thus glosses over discriminations dependent 
upon only a small amount of learning. 

In this chapter we have not attempted to bring out the full 
significance of computer programming for learning theory, for it 
is intended that this significance shall be noticed more fully in 
later chapters. It is hoped that, without really taking up in detail 
the point of language in the computer, enough has been said to 


indicate the possibilities inherent in this approach. It should be 
remembered that many more programmes have been run on the 
computer than could possibly be shown here, and much more has 
been learned about learning than can now be stated. 


This chapter is really complementary to the last one, and deals 
with the whole matter of learning from the point of view of 
programming a digital computer. 

Contrary to many opinions, the general purpose digital com- 
puter can be shown to learn, or behave inductively, if suitably 
programmed. The type of stochastic organization needed is 
essentially the same as the type of organization used in the logical 
net models of the previous chapter. 

Although in a short chapter it has not been possible to illustrate 
the full range of experiments that have been carried out in com- 
puter programming, enough has been said to illustrate the method 
and its great potentiality. Programmes have been undertaken over 
other games besides those mentioned, and the methods used are 
the same. The most interesting points that arise in learning 
programmes are connected with the power of the computer to 
generalize and to use language. These matters have been discussed 
all too briefly, but the possibility of both aspects of computer 
programming being greatly extended is fairly obvious. 

The second half of the chapter is also concerned with forging a 
link between the established theories of behaviour, such as the 
learning theories of Hull and Tolman. It is in fact possible to see 
that both the Hull and the Tolman theories could be restated in a 
manner making them suitable for a computer programme, and 
such effectiveness is exactly what Cybernetics needs. 

One point comes quite clearly out of the programming of 
computers to learn, and that is the fact that there may be a con- 
siderable difficulty in dealing with the build-up of input informa- 
tion. Learning is a selective process, but so is perception, and we 
may expect input information to be put in short term storage while 
other information is being handled. 



OUR main aim in this book is to show the part that cybernetics can 
play in helping to solve the traditional behavioural or psychological 
problems within the field of cognition, and the first cognitive 
problem with which we shall deal explicitly is that of learning, 
Before we can try effectively to employ logical networks, inductive 
computer programmes, or any other cybernetic model, to the 
solution of a problem, we must consider what has already been 
done in the field, and where solutions are already forthcoming, and 
where they are not; otherwise we cannot make the necessary 
comparison with what is actually known of human behaviour. We 
shall, in passing, be referring to those aspects of learning that have 
already been met in previous chapters. 

We shall necessarily have to rely on a brief summary of the major 
work done in learning, since this is not a text on learning theory as 
such. The reader who seeks to develop cybernetic methods in 
learning in more detail must do so with a more specialized analysis 
of learning. This, of course, applies to the whole of cognition, 
indeed, to the whole of behaviour, and on physiological levels as 
well as psychological. We shall start with a discussion of the mean- 
ing of the word learning*. 

'Learning', as Humphrey has pointed out (Humphrey, 1933), 
is a recently introduced term. It is not mentioned in the indices 
of either Kulpe (1893), Stout (1896), or Ward (1918), nor is it 
mentioned explicitly in Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy, or 
William James's treatise on psychology (1890). Wundt regarded 
learning as approximately the same as memorization of words. 
William McDougall, in his Outline of Psychology (1923), only once 
mentions the word 'learning', where it occurs under the title 
'primitive learning'. In fact, of course, the processes were studied 
under different names, such as 'memory', 'habit', 'framing', and 


'apperception*. These terms, in so far as they are still used, are 
regarded as referring to special cases of learning, developed in 
the formative years of the subject; they have now largely 

Various attitudes towards learning* will now be noted. Mc- 
Dougall himself describes a primitive learning process, among 
animals low in the scale of intelligence, as a modification of 
present actions through past experience, and he quotes, as an 
example, his experiment with crayfish. If some food is placed at 
one end of a long trough of water, and the crayfish is put in at the 
other end, he will swim towards the food. Now if the trough is 
divided into two parts A and JB, so that by A he can reach the 
food and by B he cannot, then after some number of trials, 
he will always take the path A. This is a particular case of 

Humphrey insists on using 'learning' to apply to behaviour 
modification that is useful to the organism (part of the survival 
need). A seagull whose behaviour is modified to the extent of 
following ships to get food is said to have 'learned'* If, on seeing 
a ship, the seagull always flew in the opposite direction, it would 
have had its behaviour modified, but would not be said to have 
'learned'. In this connexion it is worth quoting Humphrey's own 
words (Humphrey, 1933): 

A gull, let us say, has learned to fly after the ships as they leave the 
harbour. Clearly the learning rests on the fact that the bird is able to 
obtain bigger and better meals, and easier ones. That is to say, its energy 
intake is more economically effected. If, after finding food behind a 
number of ships, it had so modified its reactions that it flew in the opposite 
direction whenever a ship appeared, we should hardly say that learning 
had taken place. 

The special sense in which the word 'learning' is being used 
here should be carefully noted. Humphrey goes on to differentiate 
between different types of learning, and places them on a con- 
tinuum with simple negative adaptation (habituation, or accom- 
modation, and tropisms, which are orientating responses and are 
known to be mediated by fairly simple physico-chemical means) 
at one end, and maze-learning, puzzle-box learning (Thorndike, 
1898, 1911, 1932; Adams, 1929; Guthrie and Horton, 1946), and 
ape-learning (Kohler, 1925; Yerhes, 1916), in stages of increasing 


complexity, leading to human learning at the other end. The 
conditioned response (Pavlov, 1927) falls somewhere towards the 
middle of the continuum. 

By a 'conditioned response' we mean here, as before, the 
simple associative principle involved in 'classical conditioning*. 
The unconditioned response might be salivation at the sight of 
food (which is the unconditioned stimulus), and then, when the 
food is presented and a bell rings at the same time, the bell may be 
called the 'conditioned stimulus'. Conditioning occurs when the 
response of salivation is elicited by the bell alone (now called the 
'conditioned response'), without the presence of food. 

From this starting-point Humphrey goes on to analyse the 
whole subject in great detail. So far as our present knowledge of 
cybernetics goes, it suggests that the main distinctions are, in fact, 
likely to be between 'learning' and 'having learned', where the 
learning may vary from trial-and-error to insight, and the 'having 
learned' overlaps that which is built in and also that which is 
acquired by maturation, or in the course of growth and develop- 

Into the depths of the verbal problems are soon drawn other 
terms which are used to refer to modified organic activity. These 
terms include 'instinct', 'purpose', 'insight', and 'maturation', and 
the whole matter becomes much more complicated. Some attempt 
to clarify it can be started by saying that maturation and instinctive 
behaviour are usually distinguished from learning. 

At a certain level, the distinction may be made between be- 
haviour depending on special organic development (of which 
Coghill's (1929) salamanders are a very good example) and 
learned behaviour. The working out of inherited, relatively fixed, 
probably electro-chemically mediated, behaviour patterns (in- 
stincts), and behaviour which is in some way modified by external 
or internal changes towards the survival of the organism, or 
towards a state of homeostasis (Cannon, 1929), demand the closest 
attention (Tinbergen, 1951). The verbal distinction between 
'involuntary' and 'voluntary' behaviour is in some ways an analogy, 
although very limited, to the above distinction. 

Now it can be seen that there are large possibilities for con- 
fusion in our basic understanding of 'learning', and more careful 
definition is necessary. If one turns to some modern definitions of 


'learning' it may be seen that greater clarity has been only partially 
effected. Hull states (Hull, 1943, p. 68): 

The essential nature of the learning process may be stated quite simply. 
Just as the inherited equipment of reaction-tendencies consists of 
receptor-effector connections, so the process of learning consists in the 
strengthening of certain of these connections as contrasted with others, or 
in the setting up of quite new connections. 

Hull's work may be taken as one cornerstone of modern learning 
theory, and it will need careful analysis. For Hull, 'learning' can 
be defined in terms of conditioning, and the problem of learning is 
reduced in essence to the problem of reinforcement. However, 
before looking more closely at any one view, it is necessary to 
continue our survey of definitions a little further. 

Hilgard and Marquis (1940) define 'learning' thus: 

Change in the strength of an act through training procedures (whether in 
the laboratory or in the natural environments) as distinguished from 
changes in the strength of the act by factors not attributable to training. 

This can be regarded only as a working definition as, of course, 
the real difficulty is shelved, since 'training procedures' are not 
defined,* nor is the method of observation for distinguishing be- 
tween behaviour modified as a result of training or non-training. 
The Hilgard and Marquis (1940) definition of Thorndike trial- 
and-error learning may also be quoted: 

The mode of learning in which the learner tries various movements in its 
repertory, apparently in a somewhat random manner, and without 
explicit recognition of the connexion between the movement and the 
resolution of the problem situation. Tentative movements which succeed 
are more frequently repeated in subsequent trials, and those which fail 
gradually disappear. 

This form of definition leads to the famous law of effect and to a 
discussion of reinforcement, and it is fundamental to our inductive 

Three further definitions of 'learning' may be quoted; they are 
due to Guthrie, Hilgard and Thorpe respectively. Guthrie's 
(1935) reads: 

The ability to learn, that is, to respond differently to a situation because of 
past responses to the situation, is what distinguishes those living creatures 
which common sense endows with minds. This is the practical description 
of the term 'minds'. 


Neglecting the totally unnecessary introduction of the word 
'mind', we see that the definition is exactly the same as the implicit 
definition of McDougall. 

Hilgard's (1948) avowedly working definition reads: 

Learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed 
through training procedures (whether in the laboratory or in the natural 
environment) as distinguished from changes by factors not attributable 
to training. 

This, of course, is only a slightly modified form of the Hilgard- 
Marquis definition. 
Thorpe's (1950) definition is: 

The process which produces adaptive change in individual behaviour as 
the result of experience. It is regarded as distinct from fatigue, sensory 
adaptation, maturation and the results of surgical or other injury. 

Separate definitions of 'trial-and-error learning', 'reinforcement' 
'latent learning', 'insight learning', 'instinct', etc., are also worth 
noting (Thorpe, 1950). 

The problem of learning is, plainly, thought to be a central 
one for experimental psychology. The difficulty has been to ear- 
mark what is essential to learning and what is not, and this may 
merely represent the fact that learning is really a more or less 
complex process of association units working together, as we 
suggested in the previous chapter, and if this is so, this is vital to 
the cybernetic approach. 

Within the compass of learning there are certain essential 
distinctions between different sorts of learning; for example, some 
organisms can learn without immediately manifesting their 
learning in a changed performance. This is called 'latent learning', 
and is very typical of human beings. The fact that some learning 
may occur when obviously initiated by purely random behaviour 
(trial-and-error learning) does not blind us to the fact that other 
learning may show 'insight'. This word does not necessarily mean 
something mysterious; it is used here to indicate that what is 
learned in one situation, or previously learned in general, perhaps 
through language, may be applied in a new or particular situation. 
Such refinements and distinctions do not, it seems, invalidate the 
essential unity of the concept of learning itself. But it does look as 
if learning is dependent on a 'forcing function' or selective opera- 
tion such as reinforcement. 


Reinforcement has generally been explained in terms of one of 
the following three principles: (1) Substitution, (2) Effect, and 
(3) Expectancy, and for most theorists it remains the essential 
factor upon which learning depends. Although these three prin- 
ciples may appear to be different aspects of some more general 
principle, they have not, as yet, been integrated. The principle of 
substitution springs from classical conditioning (Pavlov, 1927, 
1928; Bekhterev, 1932; et al.\ and a first working definition might 

The principle of a substitution states that a conditioned stimulus, present 
at the time that an original stimulus evokes a response, will tend, on 
subsequent presentations, to evoke a response. 

The first important question is that of the generality of the 
principle. Pavlov and Guthrie are its principal supporters, but they 
differ as to its generality. Pavlov (1927) says that substitution 
occurs only under certain circumstances, while for Guthrie 
substitution always occurs, and occurs completely. For Pavlov, 
the factors determining the degree of substitution are: (1) The 
time interval between the conditioned stimulus and the un- 
conditioned response, (2) The intensity of the conditioned stimulus 
and of the unconditioned stimulus, and (3) The number of repeti- 
tions of the stimuli; but these factors are not necessarily regarded 
as being exhaustive. 

To consider Guthrie first (Guthrie, 1935, 1942; Hilgard, 1948): 
it is a general criticism of Guthrie's behaviour theory that it over- 
simplifies the facts. The basis of his theory is contained in his two 
basic laws : 

(1) A combination of stimuli which has accompanied a move- 
ment will, on its recurrence, tend to be followed by that movement. 

(2) A stimulus pattern gains its full associative strength on the 
occasion of its first pairing with a response. 

Since these do not allow the necessary predictions, because of 
lack of detailed analysis, the laws must be considered inadequate to 
explain learning on a sufficiently general basis. We might guess 
that it is not that the model is incorrect, but that it is inadequate 
by reason of its lack of detail. To put the matter another way, 
Guthrie's theory, as stated by him, lacks generalizability. There is 
a further objection: it is a principle that does not allow of verifica- 


tion, nor does it readily suggest further experiment. On these 
grounds Guthrie's formulation will be put aside, and provisional 
acceptance given to the Pavlov formulation. However, this does 
not appear to be a vital issue ; indeed, in a sense it is a sub-issue of 
the more general problem of selective learning, which still needs 

Although we appear to be dismissing Guthrie in a somewhat 
cavalier fashion, we are very ready to admit that, apart from other 
important features, his theory has laid emphasis on the principle 
of contiguity as primary and motivation as secondary, and this has 
served to draw attention to an aspect of learning that might other- 
wise have been obscured. The influence he has had on this score 
alone is quite considerable, and can be detected in Estes' model of 
learning (1950) as well as in more recent theories of learning such 
as those of Sheffield (Sheffield and Roby, 1950; Sheffield, Wulff 
and Backer, 1951; Sheffield, Roby and Campbell, 1954) and 
Seward (1950, 1951, 1952, 1953). 

From the point of view of logical nets this question is one of 
special interest. We have said that the motivational system may 
initiate response activity and stimulus-response associations may 
occur to change the internal (motivational) state of the organism, 
but only according to the view stated in the presence of a 
secondary or primary reinforcer. If we drop this condition we are 
in difficulties in explaining why learning is selective. Even if we 
granted the presence of a selective filter, and that some part of that 
selection was based on conditions of attention, which was based, in 
turn, on the relevance of some stimuli for existing needs, this 
would in no way change the basic need for differential reinforce- 
ment, although, as we might expect, it would mean that we must 
take a broader view of motivation than is implicit in Hull's theory 
of need-reduction. The same argument applies, of course, to 
stimulus stimulus associations. 

We shall leave this knotty point for the moment, and return to 
our summary of the principal features of learning theory. 

The distinction between Pavlov's and Guthrie's substitution 
must now be regarded from the point of view of logical nets. 
Consider Fig. 4 of Chapter V, which represents our logical net 
model of the conditioned response in its simplest form. 

We can see quite easily, in comparing Guthrie's and Pavlov's 



notions, that the first question is as to whether we should regard 
the association as being set up at once, or by degrees. The answer 
is not unambiguous, since our logical net could be interpreted 
from either point of view. If we consider the matter from Pavlov's 
point of view and ask ourselves whether the time interval between 
the conditioned stimulus A and the previously unconditioned 
response (the bell and salivation in classical conditioning) makes a 
difference to the effectiveness of the associations being made, the 
answer is a complex one. We can certainly arrange for events to be 
associated directly, however far from each other in time, but we 
may expect that pairs of contiguous events are normally associated 
during learning. It would therefore seem to be difficult for the 
organism to learn the relation between events widely dispersed in 
time. This does not mean that, having learned an association, there 
may not be considerable delays in the subsequent associations, 
although these delays would, according to Pavlov, weaken the 

What emerges from this picture is that we have not as yet made 
clear the full workings of our automaton, particularly with respect 
to its timing, so we shall look further at this aspect of the develop- 
ment. In the first place, the designs of Figs. 4, 5 and 6 in Chapter V 
are not intended necessarily to accept only single stimuli but, 
rather, volleys of stimuli (this matter of volleys could of course be 
restricted to peripheral mechanisms in which sensory classification 
occurs, although they may take the form of specialized analysers, 
or be of a very particular form such as that suggested by Osgood 
and Heyer (see Chapter IX), and we may expect that a particular 
volley represents, by its size, the intensity of stimulation. If an 
event, A say, so represented, occurs, then the subsequent state B 
will normally follow quickly, dependent or not on some response 
A'* This leads to the belief A-+B, say, where ' > simply represents 
the association of an event name A with an event name B such 
that we say A implies B, but and this is now vital there may 
be many interesting stimuli and responses in the repertoire of the 
automaton that occur concomitantly on A *B, and these are what 
Guthrie would call 'maintaining stimuli'. These maintaining 
stimuli are mostly automatic in themselves but may need to be 
given some organization, particularly at the motor classification 
level, to permit A->B to occur at all. 


This argument is important in bearing out Guthrie's points 
about an association being immediate and occurring at full 
strength, where practice has the effect of organizing the maintain- 
ing stimuli. At the same time, the sketchy explanation given is also 
consistent with Pavlov's idea that delays in temporal contiguity 
affect the efficiency of the association. In other words, beliefs 
occur as expectancies in a very complex way, many occurring more 
or less together, and where the A part of A-^B may be quite 
remote from the B part. Thus, if A occurs, the proper response 
may be of the form 

where the successful association is only established after many, 
even necessary, intervening responses have been made. In other 
terminology we could write (1) as 


or A I. ..IB 

here '/' xneans 'is followed by', and we shall sometimes use '//' to 
mean 'is followed immediately by'. 

From our assumption (above) of volleys we may see that Pavlov 
is certainly justified in saying that the strength of the conditioned 
stimulus will be important since, very simply, the more intense 
each stimulus is, the stronger will be the association, provided they 
become associated at all. 

We might next try and compare Guthrie and Pavlov with respect 
to motivation. Here we are in agreement with Pavlov in believing 
that a motivational system must selectively reinforce the condi- 
tioning (associative) process. Guthrie maintains that motivation is 
not of primary, but of secondary importance. Unfortunately 
Guthrie's position over reinforcement is very vague, and something 
like Skinner's in its adherence to operational (sometimes called 
positivistic) tendencies (Mueller and Schoenfeld, 1954). In 
experimental psychology this usually means that the attempt has 
been made merely to restate observed results, with little or no 
interpretation, and therefore with little use for theoretical terms. It 
is this consideration that hinders a detailed analysis of the situation, 
but it does look as if Guthrie and Pavlov could both be talking of 
the same logical net, with a difference in interpretation (their 


difference is in their theory language), at least as far as we have 

According to Mueller and Schoenfeld (1954, pp. 368-9), 
Guthrie disputed with Pavlov about the importance of pairings in 
conditioning, Guthrie insisting upon the importance of the 
temporal relation between the conditioned stimulus and response. 
The above writers show the doubtful nature of these conclusions, 
and though from our logical net point of view the association is 
important, it seems perhaps to be less fundamental than that 
between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. 
If A-*A' and B-*B' are two unconditioned reflexes, and A is to be 
the conditioned stimulus with respect to J3, then A-*B and A-+B'. 
But clearly A-*B is false in that, although the association is between 
A and B, A will yield the response to B, which is B' y and therefore 
what occurs is actually A >B'. This is perhaps the source of a 
misunderstanding since, in a sense, A-+B and A-+B' are both 
vital connexions that will necessarily go together. 

Consider for a moment the case of language in humans : A is 
a word whose reference is J5, and the response to the name A or to 
the referent B (these are not necessarily identical, hence our use of 
(AB) f in our B-circuits) is similar. It seems reasonable, though, to 
argue that the 'fundamental* connexion, in some sense is between 
A and B and not A and B'. 

We cannot take this comparison any further now, but we may 
return to their explanations later, in the discussion of anticipatory 
responses. Up to now we might say that the differences between 
Pavlov and Guthrie are largely due to lack of detailed analysis, but 
there is one more point: in order to explain certain aspects of 
learning it seems important to make a firm distinction between 
items already learned and those being learned, and this, at any rate, 
Guthrie does not seem to do. 

From the operational point of view, the principles of Guthrie 
and Pavlov are virtually indistinguishable, but Pavlov might be 
preferred for the reasons stated, i.e. it would appear that the 
principles of Pavlov involve the necessary generalizability. On the 
other hand there will be the suggestion that this includes only a 
limiting case of behaviour. 

Before any more can be said about the principle of substitution, 
a brief review must be made of the law of effect. This is invoked as 


a principle of reinforcement, in the context of instrumental 
conditioning, where emphasis is placed upon the consequences of 
certain activities. One should perhaps start by giving Thorndike's 
original definition of this law (Thorndike, 1911): 

Of several responses made to the same situation those which are accom- 
panied or closely followed by 'satisfaction' to the animal will, other things 
being equal, be more firmly connected with the situation so that, when it 
recurs, they will be more likely to recur; those which are accompanied or 
closely followed by 'discomfort' to the animal, other things being equal, 
will have their connexions with that situation weakened, so that, when it 
recurs, they will be less likely to occur. The greater the satisfaction or 
discomfort, the greater the strengthening or weakening of the bond. 

This principle is clearly bound up with 'rewards' and 'punish- 
ments', again involving us in the dangers of circularity (Postman, 
1947; Meehl, 1950). 

We must just remind the reader at this point that the law of 
effect is explicitly incorporated in the design of the automaton in 
the form of an M- system which is to be interpreted as a motiva- 
tional system that selectively reinforces associations in terms of the 
law of effect. This fact does not, however, exclude substitution and 
expectancy as appropriate principles to explain behaviour, as we 
shall see. 

The law of effect has sometimes been criticized as being 
'circular'. Meehl has argued that the law of effect need not neces- 
sarily involve us in any circularity in either of two senses he gives 
to the word 'circular'. It is a legitimate form of definition, ana- 
logous to Newton's definition of Force, or Hooke's law in physics. 
Two versions of the law of effect are quoted by Meehl; one he calls 
the weak law and the other the strong law. 

The weak law states: 

(1) All reinforcers are transnational (a transituational re- 
inforcement law states, 'The stimulus S on schedule M always 
increases the strength of any learning response'). A definition of 
'learning' is needed here. 

The strong law states: 

(2) Every learned increment in response strength requires the 
operation of a transituational reinforcer. 

In his discussion, Meehl says that the law of effect is not circular 


in either of two ways that 'circular* can be interpreted, (1) the term 
defined in terms which are themselves defined in terms of the 
original term, and (2) proofs which make use of the probandum. 
He further states that the Skinner Spence type of definition of effect 
is clearly immune from these pitfalls. The Skinner version is as 
follows : 

A reinforcing stimulus is defined as such by its power to produce the 
resulting change. There is no circularity about this; some stimuli are 
found to produce the change, others not, and they are classified as 
reinforcing and non-reinforcing accordingly. 

Now we can begin to see the full force of our concession in 
avoiding circularity. We are to equate learning with performance 
in a positivistic manner, or certainly to regard 'reinforcement* as 
applying strictly to performance in a simple stimulus-response 
(S R) system; and now one is pushed into the difficulty of explain- 
ing the data which come under the heading of 'latent learning* and 
'place learning*. Skinner introduces theoretical terms for such 
purposes : 'reflex reserve', 'secondary reinforcement', and a distinc- 
tion between operant and respondent behaviour. This last distinc- 
tion attempts to distinguish between behaviour that is emitted and 
behaviour that is elicited. 

With these aids, of course, it should be possible to give some 
model, although generally Skinner attempts no more than a re- 
statement of experimental results. He makes two further points: 
that primary reinforcement and habit strength (see page 197) are 
not the same, rather it is the patterning of reinforcement that 
matters, and also the derived secondary reinforcement. All this 
leads to difficulties in assessing the relative value of reinforcers, 
and although it would not appear to be circular, it is necessarily 
arbitrary, and allows of little or nothing in the way of prediction. 
The law of effect itself is a basic issue in all learning theory, and 
in some form it seems inescapable. 

The third principle of reinforcement is the principle of expect- 
ancy, and this is used in the context of instrumental conditioning 
to explain the varieties of conditioning known as 'avoidance* and 
'secondary reward*. According to the principle of expectancy, 
reinforcement must be such as to confirm an expectancy (or 
expectation), and the expectancy itself is said to depend on pre- 
vious learning. We can say that an expectancy is a theoretical term 





a. a 







da .S 

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O D *ti 

a a . ^ 

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which implies the combination stimulus-response-stimulus, where 
the emphasis is 'forward looking* and illustrative of 'purposive* 

We must now consider a little farther this central problem of 
reinforcement. Broadbent (1958) doubts the validity of primary 
and secondary reinforcement as a principle of selection in learning. 
Many writers have suggested that novel or strong stimuli are 
themselves effective motivators (Berlyne, 1950; Miller and 
Kessen, 1952) and there is some neurophysiological support for 
this idea (Sharpless and Jasper, 1956). 

We would re-emphasize here what we have already said about 
these matters, and in particular that in our logical net models we 
have assumed that motivation may initiate searching behaviour as 
readily as it may itself be built upon selective reinforcement. We 
would also want to include here curiosity as a drive, and certainly 
we must accept the fact that needs may be set up by conceptual 
means. On the associative principle, then, we may expect needs to 
occur because of an association with something else that leads to 
the organism producing searching activity. This is like saying that 
thinking about food will make you hungry, or rather, that it may 
do so under certain circumstances, the additional circumstances 
being that some need of an organic kind must also exist, although 
on its own it would not have led to drive reducing behaviour until 
later. It is the association that 'makes the person think about food* 
that leads to the production of searching activity. 

It may seem that this extension of reinforcement spoils the 
Hullian theory, but in fact we would argue that it merely calls for 
an expansion. 

To take up one particular point made against reinforcement 
theory by Broadbent (1958, pp. 245 et seq.), when he asks why the 
rat does not learn to go down 'blinds' in maze-running when the 
trial as a whole is rewarded, this is, clearly, not to be taken too 
seriously, since there are various ways out of the dilemma so 
presented. Perhaps the most obvious one is to remember that, 
while we may regard the total running of a maze as a trial that may 
be reinforced, the rat may well regard each bit of maze as some- 
thing that is separately reinforced, and these blinds are of course 
non-reinforcing because they stop the rat, however hungry or 
curious or both he may be, from moving forward. 


In fact no great problem really exists here since the selective 
nature of learning can only be explained in terms of selective 
reinforcement, wherever and however that principle is to be 
applied. The problem is, of course, to make the details of its 
application clear, and to explain why a degree of stability occurs in 
behaviour in spite of the vast range of possible stimulus-response 
connexions. It is perhaps over this last point that we must add the 
amplifying effect of selection by attention to the mere application 
of secondary reinforcement. 

Table I illustrates well that the distinction between the various 
models of learning proposed is a matter of the theoretical terms 
used, and of their interpretation, and we are interested to know 
whether this implies a difference in the underlying model. We 
add two definitions to those already given; they are by Hilgard and 

(1) Heterogeneous Reinforcement. The strengthening of a condi- 
tioned response through reinforcement which depends on a 
response which does not resemble the conditioned response. This 
is a characteristic of reward and escape learning, but not limited 
to it. A simple example would be the rewarding of a head move- 
ment by the presentation of a carrot. 

(2) Homogeneous Reinforcement. The strengthening of a condi- 
tioned response by reinforcement with an unconditioned stimulus 
which evokes activity similar to the conditioned response, required 
according to the substitutional principle. Here, a simple example 
would be the salivation of a dog leading to food. It is homogeneous 
in that the salivating is something normally connected with food, 
whereas in heterogeneous reinforcement, as we have seen, it may 
be completely unconnected. 

Obviously, crucial experimental tests are necessary to distinguish 
the above systems if they are to be taken over in all-embracing 
fashion. Brogden (1939) has carried out an experiment that 
claims to discriminate between the principles of effect and 

In this experiment dogs were trained in conditioned response 
technique, in pairing a bell and shock stimulus to get conditioned 
leg withdrawal response, and rewarded with food when the correct 


response was made. Omission of unconditioned stimulus (shock) 
on 1000 trials led to no extinction on conditioned withdrawal. 
This may be taken to favour the principle of effect as opposed to 
substitution in this situation, but whether on the strength of it one 
can be any nearer saying that the effect is more general than 
substitution is open to manifest doubts. In fact, one can remind 
oneself again that the attempt is to distinguish between different 
theoretical terms, and that only. The above table does not disagree 
over performance, but only on the constructed theory designed to 
explain it. 

It will be well to note what is involved here. Different sorts of 
experimental situations promote different sorts of behaviour, and 
these can be categorized as in the above table. The scientists J s 
problem is to find the common elements, and integrate such a set 
of elements into a theory which covers each type as a special case of 
a general theory; and while as yet this may or may not be possible, 
it is certainly necessary at some stage if there is to be a scientific 
theory of behaviour. In such experiments it is always being assumed 
that individual difference as a variable is cloaked by general 
similarity, i.e. that individual variation is markedly less than the 
factors in common, in the particular aspect of behaviour being 
considered. If this were not so, it would be almost impossible to 
have a science of behaviour; or at any rate a deterministic science 
in the sense of classical physics or chemistry. 

Is it then possible to glimpse, at this stage, some integrative 
aspects in learning? Are the explanations of substitution, effect and 
expectancy really mutually exclusive? Do they refer to the same 
levels of behaviour? In this respect it is important to consider the 
comparative factor; have all the experiments been on the same sorts 
of organisms? This last point may be important when it is recalled 
that, in the early Gestalt Watson differences over insight, and 
trial-and-error learning, Kohler's work was largely on apes, and 
Watson's on rats. It seems possible that the character of behaviour 
is more complex as we ascend the evolutionary scale, and this is 
another barrier to generalization. 

No adequate statements can really be made until more of molar 
behaviour theory has been investigated, but it is instructive to 
consider the Hilgard and Marquis table of comparisons further. 
According to this table, classical conditioning can be explained by 


substitution; what, then, is substitution? The definition given by 
Hilgard and Marquis (p. 76) is: 

A conditioned stimulus, present at the time that an original stimulus 
evokes a response, will tend on subsequent presentation to evoke that 

In tentatively accepting Pavlov's rather than Guthrie's principle 
it is accepted that substitution occurs as a matter of degree, and 
stimulus is defined independently of the conditions. 

But Hilgard and Marquis try a further, and more adequate, 
definition of substitution: 

An activity initiated by a stimulus, occurring at the same time as another 
activity which results in a response will tend on subsequent occurrences, 
to evoke that response. 

The penultimate word 'that' in this definition may result in this 
being dubbed a special case. Instead, similar (with conditions to be 
specified) might be a step towards generality. 

This point is brought out, we shall remember, in our logical net 
(see Fig. 4, Chapter IV), where a distinction was made between 
either the ^'-element or the ^'-element and (-4jB)'-element. 
Obviously this network is constructed in terms of the distinction 
made independently and proves nothing, except perhaps the 
simplicity and the naturalness with which the response to A.B 
should be somewhat different from that to A or B alone. 

A comparison of the effect principle and the substitution principle 
of conditioning might be taken to imply that homogeneous rein- 
forcement is a special case of heterogeneous reinforcement. 

There is a brief reference to the expectancy theorist in the 
phrase, 'learning occurs only if response is part of a behaviour- 
route to a goal'. What one knows is that a pattern of performance 
takes place, and from this the theoretical term 'learning' is 
introduced, and the organism is modified. The expectancy 
theorist's description in this case is identical with the other two if 
only it is said that, in these very limited conditions, the part of a 
behaviour-route is a limiting case, and happens here to be the 
whole of the behaviour-route to the goal. 

It may be tentatively suggested that the three explanations of 
classical conditioning are by no means as different as they may 
appear at first sight, encouraging further the notion that it is at the 
level of the theory language, rather than at the level of the model 


that differences occur. It seems perfectly possible that a rapproche- 
ment can be brought about between expectancy and effect, with 
substitution as a special case of either. The real point here is that 
when the vague verbal propositions of the various protagonists are 
tested by the construction of models, it becomes clear that their 
differences are differences of interpretation, or of philosophical 
directives that are being brought to bear on the subject. This 
belief is further encouraged by the fact that the molar type of 
explanation is based on overworked theoretical terms. They are, 
in fact, propositions that invite vagueness, and the maximum 
interference from the methodological or philosophical prejudices 
of the particular theorists and experimentalists. 

Hull's theory of learning 

In considering Hull's position in reinforcement theory, we shall 
draw on his re-stated postulational position (Hull, 1950). There is, 
of course, more detail given by Hull than it is proposed to discuss 
here, but the basic postulates III-IX which refer to the problem 
of reinforcement will be quoted immediately. Hull (1952) further 
modified his theory but only to a minor extent and these further 
modifications will not be considered here. 


Primary reinforcement. Whenever an affector activity (R) is 
closely associated with a stimulus afferent impulse or trace ($') and 
the conjunction is closely associated with the diminution in the 
receptor discharge characteristic of a need, there will result an 
increment to a tendency for that stimulus to evoke that response, 

Corollary (i) Secondary motivation. When neutral stimuli are 
repeatedly and consistently associated with the evocation of a 
primary or secondary drive and this drive undergoes an abrupt 
diminution, the hitherto neutral stimuli acquire the capacity to 
bring about the drive stimuli (SD) which thereby become the 
condition (CD) of a secondary drive or motivation. 

Corollary (ii) Secondary reinforcement. A neutral receptor impulse 
which occurs repeatedly and consistently in close conjunction with 
a reinforcing state of affairs, whether primary or secondary, will 
itself acquire the power of acting as a reinforcing agent. 



The law of habit formation (sf/js). If reinforcements follow each 
other at evenly distributed intervals, everything else constant, the 
resulting will increase in strength as a positive growth function of 
the number of trials according to the equation, 


Primary motivation or drive (D). (A) A primary motivation (Z>), 
at least that resulting from food privation, consists of two multi- 
plicative components, (1) the drive proper (Z>'), which is an 
increasing monotonic sigmoid function of h, and (2) a negation or 
inanation component (E) which is a positively accelerated mono- 
tonic function h decreasing from 1*0 to zero, 

i.e. D = D'xE 

(B) The functional relationship of drive (D) to one drive condi- 
tion (food privation) is: from h = to about 3 hr; drive rises 
in an approximately linear manner until the function abruptly 
shifts to a near horizontal, then to a concave-upwards course, 
gradually changing to a convex-upwards curve reaching a maxi- 
mum of 12*30 at about h = 59, after which it gradually falls to the 
reaction threshold (sL^) at around h = 100. 

(C) Each drive condition (C#) generates a characteristic drive 
stimulus (Srf) which is a monotonic increasing function of the state. 

(D) At least some drive conditions tend partially to motivate 
into action habits which have been set up on the basis of different 
drive conditions. 


Stimulus-intensity dynamism (V). Other things constant, the 
magnitude of the stimulus intensity component (V) of reaction 
potential ($$ is a monotonic increasing logarithmic fimction of S. 


Incentive motivation (K). The incentive function (K) is a nega- 
tively accelerated increasing monotonic function of the weight (w) 
of food given as reinforcement, 

i,e. # = 1-1 



Delay in reinforcement (J). The greater the delay in reinforce- 
ment, the weaker will be the resulting reaction potential, the 
quantitative law being, 

J = 1(H* 


The constitution of reaction potential (sEx). The reaction 
potential (sEp) of a bit of learned behaviour at any given stage of 
learning is determined (1) by the drive (Z)) operating during the 
learning process multiplied (2) by the dynamism of the signalling 
stimulus at response evocation (F 2 ), (3) by the incentive reinforce- 
ment (K), (4) by the gradient of delay in reinforcement (J), and 
(5) by the habit strength (sH R ), 

where S&R = 

and F t is the stimulus intensity during the learning process. 

Postulates I, II, IX (corollaries), XI, XII, XIII, XV, XVI, 
XVII and XVIII are not needed for our examination of Hull's 
theory of reinforcement; if needed by the reader, reference should 
be made to the original paper (Hull, 1950). 

The three well-known questions of Postman (1947) still serve 
as a useful 'prop* for a discussion of reinforcement. They are : 

(1) What is the agent responsible for reinforcement? 

(2) What is it that is reinforced? 

(3) What is the basic mechanism of reinforcement? 

Wolpe (1950) aimed his solution directly at (3), and was criticized 
by Seward (1950) for having oversimplified the problem; he found, 
indeed, that Wolpe's theory was lacking in cogency. Seward 
returned to an examination of (1) and (2), which appeared to him 
to be of first importance. He recognized the many-meaninged 
nature of the term 'reinforcement', and he built on Meehl's 
(1950) definition to give the following definition: 

When a stimulus change -X", following a response R to a situation *S, 
increases the probability of R to S, X is called a reinforcer, and its pre- 
sentation is called a reinforcement. 


It will be noticed that this is much more general than Hull's 
definition (postulate III), and admirably defines the activity of the 
M-system in our logical net (Chapter V). 

Let us now proceed to Hull's new system. The most striking 
change is the clear-cut separation between learning and perform- 
ance. A comparison between Hull's old and new definitions of 
both $HR and S&R illustrate the matter. 


S H R = (!- 


and substituting for K, J, and $H R we get: 
sE R = DV (1-10-^)10-^(1- 
The resemblance between the old definition of jsHn and the new 
definition of sEn is obvious. Omitting e~ ut , and replacing e by 10, 
and lastly, put w for W, and the equations are identical. It is clear 
that K and J no longer enter the equation for sH R , but they do 
directly enter sE R> thus allowing for sudden changes in perform- 
ances. Seward has neatly demonstrated this point (Seward, 1950). 

Now these brief statements must suffice to show that Hull's 
revision has had the effect of making $E R , rather than sH R > the 
principal variable affected by reinforcement. This was an attempt 
to meet the criticisms of the neo-Pavlovian S R theories made 
by the expectancy theorists to the effect that the law of effect 
applies to performance rather than to learning. The result, then, 
has been to bring the Hull theory much nearer to the Tolman 
theory; but we shall be able to see this much more clearly after 
our review of Tolman. 

For Hull, the basis of learning is still the strengthening of SR 
bonds, although the actual relationships between the theoretical 
terms which cover the internal variation have now been changed* 
It is possible that the problems of latent learning are now more 
susceptible to treatment, and the theory has probably gained in 
generality and flexibility. However, there is still the question of 
testing the theory, and that will have to be done before any 


detailed judgment can be made. One might guess a priori that no 
adequate definition of a theoretical term such as &HR can be given 
as a function of N alone. It suggests an unlikely simplification, of 
the type associated with Guthrie's theory. 

Furthermore, Seward has pointed out that it is at least unlikely 
that the present place of J and K in the definition of $ER is 
adequate. Indeed, one can go further and question whether such a 
linearly related system of theoretical terms can adequately mirror 
the complexities of even relatively simple organisms' performances, 
under all circumstances, with anything approaching the necessary 
degree of approximation. The attempt seems thoroughly worth- 
while but, with all its clarity and conciseness, the theory is still 
open to objections on the grounds of vagueness. The particular 
interpretation that one gives to 'response', for example, seems vital 
to the acceptance of the basis of the theory, and in particular, the 
definition of sHR depends crucially on precisely what constitutes a 
trial, and so on. 

Seward (1950) sees the difference between the Hull and Tolman 
theories as primarily a difference between the habit-builder 
(rS G ) and a 'mobilizer of demand' (Tolman, 1932), 'cathexis' 
(Tolman, 1934), or 'progression readiness' (Tolman, 1941). On 
the other hand, Meehl and MacCorquodale (1951) describe the 
ultimate non-verbal difference between Tolman and Hull as 
dependent on the notion of 'response'. In fact, to put it another 
way, the difference could be stated simply as: Tolman's theoretical 
terms are more central than Hull's. We shall maintain that the only 
difference is in the theory language, and not in the model at all. 

Before we discuss Tolman's expectancy theory, we must 
remark that a formalization of Hull's earlier theory of behaviour 
has been undertaken by Fitch and Barry (1950) and although we 
cannot discuss this formalization here it takes Hull's theory one 
stage nearer to the sort of precision we need, for it is a model of the 
process implied by the learning theory and, although applied to 
the older Hull theory, it makes it easier to see what sort of blue- 
print is explicitly entailed by Hull's theory language. 

Tolman's theory 

Tolman's system will now be briefly described. His work has 
not been systematically stated nor, as yet, put into postulational 


form, although recently MacCorquodale and Meehl (1951) have 
proposed a provisional set of postulates for it. 

Let us first outline Tolman's theory in simple terms. The core 
of his theory, and the equivalent proposition to reinforcement, 
is the setting up of an expectancy; this is a central theoretical term. 
Tolman himself talks in terms of strip maps, and it is clear that 
some sort of internal mapping is, in fact, envisaged, although as 
Spence (1950) has pointed out, this map-control-room vs. telephone 
switchboard way of comparing Tolman and Hull is merely a 
matter of colourful metaphor, and not relevant to a genuine com- 

The important points have been impinged on by MacCorquo- 
dale and Meehl (1954). They point out that there are certain 
important aspects of behaviour which are not necessary to an 
expectancy theory, including 'Gestalt-configural stress', 'per- 
ceptual field stress', 'discontinuity in discrimination learning', and 
perhaps more surprisingly, the distinction between 'learning and 

The essential difference claimed for Tolman's theory is in the 
fact that it is an SS, rather than an SR, theory. Tolman's system 
anticipates increments in learning other than by an S-then-J? 
sequence actually run off in performance. The basic definition of 
expectancy has previously been quoted, and here we shall state the 
preliminary postulates, as suggested by Meehl and MacCorquo- 
dale, for the introduction of an expectancy postulate. These are 
essentially tentative. The logical net model can, of course, be 
equally effective in dealing with SS as with SR relations. 

p. 1. Mnemonization: The occurrence of the sequence S^R^ 
S% (the adjacent members being in close temporal contiguity) 
results in an increment in the strength of an expectancy (S^R^S^). 
The strength increases as a decelerated function of the number of 
occurrences of the sequence. The growth rate is an increasing 
function of the absolute value of the valence of S 2 . If the termina- 
tion by S% of the sequence (S^ >R ) is random with respect to 
non-defining properties of S^ the asymptote of strength is < 
relative frequency of P of *S 2 following S^R^ (i.e. a pure number). 
How far this asymptote is below P is a decelerated function of the 
delay between the inception of R^ and the occurrence of S z . 



p. 2. Extinction: The occurrence of a sequence S^-^-R l9 if no- 
terminated by #2, produces a decrement in the expectancy if th< 
objective iS 2 -probability has been 1*00, and the magnitude of this 
decrement is an increasing function of the valence of S 2 and the 
current strength of (S^R^S^. Such a failure of S% when P has beer 
= 1 is a disconfirmation provided (SjR-^S^) was non-zero. For casei 
where the S 2 -probability has been <1*00, if this objective prob- 
ability P shifts to a lower P', and remains stable there, the expec- 
tancy strength will approach some value <P' asymptotically. 

p. 3. Primary stimulus generalization: When an expectancy 
(SiR^S^ is raised to some strength, expectancies sharing the Ri anc 
*S 2 terms and resembling it on the elicitor side will receive some 
strength, this generalization strength being a function of the simila- 
rity of their elicitors to S v The same is true of extinction o: 


p. 4. Inference: The occurrence of a temporal contiguity S%S* 
when (SiRiS 2 ) has non-zero strength, produces an increment ir 
the strength of a new expectancy (S^S*). The induced strength 
increases as a decelerated function of the number of such contigui- 
ties. .The asymptote is the strength of (S^^S^) and the growtt 
rate is an increasing decelerated function of the absolute valence 
of S*. The presentation of 3 without S* weakens such an inducec 
expectancy S^R^S*. The decrement is greater if the failure of S* 
occurs at the termination of the sequence S 1 -^R 1 --^S 2 than if i 1 
occurs as a result of presentation of S 2 without S* but not follow- 
ing an occurrence of the sequence. 

p. 5. Generalized inference: The occurrence of a tempora 
contiguity S 2 S* produces an increment in the strength of ar 
expectancy S^R^S* provided that an expectancy S^R^^ was ai 
some strength and the expectandum S 2 ' is similar to $2. The 
induced strength increases as a decelerated function of the 
number of such contiguities. The asymptote is a function of the 
strength of S^RjJS^ and the difference between S% and 2 '. The 
growth rate to this asymptote is an increasing decelerated functior 
of the absolute valence of S*. 

p. 6. Secondary cathexis: The contiguity of S% and S* when S* 
has a valence |V| produces an increment in the cathexis of S 2 
The derived cathexis is an increasing decelerated function of the 
number of contiguities, and the asymptote is an increasing decele- 


rated function of |V| during the contiguities, and has the same 
sign as the V of S*. The presentation of S 2 without 5*, or with S* 
having had its absolute valence decreased, will produce a decrement 
in the induced cathexis of 5 2 . 

p. 7. Induced elicitor-cathexis: The acquisition of valence by an 
expectandum 3 belonging to an existing expectancy (^i^?i5 2 ) 
induces a cathexis in the elicitor S I9 the strength of the induced 
cathexis being a decelerated increasing function of the strength of 
the expectancy and the absolute valence of S z . 

p. 8. Confirmed elicitar-cathexis: The confirmation of an expec- 
tancy (*S r 1 72 1 *S f 2 ), i.e. the occurrence of the sequence (S l -^-R I -^S 2 ) 
when (5 1 J? 1 iS f 2 ) is of non-zero strength, when S 2 has a positive 
valence, produces an increment in the cathexis of the elicitor S^. 

This increment in the elicitor-cathexis by confirmation is 
greater than the increment which would be induced by producing a 
valence in 5 2 when the expectancy is at the same strength as that 
reached by the present confirmation. 

p. 9. Valence: The valence of a stimulus S* is a multiplicative 
function of the correlated need D and the cathexis C* attached to 
S* (applies only to cases of positive cathexis). 

p. 10. Need strength: The need (D) for a cathected situation is an 
increasing function of the time-interval since satiation for it. 

Upon present evidence, even basic questions of monotony and 
acceleration are unsettled for the alimentary drives of a rat, let 
alone other drives and other species. There is no very cogent 
evidence that all or even most 'needs' rise as a function of time 
since satiation, although this seems frequently assumed. Even the 
notion of satiation itself, in connexion with 'simple* alimentary 
drives, presents great difficulties- 

p. 11. Cathexis: The cathexis of a stimulus situation S* is an 
increasing decelerated function of the number of contiguities 
between it and the occurrences of the consummatory response. 

The asymptote is an increasing function of the need strength 
present during these contiguities. (There may, however, be some 
innately determined cathexis.) 

p. 12. Activation: The reaction-potential S^R of a response J? x 
in the presence of 5 X is a multiplicative function of the strength of 
the expectancy (SJR^S^ and the valence (retaining sign) of the 
expectandum. There are momentary oscillations of reaction- 


potential about this value $ER, the frequency distribution being at 
least unimodal in form. The oscillation of two different S^R'S 
are treated as independent, and the response, which is moment- 
arily 'ahead' is assumed to be emitted. 

Add to this the fact that Tolman regards 'Maintenance Schedule 1 
(M), 'appropriate goal object* (<?), 'mode of stimuli' (5), 'type of 
motor response 5 (R), 'cumulative numbers of trials' Z(OBO), 
'pattern of preceding maze units' (P), as the set of independent 
variables. The equivalent intervening variables are, 'demand', 
'appetite', 'differentiation', 'motor skill', 'hypotheses' (which he 
later called 'expectancies'), and 'biases'. The relation of the 
independent and intervening variables is a function of 'heredity', 
'age', 'previous training', and 'endocrine, etc., states'. Finally, 
there is 'performance', which is a complicated function (generally 
non-linear) of these three sets of variables. 

Tolman regards his intervening variables as in need of defining 
experiments. The trouble here is that it does not appear possible 
to apply the usual form of linear experimental situation to define 
variables that will generally be non-linear. It is probable, rather, 
that the so-called intervening variables should actually be regarded 
as full logical constructs, as Tolman himself now seems to suggest 
(Tolman, 1952). 

Now a comparison of Hull's theory with Tolman's shows that 
there is, in fact, precious little difference between them. Indeed, it 
is possible that the theories are interchangeable, provided a suit- 
able interpretation is given to the word 'response' by the SR 
school. If, however, they insist on interpreting this as an effector 
event, then it does seem to constitute a definite non-verbal 
difference (Meehl and MacCorquodale, 1951; MacCorquodale 
and Meehl, 1954). From the cybernetic point of view our suspicion 
is again that the differences are at the level of the theory language; 
it is the same sequence of events, S^R^-S^-R^- th at i fi being 
dealt with, only the one takes SR, and the other S-RS, as the 
basic unit. 

Tolman's system, generally, is a molar behaviourism, as is 
Hull's, but it tends to emphasize purpose in the theory construction 
in a way that Hull's theory does not. In Tolman there is no direct 
use of reinforcement, and in place of it we find the notion of 
expectancy based on sign-learning (cf. expectancy and effect earlier 


in this chapter). The strength of Tolman's theory can be seen most 
favourably in three situations: (1) Reward-expectancy, (2) Place 
learning, and (3) Latent learning. 

Tinklepaugh's (1928) experiments with monkeys are a classical 
illustration of (1). A monkey saw a banana placed under one of two 
containers, and was then taken away. On returning later he showed 
accuracy of choice. When a lettuce was substituted for the banana 
in the monkey's absence, he exhibited searching activity on his 

The place-learning experiments, of which MacFarlane's work 
(MacFarlane, 1930) may be regarded as typical, tend to show that 
the actual process of running a maze is not a chain of S R acts, 
but involves a knowledge of the maze-as-a-whole a sort of 
insight. Place-learning is exemplified by an organism learning to go 
to a particular spatial location X, say, regardless of the route taken. 

Latent learning supplies perhaps the strongest experimental 
evidence in support of Tolman's position as opposed to the older 
Hull theory (Blodgett, 1929; Tolman and Honzik, 1930), and this 
will be reviewed separately. 

A further experiment carried out by Krechevsky (1932a, 1932b) 
must suffice as an example of the type of hypothesis theory that is 
characteristic of the expectancy or S-S theorist, as opposed to the 
S-R theorist. 

This particular example of Krechevsky's work is an analysis of 
individual rat performance. The experimental situation involved 
the training of rats to discriminate between a path containing a 
hurdle and an equally lighted path containing no hurdle. A multiple 
discrimination box was used, and the performance was documented 
in terms of number of errors, number of right turns, number of 
left turns, and number of terms in keeping with an alternating 
scheme. On statistical analysis, it seems that any response occur- 
ring above 73 per cent would almost certainly be a non-chance 
factor. The graph (Fig. 1) shows the cases of greater than 73 per 
cent response rate very clearly, and is therefore thought to con- 
stitute evidence for 'hypotheses'. 

Krechevsky (1933a, 1933b) also avers that 'bright' rats use 
spatial hypotheses predominantly, whereas 'dull' rats are more 
prone to use non-spatial hypotheses (e.g. visual, in the particular 
experiment). Control rats appeared to be neutral in this situation. 



Krechevsky (1935) farther reports that the number of 'hypotheses 
used by rats is decreased in discrimination learning. In the argu 
ment regarding bright and dull rats there exist the seeds of possibl 
circularity in an objectionable sense. 






Chance zone limit 

/ Hurdle habit 

/ Right position 



FIG. 1. EVIDENCE FOR HYPOTHESES IN A RAT. The rat was trained 
to discriminate between two paths only one of which contained 
a hurdle to be surmounted. The solid line represents the per- 
centage of errors made on successive days, while the broken line 
represents the right-turning response of the subject. It should be 
observed that the right position habit occurs with a frequency of 
from 70 to 100 per cent during the first 6 days of training. It then 
approaches a frequency that could be attributed to chance. 
This suggests that the rat was guided by the hypothesis that a 
right turn would solve the problem. This 'spatial hypothesis' 
was finally given up in favour of the correct 'non-spatial hypo- 
thesis', which in fact means that the correct path is the one with 
the hurdle. (After Krechevsky.) 

The main fact about Krechevsky's work that will be of import- 
ance is the relation between learning and performance. Inevitably 
the process is to observe performance, and make inferences abou 
learning, and here the notion of hypotheses does, in fact, appear tc 
fit very well. 

Some attempts have been made to decide between S-R and S- 


theory at the experimental level. Two examples will probably be 
sufficient illustration (Humphreys, 1939a, 1939b). 

Humphreys carried out an experiment on eyelid conditioning 
in humans. Conditioned discrimination was thought to be more 
rapid when subjects knew which stimulus of a pair was to be 
positive, which negative, etc., rather than when experience was a 
necessary prelude to prediction. Humphreys showed that a 
random alternation of reinforcement and non-reinforcement led to 
a high level of conditioning, and a greater resistance to extinction 
than if reinforcement was 100 per cent. 

He assumed that changing hypotheses accounted for this and, 
using humans in a study of verbal expectations, he appeared to get 
corroborative results. The actual study involved showing two 
lights, one at a time, and when one light was switched on, asking 
the subject whether the other light would follow or not. Two 
groups were set up, and the first group was always shown light 1 
followed by light 2, while the second group had a random distribu- 
tion of light 2 or not light 2 after light 1 . The second group guessed 
at chance level which, so far, was to be expected. The next part 
was the extinction of these responses, and this was seen to be much 
quicker in the first group. These experiments seem to favour an 
expectancy theory; in fact, the resemblance to Krechevsky's 
'hypotheses' will not be overlooked. 

To return to the comparison of Tolman and Hull, one or two 
tentative statements may be made. Tolman tends to place emphasis 
on the organism dominating its environment, while for Hull, 
emphasis is placed on the environment's domination of the 
organism. It is only a matter of different emphasis, but this 
difference can be traced back to the differences in philosophical 
directives accepted by their two viewpoints. They are modern 
variations on the well known mechanistic vs. teleological contro- 
versy in biology, and their positions have been modified to such an 
extent they have arrived at situations which differ by only a very 
little, if at all. 

Partial reinforcement, latent learning and some other 

Before it is possible to complete an assessment of molar theories 
from a cybernetic point of view, it is essential to consider some of 


the other principal variables and theoretical terms in the molar 
psychological field. It is intended to start with 'partial reinforce- 
ment', and to make considerable use of the summary made by 
Jenkins and Stanley (1950) in the discussion. For reference 
purposes it might be convenient to give a working definition of 
'partial reinforcement'. 

Partial reinforcement = df. Reinforcement which is given on 
only a certain percentage of trials (or following responses). Thus 
the limiting cases are: total 'reinforcement' 100 per cent, and no 
'reinforcement' per cent. 

In partial reinforcement, interest will be centred on a brief 
summary of the experimental evidence, and a more detailed study 
of the suggested theories. Platonov is one of the first experimenters 
credited with partial reinforcement experiments. In one series of 
his experiments a conditioned response was maintained by 
application of the unconditioned stimulus on the first trial only of 
each day. Pavlov, Wolfle and Egon Brunswick carried out early 
experiments in this field, and Egon Brunswick was led to his 
interesting probability theory of discrimination (Brunswick, 1939, 
1943, with Tolman, 1935), 

The most important experiments would appear to be those 
carried out by Skinner, and since in this sort of work it is not 
humanly possible to investigate each and every case separately for 
slight variations in design it will be assumed that a certain degree 
of generalizability is possible, and Skinner's work will be regarded 
as, largely, typical. At this point it is important to notice that, to 
him, the operations are the principal concern, and not such theo- 
retical terms as 'reflex reserve', which are invoked to explain them. 

Skinner's experimental work is on rats. The first experiments 
(1933) compared lever-pressing performance following a single 
reinforcement, and following 250 reinforcements. He found that 
the relationship was, at least, not a linear one. 

The actual performance demanded of the rats was that of lever- 
pressing, and the reinforcement was the pellet of food received 
from the apparatus. 

Using essentially the same lever-pressing apparatus, Skinner 
has shown two different sorts of partial reinforcement. The first, 
which he calls periodic reinforcement, involves the use of rein- 
forcers at standard intervals of time (Skinner, 1938). This implies 



a constant amount of reinforcement per unit of time, and leads to a 
constant response performance. Over a considerable range, Skinner 
found a roughly constant response rate of 18 to 20 responses. 
From this is derived the notion of 'extinction ratio'. (Extinction 
ratio = df. the uniform number of responses per reinforcement.) 
This is supposed to be a measure of learning under varying condi- 
tions of drive. Parenthetically, it may be noticed that the greater 
maintenance of response-rate observed in partial reinforcement is 










illustrates simply the different amount of responding after one 

and after 250 reinforcements. 

accounted for by Skinner simply by employing a theoretical term, 
'reflex reserve'. 

In Skinner's second type of partial reinforcement, which he 
called 'reinforcement-at-a-fixed-ratio', the pellet is delivered after 
a standard number of responses, instead of after a standard interval 
of time, and the result is a very high response-ratio, the extinction 
ratio changing from 20 : 1 in Skinner's first type I situation, to 
200 : 1 in this. Two sets of graphs will illustrate these well-known 



This work does require some explanation, but before this is 
discussed we must devote some attention to more general con- 
siderations in the design of partial reinforcement experiments, 
'Frequency' and 'pattern* may be seen to be at least two of the 
most important variables, i.e. continuity of reward and regularity 
of reward are the variables that appear to be most important, and 

15 20 

Time (one hour) Time (daily one-hour periods) 

OF PERIODIC REINFORCEMENT. In the left-hand figure, the situa- 
tion was one in which a pellet of food was delivered every 3, 6, 9 
and 12 min. respectively. The more frequent the reinforce- 
ment the more rapid the rate of responding. In the right-hand 
figure is shown the cumulative record over several of the rats 
depicted in the left-hand figure. 

this has been illustrated by Skinner. However, there are two kinds 
of experimental situation which need to be distinguished: (1) those 
where the responding is independent of the experimenter and of the 
environment, circumstances which cover both types of Skinner's 
conditioning, and called, after Jenkins and Stanley, 'free respond- 
ing', and (2) experiments where trials are involved, and there is 
control of opportunity to respond, e.g. mazes, multiple-response 



situations, etc. (this is referred to as 'trial responding'). (1) and 
(2) differ with respect to a time schedule. The following table 









48 I 







Responses from individual rats reinforced every 48, 96 and 

192 responses. The point of reinforcement is indicated by the 

short horizontal lines. 

(Jenkins and Stanley, 1950) is useful in distinguishing the various 





Simple Alterna- Multiple 
response tive responses 



Periodic reinforce- 
Aperiodic reinforce- 

Time variation not ordinarily 

No. of 


Fixed ratio rein- 
Random ratio rein- 

Fixed ratio reinforcement 
Random ratio reinforcement 


It will be noted in these experiments that initial training has 
always been on reinforcement, and only subsequently has partial 
reinforcement been introduced. Keller (1940) carried out an 
experiment in this field. A group of rats were continuously re- 
inforced for one period, and then were split into two groups, one of 
them being subjected first to continuous and then to periodic 
reinforcement, and the other group being given the same reinforce- 
ments, but in the opposite order. Using resistance to extinction as 
a measure, the second group was far superior for the first five 
minutes only. 

Apart from these difficulties, and suggestions of further com- 
plexity, there are other problems too detailed to enumerate, such 
as inter-trial interval, massed and spaced training, and the complex 
relationship between number of trials and number of reinforce- 
ments. For example, a group that has been partially reinforced can 
be compared with a continuously reinforced group, with respect to 
number of trials or number of reinforcements, but not both. 
Further, there is the variability of response-strength at the end of 
learning to be considered, in comparing resistance to extinction in 
continuous and in partially reinforced groups. These, of course, are 
only the major aspects of the problem. 

One point worth noting especially is that made by Jenkins and 
Stanley, that there is a marked skewness in various response sets, 
especially with respect to extinction, which implies that the use of 
many standard statistical methods is invalid. 

However, to put it concisely, it may be said that the problems of 
partial reinforcement may be placed under five headings: (1) Ac- 
quisition, (2) Performance, (3) Maintenance, (4) Retention and 
(5) Extinction. As far as acquisition is concerned, the general 
findings are that there is little apparent difference between the 
continuous and the partial groups, although the former appear to 
have a slight advantage. The same state of affairs appears to pertain 
in (2), (3) and (4), and it is only in extinction that a serious reversal 
is apparent. Here the partial group were significantly ahead of the 
continuous group. These results, briefly stated as they are, require 
explanation. How are they explained by molar psychologists? 

In the first place there are certain, as it were, sub-difficulties. 
Skinner's work on reinforcement at a fixed ratio (see Figs. 5, 6 
and 7) shows oddities in graphing that appear to call for explana- 


tion on three scores: (1) the very high rate of responding, (2) the 
delay after reinforcement, and (3) the acceleration between rein- 
forcements. Skinner explains these by saying that each lever- 
pressing in the early part of a run acts as a secondary reinforce- 
ment (this is a very important principle that requires further 
analysis). (2) is explained by the 'negative factor' associated with 
reinforcements, and the weakening of what Skinner calls the 
reflex reserve, and (3) is a function of (1) and (2). This sort of 
explanation by appeal to theoretical terms and functional relation- 
ships between them is typical of molar theory, and is often difficult 
to test. It is these interrelated theoretical terms that we are hoping 
to model more adequately by the use of logical nets. It should be 
mentioned in passing that Trotter (1957) demonstrated a major 
weakness in Skinner's experiments by showing that 'responses' are 
arbitrarily defined, and that semi-responses made by the rats were 
simply not counted. 

It is not clear that a straight application of S~R theory could 
account for partial reinforcement. The fact that a reward 
strengthens a response, and omission of reward weakens it, would 
be insufficient to account for partial reinforcement, since it would 
fail to account for the greater resistance to extinction following 
partial training. Skinner, Sears, and Hull have formulated explana- 
tions in terms of secondary reinforcement, although Sears pointed 
out that the definition of response could be widened to meet the 
difficulty, and that our treatment of units of behaviour may be at 
fault. This may be true, but it does not lead to an adequate 
explanation of the behaviour. Miller and Dollard (1941) have 
suggested that greater resistance to extinction may be expected to 
occur when unrewarded behaviour is ultimately followed by a 
reward, and their argument is essentially based on a gradient of 

Mowrer and Jones (1943) accept the fact that a response 
removed in time more than 30 sec from a reward is not rein- 
forced, and yet they accept an explanation in terms of Perin's 
'temporal gradient of reward', even though intervals far above 
30 sec have been found efficacious. 

Jenkins and Stanley (1950) make this comment on the above: 

It would seem that some mechanism of the response-unit variety is 
operating, otherwise, behaviour could not be maintained when reinforce- 


ments occur only once in nine minutes, or every 192 responses. A temporal 
gradient restricted to strengthening only behaviour occurring not more 
than 30 seconds before reward is, at best, an incomplete account. A 
temporal gradient may well be one of the factors interacting with several 
others, but clearly it cannot explain many of the findings that Mowrer and 
Jones fail to mention. 

Sheffield and Tenmer (1950) have compared the acquisition, 
and extinction, of a running response under the escape and avoid- 
ance procedures, and point out that extinction practically always 
involves a change in the cue patterns, present in training, while 
escape training does not permit the conditioning of the conse- 
quences of failure to respond. Thus, correctly, their theory predicts 
greater response strength for escape procedure in training, but 
greater resistance to extinction following avoidance conditioning. 

The modern Hull interpretation of partial reinforcement would 
appear to depend wholly on secondary reinforcement, and, in this 
context, it will be of special relevance to refer once more to the 
work of K. W. Spence. Spence (1947, 1950, 1951, 1952) has made 
the assumption that the gradient of reinforcement is a special case 
of the stimulus generalization gradient. He goes on to place 
emphasis on the vital nature of secondary reinforcement. Now 
secondary motivation (III (i) in Hull's newer postulate system) is 
said to arise when neutral stimuli are repeatedly and consistently 
associated with the evocation of a drive, and this drive undergoes 
an abrupt diminution. Secondary reinforcement (III (ii)) occurs 
when a neutral receptor impulse occurs repeatedly, and consis- 
tently, in close conjunction with a reinforcing state. The secondary 
reinforcing is the fractional antedating goal response TSG, and this 
is apparently conditioned, in the Hull view, to the after effects of 
non-reinforcement in the stimulus compound, during training. 

Sheffield (1949) goes on to argue that in extinction following 
partial reinforcement the stimulus situation, by virtue of general- 
ization, is more like conditioning that after 100 per cent reinforce- 
ment. In extinction, as opposed to conditioning, the cue pattern is 
changed greatly for the 100 per cent group, but is reinstated for the 
partial reinforcement group. 

It is, perhaps, enough at this stage to have isolated partial rein- 
forcement, and noted that explanations can be offered by the 
representatives of both Hull and Tolman, and also by Skinner, 


that the differences are not very marked, albeit perhaps it may be 
thought that Hull's is the most cogent form of explanation. 

In terms of logical nets the problem of partial reinforcement can 
be highlighted in an interesting way. We may ask the direct ques- 
tion: will the automaton which we have so far outlined (Chapter 
V) exhibit the properties manifested under partial reinforcement? 
The answer appears to be 'yes', subject to a condition to be stated. 

We shall assume that we are dealing with single stimuli inputs, 
and that reinforcement is occurring only on 1 trial in n\ then the 
belief which is confirmed is that reinforcement will occur in every 
72th trial, hence the process of disconfirmation will take longer to 
occur and the response rate will vary with respect to the belief 
acquired and the value attributed to the stimulus. 

Clearly, a stimulus may be made more valuable by its relative 
rarity; the conjunction-count will therefore be greater for a rare 
(though valuable) stimulus than it will be for a regular stimulus ; 
but to achieve this end we must assume that the degree of need- 
reduction is greater when the stimulus is more infrequent. It is 
easy to see that this can be arranged in a logical net system in many 
different ways. 

Latent learning 

In the subject of latent learning, now to be briefly considered, 
there is a difficulty that does not wholly apply to partial reinforce- 
ment. There is, indeed, a doubt as to whether latent learning 
actually takes place or not that is, within the definitions framed 
by some workers, and both Maltzman (1952) and Kendler (1952), 
in criticism of Donald Thistlethwaite's summary of latent learning 
(1951), were suspicious of the evidence. Maltzman suspects the 
statistical evidence in the Blodgett design, and regards the criterion 
for 'latent learning* as inadequate, and he proposes an alternative 
interpretation. The Haney design is also criticized. 

It would be as well to enumerate the designs for these types of 
experiment before following up the Maltzman-Kendler comments. 
Thistlethwaite classifies latent learning into four groups: 

(1) Type I. The Blodgett variety, in which the rats are given a 
series of unrewarded, or mildly rewarded, trials in a maze, and 
then a relevant goal object is introduced before further trials take 
place (Blodgett, 1929). 


(2) Type II. The organisms are allowed to explore the maze 
prior to a trial in which a relevant goal object is used (Haney 
type, 1931). 

(3) Type III. Organisms (rats), which are satiated for food and 
water, are given trials in a maze, the pathways of which contain the 
goal objects for which the animals are satiated (Spence Lippett 
type, 1940). 

(4) Type IV. Organisms (rats), either hungry or thirsty, are 
placed in a maze with relevant and /or irrelevant goal objects. Rats 
are then satiated for formerly desired goal objects, and deprived of 
the previously undesired goal object (Kendler type, 1947). 

Further, the term 'latent learning' has the twofold historical 

(1) Learning not manifest in performance scores. 

(2) Learning that occurs under conditions of irrelevant incen- 

Returning to the question of existence, Maltzman has claimed 
that type I and type II (Blodgett and Haney types) do not reveal 
latent learning, and can be explained in terms of the Hull and 
Spence theory of reinforcement. It will be noticed immediately 
that there are two quite separate points here. Maltzman's argument 
appears to be that since there is improvement in performance in 
the unrewarded period, then any distinction is invalid, and he 
questions the statistical significance of the results. Later, however, 
it appeared to him that there was some confusion over the defini- 
tion of latent learning, resulting apparently from the lumping 
together of the two separate propositions that: (1) latent learning 
is not revealed, and (2) the phenomenon revealed can be explained 
in terms of the Hull-Spence theory of reinforcement. No one, it 
should be noted, is averring that latent learning is not explicable 
in Hullian terms. 

The Haney design is the one in which a group of hungry rats 
were permitted to explore a 14-unit T-maze for 4 days (18 hr 
per day), while a control group spent the same amount of time in a 
rectangular maze. In this first part of the experiment neither group 
was rewarded with food in the maze. Then both groups were run, 
hungry, in the T-maze for 18 days, and rewarded one trial per day. 


The experimental group, having been allowed to explore the T- 
maze, had of course been able to acquire knowledge which had 
been denied to the control group, but since there was no statistical 
difference in performance, the result actually shows that learning 
can take place without a reward. There is, however, a point here, 
in that performance is taken to imply learning, and it is therefore 
presumed that it is possible to identify this in a negative sense. 
Without bringing out the points of Kendler's criticisms of Thistle- 
thwaite in full, it may be said that there exists the usual doubt that 
the existence of latent learning is supported by his experiments, 
for he claims that these include all the stated conditions of latent 
learning, and yet do not show that it takes place. 

Kendler does make a point of logic which is of interest to us. He 
says of both the Blodgett and the Tolman-Honzik experiments that 
they led to the conclusion that maze performance did not neces- 
sarily mirror maze learning, and he makes the point already 
mentioned, i.e. that in comparing the food and no-food groups, 
performance is taken as a measure of learning, whereas the same 
level of performance does not necessarily imply the same level of 
learning. This is a serious point, but it is possible that performance 
can be taken to be the same as learning if, and only if, the motiva- 
tion and reward-value of the incentive are equivalent. This is 
precisely the reply that Thistlethwaite makes, and it is also implied 
in Tolman's writing. The important point is whether or not 
motivation can be sufficiently controlled, and the burden of proof 
for this lies with the experimenters. Thistlethwaite's replies to the 
criticisms of Kendler and Maltzman are of interest (Thistlethwaite, 
1952). He comments initially that reference to experimental 
evidence should end controversy. This is obviously over-optimistic 
in practice, since the results of experiments are rarely so precise as 
to allow of only one interpretation. His comment on the exclusion 
of untestable hypotheses is laudable, but not clear cut. He, more- 
over, appears to consider that the burden of proof, in the matter of 
Kendler's criticism of his so called logical point, lies with Kendler, 
and with this it is, of course, impossible to agree. 

The next step is a brief re-consideration of the theoretical inter- 
pretations of latent learning. The first point is that reinforcement 
may be introduced (i.e. defined) in such a way that it is always 
necessary to every performance, or that it may be independently 


defined, and thus may or may not be relevant to the behaviour 
under discussion. The particular convention adopted commits us 
to one of two very different interpretations of reinforcement; the 
first being Hullian in type, and the second Tolmanian. The posi- 
tion seems to be that if the hypothesis that reinforcement is 
necessary to all learning is granted, then it is necessary by defini- 
tion, and the next step must be to show, by operational methods if 
possible, that such a definition is consistent with the observable 
facts. This would indeed appear to be an embarrassment to the old 
Hull S-R theory, but it is important to note that Hull's modified 
theory (Hull, 1950) might be said to make an explanation easier. 
There always remains, of course, the possibility that suitable 
sources of reinforcement may be found; for instance, in the 
Blodgett type experiment, curiosity and escape are, at the least, 
such possible sources. There is no need here to summarize this 
work in detail, as this has already been admirably done by Thistle- 
thwaite (1951); it will therefore be sufficient for our purpose if a 
general statement is made. 

Tolman's theory would appear to have no special difficulty in 
giving an account of latent learning, since it does not demand an 
iS-then-jR type behaviour; and although latent learning is an 
embarrassment to Hull's older theory, his modified theory (the 
modifications, one presumes, were brought about to cater for this 
very effect) can be made adequate by freeing both J and K from 
'habit', i.e. by differentiating more sharply between learning and 
performance, the gap can then be bridged. 

Other problems of learning 

We shall now move away from the established theories of 
learning and, in considering some problems of learning theory with 
which these theories were not primarily concerned, see if our 
finite automaton can deal with them. 

As far as latent learning is concerned, our automaton will, like 
Oettinger's programme (see Chapter VI), show just this 
characteristic, as indeed can any system with storage. The interest- 
ing question is as to whether we should regard latent learning as 
Russell (1957) does, and interpret it for the machine as 'unre- 
warded experience put to use later on*. As far as logical nets are 
concerned, this involves a decision as to whether or not every bit 



of information is recorded if and only if, say, it satisfies a need. Is it 
a matter of secondary reinforcement or not? This is perhaps less 
important than it once seemed, but we shall continue to suppose 
that information is not retained unless associated in some way with 
reinforcing activities; the question is really as to how remote the 
association can be. 

Matrix representation of logical nets 

We have already mentioned the use of matrices to represent 
logical nets. Unfortunately there do not seem to be important 
matrix properties which would allow us to restate the theory in 
terms of groups and other abstract algebraic forms; however, for 
the purposes of clarity of exposition, it is convenient to state the 
obvious fact that a matrix A made up of the numbers, 0, 1 and 1 
can completely define the structure of any logical net; for example, 
Fig. 4 (Chapter IV) has a 'structure matrix', as it may be called, as 






I 1 











The form of such structure matrices is always 

O A B 




where the blocks are of input, inner and outer interconnexions. 
The rows and columns are of course made up of elements A, J3, 

-' N : 

It is also clear that for each moment of time these connexions 
may be live or dead, which means that a matrix composed of O's 
and 1's accompanying a structure matrix (sometimes called a 


'status matrix') completely defines a logical net and its history. 
Such status matrices in one form have already been discussed in 
Chapter IV. Now we wish to add a further matrix, which we shall 
call a .B-matrix, to add to our collection. This is mainly so that we 
can quickly refer to the associations or beliefs that occur in any 
logical net and let this matrix show the cumulative state of the 
associations, so that a positive number in any position a^ designates 
a belief that will be effective if any of its components fires, while a 
negative number in that position designates a belief that will not 
fire unless all the components are present. 

This particular B-matrix is consistent with the B-nets we have 
previously defined, but it should be emphasized that this particular 
arrangement depends solely on the connexions, and the manner in 
which they are chosen. This point will be seen to be of the utmost 
importance when we consider the problem of extinction. This is 
perhaps also an appropriate moment to make the point that we are 
not committed to one particular form of connexion; the problem is 
simply to make the connexions define the .B-matrix so that 
they are consistent with all observed behavioural phenomena. 

In what follows it will also be seen that if A and B have occurred 
together more often than A and C, then when A is presented 
B is assumed, by which we mean that the automaton will respond 
with AB' and not AC 1 . In the same way ABC 1 is elicited when 
ABC occur together more often than all proper subsets of ABC. 

Retroactive inhibition 

Consider the following three lists of stimulus response con- 

List 1 List 2 List 3 

A-B A-D M-N 

C-D C-L O-P 

E-F E-B Q-R 

G-H G-J S-T 

I-J I-H U-V 

K-L K-F W-X 

and now consider the change in the JS-matrix when List 1 is 
successfully learnt. Let us suppose, for simplicity, that the only 
B's affected are in the first row of the matrix, and if there is an 


increment of 1 for each occurrence, then after n trials (let us 
suppose that n is fairly large) the matrix will read: 

/n n ... n\ 

/ ... \ 
\0 O ... OS 


Now it is clear that there will be a great difference in the nature 
of the subsequent matrices according to whether list 2 or list 3 is 
next used. Let us suppose they are represented by the second and 
third rows respectively of the B-matrix, then they will appear 
exactly the same in that, after r trials, they will have the form of the 
matrix above, with either the second or third row filled with r's ; 
but whereas in the case of list 2 the presence of the r's will be 
completely ineffective in producing response until r>, in the 
other case it will be effective as soon as r>0. 

The reasons for the above are quite simple. The probability of a 
particular stimulus is given wholly by the previous experience of 
the system as reflected in the counting devices attached to the 
classification system. Thus, for associations like .4-5, given A there 
will be a response B and therefore not Z), whereas M will be 
responded to immediately by N since it has no other association. 

The above argument, which simply says that a conditional 
probability system of the type we have defined will lead to retroactive 
inhibition, can be given two different interpretations in practice, 
according to whether or not it refers to the use of conditional 
probability in recognition (or perception) itself. In the perceptual 
case, the tied nature of associations giving the probabilities could be 
said merely to cause confusion as to the identity of the object per- 
ceived since, to put it simply, there would be many different physical 
objects with many of the same properties. Alternatively and if 
one has to choose, this seems the more likely it is the relation of 
consecutive perceived events (already composed of many sub- 
properties) that become confused simply because they are similar 
in that some part of an association is already tied to another event. 

The present discussion has been straightforward, but we must 
now turn to a more complex and more interesting question. 
Granted the above argument is correct and this merely assumes 
that a conditional probability operates in a particular inductive 


manner what are the means by which we can predict closely 
related phenomena? Let us first consider 'transfer of training'. 

Transfer of training 

Transfer of training is merely a way of describing the empirical 
fact that similar tasks have a degree of 'carry over'. It is a comple- 
mentary fact to retroactive inhibition, and has been neatly sum- 
marized by Osgood (1949) in a simple geometrical model. 

From the point of view of our machine model it is easy to see 
how transfer would occur. The interesting fact is that it could be 
either of the two well-known principles : (1) By virtue of some large 
task involving whole sequences of events, where two sequences 
had many common pairs, or (2) By virtue of stimulus generaliza- 
tion, which means that two sequences of events are treated as the 
same, or as being two subcases of some more general relation; this 
depends on the fact that our conditional probability machine will 
be capable of deriving consequences, by inductive and deductive 
processes, from the relations that are observed through its per- 
ceptual processes. 

The first explanation is self evident, but the second needs some 
elaboration. We should note, though, that here we have a case in 
which what have appeared as two rival explanations could both be 
appropriate to a learning machine; furthermore, they smack of the 
sort of distinction that might be made at the 'habit level' in the 
first case, and the more 'cognitive level* in the second. 

Stimulus generalization 

A further discussion of our second method in which transfer of 
training takes place means that we must look again at stimulus 
generalization. This, and the fact that certain events are classified 
together as if they were identical, must be a characteristic of any 
system, and it means that differences are either intentionally 
neglected or not observed. The only situation in which such 
generalization could be revealed or discarded would be one in 
which the outcome of the generalization was unexpected or 
undesirable, and this would be revealed in its effect on the motiva- 
tional system. Need-reduction would fail to take place, and the 
necessary condition for registering a conjunction count (a positive 
association 'to be encouraged') in the machine would not occur. 


Now it is obvious that what has been said does not tell us what 
any particular automaton will generalize with respect to, at any 
time. In so far as it is general, it will depend on set and value for the 
organism. Set is merely the fact that the probabilities associated 
with perception will interact with knowledge of context, which is 
simply saying that the probability with respect to the perceptual 
process is never independent of its place in the temporal sequence 
of events; it is the conditional probability over the larger interval 
that will lead the organism to expect some particular outcome to its 
responses (this will particularly depend on the machine's use of 
language). Value will arise in so far as different stimulus response 
activities will be associated with different degrees of need- 
reduction (change in state of motivational system, or rather, rate of 
change). This matter is obviously complicated, and no further 
discussion of it will occur here. 

We must also bear in mind that the automaton will have the 
capacity to draw logical inferences, and again we can illustrate the 
principle only by saying that within the machine two pairs of 
events may be seen, or perceived, to be independent. Consider the 
following scheme of events involving A 9 B, C and D, where the 
same letters primed imply organismic responses to the molar 
stimulus of the same name: 

A/B (4) 

C/D (5) 

and let us suppose again that * / ' means 'is followed 


Now suppose B is always followed by C. This means that the 
relation B/C is a necessary relation, necessary, that is, for the 
organism; it still remains a problem to confirm that A/B or C/D 
are necessary relations. A/B /C/D, as we should now write it, is a 
slice of behaviour that involves one necessary relation with or 
without the other two relations being necessary, and this means 
that the conditional probability for BjC must be 1. This necessity, 
and indeed the probability for the other purely contingent relations, 
may be said to be dependent upon, or independent of, some 
response on the part of the organism. We can substitute 


* / for * // ', thus including the word 'immediately' if 

we wish, then we can write the necessary and contingent relations 

AUX'I/B//Y'1/CIIZ'HD (6) 


(N')AI/N'//B//N'//C//N'f/D (7) 

respectively, where ( ) is the universal operator taken from the 
lower functional calculus, and N f may range over all possible 
responses in the organism. 

The above interpretation is simply that of a typical Markoff 
process, where the sequential conditional probabilities are stored 
with stimulus and response letters. 

The process of generalization arises whenever two subsets have 
common letters. Thus abcdefg and abcdefh are common members 
of the set abcdef, and if we write A for this set, it is easy to see that 
if g and h are properties that, while possibly recognized, are 
independent of the outcome of the response, they may lead to 
generalization. Indeed, such set-theoretic inferences can be 
drawn on any of the relations existing in the store. 

We can now state once more that it seems plausible to add a 
permanent store to the simple counting device with its temporary 
storage system. A logical net can be drawn in pencil and paper, or 
built in hardware as in a general purpose computer, wherein 
information in temporary storage will at some time, and according 
to certain conditions, be transferred to the permanent storage. What 
are these conditions? One might guess that there are two sorts, and 
that they interact with each other: (1) Where the degree of con- 
firmation is high, and in particular (2) Where the association is at 
the habit level. This last phrase, 'habit level*, can be the source of 
much discussion, but what is intended here is that there are certain 
relations that involve no interference, and association is actually 
known. The problem here is to know the correct response for some 
desired outcome; the system apparently does not know it inexor- 
ably until some number of trials have taken place, and this may 
reflect the presence of random elements in our connexions. We 
are, indeed, merely drawing attention to the fact that the learning 
process which is perhaps dependent on the temporary store 
is different from the learned process, which is dependent on the 


permanent store. This is exactly the same problem that arose when 
we were considering the programming of computers to learn. 

The distinction is usually drawn between temporary and per- 
manent storage registers in digital computer design, and although 
it is not obviously necessary in uneconomical automata, it is 
precisely through economy of space and elements that this distinc- 
tion comes about. Here it is suggested that all the counters are in 
multi-stage storage, and some small subset of all the counters is 
used for all actual counting. When associations have passed a 
certain level of count (all of which are in agreement), then no 
further counting will occur, and the production of the stimulus 
elicits the response. The recurrence of a doubt about an association 
would then renew the counting process. Such a counting and 
transfer arrangement is very simple to reproduce in our network 
terms or in a computer. Confirmation of this distinction is con- 
siderable, and one special case must be quoted, that of 'learning 

Learning sets 

Various experiments have been carried out on learning sets, and 
results of an apparently inconsistent type have sometimes been 
discovered. It appears, however, if we may generalize, that with 
overlearning, interference from retroactive inhibitions is wholly 
overcome. This implies that our matrix (1) applies only to the 
learning period, and that the first row of n's is replaced by zeros 
after some finite time t. 

What is now the basis of this transfer? It seems plausible to say 
that transfer will take place when all the counters, or counting 
capacity, of the machine will be used up, it being assumed that 
there is only the possibility of a finite count taking place. We might 
guess that value has a bearing on this, and it would doubtless have 
the effect of merely filling up the counting elements more quickly 
where greater value-for-the-organism occurs. At any rate the 
finite automaton will have just this property of a finite set of 
counters and can be given the property of precisely discharging its 
probability into a permanent store after the counters are filled up. 

Let us now look a little deeper into this matter. Suppose A/B 
(or A\X'\E) is a well-learned association, we must be careful to 
remember this means that some response, X' say, is appropriate 


to A to produce satisfaction 5, where A represents the letter A in 
list 1, and X' the utterance of the letter B from the same list. Now 
learn list 2, and we have the association A/Y'/B where Y' re- 
presents the utterance of D. Now when A occurs during list 2 one 
might expect that X' would be the response, and this would indeed 
be so were it not for the fact that some rule intervenes. This rule is 
the experimenter's instruction which occurs and is stored, and this 
granted that the first list has been learnt sufficiently to ensure it 
being taken off the temporary store replaces the belief derived 
from the previous direct learning. 

The above explanation depends upon one very important fact, 
which is that the effect of a verbal instruction can completely undo 
a 'certainty* relation, and is far more effective than a count that 
arises through direct acquaintance with the environment. This 
argument depends upon the distinction between description and 
acquaintance, and yet we shall certainly wish to argue that lan- 
guage is learned by the same associative process (by counting) as 
any other learning activity. The implications of this very important 
point go deep, and demand an analysis of language in the auto- 
maton, and this cannot be undertaken here. Let it suffice that 
there is every reason to suppose that, while language signs are 
associated with their referents in the same way as all other signs, 
when a coherent set of signs is learnt and a language therefore 
known, the effect of utterances in that language can be different 
from a direct experience of an event, in that it will bring about a 
large and quick change in the count. It is as if another person's 
large experience (count) were transferred to the listener's storage 
where, subject to certain other considerations of confidence, it will 
have the effect of concentrated experience. 

The rule can only operate on the permanent store where it itself 
is stored, and this reflects the fact that any attempt to pursue this 
course before the transfer has taken place will cause precisely the 
interference of retroactive inhibition. 

It should be emphasized that what we are trying to do here is to 
build up a precise machine a blueprint from well-understood 
principles for constructing switching devices, keeping within the 
fairly well-validated evidence from experimental psychology. 
Clearly, it is the hope that such automata that fit some of the facts 
of experimental psychology can also be shown to fit others for 


which they were not explicitly designed, and other tests should be 
suggested from which psychological experiments could be 
designed. This attempt is no more than a beginning to the process, 
which is necessarily very complicated. 

In the matter of learning sets, James' (1957) results suggested 
that the order of presentation, as well as the nature of the stimulus, 
will materially alter results. This one might expect to be the case 
in a finite automaton, given only that they had already built up a 
fair number of beliefs (associations and generalizations) ; ' it 
follows that no simple automaton could exhibit this behaviour, 
which is an extension of stimulus generalization, wherein sets of 
associations and relations what we commonly call theories, 
hypotheses, or general beliefs are already effective. 

It will generally be the case that, after a longish period of time, 
the automaton will acquire many different scores in its S-matrix. 
The only problem that now arises for a matrix such as 

nn ... n 

/ ...,\ 

... S I 

ww ... w 

where n, r, s, ..., w>Q, is involved if the components of the J5's 
in the later rows have common components with the 5's of the top 
row. For the input matrix this will cause confusion in the recogni- 
tion process; but for the 5-matrix this will not cause confusion, 
even though there are components in common, unless events that 
are incompatible occur together, and this, presumably, would 
make nonsense of all processes. 

We should notice that, to explain learning sets, we assume that 
after n trials the information (now learned) is transferred to a 
permanent memory store, and that the reason that a new response 
to a stimulus already in store does not occur is because there must 
also be the rule (experimenter's instruction) in store, and this is 
effective in suspending the original count. 

Two questions have to be considered here. The first is the 
nature of the memory store used by humans, and its reproduction 
in the machine, and the way the selective process of perception 
works with the memory store in the first place. 


We shall say that the facts observed and the rules under which 
these facts are observed (the experimenter's instructions) are 
coded economically from the initial stage of the experiment. The 
events being coded for store are effectively infinite, and we may 
therefore expect that gross abbreviations occur. These will occur, 
' according to our empiricist viewpoint, in terms of the effectiveness 
(value) of the coding in previous cases. Having said so much, it is 
easy to see how this as well as many other oddities comes 
about as a sort of artefact, in that the coding was too abbreviated 
to allow a success, due to the need for more information than such 
a situation normally demands. 

Thus, to take a simpler case as an example, if you show a subject 
a simple diagram such as a black square on a sheet of paper, he will 
probably remember the words 'black square', and in a future 
recognition test he will easily pick out the figure from a group of 
such figures if it is the only black square of about the correct size. 
If, however, you ask him to choose from a set of black squares he 
will probably fail. This is partly because he may find it difficult to 
code the actual size if he is not allowed actually to measure the 
square, and partly because he will not have stored anything more 
than a rough visual estimate which is inadequate in the subsequent 
fine test. Essentially the same thing would certainly occur with a 
machine that coded its perception as 'arrow pointing to the right', 
and then applied that rule directly in the new situation when facing 
the opposite way. The conceptual contamination situation of 
Piercy's (1957) is more complex than this, and depends on the 
inability to carry through what is a fairly complex transformation. 
The possibility arises in this case, therefore, that the capacity to 
reason logically has also failed. Certainly we can easily show that 
people are not able to draw simple, logical conclusions in easy 
mathematical or logical puzzles. Here, it is more in the nature of a 
geometrical puzzle, and failure to see what is required is the cause 
of coding into storage the wrong information. 

This whole question raises difficulties for our machine design 
because, if our explanations are correct, then the fault is a very 
high level and complicated one, very closely related to the nature 
of the machine's experience. But if we put the machine in an 
environment where somewhat similar operations are ordinarily 
performed (the natural process of turning around in a room), then 


the economy of coding would soon necessitate a coding habit that 
would be adequate in the difficult Piercy conditions. Random 
elements would be introduced into a realistic machine so that 
there would be a certain percentage of blockages to ordinary 
reasoning, and this would account for both sorts of error, the 
ambiguity over axes (stimulus generalization) remaining, as 
Piercy suggests, the cause of more errors in the one direction than 
the other. 

Two consequences of interest follow from the above. It seems a 
clear prediction that if Piercy had instructed his subjects in a 
simple routine method for retaining the information necessary to 
the successful performance of his task, then he would have elimi- 
nated errors. The error is clearly one of performance, which 
could be remedied by learning. Secondly, the relation of percep- 
tion to memory is thrown into relief, and the question of the 
selective memorizing of perceptual processes is clearly connected 
with experience. This last point becomes more obvious when it is 
realized that a machine without the earlier similar (but also 
different) experience would not have made the Piercy errors, 
because the making of the error, on our hypothesis, depends on 
having learned to do something different from what is now 
demanded. This point relates it to the other matters of stimulus 
generalization and retroactive inhibition already discussed. 

We also see from what has been said that it does not in the least 
matter what memory storage system we use for this machine; any 
one would yield the same results, since it is not in the storage 
method but in the selective coding that the error occurs. 

These few samples must be sufficient to show the methods of 
application of finite automata theory to learning theory, as com- 
pared with its use in giving an effective model for existing learning 

We must remind the reader that molar psychological theory 
and this is what we have so far discussed with respect to learning 
is a particular example of what is called 'black box theory', the 
essential principles are to give a predictive account of the be- 
haviour of the black box under a range of different conditions, 
without opening the box to see the internal mechanism. However, 
the use of theoretical terms makes it clear that we shall need, for 
the purpose of constructing effective theories, at least to guess at 


the internal mechanisms, and this will later be supplemented by 
an actual study of the mechanisms under the name 'physiology*. 
We have only been able, in spite of the lengthiness of our present 
chapter, to outline some of the principal examples of learning 
theories, controversies over theories, experiments and controversies 
over experiments; and there are other theories especially the 
mathematical ones and many other experiments, that should be 
carefully considered by the reader in this context (Estes, 1950; 
Bush and Hosteller, 1955 ; et al}. 


We will now consider the problem of extinction from the cyber- 
netic point of view. Here it will be easier to follow the argument if 
we illustrate a succession of stimuli by a status matrix wherein 
rows represent a succession of times, o> ft., .> t n > and the columns 
represent the set of elements and whether they fire at any particular 
instant or not. Unfortunately we cannot conveniently represent in 
one matrix the current firing state and the cumulative past history 
of the automaton; fo simplify the discussion we shall therefore 
leave the cumulative matrix out of the discussion and, unless 
otherwise stated, it may be assumed that the cumulative state is 
positive if the particular combination making up the element's 
firing has more often fired together than not. To illustrate the 
point, let us say that if x and y have occurred together more often 
than not, then the firing of x receives a response as if both x and 
y fired. 

Broadbent, writing on this subject and describing Uttley's 
(1955) explanation of extinction, concludes that it is inadequate, 
and that therefore the problem of extinction requires more than 
the storing of conditional probabilities. This argument is not 
necessarily true and should be restated in the form that if extinc- 
tion is inadequately catered for by Uttley's explanation, then this is 
only inadequate for his particular version of a conditional prob- 
ability system. 

We consider it extremely important to make it clear, even at the 
risk of boring repetition, that whether or not Uttley's particular 
model is correct, conditional probabilities are not necessarily in- 
correct on that account. There are a number of different ways of 


computing conditional probabilities, not just one, and the possible 
inadequacy of Uttley's explanation does not necessarily imply the 
inadequacy of conditional probabilities. 

Broadbent's description of Uttley's explanation is based on a 
series of tables, and we shall briefly consider some of them. 

The first one takes the following status matrix form for inputs 
X y Y and Z, which are represented by the first three columns, 
and X.Y, X.Z and Y.Z, which are represented by the last three 
columns : 

'1 1 1 0\ 
1 1 1 1 I/ 

In this matrix it is assumed that a short finite number of associa- 
tions for all the desired pairings is enough to illustrate the method 
basic to the argument. 

Now the first thing we should notice about this matrix is that it 
represents a particular set of logical nets in the same way as we 
have described it in Chapter IV. 

The second thing is to realize that we could have changed many 
of the items in the present matrix and still have preserved our 
logical net representation and, indeed, our conditional probability 
principle. This point can be quickly illustrated. If X had been 
regularly paired with Y it must have taken on a positive count for 
X. Y. If this is so, then the counter for X.Z could be either or 
m after m associations of X and Y. Either is possible, and either 
will depend or may be made to depend upon whether or not 
the associations are 'reinforced*. The next point in the example 
given, taken from Broadbent, is that it appears to be assumed that 
X and X.Z are different stimuli, and that ifX/Y fails through lack 
of reinforcement, or through the failure of Y to occur (these might 
be the same thing), then it is assumed that X.Z/Y is unaffected. 
But again this simply depends on whether or not the firing of the 
elements X.Z and X have the independence which they could 
easily be given, and which could equally easily be granted. 


The following matrix illustrates an alternative conception of the 
conditional probability* net: 

/I 1 1 0) 





\1 0) 

Here the failure of X to elicit F is really independent of the 
presence of X, and depends merely on the decaying association 
of X and F, which itself could account for extinction; and indeed 
we could always account for it by firing a stimulus of any kind and 
at any time with an inhibitory association. 

This last point brings out another matter that we should bear in 
mind. The lack of need for an inhibitory activity to account for 
spontaneous recovery, disinhibition and, in general, extinction, 
does not in any way mean that the concept of inhibition is unneces- 
sary. Here, in the light of empirical evidence, especially from 
neurophysiology, Occam's razor is inappropriate; it is simply 
failing to pay attention to the probabilities implicit in the empirical 

Leaving this aside, and returning to logical net or finite auto- 
mata and the conditional probability explanations of extinction, 
brings out again the failure of Uttley's model to fit the plausible 
empirical evidence suggested by Pavlov. But again, of course, 
there is no problem in general; we can easily arrange for our 
system to fit the facts. Extraneous stimuli can be made quite 
ineffective, as in the second matrix (above), and in many other 
possible matrices representing a whole set of finite automata. 

What we are saying here does not deny that Broadbent may be 
right in believing that Uttley's theory of learning may need 
supplementing by further principles; indeed this is likely to be so. 
One further principle is that suggested by Broadbent himself: the 
principle of the selective filter; but what is important to notice is 

* A conditional probability machine can be defined in terms of connexions 
where each connexion is defined by a fraction m\n where n is the total number 
of occurrences and m the number of favourable outcomes, but this system can 
be constrained or differentially weighted in any way we choose. 


that the effects described can be quite easily accounted for without 
going beyond conditional probabilities. 

The foregoing is an excellent example of the value of a methodo- 
logical analysis and of the reduction of a problem, in part, to a 
mathematical form. From what has already been said about logical 
nets it is obvious that one could be constructed with the desired 
properties, and that the problem of learning, indeed of all cogni- 
tion from this point of view, is the mathematical problem of 
whether or not there exists a set of matrices that satisfy each and 
every piece of empirical evidence and are at the same time con- 
sistent with each other. Such a net is precisely the conceptual 
description for which we are searching. 

Our last task in this chapter will be to give a brief interpretation, 
in terms of finite automata, of those terms in cognition which have 
not already been sufficiently discussed. Various terms such as 
'taxis*, 'kinesis', etc., do not obviously need interpretation; and 
'instinct' can be taken to refer to those beliefs, or associative 
connexions (J5-nets), that are built into the system. A 'displacement 
activity* would seem to be an example of an activity that involves 
the blocking of a particular response in such a way as to return the 
pulse into some other response channel, rather than merely 
stopping and destroying it. A 'releaser' is a stimulus for a built-in 
belief or association; 'imprinting' (see Russell, 1957) is the 
acquisition of detailed basic behaviour from experience; and so on. 

There are many other terms in common use in learning theory 
(see, for example, the glossary of terms in Hilgard and Marquis, 
1940), and it should be possible to reinterpret each and every one 
in terms of our own finite automaton, and to carry through this 
programme rigorously. It is confidently hoped that the reader will 
now understand what the process entails, for it is not the intention 
in this book to carry through the programme in detail. 


This chapter has tried to state the principal features of learning 
theory without dwelling especially on some of the narrower and 
more sophisticated discussions that have taken place in the very 
recent past. It has not been intended for the experimental psycho- 
logist in its summarizing detail of such standard behaviour patterns 



as latent learning, partial reinforcement, as well as in the main 
discussion of primary and secondary reinforcement; indeed, more 
detail has been included than would be necessary for him. This 
extra detail is for the benefit of those other scientists interested in 
cybernetics but unfamiliar with learning theory. 

We have also tried to show in this chapter the connexion be- 
tween logical net models and learning theory, and we have tried to 
emphasize that our models are capable of reconstructing a whole 
range of behaviour, and that we are still trying to discover the 
effective method for reconstructing behaviour that is now fairly 
well authenticated. The argument is that our method of recon- 
struction will facilitate our understanding of the material itself, 
since it is consistently argued that science is not merely the 
collecting of empirical data. 

Much of what is stated in this chapter should now be considered 
from the point of view of the methods of the previous three 



So far we have discussed the properties of finite automata and 
their relation to some part of cognition ; now we should try to say 
something of the nervous system and its established properties. 

This is where the trail narrows, since automata are essentially 
conceptual systems, and when we apply them to the task of model- 
ling behaviour, one problem we presumably have to face sooner or 
later is to make comparisons with the human organism, and this 
means primarily the nervous system. It should be clearly under- 
stood that while this is ultimately necessary if automata theory is to 
be biologically useful, it could be argued that the maximum 
utility of automata theory at the moment lies in its application to 
the modelling of molar behaviour. However, some brief survey of 
neurophysiology will, in any case, be suggestive for future applica- 
tions in the subject. 

In our logical net models we have talked of elements or cells 
which clearly could be interpreted as neurons, and for many 
purposes this is desirable. McCulloch (1959) when challenged as 
to the use of a two-state switch to represent a neuron, admitted 
that something like an eighth order differential equation was 
necessary to describe a neuron's behaviour. But this is only true at 
one level of description, and we are happy to model at least 
initially the neuron at an altogether simpler level, while at the 
same time bearing the more complex levels in mind. 

The nervous system, we shall say, is a complex switching 
system made up of neurons which are special cells for the purpose 
of quickly reacting to and communicating changes in the environ- 
ment, both internal and external. Even amoeba and simple multi- 
cellular organisms react to environmental change, and in the 
latter case certain specific cells have been developed for the purpose. 

As we go up through the various species, through the inverte- 




brates and vertebrates, it is possible to detect an evolving pattern of 
complexity. The spinal cord with its increasing modification at the 
head end, and the developing complexity of the specialized 
receptors, are indicative of the trend. Then with the primates we 
have increasing complexity with the development of a highly 
specialized brain, and different layers in the 'control* centre itself; 
the cerebral cortex being divided into fairly well localized areas 
concerned with 'controlling' or 'integrating' specific functions in 
the body. 

Nerve cell membrane potentials 

Action potentials 
[May be graded and decremental ] 
[or all-or^npne and propagatedj 

Transduced potentials 
[From external event^j 

Internal response potentials 
"From antecedent actlviry] 
within the some cell J 




Polarizing Depolarizing Polarizing Depolarizing 


A neuron is a specialized cell with an especially high degree of 
irritability and conductivity. There are, of course, various neurons 
in the nervous system, motoneurons, short connecting Golgi type 
II neurons, bipolar neurons in sensory nerves, and so on. These 
neurons may differ from each other greatly in size and sensitivity, 
and straight away we can see that our logical nets cannot be identi- 
fied literally with an actual nervous system, since all the elements 
of the automaton are basically the same, and this must at least 
imply a many-one relationship with actual nervous systems 
(Bullock, 1959). 

Whether nerves have myelin sheaths or not is something that 
does not -enter into automata theory, but neither do any of the 



particular characteristics of a physio-chemical kind; this matter of 
the chemistry of the nerves will shortly be discussed, since with 
the development of chemical type computers this whole subject is 
put into fresh relief. This is perhaps of special interest in view of 
the efforts of Pask (1959) and others to show that a growth process 
can be mimicked in a manner not wholly different from that 
involved in the regeneration of nervous tissue. 

We can think of the gross divisions of the nervous system as : 

an electrode inside the soma or body of the nerve cell. The spikes 
are about 10 mV here and are followed by a repolarization, then 
a gradual depolarization the pacemaker potential which at 
a critical level sets off a local potential. This in turn usually rises 
high enough to trigger a spike but is seen here several times by 


(1) the spinal cord; (2) the myelencephalon, including the medulla; 
(3) the metencephalon, which includes the cerebellum, pons, and 
part of the fourth ventricle; (4) the mesencephalon (the midbrain, 
including the colliculi of the tectum) ; (5) the diencephalon, which 
includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, optic tracts, pituitary, 
mammillary bodies, etc. ; and finally, and perhaps most important 
to an understanding of human behaviour, (6) the telencephalon, 
which includes cerebral hemispheres, olfactory bulbs, and tracts 
and basal ganglia. 

The spinal cord itself carries tracts running up and down its 



Synapical region 

-Terminal ramification 

FIG. 3. FACILITATION AND DIMINUTION. An ultramicro-electrode 
inside the nerve cell of the cardiac ganglion of a lobster recorded 
first the synaptic potentials resulting from the burst of five 
arriving impulses from one presynaptic pathway and then those 



length, and these are nerve fibres or white matter, while the cells 
or grey matter are the core of the spinal cord. Figure 2 shows a 
typical cross-section of the spinal cord with incoming, or ascending, 










FIG. 4. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. A general schematic diagram of 
the principal parts of the nervous system; these are severed to 
show more clearly where they are in relation to the rest of the 


and outgoing, or descending, nerve fibres at every level, and 
represents the reflex arc of input output activity. 

Closely associated with the spinal cord is the autonomic nervous 
system. This is responsible for the control of the internal organs 
such as the heart, lungs, pancreas, etc., and is made up of two parts 
called the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems, the 


sympathetic chains, so called, lying along the ventro-lateral aspects 
of the vertebral column. The parasympathetic system emanates 
from the midbrain, medulla and pelvic nerve, and is comple- 
mentary to the sympathetic system in its control; they act together 
like the two reins controlling a horse. The whole autonomic 
system is represented in the cerebral cortex, and is clearly closely 
associated with emotions and motivation. Here, lack of space will 
not allow us to say very much about this system. 

For the benefit of those for whom it is unfamiliar, it is perhaps 
worth saying that the various divisions of the nervous system, 





shows the principal tracts in the white matter of the spinal cord; 
the grey matter lies in the centre, and the tracts on top (at the 
back of the cord) travel upwards, while those at the side and at 
the bottom (at the front of the cord) travel downwards. 

mentioned above, are to be investigated with respect to their 
function. This means that we are bound to use their names, and 
these become unwieldy and ugly. It is hoped that, with the aid of 
the figures shown and bearing in mind that almost every part of 
the nervous system is made up of collections of neurons called 
nuclei the reader will find it easy to follow. The names of the 
nuclei will usually illustrate their positions. The thalamus offers a 
good example for illustrating this point, being sometimes described 
in terms of its surfaces which are called dorsal (uppermost), 
ventral (underneath), medial (central) and lateral (sideways), 


although the nuclei of the thalamus include the anterior nucleus, 
the medial nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus, the intralaminar 
nuclei, the lateral nucleus, the posteromedial ventral nucleus, the 
lateral ventral nucleus, and so on, each part of the thalamus having 
a specific position relative to the whole and to the closely related 
structures called the metathalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus 
and, most important of all, the hypothalamus. 

The thalamus and hypothalamus are very important to our 
behaviour picture, and they have connexions with the visual and 
auditory systems through parts called the lateral and medial 
geniculate bodies respectively. They are also rather complicated 
anatomically, being surrounded by various other nuclei and tracts 
of fibres in a somewhat complex arrangement. The main points 
that might be borne in mind to help the reader new to neurology 
are: the thalamus is centrally placed, as is the hypothalamus, and 
surrounds the third ventricle which is part of the canal system of the 
brain carrying the cerebrospinal fluid in which the brain is bathed. 

A large collection of fibre tracts from the spinal cord (called the 
'internal capsule') runs up to the cortex outside the thalamus, 
dividing it off from the ventricular nuclei and caudate nuclei. 
These two bodies with the amygdaloid nuclei make up a large part 
of that part referred to as the basal ganglia, and constitute the chief 
organ between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. 

Figure 6 shows a transverse section through the brain, Fig. 7 
shows the external surface of the brain, and Fig. 8 shows a 
'phantom* of the striatum. It is hoped that this note and these 
figures will help to orientate those readers unfamiliar with the 
maze of the nervous system. 

Our problem is to relate these structures to fairly specific func- 
tions. We know that this cannot yet be done, but we can say some- 
thing about the function of the various parts involved, and make 
some guesses as to how they may be related to our automaton. 

But before we try to elucidate this major problem, let us turn 
again to the basic factors of nervous tissue, particularly the chemis- 
try of nervous function and the synapse. 

Chemistry of the nervous system 

R. S. Lillie is a name that springs readily to mind when we 
think of early attempts to construct chemical models of the nervous 



Outer layer of durameter 
Inner layer 
Sub dural space 
/Sub-arach. tissue 


Pia mafer 
Fronto-occ fasc. 
Body of caudate nucleus 
Base of corona radiata 


Fornix 1 


Superior longitudinal 



Basis peduncle 
Substantia ni< 

Dentate gyrus 

Olivary body 

Tail of caudate 


Inferior longitudinc 

.Collateral sulcus 

Trigeminal nerve 

Eighth crania! nerve 

FIG. 6. A CROSS-SECTION OF THE BRAIN. This section is cut in a 
plane parallel to the plane of the face. It shows the white fibres 
of the internal capsule (INTCAJPS in the figure) spreading out 
and separating the tail of the caudate nucleus from the central 
part of the thalamus and the central canal system. The lenticular 
nucleus (L.N.) also lies outside the internal capsule. 



system. His model was built some years ago, and was a fairly simple 
one. It consisted of an iron wire which had been immersed first in 
nitric acid and subsequently in sulphuric acid and water, having 
the property, if stimulated at one end, of firing off an impulse 
which travelled along the length of the wire, and destroying the 
thin film of iron oxide that separated the iron from the acid. 

Lillie's model was able to imitate, to some extent, the proto- 
plasm and its surrounding medium, and the special problem of the 
semi-permeable membrane that divided one from the other. This 

Central sulcus or 
fissure of rolando 

Frontal lobe 

Parietal lobe 







Occipital looe 

^Temporal iobe 

FIG. 7. THE CORTEX. This diagram of the outside of the external 

surface of the cerebrum shows some of the principal cortical 

areas with some of the principal functions that are associated 

with these areas named against them. 

semi-permeability allows some substances to go through it and not 
others. On the other hand, from the point of view of physiology it 
was clearly unsatisfactory, not only in that it was a model that was 
quite different in its chemical action from that of the living nerve, 
but also in that it lacked one very important property that nervous 
tissue was known to possess : that of resealing itself after firing, so 
that a new impulse could follow after the refractory period, which 
is the short delay following the firing of a neuron, during which 
time it is either totally or relatively insensitive to further firing. 



It has been known for a long time that the train of depolarization 
that effectively connects one end of a nerve fibre with the other 





Part II 

FIG. 8. Part I. Phantom of striatum within the cerebral hemi- 
sphere. Part II. Form of striatum of left side, (a) Lateral aspect; 
(b) anterior aspect; (c) posterior aspect. 

depends upon the characteristics of semi-permeable membranes, 
and that the nerve's firing of impulses, and the transmission across 


the synapses, is accompanied by electrical and thermal changes; 
the details of the chemistry are still elusive, however, and the 
problem is thought of as existing in a background of great com- 
plexity, even though our knowledge of the process has been steadily 
increasing since the concept of the action current theory of the 
nerve impulse itself, which is only 100 years old. 

Before proceeding to a description of what is now being 
attempted in the field of nerve chemistry, it is necessary to restate 
briefly what has become known as the Ionic Hypothesis (see 
Hodgkin, 1951, 1957; Eccles, 1953). This hypothesis is aimed 
primarily at giving an account of how nervous functions are 
chemically explained. The nervous impulse is to be thought of as a 
wave of electrical negativity that travels without decrement along 
nerve fibres. 

The nerve itself is an extended cylinder of uniform radius, filled 
by a watery substance called axoplasm, and bathed in an ultra- 
filtrate of blood. These are separated from each other by a very 
thin membrane of lipid-protein structure. This membrane has 
special electrical properties that make it highly resistant to the 
passage of ions. 

It is thought that the resting membrane is readily permeable to 
chloride and potassium ions which move across the membrane 
solely by diffusion; yet the reaction of the membrane to sodium is 
much more selective, at least in that these ions are removed from 
inside as soon as they appear. What has been called a 'sodium 
pump', assumed to be incorporated in the membrane itself, is 
responsible for this. The pump derives energy from metabolic 
changes within the fibre, and keeps the internal concentration of 
sodium at a level of about 10 per cent of the external concentration. 

Glutamic and aspartic and isethionic acids provide a high 
internal concentration of impermeable anions which, together with 
the sodium concentration, make for a potassium gradient of 
twenty to fifty times more inside than outside the membrane, and 
about the opposite for chloride ions. 

At room temperature the resting membrane potential E is 
given in terms of potassium and chloride concentrations by the 
following formula: 

E = RT/F log Ki/Ko = RT/F log Cfc/Cfc 


This is the potential in Donnan Equilibrium where RT and F are 
constant and the logarithms are to the base e. 

At room temperature this equation can be rewritten in micro- 

E = 58 logics/Kb 

and the outside would be around 85 mV to the inside; this keeps 
the gradients for potassium and chlorides in a state of equilibrium. 

If the resting potential is now diminished by the application of 
electric currents, the membrane immediately becomes highly 
permeable to sodium ions. This is said to be due to a 'sodium 
carrier mechanism' which has a feedback that proceeds until the 
potential across the membrane approaches that of a sodium 
electrode, creating a reversed potential with the inside positive to 
the outside. As the peak is reached the sodium carrier starts to 
decline, the process is reversed, and the nerve fibre returns to its 
resting state. 

A large number of experiments have been carried out to confirm 
the truth of the Ionic Hypothesis, and much confirmatory evidence 
has been forthcoming, although a certain amount of detail, 
particularly about the sodium pump, is still lacking. The refractory 
periods of nerve fibres have been studied and can be shown to be 
consistent with the above account which, while thought to be 
basically correct, is still lacking in detail and not effective in a way 
that is sufficient for cybernetic purposes. 

There is much more to be said about this field, and the interested 
reader should refer to specialist literature on the subject (Eccles, 
1953; Beach, 1958; Shanes, 1958; Tower, 1958). 

Before leaving the chemistry of nerves altogether, it will be very- 
useful to the cybernetic view to have a short comment on this 
same work from a different angle. 

A new set of experiments has been carried out by a group of 
chemists with the object of trying to understand the chemistry of 
cell membrane formation. 

Work has been in progress for some years on the nature of 
organic membranes, and something must be said here about the 
advance that has been made. 

The Ionic Hypothesis had assumed the presence of lipid mem- 
branes between the inside and outside of a nerve, and protein or 


lipid films have been used between two liquids to model this 
membrane. The problem of studying these interfaces between 
aqueous liquids depends on being able to study the electrical and 
optical properties of the surfaces in question. 

Saunders (1953, 1957, 1958; Elworthy and Saunders, 1955, 1956) 
has designed and built an apparatus for studying diffusion pro- 
cesses and photographing them at the membrane. From this work 
it was discovered that lecithin sols (a complex chemical colloidal 
substance derived from egg yolk) formed stable membranes 
between liquids, and that these membranes could be further 
strengthened by injections of serum albumen sol at the actual 
interface between the liquids. 

A more sensitive apparatus was then built by which it was 
possible to measure the surface forces that existed at the boun- 
daries of the lecithin sols and water. The next step was to study the 
effects of various inorganic salts such as potassium and sodium 
chloride on these surface forces and, as a result, suggestions were 
made as to the formation of actual cell membranes. With an 
intracellular fluid sufficiently rich in phosphatides, and with a little 
calcium and some lecithin, the lecithin was thought to be stabilized 
to the monovalent metal salts by soaplike substances, probably 
lysolecithine (also derived from egg yolks). By contact with fluids 
of higher calcium content, a calcium-lecithin complex film is 
formed which becomes fixed and relatively insoluble by absorption 
of proteins and insoluble lipids. 

It was later shown that the appearance of the film surface force 
was related to the stability of die lecithin sol, and that a wide 
variation of stability to salts can be achieved by altering the ratio 
of lysolecithins to lecithin in a mixed sol of the two phosphatides. 

Various other experiments on the properties of the viscosities, 
stabilities to salts, and haemolytic activities have been carried out, 
and there is current research on the electrical properties of lecithin 
membranes and their permeability to electrolytes. 

The results as a whole show that our knowledge of cell mem- 
brane formation has taken a large step forward. It is even to be 
hoped that the next year or two should see the completion of a 
chemical picture of the membrane formation process, and the 
diffusion properties that operate in nervous and other organic 
tissues. In the meantime we have the power to produce artificial 


cells that could be used in a computer system in the place of relays. 
This much is clear in principle, and work is afoot now on the 
practicability of actually carrying through such an undertaking. 

This brief account of certain aspects of the chemistry of the 
nervous system is included for heuristic and orientating purposes, 
but its importance for cybernetics may be very great indeed, since 
an effort is now being made to produce what Beer (1959) has called 
Fungoid Systems, and what may be thought of as chemical or 
ultimately, it is hoped, chemical-colloidal computers (Pask, 1958). 

The main importance of chemical computers for cybernetics 
lies in the fact that, unlike the digital computer, they exhibit the 
properties of growth in direct fashion, and this is something that was 
bound to be needed sooner or later in our biological modelling. 

The nervous system 

Turning again to the general properties of the nervous system, 
we must note that the properties of the synapse are very important, 
and we do not yet know sufficient to enable us to build models with 
absolute certainty; but the synaptic junction clearly plays a vitally 
important part in our neurophysiological theory of behaviour, both 
in the classical sense as a junction station and in the modern sense 
of Hebb (1949) with the development of synaptic knobs. We 
should mention here the many attempts to build electrical models 
of neurons (e.g. Taylor, 1959), but while such a study is useful, it 
does not come quite within our purview. 

Apart from the chemical mediation of the spike potential or 
nervous impulse, there are other factors which are well known about 
the neuron; it has a critical intensity that fires it and this property, 
realized in our logical nets is called the "threshold. Another pro- 
perty that is accepted in the logical nets, which is in keeping with 
the facts, is the all-or-none law, which states that when a nerve 
fires it fires 'completely* or not at all. The after-potentials (changes 
of excitation immediately after the main excitation) that follow the 
spike potential are not mirrored in our model, nor is their physio- 
logical function wholly clear. 

There are many further properties of neurons, such as their 
relative and absolute refractory periods, but these will not be 
discussed further here. It might just be mentioned that the fact 


that there is some delay, an instant, in the logical nets can be 
taken to be an analogue of the refractory period. But let us turn to 
the synapses. 

The synapse is a functional junction between neurons such that 
transmission between neurons takes place across the synapse. 
Transmission between neurons may also occur through ephaptic 
transmission (Eccles, 1946), which means directly across the 
membranes of adjacent neurons. 

There are two currents, the anodal and cathodal in nervous 
transmission, and these can cause successive states of inhibition 
and excitation in ephaptic transmission. However, in synaptic 
transmission unlike the ephaptic case there is no final inhibi- 
tory impulse following the excitatory, and thus the resting fibre 
which is the other side of the synapse can build up a considerable 
potential. There are local potentials at the synapse which makes the 
firing of the resting fibre contingent on the relation between the 
potentials in both neurons in the chain. Sometimes, when an 
impulse is not itself sufficient to arouse the resting fibre, summa- 
tion of local impulses from the same source in quick succession, or 
from two different sources having close contiguity on the synapse, 
will effect temporal and spatial summation respectively, either of 
which may then be sufficient to fire the resting fibre. 

It is probably because some summation is necessary to fire 
neurons that the conduction of a nervous impulse will travel in one 
way only across synaptic junctions. The reasons for this are 
anatomical in that the synaptic junction is ordered in having 
many one and never one many relations; there are also delays at 
the synapse. 

We can see that spatial summation is easily realized in logical 
nets, but temporal summation requires that there be at least two 
elements operating together, and is thus really a contrived kind of 
spatial summation. However, here there is some evidence that 
temporal summation in nerves is in fact due to the occurrence of 
reverberatory circuits, and not merely to the summing of local 
potentials from the same source, in which case our analogy is a 
close one. The same argument, somewhat extended, leads to the 
phenomenon called recruitment. 

The inhibitory function of nerves can occur either directly, 
when two stimuli act antagonistically, or when one follows the 


other after a delay, a delay which is too long for temporal summa- 
tion to occur. Again, in our logical net model, inhibitory endings are 
assumed so that an impulse travelling along a fibre will be specific- 
ally inhibitory or specifically excitatory. In Chapman's growth 
nets (1959) it is possible to have the same nerve fibre carrying 
either an excitatory or inhibitory impulse, and this seems likely to 
be nearer to the physiological facts. 

Let us next consider some of the classical work of Sherrington 
(1906) and his co-workers on the nature of excitation and inhibi- 
tion in collections of neurons joined together into a network, 
which is certainly how we wish to view the total organization of 
the nervous system. 

It is well, in the first instance, to regard the central nervous 
system as a distributed network of more or less specialized tissue, 
and as working together as-a-whole. The parts will work autono- 
mously under certain circumstances, but the whole system cannot 
be assumed to be the simple sum of the working of its parts ; in 
fact it may be expected to exhibit characteristics which are both 
non-additive and non-linear. 

The cortex might be regarded as having a controlling influence 
on sub-cortical and spinal nerve tissue, differentiated in something 
like hierarchical layers. As Sholl (1956) puts it: 

The cerebral hemispheres of all vertebrates are hollow cylinders of 
nervous tissue with a ventricle for the cavity. At first they are only 
associated with impulses arising from the olfactory organs but, in the 
higher vertebrates, connections are developed so that impulses arising 
from all the sense organs are transmitted to the forebrain and interact 
there to control the behaviour of the animal. 

Methodologically, we have to make the classical findings (or 
interpretations) of anatomy, histology and physiology fit with tie 
findings from work on the EEG, the organism-as-a-whole 
behaviour studies, work on brain injuries, electrical stimulation 
studies, ablation studies, and so on. 

However, Sherrington's approach tells us something like this 
about the human nervous system: the nervous system has a 
property of excitability, and it is organized into networks in living 
organisms in such a way that its behaviour appears to take the form 
of an interconnected hierarchy of reflexes. The notion of a reflex, 
of a simply connected input output system, may, of course, be an 


artefact of our method of isolation. A simple example is that of the 
spinal reflex. If we stimulate an afferent nerve the impulse travels 
to the spinal cord and, with a synaptic junction, is transferred to an. 
efferent nerve (here we assume the Bell/Majendie law which 
distinguishes motor and sensory nerves). The number of inter- 
nuncial or 'shunt* neurons involved may be quite large. Similarly, 
specialized receptors may be involved but we shall not immedi- 
ately consider the extra complexity this implies. The 'segmental 
reflex', as it is called, is the simplest reflex of the nervous system 
that is readily available. 

The theoretical terms 'central excitatory state' (c.e.s.) and 
'central inhibitory state' (c.i.s.) are at the heart of Sherrington's 
theory, but before discussing them let us consider some observable 
data from which these theoretical terms were derived. 

We directly observe, in the muscle nerve preparation, excitability 
of the nerve and a change of excitability as a result of electrical 
stimulation. We also observe the properties of relative and absolute 
refractory period and due to our ability to measure the velocity 
of nerve conduction we can, by arithmetical subtraction, observe 
a delay in segmental reflex (in the more complicated reflexes called 
'reflex latency') which are assumed to represent synaptic delay. 

Directly observable also are the properties of 'spatial summa- 
tion' and 'temporal summation' of nervous impulses, and the 
'threshold' of nervous tissue as a way of measuring the sensitivity 
of nerve cells; all these we have already mentioned. 

The notion of spatial summation requires some comment. If 
two afferent nerves are stimulated, and both play on the same reflex 
centre, summation takes place, and reflex responses take place 
which would not occur in response to either stimulations acting 
alone. An example of this phenomenon is that of tiUalis anticus. 
Changes in collections of central neurons may last as long as 15 
msec, and Sherrington assumed that a subliminal stimulus set up a 
c.e.s., and that a further stimulus might then be additive and fire off 
the efferents. 'c.e.s.' is here playing its role as a theoretical term, 
and it is interesting to note that it must take care of delays up to 
20 msec. 

Lorente de No's (1938a, 1938b) work on this problem shows 
that in a single central synapse, summation of subliminal stimuli 
can be demonstrated over an interval no longer than 0-5 msec. 


However, de No believed that c.e.s. can be taken to mean (opera- 
tionally) delay involving several internuncial neurons intercalated 
between sensory fibres and anterior horn cells, thus accounting for 
the longer delays assumed by Sherrington. This allows of more 
enduring responses than can be accounted for by this setting up of 
internal excitatory circuits. 

Eccles's work on electrical states at synapses has suggested a 
model for synaptic delay and summation. To build these synaptic 
phenomena requires, largely, the ordering or organization and 
control of systematic detail (see Creed et aL, 1932; Erlanger and 
Gasser, 1937; de No, 1947; Eccles, 1953). It will suffice here to add 
that the majority of synaptic connexions considered were of the 
boutons terminaux type, and the development of these may be 
correlated with states of the organism-as-a-whole. Furthermore, 
boutons terminaux apparently exist in abundance in the cortical 
areas, though there are histological difficulties with respect to their 

Next, the notion of 'central inhibition* must be dealt with. In 
the decerebrate cat the crossed extensor reflex can be inhibited or 
blocked entirely. In view of the time relations involved, Fulton has 
suggested the ventral horn cells as the seat of the inhibition. 
Sherrington showed that the knee jerk was inhibitable, and it was 
used as an index of c.i.s. That inhibition (operationally, this is the 
suppression of normally elicitable reflexes when they are elicited 
contiguously with certain other reflexes) is observed is clear, but 
theory is more concerned with the explanation of why it takes place. 
There are in fact many theories, and we shall take as examples 
those of Gasser and Eccles. Gasser believes that the internuncial 
circuits normally involved in the now inhibited reflex have a 
greatly heightened threshold and become relatively unresponsive. 
This is not wholly dissimilar in essence to the explanation of Creed 
et aL (1932) when the competition for the final common path led to 
selective changes of excitability in one centre. By final common 
path (f.c.p.) we mean simply the final response path that decides 
the behavioural act. They point out that when an antidromic 
volley travels up motor nerve fibres to motoneurons, the excitation 
is thought to disappear from those neurons, and this accounts for 
the long duration of inhibitory effects produced by a contralateral 


They summarize the properties of inhibition in the following 

(1) Centripetal volleys in ipsilateral nerves normally excite 
contractions of flexors and inhibit extensors, while centripetal 
volleys in contralaterals have the opposite effect. 

(2) Inhibitory processes in motoneurons can be graded in 

(3) Summation of inhibition may be produced by successive 
volleys on one or more afferent nerves. 

(4) Inhibition is antagonistic to c.e.s. and may slow down the 
build-up of the c.e.s. 

(5) c.e.s. and c.i.s. are mutually antagonistic. 

(6) c.i.s. undergoes a progressive and spontaneous subsidence. 

It should be noticed that no evidence was dealt with by these 
writers for inhibition other than with motoneurons. 

In the descriptions of inhibition by most early writers we find 
little reference to the chemical means by which this is achieved, 
although Eccles (1953) has something to say by way of summary 
on this matter. 

It is already clear that the notion of the reflex arc in isolation is 
somewhat artificial, and that reflex activities occur together in a 
very complicated manner. In the first place there is the competition 
for the final common path, the competition that occurs for the 
control of motoneurons, and thus of all movement patterns. 

Direct inhibition is explained in terms of hyper-polarization of 
the neuronal surface membrane. Indeed it is now thought that 
during a period of hyper-polarization there is the need for a larger 
post-synaptic potential to activate the self-regenerating sodium 
carrier, and there is much evidence to support such a view. 

Eccles goes further than this, and explains more complicated 
and more prolonged inhibition in terms of hyper-polarization, and 
the theory has been developed that this inhibitory synaptic 
activity is a function of a specific transmitter substance liberated 
from inhibitory synaptic knobs. 

However, we have agreed to leave the development of the 
chemical aspects of nervous function outside our range, and it 


must suffice to say that there is an increasing awareness of the 
workings of the inhibitory activity which is so necessary to 
account for the gross activity of the nervous system, and that it is 
possible to guess at a plausible form of explanation of 'central 
inhibition', whether it be direct or indirect. The really important 
point is that it does take place. 

Before leaving the subject of inhibition we might consider for a 
moment its relation to logical nets. It will be remembered that we 
assumed merely two sorts of nerve terminations, served by identical 
fibres carrying identical impulses, except of course for the indivi- 
dual differences among fibres, which is something we have not 
considered in our logical nets. This, of course, can be met in many 
ways by using many pathways together to make up a volley of 
impulses, or by changing the idealized nets to fit the facts more 
closely. From tide behavioural point of view this last demand is not 
obviously necessary. 

Inhibition is therefore brought about in a logical net by direct 
stimulation of a neuron (we shall now use the word neuron, as we 
are placing the nerve interpretation on these models), or by altering 
the effective threshold of a neuron by retaining the record of some 
previous firing. This means that something very like a classical 
neurological picture is really subsumed in the construction of 
nerve nets. What perhaps is more interesting is the manner in 
which the differences between the two can subsequently be met. 
It would be easy to show in logical nets two neural chains carrying 
impulses for a final common path, and the manner in which these 
chains can be regarded as antagonistic, so that the path is given to 
only one chain at any particular time. 

The next stage in the classical theory involves the types of 
reflex which are elicitable in the central nervous system, e.g. 
postural, flexor, extensor, intersegmental, etc. For illustrative 
purposes the classical experiments by Sherrington on the spinal 
cat should be sufficient. As a result of this work we have explana- 
tions given in terms of convergence, final common pathway 
(f.c.p.), occlusion, after-discharge, reflex centre, etc. 

It is assumed that the co-ordinated activity of muscular action 
is the result of overlap in reflex fields, made possible by the 
convergence of afferent and internuncial paths on to one efferent 
f.c.p. Occlusion, in particular, takes place as a special case of this 


overlap when two afferent nerves, simultaneously stimulated, fire 
off a high percentage of the same motoneurons. After-discharge 
is regarded as a function of internuncial delay paths. The discus- 
sion of the remainder of the reflexes introduces no essentially new 
idea: they may all be explained in terms of the principles already 
referred to. 

So far we have built up a conceptual picture of the nervous 
system as a complicated network like a telephone exchange, in 
which reflex activity is the element we have inherited, and the 
selectivity of the reflexes is made dependent on the inhibition of 
these networks at synaptic junctions. Both excitation and inhibi- 
tion are summable, and they may interact in complex ways which 
are partly determined by the anatomical organization of the 
nervous system. 

In modern neurology, more and more, the concept of the reflex 
is being replaced by the simple graded servo or feedback system 
(neural homeostats), but while we shall review some of the grosser 
evidence, it must be remembered throughout how little we know 
of the more intimate and detailed connexions in the nervous 

Information theory and nervous impulses 

It is well known that information theory is used to describe 
possible nervous activities, and the appropriateness of such 
descriptive means is obvious enough. 

The most evident point about the nervous system and its trans- 
mission is that the code is, basically, a simple one, being of the same 
pulse no-pulse kind that is used by computers. It is a morse code 
with dots only, and thus of a binary form, based on the all-or- 
nothing principle of nerve transmission. 

It is also easy enough to guess that the intensity of stimulation 
clearly a necessary variable is correlated with frequency of 
discharge of impulse along afferent fibres, and such a factor 
automatically suggests the occurrence of summation, where 
relative economy of fibres occurs entailing manyone and one 
many relations from cells to fibres and fibres back to cells. It is 
partly because of this that temporal and spatial summation are 
such essential features of nervous activity, and the thought follows 



naturally that inhibition will be included in the means by which 
integration takes place. 

Rapoport (1955), Sutherland (1959) and Barlow (1959), 
among many others, have considered the problem of coding with 
respect to the visual system, and their work will be discussed 
further in Chapter X. 

The implication that all parts of the nervous system, as well as 
the whole organism, could be studied from the point of view of an 
information system is clear, for the brain is indubitably an 
information-receiving, transmitting and storing system; but these 

figure shows one simple way in which an input can be fired 
through a channel which has less fibres than there are inputs and 
yet an input event can still be reproduced correctly as an output. 

facts, apart from being useful in the construction of molar models 
of organic behaviour, do not help substantially in unravelling the 
intricacies of the function of complex nervous tissue. What it 
achieves, in conjunction with other cybernetic methods, is an 
almost ideal behavioural model as a basis for neurophysiological 

A further point should be made with respect to the importance 
of many one relations mentioned above. This seems to occur 
commonly in the nervous system, and involves a mapping of a set 
of impulses from a set of neurons on to many fewer nerve fibres and 
vice versa. This is well known to occur in the visual system, among 
many other parts of the nervous system, and leads to the firing 
through the restriction of the visual pathways. Figure 9 shows the 
fairly straightforward logical net principle that could be used to 
mirror just this sort of thing. 


What is important about this is that the splitting up of nerve 
impulses into a sequential train of pulses makes it necessary to 
reaccumulate that train in part or whole at some later time, and 
this requires precisely the operation of summation. 

Broadbent (1954) has shown that the operation of the ear, in 
accepting information simultaneously presented to it, is itself 
sequential. The implication is that the auditory system is able to 
store information prior to its being dealt with centrally, and this is 
precisely what must be implied by passing information through a 

So far we have only dealt with the elements and their simple 
organization into a network, we must now look for a while at what 
has been discovered about the brain itself. Here we shall simply 
select certain relevant features from various points of view, and 
indicate in each case, what sort of equivalent logical net organiza- 
tion would be possible and plausible. In this next section, it will be 
borne in mind that we can think of the logical nets originally 
described in Chapter IV as being very high speed in their function 
and thus being influenced by whole volleys of impulses rather than 
single ones alone. This implies a statistical type of description for 
a large network, and such statistical models have already been 
discussed to some extent (Beurle, 1954; Rapoport, 1950a, 1950b, 
1950c, 1950d, 1955; Sholl, 1956). In any case they will become 
essential as our logical nets increase in size, as indeed they must if 
they are to mimic in any useful way the human brain. 

We shall also bear in mind that as the search for neurological 
models becomes more urgent, our problem will be to discover how 
the nervous system is actually wired. There is no reason to doubt 
the ease with which nets can be drawn that will perform the 
necessary behavioural functions, but in order that they may be 
scientifically useful ultimately, we shall wish to draw the nets with 
only particular information flow, which have the right dimensions 
as regards numbers of elements used, and which can also perform 
the necessary function in the same manner as the nervous system. 

With these ideas clearly before us, let us look at some of our 
information on brain analysis. 

Our subject-matter is so vast that the best that we can hope to do 
here is to give a brief summary of relevant work. This means that 
the more detailed analysis of neural transmission, and detailed 


work on certain chemical aspects of neurology, will not be further 
considered; but even after putting these aside, there remains an 
immense bulk of neurological data which would fill many volumes, 
and we can discuss here only selected aspects, selected always with 
one eye on the ultimate interests and needs of the cybernetician. 

Before discussing the rest of the nervous system let us look at 
some more diagrams that will help in our terminological problem. 
Figures 10 and 11 show the inner and outer surface of a cerebral 
hemisphere with names and also numbers (Brodman, 1909) that 
indicate its general topography. Brodman's numbers were based 
on histological distinctions, and these are now known to be in- 
adequate on these grounds, but are convenient to retain purely as 
spatial coordinates. 


The first question of importance is that of methodology in 
neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, and this will be discussed 
immediately. The anatomist can contribute an enormous amount 
to our knowledge of neurological function, as has been pointed out 
by le Gros Clark (1950). But there are certain limitations that need 
to be observed; the general topography of the nervous system may 
not in itself be a good guide to function. The histological staining 
techniques, used on mapping fibre connexions in the brain, have 
also had considerable doubts attached to them. 

The mapping of the cortex, however, is now considerably 
advanced, thanks to specialized silver techniques, intravital 
methylene blue, neuronography, electrical stimulation, and the 
methods involving experimental lesions and accidental brain 
damage. Le Gros Clark has noted that the blood vessels, and their 
mapping, is especially important to neurology since it supplies a 
clue to the degree of metabolism, and hence to function. It is 
interesting to note, in this respect, that the cortical arteries, being 
confined to the cortex and immediately subadjacent to the white 
matter, can serve the purpose of cerebral lesion; for example, if the 
pia mater is stripped from the area to be studied, a lesion is effected. 

For an account of the histological features of the brain, reference 
should be made to Ramon y Cajal (1952) and Sholl (1956). 

The method of neuronography, devised by Dusser de Barenne, 
and used by him and McCulloch ( Dusser de Barenne and McCul- 



loch, 1937, 1938, 1939; Dusser de Barenne, Garol and 
McCulloch, 1941 ; et al) has been very useful in the mapping of 
direct neural connexions. The application of filter paper soaked in 
strychnine sulphate to one cortical locus leads to 'strychnine 
spikes' occurring at certain other loci. 

Marginal portion 
of circular s. 


Isth of gyi 

^Occipital pole 



Fasciola cinerea 

FIG. 10. CENTRAL SECTION OF CEREBRUM. The section is cut in a 

plane at right angles to that of the eyes and approximately 

bisecting a line joining the two eyes. The numbers refer to 

Brodman's areas (see text). 

The central assumption of neuronography is that there exist 
direct connexions, without synapses, between the two areas in- 
volved. There is a high correlation between anatomical detail and 
neuronographical records, where corroboration has been possible, 
but against this must be stated the evidence of Frankenhauser 
(1951). As Frankenhauser points out, the above work in neurono- 
graphy implies that the absence of spikes in a given region excludes 
the existence of direct pathways. He strychninized the olfactory 



bulb, but was unable to find any spikes in regions where many direct 
pathways from the olfactory bulb are known to exist. He feels, 
therefore, that the negative implications of neuronography are 

Electrical techniques 

The method of electrical stimulation of nerve tissue has also 
been criticized from time to time, especially with respect to 

Temporal pole 



more of the names for features of the cortex and also gives some 

of the numbers for Brodman areas mentioned in the text. 

spreading effects on the surface of the cortex; other workers in this 
field (Gellhorn and Johnson, 1951), however, have defended the 
method with some cogency. 

Another source of information with seemingly enormous 
potentialities is the Electroencephalogram (EEG), and an assess- 
ment of the various methods adopted here is far more complicated 
than in the case of anatomical localization, histology, neurono- 
graphy, or electrical stimulation. 

Darrow (1947) inferred that the relative failure of the EEG to 


contribute much to the field of psychology may be from one of two 
reasons: either the code of the EEC is simply not understood, or 
the EEG gives, not an integrated cortical record, but a record of 
subsidiary homeostatic processes. This failure would appear to be 
certainly partially due to the first cause, although from a 
physiological viewpoint some guesses have now been made at the 
code. For the second point, it may be true that the EEG does give 
a homeostatic picture, and homeostasis is to be thought of as a 
fundamental characteristic of neural activity. 

Hill (1950) has given an assessment of the EEG in its relation- 
ship to psychiatry, in which he points to the fact that EEG 
characteristics are as typical of an individual as, say, his finger- 
prints, or his I.Q. What is of special interest is that many of the 
individual differences exhibitable on the EEG may disappear on 
suitable chemical, or physiological, stimulation. 

Burns (1950, 1951, 1958) has studied carefully the levels of 
response from electrical stimulation, and his results are consistent 
with those found by Albino (1960) in ablation experiments. It is 
clear that different strengths of stimuli do in fact elicit quite 
different sorts (or levels) of response. 

Burns' work was on isolated cortex, and his results were thought 
to be caused by chains of neurons which, when they all become 
fired under strong stimulation, become refractory. Similarity, he 
found that repeated strong stimulation of cortex gave rise to bursts 
of responses which may last for as long as an hour after cessation of 

Some of the summarizing characteristics of the EEG work noted 
by Hill are: 

(1) Attention and increased cerebral activity are associated with 
low voltage and fast activity, while relaxation and decreased 
cerebral activity are correlated with high voltage and slow activity. 

(2) 'Emotional tension* changes EEG patterns. 

(3) Hypothalamic activity influences cortical rhythms. 

(4) Amplitude of waves in a rhythm is a rough measure of the 
number of cellular units taking part in its production. 

(5) Hill thinks, more speculatively, that the constant pattern of 
the EEG reflects maturation of the brain in terms of functional 


With respect to (3), Henry and Scoville (1952), in a discussion of 
suppressor bursts from isolated pieces of cortex (they were con- 
sidering patients who had had frontal lobotomy performed, which 
also involved undercutting of areas 9 and 10, and the orbital gyri), 
considered that the fundamental rhythms of the brain emanated 
from the hypothalamus. 

The whole question of the value of the EEG as a research 
technique is of immense complication and demands specialist 
consideration. The volume of work already produced on the EEG 
is enormous, nevertheless it is probable that nothing has yet been 
discovered which critically affects the behavioural picture. 

All afferent volleys to the cortex set up an initial surface positive 
wave (Eccles, 1953) which is restricted to the cortical region in 
which the volley terminates; the wave form may be complex, 
although this is not true for single afferent impulses. It has been 
suggested that the initial positive wave is caused by the synaptic 
excitatory action of afferent impulses generating post-synaptic 
potentials on the deeper parts of the apical dendrites and the 
bodies of pyramidal cells. 

It should be added that there is some evidence that reverbera- 
tory circuits from the thalamus contribute to the later stages of the 
responses to afferent stimulation in the cortex. 

In such terms it is worth considering the nature of the a-rhythm. 
It is thought to be due to impulses travelling in closed, self- 
exciting chains. 

More recently, Eccles has suggested that the a-rhythm is 
due to circulation of impulses in closed self-re-exciting chains, the 
idea being that it is due to the low intensity bombardment during 
states of attention. 

Stewart (1959), taking a more cybernetic view of the problem, 
has suggested that the a-rhythm and the other brain rhythms are 
due to the inevitable periodicity of a finite automaton, and that it is 
something we might expect from the very construction of any finite 

Even more recently Kennedy (1959) has proposed that the 
a-rhythm may arise from mechanical oscillation of the gel of 
the living brain and not from the synchronization of neural activity, 
except very indirectly. 

it rmi<jt hf* aHmittftH that tliiQ whnl^ matter 


further investigation, especially since it offers clues of a fairly 
definite kind for the designers of artificial brains. 

We must now say something of the functions associated with 
gross anatomical divisions of the brain. 

The myelencephalon 

The myelencephalon or medulla is relatively simple; it is simply 
the joining point of the spinal cord to the higher brain levels. It is 
composed of groups of cells or nuclei, and is the point of exit and 
entrance for many of the pairs of cranial nerves. 

It is probable that the medulla is a relay station for the autono- 
mic nervous system since it contains certain nuclei which directly 
affect autonomic function, and yet there is evidence of cortical 
representation of autonomic function, and therefore its role is 
probably an integrative one allowing partial classification. The 
words 'relay station* which we will use from time to time are 
meant to suggest little more than the fact that certain locations are 
on the direct paths between different parts of the brain, although 
the presence of nuclei suggests that there is some switching 
function to be performed there. 

The metencephalon 

The metencephalon, which consists of the cerebellum, pons and 
a part of the fourth ventricle, is something like the cerebrum in 
that it consists of grey matter on the surface with white under- 
neath, the rest being largely nuclei. Problems of cerebral localiza- 
tion also occur (Fulton, 1949), but for the purpose of our precis it 
is sufficient to indicate its principal areas, which may be called 
ventral, dorsal, anterior and posterior respectively. 

The semi-circular canals, utricle and sacule, send fibres to the 
ventral portion, while the spinal cord supplies fibres to the 
anterior and posterior portion. The dorsal portion, or neocere- 
bellum, as it is sometimes called, has connexions with the pons and 
the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. 

The pons itself forms the ventral part of the metencephalon, and 
is composed of fibres that leave the cerebellum and return to it, 
after crossing the ventral surface of the hindbrain. Other nuclei 


and fibre tracts both ascending and descending make up the 
rest of the pons. 

The cerebellum is almost certainly concerned with co-ordinating 
motor activities, and it is known that injuries to the cerebellum 
will destroy muscular co-ordination. The pons is probably con- 
cerned with the association of motor activities, and since the tri- 
geminal nerve has its'nuclei in the pons, it may be supposed it is 
closely concerned with the sense of touch, and movement of the 
face and mouth. 

The mesencephalon 

The mesencephalon or midbrain connects the forebrain and 
hindbrain. This is probably a motor reflex centre in part, with 
ascending and descending tracts. The tectum, which forms part of 
the midbrain, has a sensory function involving the four colliculi, so 
called. The superior colliculi have already been thought of by Pitts 
and McCulloch (1947) as a possible feedback centre for the opera- 
tion of visual scanning. 

The inferior colliculi are concerned with hearing, and the 
colliculi generally again qualify for the vague description of relay 

The reticular system 

This is perhaps an appropriate moment to describe the non- 
specific neural mechanisms, especially the system called the 
ascending reticular system. 

If the central reticular core of the brain stem is stimulated then 
there is a change of cortical electrical activity which is closely 
associated with attention. Jasper (1958) has recently given a fairly 
loose definition of the reticular system in the following terms : 

... the reticular formation, extending from the thalamus down into the 
medulla, is represented by all those neuronal structures which are not 
included in the specific afferent and efferent pathways. 

The development of our knowledge of the reticular system is 
extremely relevant to our understanding of the problem of 
attention and alertness, and also perhaps of consciousness. 

These studies have developed from an interest in spinal reflexes 


(Magoun, 1958), and to an interest in the allied function of non- 
specific brain mechanisms. 

Olds and Milner (1954) have shown that direct stimulation of the 
central reticular core of the brain stem exhibited some of the same 
electrical changes in the cortex as occur in waking from sleep, or on 
the sudden alerting of an individual. This leads to the replacement 
of high voltage slow waves and spindle bursts in the EEG record 
by low voltage fast discharges (Moruzzi and Magoun, 1949). 

Lesions of the ascending reticular system caused sleepiness in 
animals, and stimulation caused wakefulness. 

As well as peripheral sources of input to the reticular system 
there are also projection fibres from the cortex to the central 
brain stem (Jasper et al.). Also projecting to the central brain 
stem, are the associated areas of frontal, cingulate, parieto-occipital 
and temporal cortex, and the sensory and motor cortical areas. 

One implication of this work is that the excitation of cortical 
sensory areas is insufficient by itself to induce arousal or cause 

A further set of results shows that afferent transmission is also 
aifected by these non-specific central states. 

Morrell and Jasper (1955) have been able to demonstrate, in 
terms of conditioning, that the blocking of the a-rhythm as a 
conditioned response is a method for the study of temporary 
connexion formation in the brain. At the beginning of condition- 
ing, a generalized blocking reaction occurs which, with repeated 
conditioning, becomes more specific, and restricted to some local 
cortical area. There is a general activation and blocking prior to 
any learning operation. 

Consciousness can perhaps be seen to be emerging from this sort 
of work, although as Jasper (1958) puts it: 

The stream of our consciousness is only a minute sampling of the multi- 
tude of simultaneously active cells and circuits in the complex machinery 
of the mind. 

Much, even most, of the function of the reticular system is 
probably still unconscious, and it is the ascending reticular system 
that is probably primarily concerned with consciousness. Attention 
is probably a further differentiation of the generalized arousal 
mechanism, where there is little doubt that generalized arousal is 
dependent on activity within the mesencephalic and caudal 


portions of the diencephalic reticular system. As far as attention is 
concerned Jasper (1958) says: 

The fact that the thalamic reticular system seems to possess a certair 
degree of topographical organization relative to its cortical projection! 
may provide a neurophysiological basis for the direction of attention. 

It is interesting that the most important cortico-fugal projection* 
seem to arise from areas not primarily sensory in function 
They are the frontal, cingulate, temporal and parietal areas anc 
area 19. 

The implication is perhaps that these elaboration areas are the 
places where consciousness enters the picture; and the integrative 
process of the brain is possibly to be regarded as a multistage 
process, and one in which the reticular system may be thought tc 
play a central part. 

It has been noticed (Delafresnaye, 1954) that moderate activity 
in the reticular formation of the brain stem is correlated with fasi 
asynchronous EEG recordings, and also correlated with alertness 
and attention. Lesions of the reticular formation lead to slo^ 
synchronous EEG recordings, and unconsciousness or somnolence 

Lindsley (1951) has actually suggested a theory of excitation basec 
on activation of the reticular system, and more generally, it has 
been concluded that the reticular system was vital to skillec 
voluntary acts, and to memory and intelligence. The effect oJ 
stimulating the reticular areas at increasing intensities has been tc 
lead through a progression from alerting to searching, and then tc 

The limits of variability of cortical organization (Lashley, 1947 
are a matter of 'individual differences', 'species differences', etc. 
and therefore the generalized suggestions made here must neces- 
sarily be particularized for different species, and ultimately for '< 
particular individual. 

Much current work is going on in the field of the reticulaj 
system, much of which must be taken to modify the neuror 
psychological theories of Hebb, Lashley and others. From the 
point of view of our own approach, we should seek to give inter- 
pretation to the reticular system as bearing closely on the M- 
system or motivational system and the closely related jB-system oi 
emotional system, and the relation of both these to the C-system 
No more than this will be said at the moment. 


The diencephalon 

The thalamus and hypothalamus, the optic tracts and retinae, 
the pituitary, mammillary bodies and third ventricle make up the 

The main interest for behaviour theory, with the exception of 
visual perception (see Chapter IX) lies in the thalamus and hypo- 

The thalamus is thought of as another relay station, the principal 
one in the brain, and it is made up of various nuclei. 

Thalamus and hypothalamus 

The thalamus is embryologically old compared with the cerebral 
cortex, which has been modified in a series of extensive ramifica- 
tions. The thalamus (Fulton, 1943) appears to be best viewed as 
an end station in the forebrain of sensory systems of the body. The 
geniculate bodies appear to be connected with the special senses. 
Its associative functions are cortico-diencephalic and intra- 
diencephalic. It has seven principal afferent tracts, and is con- 
nected with the adjacent mass of the hypothalamus. Anatomically, 
the thalamus may be divided into three groups of nuclei with 
(1) subcortical connexions, (2) cortical relay nuclei which transmit 
impulses from somatic sensory systems and the special senses, and 

(3) its association nuclei. 

Lesions of the posterior third of the ventral nucleus cause transient 
cutaneous impairment, and rupture of the thalamogeniculate 
artery 'causes' paresthesia and hyperesthesia. Starzl and Magoun 
(1951) suggest, as a result of studying the cat's thalamic projection 
system, that it is organized for mass thalamic influence on the 
association cortex. 

It has been generally assumed that the hypothalamus is con- 
nected with the emotional aspects of behaviour. However, the 
anatomy and physiology of the hypothalamus is, like the thalamus, 
closely associated with cortical areas. Its main divisions are 
(1) periventricular region, (2) pre-optic region, (3) lateral region, 

(4) rostral or supraoptic middle region, (5) tuberal, infundibular 
middle region, (6) caudal, or mammillary region. The existing 
knowledge of the hypothalamus is somewhat mixed but, as le 
Gros Clark (1950) has said, much of the most recent development 


on 'psychosomatic' medicine has surrounded a study of the 
hypothalamus. The work of Philip Bard (1934) and Masserman 
(1943) on 'sham rage' is now well known, and needs no further 
comment here; le Gros Clark's survey continues the same line of 
thought. Lesions of the hypothalamus are still considered to be 
closely related to the 'emotional* aspects of behaviour, as well as to 
the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus is probably 
central to any 'total' theory of behaviour, but does not contact 
the more restricted aspects of 'learning' to quite the same 

However, a few words in summary on the hypothalamus may be 
suggestive for purposes of general development (Le Gros Clark, 

(1) The hypothalamus is situated in the base of the brain, and 
has the cerebral peduncles immediately behind, and the optic 
chiasma in front; it is also, of course, close to the pituitary which is 
an outgrowth of the hypothalamus. 

(2) Its considerable blood supply suggests high metabolic 
activity, and the hypothalamic pituitary connexions are again 

(3) In submammalian vertebrates, the supraoptic and para- 
ventricular nucleus is fused in a single mass which suggests a close 
functional connexion. 

(4) The hypothalamus has a motor pathway from the posterior and 
lateral hypothalamus into the brain system (possibly autonomic). 

(5) The medial thalamic nucleus projecting to the granular 
cortex of the frontal lobe might suggest a railway station function. 

(6) The Mammillo-thalamic tract (bundle of Vicq d'Azur) 
connects the thalamus and hypothalamus. 

(7) There are fibres derived from the globus pallidus running 
from the subthalamus to the hypothalamus, and this, perhaps, 
implies partial basal ganglionic control of the hypothalamus. 

(8) The frontal cortex has (possibly autonomic) fibres direct to 
the hypothalamus. 

(9) The fornix, en route from the hippocampus to the mammil- 
lary bodies, is a large afferent tract to the hypothalamus. The 
fibres from the MammiUo-thalamic tract to the anterior nucleus of 
the thalamus, and to the cingulate cortex, form a closed circuit. It 


may be that the hippocampus is not only olfactory (as will be 
emphasized later; Scoville and Milner, 1957), and the mammillary 
bodies are probably relay stations. This last is of special interest in 
the now well-known possible role of cerebral prolongation at 
cortical level. 

(10) The frontal lobe is a projection area for the hypothalamus. 

(11) Lastly, it can be tentatively restated that the hypothalamus 
is to be regarded as a relay station under cortical (and striatal) 
control. This is especially related to autonomic function, and also 
plays an integrated part in normal cerebral function; it is, indeed, 
probably connected closely with reverberatory circuits. 

The telencephalon 

Under this term we subsume the olfactory bulb and tracts, the 
lateral ventricles and basal ganglia and, rather especially, the 
cerebral cortex. 

Very generally we can divide the cerebral cortex into the four 
areas which are duplicated, one in each hemisphere. These areas 
arecalled(l):Frontal(especiallyareas4,6, 8 11, 44 and 45), (2) Pari- 
etal (especially areas 2, 3, 5 and 7), (3) Temporal (especially areas 
38, 39, 40, 41 and 42) and (4) Occipital (areas 17, 18 and 19). It has 
been suggested that the broad function of these areas is that the 
frontal lobes are integrative and the posterior portions concerned 
with relatively specific motor functions and also motor elaboration 
functions, the speech areas, areas 44 and 45, being specialized 
regions. The parietal lobe is concerned with sensory control and 
sensory elaboration, the temporal with speech recognition, musical 
recognition and generally with memory, while the occipital areas 
are specialized for vision and visual elaboration. 

Within the compass of this very general statement there are 
problems about the relation between the two cerebral hemispheres 
which are by no means fully understood, and this makes all 
subsequent analysis of the function of specific areas somewhat 
tentative. The notion of cerebral dominance is of the first import- 
ance neurologically, and although there is some evidence that left- 
handed people are right hemisphere dominant, the whole problem 
is much more complex than this suggests. This matter is very 
important for comparative neurology since animal experiments 


seem to show that bilateral ablation is often necessary to produce 
impairment of specific function whereas in human beings this may 
often be produced by unilateral ablation. Clearly the human brain 
is more specialized and their equivalent cerebral areas are not 
merely mirror images of each other. 

The cerebral cortex 

We must now turn to a more detailed study of the cerebral 
cortex and, of course, the closely related neural structures of the 
immediately lower levels. In this discussion it is the cerebral 
hemisphere, particularly the cerebral cortex, the study of the 
Brodman areas and their function, cytoarchitectonics, the alleged 
suppressor areas, and the reticular system, etc., which are of the 
first importance. This involves the basal ganglia and other parts of 
the nervous system viewed as functions of the control of the 
cerebral mantle. 

In discussing the cortex we should note the recent terminology 
that has been suggested by Pribram, Jasper and others (1958). 

The Paleocortex or allocortex is phylogenetically older, and 
includes the hippocampus (Ammon's Horn and the dentate 
nucleus), the pyriform lobe, and the olfactory bulb and tubercle. 
The Juxtallocortex includes the cingulate gyrus, presubiculum and 
fronto-temporal cortex. The non-cortical tissue of first importance 
includes the amygdaloid complex, the septal region, thalamic and 
hypothalamic nuclei, as well as the caudate and mid-brain reticular 
formulation. The isocortex, or neocortex, is further divided into 
Extrinsic and Intrinsic areas. The extrinsic have projective fibres 
from the thalamic relay nuclei and fibres from outside the thalamus, 
while the intrinsic project solely from the thalamic relay nuclei to 
the isocortex. 

There is some evidence that the extrinsic fibres are closely 
connected with the different behaviour functions of peripheral 
receptor mechanisms, and the intrinsic are concerned with 
discrimination, which is known to be affected by removal of 
posterior intrinsic cortical areas. 

It is necessary now to select carefully our analysis of the struc- 
ture and function of the cortex with an eye to behaviour theory and 
automata construction. We shall first consider the function of the 



frontal lobes (Stanley and Jaynes, 1949; Hebb, 1945, 1949; 
Fulton, 1943, 1949; Shell, 1956). 
Cytoarchitectonically, the frontal lobes are part of the isocortex 


Optic chic 

Arcuate nucleus- 

FIG. 12. THE FIGURE SHOWS THE CORTEX and its extrinsic and in- 
trinsic thalamic connexions. FX is Fomix, HP is theHabenulo- 
interpeduncular tract, IP is the Interpeduncular nucleus, MB 
is the Mammillary bodies, M T the Mammillo-thalamic tract, to 
the olfactory tubercle, TEG the midbrain Tegmentum and CA 
the Anterior Commissure. 

and are stratified in five layers. An outstanding feature is the 
presence of giant pyramidal cells in area 4. Furthermore, it is 
interesting to compare the smaller pyramidal cells of 6 with those 


of 4, and also with 7 in the temporal lobe. Campbell (1905), it may 
be noted, did not differentiate areas 6 and 7. Area 4 is usually 
regarded as a motor area, with giant pyramidal (or Betz) cells in 
layer V. It may be subdivided into 4A (leg), 4B (arm), 4C (face), 
for superior, middle, and inferior parts (Vogt, 1919). Variation is 
only apparent in the size of the pyramidal cells, and it is note- 
worthy that, in man, area 4 is largely concealed in the central sulcus. 
For a comparative study reference should be made to Bucy (1944). 

It is probable that the motor areas of the frontal lobe are not 
immediately vital to the behaviour picture ; what, however, may be 
of importance is the strip region between areas 4 and 6 which is 
known as 4s, a suppressor area (Marion Hines, 1936). Area 6 is 
similar to area 4, without the pyramidal cells in layer V. 

The subdivisions of 6 refer to buccal and respiratory muscula- 
ture. Area 8 is also motor in function (transitional cortex which has 
extensive extrapyramidal projections to the striatum, thalamus 
(latero-ventral nucleus), subthalamus and tegmentum. It also 
possesses another suppressor area, 8s. Areas 9, 10, 11 and 12 
(orbito-frontal cortex) are sometimes referred to collectively as the 
frontal association areas. 

Cytoarchitectonically these are vastly different from areas 4 and 
6. There are, for example, no motor cells in layer V. As regards 
function, 13 and 14, in the near orbital region, have been ear- 
marked as respiratory and olfactory areas by Walker (1938). 

Generally it is probably true to say that cytoarchitectonic 
analysis, with its extensive staining methods, has not yet reached its 
limits, and its contribution has been largely in its divisions of 
cortical areas in terms of cellular structure. One needs to supple- 
ment this knowledge with knowledge of the frontal areas derived 
from psychological experiments, neuronography, and so on. Here 
one must draw on the work of Fulton, Stanley and Jaynes, and 
many others. 

(1) The frontal lobes may be divided into the orbito-frontal 
cortex (projection area of dorso-medial nucleus of the thalamus), 
9, 10, 11, 12, as well as 13 and 14 on the orbital surface. 

(2) The cingulate gyrus (24) ; the projection area of the antero- 
medial nucleus of the thalamus. 

(3) Broca's speech area 44 and 45. 


Area 24 has an. antero-medial connexion which, in turn, has a 
projection from the mammillary bodies, thus the hypothalamus is 
linked with the cortex. The antero- ventral and antero-dorsal nuclei 
project to areas 25 and 29. The dorse-medial nuclei are stationed on 
hypothalamic, and orbito-frontal, projections. 

The hypothalamic-frontal connexions imply a connexion 
between autonomic function and the cerebral cortex, and the 
methods of neuronography have well illustrated this. The integra- 
tion of autonomic responses probably takes place in the frontal, 
particularly in the orbital, surfaces. Evidence on these points 
comes from leuchotomy cases, as well as from neuronography. 
There appears, indeed, to be considerable overlap (Fulton, 1949) 
of autonomic and somatic function in cortical areas in the frontal 

It is necessary now to pass on to the consideration of the 
behavioural aspects of the frontal lobes, and the correlation 
between somatic function and behaviour, and one is forced to 
concede straight away that there are serious problems to be faced. 

(1) There are, as yet, insufficient behavioural checks on 
neurological findings, and contrariwise, neurological methods are 
not yet sufficient. 

(2) The difficulty of finding homologous areas in different 

(3) The difficulty of individual variation within the species. 

(4) The complex problem of individual differences in learning. 
This may dominate the actual neural model with respect to neural 

(2) and (3) have been built up to a great degree by the work of 
Clark and Lashley (1947), and bear on matters of localization. 

The function of suppressor areas, as described by Stanley and 
Jaynes, is to relax all striate musculature, raise the threshold of the 
precentral cortex, and reduce, or disrupt, after-discharge of the 
motor cortex. It is also of immediate interest that all the suppressor 
bands connect directly to the caudate nucleus, although it must be 
admitted that the very existence of suppressor areas is open to 
some doubt and, in view of this, they will not be discussed 


Kluver's classical experiment, involving bilateral frontal ablation 
in a monkey, is concerned with the monkey's reaction to the 
stimulus of the sight of a grape. He will pick up the grape and begin 
to move it towards his mouth, but if he is then shown a second 
grape he will drop the first one and pick up the second. This 
process may go on until the monkey is surrounded by grapes, 
having eaten none (Kluver, 1933). It need hardly be added that 
this cannot be reproduced in the normal monkey. One is 
reminded, parenthetically, of the behaviour of very young 

A large number of such experiments are quoted and compared 
both by Fulton (1949) and Stanley and Jaynes (1949), and men- 
tioned by Hebb (1949), and we shall now gather together their 
results on the effect of frontal ablation. 

(1) The increased food intake factor (Hyperphagia). 

(2) Alterations in emotional and social behaviour as exemplified 
by the experiment of Jacobson, Wolfe, and Jackson, who found 
that two previously excitable chimpanzees were persistent, and 
benign, in a delayed reaction test, even in the face of repeated 
failure. Both had bilateral ablation of the frontal region. Ward 
(1948) found that unilateral or bilateral ablation of area 24 (cin- 
gulate gyrus) in four monkeys led to a profound change in the 
animals* emotional and social behaviour, while other workers have 
been able to observe no such changes. 

Arnot (1949), in presenting his theory of frontal lobe function, 
re-emphasized the now well-established fact that changes in social 
behaviour take place. Arnot saw the frontal lobe function as one 
involving the persistence of emotional states, chains of thought, 
motor activities and motor inhibitions. This will certainly be seen 
to fit some of the facts well. 

(3) Thirdly, there is the fact of hypermobility (sometimes also 
inertness is observed) following on bilateral ablation of the 
frontal region. This has been specifically demonstrated by Ruch 
and Shenkin (1943) on bilateral ablation of area 13 of Walker, and 
on no other part of the frontal cortex, and has been confirmed by 
Fulton, Livingstone and Davis (1947); Mettler (1944), however, 
failed to confirm it. He found that hypermobility follows bilateral 
ablation of area 9, or the pre-motor areas. It is also interesting to 


note that vision apparently plays a major role in the sensory control 
of hypermobility. Kennard, Spencer and Fountain (1941) found 
that enucleation of the eyes, occipital lesions, or even darkness, 
reduced the total amount of activity in monkeys. 

(4) According to Settlage, Zable and Harlow (1948), there is a 
difficulty in 'habit reversal' in an *either-or* test, which is sub- 
sequently reversed for the correct response. In the view of these 
workers there is a marked difference between the reversal patterns 
of the frontal animal, as opposed to the normal. There exists a 
perseveration of the non-reinforced habit shift in the normal 

(5) There is intellectual loss sometimes observed, and finally 

(6) We should mention that there is normally a general change in 

In another report, Harlow, Meyer and Settlage (1951) discuss a 
study they carried out on the effects of extensive unilateral lesions 
in a group of monkeys. They also used another group of monkeys 
(there were four in each group) who had both unilateral lesions 
and destructions of lateral surface of contralateral prefrontal 
region. A control group of four was also used. They found that 
there was almost complete loss of function in the 'delayed re- 
sponse* situation, even though medial and orbital surfaces of the 
frontal lobe were intact. They also found that generalized response 
was affected in the prefrontal monkey. 

Some interesting comparable results were found by Blum, 
Chow and Blum (1951) on the Macaca mulatto., in the auditory 
dicrimination habit and the delayed reaction test (auditory and 
visual clues used). Blum noted that the mid-lateral destruction 
caused serious impairment, whereas ventro-lateral or dorsal 
destruction caused only slight impairment. It was noticeable, too, 
that the total amount of destruction seemed important in the 
mid-lateral case. 

(5) Seriatim problems involve poor performances in 'frontal' 
monkeys. Jacobson's experiments (1931, 1935, 1936; Jacobson 
and Elder, 1936; Jacobson and Haslernd, 1936; Jacobson, Wolfe 
and Jackson, 1935) are illustrative of this. He had two chim- 
panzees and gave them six months training in (a) delayed reaction 
tests, (b) problem boxes, and (c) stick and platform problems. 


The Problem boxes, of which there were two types, involved in 
the first instance a simple, single operation, such as pulling a rope 
or rod. The second operation had a more complex combination 
box, in which a rope, rod and crank had to be operated in a 
particular order to open the box. Both animals were operated on, 
and at first one frontal area was removed in each, the areas involved 
being 9, 10, 11 and 12. The animals were subsequently tested for 
three months, and then the second frontal area was removed, with 
apparently no change in behaviour. However, between the first 
and second operations there were, in fact, certain not easily 
observable changes that Jacobson (1931, 1936) described as 
'frustrational behaviour' (e.g. when unrewarded in discrimination 
or delayed reaction tests if the wrong choice was made), and the 
presence of 'temper tantrums'. After the second operation there 
was a complete lack of emotional expression, and the chimpan2ees 
appeared to be unworried by failure. After the bilateral ablation, 
the chimpanzees failed the double stick and platform test. In 
Jacobson's work it appears that the anterior parts of area 24 were 
destroyed, and that the orbital surfaces, on the other hand, were 
left intact. 

The next experiment is concerned with Lashley's conditioned 
reaction problem, a type of discrimination problem in which two 
stimuli are presented, and one is conditioned with respect to some 
other feature of the environment, e.g. black and white cards were 
presented, and food was given for response to the black card. 
Normal animals learnt this easily, but the 'frontals' failed in a 
thousand trials. The delayed reaction problems are of various 
forms and reference should be made to the original work for 
further details (Jacobson, 1931, etc.). The results are fairly con- 
sistent. Jacobson found delays up to 2 min in normal 
monkeys, and also found that the responses were, at worst, 
destroyed by bilateral ablation; at best, delays of some 3 or 
4 sec were obtained. Campbell and Harlow (1945) have 
found that by certain devices, such as increasing the time interval 
after operation, and time intervals between trials, longer delays 
could be obtained. 

One confirmatory experiment was carried out by Chow, Blum 
and Blum (1951) in which they used monkeys (Macaca mulatto) 
with bilateral parieto-temporo-preoccipital ablations. Subse- 


quently there was removal of the frontal granular cortex. Tests 
and observations of sensory states and abilities in discrimination 
(vision, somesthesis, audition) were made before and after the 
frontal operation, and the conditioned reactions and delayed 
responses in the monkeys were listed. The effects of additional 
prefrontal ablation on the four monkeys were, as interpreted by 
the experiments: (1) Decrease in visual activity in one monkey, 
and restriction of visual field in another; the other two were 
apparently unaffected with respect to sensory defects. (2) Deficient 
retention was observable in two monkeys, and deficient discrimina- 
tion with respect to temperature and roughness in two. There 
appeared to be no failure in visual discrimination. (3) There was a 
decrement on the conditioned reaction problem. (4) Three of the 
monkeys failed completely on the delayed response, and the fourth 
was considerably poorer. (5) There was a general increase of 
activity in all the animals. 

One further inference made by these workers is of interest. 
They discuss the occurrence of 'fringe activity* in the cortex, and 
imply that a model of cortical activity must include the notion of 
dominant and recessive controlling factors overlapping. Such 
cortical overlap is very suggestive and consistent with a conception 
of the cortex as a functional mosaic, which may account for the 
variable results so often found after repeated stimulation of the 
same cortical 'point* even without differences of strength of 

Sholl (1956) believes the frontal lobes are the seat of co-ordina- 
tion and fusion of the incoming and outgoing products of the 
several sensory and motor areas of the cortex and we may guess 
that the frontal lobes are probably simply storage areas, from the 
computer point of view, and although these storage areas are 
probably primarily concerned with the higher level integrative 
activity, it is also likely that they participate in the networks of the 
cortex, having effects of a variety of kinds on other particular 
activities such as autonomic function and emotional changes. The 
speech areas, of course, are specific but can still be regarded as 
storage registers. This sounds ridiculously simple, but it is a fact 
that, from the whole vast amount of experimentation so far per- 
formed, little more could be said in a general way as a pointer to 
frontal lobe function. 


The Problem boxes, of which there were two types, involved in 
the first instance a simple, single operation, such as pulling a rope 
or rod. The second operation had a more complex combination 
box, in which a rope, rod and crank had to be operated in a 
particular order to open the box. Both animals were operated on, 
and at first one frontal area was removed in each, the areas involved 
being 9, 10, 11 and 12. The animals were subsequently tested for 
three months, and then the second frontal area was removed, with 
apparently no change in behaviour. However, between the first 
and second operations there were, in fact, certain not easily 
observable changes that Jacobson (1931, 1936) described as 
'frustrational behaviour* (e.g. when unrewarded in discrimination 
or delayed reaction tests if the wrong choice was made), and the 
presence of 'temper tantrums'. After the second operation there 
was a complete lack of emotional expression, and the chimpanzees 
appeared to be unworried by failure. After the bilateral ablation, 
the chimpanzees failed the double stick and platform test. In 
Jacobson's work it appears that the anterior parts of area 24 were 
destroyed, and that the orbital surfaces, on the other hand, were 
left intact. 

The next experiment is concerned with Lashley's conditioned 
reaction problem, a type of discrimination problem in which two 
stimuli are presented, and one is conditioned with respect to some 
other feature of the environment, e.g. black and white cards were 
presented, and food was given for response to the black card. 
Normal animals learnt this easily, but the 'frontals' failed in a 
thousand trials. The delayed reaction problems are of various 
forms and reference should be made to the original work for 
further details (Jacobson, 1931, etc.). The results are fairly con- 
sistent. Jacobson found delays up to 2 min in normal 
monkeys, and also found that the responses were, at worst, 
destroyed by bilateral ablation; at best, delays of some 3 or 
4 sec were obtained. Campbell and Harlow (1945) have 
found that by certain devices, such as increasing the time interval 
after operation, and time intervals between trials, longer delays 
could be obtained. 

One confirmatory experiment was carried out by Chow, Blum 
and Blum (1951) in which they used monkeys (Macaca mulatto) 
with bilateral parieto-temporo-preoccipital ablations. Subse- 


quently there was removal of the frontal granular cortex. Tests 
and observations of sensory states and abilities in discrimination 
(vision, somesthesis, audition) were made before and after the 
frontal operation, and the conditioned reactions and delayed 
responses in the monkeys were listed. The effects of additional 
prefrontal ablation on the four monkeys were, as interpreted by 
the experiments: (1) Decrease in visual activity in one monkey, 
and restriction of visual field in another; the other two were 
apparently unaffected with respect to sensory defects. (2) Deficient 
retention was observable in two monkeys, and deficient discrimina- 
tion with respect to temperature and roughness in two. There 
appeared to be no failure in visual discrimination. (3) There was a 
decrement on the conditioned reaction problem. (4) Three of the 
monkeys failed completely on the delayed response, and the fourth 
was considerably poorer. (5) There was a general increase of 
activity in all the animals. 

One further inference made by these workers is of interest. 
They discuss the occurrence of 'fringe activity' in the cortex, and 
imply that a model of cortical activity must include the notion of 
dominant and recessive controlling factors overlapping. Such 
cortical overlap is very suggestive and consistent with a conception 
of the cortex as a functional mosaic, which may account for the 
variable results so often found after repeated stimulation of the 
same cortical 'point' even without differences of strength of 

Sholl (1956) believes the frontal lobes are the seat of co-ordina- 
tion and fusion of the incoming and outgoing products of the 
several sensory and motor areas of the cortex and we may guess 
that the frontal lobes are probably simply storage areas, from the 
computer point of view, and although these storage areas are 
probably primarily concerned with the higher level integrative 
activity, it is also likely that they participate in the networks of the 
cortex, having effects of a variety of kinds on other particular 
activities such as autonomic function and emotional changes. The 
speech areas, of course, are specific but can still be regarded as 
storage registers. This sounds ridiculously simple, but it is a fact 
that, from the whole vast amount of experimentation so far per- 
formed, little more could be said in a general way as a pointer to 
frontal lobe function. 


Cortical stimulation 

Penfield and Rasmussen (1950) have carried out extensive 
research in the cerebral cortex in the course of cranial operations on 
a number of patients suffering from epilepsy. One of the important 
reminders they give is with respect to the facts discovered initially 
by Sherrington and Graham Brown on reversal of response, and 
the allied problem of facilitation. These are worth stating in 
operational form. 

If point A on the precentral gyrus is stimulated and produces 
finger flexion, then the same response may be elicited considerably 
anterior to A, say at J3, whereas direct stimulation of B would not 
in fact produce finger flexion. Reversal of response can be elicited 
similarly by stimulating a point B to elicit extension, then stimu- 
lating A, producing flexion, and continuing to stimulate in turn 
points at short intervals downward along the precentral gyrus. 
Flexion will follow each stimulus up to and including point 5. 
Anomalous results of the same kind may be found in the motor 
cortex when a point C, say, apparently changes its function to a 
wrist movement instead of a finger movement. 

Summation, after-discharge, inhibition, etc., were all elicited by 
cortical stimulation, and it is of interest that Sherrington and 
Brown regarded inhibition as more characteristic of the cortex 
than excitation. 

Temporal and parietal areas and motor-sensory cortical 

Information on the cortical areas other than the frontal lobe are 
of some considerable interest. The areas 17 and 18 of the occipital 
lobe are rather especially connected with visual function, and 
these will receive further consideration in the next chapter. The 
temporal and parietal lobes will now be briefly discussed. 

Penfield (1947) associates the 'dream states' of Hughlings 
Jackson (1931) with the temporo-parietal areas under the name 
'psychical seizures'. Penfield and Rasmussen (1950) consider that 
the temporal area, while including auditory and vestibular 
representation, . is primarily devoted to 'memory* and 'sensory 
perception*. As far as perception is concerned it is assumed to 
depend, in part, on memory; but with epileptic discharge in only 


one temporal area and the resulting confused hallucinations, a 
'false memory* becomes involved. Thus perceptual illusion results 
in part from disturbance in one temporal area. If, as Penfield and 
Rasmussen have pointed out, a patient had epileptic discharge 
in a single remaining lobe, then the faulty 'perceptions' could 
not be corrected. Faulty perceptions, it should be added, are 
not always corrected when there is another healthy lobe 

It is emphasized that the temporal areas are not distinct, or 
clearly delimited, from their surround, so that there appear to be 
involved: hearing, vestibular function, speech and hand skills, 
visual and smell functions. Temporal lobectomy (involving only 
the lobe) does not normally involve serious memory defects (Pen- 
field and Rasmussen, 1950), although sometimes interference with 
the optic radiations affects the patient's vision. Indeed more 
recently, Milner (1958) has shown some specific memory loss 
depending on the side of the lobectomy. 

Marsan and Stoll (1951) report that the temporal pole is 
frequently the focus of epileptic discharge; using neuronography, 
conduction of electrically induced after-discharge, and evoked 
potentials, they investigated subcortical structures in monieys and 
found the pulvinar-lateral nucleus, septal-fornix, hypothalamus, 
basal ganglia and thalamic reticular system all had thalamic 

Especially interesting from the behavioural point of view are 
the studies of temporal lobectomy (Riopelle, Alpher, Strong and 
Ades, 1953; Chow, 1952, 1954; Meyer, 1951 and 1958) on learning 
sets (Harlow, 1949). 

The simple problem confronting a monkey, say, is to discover 
which of two covers is concealing food; they can transfer then to 
other such covers in a single trial. Meyer describes this in terms of 
freeing the monkey from trial-and-error behaviour we shall, of 
course, be tending to think of this in terms of the transfer from 
one store to another (Chapter IV), but let us see what the con- 
nexion with the temporal lobes is. Very briefly, the normal monkey 
accumulates knowledge (generalizations) while the temporal 
monkey seems to find each problem a new one, indeed he does not 
form learning sets. 

From the cybernetic point of view this last is one of the most 


interesting results since it suggests the possibility, at least, that the 
temporal areas contain precisely the storage registers associated 
with material that has been learned, mostly in the form of general- 
izations. Other experiments have been carried out confirming these 
results (Meyer, 1958) and aimed to distinguish the factors of 
retention and acquisition, both of which were found to be affected. 
Scoville and Milner (1957) showed, that in human, bilateral 
medial temporal lobe resection extensive enough to damage the 
anterior hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus, results in persistent 
impairment of recent memory. On the other hand neither the 
bilateral removal of the uncus and amygdaloid nucleus nor uni- 
lateral temporal lobe removal affects recent memory. It may be 
concluded that the hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus are 
therefore important features in recent memory. At the same time it 
would be rash to say they were actually the registers directly 
concerned yet they may supply a source of registers concerned 
with recently acquired data which are essential to the learning 
process, and thus of course vital to the formation of learning 

Milner and Penfield (1955) performed partial temporal lob- 
ectomy on two human epileptics. They extirpated the hippo- 
campus, hippocampal gyrus, uncus and amygdaloidal nuclei in 
the dominant hemisphere. 

There was evidence of damage to the opposite hippocampal 
area; there was also a deficit in recent memory but without any 
change in I.Q., reasoning, etc. Tests given showed that immediate 
recall was unaffected, but that there was a total loss of information 
after 5 min, and this also obtained for recognition and recall, 
for verbal and non-verbal material. 

A third patient without non-dominant hippocampal damage did 
not show these memory effects. 

There is further evidence to substantiate these findings. Lashley 
was apparently influenced by Hughlings Jackson in a fairly extreme 
way when he showed, in a series of experiments, the surprising 
ability of the cerebral cortex to recover from all sorts of insult, and 
as a result he moved away from the older concepts of cortical 
localization to a much more functional view. 

General conclusions on the temporal lobe must include Pen- 
field's (1947) work on temporal stimulation, which generally 


elicited relatively precise, familiar, visual scenes in the patient. 
Penfield and Rasmussen are quoted: 

It would seem, also, that the original formation of the memory pattern 
must be carried out from a high level of neural integration, for a man 
remembers the things of which he was conscious and especially the 
substance of his own reaction to them. The same was true of memories 
evoked by stimulation. They were usually composed of familiar elements, 
at least to the same extent as dreams are. 

The general conclusion on the temporal lobe at this stage is that it 
involves a fairly high degree of neural organization in the form, 
presumably, of some sort of synaptic patterns. Naturally these 
relatively stable patterns (whatever their detailed form may take) 
are primarily associated with memory and perception. 

The parietal area appears (Penfield and Rasmussen, 1950) to be, 
largely, an area involving elaboration of certain functions; for 
instance, the superior parietal area may be associated with hand 
and foot movements, and the inferior parietal area with speech 
'elaboration'. The parietal area here referred to lies directly 
behind the postcentral gyrus. The arguments are, generally, induc- 
tions made from operative surgical cases of parietal removal, from 
both the dominant and non-dominant hemispheres. One example 
concerns a patient who had a large cortical removal from the non- 
dominant parietal lobe. He had no sensory disturbances in the 
opposite arm, but found difficulty in manipulating this hand in 
tasks set him. He also had difficulty in dressing himself, as the left 
arm was to a large extent ignored. 

Lashley (1950), in discussing memory in terms of nervous 
function, drew the following conclusions: 

(1) It seems certain that the theory of well-defined conditioned 
reflex paths from sense organs via association areas to the motor 
cortex is false. The motor areas are not necessary for the retention 
of sensori-motor habit, nor even of skilled manipulative patterns. 

(2) It is not possible to demonstrate the isolated localization of 
a memory trace engram anywhere within the nervous system. 
Limited regions may be essential for learning or retention of a 
particular activity, but within such regions the parts are function- 
ally equivalent. The 'engram' is represented throughout the 

(3) The so-called associative areas are not storehouses for 


specific memories. They seem to be concerned with modes of 
organization and with general facilitation or maintenance of the 
level of vigilance. The defects which occur after their destruction 
are not amnesias but difficulties in the performance of tasks which 
involve abstraction and generalization, or conflict of purposes. It is 
not possible as yet to describe these defects in the present psycho- 
logical terminology. Goldstein (1939) has expressed them in part 
as a shift from the abstract to the concrete attitude, but this 
characterization is too vague and general to give a picture of the 
functional disturbance. For our present purpose the important 
point is that the defects are not fundamentally those of memory. 

(4) The trace of any activity is not an isolated connexion be- 
tween sensory and motor elements. It is tied in with the whole 
complex of spatial and temporal axes which forms a constant 
substratum of behaviour. Each association is oriented with respect 
to space and time. Only by long practice under varying conditions 
does it become generalized or dissociated from these specific co- 
ordinates. The space and time co-ordinates in orientation can, I 
believe, only be maintained by some sort of polarization of 
activity, and by rhythmic discharges which pervade the entire 
brain, influencing the organization of activity everywhere. The 
position and direction of motion in the visual field, for example, 
continuously modifies the spinal postural adjustments, but a 
fact which is more frequently overlooked the postural adjust- 
ments also determine the orientation of the visual field, so that 
upright objects continue to appear upright in spite of changes in 
the inclination of the head.* This substratum of postural and tonic 
activity is constantly present, and is integrated with the memory 
trace (Lashley, 1949). 

I have mentioned evidence that new associations are tied-in 
spontaneously with a great mass of related associations. This 
conception is fundamental to the problem of attention and interest. 
There are no neurological data bearing directly upon these prob- 
lems, but a good guess is that the phenomena which we designate 
as attention and interest are the results of partial, sub-threshold 
activation of systems of related associations which have a mutual 
facilitative action. It seems impossible to account for many of the 

*It has been drawn to my attention that in fact mistakes in orientation will 
in fact occur under certain circumstances with a change of inclination of the head. 


characters of organic amnesias except in such general terms as 
reduced vigilance or reduced facilitation. 

(5) The equivalence of different regions of the cortex for reten- 
tion of memories points to multiple representation. Somehow, 
equivalent traces are established throughout the functional area. 
Analysis of the sensory and motor aspects of habits shows that 
they are reducible among components which have no constant 
position with respect to structural elements. This means, I believe, 
that within a functional area the cells throughout the area acquire 
the capacity to react in certain definite patterns which may have 
any distribution within the area. I have elsewhere proposed a 
possible mechanism to account for this multiple representation. 
Briefly, the characteristics of the nervous network are such that, 
when it is subjected to any pattern of excitation, it may develop a 
pattern of activity, reduplicated throughout an entire functional 
area by spread of excitations, much as the surface of a liquid 
develops an interference pattern of spreading waves when it is 
disturbed at several points (Lashley, 1942). This means that within 
a functional area, the neurons must be sensitized to react in certain 
combinations, perhaps in complex patterns of reverberatory circuits, 
reduplicated throughout the area. 

(6) Considerations of the numerical relations of sensory and 
other cells in the brain make it certain, I believe, that all of the cells 
of the brain must be in almost constant activity, either firing or 
actively inhibited. There is no great excess of cells which can be 
reserved as the seat of special memories. The complexity of the 
functions involved in reproductive memory implies that every 
instance of recall requires the activity of literally millions of 
neurons. The same neurons which retain the memory traces of one 
experience must also participate in countless other activities. 

Recall involves the synergic action of some sort of resonance 
among a very large number of neurons. The learning process must 
consist of the attunement of the elements of a complex system in 
such a way that a particular combination or pattern of cells 
responds more readily than before the experience. The particular 
mechanism by which this is brought about remains unknown. 
From the numerical relations involved, I believe that even the 
reservation of individual synapses for special associative reactions 


is impossible. The alternative is, perhaps, that the dendrites and 
cell body may be locally modified in such a manner that the cell 
responds differentially, at least in the timing of its firing, according 
to the pattern of combination of axon feet through which excitation 
is received. 

This statement, by one of the greatest authorities on the neuro- 
logical foundations of behaviour, seems worthy of mention in this 
context even though it is being used here mainly to underline the 
intrinsic complexities of the nervous system. 

The above statement of Lashley's could have been made more 
comprehensive if it had not been for the lack of an adequate 
background model; for example, the search for a memory, in the 
above terms, shows a compartmentalized attitude to a theoretical 
term that is incompatible with the sort of philosophical analysis 
and cybernetic model required here.- As a result, although it is not 
possible to accept wholeheartedly Lashley's conclusions at any 
rate at all levels the neurophysiological evidence put forward by 
Lashley remains vital. The six points he makes are largely con- 
sistent with the notion of a logical network whose reverberatory 
activity may be short-circuited by cells from any particular area 
without destruction of the network. 

The principal implication, from this, is to drop the notion of a 
cortical area whose function is controlling only, and of the circuit 
that can only be controlled from a particular localized area. It 
may be controlled, normally, from one cortical area, but it may be 
amenable to control from any point in the network. Looking back 
over the reports made by Lashley and his associates on their 
extensive neurosurgical experiments, it seems that if one assumes 
a network that involves many anatomical layers, and which fires 
off circuitously, and in more than one way, then the sort of 
destruction carried out by Lashley would produce precisely the 
results that he found. 

If the existing neurosurgical results are coupled with those of 
Penfield and Rasmussen, Milner, Scoville, and Milner et al., on 
stimulation of the temporal areas, they complete the suggested 
picture of a network, where the 'elaboration' areas may be 
assumed to play an important part in the integration of networks. 

It can well be seen that the age-old argument about movement- 
patterns and musculature and their cortical representation is 


partly a verbal problem and partly an organizational one. What is 
represented is some part of a network which is directly a function of 
all the body musculature. In short, the cortical neuron is not in 
control of a particular muscle, but may be connected with one or 
more networks which initiate specific muscular activity. Thus 
cortical localization takes on a rather new significance. 

The programming of computers to learn suggests that informa- 
tion may be changing fairly quickly in the central nervous system. 
At least, if it is true for the nervous system that the continuous 
recording of information is necessary as it seems to be in a 
computer programme then this, too, would account for the 
results derived by Lashley. 

We must also ask at this stage how the nervous system represents 
information if it can be moved quickly from location to location, 
as it does from register to register. We shall leave the answer to 
this question until the end of the next chapter. 


We cannot complete even a cursory survey of neurology and its 
relation to behaviour without a brief mention of the very extensive 
field of language and speech disorders. We can at least outline the 
terminology used: 

There is a certain specific set of complaints concerned with loss 
of recognition. This is collectively called 'agnosia', and it may be 
visual, auditory and tactile. On the motor side the name 'apraxia' 
is given to loss of ability to do things this implies loss of habits 
like tying a necktie and so on, even though no paralysis may be 

Aphasia is used to describe language disorders in the brain, 
both sensory and motor, and a wealth of different sorts of problems 
are involved. 

To take one typical example, a patient may have motor aphasia, 
and he may know what he wants to say, and be able to write this, 
but be quite unable to say it. The implication being that transfer 
into the output has somehow been destroyed. From the point of 
view of neurophysiology the problem is one of strict localization 
versus non-localization (Goldstein, 1939), although it seems likely, 
as Head and Jackson have suggested, that it is actually a matter of 


'degree of localization'. Visual recognition has been connected with 
area 18 and visual reminiscence with 19 ; area 39 for reading language ; 
area 7 for tactile recognition; Wernich's area in the temporal lobe 
for speech recognition; area 38 for musical recognition; and so on. 

From the cybernetic point of view it looks as if one would get a 
series of similar effects in an ordinary digital computer if particular 
instructions were obliterated; e.g. if the transfer to output 1 
instruction were missing, the information could only be put out 
through output 2, say, and this parallels motor aphasia. The same 
effect might be achieved by cutting the wire carrying the informa- 
tion to output 1. These analogies are natural ones to adopt and 
suggest, perhaps, not so much a crucially high degree of localiza- 
tion since a computer can place the same information in different 
registers, and can be multiplexed in order to offset the effects of 
destruction but a measure of localization with effects brought 
about by partial destruction of a fairly specific kind. This seems to 
mean, in view of the neurophysiological evidence, a fair measure of 
localization as far as 'area* is concerned, if not actual 'points'. 

With this we must conclude this brief survey, and in the next 
chapter we shall turn to more specific attempts to model the ner- 
vous system and some aspects of its function. 


In this chapter we have attempted to give some idea of the 
range of knowledge of neurophysiology, and sufficient anatomy to 
follow the argument. It has not been intended as a chapter for the 
neurophysiologist, but rather for the experimental psychologist 
with a fair knowledge of the nervous system. We have also tried to 
fill in enough extra explanatory detail to make it intelligible to the 
reader interested in cybernetics, but with little or no knowledge of 
the workings of the nervous system. 

It is clear that the nervous system divides into sections or units 
that can be broadly correlated with behavioural function, and we 
have now arrived at a stage where the correlation has to be made 
much more detailed. The way we are advocating that this should 
be done is through the development of a series of models in paper- 
and-pencil and hardware which will help us to gain a clearer idea 
of nervous function. 


It should be added that this chapter should be read in especial 
conjunction with the next chapter, since one of the later sections 
of that chapter summarizes the most up-to-date views on neuro- 
physiological function as outlined by Pribram. This could well 
have come at the end of this chapter, where it would certainly be 
relevant; nevertheless it seems reasonable, in the light of other 
considerations, to defer it. 



IN this chapter we turn our attention to more general ('molar') 
models of the nervous system. We start with what are explicitly 
theories, but which are perhaps best regarded as models, or at 
least preliminary blueprints for models. 

This chapter attempts to form a sort of link between the physio- 
logical evidence of the previous chapter and the idealized or con- 
ceptual system dealt with earlier. 

It may appear inadequate and even inept to the physiologist 
that cyberneticians and other model builders should proceed by 
steps to the reconstruction of physiological models for human 
behaviour, but it seems to be the fact that it is quite impossible to 
effect the transformation in one step, and this means that we must 
make the most of every analogy and clue that offers itself in what 
will undoubtedly prove to be a slow and lengthy process. 

We shall start within the realm of neurophysiology, with the ad 
hoc model suggested by Pavlov. This is built around the notion of 
a conditioned reflex (see Chapter VIII, page 181). 

Fundamental to Pavlov's neurophysiological theory comes the 
notion of 'excitation' and 'inhibition', but his use of these terms, 
particularly 'inhibition', is different from that of Sherrington and 
most of classical neurophysiology; here it is made to refer to actual 
conical processes of a gross kind, without reference to the state of 
individual synapses. He further assumes that the cortex is an 
analyser upon which the whole of the muscular, etc. systems of the 
organism are mapped. 

The cortex, and probably also the subcortical ganglia, are 
assumed to have the property of plasticity, which refers to relatively 
permanent neural changes. 

It is as well to remember that the Pavlovian neurophysiological 
theory is essentially a mirror of classical conditioned response 



theory, and the conditioned response is assumed to be the funda- 
mental unit of nervdus activity. The actual formation of the 
conditioned response involves the establishment in the cerebral 
cortex of a connexion between the centre of the conditioned 
stimulus and the centre of the unconditioned stimulus. 

The actual cortical processes pictured by Pavlov took place in 
phases. Afferent stimulation set up an excitatory process at a 
definite point of the cortex, diminishing with the distance from 
the point of origin. The second phase is one of recession and 
concentration at the initial point. The picture is then supple- 
mented by a further series of theoretical terms which try to make 
for consistency between theory and observation, and we find 
introduced the notion of (neural) induction. As the cortical process 
subsides at any point, it may be succeeded by the opposite process 
which is called 'induction*. Negative induction intensifies inhibition 
under the influence of preceding excitation (induction comes about 
in a relative way, due to relative change of threshold, in a manner 
analogous to the fatigue theory of after-images) ; positive induction 
intensifies excitation following inhibition. 

The conditioned reflex is assumed to be set up in the following 
way: excitation set up by neural stimulus at A irradiates from A 
and will be concentrated at some other point B which is the focal 
point of the unconditioned stimulus. Thus, to speak metaphori- 
cally, a sort of channel is set up between A and B in such a way 
that drainage takes place from a 'weak* to a 'strong' centre. 

Generalization next follows, from the fact that excitation at B 
will be aroused by A, or excitation at some near centres A' y A" y 
A'" y etc., all very similar to A, Inhibition arises if B is extinguished 
by presentation of stimulus without reinforcement. Internal 
inhibition is really the name for this last process, as opposed to 
external inhibition which involves the contemporaneous eliciting of 
a different unconditioned response with the conditioned stimulus. 
Other manifestations of inhibition are in the form of inhibitory 
after-effect and disinhibition. Inhibitory after-effect is generaliza- 
tion of inhibition. Furthermore, inhibition can be removed 
temporarily under the influence of foreign stimuli, and this is 

The presence of generalization in the theory implies the presence 
of differentiation and of conditioned inhibition, which is a particular 


:ase of differentiation. There is also one further kind of internal 
nhibition, known as inhibition of delay, which involves a condi- 
ioned response followed after an interval of the unusually long 
ime of 2 or 3 min by an unconditioned response. 

Following some concentrated experimental work by Krasna- 
jorsky there exist some experimental generalizations which we 
hall call the Krasnagorsky generalizations: 

(1) The more the conditioned stimulus resembles the stimulus 
>riginally inhibited (extinguished or differentiated), the more 
asting is the inhibitory after-effect. 

(2) The more the conditioned stimulus resembles the inhibitory 
timulus, the stronger is the inhibitory after-effect, granted equal 
ime intervals. 

(3) Secondary inhibition of all conditioned stimuli applied 
fter inhibitory stimuli increase gradually, achieves its maximum 
fter a dozen or so seconds, and then diminishes. 

(4) The more times the inhibitory stimulus is repeated, the 
tronger and more lasting is the inhibitory after-effect. 

(5) Secondary inhibition of active conditioned stimuli imping- 
Qg upon the same analyser as the inhibitory stimuli is stronger and 
nore prolonged than the inhibition of stimuli impinging upon 
>ther analysers. 

With all that has gone before there exist some further assump- 
ions about the nature of the cortex itself. The cortex, in fact, 
>ecomes viewed as a mosaic of points in states of relative inhibition 
>r excitation, and this introduces one or two more notions. 

Capability is the term used to denote the fact that different cells 
tave different degrees of excitability, and the application of more 
ban top excitation brings out protecting inhibition. 

The phase of equalization is defined as the condition when both 
trong and weak conditioned stimuli evoke an identical conditioned 

This brief summary of the rather vague Pavlovian model 
llustrates the principal points made and the general methods 
dopted, which should be sufficient for our present purpose. 

Let us now consider some criticisms of the Pavlovian theory. 

(1) First it should be said that the cortical picture is generally 
ague, idealized, and somewhat removed from experimental fact. 


Pavlovian excitation and inhibition are essentially inferential 
processes, and should be broken down into their constituents. 
Much of the model is also remotely metaphorical, e.g. the notion of 

(2) More specifically, irradiation is non-demonstrable in the 
simple form suggested by Pavlov. Neuronography techniques 
(de Barenne et al.) have demonstrated great variability in spread 
of excitation; Brodman areas 5, 17, 18 and 19 show virtually no 
spread, while spreading effects in other areas are by no means as 
simple or symmetrical as is suggested by Pavlov. 

(3) Pavlov assumed that conditioning was an explicitly cortical 
process, and the apparent conditioning of de-corticate animals 
(even though difficult to obtain) by Ten Cate (1923), Culler and 
Mettler (1934), and others suggests a revision of the idea that 
cortical integrity is essential. 

(4) For Pavlov, the term 'inhibition* is at least different from the 
term 'inhibition' which implies synaptic inhibition in the classical 
neurophysiological theories. From comments 2 and 3 it is clear 
that Pavlovian inhibition, which refers to a quasi-permanent state 
of the cortex, is not a model with much empirical support, although 
it is not alone in this respect. 

(5) In the classical theory we have action by contact in the 
sense that neurons fire neurons in a more or less precise manner. 
Neither Pavlovian irradiation of excitation or inhibition behaves 
quite in this manner, although they could perhaps be made to 
conform to this extra constraint, particularly by using the Lorente 
de No hypothesis of closed chains of cortical activity; but again 
this might be difficult to reconcile with the specific usages of 
Pavlovian terms. 

(6) From Konorski's (1948) viewpoint the most important error 
of a fundamental kind is the assumption, deep-rooted in Pavlov, 
that excitation and inhibition are not only essentially cortical 
processes, but that both the excitatory state evoked by application 
of an active conditioned stimulus, and inhibition evoked by 
application of an inhibitory conditioned stimulus, are localized in 
the cortical centre of the stimulus. This leads to the total omission 
of the reflex arc (not necessarily a bad thing) and, more dubiously, 
it leads to concentration on unspecified states of excitation and 
inhibition which irradiate or concentrate, summating or restricting, 


etc., and above all, it is not committed to particular neuron 

The point made by Konorski is that different states can be 
introduced at a cortical centre merely on the grounds of whether or 
not a stimulus is reinforced. 

(7) Another difficulty remarked upon by Konorski is that of 
making sense of the notion of 'indifference states' that exist be- 
tween centres of excitation and inhibition. 

Now we shall summarize the further developments of Konorski's 
arguments against the background of the internal inconsistencies 
in the Pavlovian model: 

Firstly, there is the vagueness in the distinction between excita- 
tion and positive excitability, as there also is between inhibition 
and negative excitability. The notions of positive and negative 
excitability refer to states (more or less permanent) of cells, as 
opposed to the processes of excitation and inhibition. An example 
of the confusing manner in which these terms have been used is the 
establishment of differentiation which may be followed by an 
increased conditioned response, thanks to the permanent influence 
of positive induction from the inhibitory focus, in spite of the fact 
that it is also said that positive induction can be brought about 
only by inhibition. Another example of the confusion appears in 
the proposition that the administration of bromides increases the 
size of the conditioned response and of the positive induction 
evoked by the concentration of inhibition. When we go on to read 
that a wave of excitation caused by an extraneous stimulus 
may summate with the excitation of a conditioned stimulus, 
whereas a wave of excitation may 'wash away* the inhibitory 
excitability of a given point and leave a temporary state of positive 
excitability, the confusion increases, and the versatility of these 
theoretical terms becomes embarrassing. 

A further assertion of the theory, which is attributable to Piet- 
rova and Podkopayez (see Pavlov, 1927), is that which says that 
irradiation is immediate with very strong or very weak stimuli, 
and is delayed until the stimulus has ceased with medium stimuli. 
This assumption is not verified, and (particularly if we add the 
Pavlovian notion of top inhibition) it leads ultimately to an explana- 
tion of internal inhibition by two quite separate mechanisms: 


concentration of excitation and negative induction, or irradiation 
of excitation and top inhibition, and these processes appear to be 
opposed. Here again the theory is confused. 

There are many other details of internal inconsistency, for 
example, the problem of sleep as explained by internal inhibition 
is open to criticism. Furthermore, other writers before Konorski, 
such as Beritoff (1932), have noted defects in the Pavlovian 
model. But probably enough has been said here to show that, at the 
best, it is not adequate, for although it has indeed been of consider- 
able service in the past, it is no longer sufficiently useful as a model 
for cybernetics or behaviour theory. 

Konorski's model 

We will now consider what appears to be a useful integrative 
step, the Konorskian model (1948), which represents the Pavlovian 
theory in a Sherringtonian guise. 

Konorski's first point is that plasticity is a concept central to all 
neurology and behaviour theory, and he suggests that it is a 
property of the intact organism-as-a-whole. He gives some 
interesting examples of the properties of plasticity, e.g. 

(1) The application of a certain combination of stimuli (here we 
include an individual stimulus in the term combination) tends to 
give rise to a definite plastic change, the repetition of the combina- 
tion leads to 'cumulation' (i.e. an increase in this change), and this 
cumulation, like the law of effect, has certain limiting properties. 

(2) If the combination of stimuli, which is the cause of the 
plastic change, is not applied, this change suffers regression, etc. 

These propositions represent, of course, generalizations from 
observations of behaviour in the organism-as-a-whole, and it is not 
easy to demonstrate the neurological correlates. The best-known 
theory of neural growth is probably that of Aliens Kappers 
(Kappers, Huby and Crosby, 1936). He proposes that new neural 
connexions are established by growth of neural processes. They 
grow after stimulation in such a way that if two cells are simul- 
taneously excited, the resulting ionization is assumed to direct the 
growth of axons towards the cathode, and dendrites towards the 
anode, and thus sets up new synaptic connexions. This idea has 
been used by Holt (1931), and Hebb (1949) has re-stated the 


position that a Kappers-growth is morphologically impossible, 
and has not, in fact, been observed over any large distance, but 
remains a possibility over small distances which, in Hebb's own 
treatment, is all that would be necessary. 

Konorski's integration starts from the assumption that the 
simplest and best-known type of plasticity is the conditioned reflex, 
which involves the setting up of new functional relationships 
between concurrently excited groups of nerve cells. Konorski calls 
the centre of the conditioned stimulus the 'conditioned centre', 
and the centre of the reinforcing unconditioned stimulus is called 
the 'unconditioned centre 5 . These centres may or may not be 
cortical, but they will normally involve the cortex. The connexion 
between these centres, unlike the Pavlovian centres, is assumed to 
be extremely complex, and involves a number of intermediary 
stations or internuncial centres. Konorski substitutes for the 'top 
capability* of cortical cells the classical notion of occlusion. The 
occlusion, which involves the diminution of the strength of two 
stimuli, say, when their sum is far too strong for the effector 
system, is assumed to occur in the unconditioned centre. This 
form of modification has been extensively carried out throughout 
Pavlov's work, with the aim of increasing internal consistency. 

Now there is one important extension of the Pavlov theory 
that needs to be considered before we can adequately summarize 
the Konorskian revision. With respect to plasticity, the classical 
conditioned response is not considered to be the only mechanism. 
The classical response, or conditioned responses of the first type, 
must be supplemented by conditioned responses of the second 
type; this has been referred to as 'instrumental conditioning' in 
some of the psychological literature. The data, which are well 
known to psychologists, need not be repeated here. The various 
examples of type II conditioning were enumerated in Chapter 
VI: (1) reward, (2) escape, (3) avoidance, and (4) secondary 
reward, involving us (Hilgard and Marquis, 1938) in the principles 
of substitution, effect, expectancy, etc. 

Konorski takes a type II experiment and infers from it that 
unconditional stimuli can be divided into two categories: those 
which by reinforcing the animal's movement cause it to perform 
the movement spontaneously, and those which by reinforcing the 
movement cause it to perform an antagonistic movement. He calls 


these positive unconditioned stimuli and negative unconditioned 
stimuli, respectively. 

It should be said in the first place, with regard to the changes 
suggested by Konorski, that there is at least a doubt as to whether 
the conditioning terminology is usefully taken over to describe the 
whole of nervous activity. It seems that the classical conditioned 
response is a special case of the general associative processes in- 
volved in the central nervous system, and that whether or not we 
regard type II conditioning as a type of conditioned response is 
purely a matter of terminology, and therefore not one of the 
greatest importance to our cybernetic modelling. 

There are certainly some aspects of the changes in notation 
made by Konorski that seem to fit the facts better, in that a definite 
gain appears to have been made in breaking down some of the 
theoretical terms by our increased observation. The phenomenon 
of generalization of excitatory conditioned reflex seems perhaps 
better accounted for by the notion of partial cortical overlap, for 
which there is some evidence (Liddell and Phillips, 1951; Lilly, 

The notion of 'occlusion', which acts as a limiting mechanism in 
the top value of conditioned reflexes, seems a more satisfactory 
theoretical term than the 'top capability' of cortical cells, if only in 
so far as we thereby attain an integration with classical theory. 

This last remark, of course, is generally applicable to the Konor- 
ski revision, which is to be commended on the grounds of integra- 
tion in scientific theory, and the achievement of the use of the same 
theoretical terms and formulations as classical theory. Much, also, 
of the internal inconsistency of Pavlov has been remedied, with the 
result that the confusion over inhibition, negative excitability, 
etc., has now largely gone. The new statement about the formation 
of the inhibitory conditioned response is now explained in terms of 
the contemporaneous excitation of the conditioned centre, with 
fall of excitation in the unconditioned centre. Also, the observable 
fact of increase of the excitatory conditioned reflex concurrently 
with the inhibitory reflex seems more adequately explained by 
summation of the excitatory conditioned response and the excitato- 
inhibitory response, with facilitation predominating. 

But whereas Konorski has supplied a necessary criterion for 
conditioning and thus, perhaps, for all learning in the notion 


of plasticity, his particular idea of how this may take place is 
perhaps, in the light of the latest neurophysiological work, not 
wholly plausible. 

He assumes that there is an emitting centre where the stimulus 
to be conditioned is centred, and a receiving centre for the 
unconditioned stimulus, and potential connexions between these 
centres which involve growth and the multiplication of synapses. 

This bears a relation to the theory proposed by Hebb, but with 
this difference, that it seems to fall foul of the evidence on cortical 
localization from experiments in cortical ablation by Lashley and 
others, evidence which suggests something a little more subtle in 
the actual organization of these cortical centres. This model, as 
well as Hebb's, at least lacks experimental verification as it stands. 

Eccles (1953) assumed, in his explanation, that two knobs were 
necessary for the synaptic excitation necessary to generate an 
impulse. He also assumed that the same neurons could contribute 
to different patterns of nervous activity involved with a concept of 
cortical overlap, for which there is some empirical evidence. 

In his explanation of conditioning Eccles starts from the reflex 
arc, and then assumes that the conditioned stimulus causes the 
discharge of afferent impulses along a particular pathway, where 
they converge on neurons also excited by the impulses in the 
collaterals from the afferent pathways of the unconditioned 
stimulus. Synaptic facilitation is caused by the post-synaptic 
potential, and leads to impulses being set up in otherwise unaffected 
neurons, and there is an increased sensitivity of those synaptic 
knobs that are most used. Here we see a close parallel to Hebb's 
basic assumption of the development of neural connexions. 

From this area so affected we generate a spatio-temporal pattern 
of impulses that link the conditioned and the unconditioned 
stimulus. And for this purpose Eccles draws a particular 'neuronaP 
net, as he calls it, which shows just how this interaction could take 
place (Eccles, 1953, page 221 et seq.). 

The models that are considered here are all rather generalized, 
and neglect the more recent and more detailed analysis of parti- 
cular nervous areas; especially, they neglect the work on the reti- 
cular system, and the latest research of an electrical kind. This is 
no defect in the theories considered, since their value lies in the 
fact that they were built as descriptions, however elementary, of 


the nervous system, and they can be translated into cybernetic 

It is of interest that the building of cybernetic models to mirror 
these models of nervous activity depends on making the model 
precise, and at the same time acts as a check on its functional 

From what has already been said in earlier chapters it is clear that 
a finite automaton can easily be constructed to carry out the 
activity of a Konorski or Eccles type model, but equally it seems 
certain, for reasons which are partly based on the economy of cells 
and partly on further neurophysiological evidence, that these 
models are still nothing like a precise model of what occurs in the 
actual human brain. 

The ethologists 

Ethology is closely bound up with behaviour and with the 
models for that behaviour and rather like much of molar experi- 
mental psychology has tended to construct theories and models 
using any available analogue whatever (Thorpe, 1956; Lorenz, 
1950; Tinbergen, 1951; et al.). Ethology is the study of animal 
behaviour, carried out in the main by zoologists and primarily 
from a comparative point of view. 

We shall not here attempt to summarize the various fields of 
ethological modelling and experimental activity, since much of it 
overlaps what has been said in this and the previous chapter. 
Pavlov and Konorski have been reviewed, and although Pavlov's 
theory is now largely rejected, Konorski's grew from it, and this in 
turn has led to many other theories such as those of Hebb (1949), 
Pringle (1951) and Eccles (1953), which have received careful 
consideration in ethological circles. 

Indeed, it is increasingly realized that cybernetics is a source of 
models for theorizing in neurophysiology. Pringle's model, in- 
volving the coupling of oscillators which show properties of lock- 
ing and synchronization, is typical of the cybernetic approach, 
even though not carried out under that particular name. 

Hebb will be considered more fully later in this chapter and in 
the next, in the background of perception, but his theory, too, 
tends towards the cybernetic, and falls short of being so classified 



only in the degree to which it is effective. It is not mathematical as 
are those of Shimbel (1949, 1952), McCulloch and Pitts (1943), 
Minsky (1954) and many more that have been constructed, and by 
the same token it is not wholly precise. Also, it depends upon the 
concept of closed active circuits of the kind suggested by Lorente 
de N6, as well as the idea of neurophysiological growth suggested 
by Kappers and others, and both these suggestions, especially the 
first, are open to some doubt, even though it is difficult to imagine 
how learning in the nervous system would be possible without at 
least one of the two concepts. 

Lashley's theory 

There is a theory of nervous function that has been proposed by 
Lashley (1929b). Some indication of Lashley's ideas was given in 
the previous chapter, and here we shall simply append some of the 
principles that Lashley regarded as important even necessary 
to any models of the nervous system. 

In the first place, generalization is thought to be an essential 
basic property of neurons, and one dependent on the integrity of 
the cerebral cortex, without which the organism loses the necessary 
capacity to adapt to a changing environment. 

Such generalizations, according to Lashley, must occur in the 
visual system where the fixation of points varies, and thus occasion 
stimulation of many different retinal cells, although we are aware 
of a single object only. This is assumed to involve a memory trace 
which is a property of the whole nervous system. 

The cortex was regarded by Lashley as being a set of resonators. 
He further assumed the interference of different sensory excitations 
which would lead to modification of ordinary, isolated, sensory 

He also believed that cortical neurons were in constant activity, 
and that complex patterns of interaction were the basis of integra- 
tion. This view is, of course, intended to be in opposition to one 
that regards external events as mirrored in the nervous system by 
specific, and relatively isolated, pathways. 

This particular conclusion is one we should bear in mind when 
trying to construct economical finite automata, since it seems 
certain that such a view is fundamentally correct ; in fact it may not 


be inconsistent (Hebb, 1949) with the concept of specific pathways 
and neuron circuits being connected with different learned items. 
Lashley proposes four types of integration in the cerebral 
cortex: (1) the selective patterning of excitation, (2) sensitization 
to pattern anticipation, (3) stimulus equivalence, and (4) con- 
vertibility between temporal and spatial patterns. Some of these 
matters directly affect perception, and they will be discussed later 
in Chapters IX and X; in the meantime we shall consider a 
specific problem of learning and the nervous system; one that was 
dealt with especially by Hebb. This is the problem of early and late 

Early and late brain injuries 

This is doubtless a matter of considerable importance both to 
the behaviour-theorists and to the neurologists, and the evidence 
will be summarized briefly. 

Penfield and Rasmussen (1950) are of the opinion that there is a 
marked difference between cortical destruction in youth, and 
cortical destruction later in life (see their work on the use of speech 
'elaboration' areas, p. 222). Hebb's summary states the essential 
points (1949, p. 289 et seq.). I.Q. is generally far more affected by 
brain injury early in life than by equivalent injury in adulthood. 
One interesting point, made by Hebb, is that the 'Binet' type test 
shows least well any change in I.Q. after brain injury (except for 
the relatively specialized speech areas) since the nature of such 
tests is not sufficiently fine a probe. Obviously a greal deal of the 
argument here depends on the nature of the term 'intelligence', and 
this term, as used in most test situations (especially Binet-type), 
includes much that depends on memory function, general experi- 
ence, etc. If the injury occurs early in life, the necessary generalized 
functions will not be sufficiently developed; if later, then the 
logical (neural) nets set up will by-pass the injured areas. The 
inference is that much cortex may be needed initially for making 
the network which, later, can be retained by far less cortex. The 
implications for automata construction are very significant, and 
suggest an important distinction between learning and having 
learned. However, there may well be two factors (the hereditary 
and the experiential) which contribute towards 'intelligence', and 
the problem here is to guess what light it throws on neurophysio- 


logical function. It could be that a certain set of neurons may be 
included in a network, all the cells of which are necessary to the 
initial assembly, and that destruction of a part may, in general, lead 
to a by-passing of the missing parts, but not to the destruction of 
the network. This is, roughly, the Hebb view, and it has the ring 
of credibility. 

Of the hosts of further experiments on different cortical areas 
and their total or partial destruction, we would mention here 
Sperry, Stamm and Miner (1956), who showed that the corpus 
callosum was necessary in cats for the transfer of training of a 
tactile discrimination from the left paw to the right. Since the work 
of Olds and Milner (1954), Bursten and Delgado (1958) and 
others have done a great deal of work showing that direct stimula- 
tion of the cortical areas had a reinforcing effect on behaviour. 
There has also been some work on the function of the lateral and 
medial geniculate bodies. 

Adding to the enormous amount of work already done, each 
new publication in this subject brings more enlightenment; even 
while this is being written some new evidence may have taken us 
a step further. But in the whole body of the knowledge we have 
acquired in this field there is still nothing which denies the very 
general view that the brain is an extremely complex switching 
system, the details of which will take us many years to unravel. 

In absolute terms, the sum total of our present information is 
indeed large, but it is small relative to what we wish to know. We 
can see, however, the possibility of applying the principles of 
classification and conditional probability to what we know. 

The visual cortex could certainly be viewed as a visual classifica- 
tion system; other areas could also be regarded as classification 
areas (association areas) with respect to input information from 
the other special senses. This means that the greater part of the 
brain could feasibly be thought of as being made up of a set of 
storage registers. Information is clearly transferred in complex 
fashion from point to point, and the system as a whole is suffi- 
ciently 'multiplexed' to make it fairly certain that loss of particular 
neurons does not necessarily stop the activity normally associated 
with particular cortical areas. 

It would seem unreasonable to regard the cortex as being wholly 
pre-wired, as is a finite automaton, in terms of logical nets; but 


when viewed in terms of growth nets, or growth processes, we can 
see the possibility of formulating an appropriate blueprint. 

Consciousness even (Culbertson, 1950) has been analysed in 
logical net terms, and this is a significant indication of the use of 
cybernetics. Even if we reconsider the problem of human activities 
in terms of their nervous systems, we can still supply models 
appropriate to the task, at least in principle. From this point of 
view the complexity of electrical and chemical-colloidal changes is 
unimportant, although to neglect such evidence would ultimately 
prove to have been extremely foolish. 

There is nothing by way of evidence in this or the previous 
chapter which goes against the idea that the brain is appropriately 
viewed as an enormously complicated computer system even if 
both digital and analogue. Indeed, when viewed in this light, there 
are no results of electroencephalography, cortical destruction, or 
electrical stimulation that should occasion any surprise whatever. 
All that is derived from neurophysiology is a series of clues to the 
blueprint we are looking for. At the moment, the scent can hardly 
be called warm, but already we can see the sort of results that 
might be expected from a cybernetic point of view. 

In the digital computer, we think of the routine behaviour as 
being carried out in terms of a programme that places the instruc- 
tions inside the storage and then automatically operates on the 
data usually numerical according to the nature of the instruc- 

This could equally mirror the human activity, except of course 
that the human is not generally operating on a fixed set of special 
instructions ; in certain cases, though, he may be, such as where he 
is following an exact set of instructions in his job. But generally he 
will be told the desired end-result, without being given an explicit 
method for reaching that end-result, and then he must scan his 
storage system for information that allows him to proceed to the 
end state. He will also be subjected to further inputs while working 
on a programme, which means that he has to have storage space for 
future programmes necessitated by these inputs, which may also 
modify present programmes. Obviously the human differs from 
the digital computer as normally used in this respect. 

It is for the above reason that we tend to think of our computer 
analogue with a functionally interdependent input tape and output 


tape. These tapes work in one direction, and are associated with 
instants of time. In such an automaton it is, of course, now essential 
to have a storage system, and the store we would envisage is 
precisely the sort of general storage arrangement described in 
Chapters V and VI. The problem of human organization is thus 
the same as the problem of organization of stored information, 
apart of course from showing how the concepts, etc., are built up 
inside the storage system in the first place. 

The implication is clear that the human brain is primarily a 
storage system, and it is connected with the immediate processing 
of input data from the main sensory sources. This still leaves a 
variety of questions about the manner in which the storage is 
effected, and this is the great problem for future physiological 

Let us now consider some of the other approaches to our 
problem. Incidentally, in so doing we shall be led back to the 
problem of conceptual models. 

Beurle's model 

Beurle (1954a, 1954b) has suggested a theoretical model for 
aspects of neural nets (Sholl, 1956), for which he considers a 
whole set of units with the following properties: (1) They are 
connected in a non-specific manner which can be described 
statistically; (2) Active units can excite inactive units by means of 
immediate connexions; (3) Over a period of time, summation of 
excitation occurs; (4) When the summated excitation exceeds a 
certain 'threshold* value, the unit becomes active; (5) There is a 
'refractory period 5 after firing before a unit takes any further part 
in neural activity. 

Beurle predicted many interesting properties from these 
assumptions, and he used a further assumption similar to that of 
Chapman, in supposing that a threshold is slightly diminished 
with each firing. 

The assumption of random connectivity is one that can be 
introduced into logical nets, from which starting point, by growth, 
or by the non-use of pre-wired connexions, the specific logical nets 
can be derived. Beurle's block of units is thought to be similar in 
some respects to the cerebral cortex, and there is little doubt that 
some extension of this kind is necessary to bring the Uttley type of 


model into line with the neurological facts; such an extension 
could be easily achieved. 

A somewhat similar viewpoint to Beurle's was expressed by 
Turing in an unpublished paper on 'Intelligent machinery', in 
which he was able to show that a randomly connected network with 
experience could take on a specific form. 

Ashby's model 

In returning to Ashby (1947, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1956a, 1956b) 
we are coming full circle with respect to cybernetic models which 
purport to bear some resemblance to the brain. 

The Homeostat has already been discussed in Chapter IV. 
Ashby has also set down his design for a brain in a separate book; 
the theory, being essentially mathematical, proposes that step 
functions are appropriate descriptions of a feedback system which 
has the necessary property of ultrastability. 

Stewart (1959) has pointed out a difficulty in the application of 
such 'homeostatic* principles to the brain: 

The number of moves needed as a stable field is achieved increases as a 
roughly exponential function of the number of degrees of freedom of the 
system. For large systems, it is therefore essential to increase the prob- 
ability of stability by some means. 

This difficulty may be overcome by having a number of ultra- 
stable systems a 'multistable' system and Ashby has designed 
such a model. 

More recently, Ashby has proposed a theory of cybernetics 
which depends on the notion of transformation and permutation 
groups. This represents a form of description that has some ad- 
vantages at a purely functional level, and indeed such a description 
could be regarded as an alternative to a logical net description, 
since logical nets can easily be dealt with as a branch of matrix 
algebra, as we have seen, and such sets of matrices have, in certain 
cases, group properties which bear a similarity to the suggestions 
made by Ashby. But here we are heading right away from the 
neurological, and are back wholly in the realm of finite automata. 

Hebb's cell assembly and Milner's mark n cell assembly 

Hebb's (1949) cell assembly is a hypothetical structure ob- 
viously intended to be understood as a conceptual nervous system. 


It is made up of a collection of cells which are closely associated as a 
result of learning. The learning involves the firing of a set of cells 
which may be originally in a fairly randomly organized state. 
Cells excited in the visual cortex (area 18) are actuated by some 
visual stimulus A, say, and this set will have many cells in common 
with the assembly activated by other visual stimuli J3, C, D 9 ... 
These cell assemblies, through fractionation and recruitment, or 
growth, become differentiated and highly organized. In the future, 
sequences (a 'Phase Sequence') of cell assemblies occur, mirroring 
the activities of perception and learning. 

Hebb's system will not be discussed here; for a detailed discus- 
sion reference should be made to Hebb's writing. Some mention 
of Hebb's system is also made in the next chapter, but the main 
point is that his system is too versatile as it stands, and although 
it is similar in many ways to the sort of logical nets we have been 
describing, it has needed a good deal of modification. 

In Hebb's Cell Assembly four factors determine whether or not 
a cortical neuron fires. These four factors are: (1) The number of 
impulses bombarding the neuron from all sources for the few 
milliseconds during which temporal summation is assumed to 
take place ; (2) The strength of the synapses, which is a function of 
recurrent firing; (3) Whether or not the neuron is refractory, and 
(4) Neural fatigue. 

Hebb's system starts in random form but learns much too 
quickly to be a realistic model of learning in organisms ; but this 
rate of learning can be brought into line with the facts by use of 
inhibition (cf. Chapman's model). 

Milner (1957) assumes that cell assemblies and phase sequences 
occur subject to the neural postulate as suggested by Hebb. Figure 
1 shows the Milner assumptions in network form. 

He first assumes that there are neurons with long axons with 
cortico cortico connexions, and neurons with short axons with 
local inhibitory connexions. Through facilitation from the non- 
specific projection system cortico-cortico transmission is made 
possible, and thus one neuron may fire some ten or more neurons, 
and these ten may themselves each fire ten or more. The idea is 
that neurons with long axons fire the neurons with short axons in 
their neighbourhood and, as more of the short axon cells fire, more 
inhibitory neighbourhoods come into being. 


Figure 2 demonstrates the next point, which is that recurrent 
inhibitory connexions are assumed to occur whereby a cell A fires 
and inhibits B, C and ), but not itself. This means that by firing 
A we are protecting it from inhibition, and this will affect equili- 
brium activity in the cortex by the setting up of re-exciting path- 
ways. Eventually adaptation brings about a lowering of firing. 

In these terms we can undertake to look again at the manner in 
which a stimulus A leads to a response C and to a further stimulus 
B. (These letters do not apply to the letter names for the cells in 
Fig. 2.) Milner says that a cell assembly, after being under direct 


net has the simple property of exciting one element and at the 
same time inhibiting the neighbouring cells (see text). 

control, is under indirect control for some minutes, and A has 
either latent or active trace associations with B and C. The word 
'priming* is used to describe the lowering of threshold that follows 
the stimulation of a cortical cell by an afferent impulse; the effect 
is supposed to last only a few seconds. The sensory projection areas 
of the cortex are final distribution centres for sensory impulses, 
and the organism ignores stimulation if the cortex is already very 
active. But if the cortex is not very active, and the stimulus is very 
strong, then the activity of the cortex will be significantly changed. 
Learning is presumed to occur because sets of neurons once 



fired together are assumed to refire together. Selective excitation 
occurs much as in the original cell assembly; however, there is 
assumed to be a fringe of uncertainty, which means that the total 
pattern of cortical activity is not determined by a single stimulus. 
Phase sequences may be fired by internal as well as sensory means. 
Finally, Milner assumes that recruitment comes from priming, 



cells which when fired inhibit their neighbouring cells. This 
figure is closely comparable to Fig. 1. 

and that perceptual overlearning implies ease of linking assemblies. 

Now motivation affects learning and rate of responding, and it is 
assumed that arousal systems are cholinergic, that motivation and 
emotion are correlated, and that novel stimuli are more potent 
than ordinary stimuli in arousing activity. 

This model of Milner's is ingenious, and is not lacking in 
physiological plausibility; we shall see that the basic ideas, or some 


of them, are incorporated into the Pribram model which is 
described in the next section. 

Pribram's theory outline 

The penultimate section of this chapter will be devoted to a 
recent summary by Pribram (1960) of the world of neurophysio- 
logy. His most interesting summary is selective, and really 
amounts to the outline of a theory almost of a model. It is of 
special interest to us because of its strong cybernetic leanings. 

Pibram's first point is that brain tissue has intrinsic rhythms, and 
although the cerebral cortex may be said to be quiescent without 
input, it is easily aroused to prolonged activity, and this may be 
taken to imply a complex memory process. In the intact organism, 
the spontaneous discharge of receptors maintains a certain level of 
cortical activitjrl 

In recent years, of course, this spontaneous activity has been 
increasingly thought of as occurring in the reticular system. 

The second, and perhaps the main point of Pibram's view is 
that the reflex arc is increasingly being thought to be replaced by 
the closed loop circuit elements, feedback units or homeostats, and 
indeed evidence for the feedback unit is now growing rapidly! 
Granit (1955) and Galambos (1956) have shown that the optic ancl 
otic systems respectively have efferent activities originating in the 
receptors that can be directly modified by the central nervous 
system. Thus, the assumption of sensory and motor nerves made at 
the beginning of the previous chapter must, like the concept of 
the reflex arc, be modified to some extent by these new ideas. 

To generalize the stimulus-response or reflex arc is now the 
problem, and Miller, Galanter and Pribram (1959) have suggested 
a unit they call a TOTE. The letters TOTE stand for test- 
operate-test-exit. The tote sequence is a basic neurological unit; it 
represents a sort of servo-operation, and one which suggests 
graded responses in organization, in opposition to the all-or-none 
law of nervous function. 

Steps taken in the direction of graded response mechanisms are 
exhibited by the recent discovery of graded dendritic potentials 
(Li, Culler and Jasper, 1956; Bishop and Clare, 1952). 

It is of interest that these graded response mechanisms were 


discovered during an attempt to establish the source of potentials 
recorded on the EEG. Their significance is by no means fully 
understood, but Pribram himself has suggested that they play 
some part in the test step of the TOTE sequence. Somewhat 
similar graded responses are also observed in the interaction 
between the cortex and the reticular system. 

Pribram describes the work on the reticular system and the 
diencephalic structures as leading to a new concept of what he calls 
the 'concentric nervous system', the system built from the inside 
outwards. The system, which contains further homeostats in the 
form of respiratory control, food intake control, and so on, is near 
the midline of the ventricular system. 

Hebb (1955) and Olds (1959), among others, have emphasized 
the drive-regulating aspect of the reticular system, but drive itself 
is now thought to be composed of many components, such as: 
(1) selection, (2) activation and (3) equilibration. The resemblance 
here to a servo-control system is obvious, and of course the 
implication is clear that the type of need-reduction theory of 
motivation suggested by Hull is only a part, in reality, of the total 
motivational process, and that at this level the motivational system 
can act by 'conceptual* means which is something that we had 
anticipated on other grounds. 

The limbic system, which is the name for the structures on the 
innermost edge of the cerebral hemispheres, have been closely 
associated with motivational and emotional behaviour, and there 
have been suggestions that this system has associations with 

One of Pribram's main hypotheses is that the limbic system 
regulates the disposition of organisms, and this it does by the 
use of neural homeostats. 

The frontal intrinsic mechanism, he believes, is like the posterior 
intrinsic mechanism in being loci sensitive to and partly deter- 
mined by experience in their representations, the big problem 
being the timing of the pattern of firing. The intrinsic repre- 
sentational process is hierarchically organized, and is sensitive to 
variations in circumstances, provided that these variations are not 
overly abrupt. The posterior systems are primarily related to the 
major projective systems, and are organized to select the invariant 
properties of receptor stimulation. 


The frontal mechanism is primarily related to the limbic 
formations of the endbrain, which are organized to enhance con- 
stancies of state which, in turn, are dependent on the biased 
homeostats of the brain stem core. 

The posterior intrinsic mechanism is reinforced completely 
when the organism is fully informed, and the frontal intrinsic 
mechanism is reinforced completely when the organism is fully 
instructed. Pribram suggests that attention is given to instructions 
until conditions are met. The first reinforcement is through the 
identification of the similarities among the range of differences, 
and the second is through the fulfilment of intentions. This seems, 
as Pribram says, very different from Hull's need-reduction 
principle, but it could be that only a slight modification is necessary 
to make the two come together, and indications of the sort of 
changes we are looking for are not far to seek. In the first place, we 
are fairly sure that need-reduction is not a simple or linear process, 
and that conceptualization comes into the picture. There is also the 
probability that curiosity may be acceptable as a drive that is to be 
reduced, and by virtue of which generalizations and classifications, 
both perceptual and conceptual, take place. All this is built upon 
Hull's admittedly oversimple, but very useful, concept of need- 

In summary, Pribram suggests that a hierarchical process in the 
nervous system is necessary and sufficient for reinforcement to 
occur and, using Mackay's (1956) idea, it is suggested that selective 
modification interacts with representation. A unique match will 
stop the searching process, which has proceeded by successive 

There are two stages to problem solving. The first stage is to 
gain information, and the second is to order and utilize that in- 
formation. The posterior and frontal intrinsic systems are thought 
to be responsible, and are concerned, in the first case, with 
differences between past and present invariance in stimulation. 
The frontal intrinsic areas, through the limbic system, are sensitive 
to differences between past and present and dispositional states of 
the organism. 

All this is achieved by multi-linked homeostats attempting to 
attain ultrastable dispositional states; these connect directly 
with the limbic system of the endbrain, and so control the biases 


of the central core of the brain stem, while others control the 
ordering of the behavioural processes and sequences of actions. 

Homeostats are assumed to abound in the internal core of the 
brain stem, and there is a modality nonspecific activating system 
that is directional, with drive components in a generalized, specific 
sensory and hedonistic form. Changes in the activating system, 
through graded response mechanisms, modify homeostats in their 
area. The graded response shows a change in excitation in the 
nervous system and this, with signal transmission, suggests to 
Pribram the usefulness of the models of Kohler, Lashley and 
Beurle. In Pribram's own words: 

Reinforcement by cognition, based on a mechanism of hierarchically 
organized representatives, dispositions and drives regulated by multi- 
linked and biased homeostats ; representational organization by virtue of 
graded, as well as all-or-nothing, neural responses; spontaneously 
generated, long-lasting intrinsic neural rhythms; organisms thus con- 
ceived are actively engaged, not only in the manipulation of artifacts, but 
in the organization of their perceptions, satisfactions and gratifications. 

This quotation reminds us again that the gulf between empirical 
descriptions and conceptual analyses is very narrow indeed. We 
are not to be thought of as either stating facts or as theorizing, for 
the two go together; and Pribram's ideas, when clarified by 
semantic and cybernetic analysis, will be found to be very close 
to those that are being put forward in this book. 

One more thing should be said before leaving Pribram: the 
particular emphasis on Lashley and Kohler is indicative of the 
link between the cruder mechanisms of the past and the better 
integrated mechanisms of today. This does not, of course, mean 
that materialistic thinking was wrong even assuming the present 
trends are correct but rather that models have become more 
sophisticated and slightly less simple. 

Cybernetic models in general 

The brain is clearly a vastly complicated system, and there is an 
obvious naivety doubtless irritating to a neurophysiologist in 
such statements as, 'just a switching device', 'the eyes are like a 
television scanning system', 'the brain is a complex digital (and ana- 
logue) computer', and so on. Let us, then, put the whole matter in 
another way. 


A great deal of progress has been made in neurophysiology and 
neuroanatomy by thinking of the brain and the nervous system as 
a telephone exchange system ; and although a great many objections 
have been made to this analogy, it has had its uses. However, with- 
out pressing analogies into literal descriptions, we may say that the 
concept of computers is also a useful one for, of course, through 
finite automata, we can make our computer any way we like. 
Growth nets (Chapman, 1959) may eventually be the appropriate 
description of models which would serve as bases for descriptions 
of the nervous system. For the moment, it would be a considerable 
step if we could see some relation between the particular finite 
automata outlined in Chapter IV, and what has been said of the 
actual nervous system. 

The principles involved were classification, stochastic storage, 
conditional probabilities, generalization, and of course the 
existence of built-in systems. Feedback is taken to be implied by 
the organization, which is essentially an elaboration of an input- 
output system with complex storage, and with modification of 
response-tendencies through experience. At the highest level we 
have the problems concerned with symbolic representation of 
input output events. This problem of language represents without 
doubt one of the big challenges for the future. 

While emphasizing once more that finite automata even those 
in logical net form are not necessarily to be interpreted as 
actual nervous systems, it is clear that such a relation would be 

Von Neumann (1952) has hazarded the guess that 'neural pools' 
may occur in the nervous system which are similar in form to the 
restoring organs which he has described; these might be used for 
maintaining accuracy in those parts of the nervous system where 
analogue principles apply. 

Kleene (1951) makes our purpose clear when he describes his 
own neural nets in the following manner: 

These assumptions are an abstraction from the data which neurophysio- 
logy provides. The abstraction gives a model, in terms of which it be- 
comes an exact mathematical problem to see what kinds of behaviour the 
model can explain. The question is left open how closely the model 
describes the activity of actual nerve nets. Neurophysiology does not 
currently say which of these models is most nearly correct ... 


Rashevsky (1938), Householder and Landahl (1945), and 
others of the school of mathematical biology, have tried to 
apply the methods of mathematical physics directly to biology, 
and therefore represent yet a further attempt in the direction of 

Sholl (1956) has discussed the quantification of neuronal 
connectivity, as has Uttley (1955) and other writers since. 

A different approach to the problem has been made by Coburn 
(1951, 1952) in what he describes as the 'Brain Analogy', in 
seventeen postulates. This model keeps close to the facts of 
conditioning, and has the advantage of being precise in form, and 
capable of being translated into logical nets. The relation to actual 
neurology is slight, but nevertheless it has the advantage of being 
in keeping with some of the facts. As a model it is a step in the 
direction of the mathematical models of learning mentioned 

We (George, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960) may now summarize a few 
of the tentative interpretations that are implied by our own 
investigations. Broadly speaking, our C-system is to be identified 
with the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia; the input is identified 
with the special senses, merging into the cortex and the C-system. 
The M-system is surely to be identified with the effects of the 
internal organism, making use of the reticular system, on the 
thalamus and hypothalamus. The jE'-system is identified with the 
hypothalamus and the autonomic system. These ideas are, of 
course, crude, and need to be refined. 

In the first place we must regard the nervous system as having 
special purpose and analogue systems (both built-in and chemical), 
to which our logical nets are only an approximation. 

The storage systems make up the bulk of the cerebral cortex, 
and the problems are largely of the special function of particular 
sets of registers and their mode of operation. It is not difficult for 
the reader to take the next step and envisage the range of possible 
models which might next be described with an eye to experiment. 
However, more will be said on this matter in the final chapter of 
the book. 

We shall turn in the next chapter to an analysis of perception, 
and we shall perform the analysis from a cybernetic, a molar 
psychological, and a neurophysiological point of view, together. 



In this chapter we have taken our neurophysiological discussion 
one stage further. Apart from Pribram's summary of the contem- 
porary neurophysiological situation, the chapter is largely con- 
cerned with more conceptual models of the nervous system which 
are not intended to have anything like complete and immediate 
verisimilitude. This in itself brings out clearly, and yet again, that 
in science, models and theories that mirror precisely, or make 
precise predictions of events, cannot always be immediately built; 
and this is the reason why conceptual and logical models are so 
useful, even necessary, to our theory construction programme. 

Although we have not explicitly discussed Hebb's cell assembly 
theory, we have mentioned many aspects of it. It is, in any case, 
one of the best known of neurophysiological theories, and it is 
hoped that Milner's modification of the cell assembly theory as 
described in this chapter has been found intelligible. 

The work of Pavlov and Konorski is not always easy to read, 
because of the rather ugly nomenclature, but nevertheless it was 
thought important that their views should be summarized. 

We have given little more than a mention to the work of the 
ethologists, and readers interested in the work of Tinbergen, 
Lorenz, Thorpe and others may feel that we have hardly done 
them justice. The reason for this, as for the brevity of comment on 
many other closely related topics, is simply that this book has 
to be kept to a reasonable length ; no biologist, at any rate, will be 
ignorant of the very useful work in this field done by ethologists. 



CHAPTER VII dealt with some of the traditional problems of what 
has been called 'learning' and while it is necessary to 'break-down' 
our analysis of behaviour into such terms as 'learning' and 'percep- 
tion', we must bear in mind that we are doing so with some deal of 
arbitrariness. A precise definition of either term is very difficult to 
phrase, and since we may assume that the reader is fairly familiar 
with what occurs between the covers of books on perception, we 
shall not attempt anything approaching a careful analysis or 
formalization of the term. In the meantime we can at least say 
that 'to perceive' is something more than 'to sense' and something 
less than 'to know'. 

The majority of psychologists have given full approval to the 
position taken up by Hebb (1949), who believes that one of the 
big problems of modern psychology is to find large scale relations 
between psychology and physiology. 

In perception, this attitude led directly to Hebb's efforts to 
initiate the job of reinterpreting physiologically the evidence 
collected within psychology; indeed, Hebb's evidence has helped 
to demolish the arguments stemming partly from Lashley's 
work that the behavioural facts of perception cannot be repre- 
sented by any sort of specific neurophysiological processes. There 
is, in fact, no evidence to support a denial of the possibility of 
specific behavioural acts being directly correlated with specific 
states of the nervous system, neither is there any evidence to 
support a field theory of neurology of the type suggested by 
Kohler (1940). At the same time we have seen that too narrow a 
mechanistic view has had its particular difficulties. The writer has 
no wish to minimize the value of Gestalt theory, but it must be said 
that it never was a complete theory, and useful concepts such as 
'wholeness' that it has formulated have now been more or less 
incorporated into the body of scientific behaviour theory. 



Osgood and Heyer (1952) have done much, as did Marshall and 
Talbot before them, to suggest a more satisfactory link between 
physiological states and introspectively-given perceptual data, and 
this connexion will be followed up. These present tendencies are of 
importance to a general account of the visual system in its percep- 
tual as well as in its sensory aspects; the figural after-effect has 
been of special interest in this respect. 

The figural after-effect is simply the effect of one perceptual 
configuration on another. If you look at an open line circle on a 
piece of paper, and then look at a square on another piece of paper, 
where the square falls on roughly the same area of the retina, then 
the square is liable to be severely distorted. This distortion is 
fairly systematic in character, and has been extensively studied 
(Kohler and Wallach, 1944). 

The use of the optic chiasma, which is the point in the optic 
system where the nerve fibres from the left eye cross over to the 
right visual cortex, and vice versa, has been a standard method of 
distinguishing central from peripheral visual phenomena. With 
this method, after-effects of the after-image kind can be shown to 
be primarily peripheral and thus, presumably, a function of 
physiological correlates in the retina, or eyeball, itself. 

The non-peripheral effects such as the figural after-effect, and 
the closely related plateau spiral effect, are of interest since they 
involve the 'higher interpretative' levels of the central nervous 
system. The lateral geniculate body has an uncertain status in 
these matters, but the main problems are thought to be cortical. 

The Plateau spiral should be rotated with the subject fixating 
its centre, and as a result it may seem to unwind towards or away 
from the subject. If it is stopped, there follows an apparent move- 
ment in the opposite direction. 

In the closely connected problems of perception of movement, 
apparent and real movement are intimately associated with each 
other, as is the pendulum effect, which is immediately related to 
apparent movement (Hall, Earle and Crookes, 1952) where the 
form of the apparent movement observed was directly dependent 
upon the extra clues, which were auditory, in the form of rhyth- 
mical clicking. Most of those subjected to these conditions formed 
the impression that they were observing the movement of a pen- 


Kendon Smith (1952) has pointed to some of the difficulties 
that are involved for Osgood and Heyer's (1952) theory in ex- 
plicating some of the more dynamic central visual effects, and 
Deutsch (1954) has also raised objections to the theory. These 
will be discussed more fully in the next chapter. 

Deutsch's (1953) work on the spiral is also relevant. He found 
that intermittent illumination of a static spiral gave an effect of 
'apparent rotation', and also (often) gave after-effects similar to 
those associated with an actual rotation. Of course, it is not 
difficult to imagine that our sensory apparatus records certain 
external events and, if certain cues or clues are suppressed, that it 
cannot distinguish different situations that depend solely on 
observing those certain suppressed cues. Thus 'apparent 1 and 
'real' movement are visually the same, and only contextual clues 
would distinguish them, through inference. This leaves open the 
question of central after-effects, but the writer believes that here is 
a case where an explanation of the effects depends, in the first 
instance, on giving a physiological account in terms of the eye, the 
lateral geniculate body, and the visual cortex, and leaving the 
obviously interpretive effects (e.g. the rotational aspect of the 
recorded after-effect) to the other cortical areas. 

This is surely where central interpretations are a function of 
experience in the form of beliefs and expectancies. 

Throughout this kind of interpretative work the problem is to 
deal with different levels of neural tissue as well as different levels 
of explanation, although the process is in fact a function of the 
organism-as-a-whole. It does not seem possible to talk of un- 
interpreted recordings (and their manifold effects) in the visual 
system alone, and then of their interpretations in various cortical 
areas, such as area 17 alone, the occipital areas alone, or the 
cortex-as-a-whole. However, in some respects we can recon- 
struct a set of models and theories with these crude distinctions 
in mind. 

There are many problems in perception yet to be solved, and it 
will surely be a most fruitful field for amalgamated work by 
perception-psychologists, sensory-physiologists, neurologists, etc., 
for their experimental results are of extreme relevance to each 
other. We have already summarized briefly the very considerable 
(but still very inadequate) evidence that has been collected by 


neurophysiologists and other biologists in general, but the mole- 
cular approach to perception as such has been only lightly touched 
upon. Nevertheless, it will be more useful at this point to turn to 
the molar approach. 

Boring (1952) holds a view that regards perception as related to 
the constructed space of science on the one hand, and the subjec- 
tive space of the observer on the other. Boring is interested in 
invariance among the variables that range over both sorts of space. 
He restates some of the well authenticated data, e.g. that perceived 
size is positively correlated with change of distance in free bino- 
cular vision, sufficient of the normal clues being present. If these 
normal clues are inadequate, perceptual size depends more and 
more on retinal size, and less and less on 'object-size'. This sort of 
relationship, which has been emphasized by Thouless (1931) in his 
work on phenomenal regression, poses no serious problem, since it 
is the way one would expect an inference-making organism to 
respond under such circumstances. Similarly, reduction-screens 
are simply a means of reducing some or all the cues to the holding 
of a correct belief with respect to some object, or more generally, 
some stimulus. 

Boring sees the problem as partly a semantic one when he says 
that a six-foot pole close at hand and one a hundred yards away 
are such that the far pole 'looks just as big although it looks 
smaller*. There is no paradox here; it simply reflects the ambi- 
guity of the word 'looks', which may mean either 'look in the 
sense of by-literal-retinal-equation', or 'look in the sense of 

One problem left untouched by Boring is that of the relation of 
size and distance when celestial distances are involved. Here, no 
doubt, we need the same sort of generalization as was effected by 
Konig and Brodhun on the Weber Fechner law (see p. 333). The 
relation between size and distance is approximately linear up to 
some limits, but over a sufficient range it would seem to have a 
much more general relation where phenomenal size falls off much 
less quickly with distance. 

The question of constancy has made the perception of the moon 
a matter of special interest, and writers have used data on it for 
and against both empiricism and nativism. There is also the 
interesting relation between the degree of size-constancy and the 


angle of viewing (Holway and Boring, 1941) which is characterized 
by the well-known case of the 'horizontal moon*. 

The inoon near the horizon appears much larger than the moon 
at the zenith, and Holway and Boring seem to show that this 
depends on the elevation of eyes in the head. This may be a 
function of non-Euclidean dimensions of perceived space, or it 
may be a function of experience, either in the central or the 
non-central sense, or it may even be a function of these factors 

The vast number of experiments on the constancies (see, e.g. 
Woodworth, 1938) have, of course, their own intrinsic interest, but 
apart from that, they seem to the writer to support the empiricist 
view of perception and should therefore themselves be explained in 
terms of experience. This is not, quite obviously, to deny the 
immediate and essential dependence on the organization of the 
visual system, but it does seem unlikely that the visual system 
works independently of the inferential (probably cortical) processes. 
The general evidence is surely against such a wholeheartedly 
nativist interpretation. 

The general emphasis must be placed on the organism-as-a- 
whole, and ordered, experimentally determined, theoretical 
processes, such as the phase-sequences of Hebb, which are near to 
the best perceptual reconstructions available in molar psycho- 
logical theory. 

To return, though for a moment only, to the question of size- 
perception, which serves to illustrate the scientific problem of 
perception, Gibson (1950) has suggested some conclusions that 
place him on the side which views objects as primary, and sensa- 
tions as secondary. 

This dualism, which both Boring and Gibson accept, has 
certain difficulties, but the question of the primacy of the object or 
the sensation is one to which it is difficult to ascribe any signifi- 
cance. It is a matter of theory-construction technique and not of 
empirical fact. 

One of the dangers we have to face in the piecemeal reconstruc- 
tion of perception is the fact that these various problems of size- 
perception, apparent movement, and so on, are not sufficiently 
independent. There can be little doubt, for example, that motiva- 
tion modifies perception, and the danger is that we seek explana- 


tions for part processes that are only explicable when the organism 
is treated as a whole. 

The distinction between appearance and reality is better made 
as a continuous series, or degrees, of interpretation rather than as 
a dichotomy. The difference emphasized is that between seeing 
(with a high degree of interpretation) and seeitig (with the mini- 
mum interpretation). This is useful, and doubtless on the right 
lines, but inadequate for some of our more subtle purposes. 

Cybernetics and perception 

Now we must describe some of the general principles that have 
been adduced as a result of regarding certain biological systems 
from the point of view of cybernetics. 

It was Hayek (1952) who first suggested that the method of 
human perception was dependent upon a classification system. 
This suggestion was followed up by Uttley (1954, 1955), who 
built, as mentioned earlier (pages 112-114), a model of a classifica- 
tion system wherein he assumed a certain set of primitive proper- 
ties, <z, b 9 ...,#, which could be partitioned into subsets of these 
properties 1, 2, ..., n at a time. This is the same essential principle 
on which the input of the digital computer operates, and it seems 
to be essential to the human visual system (as well as to the other 
special senses) in one form or another. 

Such a classifying system is consistent with our knowledge of the 
empirical world, which we divide up into classes and properties, 
and which is precisely a reversal of the process ascribed by us to 
the special senses. Later, we shall give some account of the human 
visual system, and our account will rely from the start on the 
concept of classification. From this starting point we must 
consider the need for more specific perceptual structures. 

A human nervous system must obviously include a storage 
system in some form. It is clear that without the ability to record 
previous experience no human being could behave in an intelligent 
manner, and that part of perception called recognition must 
depend upon a comparison with what has already been stored. This 
question has been analysed by Culbertson (1956), who showed 
that memoryless automata could, in fact, exhibit what seems to be 
intelligent behaviour but this does not change our view, quite 


apart from the evidence from introspective (or retrospective) 
events which we can 'consciously remember'. 

Many different methods of storage have been constructed in 
hardware, including chemical storage systems. These different 
systems can be utilized to produce certain sorts of results in 
conjunction with certain types of input, and a direct investigation 
can thus be made of the central nervous system with the idea of 
discovering which methods are most plausible, neurophysio- 
logically. There is some neurophysiological and behavioural 
evidence on this point that suggests the use of at least two different 
sorts of storage, perhaps in a primarily chemical form, and operat- 
ing in a manner similar to the registers of a computer. At the very 
least, a short term and a long term storage must exist. 

Uttley's conditional probability machine (1955) has some of the 
inductive capacities required for recognition, and in Bristol a 
computer has been built capable of exhibiting the same properties 
(George, 1958; Chapman, 1959). But before we discuss these sorts 
of systems further, let us return for a moment to the more general 
molar questions. 

We must ask ourselves the cybernetic question : Are the problems 
of perceiving size and movement and the problem of constancy 
made clearer by recourse to our models, whether in hardware or, 
more especially, in logical net form? 

We have already started to outline our approach to problems of 
perception, where we think initially of perceiving as occurring on 
the basis of classification. To proceed with the argument to the 
next stage we must further develop the basic assumption of 

It is clear that the normal human being receives information 
from his environment which is of a continuously varying kind, 
involving considerable redundancy (Rapoport, 1955; Barlow, 1959), 
and also coming from a wide variety of sources. This stream 
of information, coupled with the organism's responses, are the 
events that represent behaviour in an environment, where each 
event has a certain specifiable probability relation with every 
other event. 

We shall say, then, that the occurrence of a sign will give a 
definite expectancy with respect to other signs or stimuli that will 
influence the process of recognition or perception. Further to this, 


there are differently weighted probabilities that will be applicable 
to certain combinations of stimuli at any instant, in terms of which 
the process of recognition will operate. These probabilities are 
weighted not only by frequency and recency but also with respect 
to their value for the organism, both in urgency and extent. But let 
us start from a consideration of the peripheral elements. 

Different sensory endings account for different sorts of classified 
inputs, since nerve transmission, while varying with strength of 
stimulus, remains qualitively the same for varying sensations. Thus 
it seems likely that nerve endings are each specifically sensitive to 
some sort of definite effect, such as heat and cold. This indeed 
grants, in part, the argument by Sutherland (1959) which points 
to the need for specific stimulus analysers. 

Similarly, the process of hearing seems to depend on peripheral 
analysers, with recognition depending on the terminal areas of the 
cortex becoming specifically associated with different parts of the 
cochlea. To take another example, the retina is specifically related 
to different points of area 17 by some set of transformations 
through the restriction of the optic nerve, which makes temporal 
and spatial summation necessary, and thus sets up a correspond- 
ence between points of the retina and points of area 17. 

We are not at present concerned with peripheral mechanisms 
which mediate the sensory process, nor with the precise mechan- 
isms at the central nervous level which distinguish between,, say, 
the length of a contour line and its shape; this matter will be 
discussed later. Many theories and models are already in existence, 
but we are primarily concerned with the handling of the signals as a 
key to the perceptual act, on the .assumption^ that the process of 
classification is somehow possible. 

The fundamental process of visual perception can now be said 
to be that of recording patterns of discriminable inputs in area 17, 
using certain unspecified devices, such as the time interval 
between the onset and cessation of streams of stimuli, and so on. 
But let us now give some consideration to the nature of classifica- 
tion in machines. 

The machine design 

The idea of photoelectric cells, cathode ray oscillographs, radio 
transmitters and receivers, etc., naturally occurs to the builders of 


sensory equipment for machines. Uttley (1954) has shown that we 
can have a display of photosensitive cells so that any particular 
shape interposed between them and the light playing on them will 
fire whatever cells are placed in the shadow. This, and many other 
methods, could be used to record shapes, and the proper recording 
of the particular cells so fired, against the previous experience of 
the machine, will lead to appropriate responses in terms of a 
general classification and control system (George, 1956b, 1957d). 
There is no doubt that any system of pattern recognition will 
have the difficult job of accounting for that recognition even when 
the pattern in question is transformed in various ways. As 
Selfridge has pointed out (Selfridge, 1956), 

... faces as visual patterns are subject to magnification, translation, 
intensification, blurring, and rotation, and they remain the same faces still. 

It is the search for a system that preserves certain invariances 
under transformations that will model accurately the recognition 
process. Such recognition is clearly dependent on learning, since 
we can only classify the details in terms of information already 
acquired, or possibly previously built in. 

Selfridge describes a visual model made up of photosensitive 
elements that are clustered towards the centre, and which record 
1's where inputs occur and O's where they do not occur. The 
machine then maximizes its 1 -count and this causes a movement of 
the system in such a way that the objects tend to fall on the 
greatest density of photosensitive elements; this is obviously a 
type of retinal model we should bear in mind. 

A more general theory along similar lines was designed by 
Pitts and McCulloch (1947), in which they pictured the recogni- 
tion system as being made up of two mechanisms that preserve the 
appearance of an object by pattern, in spite of transformations, by 
achieving an invariance in terms of a process of averaging. 

Neurologically, the group transformation is centred at the 
superior colliculus, and the general theory depends on the exten- 
sion of the idea of reverberatory circuits. Perhaps the most obvious 
field of investigation to suggest itself to the mathematician is that 
of transformation groups and conformal representation, where 
retinal figures are transposed from one coordinate system to 
another, and the question remains as to the nature of the appro- 
priate transformation. 


All this is about the nature of the retinal recording and the 
transference of that record to the area 17, or some higher visual 
centre, but our chief concern at the moment is with what happens 
after that, even though the two stages cannot be wholly separable. 

Some attempt to separate the two processes occurs in Price's 
writings (1953), where he distinguishes primary from secondary 
recognition. Most discussions of pattern recognition have been 
with respect to primary recognition; in this section, however, our 
analysis is mainly directed at secondary recognition, with the idea 
of showing its influence on primary recognition. The whole 
relationship is certainly relevant to semantic difficulties over the 
word 'perception', and to the disputes between nativism and 

Primary recognition is, roughly, the process of recording a 
shape or property, such as redness, or roundness, while secondary 
recognition is the process of classifying it, or of putting an inter- 
pretation on it. Price says: 

When one sees a red object in a good light, one recognizes the redness of it 
directly or not at all. Familiar colours, shapes, sounds, tastes, smells and 
tactual qualities are recognized immediately or intuitively, when one 
observes instances of them. But when I see a grey lump and recognize it 
as a piece of lead, this recognition is indirect ... 

This distinguishes the primary (direct) from the secondary 
(indirect) process. It seems, though, that they differ in degree 
rather than absolutely, and in our model we shall suggest that one 
process grades over into the other. 

We have already suggested a brief terminology dealing with the 
sort of situation that involves perception and learning. We acquire 
beliefs about the nature of reality, and we act on these beliefs when, 
for our model, we mean the word 'belief to be understood as a 
theoretical term linking the input to the output; it is at least some 
part of that link where the output may not be in fact enacted. Thus 
the process of perception is one of interpreting, in the light of the 
organism's experience (making use of its storage system), the 
stimuli that are selected from all of the potential stimuli. The 
resulting response to this classificatory act becomes the stimulus 
for a resulting action, if such action is necessary. This means that 
the arousal of a perceptual belief leads to the awareness of some 
object or event in the immediate environment, and this itself may 


be party to a whole series of events that have previously been 
associated in a temporal pattern. 

It is in this way that selection of stimuli takes place, since the 
occurrence of one event, correctly perceived, will lead the organism 
to ascribe some probability to the next event likely to be perceived, 
in the light of its knowledge of its own response, and the prob- 
abilities of such sequential relations, inductively collected from 
previous experience. This is surely directly responsible for what is 
called set in psychological literature. 

Let us return to the actual identification of such objects or 
events as occur in the neighbourhood of the organism. 

We have partitioned sets of receptors 

such that at any instant there are collections of receptors, generally 
from each partitioned set, that will be firing. At any instant, there- 
fore, we shall record a finite string of symbols, say: 

a^a^b^c^ (2) 

and this means that counters of the classification system (that 
record every possible combination of all the inputs or so we 
shall assume for the time being) will alter with each instant. Thus 
all combinations of the subsets of the string (2) will have 1 added 
to their count, and then the machine itself will respond by some 
classification in terms of what this count implies in terms of its 
experience. More precisely, we shall say that physical objects, for 
example, are never recognized by all their characteristics at once, 
and we shall argue that the probability of some physical object A, 
with respect to the existence of some subset of its characteristics, 
has a definite probability value to be ascribed to it. 

We are saying that a, b, c, ... are the elements of primary 
recognition, and that lengthy combinations of these strings are to 
be called, for simplicity, A, B, C, ... where A, for example, might 
stand for (2), and where A, B, C, ... are the elements of secondary 

Empirical classification in terms of classes or properties 

The above system can now be given a more precise treatment, 
and to avoid typographical complications we shall talk of a,b,c,... 


and A,B 9 C> ... without the use of suffices, as sufficient for demon- 
stration purposes. 

The machine has a classification system wherein the world is 
divided up into classes of properties, and these properties can be 
subdivided into indefinitely many subsets. Some classes will be 
those of colour, size, shape, brightness, noisiness, etc., and size, for 
example, can be further divided into length, width, height, and so 
on, whereby a particular object may be classified by reference to its 
impression: X classifies Y as short; or by reference to an actual 
measurement: Y is five feet four inches tall. 

Under this general procedure we have subsumed different visual 
recognition processes, from a momentary exposure under a 
tachistoscope at one end of a sort of continuum, to a lengthy and 
detailed analysis, including the measuring of its dimensions, at the 
other end, here perhaps involving tactile as well as visual recogni- 

To recognize an object, we have to recognize its properties 
it may be said that an object is its full set of properties and 
normally we will recognize some subset at any instant; we shall 
therefore, whenever it is possible, take as many instants to perform 
the recognition as is necessary for us to be reasonably sure of its 
success, ascribing the object to our classification according to its 
height, weight, colour, shape, and so on. In any instant the 
probability of its being one object rather than another will be 
computed purely on the basis of frequency. 

At the moment we are not considering the effect of temporal 
context. If, then, we classify properties adghjk, there may be two 
different physical objects that have these properties, such as 
adeghijklnp and abdghjklo, and we can decide the matter in prob- 
ability terms by reference to the past count. So if we call the first 
string B and the second C, we can say that the probability of jB, 
given adghjk, is p lt and the probability of C on the same basis is 
q v and now^> 1 >^ 1 implies B, whereas $i>pi implies C. 

If we now take the next instant and add the property 1 alone, 
we shall change the absolute but not the relative probability. The 
further addition of properties enp will decide against C and 
strengthen the probability of B against all other possibilities, giving 
it a value 3 , say. Theoretically, this process can go on until a 
value p n is achieved, carrying all the properties of B, and thus 


having the value 1. So we have the possibility of a series of 
probabilities pi, p%, ...,p n with respect to some object which tends 
towards the limiting value of certainty. We shall call these steps 
'categorizing responses' of which the last is called the 'final 
categorizing response* (F.C.R.). In fact, we are normally content 
with something far less than a ^-value of 1 for an F.C.R., and 
indeed we have to be, either because we simply are not permitted 
by time (or space) to see all the properties, or which is more 
usual because we are fairly sure, knowing only a few properties, 
that we know what the object is, due to the temporal context of the 
situation. In effect, this means the weighting of the set-theoretic 
conditional probabilities by the probabilities of temporal ex- 

The counting system 

The counting system has already been described in Chapter IV, 
where it depended (although it need not have) on the use of closed- 
loop elements that fire themselves and continue to fire until 
stopped by some inhibitory input. A chain of conjunction-counters 
can be built that will record the frequency of occurrence of any 
combination of inputs, or properties, whatsoever; and disjunction- 
counters that will fire when some part of a combination fires but 
not all of it. Thus, the counters for a and b fire conjunctively if a 
and b occur together, and disjunctively if a or b occurs alone. In 
fact events of any length, either positive, negative or mixed can 
easily be counted by a simple logical net, using a classifying system. 

Motivation is clearly a vital condition for the firing of counters, 
and this is assumed to be occurring in the perceptual process. 
Combinations have not only to occur but must satisfy, in some 
sense, the organism or at least be connected to satisfactions 
for the process of counting to take place. Satisfactory associations 
are broken down by this disjunction-counting when a certain 
response leads no longer to satisfaction, but instead, to pain. This 
all depends on certain stimulus response connexions being already 
built into the machine. Taken in terms of isolated instants, we can 
use the calculus of empirical relations (see Chapter III and 
Chapter XI) for that seems to describe adequately the perceptual 
process as a Markoff process, in effect, although other relations 
besides temporal ones could be involved. 


The temporal order 

So far, in any classification system we have discussed, we have 
only been concerned with the case of the instantaneous classifica- 
tion of subproperties to some total set of properties. We have 
mentioned, though, that it will not generally be necessary to make 
categorizations, or classifications, in terms of such instantaneous 
states alone. This is so because there is a temporal order of things 
such that when a stimulus S^ occurs, we may respond with 
response R 2 when the expectation is that S$ will follow. Indeed, 
our counter systems for the cognitive process, built on the same 
principle as for perception alone (George, 1956b), predict pre- 
cisely the probability of one event following a particular response, 
in the same manner as some subset of properties is the basis for 
predicting the total set of properties. Thus if S l has occurred 100 
times and has been followed by S$ 85 times when the response R 2 
has been made, we only need a record, by the use of counters, to 
tell us the probability of S z following S f 1 , granted that the response 
R 2 was made. Clearly^) = 85/100 in this particular case. 

The calculus of empirical relations is a method of computation of 
beliefs that the organism holds merely on the basis of classifying 
and counting. It is an interpretation of the inductive formula 
c(h> e) = p. Here c means the degree of confirmation, which is 
given by the probability^, in favour of hypothesis A, by evidence e. 

The sequential categorizing responses of a set of instants in the 
process of perceptional, p%, ...,p n includes as a particular case the 
tests to confirm a scientific theory or hypothesis, e.g. the perceptual 
process can be thought of as all or as a part of the series. 

ci(hi 9 ei), c%(hz, 02), ..., c n (hn, e n ) (1) 

Such a system, we shall remember, can be represented by nets, and 
may in fact be considerably weighted for recency as well as fre- 
quency, apart from the fundamental requirement of value through 

This very brief account of an inductive logical machine is 
addressed here primarily to the problem of perception, and the 
central role of secondary recognition. It is felt by the writer that this 
approach to the problem is one that should be made prior to 
attacking primary recognition. 

By now we should have seen enough, peripheral receptors apart, 


to ask ourselves the basic question: would a system built on the 
lines we suggest exhibit all the properties we want? 

It is evident that there is no problem for simple differences in 
size. Granted that we have a receptor mechanism that is able to 
record anything at all, it may be expected to show differences in 
the area recorded, and the simplest manner in which this might be 
expected to occur would be by counting. The problem here seems 
to be primarily peripheral, and we shall return to it in more detail 

The real problem is that of size and distance. Is our machine 
going to say, 'A six foot pole close at hand and one a hundred 
yards away are such that the far pole looks just as big although it 
looks smaller*? If we assume that we have some peripheral 
receptor which registers a 'retinal size', then it is easy, by simple 
geometrical considerations, to show that such retinal sizes are 
quite different for the two poles. Obviously, therefore, two factors 
enter into the second part of the apparent 'paradox' that suggests 
that they look the same. It is the context of the process, and our 
previous experience as represented in our storage system, or in the 
storage system of the machine, which allow the equivalence. The 
recognition that it is a pole is said to evoke a particular pattern 
a-^a^a^a^ say, and the peripheral mechanism gives a difference of 
size, but other cues which the classification mechanism will record 
are cues in the form of lines of perspective, other objects, and so 
on, all recognized and with a stored knowledge of their sizes and 
their 'significance* for size. This again encourages a belief in the 
empiricist's interpretation of perception. 

One group of experimentalists working primarily in the field of 
perception and called the Transactionalists (Kilpatrick, 1953), are 
strongly empiricist in bias. They have been able to show that the 
interpositioning of stimuli between the stimulus under considera- 
tion and the eye, will alter the interpretation placed in the size of 
the distant object. This is so if the nearer object bears (size apart) 
a relation to the further object that supplies a clue (usually false) 
as to the further object's distance. 

They were also able to show that the relative brightness of an 
object has an influence upon its apparent size; the reason is to be 
found in the experiential fact that brighter objects are generally 
nearer to the observer. The Transactionalist arguments for a 


perceptual theory have not sufficient definiteness to suggest an 
immediate model, but their general findings are very suggestive 
for the sort of cybernetic model we have in mind. 

Any object, according to transactionalist theory, derives at least 
a part of its nature and comprehensibility from its participation in 
a total situation. Such a present transaction which constitutes 
the essence of perception has its roots in the past experience of 
the individual, and its implications necessarily extend into the 
future. The world of phenomenological experience is a world of 
significances provided by such transactions. These significances, 
resulting from past transactions, are 'externalized* by the perceiver 
as the basis of his present and future action. The philosophical 
theory of transactions will incidentally be found in Dewey and 
Bentley (1949). A brief statement, and a discussion of its applica- 
tion to perception, are given in a series of articles by Cantril, 
Ames, Hastorf and Ittelson (1949). See also Ittelson and Cantril 
(1954). For a more general application to the phenomena of the 
Ames demonstrations see Lawrence (1949a, 1949b). 

The problem of the context and the transaction of perception is 
clear in terms of our set-theoretic model, though of course this 
does not of itself guarantee the correctness of that model. However, 
this matter will be pursued later, and for the moment we will return 
to our more general understanding of perceptual problems 
indeed, to our particular perceptual problems and ask, as an 
example, why the 'moon illusion' occurs. 

The answer seems to be that the conditions for perceiving the 
moon as enormously large are lacking, both in our immediate 
perception of it (there are no cues) and in our previous experience 
(there are no clues. We shall use the words 'cue' and 'clue' 
throughout in these senses). The fact that primitive people had no 
conception of astronomical sizes and distances, and that Anaxagoras 
was cruelly persecuted for saying that the moon was larger than 
the Peloponnesus, is an indication that perception here does not 
follow the form of perception in our immediate vicinity. 

Let us next consider movement in perception. Since successive 
retinal patterns occur somewhat displaced from each other, 
relative to a retinal datum and a conceptual datum which will 
allow for eye movements and head movements, we may expect to 
record a 'moving object', and indeed our idea of a moving object 


depends precisely on this sensory (not visual alone) fact of succes- 
sive stimulation of a pattern which retains its identity. This is to be 
explained in terms of the peripheral receptors, and we can thus 
concentrate immediately on the difference between apparent and 
real movement. 

We may expect that, subject to certain restrictions in the form 
of cues that allow the classification system to infer 'apparent 
movement', such a system alone will be unable to distinguish 
apparent from real movement. This implies that it is the clues 
from storage, and inferences made in terms of the subject's know- 
ledge of the overall position in which he is placed, that make the 
distinction possible. Confirmation of the above argument may be 
found in the Pendulum Effect. 

It is perhaps clear by now that the machine system, as thought of 
in the precise designs of finite automata, will be almost wholly 
committed to an empiricist form of explanation, where the cues 
and their immediate bearing on objects in the instantaneous sensory 
field, although often supplying information for recognition, are 
themselves dependent for their efficacy on previous associations. 

Further to the above, we can see that we should seek to explain 
constancy by the same sort of explanatory process as that already 
suggested. The co-operative working of the sensory classification 
and the control system is certainly the source of such effects, and 
the main interest for us must lie in showing the more precise 
nature of the models suggested as a result of the more detailed 
experimental data. 

We say, then, that constancy is concerned with the contextual 
situation where our stored knowledge directly influences the 
results achieved by our classification system. Again we see the need 
to specify more precisely the range of possible workings involved. 
We also have words like 'attitude' which represent the influence 
of the store in an anticipatory way (possibly with contamination 
from emotions) on the anticipated occurrence. In ordinary lan- 
guage we might say, 'I had an attitude of suspicion because I had 
been duped that way before. Instead of -4->jB, A was presented 
and yielded C, so now I am uncertain (suspicious) of the outcome 
with respect to the stimulus A, and so on.' 

We shall be careful to distinguish between constancy in this 
contextual sense, and the continuous identity of a physical object 


moving through space, where the identity might be dependent 
upon characteristics in the peripheral receptors ; or both these and 
the storage's interaction with the sensory classification system. 

The effective stimulus in perception 

Another problem of importance in perception is that of the 
nature of effective stimulus variables. Boring (1952) takes up the 
point raised by Dewey as to what constitutes an effective stimulus 
a matter which has also been emphasized by transactionalists. 
The problem of any stimulus response system is to identify the 
stimulus. Boring says of this : 

He (Dewey) was right, for the effective stimulus is not an object but a 
property of the stimulus-object; some crucial property that cannot be 
altered without changing the response, some property that remains 
invariant, for a given response, in the face of transformations of other 

This problem can be treated in many ways ; indeed, the whole 
question of an appropriate language for descriptive purposes is 
brought back at this point. There is a certain vagueness over the 
words 'object' and 'property of the stimulus-object* in the above 
quotation that calls for further discussion. It seems that both 
objects and properties of objects may act as stimuli, and what, for 
that matter, is an object but the total set of its properties? Cer- 
tainly, though, it is often the case that the stimulus is a relation 
(perhaps usually an invariance relation), and certainly it is a 
distinct problem to establish the identity of an effective stimulus. 
It is often the case that, in an environment of potential stimuli, 
one has to wait for the response in order to make an induction 
about the nature of the stimulus. Our search for a (public) science 
is conducted partly by laying down laws such that, given all the 
potential stimuli and the state of the organism, we shall be able to 
say which will be effective stimuli, in terms of either the con- 
temporaneous state of the organism (which includes all its experi- 
ences in the form of an end-product or resultant vector), or by 
knowledge of the experience of the organism. For theoretical 
purposes this matter is a sophisticated end-product rather than a 
relatively crude initial problem. 

Our method of discussing properties of stimulus variables must 


be in terms of the objective properties of the stimuli ; the process of 
making a stimulus effective is the problem of behaviour. The study 
of these objective characteristics is not of special relevance to the 
present discussion, although it is vital to the nature of the per- 
ceptual theory one arrives at, and therefore to the sort of models we 
shall construct. The objective properties are those of physical 
distance, size, shape (or form), brightness, colour (certain refrac- 
tive and reflective properties of materials), relative perspectives, 
groupings and so on and so forth. 

Such laws as those set down by Wertheimer (see Woodworth, 
1938) are of great relevance at this point, as is the whole work of the 
Gestalt school, although we must be careful to distinguish the 
actual (or physical) charcteristics of potential stimuli in so far 
as they are knowable other than by someone's perceptions from 
the effective stimuli and interpretation, which are a function of the 
organism's interaction (or transaction) with its environment. Thus 
Wertheimer J s laws of perceived movement which show a perceived 
relationship between similar things, or things moving with 
similar speeds, etc. (see Boring, 1942), and more obviously, the 
division of the stimulus-field into figure and ground, and so on, are 
part of the activity of the organism; and binocular vision, flicker 
fusion, inferences, and so on, become part of the essential features 
of perception. Gradients, texture gradients, indeed gradients of all 
kinds (including, on a different level, the physiological gradients of 
C. M. Child) are part of the method or language of description of 
the organism's activity, the activity of classification, categorization 
and, in general, that of response. 

It is as well to remember here the non-sensory figures of Hebb 
(1949), and the research that appears to show that there are various 
possible interpretations of sensori-motor activity. There may, for 
example, be motor activities which are not the direct result of 
causal stimulation; indeed, many people have suggested that it 
would be incorrect to regard the sensory and motor components of 
the reflex arc as, in any sense, mirror-images of each other. One, 
for example, may arouse (or partially arouse), while the other may 
direct, and not merely respond, in a manner already discussed in 
Chapter IX where we described Pribram's homeostatic type of 
control. Our models will certainly be capable of mirroring these 
facts, as a careful reading of Chapter V will already have revealed. 



The essential connexion between the objective state of affairs and 
the subjective is covered by the field of psycho-physics. It should be 
noted here that explicit assumptions are made that connect 
stimulus and sensation; for example, the Weber Fechner Law can 
be stated: 

R = K log SI So 

where S is the stimulus, R is the sensation, and S is the smallest 
stimulus which leads to sensation. The adequacy of psycho-physics 
clearly depends upon the degree of precision of the fit between the 
parameters of stimulation and the parameters of sensation. There 
are examples in the psycho-physical field, such as quality control, 
where the fit does not always seem sufficiently good for the purpose 
in hand. But now, the method of testing the validity of the psycho- 
physical methods becomes important, and this line of approach 
will not be continued further. The problems are clear enough (in 
one sense at least), and much experimental work needs to be done 
in this field to clarify more completely the status of psycho-physics ; 
its methodological vagueness is a direct function of the mindbody 

The psycho-physical methods, which are the methods of constant 
stimuli, single stimuli, limits, sense-ratios, reaction-times, etc., are 
essential to the design of experiments with respect to the sensory 
modalities. The general form of all psycho-physical experiments 
can be characterized: 

R =/(0, b, c, d, ...n ... t...x,y,x) 

where a, b t c, ... refer to specified aspects of stimuli; ... x, y, % 
refer to specified conditions of the organism; R means response; 
n is the number of presentations and t is time. The precise speci- 
fications of the variables in this equation are, as Graham (1952) says, 
matters for further research and theoretical analysis. 

Many books could be written on the diverse and widely ranging 
subject matter of this chapter. It is not our aim to review, as might 
a textbook, all the details of the variables and problems of percep- 
tion. Our aim, rather, is to illustrate the cybernetic application to 
it by selected examples, and to seek generalities that will help us 
towards a general theory of perception. 


To summarize this section, we may say that what is being 
emphasized, when questions are asked about the nature of the 
effective stimulus, is the fact that there is a selective process 
operating, and that what is effective in stimulating the organism is 
dependent not only on what appears in objective space at any 
moment, and the configuration in which it appears, but the state 
of the store which, in conjunction with previous stimulation, 
introduces states of 'set*. 

What about the complex configuration which has been the 
subject of investigations by the Gestalt theorists? This is a matter 
we must consider, but here at least there seems to be a case for 
considering what is normally regarded as a perceptual problem 
(as opposed to a sensory problem) after our discussion of receptor 

Form perception 

We shall now consider the problem of form perception in terms 
of the models that have been suggested. Deutsch (1954) has 
suggested the six main facts that a theory of 'shape recognition* 
as he calls it must explain: 

(1) Animals can recognize shapes independent of their location 
in the visual field. It is not necessary to fixate the centre of a 
figure in order to recognize it, nor need the eyes be moved around 
the contours of a figure. 

(2) Recognition can be effected independently of the angle of 
inclination of a figure in the visual field (this means the tilt of an 
image in two dimensions, and not the tilt of the figure in depth 
such as occurs in shape constancy experiments). 

(3) The size of a figure does not interfere with the identity of 
its shape. This, of course, does not hold at the extremes of size for 
reasons which seem sufficiently obvious. 

(4) Mirror images appear alike. Both rats and human beings 
tend to confuse these. This would appear to rule out any 'template* 
theories of shape recognition, according to which, a contour is 
rotated in two dimensions until it coincides with one of the many 
patterns already laid down. But such a superimposition cannot take 
place in the case of mirror images, and no room is left, therefore, 
for this particular type of confusion. 


(5) Visually primitive organisms such as the rat and the octopus 
find it hard (perhaps impossible) to distinguish between squares 
and circles. This does not seem to be a limitation imposed by the 
peripheral characteristics of the optical systems, but appears to 
be a more central defect, as these organisms can distinguish shapes 
which dirt far more alike geometrically. This type of evidence tends to 
cast doubt on theories which base themselves on the angular 
properties of figures. 

(6) These abilities, which appear to be mediated by the striate 
cortex, survive the removal of the major part of it. It is therefore 
reasonable to suppose that this ability to disentangle shape is 
common to all parts of the striate area, and that one part of the 
striate area is not essential in helping the next one to operate. 

Deutsch feels that this would tend to rule out notions based on a 
scanning process. It is difficult to see how a regular scan could be 
maintained in the presence of extensive damage. Further, any 
system which requires the fixation of the centre of a figure so that 
it coincides with the centre of the visual field must also be ruled 
out. The ability is maintained even where there are extensive 
scotomata of central origin. 

We should notice that, of this list, we might question the truth 
of (1), at least in the initial stages of perception (Hebb, 1949), and 
there may be doubts about Deutsch's inference in terms of (6). 
Furthermore these six points lay no claim to completeness, but 
they are suggestive as a general starting point. 

Culbertson (1948), Rapoport (1955), Deutsch (1955) and 
Selfridge (1956), among others, have suggested models for systems 
that would be capable of carrying out the task of form recognition. 

Culbertson has used logical nets for describing his own system 
of shape recognition; he in fact suggested some effective, although 
probably biologically implausible, form abstractors for the 

The first abstractor is a translator, which simply passes an 
image from one set of elements to the right, say, to an adjacent 
set, and on, indefinitely, across a surface, and in particular where 
the surface is a cylinder, around its face. 

The second abstractor is a rotator which is made up of two disk- 
shaped arrays between which is a cylinder. This device is able to 


rotate any pattern indefinitely. Incidentally, both the translator and 
the rotator would be easy for the reader to draw, using the logical 
nets of Chapter V. 

Dilators and expanders can be constructed to make the image as 
large or as small as we please. Then we have the image centring 
system, and all these taken together in an appropriate combination 
can be shown to be sufficient to process a shape for the purposes of 
recognition. It is of interest, too, that the whole form abstraction 
system requires only 2 x 10 7 elements and the reaction time of the 
whole net is less than a quarter of a second. 

The possible objection to this model of Culbertson's is, of 
course, Deutsch's point (4), which puts the argument against 
straightforward 'template* techniques. 

It seems certain, to answer Deutsch's first point, that whereas 
image centring may not be necessary later, during the learning of a. 
perception, it may be absolutely necessary. 

Rapoport has constructed his perceptual model partly in terms 
of logical nets and partly in terms of information theory. This all 
implies that one must start with fairly idealized ideas about how the 
nervous system works. Rapoport regards the retinal photoreceptor 
layer as a 'mosaic that could be specified by, say, spherical polar 
co-ordinates, and uses the shortest refractory period of all the 
cells as his unit of time ; then the effective mosaic at each instant, 
which is the time-unit, is uniquely specified. 

Now let us assume that each instantaneous state of the retina is a 
potential message, which means that for n receptors there will be 
2 n messages. If the photoreceptors were all independent of each 
other, and if in the rth instant the probability of firing the fth 
receptor was given by pi, and if we said, by analogy with Laplacian 
probability, qt = 1 p^ then the information content of the source 
would be given by 

H = 

and if pi = for all i,H n bits per message. 

Now to consider what value n, the number of photoreceptors, 
might have. Cajal has suggested n = 10 8 , and Fulton has sug- 
gested that 10" 3 is about an average refractory period. If the 
independence of the receptors is maintained we can conclude that 
the production of information in the retina is at 10 11 bits per second. 


This result is far too large, judging by all our other evidence of 
human capacities for reaction to visual stimulation. 

The next step, then, is to consider as does Rapoport the 
possibility of regions sending messages, where the actual number 
of photoreceptors firing in each region constitutes the message. 
This gives us a more complicated expression for H\ and then we 
can consider the interaction of the elements in the regions, which 
will make our expression for H more complicated still. 

Physiologically, we have a lot of evidence that suggests that the 
retina is highly organized, and that there is a great deal of inter- 
dependence in the successive states of the visual field. Looking at 
an object under normal circumstances, we will generally see it from 
various slightly different angles successively. This implies a high 
measure of redundancy in the retina, and it is this redundancy 
that enables the visual system to operate at well below the level of 
what is suggested by the formula derived (above) by Rapoport. 

The next problem is to consider the information as to the state 
of the visual field, as exemplified by successive states of the retina. 
We know that there is a bottleneck effect which operates between 
the retina and the representation of visual events in the cortex, 
possibly in area 17, in much the same way as they were originally 
at the retinal level. This bottleneck suggests not only lost informa- 
tion but, what is more important, the method by which information 
is selected. The extent of the bottleneck as suggested by Polyak is 
that 10 8 photoreceptors map on to 10 6 ganglion cells, which implies 
a ratio of 100 to 1 on the average. This average covers a range of 
1 to 1 at the fovea, to many hundreds to one in the periphery of the 
retina. The reintegration of information at the end of a bottleneck 
is characteristic of the nervous system and depends on temporal 

Sir Henry Head's distinction between epicritic and protopathic 
vision, and the nature of these connexions, suggests that detailed 
vision of the cones presents no serious bottleneck; the bottleneck 
applies only to the protopathic or generalized visual states, re- 
cording only crude characteristics of change of brightness. 

Rapoport's model does not consider the distinction that is raised 
by the difference between epicritic and protopathic vision. He 
addresses himself rather to the general problem of transmission of 
information with minimal loss. 


The system of minimizing the loss of information involves the 
suitable choice of a code. The reader will know that codes can be 
constructed for various purposes and, to take cognizance of the 
epicritic protopathic distinction, two sorts of codes, at least, seem 
to be necessary for the visual system. One must retain detail, and 
this will be easiest at the region of least bottleneck. The other 
must try and retain as much information as possible, while 
maximum attention will be given to speed of signal. The mere 
recording of movement and so on for peripheral photoreceptors, 
and great detail in the areas of great acuity. 

This problem of the appropriate coding suggests the need for 
detailed anatomical knowledge. In the lack of this we can construct 
neural or logical networks as models, and consider what code 
should be used for systems that are nearer the known structure of 
the optical system. 

Rapoport and Culbertson have suggested models that have a 
fair measure of realism and can be suitably coded to transmit 
information in the manner necessary to retain as much information 
as possible. 

Selfridge's visual pattern recognition model 

In the Selfridge (1956) model an original image made up of 
90 x 90 O's and 1's is transformed into a secondary image by one of 
three operations. The secondary image itself may be transformed a 
number of times. After the image has been transformed by the 
operations, the Ts left in the image are counted. A typical original 
image is transformed sequentially showing the secondary images 
at each step. 

The final count is then compared with the numbers stored for 
that particular sequence under the various symbols. If, after a 
number of sequences have been run on an image, the counts check 
sufficiently well with the stored distributions of symbol 1, say, the 
computer may identify that image as symbol 1. 

It is not supposed that the operations mentioned are an exhaus- 
tive set. They are of three kinds, and they are all local and isotropic. 
The first, local averaging, replaces each datum by an average of the 
neighbouring data. In this way, inter alia, it eliminates granular 
noise, isolated Vs in a field of O's, and isolated O's in a field of Ts, 
emphasizing local homogeneity. The second operation, local 


differencing, replaces each datum by an average of the logical 
differences of the neighbouring data, thus emphasizing local 
discontinuities and tending to sharpen contrasts, edges, and 
corners. The third operation, 'blobbing', replaces each relatively 
isolated conglomeration of 1's by a single 1. 

Many kinds of visual features cannot be handled by these parti- 
cular operations; for example, this model cannot distinguish a capital 
Cfrom a capital U. The latter may be merely the former rotated to 
an angle of 90 degrees, and all the operations are isotropic. 

The kinds of things the model could recognize have been 
deliberately restricted because the digital computer was small and 
slow. Even though it had 65,000 bits accessible within 10 micro- 
seconds, and five times that many in slightly longer, it still took 
as long as 15 minutes to process an image. 

It can be seen, though, that the operations are powerful enough 
to detect and count critical points. They are actually powerful 
enough to compute some measure of curvature. 

Other kinds of operation will occur, as Selfridge says, to the 
curious. One can, for example, project along any direction, which 
will reduce any two-dimensional set of data to a one-dimensional 
set, or one can 'thin', i.e. change the exterior 1's of an image to 
O's, so long as one does not alter the topological connectivity. 

Furthermore, it is not necessary that the final data reduction be 
counting. The topological connectivity might be stored instead. 

The instructive part of the Selfridge machine, however, is not 
the particular sequences of operations it uses to recognize symbols, 
but the way in which it hunts for good sequences. Every sequence 
is good or bad according as 4 the numbers, which are obtained by 
applying two images, tend to differ consistently for different 
symbols. The essence of learning, it seems, lies in having the 
computer recognize the pattern of good sequences. At the begin- 
ning it selects sequences in a random fashion, but as soon as some 
of the sequences are 'seen' to be better than others, it fashions and 
tests new sequences that are like the successful ones (this is 
precisely the sort of thing we suggested in Chapters V and VI). 
The concept of similarity of sequences is built in, and is governed 
merely by a matrix of transition frequencies. All the sequences to 
be tested are fashioned, in the Monte Carlo manner, by this matrix 
of transition frequencies, which is initially flat. As soon as a 


successful sequence appears, its transition frequencies are used to 
bias that matrix, which then represents a hypothesis about (the 
pattern of) good sequences. This hypothesis can be tested by 
using it to build up new sequences, and discarding or accepting it 
and them according as they prove useless or useful. 

It is not maintained that this method is necessarily a good way 
of choosing a sequence, but only that it should work better than 
ignoring all the knowledge of die kinds of sequences that have 
worked in the past. 

Deutsch's visual model 

Deutsch has suggested a paper and pencil model for shape 
recognition. It is made up of a two-dimensional array of elements 
joined to the retina, such that a contour falling on the retinal 
elements will fall on the equivalent elements of the array. Further- 
more, as each new retinal excitation arrives, so a pulse will be sent 
down the 'final common cable' (f.c.c.) as well as exciting its 
neighbour. This system is like Culbertson's in effecting a transla- 
tion of the figure so that, with a rectangle, there will be a set of 
pulses fired into the f.c.c., and then another set will be fired as it 
comes into coincidence with the opposite side. In this way the 
brain can receive information about the length of sides and also of 
shape. On the other hand, it depends upon the brain being able to 
make temporal distinctions, and this receding in terms of time 
seems to demand a clock, which may not be too implausible. 

It should be mentioned that Sutherland (1959) has suggested the 
possibility that the coding should be done in terms of intensity, 
and this notion is one that will be used in a further partial model 
which we shall outline at the end of this chapter. 

Hebb's model for perception 

There are many cases of perceptual models which are on the 
borderland between molar and molecular theories, Hebb's, like 
that of McCulloch and Pitts for pattern recognition, is primarily 
intended to give a plausible physiological account. 

Of Deutsch's six points, the most obvious one which affects 
Hebb's theory, and which a theory of shape recognition must 
explain, is that of scanning. Deutsch argues that a careful perusal 


of the contour lines surrounding the figure is unnecessary, whereas 
Hebb, with supporting evidence from von Senden (1932) and 
Riesen (1947) believes that the learning of shape perception in- 
volves the process of counting corners, or more generally, of 
fixating successive points on the outline of a complex pattern. 
This successive fixation process is the basis of the cell assemblies. 
This argument is perhaps especially important at the time of 
learning to perceive, but is less important in adult perception, 
which may be the reason for the apparent disagreement here. 

Let us consider Hebb's theory a little more carefully. In the 
first place Hebb assumes that connexions from the primary visual 
projection area in the brain are originally random. The thresholds 
at synapses are supposed to vary in a random way from moment to 
moment as a function of recency of firing of a post-synaptic nerve 
cell. By repeated firing of particular sets of retinal cells the prob- 
ability of the same cell assembly being fired is increased. 

The possibilities of this theory are not perhaps clear, but 
Taylor has constructed a model which helps us to see what the 
implications of Hebb's theory are. This is one of many instances 
where it is useful actually to build a hardware system to mimic a 

The arguments against Hebb, mostly stated by Sutherland 
(1959), are that while the scanning of contour lines during the 
learning of the shape of a figure is all right for figures of equivalent 
size, this theory does not account for recognition without eye 

Now although Collier (1931) and others claim to show that such 
recognition is possible without eye movement, there are in fact 
two difficulties. The first is to ensure that all eye movements have 
really been eliminated; and the second is that eye movements may 
be only necessary to the learning and not to the recognition process. 
During learning the figure may have to be brought into standard 
positions by scanning, but after learning, the barest sample of the 
figure is usually enough for recognition purposes, even though in 
practice there is, of course, still the availability of eye movements 
for confirmation of the identity of a figure. 

Certainly Sutherland's arguments against the generalized 
approach to perceptual models are only partly effective, and this 
can be seen again in his criticism of Uttley. Sutherland has argued 


that Uttley's system does not lend itself to generalizations other 
than from a subset to those sets of which it is a possible subset. 
Now it is obvious that this is not necessarily true, since it is easy 
to arrange for generalizations to depend upon the notion of similar 
sets, which similarity is defined in terms of so many common 
elements. Sets with different elements can also be identified with 
respect to having a common resultant, and so on. This sort of 
argument has really no bearing on the relative advantages of 
regarding specific analysing mechanisms as against general 

At the same time, Sutherland produces much relevant evidence 
to support the idea that we should not wholly overlook specific 
analysing mechanisms. 

The fly-catching behaviour in newts seems certainly to depend 
on specific analysers (Sperry, 1943), and the work of Sharpless and 
Jasper (1956) and Hernandos-Peon, Sherrer and Jouvet (1956) 
supports clearly the idea of ordered sensory processing. 

In the experiment of the latter group, peripheral blocking on 
the part of a cat was inferred when a cochlear potential to clicks 
was completely inhibited by the sight of a mouse. It was suggested 
that this might be a function of the reticular formation. 

While accepting the fact that a too complete adherence to 
general principles in perception is probably false to fact, it would 
seem unwise to go as far as does Sutherland in supporting what he 
sees as the only alternative. In fact, of course, it is not a matter of 
alternatives, but rather of modifying a general approach to fit the 
particular experimental facts that Sutherland so ably presents. 

A model for perception 

Let us next consider an outline necessarily abbreviated of 
a suggested working model for the study of human perception. It 
is a model that is being constructed at Bristol, and although it may 
need much modification, it is hoped eventually to connect the 
retinal model to a sufficiently large storage system, and so make a 
detailed analysis possible (George, 1959b, 1960b). 

We will take the retinal model first. This will obviously be 
mirrored by an array of elements in duplicate, both mapped onto 
the inside of a roughly spherical shell. For practical purposes, and 
to clarify the argument, we can think of it initially as a single array 



that may be set out in any plane whatever. The particular shape 
and its duplication we shall at first regard as incidental to the major 
properties we shall be interested in mirroring, although clearly this 
will have the effect of temporarily eliminating matters dependent 
upon binocular vision. 

In this single array we may label the elements as the elements of 
a square matrix, and we will make some tentative suggestions as to 



FIG. 1. VISUAL NETWORK ELEMENTS. l(a) shows an element that 
fires when stimulated. l(b) a network (three elements) that fires 
when the input is fired and not after, and when it stops firing 
(on-off element) and l(c) shows an element that does not fire 
when it is stimulated (off element). 

what properties such a matrix must have to carry out such func- 
tions as shape recognition, colour vision, and various other visual 
functions that are, at least partly, determined by the retina. 

Figure 1 shows a sample of some of the elements that the retina 
might contain. Figure l(a) shows an element which fires steadily all 
the time it is stimulated. Figure l(b) shows an on off element that 
fires with a change of stimulation, either as firing stops or as firing 


starts. Figure l(c) represents an element that fires whenever it is not 
being stimulated. Cells which fire only at the outset or cessation of 
stimulation may be said to be a special case of the on-off element; 
they will be called 'on* and 'off' elements. The type of Fig. l(a) will 
also be called 'on' elements. Let us assume, to begin with, that 
these elements are randomly and densely packed all over a square 
array. The outputs from these elements will be assumed to run 
across the surface of the array and funnel through one point called 
the 'blind spot'. It should be borne in mind that the use of words 
like 'blind spot' is intended to remind us of the functional analogy 
with the human retina, without necessarily committing us to the 
statement that it is in any sense exactly the same. On-off elements 
and the like may be capable of being mirrored in many different 
ways, and we are not intending, at this stage, to be committed to 
biological verisimilitude. 

Let us now suppose that the fibres that are led away through the 
blind spot are connected to a classification system, and we will also 
suppose for the moment that every fibre from every retinal element 
is connected to the storage system directly and called by its retinal 
name. A retinal name is used here merely for our own naming 
purposes, and for retinal names we shall use, as before, the letters 
A, B > ..., N, and combinations of these letters. 

If we now place a figure, such as a solid triangle, against the 
retina so that its projected shape fires those cells that lie inside its 
boundaries and not those that lie outside, then a certain set of 
retinal on-elements will be fired and its complementary set will 
remain unfired. The off -elements will not fire (be inhibited) inside 
the triangle, but the on-off will, of course, have fired. 

Suppose now that the set fired is recorded in a storage system 
that is attached to the classification system. Here, each output from 
the classification system has a storage set so that it is fired, and 
stores the information each time a set of pulses is received, as well 
as giving off responses. The particular set fired we shall call the 
'triangle' set; if fired again it might be said to produce the identical 
response with the one originally elicited; but by the nature of the 
connexions in the storage system it will be seen that the whole of 
the triangle set will not subsequently need to fire on every occasion 
for the same response to be elicited as was originally elicited. 

At this point we will temporarily change our description of the 


operation to a simple set-theoretic description, since this is what is 
implicit in our classification and storage system. This means that 
any subset of the total triangle may be able to elicit the triangle 
response. What will in fact decide this matter will be the extent to 
which subsets in the past, assumed to be samples of the triangle 
subset, have been responded to 'without mishap'. 

This last point requires some elucidation. If our recognition is 
to be effective it must be able to tell us whether a particular subset 
is a sample of a certain larger set or not. If, according to a prob- 
ability measure, it is 'said to be* a sample of some particular set, 
then confirmation of this can be achieved through the prolonged 
sampling of the sets in the visual field, or by acting on the assump- 
tion of correct identification^ and then observing the subsequent 
outcome of the whole context of some piece of behaviour to 
discover whether or not there is any discrepancy. Naturally, such 
a probabilistic system will be liable to error. But more of this later. 

We must now look again at the retina itself and discover its 
limitations. The first and most obvious is that if we project on to 
the retina another triangle which is slightly larger or smaller than 
the one already 'learned 1 , it may fire no element in common with 
the first set; we may therefore ask why there should be any 
similarity between the first set and the second. 

To answer this objection we can introduce the notion of scanning. 
To make the new triangle elicit many of the same responses at the 
level of the subsets, we must arrange that the contours of the figure 
which is presented to the retina are scanned, and to do this we must 
effect a gradient across the face of the retina such that the retinal 
centre (or central area) will move along the contour lines. This 
means, of course, that already we have destroyed the random 
nature of our retina. 

Before discussing how this might be achieved we should men- 
tion that, to conform with the facts of eye movements, there must 
be a certain oscillation of the eye around whatever line is being 
fixated. This is in keeping with the results of experiments on. the 
fixated eye, and has the effect of keeping the on-off elements on 
the contour lines firing steadily, and so transferring a total outline 
of the figure to the classification system. But this, of course, is 
insufficient to elicit the same subset of responses from the classi- 
fication system, and it is here that we must add the condition of 


scanning; indeed we might guess that the fact of eye movements is 
a direct result of the scanning operation of the eyes. Even in the 
fixated eye it is supposed that scanning cannot be wholly sup- 
pressed, and it appears to show slow 'damping' properties. 

At any instant that the retina is stimulated by the presentation 
of a figure, there will be a localized centring response that moves 
the figure towards the point of maximum excitation. Should it 
happen at any instant that there are a number of equi-excited points 
at equi-distance from the centre of the retina, then those eye 
movements which occur even in the resting state, partly through 
slow 'damping', will immediately bring one point into the maxi- 
mum place and so cause movements along the contour lines to this 
local maximum. As the maximum is reached, so the feed-back 
effect is diminished to a minimum, thus causing the next point to 
become a maximum. This is simply because the feedback causing 
the movement increases with distance from the retinal centre, as 
well as with intensity of stimulation. This means that the scanning 
of a figure will proceed indefinitely unless or until the tendency to 
scan can be removed by the storage which suppresses the scanning 
operation, although the suppression is never so complete that no 
incipient scanning movements in the form of eye movements are 
observable. The question of this storage control must be left for 
the time. 

Figure 2 illustrates the point of the feedback which leads to 
scanning. The effect of centring and scanning need not be achieved 
exactly as we have described it, since there are many ways in which 
such a mechanism could effect a scan of a field with differing 
potentials, and such that a point of maximum becomes diminished 
as it travels across a graded scanner, setting up new maxima and 
thus producing further movement. What is important at this level 
of cybernetic analysis is that we can see how to construct a system 
in electronic form that would have this sort of ability. 

Two important points should be noted in passing; firstly the 
gradient across the retina may divide into two parts, the part that 
brings the figure on to the central area of the retina, where in fact 
the sense of movement gives way to sense of detail, and the 
movement that still remains on that retinal area sensitive to detail 
but which now is necessary to the actual scanning operation. It is 
not being suggested here that two separate mechanisms are 



necessary for this, though there is some biological evidence that 
this is so. The evidence is, crudely, that peripheral photoreceptors 
have more many-one connexions (perhaps a measure of feedback 
strength for centring) with their bipolar cells than do the more 
central photoreceptors; yet eye movements will still occur when 
the whole figure is within the virtually rod-free area. This is 
clearly a matter that can only be decided by further experiment. 

Our second point is that classification and storage are not 
necessarily effected in a single stage. It seems indeed likely that 

FIG. 2. CORRECTOR. The figure illustrates the very simple 

principle involved in making correcting movements with respect 

to a stimulated point. 

classification proceeds by stages in a hierarchical fashion, with the 
the first stages being retinal and the final stages being cortical. 

This last point is closely concerned with another important fact. 
It is being suggested that the visual (and other sensory systems) 
are primarily set-theoretic in their mode of operation. This implies 
that a particular concept, such as a corner or line, or a figure like a 
triangle, must involve the sequential firing of closely related subsets 
of elements. If this is so, then the nature of the classification system 
in however many stages it may occur will use an astronomical 
number of elements, since it must take account of every possible 
figure as well as every actual figure. This suggests that we should 
also be able to show a method for self-classification. 

A system that has the necessary properties of self-classification 
has in fact been designed (Chapman, 1959). It is simply a system 
that constructs its connexions as those connexions are needed, or, 
more properly, as a function of the times that they have fired 
together, the actual firing of the subsets increasing their prob- 
ability of firing in the future. Chapman's system will become 
relatively stable when the majority of the environment has become 
familiar, and his model should be regarded as representing the 
growth of the classification process with learning. 

While Chapman's system in no way precludes the possibility of 
some fixed connexions being built in genetically, or through a 
process of maturation it does not require that the classification 
system be fully connected. From a logical point of view, Chapman's 
model is illustrated by Fig. 5 (Chapter IV) where it is necessary to 
have some storage registers available to increase and decrease the 
sensitivity of connexions as a result of their frequency of use. In 
the logical net system, however, it is necessary to have all the 
connexions initially made before the sensitivity can be changed, 
and this may be neurophysiologically undesirable. 

This whole question of appropriateness of description is bound 
up with the concept of growth. Chapman's 'growth nets' have 
advantages which suggest that their potentialities should be given 
detailed investigation. This is itself bound up with the present 
trend in cybernetics, which is towards the manufacture of models 
using chemical and chemical-colloidal fabrics. A chemical self- 
classifying system is one that is envisaged, and it is hoped to 
build such a system in the near future. 

Figure 3 shows a logical net that will clearly fire a specific pulse 
code down the optic nerve where, we shall be tempted to say, the 
code represents a specific characteristic, such as colour. This, of 
course, sheds very little light on the biochemical states of the retina 
which produce the different codes, but something of value may 
come of such an analysis even here, since we can construct two, 
three, or more basic sets such that their mixture, coming from two 
or three different types of 'colour' element spread throughout the 
retina will produce a coded input at area 17 that represents the 
various spectral colours. It is easy to see how the process might be 
carried through, and this immediately suggests a certain range of 
experiments (see a similar method outlined in Landahl, 1952). 



What is the distribution of the colour elements on the retina 
such as to be able to reproduce the Benzolde Brucke phenomenon, 
or the Purkinje phenomenon, both of which are changes in the 
hue of spectral colours with a change in the level of illumination? 
The Purkinje phenomenon in particular shows that, as light 
increases from zero, the blues appear first and the reds last. These 
various effects have been observed with colours on the human eye 
(Granit, 1947, 1955; Wilmer, 1946). Here, if anywhere, our 
analytical device shows through clearly, since we shall certainly 
want to substitute a more analogue, ultimately chemical, model for 
the logical net model of the retina. 

FIG. 3. CODED INPUT. A logical net which fires if and only if it 

receives an input of the form 101, where 101 is an ordered event 

of length three involving firing, non-firing and firing of A in that 

essential order. 

There are obviously a vast number of questions that we should 
now start to ask of our model, especially on the lines of: can it do 
this, or that? We should expect it to be able to pfoduce effects 
already observed, or now capable of being observed, in the human 
eye, but it is necessary now to bear in mind the nature of the 
storage and the nature of motivation. We must also just mention 
the matter of dimensions. 

Suppose the optic nerve contains about one million fibres 
(Stewart, 1959), and they act in the binary fashion we have 
assumed, then a complete classification system of the form shown 
in Fig. 5 (Chapter IV) would call for 2 1 .oo,ooo elements, which is 
clearly ridiculous. Actual estimates have suggested 10 12 as some- 


thing like an upper bound for the whole of the central nervous 
system, so we can immediately see the need for incomplete classi- 
fication, whether or not that classification is self-selecting. 

Jacobsen (1951) has estimated that the optic nerve would have 
to be fifteen times larger for the nerve fibres to be used as in- 
efficiently as they are in the ear. This is again an economy in the 
nervous system, achieved by incomplete classification. This whole 
problem of redundancy and economy in nervous organization is 
one that will repay the most careful study in the future (Barlow, 
1959); it is of course essential in bringing our conceptual models 
into line with the biological facts. 

Our present problem about the nature of the storage system is 
simply as to whether we should postulate many different types of 
store, or not. Certainly it is tempting to suggest that the storage 
arrangement of Fig. 5 (Chapter IV) refers to the learning process, 
and that the information so learned is then moved on to some more 
permanent store; but while this can be shown to be possible with 
a logical net system, it offends our need for economy in the brain 
model. At the same time we do envisage the classifying and storage 
system occurring in stages, so that visual classification may itself 
occur at various levels and, at the highest level, information will be 
stored and associated from the visual, auditory, and indeed all the 
special senses, as well as from the internal organs. 

The above storage system has of necessity the property of 
working on the basis of weighted frequencies, so that where the 
number of occurrences are less than the number of available 
storage elements, the response is a function of a Laplacian prob- 
ability. If the alternative state holds, then the probability is 
weighted for recency. When we add the motivational system to the 
storage, we immediately add the differentiation factor of 'value* 
into the building up of the storage. If we wish to separate Value* 
from the probability of occurrences, we can do so by keeping a 
duplicate set of storage elements ; but this, in general, and in the 
interests of neuro-economy, will hardly be plausible. 

Since it is not our primary interest here to discuss storage 
systems in logical net models, we shall cut short this particular 
discussion. They have been mentioned only in so far as they are 
clearly bound up with vision. 

Before we leave the matter altogether we must mention again 


the problem of language. This is only just beginning to be studied, 
and it will obviously prove extremely complicated since it should 
go some way to focus on the overlapping interests of logicians, 
semanticists, philosophers and psychologists, as well as biologists. 

All that can be said here is that a system of labelling can be 
associated with objects perceived, actions made by the automaton 
itself, and relations between the two. This association can be 
achieved by an automaton in exactly the same way as we have 
already described for learning shapes. The problem is largely 
bound up with the gradual reconstruction of human language with 
respect to human environment, such that a whole syntax can 
eventually be reconstructed. For our purpose here it is important 
to note two very crucial facts. Language, while apparently invol- 
ving an astronomically high number of elements, will also have the 
effect of allowing the automaton to use linguistic generalizations 
as a succinct store of information. This implies that in the human 
brain there must be the possibility of operating by an over- 
riding control of ordinary associations as a result of language. This 
could be taken as an argument for a separate store for linguistic 
generalizations, as distinct from the storage system so far discussed, 
and to some extent this must be so. It seems likely, indeed, that this 
extra storage works with information from the storage elements al- 
ready referred to, so that conceptual operations can be performed. 
These operations will include deductive and inductive inferences, 
and will also include what we call 'imagination', since it will be 
possible to initiate firing of the storage elements from inside the 
store, and not just by sensory control alone. 

This matter of language is almost certainly directly connected 
with vision in the human being, since the words (concepts) such as 
'line', 'corner', 'curvature' and so on, will all arise as a result of 
associating words with particular sensory experiences. It can be 
seen from this that certain familiar figures will immediately 
produce the response of naming, and certain words such as 'corner', 
'line', etc., will be aroused in the storage, and a small sample may 
be enough for the response 'triangle', or 'square', on an almost 
instantaneous sample of the environment. This is in accordance 
with suggestions about the perception and recognition of shapes, 
and the learning of this perceptual process, which goes back to the 
work of Hebb (1949). 

We shall now return to some of those problems of the visual 
system that might be regarded as relatively independent of the 
central organization, bearing in mind that we have already had 
occasion to realize that many of the visual acts we perform are so 
completely bound up with the brain-as-a-whole that they cannot 
be studied adequately in isolation. 

Let us then briefly consider some of the functional details of our 
model of the visual system so far suggested in outline. It must be 
emphasized that the purpose here is not to try to give great detail 
since our main purpose is methodological but merely to say 
enough to allow the reader to see how the process might be 

We will first consider what is known as the 'figural after-effect', 
which we described at the beginning of this chapter. This has 
been explained by Osgood and Heyer (1952), using the model of 
the visual system suggested by Marshall and Talbot (1942), by 
reference to an excitation that was set up along a double contour 
line that brought about a wedge of excitation in area 17. The 
wedge of excitation was an approximate integration of separate 
excitations whose maximum was assumed to represent the line 
'actually seen' by the individual. The superposition of a second 
line, after two minutes' fixation of a point near to the first line, 
caused the second line to be displaced to a position further away 
from the fixation point. This was thought to be the result of the 
relative 'fatiguing' of the cells, caused by continued firing in the 
period of fixation, leaving the second line falling on an area which 
is below the resting state of excitation of the rest of the retina. The 
two curves of excitation are superimposed, and the maximum is 
simply moved away from the position it would otherwise have 
taken up. 

In our own retinal model of the last section, exactly this state of 
affairs pertains, although not designed for. After the initial 
excitation there is a decrement in the excitation curve due to the 
falling off of the on-element's firing, except at the edges of the line. 
This conforms with the assumption we made in discussing scan- 
ning, when we said that the points of maxima died away on being 
reached, leaving another maximum for the eye to move on to. 
The eye, being fixated by central control alone, still shows limited 
movement, and the excitation for the equivalent part of the visual 


cortex must fall below that of the surrounding retinal elements; 
cortical representation and the figural after effects could be 
accounted for exactly as in the Osgood and Heyer model. The 
reason for the fall of excitation with fixation could most easily be 
accounted for by saying that at the central retinal point the off- 
elements are in excess of the on-elements, and when the on-off 
fall below a critical level, the state of excitation becomes less at this 
focal point than in the surrounding areas. This could also be 
accounted for in a variety of other ways, one of which is mentioned 

It need hardly be said that this is by no means the only way in 
which the scanning operation can be made effective, and the 
biological plausibility of the explanation should now be seriously 
considered. The off-effect has been regarded by Granit (1947) as a 
release from inhibition, which suggests that the off-elements are 
elements that fire in the resting state and therefore, with an area that 
is stimulated, the off-fibres might be regarded as being inhibited. 

This problem of the diminution of excitation with a fixated eye 
accounts, on the Marshall-Talbot hypothesis, for figural after 
effects, and requires further consideration. It is something that 
seems to be quite necessary to an explanation of the functioning of 
the eye, and perhaps represents the same physiological fact that is 
called 'fatigue*. This could, of course, be accounted for by con- 
sidering a decrement in the on-elements, where more and more of 
the cells cease to fire with increasing stimulation. A logical net 
can easily be drawn to represent this state of affairs. 

The points so far mentioned also link up with evidence on the 
formation of contours in the visual system. The Werner effect is 
shown in a simple experiment where a black disk is presented on a 
white background, quickly followed by a black ring whose inner 
radius is exactly the same as the radius of the disk. This causes loss 
of ability to see the disk if the ring is presented sufficiently quickly 
after the disk. The Werner effect is thought to obtain because the 
contour of the disk is not formed before the same contour is used 
in the ring, and so the black disk is suppressed altogether. This fact 
is certainly one that would occur in our model, provided it is 
arranged that the horizontal cells of the retina are functionally 
interdependent in their connexions with the on-off elements on the 
periphery of a figure, and this again can easily be arranged. 


The degree of stimulation, of course, can be achieved by fre- 
quency of firing, as well as by the number of elements that fire, and 
both will be expected to occur in our model. 

In this same connexion one might seek to explain the a- 
rhythm by appeal to the synchronous firing of the off-elements, or 
at least some of them. We should here seek to relate the character- 
istic waves with the observed frequency and amplitude of the cells 
themselves. In much the same way we would try to replace the 
coded elements suggested in Fig. 3 for colour vision by codings 
that represent a direct function of the frequency and amplitude of 
the primary colour waves. 

In a similar way we may expect to find an explanation of contrast 
effect. With two adjacent black and white patches there will be a 
maximum difference in excitation, since in any case all the on- 
elements will fire, and immediately next to this will be an area with 
a minimum number (zero) of on-elements firing. The change here 
from a maximum to a minimum will thus be maximal. This effect 
could clearly operate in the same way for complementary colours, 
and it should be possible to work out a code that shows precisely 
the necessary relations between neighbouring areas to achieve this 
end. The contrast effect will be further emphasized by the hori- 
zontal cells which fire elements in the surrounding black areas, and 
not at all in the white areas, as we have already suggested above. 

So much for the present outline of Cybernetics and perception; 
some more general suggestions will be made about these matters in 
the next chapter. 


This chapter has tried to give a brief integrated account of 
perception, taking into the account the physiological and philo- 
sophical evidence, as well as the experimental psychological evid- 

There is some repetition of our earlier discussion, in Chapter V, 
of the methods of classification and of the perceptual models based 
on classification. 

Uttley, Deutsch, Selfridge, Culbertson, Rapoport, McCulloch, 
Pitts, and others, have formulated models for perception which we 
have briefly considered, and a new model is suggested that incor- 


porates some of the characteristics of these other models, as well as 
the model of the visual system due to Osgood and Heyer. 

A little general discussion has also taken place with respect to 
the well-known psychological evidence on perception. The 
evidence we take to be well-known includes constancy, after- 
effects and after-images, perception of space and, of course, the 
perception of forms which is so essential to recognition. It is to 
be remembered that, while it is truly necessary to show how 
recognition can occur under conditions of minimal cues, it can 
also, and does normally, occur under conditions permitting of a 
vast redundancy of information from many different sensory 

This chapter is directly continued in the next one, which con- 
tinues to deal with the perceptual problem. 



THIS may be an appropriate moment to summarize some of the 
advantages and benefits that cybernetics has to offer in the analysis 
of perceptual and cognitive problems. 

In the first place we are, of course, to understand 'cybernetics' 
as implying effective methods, and not merely as the construction 
of hardware models or the programming of computers. This means 
that much of experimental psychology is already included in the 
field of cybernetics. In a narrower view, however, we may expect 
to find value coming from the simulation of all aspects of the ner- 
vous system and human behaviour. 

In particular, we need more computer programmes to illustrate 
learning, which is crucially connected with the organization of the 
storage system, and this eventually includes recognition, recall, 
and every aspect of cognition including perception. 

The primary problem for the future of cognition, and one which 
has been much neglected so far, is that of language; and language 
is also capable of analysis by computer methods. 

At the same time as we need to simulate by digital and analogue 
computers, we also need to build models of different parts of the 
nervous system. These models may be at various levels of general- 
ity; some need to simulate its electrical activity, some its chemical 
activity, some the relations between neurons, and so on. While we 
can hope to simulate much of the structure and organization of 
human behaviour, we also need to do the same thing for other 
organisms. We also need to build models that modify their own 
structure, or grow and change, as well as the models that are pre- 
wired and only change functionally. 

Finally, we need to build our models of every kind of fabric, 
from electronic and other physical systems to chemical and 
chemical-colloidal ones. 



This is the search, and it carries a promise of which experi- 
mental psychologists have only recently become aware. 

We shall now return to a reconsideration of some of the problems 
of perception and cognition, with an eye to making the conceptual 
models, so far discussed, more nearly meet the experimental facts 
of human behaviour. 

Perceptual models 

The particular outline of perceptual models and the eventual 
set of suggestions made in the last chapter, suffer from many 
doubts and possible defects. Two of the most prominent ones 
surround the question of eye movements, and the necessity for a 
scanning operation as a preliminary to recognition. 

Let us first consider the problem of eye movements. Work by 
Riggs, Ratliff, Cornsweet and Cornsweet (1953) lends credence to 
the claim that figural after-effects of various kinds do not depend 
upon eye movements and this was suggested as a result of using 
contact lenses, which allowed the figures perceived to move with 
the movements of the eyes. 

While it is not certain that by such means all relative eye move- 
ment is eliminated, it is certainly minimized. Bearing in mind 
Deutsch's (1956) objection to the Osgood-Heyer model for figural 
after-effects, we might feel that the attempts to model either these 
or other related perceptual phenomena are on the wrong track. 

Deutsch's argument is simply that eye movements are not 
essential to the figural after-effect, and that the Osgood Heyer 
model depends on an interaction of the normally distributed 
excitations in the visual cortex. But, he argues, if such excitations 
can summate over such a wide visual angle, how are two lines 
normally discriminated, as they are known to be, in terms of a 
much narrower retinal angle? 

The problems so posed can be 'solved* or 'resolved' in a number 
of ways, none of which is immediately and completely testable. 
In the first place, if eye movements are not necessary to these after 
effects, then the distribution of excitation of a single stimulus line 
(double contour line) will tend to be very narrow indeed, and thus, 
apparently, greatly reducing this possibility of summatory effects. 
Indeed, we know that no effect will occur unless a further condition 


is introduced, namely, that the inspection figure must be mapped 
on to the retina for some period of not less than one minute, and 
preferably two minutes. The implication is that the spread of 
excitation which is necessary to the summatory effect is derived 
only under conditions of steady stimulation. George (to be pub- 
lished) has carried out an experiment which is aimed at settling 
this point, and the results are, to say the least, encouraging. By 
taking two vertical lines at varying distances apart, and at varying 
distances from a fixation point, it was found that, after steady 
fixation for one minute, the ability to discriminate between the two 
lines had entirely vanished; at least, many subjects significantly 
many subjects claimed that this was so. This appears to justify 
the argument that, with spread of excitation under 'fatiguing* 
conditions, summation will occur and discrimination will be lost. 

There are other theoretical suggestions that could be made to 
overcome the Deutsch objection, but in view of the apparent 
success of the first tentative suggestion, the matter need be 
pursued no farther. The only weak link in the logical chain is that, 
under the ordinary conditions of figural after-effect, eye move- 
ments certainly do occur, and the spread of excitation that seems 
to occur with fatigue has not been shown to occur independently of 
eye movement. This will not greatly concern us now, though, since 
the occurrence of a summatory spread of effect certainly seems to 
take place normally, and it is rather too much to ask us to believe 
that it will not also occur in the eye when all movement is elim- 
inated if figural after-effects still occur. The doubt is as to whether 
all eye movements are really eliminated, or whether the spread of 
effect occurs anyway. The two points are by no means mutually 
exclusive, but the second seems to be true in any case. 

Now let us look for a moment at the scanning operation of the 
eye. This is one way in which similar figures in different retinal 
locations could be brought into positions of comparison. If this is 
to be ruled out by elimination of eye movements or scanning 
movements, even during learning, then we will have to use some 
other indicator of retinal position, such as one conveyed by tem- 
poral coding (Deutsch, 1955; Dodwell, 1957). There are some 
difficulties with this idea as we have already remarked, and the 
Culbertson model achieves its coding by having the equivalent of 
retinal scanning more centrally placed. It seems that either way 


could be effective, and further evidence (not yet published), casts 
further doubt on the idea of scanning that we have suggested, and 
that was previously suggested by Hebb (1949). 

This might be said to be one major point which can only be 
settled by further experiment, since there is plenty of evidence 
that, from the purely conceptual point of view, any of these 
models might suffice. An alternative that, as far as the writer is 
aware, has not been taken very far, is that the retina, as a classifying 
system, might simply represent the relations between sets of 
points, so that the stores may indeed receive subsets that have no 
element in common, and yet use the same word such as 'triangle' 
or 'circle* to describe them, because they bear certain char- 
acteristic and similar relations to each other. 

The principle suggested is exactly that by which we represent 
different families of curves in Cartesian coordinates, so that any- 
thing of the form ax+by+c = represents a straight line, three 
such lines represent a triangle, a form such as xP+y* = a 2 would 
represent a circle, and so on. 

It is not being suggested that the nervous system converts 
geometrical patterns into sequential patterns exactly in the 
Cartesian, or even the projective manner; but some such a principle 
would overcome the need for postulating scanning eye movements 
as necessary to recognition during the learning period. 

It is not intended that this matter should be pursued further 
here, for this would need exploratory construction of new models, 
combined with new research on the physiology of the visual 
system, while this book is endeavouring only to summarize what 
has been done to date. 

As far as this particular problem is concerned, we cannot rule 
out the more central theories which might account for the effects 
to which we refer as 'movement after-effects' and 'figural after- 
effects'. As an instance, there is something to be said for regarding 
the set to move the eyes which indeed might not actually need 
the eye movement itself, although generally it would be accom- 
panied by it as setting up a central storage state such that, when 
the movement is stopped, the actual physical stimuli will make 
relative movements in the opposite direction. To put the matter 
crudely, this means that if the movement was to the left, the lines 
will be discovered persistently to the right of the anticipated 


position. Wohlgemuth (1911) has demonstrated many of the 
properties of the movement after-effects, but little has been 
suggested by way of explanation. One approach may be to try to 
develop the Osgood Heyer theory, and we shall do this shortly. 
Another way is to assume that the Osgood Heyer effects are 
negligible, and that the matter should be centrally explained. 

This last question naturally suggests that we should look at figural 
after-effects from the same point of view. Could figural after- 
effects be explained more plausibly in a central manner? Although 
we cannot discuss the matter in detail here, it is essential that 
we look again at the basic process by which contours are formed 
in the visual cortex. The results of Werner (1940) and Fry and 
Bartley (1935) make it clear that there is an intimate relation 
between contour formation and perception of brightness of 
surfaces. It is also known from the work of the Transactionalists 
that brightness and size are interdependent, and there is the 
possibility that the figural after-effects represent the work of 
central interpretation, where a figure becomes distorted as a result 
of the subject seeing the test and inspection figures together as a 
meaningful whole, even though they do not overlap. 

One piece of evidence that bears on this last suggestion seems to 
imply the opposite (George, 19S3c), for when the test and inspection 
figures were actually superimposed for a particular case, the result 
was the opposite to what our suggestions above would lead one to 
expect. However, this case is not really a parallel, since we are not 
suggesting that they should appear as one pattern, but rather that 
the effect of the inspection figure is to present a certain space, and 
that when the test figure is presented, the test figure 'is distorted 

A real possibility is that when an inspection ^figure ^f two 
unequal circles, say, on either side of a fixation point is seen, they 
are seen as three-dimensional, and therefore the one which is 
smaller distorts the spatial framework (as centrally interpreted) 
and this would naturally result in the equal squares, say, of the 
test-figure being seen as unequal. The difficulty, here, is that this 
same figural after-effect can be derived with other figures that do 
not readily lend themselves to interpretation in three-dimensional 

A more sinister thought of course is that it is both the Osgood- 


Heyer effect and the interpretative effect occurring together that 
causes the many after-effects. But we shall not pursue that 
possibility any further at present. 

Perception of movement, as we know from work on actual and 
apparent movement, depends upon sequential contour formation, 
but the fact that apparent movement occurs reminds us that the 
actual discrimination between contours is a function of successive 


FIG. 1 . FIGURAL AFTER-EFFECT. If the eye fixates the dot half way 
between the two squares at a distance of about eighteen inches 
and then after about 30 seconds is transferred to the dot immedi- 
ately below, the left-hand circle can be seen to be smaller 
than the right. 

When we have solved the problem of visual perception to the 
extent of providing a model of discrimination of brightness, 
constancy, etc., we can tackle the problems presented by clinical 
psychologists (Zangwill, et aL). In the meantime their findings 
such as that destruction of parts of the optic radiations seem to 
destroy constancy, perhaps by way of brightness discrimination, 
which was also destroyed are valuable as contributing to our 
present model, and a reminder that all these things are closely 


Movement after-effects 

Let us now explicitly address ourselves to the problem of move- 
ment after-effects. The problem is as to whether the Osgood- 
Heyer model is sufficient to account for these effects as well as for 
the figural after-effects. It should be noticed that Osgood himself 
(1953) has applied the model to the case of apparent movement. 
He suggested that two contour lines interact when their peaks are 
mutually shifted. Indeed, the same sort of explanation could be 
used to explain movement itself, although presumably it would 
only be necessary to do so in the case of the fixated eye. Either way, 
the idea is that the two excitation distributions interact in such a 
way as to produce a single moving peak in apparent movement, 
while in actual movement the peak is already an integrated one 

FIG. 2. THE PLATEAU SPIRAL. This figure has been used to 
produce movement after-effects in the eye (see text). 

from a single source, or if a series of lines, from a series of sources. 

In the case of apparent movement, the problem of the Osgood- 
Heyer model is again simply to explain how summation takes 
place here, and not when two lines are discriminated. The answer 
in the fixed case of the figural after-effect seems to be, as we have 
already said, that during the fatiguing operation, which is taking 
place while the inspection figure is exposed, a broad distribution of 
reduced excitation occurs and the question now arises as to whether 
this changes our interpretation of the moving line case. 

We can put the matter to a similar test. We know that if a series 


of lines moves sufficiently quickly across the retina, or rotates 
quickly enough as, for example, the blades of a fan, then the lines 
or blades are not separately seen, but an impression of continuity 
is created. This could be interpreted as the failure to achieve any 
separate distributions at all, and confirmation that summation is 
taking place. 

But if the lines are moved slowly enough they can be seen 
individually, which shows, on the theory, that summation is not 
taking place. So far, so good, but we must now try to account for 
the after-effect. The lines stop, and an impression of movement in 
the opposite direction occurs. Fatiguing must certainly occur in 
the retina, since the movement after-effects only occur after a 
period of inspection, and prior to stopping the movement to derive 
the effect. If, then, our supposition about the broad spread of 
fatiguing is correct, we should expect that when the lines are 
stationary after the inspection period, they set up an excitation 
that interacts with the fatiguing excitation and creates, at the least, 
a shift in the opposite direction. This shift in the opposite direction 
will be maintained in the same way as the figural after-effect, and 
thus create an apparent movement of much the same kind as 
Osgood suggests for ordinary apparent movement. 

It must be mentioned here that there is a difficulty over such 
effects as the Plateau spiral, which creates movement after-effects 
in roughly radial directions away from the centre of the spiral. If, 
as Osgood and Heyer assume, the excitation distribution depends 
on eye movements, one is faced with the somewhat perplexing 
thought that the eye must move in all directions at once. The 
answer to this can take one of two obvious forms: either eye 
movements are unnecessary, and a spread of excitation with peak- 
ing does not depend upon eye movement, or the spiral effect is 
derived by sampling the visual environment and generalizing 
from this sample. This last explanation might be worked into 
something plausible, but it seems much more likely that eye 
movements, although they may contribute to the effect, are in 
practice unnecessary to it, and that the movement after-effect 
needs only the interacting spreads of excitation. The theory 
proposed requires that the discrimination between two adjacent 
lines is greatly reduced again as fatigue sets in during the inspec- 
tion period, and this seems very likely to be true. 


One problem that now arises is an effect that occurs when a 
wheel with, say, four spokes is rotated fairly rapidly. The effect is 
that the number of spokes is greatly increased phenomenally. 
The explanation of this problem probably lies in the fact that in 
such circumstances there is no way of identifying the individual 
spokes, which are forming contours at a rate below the level of 
summation, and at a rate that makes it impossible for the eye to 
do any sort of count. The effect should be reduced with fatiguing 
of the eye after lengthy fixation of the centre of the rotating wheel. 
The method, on the theory here proposed, is to start with a slow 
rate at which each spoke is visible, and increase the speed through 
the successive stages of multiplying (and perhaps finally decreasing 
again) and then integrating. A set of experiments is being carried 
out at the time of writing to discover some more of the facts 
(George and Stewart, to be published). 

No more will be said here about these models of the visual 
system. It is hoped that when further experiments have been 
carried out it will be possible to give a more integrated account of 
the perceptual activities. The model in hardware mentioned in the 
previous chapter will be used to try to build up every aspect of 
perceptual theory: contrast, movement (apparent and real) and 
so on; but of course there will be some difficulties in showing that 
the method used in the hardware model will give the same result as 
that used in the human eye. It will be noticed, again, that our 
technique has marked behaviouristic implications. 

Other perceptual models 

. We have so far discussed only general models based on classi- 
fication, and some specific analysing mechanisms such as that of 
Osgood and Heyer. There are, of course, many more of both of 
these types of model that we shall meet and have to examine, and 
here we must at least make mention of the Perceptron (Rosenblatt, 
1958, 1959), the Pandemonium (Selfridge, 1959), and some of the 
models that have been constructed to deal with problems such as 
speech perception (Fry and Denes, 1959; Ladefoged, 1959). 
These are all efforts, mostly similar to those we have analysed, to 
meet the problem of modelling perceptual systems, and therefore 
of the greatest interest from the cybernetic viewpoint. 


The rest of cognition 

We have said quite a lot about cognitive problems, with rather 
particular attention to perception and learning, but so far we have 
scarcely considered the problem of thinking as such, and the nature 
of cognitive terms such as 'thinking', 'problem solving', and so on. 
Cybernetics apart, the last few years have seen a great deal of 
progress in the process of trying to construct models of cognitive 
processes, and it might be said that cybernetics has merely lent 
further emphasis to this particular development. 

Most people have tended to accept the Reichenbach dictum 
that the context of discovery and the context of justification are 
quite different from each other. We have taken this to imply a 
very pronounced difference between the manner in which humans 
actually think by taking big jumps, making guesses, etc. and 
the manner in which they subsequently justify their intuitions. 

We should notice that while learning theorists have themselves 
paid scant attention to thinking, most experiments on thinking 
have been built up around human subjects. But from the behaviour- 
istic point of view, thinking is something that we infer from 
performance, in the same way as we infer learning from per- 
formance, and we should perhaps ask about the differences 
between learning and thinking and even, for that matter, problem 
solving, which often seems to merit a separate chapter in books on 
psychology. Again from the behaviouristic point of view, we shall 
want to say that thinking must apply not only to what we are 
conscious of doing, it must also include processes of which we are 
unaware. This means that a solution to a problem, whether arrived 
at during waking or sleeping, could be said to be the result of 
thinking; and since we would also want to say that learning, almost 
always if not always involves solving a problem, it can be 
seen that all these apparently different questions could be col- 
lapsed into one. 

The Reichenbach distinction, namely (as already mentioned) 
that the context of discovery is wholly distinct from the context of 
justification, is only obviously true when we refer to thinking as a 
process of which we are consciously aware, and we cannot say that 
actual internal changes which proceed towards a solution are 
anything like so haphazard as the scraps of information we have 
about our own thinking processes. Bartiett (1958) has pointed out 


that, in the series of experiments he conducted on human beings, 
there were fairly systematic changes going on, usually moving to- 
wards a solution. Of course the problem may not be solved, but 
we should not want to say on that account that thinking had not 
taken place. Just as solutions to situations may not be learned, so 
thinking, or some internal changes, will go on whether or not they 
lead to learning, or solve particular problems. This is perhaps the 
nucleus of a distinction between the various terms. 

There have been many studies of thinking (Humphrey, 1951; 
Bartlett, 1958; Bruner, Goodnow and Austin, 1956) and they have 
all dwelt on the human being, and on the layout of input informa- 
tion and its importance for the results of problem solving; this, of 
course, was well known to be a source of Gestalt theory (Kohler, 

It is a question as to whether we should think of thinking as 
being unified or not, and it is a semantic question, typical of the 
kind we feel cybernetics can help us to solve. In the first place, as 
with perception and learning, it was impossible to establish exactly 
where thinking started and where it finished; indeed, it has seemed 
to be a matter of convention. Certainly it is clear that there are 
many different facets to the internal organization of any system 
that solves problems, since there are different sorts of problems to 
solve. Some demand a relationship between inputs alone, others 
between inputs and outputs ; some occur in a closed situation, and 
are mathematical or deductive in part of their form, others require 
what Bartlett calls 'adventurous thinking' and are more obviously 
inductive in form, although the differences in the examples he 
gives are more in terms of the type of problem than in the differ- 
ences of suggested solutions. The way information has to be put 
together to form a solution is at least different on the surface in 
various problem situations, though the differences may be more 
apparent than real. 

Bartlett's definition of thinking is, 'the extension of evidence in 
accord with that evidence, so as to fill up gaps in the evidence; and 
this is done by moving through a succession of interconnected steps, 
which may be stated at the time or left until later to be stated*. 

This seems curious at first sight, and Bartlett himself recognizes 
that it may be a special case; in fact it is a statement which brings 
out fairly clearly the inductive nature of thinking. His suggestion 


that thinking is a high-level form of skilled behaviour is most 
acceptable from the cybernetic viewpoint. 

Humphrey (1951) defines thinking, as 'what occurs in experience 
when an organism, human or animal, meets, recognizes, and solves 
a problem'. He also points out that the term 'reasoning* may be 
preferred, and he further admits that there is no hard and fast 
distinction between learning and thinking. All this is in agreement 
with our argument. 

Bruner et al (1956) impinge upon another aspect of thinking 
when they talk of categorizing activity and its relation to the mak- 
ing of inferences and to the general field of cognition. Concept 
formation, or 'concept attainment' as they call it, is discussed at 
some length, and they are also interested in 'selective strategy', 
which is concerned with the order in which hypotheses (or beliefs) 
are tested. 

George (1960a) has suggested a simple model for an inference 
making system in terms of logical nets. It is based precisely on the 
discussion of finite automata, and therefore involves classification 
of temporal sequences of events, and the association of such events 
(or event names) whereby new consequences may be derived by 
'conceptual' activity alone. 

At this stage the subject of language obviously needs some 
further discussion. Language is certainly used by human beings 
in their problem solving activities, but whether it should be said 
that all thinking either depended directly on language, or was 
carried out entirely in language, it would be more difficult to decide. 
Judging from our computer work in Chapter VI, it looks as if the 
natural and easy way to solve problems is by making, and applying, 
generalizations derived from some previous circumstances. The 
learning, of course, goes deeper than this, because the use of signs 
and symbols has itself to be learned, and after that, further learning 
may take place within the language so learned. It is conceivable 
that organisms could think in other than symbols, since the word 
'thinking' could be used simply for a type of awareness and associa- 
tion, accompanied perhaps by images, without the occurrence of 
language ; but whether this is so is quite a different problem. 

We should perhaps mention that attempts to understand con- 
sciousness from a behaviouristic point of view and therefore 
from a cybernetic point of view are not likely to provide more 


than a rough, heuristic idea of what constitutes consciousness, 
because this throws us right into the problem called by philo- 
sophers 'Other Minds'. We cannot know what it is to be another 
person, and still less what it is to be a machine. Naturally we 
experience great difficulty in imagining a machine having con- 
sciousness in the human sense, and perhaps the only kind of 
constructed system that could be thought to have the same sort 
of consciousness as ourselves is one that is constructed from the 
same chemical colloidal materials as is the human being. This has 
really little to do with cybernetics as such, but it is perhaps worth 
saying here if only to remind us of our behaviouristic commitment. 

By the same token, thinking can really only be meaningful in the 
cybernetic situation when considered as the method by which the 
automaton proceeds to try and solve problems, learn about the 
environment, or perhaps freely associate with respect to some 
stimulus. This point is of some importance. A human being will 
often say, 'Let me think' ; and if he thinks aloud he may say some- 
thing like, 'I had it on Tuesday ... Tuesday I was in London ... 
then I came back on the train ... I had it on the train, so I must have 
lost it when I got back ... Now what did I do? ... I went to the 
garage . . . ' This sort of operation, which seems very common in 
human beings, appears to be a restimulation of the memory store. 
It might be described as a chain of stimuli and responses that are 
elicited by the organism, although they are to some extent tied to 
the environment. Work on sensory deprivation (Bexton, Heron 
and Scott, 1954, and others) has shown fairly clearly that this sort 
of organized self-stimulation cannot be carried on indefinitely 
when the subject is deprived of sensory stimulation. In any case, 
it could be said to be an act of memorizing rather than of thinking, 
which only helps to remind us of the semantic confusion that is 
liable to cloud the whole subject. 

In the case of a finite automaton, we could easily arrange for it to 
run through its store, taking item after item in some definite order 
according to its method of storage, and then draw logical inferences 
as they are needed to some specific end, i.e. to solve some specific 
problem, for example ( to discover the place where I lost my 
fountain pen'. We should expect to find the memory store organ- 
ized on the basis of recency, frequency and value, at the very least, 
and thus some information would be available and some not. 


It is tempting to say that a finite automaton which could perform 
deduction and induction (by induction we shall mean: able to make 
generalizations of an empirical kind on the basis of probabilities) 
can easily assess the credibility of statements as a function of their 
objective probabilities, coupled with the weighting that certainly 
seems to occur because of the emotional and motivational systems. 
Indeed, these systems do seem to have the effect of weighting 
events in terms of desires and prejudices and so on, which could be 
characteristics of the counting and other mechanisms that vary 
with different individual systems, no doubt as a result of their 
experience, and of whatever built-in characteristics they have. 
Here we see the relevance of the decision procedures of the theory 
of games ; games will be learned by different people, perhaps often 
through accidental factors, and certainly as a result of environ- 
mental considerations. 

The task of constructing a programme on a computer which will 
show the variety demanded in mimicking a human being is cer- 
tainly a colossal one, and the sheer magnitude of the system might 
well be considered somewhat daunting. In the meantime, a 
manner of approach has been adopted which involves showing 
particular functions, building greatly extended memory storage 
systems, and making use of autocoding devices, especially of the 
compiler kind (Minsky, 1959; Backus, 1959). 

In the language developed in Chapter V as a preliminary to 
applying programme techniques and building finite automata, it 
would be suitable to describe thinking simply as the utilization of 
beliefs in any situation whatever. Especially would this apply to 
the manipulation of existing beliefs to make deductions and induc- 
tionswhich means to form new beliefs and the processes 
involving regurgitation of beliefs when suitably stimulated. This 
is all part of the activity of what we have called the C-system. 
We have postulated that this must itself depend on the motivational 
system, or M-system; but this is really a statement that is analytic 
rather than one capable of being tested. 

It is not for a moment felt that this brief section on thinking does 
justice in any way to the vast ramifications of human thought; 
what it might do is to shed some light on the relatively unified 
nature that thinking takes. 

Another cognitive word in frequent use is 'imagination'. The 


basis of this might be sought in the recombination of previously 
existing items in the storage system. It is well known that it is 
impossible to give any knowledge by way of explanation to another 
person by any means other than by appeals to concepts already 
familiar to that other person, which suggests that thinking is very 
much tied to previous experience. Whether the imagination takes 
the form of referring to events that have happened but have not 
actually been witnessed, or whether to events that have never 
happened, the function of the automaton will be the same. It must 
selectively recreate an event name of some length which is taken to 
represent the event itself. 

This statement is, again, quite inadequate to account for all the 
ramifications that occur under the names of 'imagination', 'creative 
thinking', etc., indeed it makes no such attempt, but it says enough 
perhaps to show how such problems may be quite easily fitted into 
the scheme of the finite automaton. 

The fact of being able to stimulate the sensory storage systems 
directly, i.e. other than by actual external stimulation, offers an 
obvious approach to the problem of imagery, since by this means 
some shadowy picture of the original scene is given to the auto- 
maton. The idea is, of course, obvious enough, and it is mentioned 
only for the sake of some attempt at completeness. 

It seems to the writer that the big problem that cybernetics has 
to solve in the future is that of language. It ought to be possible 
to teach an automaton a complex language this can quite easily 
be done for a computer with a simple language and the auto- 
maton could then be shown, under a variety of different condi- 
tions, to recreate the development of, say, the English language, in 
a manner to which we have already drawn attention. This is a 
huge undertaking, but it is one in which it should be possible to 
show that it would be natural to separate events in the environ- 
ment (nouns) and their properties (adjectives) and the computer's 
own outputs (verbs). 

Eventually a linguistic system could be reconstructed which 
would be extremely helpful in confirming the correctness or 
otherwise of our conceptual systems, since quite a lot is known of 
the quantitative side of linguistics (Osgood, 1953), and this must 
certainly link up with the other cognitive knowledge we have, as 
well as with our philosophical knowledge. 


One of the principal features that we have to acknowledge is that 
the names we have come to give to cognition operations by no 
means lie in a one-one correspondence with different structures or 
mechanisms. As a result, one may construct a model and then 
interpret the model from different points of view with respect to 
our cognitive terms. 

'Perceptual learning* (Drever, 1960) is a term increasingly used 
in the literature of cognition, and this, like 'discrimination learn- 
ing', really lays emphasis on the fact that some learning is much 
more immediately tied to perceptual activities than other learning. 
This should not in any way make us think of such perceptual 
learning as a new process; rather it is a familiar process which is to 
some extent distinctive, because it tends to one end of a continuum 
of learning (and perceptual activities), for we knew from the start 
that learning and perception were not wholly separable. 


This chapter has directly continued the discussion of perception 
started in the previous chapter, although it has concentrated 
attention mainly upon the Osgood and Heyer model for the visual 
system. It seems likely that this sort of model, with modifications 
to be expected as it becomes more frequently tested under new 
conditions, would be appropriate for the visual system, and that it 
should be directly attached to a classification system which may be 
expected to operate in stages, eventually integrating sensory in- 
formation with information from the other sensory sources. 

This summary of perception is followed by a very brief descrip- 
tion of some of the other principal features of cognition. Language 
is necessarily mentioned, as are the obvious cognitive terms such as 
'thinking', 'problem-solving', 'imagination', and so on. 

It is suggested that, with the integration of perception with 
learning, the main cognitive problems are solved; but as far as 
human behavour is concerned it is language that has failed to 
receive, so far, sufficient attention from experimental psychologists. 

It might even be claimed in a general way that we now under- 
stand the type of physiological processes that are necessary to 
cognition; but even if this were true and it might be thought to 
be just plausible the amount of detail that we still have to work 
out is tremendous. 



IN this chapter we shall attempt to summarize briefly all that has 
been considered and discussed in the book as a whole. 

Cybernetics is the science of control and communication, and 
cybernetics can be used as a method to analyse the facts of human 
behaviour; but it is only one such method of analysis, and it must 
take its place alongside animal work, ethological and comparative, 
as well as experimental work on humans, and physiological studies 
of animals and humans. 

Cybernetics represents the application of an old idea, the idea 
that human beings and animals are essentially very complicated 
machines. It asserts that they are deterministic systems which 
could be constructed (or reconstructed) in the laboratory, but 
whether or not this is actually true is not of the first importance, 
since the statement is only making explicit what is implicit in the 
behaviouristic approach to psychology and the mechanistic 
approach to biology in general. To take this assertion beyond the 
level of the trivial would necessitate an examination of what is 
meant by 'behaviouristic' and 'mechanistic*. 

Cybernetics as a science of behaviour emerges mainly from three 
considerations : 

(1) The development of servosystems and computers that are 
far more like human beings than any machines made previously. 

(2) The need for developing a degree of precision in the models 
and theories used in any science, particularly the biological sciences 
of which an essential part is experimental psychology. 

(3) This may be regarded as a corollary of (2), in that it lays 
emphasis on the need for mathematical descriptions. It may be 
confidently argued that any science develops quickly if it can be 
made mathematical, and we should therefore try to introduce 
mathematics into biology. 



The usefulness of computers and servosystems is very great 
indeed, particularly because it allows us to build models with 
them, and like them, by other methods such as paper and pencil 

Computers, as we have seen, can be programmed to learn and 
also to perceive, and it seems reasonable to say that they can also 
be programmed to think, since thinking and learning are not, in 
the last analysis, of great difference. 

The problem, as seen from the point of view of computer pro- 
gramming, was how to organize the storage system and how to 
programme for the process of generalization which is so essential 
to learning in computers, as of course it is in human beings. This 
is by no means easy to do with a computer, for the simple reason 
that most contemporary computers have small storage systems. It 
is difficult for the computer to learn the first processes when start- 
ing from no information at all, but the subsequent stages become 
progressively easier because the computer is applying established 
generalizations from one situation to another, rather than working 
in terms of the one situation alone. 

The computer programming technique allows us to check 
theories of learning and their effectiveness, as well as offering a 
means of studying new learning techniques, and appreciation of 
this brings to life the sort of methodological experiment called the 
'mathematico-deductive theory of rote learning', which was under- 
taken by Hull and his associates (1940). This might well turn out 
to be a prototype of many such experiments in the future, since a 
computer can be programmed to handle with great celerity a 
situation which for the human being would involve an intolerably 
lengthy and tiresome process, and one which might possibly 
result in a value by no means commensurate with the effort made 
to attain it. 

Computer programming is likely to be followed up systematic- 
ally in the future, and for this method to become a standard part of 
psychology, it is essential that a computer language should be 
developed like FORTRAN, the special compiler language con- 
structed by IBM for automatic programming, for example 
which will allow us to state our programme in simple everyday 
terms, and let the computer itself put it into computer form and 
test its efficacy. 


Such work as has been done on computer programming and 
learning might be taken to suggest that existing theories of learn- 
ing, such as those of Guthrie, Hull, Tolman, Olds and others, do 
not differ as much from each other as was once supposed, and that 
in many cases differences between them are more at the level of 
interpretation than in the precise process depicted. But there are 
also some actual differences, and these suggest that different 
theories have emphasized some and neglected other important 
features in the learning process. This indicates the need for some 
measure of integration of existing theories of learning, and indeed 
much the same argument is true for perception and the other 
features of cognition; but this book has not been primarily con- 
cerned with carrying out that integration, mainly because the 
author has attempted to do just this in another book which will 
be appearing shortly. 

The vital part played by language in human learning is a matter 
that has not received very detailed attention by psychologists, and 
this is perhaps strange in view of the amount of work that has been 
done by philosophers and logicians in this domain. We have at any 
rate tried to indicate the trend in linguistic matters, especially in 
the context of computer programming, where its importance is 
revealed fairly clearly. 

Learning, thinking, perceiving and so on, are obviously in- 
fluenced by language. Language may be learned, words perceived, 
and linguistic information stored, just like any other associative 
process of the kind we have discussed; but the important feature of 
language is that, once it has been learned sufficiently, concepts and 
generalizations if indeed they are different can be conveyed 
linguistically rather than through direct experience. 

This suggests that an analysis of language should be possible in 
behaviouristic terms, with the aid of programming and other 
cybernetic techniques, to show how language has evolved and how 
big a part it has played in human learning. Quite obviously, with- 
out language the accumulation of human learning would have been 
an impossibility, and it seems likely that the high-speed change of 
strategies high-speed learning of which humans are capable, 
is due primarily to language. 

This is not to say that generalizations and other concept-forming 
principles would be impossible without language, but it seems 


certain that they are more effective with language, for and 
what is more important a species which has symbolic skill 
will inevitably use it, and it thus plays a vital part in human 

In the computer itself it is important to distinguish the binary 
code language of the internal representation of events, from the 
development of a language which may also be in binary code in 
the computer wherein one computer word signifies another, 
or a collection of other, computer words. 

There are various other ways by which we could go about 
constructing precise models, and of course finite automata are the 
ones favoured in this book. Information theoretic models are also of 
great interest, and have been emphasized by Broadbent. The great 
advantage of either conceptual system lies in its precision and 
relative ease of analysis, so that logical mistakes and vagueness can 
be easily detected. 

No attempt has been made in this book to follow up work on 
information theoretic models, but they can quite obviously be 
conveniently fitted together with automata theory. The work of 
Hick (1952), Grossman (1953, 1955) and Broadbent (1958) should 
be consulted for developments along these lines. 

The models so far referred to are all pre-wired in a sense, and 
certainly this is true of computers and logical nets, but it is 
important to realize that they are not fixed in their behaviour on 
that account, since the programming and the input tape create 
variation in behaviour of much the same kind as we might expect 
from human beings. 

Hardware models of finite automata are also generally pre- 
wired, and we may expect that models will also be made in abund- 
ance in the future which will have the properties of growth, not 
only because we want to study development in the human being as 
well as the developed human, but also because the growth process 
must itself partly determine the nature of the grown product, a 
product which is indeed never quite fixed. Although growth 
models of the kind suggested by Pask, Beer, Chapman and others, 
will certainly be carefully examined in the near future, as will the 
chemical forms of finite automata, for the present the logical net or 
tape type of finite automaton is perfectly adequate for the analysis 
of existing models and theories, and can in fact be shown to be 


capable of representing the same set of events as could a growth 

There is little doubt, either, that these same methods will soon 
be extensively employed in the field of applied psychology. 
Already much work has been done in social and in abnormal 
psychology to prepare the way for it, and no doubt the same is true 
for all the relevant fields. 

Apart from their practical utility, there is a deeper principle 
involved in this sort of model making activity; it is that the mere 
collection of empirical data does not make a science. Empirical 
data, taken from observation of the world, are most certainly the 
vital food on which the whole edifice of science is built, but are not 
built by collection and restatement alone; they must be interpreted 
and integrated into a form, usually linguistic, from which certain 
logical consequences can be derived. This means that methods by 
which scientific theories are constructed are of the first importance, 
and this is increasingly the case as our precision in theory construc- 
tion advances. 

It has sometimes been said that theorizing in psychology is 
premature, but in fact there are very few cases in which this 
applies. After all it is not a matter of either theorizing or experi- 
menting, for both go together. 

Comprehension of this last fact has been slow, largely because 
so much of the early theorizing seemed to be no more than empty 
speculation; and indeed some theorizing has gone on in a manner 
that is too remote from the facts. Many of us feel that philosophers 
might help themselves to solve at least some of their own problems 
if they would add empirical evidence derived from experiment to 
their own armchair speculations. As for the remainder of philo- 
sophers' problems, they are unlikely to be of scientific interest in 
any case. The great benefit philosophers have to offer to scientists 
is their sophisticated analysis of language and logic, for this is 
something that the scientist needs and will increasingly need with 
the progress of the behavioural sciences. 

It is often denied that scientists make verbal mistakes of the kind 
philosophers of science tend to attribute to them, but there is 
more than an element of truth in the allegation. Certainly it is true 
that a part of a science may be fairly clear-cut, and its problems not 
primarily verbal; but for other parts it is also true that a verbal 


tangle may ensue, and the more the scientist is persuaded that he 
doesn't get into verbal tangles, the more likely he is not to recognize 
them. The words 'reinforcement', 'learning', 'motivation', 'per- 
ception' are words that are hardly clear-cut in their meaning, and a 
further complication is the fundamental fact that a description at 
the everyday level may use terms whose significance disappears at 
other levels of analysis. 

This last point is clearly illustrated if we can imagine the differ- 
ence in the descriptions of the performance of a car by, on the one 
hand, a casual observer, and on the other hand by the same 
observer after he has driven the car himself. A description by an 
expert mechanic would be different again, for he would have 
developed a different vocabulary. For example, while the casual 
observer might attribute separate causes to different manifesta- 
tions such as skidding, bad cornering and erratic steering, the 
expert's description. would be in terms fundamental to all three : the 
car's centre of gravity, length of wheel base, condition of tyres, etc., 
and the driver's lack of skill. Any number of other examples will 
readily come to mind to show that at a given level of description 
variables may be seen to be related, and at other levels they may 
seem unrelated. 

It is on this account that the writer believes that any model- 
theory for behaviour must be at many levels, and that these levels 
must be closely integrated with each other. Hence, of course, the 
need for neurophysiological and, ultimately, biochemical descrip- 
tions of behaviour. 

As to the use of particular methods in science, it must be re- 
cognized that there are various ways of making progress. The 
method suggested by Broadbent, which involved local theorizing, 
keeping close to experimental facts, is one, and one that is essential; 
but to follow this alone would involve a narrowness of outlook 
which would make for lack of integration with neighbouring 
scientific disciplines. 

The hypothetico-deductive method has been much maligned of 
late, and mostly for the wrong reasons. It is true that the method 
as such is not well defined, and the name covers lots of different 
forms of theory construction; Hull's use of the method with his 
quantification is sometimes uneconomical and unwieldly, but a 
great deal can be said on behalf of using hypothetico-deductive 


methods, since they have the property of effective testability 
which we look for in a cybernetic system. Indeed, axiomatic 
systems are closely connected with cybernetic systems, and we 
should therefore encourage their use. 

This is not meant in the sense of excluding the use of the ad hoc 
explanation, but rather to draw attention to the fact that, in general, 
we need to fit these ad hoc explanations together into a complete 
model if we are to have an effective science. 

Turning now to the actual problems of cognition, it must be said 
again that these problems have not been explicitly dealt with in detail. 

Hull, Tolman and Guthrie as individual learning theorists have 
become somewhat submerged in the general discussion of pro- 
blems, and no doubt this placing of the emphasis on the problem 
rather than on the person and his theory represents healthy 
progress in the subject. There are, of course, many new theorists 
emerging in the field: Olds, Glanzer, Deutsch, Uttley, Broadbent 
and others have written extensively, and most illuminatingly, on 
the current problems of learning theory. 

Nevertheless, our present emphasis is on method. Recent years 
have seen the development of mathematical models for learning 
theory, and those of Estes, Bush and Hosteller, Gulliksen and 
London, are among the first to come to mind. The methods are 
either the application of the differential calculus or the use of 
statistical analysis, which is of course essentially stochastic in its 

These mathematical models bear some relation to the condi- 
tional probability theory of learning suggested by Uttley; indeed 
his system is capable of being restated in stochastic form. 

Conditioning of the classical and instrumental kind is naturally 
a subject to demand explanation, and the major problem is still the 
matter of reinforcement. Can learning take place without reinforce- 
ment? The answer is that without some selective process it would 
be difficult to see why learning should not be totally indiscriminate. 
Now discrimination can take place through a selective filter, but 
what is it that makes the filter selective? Whatever it is could, of 
course, represent the reinforcer. 

But apart from the selective factor that may occur at the 
perceptual end, the field of latent learning suggests that learning 
may take place without reinforcement, and we are now faced with 


untestable statements to the effect that either learning always 
depends on reinforcement, or it doesn't. Either statement is 
untestable while we judge the presence of reinforcement by the 
fact of learning having taken place. 

The alternative is to show in each case what the reinforcer is, 
and this quite obviously will not generally be possible. 

Uttley's model, which has been a major influence on the 
writer's own views, suggests the basic nature of classification, 
conditional probability and reinforcement. But it should be noted 
that reinforcement might not be adequately represented by drive 
reduction, since we know from a number of experiments that sham 
feeding will often reduce food searching activity, and that rein- 
forcement is not merely need-reduction in the crude sense. 

Contiguity may itself supply learning, just as concepts may 
supply needs. Such a development of the idea of needs from 
physiological states, such as hunger and thirst, becoming asso- 
ciated with concepts which allow a person simply to think of 
something and, as a result, to want it, could easily occur in a finite 
automaton, and can be shown to occur in an appropriately 
programmed computer. 

The problem is perhaps ultimately a neurophysiological one, or 
one that will be settled only by neurophysiological experiment. In 
the meantime, we can at least say that a reinforcement principle 
seems essential, and this principal should be generalized beyond 
its form in Hull's writings to deal with the more sophisticated 
types of reinforcement met in conceptual activity. 

A great deal has been said recently about perceptual learning 
and discrimination learning, and this serves to remind us of the 
healthy fact that learning and perception are being increasingly 
seen as a unified process, and that learning perceptually is not 
something different from ordinary learning. The emphasis is now 
on the fact that some learning is more immediately tied to percep- 
tion than, other learning. 

We may now summarize the cybernetic models described in this 

(1) Models of the visual system. These include especially the 
models of Culbertson, Pitts and McCulloch, Selfridge, Rapoport, 
Osgood and Heyer, Uttley, Deutsch and George. 


(2) General classification systems that may apply to any or all 
of the special senses; these include especially the models of 
Uttley, Chapman, George and Pask. 

(3) The central process of conditional probability, counting and 
association. In the simpler associative cases this especially includes 
the hardware models of Shannon, Grey Walter, Deutsch, and in 
more complex form, the conditional probability computers of 
Uttley and the models of Stewart. 

(4) Broadbent's auditory theories must also be mentioned here. 

(5) Memory stores, including delay line and magnetic core 
storage, one form of which has been described by Oldfield. 

(6) Motivational systems, especially in Uttley's models, in 
logical net form, and as exemplified by Ashby's Homeostat. 

The list could be greatly extended to include in particular the 
learning theorists such as Hull and Tolman, neurophysiologists 
such as Pribram, and neurophysiological theorists such as Hebb 
and Milner. We would also remind the reader of the many other 
models, both in hardware and paper-and-pencil, due to Turing, 
Church, Bridgman, and many others, that have a direct bearing 
on our problem. 

Information theorists have undertaken to model many of the 
same systems from slightly different points of view. Usually the 
emphasis is more operationally inclined, and is more directly 
concerned with performance. 

It seems fairly clear that, from the models we have, we can 
supply sensory and motor systems, a central control with tem- 
porary storage, probability counters, and a permanent storage 
system, in a variety of different ways. Many of the models would 
certainly be workable, and could be made in more than one fabric. 
However, we still have a very long way to go before we can fit all 
the empirical facts together, especially at the molecular level, to 
supply anything like the working model we need. We are well 
aware, also, that all this says little or nothing about modelling the 
social situation. 

The trouble is that we have reached a point where many of these 
problems can be understood in a general way, and yet the very 
size of the model-making undertaking is so large as to defy con- 
ceptual clarity. 


At the moment there are two strikingly pressing problems in 
cybernetics, the first one being the need for a notation that allows 
an easy, detailed description of a vast iterated system. Obvious 
places to look for help are in algebra, set theory, statistics and 
logic, and the best that can be done involves all these means; but 
to develop a suitably integrated language or notation in which we 
could construct conceptual or paper and pencil models will be a 
major task indeed. Of course an answer may lie in computer 
programming, and especially in auto-codes, but those particular 
auto-codes called generating routines which are so vital to learning 
are not as yet developed. 

The second big problem for cybernetics is to find an inexpensive 
unit, or set of units, so that very large scale special purpose com- 
puters may be constructed. This problem is partly answered by 
general purpose digital computers and partly by transistors, and 
in the future it is likely to be greatly helped by new storage 
techniques, and by the micro-module method of computer 

There are, of course, many other problems to be solved before 
we have effective theories which will allow us to predict the 
behaviour of individuals and groups of people, but from the 
cybernetician's point of view the two mentioned above are the 
most urgent. 

We shall now outline very briefly what we consider to be the 
most likely principles applying in the construction of the human 
organism. This could have been the subject of the whole book, and 
it has been to some extent interwoven with a discussion that has 
been more concerned with the development of conceptual models 
and the methodological implications of these models. In the main 
the model will be concerned with only one sensory input, vision, 
and the reactions that are involved with this, though of course the 
system could be extended to include all the other senses. The main 
points are: 

(1) In the first place we have to decide between different models 
of the visual system. The Osgood Heyer model still seems the most 
promising in describing the actual transmission of patterns to the 
visual cortex. The method by which colour vision may be fitted 
into this particular model is not yet entirely clear, but it should not 


prove a major problem simply to associate colour properties with 
the various configurations transmitted from retina to cortex. 
Conceptually, there are many possible methods by which this 
might be done, but the question has not been discussed in this 

(2) Information in the visual cortex is assumed to be classified, 
and may proceed by stages where each sensory modality starts its 
partial classification independently. Ultimately the information 
from the various special senses is integrated. 

(3) It seems likely that information from all the senses could be 
described in terms of a filter, and the partial classification process 
is itself a temporary storage system it certainly could be such 
that information is processed in terms of its urgency, the urgency 
factor operating at some level of classificatory recognition. 

(4) The process of visual recognition depends upon classifica- 
tion, either with or without eye movements. Eye movements are 
certainly normally involved, but whether it is possible to learn to 
perceive without eye movements remains an open question. 

(5) Learning is dependent upon the principle of selective 
association. The storage system at the earlier levels is assumed to 
store spatial and temporal associations, and these associations are 
kept in the first storage while conditional probabilities about their 
associations are being established. The most frequent, the most 
recent and the most valuable are the ones for which the condi- 
tional probabilities are first sought, and in terms of which, at some 
critical value, they are transferred to some other store as having 
been learned. 

(6) The second store, for information actually learned, is 
primarily a verbal storage system where what is remembered is a 
linguistic form of description in particular or general terms. 
Words, and languages, are learned like all other associations, and 
transferred into the second storage in the same way. This means 
that the logical operations that can be enacted on information in 
the secondary storage are, in fact, a set of operations on words. 

(7) Thinking is in no essential way different from learning 
although the emphasis is here on language and consists in the 
formation^ of linguistic hypotheses from the conditional proba- 
bilities in storage^at*are*tEemselves derived logically from storage, 
or directly transferred from the first storage system. 


(8) Memory is ordered storage of information and, when needed, 
its reconstruction is effected by stimulation, either through an 
internal association process or through an external sensory process. 

(9) Recall involves the internal partial firing of centres that are 
normally sensorially elicited. 

(10) Motivation is presumed to operate in a reinforcing manner 
on the associations dealt with at all levels of the system, where 
secondary motivation occurs to transfer positive or negative 
values to associations that did not originally have those positive 
or negative values. This allows the thinking operation to produce 
a need since, when an association with a value particularly a 
strong value occurs, it may itself change the direction of 
behaviour towards satisfying a new need. 

(11) From the last comment it is clear that needs are to be 
thought of as being organic, representing states of hunger, thirst, 
etc., and also conceptual in that 'thinking about something' may 
lead to a need. The satisfaction of a need may be either organic or 
conceptual, and here curiosity will be regarded as a basic, although 
rather general, drive. 

(12) Emotions are thought to be closely associated with states 
of need, so that with satisfaction of need pleasant feelings occur, 
and conversely, with the frustration of needs, unpleasant feelings 
occur. The built-in principle of the organism that must survive is 
that the pleasant feelings should be maximized and the unpleasant 
minimized. Here, the words pleasant and unpleasant are being 
stretched somewhat beyond their everyday meanings, since they 
must also include activities that are not inherently pleasure 
giving or otherwise, but whose operations may be vitally important 
for survival. 

(13) The apparatus for 11 and 12 is built in, as is the basic 
principle of association. From these beginnings the principle of 
generalization (concept formation) is acquired by experience. 

(14) Learning may sometimes be closely integrated in a sequence 
with innate components, and it may be centred around primarily 
perceptual material, in which case we call it perceptual learning. 
When we learn in terms of relations rather than properties, we call 
it discrimination learning; and when we learn in terms of concept 
formation we simply call it learning, or conceptual learning. When 
it involves the use of logic and language we call it thinking. 


(15) Thinking', when used behaviouristically, means just what 
we said in (14) although, as far as one can tell, when the word is 
used in the everyday sense it may mean only those logical and 
linguistic operations of which we are conscious. 

(16) Thinking may ramify in curious ways which represent the 
operations of extrapolation (induction) and the drawing of con- 
sequences (deduction). These are by no means only linguistic 
processes, for they involve the associations of the store system 
where the association is simply between event-names, and not the 
names for event-names. This is a rather clumsy distinction made 
necessary by the fact that there is a sense in which everything 
inside the nervous system is at least in coded form. 

(17) Consciousness is not a property of a system that can be 
examined cybernetically, and in the shadow of the problem of 
'other minds' we should simply say that it probably represents a 
certain neural activity whereby we are given a private glimpse of 
our own cerebral activity, through images and sensations. 

(18) The basic associations on which the system is founded have 
a large compass of complexity, ranging from simple habits, through 
commonplace 'beliefs' or 'expectancies', to highly complex pieces 
of problem solving, which we might call hypothesis formation. 

(19) Perception is assumed to be essentially the same as the 
process of recognition, which is simply the classification of 
objects, events, etc. 

(20) Problem solving is assumed to be essentially the same as 
the process of learning or thinking, as opposed to the subsequent 
stage of 'having learned'. 

(21) Receptor systems are assumed to be available so that they 
may be switched into the system where they may actively change 
the central state, in a homeostatic manner. They may also be 
classified as a particular case, and respond only to internal elicita- 
tion. The ideas of Deutsch are relevant here, and his type of 
homeostatic responding system seems the most likely type of output. 

This list has grown long, and we must now summarize the 
more molecular level of description. 

Neurologically speaking, we have already seen how much current 
neurophysiological thought is running parallel to the type of closed 
loop homeostatic processes we have been assuming. The work of 


Pribram, mentioned in Chapter IX, paints a picture with which 
we are in essential agreement. 

(1) The cortex is a storage and analysing system. It has input 
systems connected directly to it, and their cortical representation 
makes up the bulk of the storage system. These input representa- 
tions are relatively well established in terms of localization. 

(2) The cortex also has the two stages of storage system to 
which we have already referred. The first stage is ramified, and 
starts even in the sensory endings, such as the retina, and con- 
tinues to classify throughout the visual cortex. Similarly, the 
process may be supposed to operate through the rest of the sensory 
cortex and the areas of cortical elaboration. 

(3) The second storage system is presumably in the temporal- 
parietal regions of the cortex and in the frontal regions as well. 

(4) The cortex is presumed to be partially localized in that the 
density of particular functional connexions tend to occur together 
in particular areas. Nevertheless, there is a considerable amount of 
cortical overlap, due to the different functions being represented 
by neurons, or collections of neurons, with widely ramified 

(5) It is assumed that the sub-cortical areas are concerned with 
the channelling and timing of information flow from the lower 
and to the lower centres. The hypothalamus is representative of 
the emotional centres, and is connected with the activating reti- 
cular system in mediating feelings and sensations from internal 
states of the organisms, the limbic system then representing sorts 
of pleasure and pain centres. 

(6) The cerebellum is concerned with the integration of motor 
activating information. 

(7) The reflex arc unit of nervous activity is a special case of a 
homeostatic unit whereby there exist graded neural responses 
which modify the homeostatic control associated with cortical and 
subcortical centres. 

(8) It is assumed that there is a feedback of information from 
effectors that modify the central state. 

(9) It is assumed that sets of neurons fire together circuitously 
in something like the manner suggested by Milner-cell assemblies 
with differential inhibition. 


(10) The logical net analysis, which has been used prominently 
in clarifying principles expressed in this book, while not appro- 
priate for a description of the details of the neurophysiological 
picture as they stand, comes sufficiently near for a direct compari- 
son to be made between a model couched in neurophysiological 
terms, such as Milner's, and the logical net equivalent. 

On finishing a book such as this, one is very conscious that fresh 
information is coming in with each succeeding journal and each 
new book, and for that and for other reasons, much has inevitably 
been left unsaid. This book has been written in the hope that it will 
encourage more people to realize that cybernetics has a serious 
contribution to make to our understanding of behaviour, and that 
most readers will find the arguments sufficiently clear and cogent 
to convince them that there is a perfectly good sense in which we 
should want to say that the 'brain is a computer'. 


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ADAMS D. K., 180 

ALBINO, R. C., 261 

ARNOT, E., 274 

ASHBY, W. R., 108, no, 118, 303, 


BABBAGE, C., 17 
BACKUS, J., 369 
BARD, P., 268 

BARLOW, H. B., 256, 320, 350 
BARTLETT, F. C., 143, 365, 366 
BEACH, F. A., 246 
BEER, S., 110, 152, 248, 375 
BEKHTEREV, V. M., 184 
BERITOFF, S., 293 
BERLYNE, D. E., 192 
BEURLE, R. L., 257, 302 
BEXTON, W. H., et. aL, 368 
BIGELOW, J., 1 8 
BISHOP, G. H. and CLARE, M. H., 


BLODGETT, H. C., 205, 215 
BLUM, J. S., CHOW, K. L., and 

BLUM, R. A., 275 
BORING, E. G., 317$ 331, 332 
BOWDEN, B. V., 158 
BRAITHWAITE, R. B., 9, 49, 55, 76, 

90, 120 

BRIDGMAN, P. W., 50, 380 
BROADBENT, D. E., 7, 1 19, 150, 192, 

230^, 257, 375 
BRODMANN, K., 258 
BROGDEN, W. J., 193 
BROUWER, L. E. J., 16 
BROWN, G., 278 
BRUNER, J. S., GOODNOW, J. J. and 

AUSTIN, G. A., 366, 367 

BUCY, P. C., 272 

BULLOCK, T t . H., 236 

BURNS, B. D., 261 


R., 300 

BUSH, R. R., 1 8 
BUSH, R. R. and MOSTELLER, F., 34, 

78, 87, 88, 117, 161, 230 
CAJAL, R. Y, 258 
CAMPBELL, A. W., 272 

F., 276 

CANNON, W. B., 181 

A. H. and ITTELSON, W. H., 329 
CARNAP, R., 40, 45, 8iff, 152 
CATE, J. TEN, 291 
CHAPMAN, B. L. M., n^ff, 152^, 

250, 311, 320, 348, 375, 380 
CHILD, C. M., 332 
CHOW, K. L., BLUM, J. S. and 

BLUM, R. A., 276 
CHOW, K. L., 279 
CHURCH, A., 3, 15, 62, 70, 74, 380 
CLARK, G. and LASHLEY, K. S., 273 
COBURN, H. E., 312 
COGHILL, G. E., 181 
COLLIER, R. M., 341 


and SHERRINGTON, C. S., 252 
GROSSMAN, E. R. F. W., 375 

CULBERTSON, J. T., 96, 138, 143, 

3i 319, 335, 338ff 




DARROW, C. W., 260 

DAVIS, D. M., 172 


de LEEUW, K., MOORE, E. F., 


DEUTSCH, J. A., 119, 150, 316, 334, 

335#, 357#, 358, 379, 380, 384 
DEWEY, J., 331 

DEWEY, J. and BENTLEY, A., 329 
DODWELL, P. C., 358 
DREVER, J., 371 

McCuLLOCH, W. S., 259, 291 

H. W. and MCCULLOCH, W. S., 

ECCLES, J. C., 245, 246, 249, 252, 

253, 262, 296, 297 



ESTES, W. K., 78, 185, 230, 378 
FEIGL, H., 51 

FITCH, F. B. and BARRY, G., 200 
FREGE, G., 16 

FRY, G. A. and BARTLEY, S. H., 360 
FRY, D. B. and DENES, P., 364 
FULTON, J. F., 252, 263, 267, 271, 

73, 274 

and DAVIS, G. D., 274 
GALAMBOS, R., 307 
GALE, D. and STEWART, F. M., 155 
GASSER, H. S., 252 

GEORGE, F. H., 46, 47, 50, 56, 77, 

79, 117, 127, 132, 145, 147, 174, 

312, 320, 322, 327, 342, 358, 360, 

367, 379, 380 
GEORGE, F. H. and HANDLON, J. H., 


GEORGE, F. H. and STEWART, D. J., 

GIBSON, J. J., 318 

GODEL, K, 3, 15, 74, 96 

GOLDMAN, S., 35 

GOLDSTEIN, K., 282, 285 

GOODE, H. H. and MACHOL, R. E., 


GRAHAM, C. H., 333 
GRANIT, R., 307, 349, 353 

GUTHRIE, E. R., 119, 182, 184, 187 


P., 180 
HALL, K. R. L., EARLE, A. E. 

and CROOKES, T. G., 315 
HANEY, G. W., 2156* 
HARLOW, H. F., MEYER, D. and 

SETTLAGE, P. H., 275 
HARTLEY, R. V. L., 38 
HAYEK, S. A., 112, 319 
HEAD, H., 285, 337 
HEBB, D. O., 248, 266, 271, 274, 

293, 297, 299, 303, 308, 313, 314, 

332, 335$ 340, 35i, 359, 380 

81, 151 

B., 262 

H. and JOUVET, M., 342 
HEYTING, A., 16, 66 
HICK, W. E., 375 
HILBERT, D., 16 

HlLGARD, E. R., 182, 183, 184 


G., 182, I93ff 233, 294 
HILL, D., 261 
HINES, M., 272 
HODGKIN, A. L., 245 
HOLT, E. B., 293 
HOLWAY, A. H. and BORING, E. G., 


H. D., 312 
HULL, C. L., 10, 83, 119, i73ff, 178, 

182, 196, 207, 214, 218, 379, 380 
HUMPHREY, G., 179, 180, 366, 367 
HUMPHREYS, L. G., 207 





JACKSON, J. H., 278, 280, 385 
JACOBSEN, H., 350 
JACOBSON, C. F., 275, 276 
JACOBSON, C. F. and ELDER, J. H., 


G. M., 275 

and JACKSON, T. A., 274, 275 
JAMES, P. H. R., 227 
JAMES, W., 179 

JASPER, H. H., 264, 265, 266, 270 

208, 20QfF, 213 
KAPLAN, A. and SCHOTT, 84 

and CROSBY, E. C., 293 
KELLER, F. S., 212 
KENDLER, H. H., 2isff 

and FOUNTAIN, G., 275 
KENNEDY, A., 262 
KLEENE, S. C., 90, 94, 96, 97, 117, 


KLUVER, H., 274 
K6HLER, W., 180, 314, 366 
KOHLER, W. and WALLACH, H., 3 15 
KONORSKI, J., 291, 292:8:, 313 

K5RNER, S., 8, 9, 84 


KJRECHEVSKI, I., 139, 2O5, 206 
KULPE, O., 179 


LANDAHL, H. D., 348 

LASHLEY, K. S., 266, 276, 280, 281, 

282, 283, 284, 298 
LAWRENCE, M., 329 
LE GROS CLARK, W. E., 258, 267, 


LEWIS, C. I., 67 

H., 67 
Li, C. L., CULLER, C. and JASPER, 


C. G., 295 
LILLIE, R. S., 241 
LILLY, J. C., 295 

LlNDSLEY, D. B., 266 

LONDON, I. D., 378 

LORENTE DE N6, 2$ I, 252, 291 
LORENZ, K., 297 

MACKAY, D. M., 20, 309 
P, E., 204, 210 


McCuLLOCH, W. S., 235, 263 
McCuLLOCH, W. S. and PITTS, W., 

43, 90, 97, H7, 120, 298, 338 
MCDOUGALL, W., 179, 180, 183 
MAGOUN, H. W., 265 
MALTZMAN, L, 2i5ff 
MARSAN, C. A. and STOLL, J., 279 

S. A., 315, 352 
MASSERMAN, J. H., 268 
MEEHL, P. E., 189, 198 
DALE, K., 200, 204 
METTLER, F. A., 274 
MEYER, D. R., 279, 280 

and PRIBRAM, K. H., 307 
MILLER, N, E, and DOLLARD, J. C., 

MILLER, N. E. and KESSEN, M. L., 


MILNER, B., 279, 380, 386 
MILNER, B. and PENFOLD, W., 280 
MILNER, P. M., 116, 304ff, 313 
MINSKY, M. L., 170, 298, 369 
MOORE, G. E., 52 


MORRIS, C. W., 50 

W., 265 
MOWRER, O. H. and JONES, H. M., 




OETTINGER, A. .,157,158, 163,218 
OLDFIELD, R. C., 138, 380 
OLDS, J. A., 308 

OLDS, J. A. and MILNER, P., 265, 

OSGOOD, C. E., 222, 362, 370 

OSGOOD, C. E. and HEYER, A. W., 
186, 315, 316, 352, 379, 381 

PAP, A., 50, 82 

PASCAL, B., 17 

PASCH, A., 46 

PASK, A. G., 115, 152, 237, 248, 375, 

PAVLOV, I. P., 181, 184, 187, 188, 
195, 208, 288, 289, 291, 292, 


PEANO, G., 16 
PENFIELD, W., 278, 280 

278, 279, 282, 299 

PlERCEY, M. F., 228ff 

PITTS, W. and McCuLLOCH, W. S., 
264, 322 

POSTMAN, L., 189, 198 

POLYAK, S. I., 337 

PRIBRAM, K. H., 151, 270, 287, 307, 
380, 385 

PRICE, H. H., 8, 131, 323 

PRINGLE, J. W. S., 297 

QUINE, W. V. O., 47, So 

RABIN, M. O., 155 

RABIN, M. O., and SCOTT, D., 104 

RAMSEY, F. P., 77 

RAPOPORT, A., 5, 256ff, 320, 335, 
336, 338 


REICHENBACH, H., 66, 365 

RIESEN, A., 341 

SWEET, T. N., 357 

STRONG, P. N. and ADES, H. W., 



R., 66 

RUCH, T. C. and SHENKIN, H. A., 


RUSSELL, G., 218, 233 
RYLE, G., 8 
SAUNDERS, L., 247 

269, 280 
SELFRIDGE, O. G., 322, 335, 338, 

364, 379 
SELLARS, W., 50 

HARLOW, H. F., 275 
SEWARD, P. J., 119, 185, 198, 199, 


SHANES, A. M., 246 
SHANNON, C. E., 18, no, 116, 1586, 


SHANNON, C. E. and WEAVER, W., 34 

192, 342 

SHEFFIELD, F. D., 214 
SHEFFIELD, F. D. and ROBY, T. B., 


W., 214 
SHEFFIELD, F. D., ROBY, T. B. and 

CAMPBELL, B. A., 185 

and BACKER, R., 185 
SHERRINGTON, C. S., 250, 252ff, 

278, 288 

SHIMBEL, A., 298 
SHOLL, D. A., 250, 257, 258, 271, 

277, 302, 312 
SKINNER, B. F., 190, 208 
SMITH, K. R., 316 


SPENCE, K. W., 214 

SPENCE, K. W. and LIPPITT, R., 216 

SPERRY, R. W., 342 

SPERRY, R. W., STAMM, J. S. and 

MINER, N., 300 
STANLEY, W. C. and JANES, J., 271, 


STARZL, T. E. and MAGOUN, H. W., 



STEWART, D. J., 114, 144, 150, 

262, 303, 349 
STOUT, G. F., 179 
SUTHERLAND, N. S., 256, 321, 340, 


TAYLOR, W. K., 248, 341 
THISTLETHWAITE, D. L., 215, 217, 


THORNDIKE, E. L., 180, 189 
THORPE, W. H., 183, 297 
THOULESS, R. H., 317 
THRALL, R. M., COOMBS, C. H. and 

DAVIS, R. L., 154 

TlNBERGEN, N., l8l, 2Q7 
TlNKELPAUGH, O. L., 205 
TOLMAN, E. C., 119, 139, 174, 
178, 200, 204, 207, 208, 214, 380 

TOLMAN, E. C. and HONZIK, C. H., 


TOWER, D. B., 246 
TROTTER, J. R., 213 
TURING, A. M., 3, 6, 15, 69, 70, 74, 

104, 380 
UTTLEY, A. M., 112, 118, 119, 131, 

174, 23off, 312, 319, 32, 322, 

379, 380 

VOGT, O., 272 

VON NEUMANN, J., 18, 21, 63, 97, 

100, 103, 118, 153, 311 

i54, 155 

VON SENDEM, M., 341 
WALKER, A. E., 272 
WALTER, W. G., 105, io7ff, 118, 


WARD, A. A., 274 
WARD, J., 179 
WERNER, H., 360 


WIENER, N., 13, 18, 38 
WILMER, E. N., 349 
WITTGENSTEIN, L., 8, 48, 49 

WOLPE, J., 198 

WOODGER, J. H., 9, 67, 84, 86 

WOODWORTH, R. S., 318, 332 
WUNDT, W., 179 

YERKES, R. M., 180 
ZANGWILL, O. L., 361 


Alpha Rhythm (waves), 262, 354 
Amygdaloid Nuclei, 241, 270 
Animal Experiments, 

after frontal ablation, 274-279 
in latent learning, 215, 216, 217, 

> 274 
in mazes, 194, 205, 212 

Animal Learning, 

behaviourism, 180, 181, 208, 209 
discrimination, 194, 205, 206, 

276, 277 
insight, 205 

Aphasia, 285 

Autocoding, 138, 165, 369 


finite, 4, 5,43, 90,94, "7 
infinite, 4, 6 

Autonomic Nervous System, 239, 
263, 269 

Axiomatic systems, 68 

Basal Ganglia, 241, 269 

Behaviourism, 32, 80, 332, 365 

Beliefs, 126, 139, 187 

Binary Notation, 22, 23 

Blind Spot, 344 

Brain, 258, 264, 270 

Brain Lesions, 299 

Cathexis, 202 

Caudate Nuclei, 241 

Cerebellum, 264 

Cerebral Cortex, 236, 250, 258, 

265, 266, 269, 290 
cerebral cortex structure, 270 
cortical stimulation, 278 
temporal and parietal lobes, 278 

Cerebrum, 258 

Changing Goals, 172 

Classification, 26, 112, 130, 132, 
Cognition, 134, 356, 365 
Colour Vision, 343, 348, 349, 354 
Communication Theory, 36, 37 
Completeness, 16, 20, 21 

digital 1 6 

arialogue 30 
Conditional Probability, 112, 136, 


Conditioned Reflexes, 125 
Conditioned Response, 125, 181 
Conditioned Stimulus, 125 
Confirmation, 161 
Consciousness, 310, 367, 368 
Constancy, 317, 330 
Contiguity, 167, 185, 186, 379 
Contour Formation, 340, 345, 353, 

360, 361 

Control, 134, 135, 136, 236, 351 
Corpus Striatum 

(See Basal Ganglia) 
Cybernetics definition, 2, 44 
Decision Procedure, 3, 15, 70 
Diencephalon, 237, 266, 267 
Drive, 173, .196, 197, 198, 308 
Effect, 1 88 
Effective Procedure, 

(see Decision Procedure) 
Electrical Stimulation, 260 
Electroencephalography, 260, 266 
Emotion, 135, 142, 306 
Empirical Logic, 84 
Entrophy, 35 
Ergodic Process, 34 
Error Control, 41 



Ethology, 297 
Excitation, 123 
Expectancy, 190, 201, 205 
Experimental Psychology, 76 
Extinction, 125, 202, 209, 214, 

230, 232 

Feedback, 18, 150, 255, 307, 346 
Figural After-effect, 315, 316, 352, 

357, 359> 360, 362 
Final Common Path, 252 
Formalization, 45 
Form Perception, 334 
Frontal Lobes, 271 
Games Theory, 153, 155 
Generalization, 57, 289, 298 
Geniculate Bodies, 241, 267 
Gestalt Theory, 137, 314, 332, 226 
Growth Nets, 116, 152, 311, 348, 


Hartley Law, 38 
Homeostatic Process, 261, 303, 307, 


Hypothalamus, 237, 241, 262, 267 
Imagination, 369 
Induction, 166, 289 
Information Theory, 32, 255 
Inhibition, 123, 124, 288, 289, 291 

central inhibition, 252, 254 

central inhibitory state (c.i.s.), 

retroactive inhibition, 220 
Input Systems, 24 
Insight, 164, 172 
Intervening Variables, 204 
Ionic Hypothesis, 245, 246 
Rappers' Growth, 294 
Language, 34, 35, 40, 52, 55, 59, 
77, 166, 351, 367, 370 

for the computer, 170, 368, 369 
Lashley's Theory, 298 

association, 108 

conditioning, 141 

field theory, 149, 150, 173, 176, 

Hull's theory, 196 

insight, 164, 712, 181 
latent, 183, 205, 207, 215 
neurophysiological interpreta- 
tion, 256, 299, 300 
perceptual, 371 
place, 205 
sets, 225, 227 
Tolman's theory, 200 
trial and error, 181 
Limbic System (or cortex), 308, 


Linear Programming, 24, 25, 26 

Boolean Algebra, 22, 59, 60 

many-valued logic, 66 

mathematical logic, 59 

probabilistic logic, 97 

prepositional calculus, 58, 62 
Logical Networks, 43, 58, 119, 256 
Machines (see Models) 
Mammillary bodies, 237, 267 
Markov Process or Chain, 34, 134, 

174, 326 
Matrices, 91, 92, 93, 116, 157, 219, 

220, 227, 321, 232 
Memory, 142, 177, 278, 280, 283 
Mesencephalon (medulla), 237, 264 
Meta-language, 47 
Metencephalon, 237, 263 
Methodology, 45, 232, 258 
Models, 31, 57, 69, 288, 302, 311, 
338, 340, 342, 348, 357 

Ashby's model, 108 

George's models, 145 

Grey Walter's models, 105 

Shannon's model, i 10 

Stewart's models, 144 

summary, 279, 380 

Turing machine, 6, 70, 104 

Uttley's models, 112 
Motivation, 133, 135, 139, 150, 154, 
160, 167, 185, 196, 306, 318 

secondary, z 14 

after-effects, 362, 363 

apparent and real, 315, 316 
Multiole Line Trick. 07, loo 



Multiplexing, 21, 100, 153 
Myelencephalon, 237, 263 
Nervous System, 235, 237, 239, 


chemistry, 241, 243, 245 
Neural Nets, 90 
Neurons, 236, 248 
Occlusion, 294, 295 
Optic Nerve, 315, 349, 350 
Output Systems, 24 
Perception, 136, 138, 314, 356 
Phenomenalism, 51 
Plasticity, 293, 294 
Plateau Spiral, 315 
Postulational Method, 83 
Pragmatics, 46, 50 
Probability, 33, 101, 112, 152, 221, 

222, 325 

Problem Solving, 365 
Programming, 30, i57fF, 369 
Psycho-Physics, 333 
Purpose (purposive behaviour), no, 


Randomness, 153, 344 
Realism, 5 1 
Recruitment, 349 
Recursive Functions, 73, 96, 104, 


Reduction Sentence Methods, 81 
Reflex, 250, 251 
Reinforcement, 125, 167, 173, 182, 

184, 193, 198 
heterogeneous, 193 

homogeneous, 193 

partial, 207, 209, 210, 212, 215 

primary, 185, 192, 196 

secondary, 185, 192, 196, 213, 


Respondent Behaviour, 210 
Response System, 150 
Restoring Organs, 311 
Reticular System, 264, 265 
Retina, 315, 336, 337, 359 
Scanning, 345, 346, 35? 
Self Organizing Systems, r 14 
Servosystems, 41, 307, 308 
Set, 138, 143, 177, 324, 334, 347, 


ShefTer Stroke, 97 
Spinal Cord, 236, 237 
Statistics, 33, 88, 257 
Stimulus Generalizations, 222 
Stochastic Processes, 34, 38, 87 
Storage Systems, 131, 132, 142, 

161, 174, 224, 300, 350 
Summation, 249, 251, 255, 256, 

257, 303, 337 
Synapse, 248, 249 
Thalamus, 237, 241, 267 
Theorem, definition, 63 
Theory Construction, 53, 55 
Thinking, 31, 32, 143, 365, 3^6, 


Transfer of Training, 222 
Truth Tables, 64 
Turing Machines, 6, 70, 104