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An lllustra 

An Illustrated History 

Barbara A. Hanawalt 

Oxford University Press 

New York • Oxford 

Oxford University Press 

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Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota Buenos Aires Calcutta 
Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence 
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and associated companies in 
Berlin Ibadan 

Copyright ©1998 by Barbara A. Hanawalt 
Published by Oxford University Press, Inc., 

198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 

Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press 

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Design: Sandy Kaufman 
Layout: Loraine Machlin 
Picture research: Lisa Kirchner 

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 
Hanawalt, Barbara. 

The Middle Ages: an illustrated history / Barbara A. Hanawalt. 
p. cm. 

Includes bibliographical references and index. 

1. Middle Ages—History—-Juvenile literature. [1. Middle Ages.] 

I. Title. 

D117.H26 1998 


ISBN 0-19-510359-9 

579 86 

Frontispiece: Image of knight praying on 14th century 
stained glass window, Kreuzenstein Armory, 
Kreuzenstein, Austria 

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on acid-free paper 


7 Introduction 

9 Chapter I / The Three Cultures that Made the Middle Ages 

25 Chapter 2 / Settling Down in the Old Empire 

39 Chapter 3 / Three Empires: Carolingian, Byzantine , and Arab 

55 Chapter 4 / The Turning Point 

7 1 Chapter 5 / The Flowering of Medieval Europe 

91 Chapter 6 / New Architecture, Ideas, and Monastic Orders 

111 Chapter 7 / Communities and Their Members 

129 Chapter 8 / The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 

146 Chronology 

150 Glossary 

152 Further Reading 

156 Index 



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Medieval maps of the world were al¬ 
ways round and showed Jerusalem, 
the place of Jesus’ resurrection, in the 
center. The top of the map is east so 
that the sun rises where Jesus stands, 
flanked by two angels. Africa is the 
landmass on the right side (south), 
Europe is at the bottom (west) and 
extends almost to the nine o’clock po¬ 
sition (north). The Mediterranean Sea 
separates Africa and Europe. Asia is 
to the left of Jesus. 

T he terms “Middle Ages” and “medie¬ 
val” were first used by Italian Ren¬ 
aissance historians of the 15th and 
16th centuries. They regarded their 
culture as similar to that of the classical world 
of ancient Greece and Rome, but very differ¬ 
ent from the period between the fall ofRome 
and their own enlightened time. To Renais¬ 
sance scholars that long interval was a period 
of superstition, ignorance, and barbarism, 
which they also called “the Dark Ages.” 

The scholars recording history during the 
Middle Ages, however, perceived the pe¬ 
riod very differently. Their chronicles show 
that they saw history as a continuous proces¬ 
sion of events from the Biblical creation 
down to their own time. Augustine of 
Hippo (354-430), one of the early writers on 
Christianity, explained in The City of God 
that events such as wars and the formation of 
empires and kingdoms were not significant 
divisions in history. He instead maintained 
that human history progressed continuously 
from the creation to the end of the world. 
Like Augustine, people living in the Middle 
Ages did not discern a chronological break 
from the Roman period to their own. 

Modem scholars of the medieval period, 
or medievalists, often struggle with the ques¬ 
tion of when the Middle Ages began and 
ended. The question is not easy to answer, 
because for the most part change takes place 
gradually and periods form their character¬ 
istics over centuries. But generally the 
medieval penod is considered to stretch 
from the fifth to the 15th century, or from 
about 400 to 1500. 

Another artificial boundary imposed on 
the Middle Ages is geographical. Medieval 
scholars did not use terms such as “western 
Europe” and “eastern Europe” or names 
for nation-states such as France, Greece, 
Germany, Turkey, and Italy. They were 
more inclined to draw boundaries along 
religious lines, by which they could distin¬ 
guish their Roman Catholic culture and 
beliefs from those of Islam or of the Greek 
Christian (Orthodox) Church. By the end 
of the Middle Ages, people began to de¬ 
velop national identities—a sense, for 
example, of being French as opposed to 
English. But most people would have had 
a very local identity, defining themselves 
first by their father’s or mother’s name, 
then by their village or town of origin, and 
perhaps then by their overlord, their king 
or queen (if they had one), and their 

Before the 1970s, books on medieval 
history would deal exclusively with emper¬ 
ors, kings, battles, crusades, feudalism, 
manorialism, the rise of towns, the growth 
of parliament, universities, and the Church. 
In the past several decades, however, histo¬ 
rians have been researching how average 
people experienced life in the Middle Ages. 
Histories of the period now contain infor¬ 
mation about Jews, women, children, 
peasants, heretics, mystics, and criminals. 
Such histories include a skeleton of tradi¬ 
tional historical narrative fleshed out with 
stories about the ordinary as well as extraor¬ 
dinary people who lived through the events 
of the Middle Ages. 


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Chapter l 

The Three Cultures That 
Made the Middle Ages 

Two o f the early “Doctors of the 
Church”—prominent interpreters 
of Christianity—were Augustine 
of Hippo (left) and Ambrose of 
Milan . Bishop Ambrose's ser¬ 
mons were in part responsible for 
Augustine’s conversion. Augus¬ 
tine went on to write his 
Confessions, an autobiographi¬ 
cal account of his spiritual life, 
and The City of God. 

B ecause Augustine of Hippo (354- 
430) wrote the first autobiography, 
his Confessions , we know more about 
his personal life than we do about 
almost any other medieval figure. Augustine 
came from one of the most prominent 
Roman provincial families of North Africa. 
His father, Patricius, was a Roman noble 
who accepted the Greco-Roman pantheon 
of gods and thus worshippedjupiter, Venus, 
and Mars. But Augustine’s mother, Monica, 
was a Christian, and urged him to worship 
only the Judeo-Christian God. 

Otherwise, Augustine’s early life was 
typical of boys ofthe upper class. He learned 
Latin and Greek; read stories of the exploits 
of the gods, goddesses, and heroes such as 
Hercules and Odysseus; studied histories of 
the founding of Rome; and memorized the 
speeches of great Roman orators such as 
Cicero. His parents expected that he would 
go on to take a position in the Roman 
imperial government and sent him to 
Carthage for further education when he was 
in his teens. Augustine’s training included 
the study of Greek and Latin rhetoric (the art 
of making convincing arguments) and lit¬ 
erature, geometry, and philosophy. He read 

Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Virgil, 
and Cicero, among other authors. The study 
of rhetoric was considered useful for the 
political and administrative role he would 
one day play. (This education—with the 
exception ofthe study of Greek language— 
would become the model for medieval 
scholars and universities.) 

Away from home, he pursued interests 
then typical of a teenager. He took a mistress 
at the age of 18 and eventually had a son by 
her. He also came into contact with new 
philosophies that questioned the old order 
of the gods and instead addressed moral 
issues, including questions about the nature 
of good and evil behavior. 

Moving on to Milan in Italy, Augustine 
continued his preparation for a career in 
keeping with his upbringing. He became 
engaged to a wealthy young woman of his 
own class and cast aside his mistress and their 
son. But he also attended the sermons of a 
persuasive Christian orator, Bishop Ambrose 
of Milan. Christianity made Augustine feel 
increasingly guilty about his life of pleasure 
and his ambitions to play a major role in 
Roman politics. A friend furthered his anxi¬ 
ety by telling him the story of two young 


To pay for the extensive public ser¬ 
vices that Rome provided\ including 
paved roads, fresh water supplies for 
cities, and the administration of jus¬ 
tice, the empire had to tax its citizens 
heavily. The people paid coins (they 
did not have paper money) directly to 
the tax collector. 

upper-class men who had given up their 
engagements and careers to become Chris¬ 
tian monks. Tom between the traditions of 
his Roman heritage and the new Christian 
ideals espoused by his mother and Bishop 
Ambrose, Augustine retreated to his garden 
to meditate on his beliefs. In tears, he heard 
the voice of a small child repeating over and 
over: “Take it and read, take it and read.” 
He returned to his house and opened his 
copy of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Romans, 
in which he read Paul’s exhortation that 
Romans should abandon their lusts and 
accept Jesus Christ as their protector. Au¬ 
gustine later wrote in his autobiography: 
“As I finished the sentence, as though the 
light of peace had been poured into my 
heart, all the shadows of doubt dispersed. ” 
He converted to Christianity and returned 
to Hippo, in North Africa. There he estab¬ 
lished an order of monks and eventually 
became the bishop of Hippo. From that 
town, he observed the incursion of barbar¬ 
ian tribes, who sacked the city of Rome 
and destroyed the way of life that he knew. 

Rather than looking upon the changes in 
his world negatively, he wrote in another 
book, The City of God, that the world of the 
spirit was more important than that of the 
empire. Ironically, he died a few months 
before the Vandals, one of the invading 
tribes, captured Hippo. 

Three cultures—Roman, Christian, and 
barbarian—strongly influenced Augustine’s 
life and pulled him emotionally in three 
directions. In the end, these three cultures 
were all instrumental in shaping the Middle 
Ages. As Augustine’s life shows, living 
through the fourth and fifth centuries was 
not easy. People had to struggle with con¬ 
flicting ideas about spiritual values, reconcile 
different forms of government, leam new 
languages, and cope with major changes in 
their daily lives. 

The Roman Empire initially controlled 
only the city of Rome and the surrounding 
countryside, known as Latinium. Through 
gradual conquests, its control extended over 
a vast area surrounding the Mediterranean 
Sea. Eventually portions of the continents 
of Europe, Africa, and Asia were included 
in its borders. The populations that Rome 
dominated included Celts in the territory of 
modem Britain, France, and Spain; Berbers 
and Egyptians in North Africa; Germanic 
tribes in modem Germany; and Greeks, 
Syrians, Jews, and Arabs in the eastern 
Mediterranean. In Europe Roman control 
extended into Britain, across the Rhine 
River into Germany, down the Danube 
River to the Black Sea, along a fringe 
around that sea, and deep into the Middle 
East. From east to west the empire extended 
3,000 miles, approximately the distance 
between New York and San Francisco. 




Black Sea 









Ephesus _ 






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PALESTINE /Jerusalem 




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The Roman government began as a 
republic governed by a senate that repre¬ 
sented wealthy established families and an 
assembly that represented the plebeians, or 
ordinary free citizens. As the territory ex¬ 
panded, this representative form of 
government no longer worked, and an 
emperor became the titular head of Rome 
and the large land mass it had acquired. 
Some aspects of the older form of govern¬ 
ment were retained. The senators, for 
instance, still served as generals in the army 
and governors in the provinces. They also 
oversaw a highly sophisticated bureaucracy 
that administered laws and public services 
and collected taxes. (In his youth, August¬ 
ine had been grooming himself to become 
just such an imperial administrator.) A com¬ 
mon language for administration (Latin), a 
system of paved roads that made it possible 
to send mail and move troops rapidly, and 
Roman law held together this vast geo¬ 
graphic area with its diverse ethnic groups. 
The peace that the Roman Empire secured 
for its conquered peoples was called the 
“Pax Romana,” or the peace of Rome. 

The physical remains of the remarkable 
Roman culture still exist throughout Eu¬ 
rope, Asia, and Africa. In all parts of the 
former empire, poitions of the Roman 
roads used during the Middle Ages can still 
be seen today. In Britain, the remnants of 
Hadrian’s Wall (a stone barrier erected to 
keep out the Piets, or natives of Scotland) 
still stand; in Trier, Germany, a large Ro¬ 
man gate (Porta Nigra) is the focus of the 
town; and in Syria and Egypt the ruins of 
major Roman buildings are a common 
feature of the landscape. Still standing in 
other areas of the Romans’ vast territory are 
the remains of country villas (often with 
only their magnificent mosaic floors intact), 
aqueducts for carrying fresh spring water to 
the heart of the cities, theaters and colise¬ 
ums (public stadiums) for races and gladiator 
fights, forums for political debate and mar¬ 
kets, public baths, and temples for the 
worship of the gods and goddesses. 

The most remarkable ruins are found in 
Pompeii, a city that was buried under a layer 
of volcanic ash in a.d. 79. Here a whole city 
is preserved—from the corpses of those 

The Roman Empire was a large land 
mass stretching from Britain doum 
into Egypt. Its trade and administra¬ 
tion focused on the Mediterranean. Its 
borders in Europe were exposed to 
Germanic tribes to the North; in- 
Asia the Persian Kingdom to the east 
posed a threat. In the fifth century the 
Germanic tribes flooded across the 



Af/arUic Ocean 



4th century 


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A fragment carved in stone of the 
street plan of Rome in a.d. 203— 
211 shows that the city was planned 
in a grid with buildings facing the 
street and a garden area behind the 
buildings. The grid pattern was 
adopted widely in 18th- and 19th- 
century urban planning. 

This amphitheater in Arles, France, 
was built in the late first century a.d. 
in imitation of the Coliseum in 
Rome. The people of Roman cities 
came to see chariot races, wild beast 
hunts, and gladiatorial games. Dur¬ 
ing the persecution of Christians in 
the early third century, the imperial 
authorities had wild beasts kill 
Christians in the amphitheaters as 

killed in the disaster, positioned just as they 
were when caught unawares in their houses 
or streets, to the wall paintings in villas and 
even the graffiti in alleys. The remains of 
Pompeii reveal that the houses of the nch 
were brilliantly painted and had glittering 
mosaic floors. Although the furniture was 
sparse, statuary was common. Indoor plumb¬ 
ing added to the comfort of these private 

Booty and slaves from conquests further 
enhanced the wealth that the upper classes 
received from their vast country estates 
(latifundia) . Unfortunately for most people, 

however, only members of the upper 
classes—the senatorial families, well-paid 
bureaucrats, and others with considerable 
wealth—enjoyed such a high standard of 
living. The Roman Empire did not provide 
such comforts for ordinary people, and 
ill-fed and over-worked slaves and laborers 
made up 80 to 90 percent of the population. 
Many slaves were highly educated Greeks 
who tutored young patrician boys such as 
Augustine. Others were skilled artisans, and 
still others from conquered tribes were lit 
only for fieldwork, the army, or fighting as 
gladiators. As slaves, they suffered violent 
removal from their language and culture, 
disruption of family life, sexual exploita¬ 
tion, brutality, and other abuses. Under the 
empire, plebeians no longer served in the 
army, but they continued to have political 
influence. To keep this restive group from 
rebelling against the senators and emperors, 
they received public support in the form of 
“bread and circuses,” that is, free grain and 
sporting events. 

An empire composed of diverse and 
hostile populations is difficult to hold to¬ 
gether, but more severe problems arose 
from the chaos in the central government 
of the Roman Empire. By the third cen¬ 
tury, generals were declaring themselves 
emperors and leading armies of profes¬ 
sional soldiers (mercenaries, or non-citizen 
soldiers paid to fight) against each other. Of 
the more than 20 emperors who served 
during one 50-year period, only one died 
of natural causes. The taxes levied to pay 
the mercenary soldiers became so burden¬ 
some that bureaucrats, retired soldiers, and 
others of the middle class fled to the coun¬ 
tryside to avoid them. Added to the internal 


When the volcano Mt. Vesuvius 
erupted in a.d. 79 it buried the 
city of Pompeii in volcanic ash, 
killing hundreds of people. It also 
preserved the city as it was on the 
day of the eruption. The walls of 
wealthy villas were painted with 
vividly colored scenes , including 
this one of a Roman city. 

stresses and strains on the empire were 
external threats. The Persians began invad¬ 
ing the empire’s extreme eastern frontier 
and a series of barbarian tribes were begin¬ 
ning to move across its western borders. By 
407 Rome had already abandoned control 
of England. 

The general disorder and the invasions 
led to a major reorganization under Em¬ 
peror Diocletian (245-316; reigned 
284—305). He was not a member of the 
traditional Roman senatorial class but rather 
a career soldier who came from the Balkan 
peninsula. He favored the eastern half of the 
empire, which he knew best. There Greek 
was spoken, and it was wealthier and easier 
to defend than the west, where the invading 
tribes were already settling within the 
empire’s borders. 

In 330, the Emperor Constantine (c. 280s- 
337; reigned 306—337) moved the capital 
from Rome to Byzantium, a small Greek 
city on the Bosporus channel, and renamed 
the city for himself—Constantinople. He 
moved many treasures and sculptures from 
Rome to Constantinople and encouraged 
the senators and patrician class to join him in 
the new capital. This eastern empire, which 
has become known as the Byzantine Em¬ 
pire, survived in diminishing form until 
1453. To people in the Middle Ages, it 
remained the Roman Empire and its ruler 
was the Roman emperor. In medieval 
chronicles, however, its people were always 
referred to as Greeks because they spoke the 
Greek language. 

Yet another source of turmoil added to 
the imperial officials’ sense of unrest— 
Chnstians. Rome did not impose a religion 
on its conquered subjects. Although its 

official religion was based on its pantheon 
of gods, it allowed local groups to worship 
the gods of their ancestors. Among these 
groups several mystery religions (religions 
based on divine revelation) had also grown 
up, including the worship ofMythras, the 
god of the sun. The mystery cults offered 
their followers the assurance that the cults’ 
founders were resurrected after death, a 
code of ethics, and the promise of an 
eternal afterlife. For soldiers, slaves, and 
even some patricians, Mythrasism was a 
comforting religion that they could prac¬ 
tice while also worshipping Roman gods 

and goddesses. Christianity, a new religion 
with some of the characteristics of the 
mystery cults, posed more of a threat to 
Roman traditions, however. As an off¬ 
shoot of Judaism, it was monotheistic 
(recognizing only one god rather than 
numerous gods) and denied its adherents 
worship of the official pantheon. 

The story of Jesus recorded by his early 
biographers in the four Gospels—Matthew, 
Mark, Luke, and John—spoke not only of 
his message of salvation, peace, love, and 
compassion, but also of his disruptive rela¬ 
tionship with his fellow Jews and eventual 


Christians used a variety of symbols 
as metaphors for their religion. Stone 
carvings on sarcophagi, such as this 
one from the fourth century , include 
fish to represent converts, an anchor to 
signify hope, and a shepherd to sym¬ 
bolize Christ caring for his flock. 

The Byzantines closely associated 
Constantine (wearing crown) with 
Christianity and called him “the 
equal of the apostles. ” Pictures repre¬ 
sented him as the religious leader of 
all Christians. 

execution by Roman officials. Of the his- 
toricjesus of Nazareth little is known aside 
from what is told in the Gospels. He was 
Jewish and probably born sometime be¬ 
tween 8 b.c. and 4 b.c., rather than the 
traditional date of a.d. 1. He was an itin¬ 
erant preacher who attracted followers. 
The period in which he preached was one 
of unrest in Palestine. Jews were hoping 
for the advent of a messiah who would 
deliver them from Roman rule. Where 
Jesus fell afoul of the Jewish population, 
however, was his claim that he was a 
spiritual messiah, seeking religious renewal 
rather than war. (Christ is the Greek trans¬ 
lation of the word messiah.) 

Christianity spread through the preach¬ 
ing of the first apostles and the efforts of an 
early convert, Paul. Speaking in the mar¬ 
ketplaces, the apostles and other missionaries 
encouraged people to convert to the Chris¬ 
tian faith. Baptism—a ceremony in which 

water is used to wash away the original sin 
of Adam and Eve—distinguished member¬ 
ship in the sect. Baptism and the Eucharist 
(Greek for “thanksgiving”)—the com¬ 
memoration of the last supper Jesus had 
with the apostles, which is also known as 
communion—were the religion’s chief sac¬ 
raments. Soon Christians were meeting in 
small groups under the leadership of bish¬ 
ops. Paul gave advice on issues of worship 
through letters to these communities, and 
these were preserved in the New Testa¬ 
ment as the Epistles of Paul. Although 
Christianity was most popular in the eastern 
part of the Roman Empire, the disciples 
traveled all over the empire, and Christian 
tradition maintains thatjesus’ chief disciple, 
Peter, was martyred in Rome. 

As the religion spread, Roman officials 
became suspicious of its followers. After all, 
the sect worshipped a man who reportedly 
was executed by crucifixion—a common 
Roman punishment for criminals that en¬ 
tailed either binding or nailing their hands 
and feet to crossed pieces of wood and 
leaving them to die. The organization of the 
religion into congregations under a bishop 
and the possibility that it would cause upris¬ 
ings in the Jewish communities also suggested 
that it was a politically dangerous move¬ 
ment. Furthermore, Christianity’s message 
was finding acceptance among the urban 
poor, slaves, women, and even soldiers. For 
the downtrodden, its promises of the for¬ 
giveness of sins and eternal salvation for 
those who suffered in this world had a 
strong appeal. 

In the early fourth century, Diocletian 
issued an edict against Christians and their 
worship. It called for the confiscation of 


copies of the Gospels and Epistles of Paul 
and the execution of Christians who would 
not renounce their faith. The response of 
Christians to this repression is recorded in 
both official documents and the traditions 
of the Church. Some turned over their 
religious books and abandoned Christian¬ 
ity, but others chose to become martyrs for 
their religion. The atrocities they suffered— 
including crucifixions, flayings, fatal 
confrontations with wild animals in am¬ 
phitheaters, and being forced into 
prostitution—gave Christian culture pow¬ 
erful stories of the martyrs’ devotion to 
their religion. 

One well-known story is that of 
Androcles and the Hon. Androcles was a 
Christian slave who had run away into the 
wilderness, where he met a Hon with a 
thorn stuck in its paw. Overcoming his fear 
of the beast, he extracted the thorn. Shortly 
afterwards, Androcles was captured and 
taken to a coliseum to be executed. He was 
thrown into the arena with a Hon, which by 
chance happened to be the same animal he 
had helped. Recognizing his savior, the 
Hon would not kill Androcles. 

The writings of Vibia Perpetua, who 
died in an arena in Carthage on March 7, 
302, provides a moving personal account of 
martyrdom. Although her father was a 
high-ranking Roman official who believed 
in the pantheon of gods, Perpetua refused 
to renounce her Christianity. Educated in 
Latin and Greek, she wrote an account of 
her arrest, her father’s anguish, how she 
cared for her infant son in prison, and her 
visions of deliverance into heaven after her 
impending martyrdom. The person who 
wrote the end of her story recorded that the 

The Four Gospels as Mythical Beasts 

I n medieval illustrations 
and sculpture, the four 
Gospel writers, or the 
Mark, Luke, and John— 
were represented symboli¬ 
cally as beasts. This sym¬ 
bolism was drawn from 
the book of Revelations 
(Rev. 4:6-10). 

The beasts used to 
symbolize each of the 
Evangelists reflected both 
the way in which they be¬ 
gan their Gospels and an 
aspect of the life of Christ. 
Matthew was represented 
as a winged man because 

his gospel starts with the 
human genealogy of 
Christ. The human figure 
also represents Christ’s 
Incarnation or birth. 

Mark was represented as 
a lion. His Gospel begins 
dramatically with the 
preaching of John the 
Baptist, described as a 
“voice crying in the wil¬ 
derness” like the roar of a 
lion. The lion also stood 
for Christ’s resurrection. 
In the Middle Ages lion 
cubs were thought to be 
stillborn and roared into 
life by their mother. An 

ox or calf was the symbol 
of Luke, whose Gospel 
opens with an account of 
Zacharias making sacrifices 
in the temple. Sacrificial 
animals such as oxen and 
calves are also used to rep¬ 
resent Christ as the 
atoning sacrifice for hu¬ 
man sin. Lastly, John was 
symbolized by an eagle. 
His gospel begins with 
Christ as the Word of 
God, existing in heaven 
before the Incarnation. 
The eagle also represents 
Christ’s ascension into 

In this i Oth-century manuscript, Christ is enthroned in the center; the four evangelists 
are depicted in the comers, with their allegorical symbols in the adjacent circles. 


Calendars: Bewlattips of Ute 

The Julian calendar, based on the seasons and the sun, 
was the basic calendarfrom Roman times thorough the 
Middle Ages . 

C alendars group days to 
regulate religious ob¬ 
servance, business, 
agriculture, government, 
and daily life. Calendars 
were developed according 
to both solar and lunar 
cycles. A solar calendar 
calculates a year as a com¬ 
plete round of seasons, 
or one revolution of the 
earth around the sun 
(roughly 365.25 days). 

A lunar calendar relies 
on moon cycles (from 
one new moon to the 
next). A lunar year of 12 
moon cycles has only 
about 354.33 days. In 
order to keep a lunar 
calendar from becoming 
out-of- step with the sea¬ 
sons, extra days have to 
be added. 

By the time of Julius 
Caesar, the Roman lunar 
calendar was about three 
months out of sync with 
the sun’s equinoxes, or 
seasons. In 45 b.c. he re¬ 
formed the calendar on 
the advice of Sosigenes of 
Alexandria. The resulting 
solar calendar became 
known as the Julian Cal¬ 
endar after the emperor. 
The old lunar calendar 
was abandoned. In use 
during the Middle Ages, 
the Julian Calendar has 

365 days with a leap (366- 
day) year every four 

Because the year is ac¬ 
tually a little shorter than 
365.25 days, discrepancies 
continued to appear. In 
1582 Pope Gregory XIII 
revised the calendar yet 
again by dropping 10 days. 
The Gregorian Calendar, 
which is used today, 
brought the Vernal Equi¬ 
nox back to when it had 
occurred in the time of 
Julius Caesar. Gregory 
eliminated the leap year in 
years beginning a century 
unless they are divisible by 
400. (For instance, 2000 
will be a leap year, but 
1900 was not.) 

The system of number¬ 
ing years before or after the 
birth of Christ was designed 
by an abbot, Dionysius 
Exiguus, who lived in the 
late 5th century a.d. The 
abbreviation a.d. stands for 
anno domini (in the year of 
the Lord in Latin), and 
B.C. represents the period 
before Christ. Unfortu¬ 
nately, the abbot made a 
mistake in calculating the 
date of Jesus’ birth. Com¬ 
paring the Gospels with 
other historical events in 
Roman and Jewish history, 
historians now know that 
he was actually bom be¬ 
tween a.d. 4 and a.d. 6 
rather than the year a.d. 1, 
as popularly believed. 

men in her Christian group were tom apart 
by wild beasts, including bears, leopards, 
and boars. 

But Perpetua and Felicity, another 
woman who had just given birth, were 
gored by an enraged cow: “Perpetua was 
first thrown, and fell upon her loins. And 
when she had sat upright, her robe being 
rent at the side, she drew it over to cover 
her thigh, mindful rather of modesty than 
of pain. Next, looking for a pin, she 
likewise pinned up her disheveled hair; 
for it was not meet [acceptable] that a 
martyr should suffer with hair disheveled, 
lest she should seem to grieve in her 

glory. So she stood up; and when she saw 
Felicity smitten down, she went up and 
gave her her hand and raised her up. And 
both of them stood up together and (the 
hardness of the people being now sub¬ 
dued) were called back to the Gate of 
Life.” Felicity and Perpetua survived the 
first onslaught of the animals, but were 
later executed by swords. 

On the whole, the persecutions prob¬ 
ably strengthened adherence to Christianity, 
because the crowds were impressed by the 
strength of the martyrs’ beliefs. But the real 
boost to Christianity’s popularity came when 
Emperor Constantine converted in 313. 
Constantine’s father, Constantinius Chlorus, 
was the caesar, or junior emperor, in charge 
of the westernmost provinces of the em¬ 
pire. His mother, Helena, was a Christian, 
who eventually went to Jerusalem and 
purportedly discovered the site of the Holy 
Sepulcher (the tomb of Jesus). To ensure 
that Constantine’s father remained loyal, 
Diocletian, the senior emperor, insisted 
that Constantine be raised in his own court 
as both a pupil and a hostage. After his 
father’s death, Constantine broke free of 
the court, escaping on horses that were 
stationed at convenient intervals to carry 
mail to the west. Fearing pursuit, 
Constantine hamstrung the horses at each 
post stop by cutting their leg tendons. 
Once in the west, he raised an army to fight 
the other contenders for his father’s posi¬ 
tion. On the eve of a decisive battle that 
would make him emperor of the whole 
empire, he had a dream in which he saw a 
cloud pass before the sun and heard the 
words, “In this sign you will conquer” (in 
hoc vinci). The next day he saw the sign, a 


circle with a cross in it, during the battle and the New Testament as the manifestation of 
converted to Christianity. God in people and the Church) were con- 

Constantine's grasp of Christianity was sidered divine, then the religion would no 
limited. He continued to worship Mythras longer be monotheistic. They further main- 
and the Roman pantheon of gods, but he tained that ifjesus, the Holy Ghost, and God 
won over Christians by revoking the edicts were all divine, then Christianity began to 
of persecution. Only toward the end of his resemble the polytheism of the old Greco- 
life was he baptized. Despite his poor un- Roman system. Tempers ran high over the 
derstanding of the Christian faith, he had a question ofjesus’ divinity; street fights even 
profound influence on the development of broke out over the controversy. In a similar 
the religion. Following his lead, many people debate a century later, St. John Crysostom 
of all classes converted, including patricians, wrote that when he asked the price of bread 
This large number of new converts pre- in the market he was given an argument 
sented certain problems, however. Some, about the nature of Christ in return, 
like the emperor, did not understand the In 325 Constantine called a council of 
religion, and others believed that only their bishops at Nicaea to decide the question of 
interpretations of the doctrines were cor- Jesus’ divinity once and for all. He disliked 
rect. One of the early disputes arose from the civil unrest the dispute had created, but 
the question of whether Jesus was divine or he may also have been discomforted by his 
human. Arguing for the humanity ofjesus own doubts about the power of a religion 
was a monk named Anus; the movement that harbored so much controversy. At the 
that arose from his teachings was called council, Constantine oversaw the adoption 
Arianism. The Arians argued that if both of the Nicene Creed, in which the concept 
Jesus and the Holy Ghost (who appears in of the Trinity was formulated. According 

Gladiators fight a variety of mid 
beasts in this fourth-century mosaic. 
Fighters risked their lives in these 
animal fights to the delight of 
amphitheater crowds. 


The night before Constantine’s deci¬ 
sive battle for control of the Roman 
Empire, he had a dream about a cross 
in a circle and the words in hoc 
vinci (“in this sign conquer”). The 
next day the same symbol appeared to 
him in the clouds. The sign influ¬ 
enced his decision to become a 

Pilgrims to the Holy Land brought 
back various souvenirs from their pil¬ 
grimage. The sixth-century metal 
flask has a representation of the As¬ 
cension of Christ and contained oil 
from lamps that burned at holy 

to the creed, God was the only divinity, but 
he had three persons: God the Father, God 
the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The council 
and its decision would have lasting implica¬ 
tions. Following Constantine’s example, 
emperors and lay rulers would assume a 
leading role in mediating disputes in the 
Church throughout the rest of the Middle 
Ages. Although the council dealt a great 
blow to Arianism, the movement did not 
die out immediately. While it continued, 
missionaries converted many of the barbar¬ 
ian tribes to the Arian version ofChristianity. 
Thus when the tribes came into the empire, 
they were separated from the native popu¬ 
lation not only by language and culture but 
also by their type of Christianity. 

Early Christians who longed for what 
they perceived as the “good old days,” 
before these hordes of Christians- 
in-name-only joined the Church to please 
the emperor, began to retreat to the desert 
to practice their religion. St. Anthony was 
the most famous of the desert fathers, but he 
soon discovered, to his consternation, that 
others were eager to join him in his retreat. 
He had to organize his followers into a 
community of hermits. Gradually, monas¬ 

teries—communities of men dedicated to 
celibacy and worship—became the com¬ 
mon refuge from worldly concerns. 

Women also wanted to seek salvation 
through retreat, but Christian leaders gen¬ 
erally did not consider the desert an 
acceptable place for them. In particular, St. 
Jerome (c. 340-420), who had strong opin¬ 
ions on most matters relating to the practice 
of Christianity, felt that the excesses of 
hermits were not truly godly. He cited as 
evidence their poor hygiene and their 
beards. (He commented that if beards con¬ 
tributed to salvation, then all goats would 
be saved.) But St. Jerome was sympathetic 
to the women in his own family who did 
not want to marry for religious reasons, and 
organized a community in which women 
could live apart from society as nuns. 

The writings of one early nun, Egeria, 
provide a sense of the cohesion of the 
Christian world and the peace in the empire 
during the fourth century. Historians specu¬ 
late that Egeria came from a nunnery 
somewhere along the Atlantic, because in 
the records of her travels she compares the 
Red Sea to an ocean. Between 381 and 384, 
she made an extended pilgrimage to the 
sites of the Old and New Testaments and 
wrote of her journeys for the benefit of her 
sisters back home. She was an inexhaustible 
traveler, willing to climb mountains and go 
out of her way to visit shrines and holy 
monks. Among the hermits living in nu¬ 
merous cells surrounding one shrine at 
Golgotha she was reunited with a holy 
deaconess named Marthana, whom she had 
befriended in Jerusalem, where they had 
both been on pilgrimage. Marthana had 
become the leader of a group of virgins. 


While at Golgotha Egeria wrote of the 
rituals of Holy Week—including fasting 
and night-long services—and finally of 
glimpsing a piece of the cross on which 
Jesus had been crucified: “As long as the 
holy Wood is on the table, the bishop sits 
with his hands resting on either end of it 
and holds it down, and the deacons round 
him keep watch over it. They guard it like 
this because what happens now is that all 
the people come up one by one . . . stoop 
over it and kiss the Wood. . . . But on one 
occasion one of them bit off a piece of the 
holy Wood and stole it away.” Egeria’s 
account gives a flavor of the devotion that 
early Christians felt for the religion, and 
records their desire to visit the shrines of its 

Among those who found Christianity 
attractive were Roman patricians, such as 
Augustine of Hippo, who had received a 
traditional education in Greek and Latin. 
Drawing from their intellectual back¬ 
ground, the patricians tried to fit Christian 
teachings into the context of Greek phi¬ 
losophy and rhetoric. The greatest of these 
thinkers were known as the Doctors of the 
Church. Among them was St. Jerome, who 
translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek 
into Latin. (His translation, called the Latin 
Vulgate Bible, is still used in the Catholic 
Church.) Jerome’s pagan heritage caused 
him considerable anxiety. He had a dream 
in which Jesus admonished him by saying, 
“You are a Ciceronian [an admirer of the 
essays of the Roman orator Cicero] rather 
than a Christian,” because Jerome valued 
his rhetorical training so highly. Ambrose 
(c. 340-397), the bishop ofMilan, used his 
great skill as an orator to convert his listeners 

to Christianity. Indeed, he was such a 
persuasive preacher that patrician fathers 
supposedly did not want their daughters to 
hear his sermons out of fear that they would 
take vows of perpetual virginity and refuse 
marriages that were advantageous to the 
family. Among Ambrose’s converts was 
Augustine of Hippo. Augustine became 
deeply interested in reconciling Greek phi¬ 
losophy with Christianity. The problem 
was not a new one. In the early first century 
A.D. Jewish scholars, including Philo Judaes, 
had tried to combine Biblical study with 

Even though Augustine died just be¬ 
fore one of the so-called barbarian tribes 
took over his home city in North Africa, 
his writings only indirectly reflected the 
major changes such peoples would bring 
to the Roman Empire. Their contribution 
to the unique culture of the Middle Ages 
can best be understood by looking at their 
way oflife before they entered the empire. 
Historians have categorized the invaders as 

St. Jerome, a doctor of the Church, 
translated the New Testament from 
Greek into Latin. His translation is 
still used in the Catholic Church and 
is known as the Vulgate. This 15th 
century illustration of Jerome in his 
study is obviously updated because the 
scene behind him is Florence. 


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Ora/ tradition preserved the Old En¬ 
glish poem Beowulf for centuries . 
The first written version dates from 
the late 10th century. The edges of 
the page were charred by fire in 
1731. The letters are easy to deci¬ 
pher, but the words are in Old 
English, which is close to German. 

Germanic (also called Gothic) because 
their language fell into a German linguistic 
group as opposed to the Greco-Roman or 
Celtic linguistic groups that had predomi¬ 
nated in western Europe. They came into 
the empire from regions to the north and 
east, including Scandinavia. The Ger¬ 
manic tribes’ values differed greatly from 
those of the Romans. Mediterranean civi¬ 
lization was based on cities and agriculture; 
the invaders preferred rural areas and 
hunting. Roman government was central¬ 
ized; the tribes were organized loosely 
around kings, fighting bands, and family 
groups. Roman society had a high degree 
of literacy; the tribespeople were illiterate. 
Romans valued their public and private 
baths; the Germans were, to Roman nostrils, 
a dirty and smelly group. 

Despite their differences, the Romans 
had frequent contact with the Germanic 
tribes on their borders through conquest, 
trade, and employment as slaves and merce¬ 
naries. In the 1st century a.d., a Roman 
historian, Tacitus, wrote a book about the 
tribes called Germania. Tacitus never visited 
the regions he described, however, so his 
information is not entirely reliable. Never¬ 
theless, his book shows that this inquiring 
man was able to learn a great deal about the 
tribes’ very different culture from soldiers, 
merchants, and even slaves. Other informa¬ 
tion about the barbarians comes from their 
laws, which they had transcribed in Latin in 
imitation of Roman law; scraps of their 

The struggle with the invading 
Germanic tribes so preoccupied the 
Romans that in about 180-90 one 
Roman had a bas relief of the battle 
between the two armies depicted on 
his sarcophagus. 

literature; and the evidence yielded by mod¬ 
em archaeology. 

The economy of the Germanic tribes 
was based on simple agriculture, hunting, 
and plunder. For the most part, women and 
slaves cultivated grains and cared for do¬ 
mesticated animals, while the men hunted 
and fought in raiding parties. Gambling, 
storytelling, and drunken feasts served as 
pastimes for the men. In contrast to the 
Mediterranean taste for wine, they drank 
fermented brews of grain (beer) and honey 
(mead). According to Tacitus, the men 
would gamble until they had no stakes left 
but their own freedom. Some even gambled 
that away and became slaves. 

In the mead halls men told stories of 
heroic adventures. Most of these were part 
of an oral tradition that was not preserved, 
but a few were written down later. The 
most famous is Beowulf, a story, written in 
Old English (Anglo-Saxon), which was set 
in Denmark. For 12 years a monster, 
Grendel, had ravaged the king’s mead hall 
and devoured warriors. The poem de¬ 
scribes his entry into the hall: 

Then came from the moors under the 
misty hills 

Grendel creeping—he bore God’s ire 

The evil-doer intended to entrap some 

of the kin of men in the high hall.... 

The creature came then journeying to 
the hall 

deprived of joy. The doors soon gave 

bound fast with forged bands, 

after he touched them with his hands. 

Beowulf, a young prince of the Geats, 
arrived from southern Sweden and offered 
to rid the kingdom of Grendel. When the 


Sutton Hop: Ship Burial for a Chieftain 

I n the summer of 1939, 
the nchest find of 
Anglo-Saxon treasure 
ever discovered was un¬ 
earthed on an estate in 
East Anglia. The owner 
of the estate was curious 
about a group of barrows, 
or burial mounds, on her 
property. She arranged for 
a local archeologist to in¬ 
vestigate. The early results 
were disappointing: three 
small mounds showed 
signs of having been 
robbed. The largest 
mound, however, proved 
to be the magnificent, un¬ 
disturbed burial chamber 
of a powerful chieftain. 

An entire ship, 86 feet 
long, had been buried in 
the large barrow, and 
inside it was a chamber 
that contained armor, 

weapons, bowls, drinking 
vessels, and a large quan¬ 
tity of gold and garnet 
jewelry. This mound, 
too, would have been 
robbed, had it not been 
for plowing in the later 
Middle Ages that re¬ 
moved much of one end. 
When treasure-hunters 
dug into the mound in 
the 16th century, they 
dug into the center as it 
then existed thinking that 
it would contain treasure, 
but were misled by the 
missing part. Although 
no doubt disappointed, 
the would-be looters 
apparendy stopped to 
eat a meal before leaving, 
as evidenced by pottery 
and part of a cook-fire 
found during the 1939 

Among the treasures in the Sutton Hoo burial is a finely worked shoulder clasp 
for a leather tunic. The fine workmanship in gold, glass, and garnets indicates 
the level of skill that Germanic artisans possessed . 

monster came to the mead hall that night and 
ate a Geat, Beowulf tore off his arm, and 
Grendel retreated to his lair to die. The Geats 
rejoiced in the prince’s victory until the next 
night, when Grendel’s mother came seeking 
revenge and killed one of the king’s men. 
Beowulf then pursued her into a cave at the 
bottom of a sea, where he killed her. 

Beowulf s return to Sweden with rich 
rewards was brief. The king of the Geats 
died, and Beowulf returned and served as 
their king for 50 years. But his story ended as 
it began, fighting a monster. The aged 
Beowulf again killed the enemy, but this 
time was mortally wounded. The story of 
Beowulf provides a sense of the tribes’ wan¬ 
dering and mingling even before they moved 
into Roman territory. It also shows that they 
viewed nature as containing threatening, 
hostile elements, compared with the Roman’s 
view of nature as providing an abundance of 
food for their benefit. 

Germanic society was organized accord¬ 
ing to both family ties and a social hierarchy 
of kings and war chiefs under whom the 
warriors served. Below these groups were 

slaves. War chiefs attracted a warrior band, or 
commitatus (literally, a group of fighters who 
have gathered together), by their prowess in 
fighting and by their success in taking plun¬ 
der, which they distributed to their followers. 
Family groups and the commitatus formed 
loose units, but they coalesced into a tribe 
under the leadership of a king, particularly 
when they faced an external threat. 

The tribes near the Roman Empire’s 
borders were partially romanized. They 
knew something of the Roman economy, 
which was based on money rather than 
barter. They also had some knowledge of 
the Latin language and Roman military 
organization and law. Despite this expo¬ 
sure, however, the Germanic tribes 
preserved their own language and laws. 
Their laws dealt mainly with violence in 
interpersonal relationships. Because family 
honor was an important value, when a 
family member was killed, his or her rela¬ 
tives were bound to kill the murderer or 
one of his relatives in revenge. Such ven¬ 
dettas between families were obviously 
disruptive to the peace of the whole group. 

so laws evolved calling for murderers to pay 
wergeld (human payment), or money com¬ 
pensation, to their victims’ families. The 
amount depended on the value of the 
person killed. For instance, the murder of a 
king or a woman of childbearing age de¬ 
manded very high wergeld. Other 
losses—such as the loss of limbs, teeth, and 
virginity—also required monetary com¬ 
pensation. The compensation for knocking 
out a front tooth was greater than for a 
molar because of its ill effect on a person’s 
looks. Likewise, a thumb was worth a great 
deal more than a little finger. 

Other laws governed theft, rape, adul¬ 
tery, and treason. Even relations with the 
Roman population were incorporated into 
the laws as the tribes moved across the 
empire’s borders. A Frankish (the Franks 
invaded northern Gaul) law read: “If any¬ 
one has assaulted and plundered a free 
person, and it be proved on him, he shall be 
sentenced to 2500 denars, which make 63 
shillings. If a Roman has plundered a Frank, 
the above law shall be observed. But if a 
Frank has plundered a Roman, he shall be 



EUROPE in 51! 




sentenced to 35 shillings.” 

The Germanic tribes had already begun to 
move into the western empire by the early 
fifth century. By that time, the Anglo-Saxons 
had settled permanently in Britain, and the 
Franks had crossed the Rhine into Gaul. But 
this migration occurred with greater speed 
and urgency when a completely unromanized 
tribe, the Huns, forced the Germanic tribes to 
seek protection within the empire. The Huns 
were a nomadic people who traveled swiftly 
on horseback. Like other tribes, they tended 
to splinter into smaller groups, but they 
moved as a “horde” when poor pastures in 
central Asia drove them to migrate. Jordanes, 
a thoroughly romanized Goth, described the 
Huns as “small, foul and skinny; their fees 
were seamed with gashes, their noses broad 
and flat. They dressed in coarse linen tunics, 
which they never changed until they rotted; 
on their heads they wore a sort of helmet 
made with skins of wild rats patched to¬ 
gether.” He also said that they carried raw 
meat under their saddles all day and then ate 
it raw for supper as a sort of early version of 
steak tartare. Their drink was fermented 
mare's milk. 

Jordanes had good reason to dislike the 
Huns. In time, the Huns so completely 
dominated the Gothic tribes of central Eur¬ 
ope that they became indistinguishable 
from them. One small, remaining group of 
Goths, known as the Visigoths or west 
Goths, begged to be allowed into the 
Balkans. Thinking that they would be a use¬ 
ful buffer between the empire and the Huns, 
the Byzantine emperor setded them south of 
the Danube in 376. The emperor also agreed 
to pay the Visigoths for fighting, but when 
he reneged, they moved on into Italy under 
the leadership of their king, Alaric. 

The emperor in the west, a young man 
named Honorius, panicked at the Visigoths' 
arrival, and retreated to the marshes of 
Ravenna, thereby allowing them to sack 
Rome in 410. Alaric gave his army three 
days to plunder the city; they then moved 
on with their booty and hostages. The 
image of a defeated, overrun Rome had a 
profound influence at the time and long 
after. St. Jerome wrote of his despair: “My 
tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth and 
sobs choke my speech.” The animosity the 
Romans felt toward Alaric was so great that, 

when he died, his followers feared his grave 
would be defiled. Legend holds that they 
diverted a stream and had captives bury him 
under its bed. They then killed the captives 
and redirected the stream, Alaric's body 
lying beneath it. To this day, no one knows 
where Alaric is buried. 

The Visigoths chose Athaulf as Alaric’s 
successor. The new king decided to move 
the tribe west through Gaul and into Spain, 
where they eventually established the 
Visigothic kingdom. Among the hostages 
they took with them was Galla Placidia, 
sister ofEmperor Honorius. In fulfilment of 
an old prophesy, “the queen of the south 
married the king of the north” in January 
414. At their Roman wedding Athaulf 
deferred to his bride, letting her lead the 
procession. Her lavish wedding gifts prob¬ 
ably came from the sack of Rome. 

Tradition has it that Galla Palacidia con¬ 
sented to the marriage and had a strong 
influence on her husband. She supposedly 
led him to accept Christianity and to be¬ 
come a defender of the Roman Empire 
rather than its invader. Certainly, his policy 
changed as he tried to form an alhance and 
friendship with his brother-in-law, 
Honorius. When Athaulf was murdered in 
Barcelona, Galla Placidia returned to Rome 
and married a Roman. She concluded her 
eventful life by ruling in the name of her 
infant son, who was made emperor. 

The Huns continued to harass the Ger¬ 
manic tribes and threatened to invade the 
empire. Their leader from 433 to 453 was 
Attila, whose reputation for brutality is 
firmly planted in western European culture. 
At the time he was called the “Scourge of 


God. ” Attila had his sights set on Rome. He 
claimed that he was coming to liberate 
Honoria, a Roman princess who had been 
disciplined for having an affair. She sent a 
ring to Attila proposing marriage. A 
Roman-Visigothic army forced him to re¬ 
treat, but within a year he was plundering 
his way toward Rome, where only the 
city’s bishop stood in his way. Again, prob¬ 
ably because of plague in his army, Attila 
retreated. Taking yet another wife to join 
the many he had already, he died on his 
wedding night, perhaps of a surfeit of food 
and drink. 

The Hunnish incursions again moved 
Germanic peoples to regroup into invading 
tribes. The Vandals moved through Gaul 
and Spain to set up a kingdom centered in 
Carthage, in North Africa. Augustine died 
only months before Hippo fell to them. 
The Vandals took to the sea as pirates, and 
in 455 they too sacked Rome. Their raid¬ 
ing left a permanent legacy in the English 
language—the word vandalism. Their name 
also remains as Andalusia, a province in 
southern Spain. 

Once again Italy lay open to attack. The 
group that moved in this time was the 
Ostrogoths (or east Goths). The parts of 
Gaul that were not controlled by the 
Visigoths were invaded by the Burgundians 
and Franks, whose story will be told in the 
next chapter. 

By the end of the fifth century, Rome, 
the founding city of the empire, had been 
sacked and its earlier prominence super¬ 
seded by Constantinople. The Roman 
Empire had fragmented into a number of 
smaller kingdoms dominated by tribal lead¬ 

ers. However, the eastern part of the 
empire, including Constantinople, re¬ 
mained wealthy and powerful, and its 
emperors came to resemble eastern poten¬ 
tates. Also during this period, the Christian 
church gained considerable stature and 
power among the Roman population. It 
had preserved Latin, the language of Ro¬ 
man culture, and in the west bishops 
increasingly took on the roles of Roman 
officials. They effectively governed cities 
and the surrounding countryside (called 
dioceses) for their Germanic overlords. 
With so much change taking place in the 
space of a century, the lives of people 
caught up in the new religious enthusi¬ 
asms and in the myriad invasions and 
settlements also changed dramatically. 

The Vandals quickly assumed the 
comfortable life of the upper-class Ro¬ 
mans, adopting their dress and living 
habits in northern Africa. They even 
learned to use Roman ships, and with 
a fleet they attacked and destroyed 
Rome in 455. 


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Chapter 2 

Settling Down in 
the Old Empire 

Clovis was baptized after he promised 
his wife that he would convert to 
Christianity if he won an important 
battle. When he was successful, he 
also had all his troops baptized with 
him. This 14th<entury manuscript 
shows a bishop pouring the baptismal 
water over the king's head. 

M ajor historical events usually cre¬ 
ate traumas and drastic changes 
in individual lives. The Visi¬ 
goths’ sack of Rome in 410 had 
an enormous impact on the invaders and the 
invaded. One Roman of patrician rank, for 
example, wrote to a friend complaining that 
the Visigoths had stolen his land, which 
ruined him and reduced him to beggary. 
Strangely, some years later one of the plun¬ 
derers located him and offered to pay for the 
land he had taken. Although the Roman 
claimed that he did not receive the fair 
market value, he confessed that the return of 
a part of his wealth helped him to again hold 
his head up in the Roman society of Gaul. 

With the invasion of Rome, people lost 
not only land. Many lost their lives, and 
many others faced the possibility of marriage 
to people whose appearance and customs 
were strange. 

For people living in Europe from the fifth 
through the seventh centuries, waves of 
change altered or removed many of their 
familiar institutions. As a result, their chil¬ 
dren had to be reared differently from the 
way they themselves had been. For tribes 
accustomed to moving to greener pastures 

and new forests when they had exhausted 
the old, becoming part of the empire meant 
encountering people who lived in one 
place and cultivated the same land year after 
year. Loose tribal confederations became 
kingships (rex was the Roman term for 
their leaders); Germanic laws had to be 
reconciled with Roman laws; and for the 
Germanic tribes individual ownership of 
land created an entirely new concept of 
making a living, that is, from cultivation 
rather than plunder. Adding to the confu¬ 
sion were Roman prejudices against the 
Germanic tribes. The Roman population, 
now Christian, regarded their new neigh¬ 
bors as land grabbers and heretics (religious 
dissenters who held incorrect views of 
Christianity), because many of the tribes 
had converted to Arianism (the interpreta¬ 
tion of Christianity that had been banned in 
325 at the Council of Nicaea). 

The letters and some poetry of a patrician 
Roman named Apollinaris Sidonius (431— 
489) provide an insight into the experiences 
of at least one man and his correspondents 
during this turbulent period. Sidonius had 
followed the traditional career pattern for 
his class. He had entered public service, 


Converted tribesmen often used 
both pagan and Christian symbols 
on their tombstones. This stone has 
the typical double-headed serpent 
from pagan art; the flask at the 
man's feet and the sword and comb 
in his hands suggest that these are 
pagan grave goods . The other side 
of the stone, however, has a repre¬ 
sentation of Christ carrying a spear. 

becoming an official in Rome. He was of 
such high status that he married the 
emperor’s daughter. After retiring to his 
country estates, he spent the final 17 years 
of his life serving as bishop of Clermont in 
what is now central France. As the Church 
became the last vestige of the old imperial 
system, many members of the patrician 
class became bishops and continued to 
administer both spiritual comfort and civic 
services to the urban population. Like 
many other bishops, Sidonius was charged 
with the task of organizing the defense of 
his city against the Visigoths and other 
tribes who besieged the countryside in the 
470s. He wrote in 473: “Our own town 
lives in terror of a sea of tribes which find 
in it an obstacle to their expansion and 
surge in arms all around it.” When the 
town fell, he spent three years as a prisoner 
of the Goths. 

Despite the sack of Rome, Sidonius 
continued to consider the city “the abode 
of law, the training-school of letters, the 
font of honors, the head of the world, the 
motherland of freedom, the city unique 
upon earth where none but the barbarian 
and slave is foreign.” But he was fully 
aware that the “Roman state has sunk to 
. . . extreme misery.” Writing to his 
friends, Sidonius praised his correspon¬ 
dents’ dedication to keeping the study of 
Latin and Greek alive: “The Roman 

tongue is long banished from Belgium and 
the Rhine; but if its splendor has any¬ 
where survived, it is surely with you; our 
jurisdiction is fallen into decay along the 
frontier, but while you live and preserve 
your eloquence, the Latin language stands 

Sidonius also wrote of the transforma¬ 
tion taking place among the tribespeople. 
He described Sigismer, a Germanic prince, 
who walked at the center of a victory 

With charming modesty he went 
afoot amid his body guards and foot¬ 
men, in flame-red mantle, with 
much glint of ruddy gold, and gleam 
of snowy silken tunic, his fair hair, 
red cheeks and white skin according 
with the three hues of his equip¬ 
ment. But the chiefs and allies who 
bore him company were dread of as¬ 
pect. . . . Their feet were laced in 
boots of bristly hide reaching to the 
heels; ankles and legs were exposed. 
They wore tight tunics of varied 
color hardly descending to their bare 
knees, the sleeves covering only the 
upper arms. 

Cloaks of skins secured with brooches com¬ 
pleted their garb. 

Bishop Gregory of Tours (538—594), 
writing about a hundred years later, pre¬ 
sented a very different picture of Gaul. By 
this time, the Visigoths had moved on into 
Spain, and a new tribe, the Franks, had 
crossed the Rhine and setded in what was 
once Roman territory. The area eventually 
took the name France from this tribe. The 
Franks had had little contact with Romans 
and had not converted to any version of 
Christianity. Bishop Gregory’s own world 
was far removed from Rome and the impe¬ 

rial traditions, but Christianity was strong. 
He wrote of his embarrassingly poor Latin, 
which indicates that he was not schooled by 
the old standards. His interests also show a 
shift of perspective from that of Sidonius. 
He recounted stories of brutal Frankish 
rulers and relished miraculous events rather 
than classical literary works. For example, 
Gregory wrote of an army of Franks who 
plundered the church of the holy St. Vincent, 
a martyr who died for his Christian beliefs. 
The troops found it filled with treasure that 
had been deposited by Christians who 
trusted in the saint’s power to save their 
goods. Unable to open the church, the 
Franks set it afire. When they tried to 
retrieve the goods inside, however, divine 
vengeance was visited on them. According 
to Gregory, their hands were “supematu- 
rally burned, and sent forth a great smoke, 
like that which rises above a fire.” 

Gregory also recounted the vicious poli¬ 
tics of the Franks, who gradually seized all 
of Gaul. Clovis (481/2-511) emerged as 
the victorious ruler after many battles in 
which his family members were often killed. 
Gregory reported an emotional speech 
Clovis delivered before a large gathering of 
Franks: “Oh woe is me, for I travel among 
strangers and have none of my kinsfolk to 
help me!” Gregory went on to suggest that 
“he did not refer to their deaths out of grief, 
but craftily, to see if he could bring to light 
some new relatives to kill.” 

Clovis and the Franks, however, were 
set apart from other tribes by their conver¬ 
sion to Roman Christianity, that is, the 
Christian beliefs of the bishop of Rome 
(also known as the pope) as opposed to 
those of the Anan heretics. Clovis married 


a Christian woman, Clotilda. Her uncle 
had killed her father and drowned her 
mother by tying a stone around her neck. 
Clotilda’s sister had retreated to a nunnery, 
and Clotilda might have followed suit if 
Clovis had not been taken by her beauty 
and married her. Gregory of Tours wrote 
that Clotilda immediately tried to convert 
Clovis to Christianity. She persuaded him 
to allow the first two sons she bore to be 
baptized, but because they died soon after 
birth her husband remained unconvinced 
about the new religion’s worth. Finally, in 
a battle with another tribe, Clovis looked to 
heaven and promised to convert if he won. 
After his victory, he fulfilled his promise by 
being baptized along with 3,000 of his 
followers. Clovis knew even less than 
Constantine about Christianity, but be¬ 
cause he and the Franks were baptized as 
Roman Christians, they were loyal to the 
pope. Later, when the Church needed 
help, its leaders looked to the Franks for aid. 

Clovis unified the Franks under a 
long-lasting dynasty, the Merovingians—a 
name derived from a mythical ancestor, 
Merowech. The Franks practiced partible 
inheritance—that is, a father’s lands were 
divided equally among his sons. Upon their 
father’s death, brothers would fight each 
other until one dominated. Each change of 
king, therefore, resulted in the same sorts of 
brutal fights between brothers in which 
Clovis had engaged. The queens were no 
less capable of bloodthirsty tactics. Despite 
such fighting, the Franks became a strong 
power in Europe. They successfully assimi¬ 
lated their kin from across the Rhine and 
encouraged missionaries to convert their 

Italy enjoyed a generation of peace and 
order under another tribal invasion, the 
Ostrogoths (or east Goths). Their leader 
was Theodoric (reigned 471—526), who 
had been a hostage at the court in Con¬ 
stantinople and therefore was very familiar 
with imperial government. Although the 
Ostrogoths were Arians, Theodoric did not 
try to persuade the non-Anan population 
to convert. Rather than destroying what 
remained of the Roman Empire and Ro¬ 
man ways, he worked with the conquered 
people to restore their aqueducts, repair 
their buildings, and improve the general 
order and economy of the Italian peninsula. 
In return for aiding the local population and 
defending them against other tribes, the 
Ostrogoths taxed a third of the proceeds 
from the estates of the wealthy. This policy 
was kinder to the local population than the 
outright plunder and confiscation of goods 
and land that other tribes had committed. 

With the establishment of a general 
peace between mainstream Christians and 
heretical Arians, between Romans and 
Ostrogoths, learning once again flourished 
in Italy. Boethius (c, 480—524), a Roman 
who became an official for the Ostrogoths, 
realized that Greek might die out as a 
language of learning. Thus he translated 
portions of Greek philosophy, including 
the entire works of Plato and parts of 
Aristotle’s writings. His translations were 
used throughout the Middle Ages. 
Cassiodorus (c. 490-585), another scholar 
who was close to Theodoric, retired from 
government service and became the abbot 
of a monastery. He set his monks the task of 
copying and preserving the works of Chris¬ 
tianity and of pagan Greece and Rome. 

Amalsuntha, daughter of a sixth-cen- 
tury Byzantine emperor , became 
regent for her young son on her 
father’s death. This ivory shows her 
holding an orb, the symbol of ruling, 
wearing a typical Byzantine crown 
and sitting on a throne surrounded by 
pillars to suggest a palace. 


Symmachus and his son-in-law 
Boethius were Romans who sewed as 
officials under the Ostrogothic king 
Theodoric. But when the Pope began 
to attack the Ostrogoths for their 
Arian heresy, Theodoric turned 
against his Roman officials and they 
were executed. 

By the early sixth century, the world of 
learning was much changed from the time 
of Jerome and Augustine. Preservation of 
the past became the overwhelming preoc¬ 
cupation for the surviving Romans, as it 
had for Sidonius. Even Boethius’s great 
work, The Consolation of Philosophy, had 
more to say about the comforts of contem¬ 
plating Greek philosophy than it did about 
his Christian present. 

The comfortable compromise between 
Theodoric and the Pope did not long 
survive. The Roman emperor of the east, 
Justinian (527-565), began an ambitious 
program to reconquer Italy, North Africa, 
and Spain—the wealthiest parts of the former 
western empire. The expeditions were very 
expensive, however, and Justinian’s victo¬ 
ries were few. The Byzantine armies defeated 
the Vandals but could retain only a small 
portion of North Africa. They did gain 
Sicily and southern Italy; however, the 
protracted campaigns weakened the 
Ostrogoths and destroyed more towns, vil¬ 
las, and Roman roads and viaducts than all 
the previous Gothic invasions. The senate 
finally ceased to meet, and the last public 
entertainment in the Coliseum was held in 
549. Only Ravenna remained as a glorious 
outpost of Byzantine civilization in Italy. 

The mid-sixth century was a grim time 
for Italy. Bubonic plague—the disease that 
would be called the Black Death in the 14th 
century—decimated the population. As a 
result of the Ostrogoths’ campaigns and the 
plague, Italy lay open to invasion by a 
savage new tribe, the Lombards. As earlier 
in the face of the Huns, the bishop of Rome 
was left alone to ward off invasion. He 

Mysterious Plague Kills Hundreds in Marseilles 

T he bubonic plague, 
like many other epi¬ 
demics, comes in 
cycles. The first plague 
of the medieval period 
occurred during the 
reign of Justinian (527- 
565); the second, called 
“The Black Death,” 
struck in 1348. Plague 
is a bacterial infection 
normally spread to hu¬ 
mans through the bite 
of a household flea that 
has picked up the bac¬ 
teria from an infected 
household rat. Gregory 
of Tours, who saw the 
plague’s effects first¬ 
hand, wrote a very 
accurate description of 

the clinical symptoms of 
the disease: 

At this time it was re¬ 
ported that Marseilles 
was suffering from a se¬ 
vere epidemic of 
swelling in the groin. . . . 
I want to tell you exactly 
how this came about. . . . 
a ship from Spain put 
into port with the usual 
kind of cargo, unfortu¬ 
nately also bringing with 
it the source of infection. 
Quite a few of the 
townsfolk purchased ob¬ 
jects from the cargo and 
in less than no time a 
house in which eight 
people lived was left 
completely deserted, all 

the inhabitants having 
caught the disease. The 
infection did not spread 
through the residential 
quarter immediately. 
Some time passed and 
then, like a cornfield set 
alight, the entire town 
was suddenly ablaze with 
the pestilence. ... At 
the end of two months 
the plague burned itself 
out. The population re¬ 
turned to Marseilles, 
thinking themselves 
safe. Then the disease 
started again and all 
who had come back 
died. On several occa¬ 
sions later on Marseilles 
suffered from an epi¬ 
demic of this sort. 

The plague killed three-fourths of the people that it infected, so burial of the dead be¬ 
came a problem. In some places mass burials replaced the usual ritual of washing the 
body, putting it in a shroud (pictured in the center), and putting it in a coffin. 


During the Middle Ages, sick people 
made pilgrimages to the shrines of 
saints, hoping to be cured by praying 
at the tomb or consuming dust from 
it. A superstructure with niches pro¬ 
tected the tomb from being entirely 
scraped away by the pious; it allowed 
them to get only part of their bodies 
close to the tomb. 

managed to preserve Rome and the land 
around it, but the Lombards took over most 
of the northern part of the peninsula around 
Milan, which became known as Lom¬ 
bardy. The Lombards represented yet 
another challenge for conversion and as¬ 
similation into something resembling the 
Roman way of life. 

The brutality of the times is depicted in 
a story about a Lombard king and his wife. 
The queen’s father had been a rival chief¬ 
tain, whom her husband had killed. Proud 
of his deed, he carried the father-in-law’s 
skull about as a trophy. During a banquet, 
he filled the skull with wine and forced his 
wife to drink his health. She complied but 
vowed to murder her husband—a promise 
she kept. Despite the gruesome infighting 
of the Lombard royal family, eventually the 
Lombards, too, were Christianized. 

Although the original written legal codes 
of the Germanic tribes were intended to 
keep the Roman and Germanic popula¬ 
tions separate, the distinctions between the 
two could not be maintained. Intermar¬ 
riage frequently occurred, and the languages 
blended to create the Romance (or Latin- 
root) languages: Italian, French, Spanish, 
and Romanian. The two groups slowly 
assimilated into a common culture, but it is 
not known how people felt about this 
transition as it was taking place. Did Roman 
fathers think that their Germanic sons-in-law 
had crude table manners? Did Germanic 
boys think that their dark-haired Roman 
brides, whatever land and wealth that they 
brought to the marriage, were less beautiful 
(or more beautiful) than the blonde girls 
they were used to? Did Roman women 

resent becoming wives to husbands who 
wore hides rather than tunics or had blond 
hair and blue eyes rather than dark hair and 
dark eyes? (Some women preferred a life in 
a nunnery to marriage, but not necessarily 
because they objected to the physical and 
cultural characteristics of a prospective hus¬ 
band.) In any case, the invaders settled, 
married into the local population, adopted 
hybrid languages of Latin and Germanic 
words, and produced children of mixed 
ancestry. Indeed, the entire Ostrogothic 
population was assimilated into the popula¬ 
tion of Italy. The western Mediterranean 
culture as well as the appearance of its 
people changed through genetic mixing 
that introduced fairer skin and blond and 
red hair into their population. 

For some time the Romans managed to 
keep for themselves the distinction of serv¬ 
ing as bishops in the old Roman towns. 
Gregory of Tours, for example, boasted 
that all but five of the bishops of Tours had 
been connected with his family. But his 
power and that of the other bishops de¬ 
pended on the tribal rulers. The bishops 
governed the towns and their surrounding 
countryside in a unit of land and govern¬ 
ment called the diocese. The church in 
which the bishop officiated was called a 
cathedral. Gregory of Tours described one 
built in Clermont-Ferrand: “It is one hun¬ 
dred and fifty feet long, sixty feet wide 
inside the nave and fifty feet high as far as the 
vaulting. It has a rounded apse at the end, 
and two wings of elegant design on either 
side. The whole building is constructed in 
the shape of a cross. It has fifty-two win¬ 
dows, seventy columns and eight doorways. 

In it one is conscious of the fear of God and 
of a great brightness.” 

The cathedrals often contained the bones 
of early Christian saints. Pious Christians 
traveled to the shrines to cure their illnesses, 
for the religious experience of being near 
the body of a martyr, for the adventure of 
travel, or for the opportunity to buy and sell 
goods at their destination. They also left 
gifts, including extensive land holdings, to 
the cathedrals and churches that housed the 
bones of notable saints. Gregory had par¬ 
ticular success as a bishop by making the 
shrine of St. Martin of Tours one of the 
most venerated stops for pilgrims. Another 
famous shrine was that of St. Denis the 
martyred, first bishop of Paris. His remains 
rested in a large and wealthy monastery. 
That monastery became even wealthier 
when it established an annual fair that 
attracted merchants from all over Europe as 
well as the eastern Mediterranean. 

Despite the popularity of St. Denis and 
St. Martin among pilgrims, the status of 
these saints was far lower than that of St. 
Peter, one of Jesus’ original apostles. The 
bishop of Rome held a special place in the 
hierarchy of bishops because Rome had 
been the center of the empire and because 
Christian tradition was woven aroundjesus’ 
words to Peter: “Thou art Peter and on this 
rock I shall build my church. ” According to 
Christian tradition, Peter had founded the 
first church in Rome and was martyred 
there. The bishop of Rome, as the succes¬ 
sor of Peter, was considered the head of the 
Church and came to be called pope or papa 
(Latin for father). But the superior position 
of the bishop of Rome also owed much to 


Peter, as the favored apostle ofJesus, 
held a place of special reverence in the 
early Church. Tradition maintained 
that he had founded the first Christian 
church in Rome and had suffered a 
martyr’s death in that city. In medieval 
illustrations he is depicted carrying two 
keys—the keys to heaven. The sym¬ 
bolism of the keys derives from words 
Jesus said to Peter: “I will give you the 
keys to the kingdom of heaven: What¬ 
ever you bind on earth will be 
considered bound in heaven; whatever 
you loose on earth shall be considered 
loosed in heavenThe name Peter, 
from the Greek word for rock (petraj, 
becomes a pun when Jesus says “Thou 
art Peter and on this rock I shall build 
my church. ” The term “apostolic suc¬ 
cession” —which was used often by 
medieval papacy—meant that the popes 
were directly descended by ordination 
from Peter and that they also held the 
power of the two keys. 

When monks took their final vows to 
join a monastery, they received a ton- 
sure—the hair on the top of their 
heads was cut off. Here, St. Guthlac 
(c. 674-714), an Anglo-Saxon, re¬ 
ceives a tonsure from a bishop while 
his abbess and other nuns observe. 

the able men who held the office and their 
heroic leadership in both church and state 
matters. For example, Leo the Great (pope 
from 440-461) had defended Rome against 
the Huns, and Gregory the Great (c. 540- 
604) did much to increase the power of the 
papacy through missionary activity, reform 
of the church, and administration of the 
papal estates around Rome. 

While the peoples within the old em¬ 
pire were gradually being Christianized, 
those on the fringes were either pagans or 
Arian heretics. Monks served as mission¬ 
aries to these peoples. St. Patrick (c. 389—c. 
461), for example, was a missionary in 
Ireland. According to his early biogra¬ 
pher, he came from a Christianized family 
in Britain, but at the age of 16 Irish raiders 
captured him. He spent six miserable 
years as a slave in Ireland before he escaped 
and returned to Britain. He received fur¬ 
ther education in Christianity among the 
Roman population of southern Gaul. 
Summoned in a dream to go back to 
Ireland and Christianize the people there, 
he accepted the mission and began preach¬ 
ing and baptizing new converts. Although 
many of his followers were killed and he 
was nearly martyred, Ireland became Chris¬ 
tian. The Irish then sent their own 
missionaries to the north ofEngland, where 
a remarkable monastic culture was estab¬ 
lished at such places as Iona. The 
monasteries housed both men and women 
and were often supervised by an abbess 
rather than an abbot. 

The monasteries in Ireland and the north 
ofEngland (in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom 
of Northumbria) produced remarkable art¬ 
ists, scholars, saints, and missionaries. The 

designs in their books and of their statuary 
and altar ornaments combined motifs de¬ 
rived from indigenous animals with 
Christian symbolism. Their saints were re¬ 
markable for their perseverance and their 
relationship with animals. For example, the 
Irish saint Brendan set out in a small boat in 
the Atlantic with few provisions, but birds 
ensured that he was fed. St. Cuthbert once 
stood up to his neck in the cold waters of 
the North Sea to meditate. When he got 
out, otters came to dry his feet. 

While the Irish and Anglo-Saxons in 
the far north were practicing their own 
type of monasticism, a young Roman 
noble, Benedict (c. 480—c. 550), decided 
that he did not want to follow the usual 
career path for his class. Instead of entering 
politics, he became a hermit. His reputation 
for piety grew, and he soon had more 
followers than he could easily settle near 
him. Furthermore, his disciples were over¬ 
whelmed by worldly temptations, and 
fought with one another. To provide them 
with a more peaceful refuge, Benedict 
moved his followers from outside Rome to 
Monte Cassino in southern Italy. His sister, 
Scholastica, set up a hermitage nearby, and 
became the patron saint of Benedictine 
nuns. Eventually, Benedict wrote a set of 
rules for his followers—the Benedictine 
Rule—that monastic orders in the west still 
follow. Indeed, the Benedictines are among 
the most numerous of the monastic orders 
in the world today. 

The Benedictine Rule was based on 
three simple precepts: a vow of poverty, a 
vow of chastity, and an acceptance of com¬ 
plete obedience to the abbot. When a 
person entered a monastery or nunnery, he 


or she gave all personal possessions to the 
community and adopted the simple robes 
and sandals of the order. An initiate, or new 
member, commonly went through a pe¬ 
riod of trial, called a novitiate, before taking 
the final vows. The novitiate helped people 
make sure that the rigors of monastic life 
were what they really wanted. Once ini¬ 
tiates had passed through the novitiate and 
taken their final vows, they wore the sym¬ 
bols of their order. Men shaved their heads, 
leaving only a ring of hair on the top called 
a tonsure. Women donned a distinctive veil. 

Within the religious community, re¬ 
sponsibilities were assigned according to 
the skills of its members. Some adminis¬ 
tered the monastery, while others copied 
and illuminated (decorated) manuscripts, 
educated children, worked in the kitchens 
and barns, or became priests. Everyone said 
prayers seven times a day. Recognizing the 
difficulty of waking up before sunrise to 
pray, the Rule asked that brothers gently 
encourage one another to do so. Their 
simple diet consisted of cheese, fish, bread, 
beans, and a good measure of wine every 
day. The young, sick, and elderly were also 
encouraged to eat some meat for strength. 
The residents of the monastery lived in 
dormitories supervised by the older monks. 
Other monastic buildings included a large 
kitchen, storage areas, bams, a chapterhouse 
for meetings, a chapel, a scriptorium for 
writing and keeping books, and a cloister 
for meditation and growing medicinal herbs. 
The monk’s life was simple, orderly, and 
dedicated to prayer, learning, and service to 
the poor. 

The Benedictine Rule was very popu¬ 
lar, and soon many new monasteries were 

The Humiliated Manuscripts 

In this illumination from the Lindisfarne Gospels, snakes 
curl to form the initial letters (L, I, and B) of 
St. Matthew's gospel. The Celtic patterns within the 
snake’s bodies transform into the heads of dragons and 
other creatures. In illuminated Bibles the first page of a 
Gospel was generally the most ornate, containing large 
decorative images with few words. 

The word “illuminate” 
comes from the Latin 
illuminare, which means 
“to light up.” In the 
Middle Ages, illuminated 
manuscripts were texts 
decorated with letters and 
images formed from col¬ 
ored inks. Usually red ink 
was used for the capital 
letter of the first word on 
a page or the first word in 
a paragraph. Such red let¬ 
ters were called rubrics 
(from the Latin rubricare, 
“to make red”). Decora¬ 
tions of important 
manuscripts were much 
more complex. They fea¬ 
tured illustrations of 
scenes from the text or 
small pictures within the 
first letter of a word. 
Many of the most beauti¬ 
ful existing manuscripts 
are Bibles and Books of 
Hours (books of daily 
prayers). The paintings 
were usually small be¬ 
cause they appeared 
within the text; for this 
reason, they are often 
called miniatures. 

Illuminating manu¬ 
scripts was exacting work, 
particularly in elaborate 
books in which various 
colors of inks were used. 
Design motifs varied from 
century to century. The 
Book of Kells, a richly 

decorated manuscript of 
the four Gospels made in 
the eighth century, con¬ 
tains some of the most 
interesting early motifs, 
combining Celtic and 
Christian artistic tradi¬ 
tions. In its complex 
borders, images of snakes 

and dragons surround re¬ 
ligious scenes. The book 
was made in northern 
England or possibly Scot¬ 
land or Ireland, but its 
name comes from the 
monastery of Kells in Ire¬ 
land, where it was housed 
from about 1006 to 1653. 

founded. Among the early adherents was a 
young man who would become Pope Gre¬ 
gory the Great. Gregory, like Benedict, 
came from a noble Roman family but 
preferred the monastic life. When he was 
selected as pope, he tried to hide from those 
who sought him out. Nevertheless, he was 
able to preserve and increase the power of 
the pope. He made peace with the Lombards 
and carefully administered the Churches’ 
estates around Rome, which gave him the 
resources to defend the papacy against the 
Lombards. He also wrote a life of Benedict 
and a number of works on relics and the 


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Justinian was the last of the emperors 
to try to unite the eastern and western 
pans of the Roman Empire. In addi¬ 
tion to many military campaigns , he 
sponsored the codification of Roman 
law } the Corpus Juris Civilis, and 
many building projects. The diadem 
he wears indicates the shift from Ro¬ 
man to more eastern traditions. 

demonic temptations that plagued even 
saintly people. But his lasting achievement 
was the use of Benedictine missionaries to 
extend Christianity to the peoples who had 
settled on the fringes of the old empire. 

One story told about Gregory held that 
he saw some beautiful, fair-skinned chil¬ 
dren for sale as slaves in the Roman market. 
He asked where they had come from and 
was told that they were Angles, people who 
had settled in the old Roman province of 
Britain. Gregory commented that they were 
not Angles but Angels. He then set about 
converting them to Christianity. 

The conversion of England was in part 
the result of Gregory’s missionary efforts, 
but was also facilitated by a line of remark¬ 
able women. Clotilda, who had helped 
Christianize Clovis and had earned the title 
of saint, had a granddaughter named 
Clodoswinde. She became queen of the 
Lombards and tried to convert her husband, 
Alboin. Clotilda’s great-granddaughter, Ber¬ 
tha, married King Aethelbert of Kent. After 
their wedding, he agreed that she could 
bring along a Christian priest, even though 
Aethelbert intended to continue to practice 

One of the oldest surviving copies of 
The Venerable Bede’s History of 
the English Church and People 
was printed in southern England in 
the early eighth century. Bede’s his¬ 
tory included the fanciful and 
miraculous lives of Anglo-Saxon 
saints, such as St. Cuthbert, but 
when he mote about historical events, 
he carefully named the sources he used 
or the people he talked to in order to 
write an accurate account. 

the religion of his ancestors. Gregory sent 
her a bishop who became known as St. 
Augustine of Canterbury because he suc¬ 
ceeded in converting Aethelbert and his 
followers. Bertha’s daughter, Ethelberga, 
married the king of Northumbria and con¬ 
verted him as well. 

The north of England posed a particular 
problem for the Church. While the area 
was already Christian, the religious prac¬ 
tices of the people there differed markedly 
from Roman traditions. For instance, they 
calculated the date of Easter differently, and 
their monks tonsured their heads from ear 
to ear instead of in a circle. The Synod 
(council) of Whitby in 664, presided over 
by the abbess of that great monastery that 
included both men and women, was called 
on to reconcile local practices with Roman 
traditions. The Northumbrian king de¬ 
clared that he found all the theological 
arguments for Roman practice confusing. 
He finally asked if both sides accepted that 
Peter founded the church of Rome. Be¬ 
cause they both agreed, he decided in favor 
of Roman practice. 

The combination of Benedictine mo- 
nasticism and the strong traditions the 
English had inherited from Irish Christian¬ 
ity created a vibrant culture that would 
influence learning and missionary activities 
for several centuries. The most famous 
author of the period was the Venerable 
Bede (672—735), a Benedictine monk who 
spent his life at the monasteries of 
Wearmouth andjarrow. The most learned 
man of his day, he digested all of the 
manuscripts available in their remarkable 
libraries. His writings present a summary of 
the learning of his time. Among Ins books 



0 t 


is the History of the English Church and People, 
which recounts the Synod of Whitby, vari¬ 
ous political events, and the lives of kings, 
queens, abbots, abbesses, and saints. 

By the middle of the seventh century, 
separate kingdoms had begun to emerge in 
the western part of the former Roman 
Empire. The Anglo-Saxons, divided into 
several kingdoms, occupied England; the 
Franks had settled much of France; the 
Visigoths controlled Spain; the Lombards 
had taken over Italy; and the papacy, with 
its estates, was established in Rome and the 
surrounding countryside. Only the vast 
region of modem Germany had yet to be 

In the eastern half of the Roman Em¬ 
pire, however, the fifth and sixth centuries 
brought both great victories and major 
defeats. The eastern empire was able to 
preserve its territory partly through a policy 
of encouraging the Germanic tribes to move 
into the west and partly through diplomacy 
and bribes to the new tribes that appeared 

on its borders. Through these efforts, the 
wealthy crescent of territory around the 
eastern Mediterranean retained its rich, 
urban-centered culture. 

Justinian (reigned 527—565) was the last 
of the Roman emperors to attempt to 
control the whole ofthe empire once again. 
Justinian was a colorful figure who sur¬ 
rounded himself with equally dramatic 
people. Because he had a keen sense of 
history, he hired a historian, Procopius, to 
write an official account of his reign. Al¬ 
though Procopius enjoyed this patronage 
and dutifully wrote two books about 
Justinian’s wars and buildings, he also wrote 
a secret history containing all of the court 
gossip. Procopius particularly wanted to 
discredit the Empress Theodora, Justinian’s 
wife, whom he maintained had an earlier 
career as a pornographic entertainer and 
courtesan in Constantinople. Rather than 
seeing the rise of this intelligent, beautiful 
woman to the position of empress as a 
heartwarming rags-to-riches story, he con- 

The plan for the Benedictine monas¬ 
tery at Canterbury shows Canterbury 
Cathedral at the top. The two squares 
are the cloisters with their open, arched 
corridors shown as a scalloped border. 
The center cloister has an herb garden. 
At the bottom is the necessanum or 
latrines for the monks. To the left is a 
chapel and infirmary; the dormitory 
abuts the cloister. 


Procopius's Secret History Reveals Count Scandal 

historian during the 
reign of emperor 
Justinian, Procopius 
lived between 500 and 
554. While writing his 
official histories for Justin¬ 
ian, he composed another 
book, in which he reviled 
the emperor and his wife, 
Theodora. Of Theodora, 
he wrote: “To her body 
she gave greater care than 
was necessary, if less than 
she thought desirable. For 
early she entered the bath 
and late she left it; having 
bathed, went to breakfast. 
After breakfast she rested. 
At dinner and supper she 

partook of every kind of 
food and drink; and many 
hours she devoted to 
sleep, by day till nightfall, 
by night till the rising of 
the sun. Though she 
wasted her hours thus in- 
temperately, what time of 
day remained she deemed 
ample for managing the 
Roman Empire.” 

Procopius was equally 
scathing in his descrip¬ 
tions of Justinian: “Now 
in physique he was nei¬ 
ther tall nor short, but of 
average height; not thin, 
but moderately plump; 
his face was round and 

not bad looking, for he 
had good color, even 
when he fasted for two 
days.... Now such was Jus¬ 
tinian in appearance; but 
his character was some¬ 
thing I could not fully 
describe. For he was at 
once villainous and ame¬ 
nable; as people say 
colloquially, a moron. He 
was never truthful with 
anyone, but always guile¬ 
ful in what he said and 
did, yet easily hoodwinked 
by any who wanted to de¬ 
ceive him. His nature was 
an unnatural mixture of 
folly and wickedness.” 

This mosaic of Theodora, wife of Justinian, appears opposite his in Ravenna. The 
magnificence of court clothing and jewels indicate the wealth of the Byzantine Empire. 

sidered Theodora a sorceress. In fact, she 
was very much her husband's partner in 
running the empire and showed consider¬ 
able courage early in their reign when 
rioters burned much of Constantinople and 
threatened to depose them. Theodora re¬ 
fused to leave the city, declaring that she 
would rather die wearing the imperial purple 
(a color reserved for the clothing of the 
emperor and his family) than live in exile. 
Theodora and Justinian were able to quell 
the riots, and continued to rule. 

Justinian decided to rebuild 
Constantinople on a grand scale. The most 
memorable monument was the Hagia 
Sophia, a great domed church that still 
stands today. It was once lined with mosaics 
of semi-precious stones and gold that shim¬ 
mered in candlelight or filtered sunlight. 
The dome had a series of windows around 
its base so that in bright sunlight it appeared 
to be floating. One of the favorite ways to 
impress visiting barbarians was to take them 
to a religious service in the church. On one 
occasion a child was suspended from the 
dome to play the part of an angel and fill the 
dome with heavenly singing. Justinian and 
Theodora also built churches in Ravenna 
(St. Vitale) and Venice (St. Mark’s). 

Another ofjustinian’s cultural achieve¬ 
ments was the codification of Roman law 
in the CorpusJuris Civilis. The Roman laws 
were a jumble of old practices and decrees 
of Roman emperors that had governed 
commercial transactions, criminal offenses, 
and the relationship of the emperor to the 
people. Justinian’s jurists worked on elimi¬ 
nating duplications and inconsistencies to 
produce a unified code of laws, the Codex 
Justinianus. He also had them compile a 
summary of the main legal principles in the 

In the 12th century, the emperor’s 
compilation of laws found its way back to 
the west, where it had considerable influ¬ 
ence on western legal thinking. It also 
played a large role in the establishment of 
universities and legal practices. Much of 
modem commercial law and legal thought 
about the relationship of rulers to the 
ruled originated in the Roman law pre- 


served in the Codex. It suggested that 
emperors were subject to the law just as 
the people were and that the power of 
emperors derived from the people. These 
ideas reflected the older Roman tradition, 
but Justinian himself was more of an eastern 
despot, inclined to take law and governance 
into his own hands. 

The reign of Justinian marked a transi¬ 
tion for the Roman Empire. His 
government was oriental in style, that is, 
power was concentrated in the office ofthe 
emperor and his subjects had little access to 
him. Those Justinian did see had to pros¬ 
trate before him while he sat wearing a 
multilayered diadem instead of the tradi¬ 
tional crown of laurel leaves. But Justinian 
was also the last of the Latin-speaking 
emperors. Greek language and culture had 
become so predominant that even though 
the people continued to refer to them¬ 
selves as Romans, to westerners they were 
“the Greeks.” 

Justinian and Theodora envisioned the 
reconquest ofthe west, but their wars proved 
more devastating than successful. The ex¬ 
pense of these campaigns, along with the 
couple’s elaborate building projects, drained 
the treasury. Further religious conflicts over 
whether Christ was divine or human also 
left many people disaffected. Some argued 
that Christ was entirely divine (these adher¬ 
ents were called monophy-sites, meaning 
one purely spiritual body), while others held 
that he was entirely human. The compro¬ 
mise position maintained that he was both 
perfectly divine and perfectly human. 

Because of threats from the east, the 
reconquest of the west proved impossible. 

The Persians had managed to capture a 
Byzantine emperor, forcing him to serve 
the Persian emperor on bended knee. When 
he died in this humiliating service, he was 
stuffed and hung from the roof of the 
palace. After defeating the Persians in 641, 
the Byzantines finally were able to give the 
unfortunate emperor a Christian burial. 

The interior of Hagia Sophia } commis¬ 
sioned by Justinian and Theodora, was 
originally covered with mosaics that 
shimmered with gold in the sunlight. 
The massive windowed dome seemed 
to float in golden light. When the 
Turks conquered Constantinople, they 
painted over the Christian mosaics in 
accordance with Islamic beliefs. 


The long and draining wars left both em¬ 
pires vulnerable to yet another set of invaders, 
the Arabs. 

The Arabian peninsula lay outside the 
domination of the Roman Empire, but 
through trade and caravan routes its mer¬ 
chants had contact with the Byzantine and 
Persian empires. The peoples of the area 
were polytheists (worshipers of many gods) 
and had no political unity. However, the 
peninsular Arabs all recognized the city of 
Mecca as a religious center. It was in Mecca 
that Muhammad was bom about 571. He 
worked as a caravan trader for a wealthy 
woman who became his wife. In his travels, 
he had contact with Jews and Christians in 
the towns that bordered the Byzantine 
Empire. In his late 30s he underwent a 
mystical experience and had a series of 
revelations, which he attributed to God. 
Muhammad began preaching a new faith 
based on strict monotheism (worship of 
one God). Initially, only his wife and a few 
relatives converted, but his radical views 
worried the merchants of Mecca. They 
believed he was discrediting the Kaaba—a 
special shrine in Mecca that contained many 
statues and symbols of their gods, including 
a black stone that was said to have been 
given to Adam on his expulsion from Para¬ 

dise. To escape the merchants 5 wrath, 
Muhammad fled to Medina; his flight is 
known among Muslims as the “Hegira. 55 In 
Medina he preached and gathered a num¬ 
ber of followers. His followers wrote down 
his sermons, and these notes formed the 
basis of the Koran. By 630 Muhammad’s 
following was large enough to defeat Mecca, 
and he made a triumphant return to the 
city. He removed idols from the Kaaba, but 
kept the black stone. In the final two years 
of his life, he unified the Arabs under the 
new religion, Islam, and created a state in 
which he acted as both the religious and 
political leader. 

Muhammad regarded himself as the last 
of the prophets and included Moses and 
Jesus among his predecessors. Islam toler¬ 
ated Jews and Christians as “peoples of 
book, 55 meaning the Old and New Testa¬ 
ments. A strict monotheist, Muhammad 
preached that his followers must submit to 
the will of Allah, the single, almighty God 
of the universe. The Koran provided in¬ 
structions for living properly as well as 
religious guidance. The basic tenant of the 
faith was, “There is no god but Allah, and 
Muhammad is his prophet.” Those who 
followed Islam were assured of salvation. 
Practice of the religion included praying 

Muhammad (right) leads a group of his 
predecessors including Abraham, Moses, 
and Jesus in prayer. The Islamic reli¬ 
gion considers Muhammad to be the 
last of God’s prophets. This Persian 
manuscript shows that there were excep¬ 
tions to the rule of not representing 
humans in pictures. 

five times a day, refusing to eat pork or 
drink wine, offering charity to the poor, 
making a pilgrimage to Mecca once in 
one’s lifetime, and perhaps fighting for the 
faith in a battle known as a jihad. 

The unified Arabs spread quickly after 
Muhammad’s death. During the first wave 
of conquest, from 632 to 655, they con¬ 
quered Syria, Egypt, and the Persian 
Empire. They continued their expansion 
into North Africa, where they destroyed 
the remnants of Vandal and Byzantine 
rule .The Arabs then moved into Spain and 
defeated the Visigothic kingdom. Finally, 
in 732, their drive into Europe was stopped 
by the Franks. 

The Arabs proved remarkably able to 
adapt to new circumstances and to the 
cultures that they conquered. After their 
arrival at the Mediterranean Sea, they be¬ 
came excellent sailors. They captured 
Byzantine islands in the Mediterranean and 
threatened Constantinople from the 
Bosporus. The emperor’s armies fought 
back with Greek fire, a chemical com¬ 
pound similar to napalm that burned on 
water and set the Arab boats on fire. Only 
through great effort were the emperor’s 
soldiers able to keep Constantinople, the 
Balkans, and a portion of Asia Minor in 
Byzantine hands. 

The Arabs also borrowed from the art, 
architecture, and intellectual achievements 
of the people they conquered. On capturing 
Baghdad, the capital of the Persian Empire, 
they became acquainted with the astro¬ 
nomical learning of the Persians, which 
included accurate observations of the stars, 


Islamic artists perfected elaborate geo¬ 
metric designs for daily objects such as 
this bowl, the walls of mosques, rugs, 
and clothing. The Koran forbade rep¬ 
resentations of God’s creation, 
including humans and animals. 

the phases of the moon, and eclipses. They 
also found the writings of the Greek philoso¬ 
phers and medical experts. These manuscripts 
had come to Persia by a curious path. When 
Christianity became the dominant religion 
in the Roman Empire, the intellectuals who 
remained true to the pantheon of the gods in 
Athens and elsewhere left the Christian area 
with their books and settled in Persia. There 
their works were translated into Persian. 
Arab scholars then translated them into Ara¬ 
bic and added their own commentaries. 
These texts made their way through Spain 
to western Europe centuries later. 

The Arabs also drew on the decorative 
traditions of other peoples to create their 
remarkable and beautiful mosques (Islamic 
houses of worship). Islam prohibited repre¬ 
sentations of God or his creation, humans, 
so Muslim artisans developed their own 
intricate geometrical designs for pottery, 
mosaics, and fabrics. 

Although Muhammad created his new 
religion for Arabs, Islam and its culture 
proved very attractive to their subject popu¬ 
lations. Large numbers of Christians, Jews, 
and Persians converted, and mosques re¬ 
placed some Christian churches. 

By 700 the Mediterranean and northern 
Europe were very much changed. Rather 
than consisting of provinces in one large 
empire, northern Europe was splintered 
into a number of smaller, semi-tribal units 
ruled by kings. Although nominally Chris¬ 
tian, the people who made up these units 
retained many pagan practices. For in¬ 
stance, the names used for the days Tuesday, 
Wednesday, and Thursday were derived 

from the names of the Germanic gods Tiu, 
Woden, and Thor. Sacred groves that hon¬ 
ored these gods were referred to by 
Christianized names such as ‘‘Holy Wood” 
or “Hollywood.” 

Although its land mass was much re¬ 
duced, the Byzantine Empire remained 
powerful in the eastern Mediterranean. 
Constantinople was a huge city with a 
population of a million people. Other large 
cities in the empire produced rich silks, 
glass objects, tapestries, carved ivories, and 
fine jewelry that were much in demand in 
the west. The Roman traditions were lost, 
and the emperors became more like east¬ 
ern autocrats, with the ceremonies 
surrounding their persons becoming in¬ 
creasingly elaborate. Although they now 
ruled much of the former territory of 
Byzantium, the Arabs were unable to bring 
such a large territory under one ruler. 
Instead, parts were overseen by powerful 
leaders called “caliphs,” who acted as both 
the supreme religious and political leaders 
of their lands. 

By the beginning of the eighth century, 
the period of expansion of different 
peoples—from the Anglo-Saxons in north¬ 
western Europe to the Arabs in western 
Asia—-was coming to an end, leaving popu¬ 
lations coping with new cultural 
experiences and new neighbors. This chap¬ 
ter has told the story of how the wealthy 
and powerful experienced these vast 
changes. The next will examine their in¬ 
fluence on the population as a whole, both 
members of the invading tribes and those 
they conquered. 

The Koran is the religious book of Islam. 
“Koran ” comes from the Arabic word 
for “recitation. ” Muhammad recited his 
revelations with his followers every day 
first in Mecca and later in Medina. In 
Medina, he assembled a group of scribes 
to take down his ivords. After 
Muhammad’s death , several different 
collections of his revelations circulated 
among his followers. Under the third ca¬ 
liph, Uthman, an official version of the 
Koran was assembled. It is written in a 
learned Arabic, which remains the stan¬ 
dard for all scholarly Arabic writing. 


Chapter 3 

Three Empires: 
Carolingian, Byzantine 

Charles the Bald receives his croum 
from the hand of God, which reaches 
down from the heavens. He is flanked 
by, but superior to, the two bishops 
standing on either side of him. To in¬ 
dicate that their power came from God 
and that they were heirs to the Ro¬ 
man emperors, the Carolingians took 
care to represent themselves below 
God and in Roman dress. 

I n 510, on the night that Clovis, king of 
the Franks, converted to Christianity, 
legend says that his wife Clotilda dreamed 
first of a lion, then a wolf, and finally a 
jackal. When she awoke, she told Clovis 
about her dream and prophesied that his 
royal line would follow the same sequence. 
The first rulers, including Clovis, would be 
Hons among kings, but after a few genera¬ 
tions they would become wolves, and in 
time his line would turn into jackals, or mere 
dogs. The prophesy was probably made 
much later and with hindsight, because the 
Merovingian dynasty Clovis established did 
follow that pattern. The last of the 
Merovingians were so inactive that their 
subjects saw them only when they appeared, 
riding in ox carts, on their estates. 

As the Merovingians increasingly became 
figureheads, the real power passed to another 
family, who became known as Carolingians 
after their famous leader, Charlemagne (742- 
814), also known as Charles the Great or 
Carolus Magnus. The Carolingians de¬ 
scended from a line of bishops from the 
northeastern frontier of the Frankish king¬ 
dom. They rose to prominence through 
their military and administrative abilities 

and Arab 

and eventually conquered and ruled much 
of the Frankish territory in the east. Their 
early leaders held the position of mayor of 
the palace under the Merovingians, the 
equivalent of a prime minister. However, 
they never forgot their religious origins and 
were great supporters of monasteries and 

The era of colorful medieval nicknames 
began with the Carolingians. Charles Martel 
(meaning Charles the Hammer, bom 688) 
embarked on a policy of fighting those who 
would not recognize Merovingian rule. By 
the beginning of the eighth century, he had 
brought most of the territory that Clovis had 
ruled into the Frankish kingdom . But Charles 
Martel was still not king, only mayor of the 

While Charles was unifying the Frankish 
territory, a new threat crossed the Pyrenees 
in the south—the Arabs. The Arabs swept 
into southwestern France just as they had 
earlier entered the Byzantine Empire, North 
Africa, and Spain. Charles marched to the 
region between Poitiers and Tours with an 
army partly composed of a heavily armed 
cavalry—the forerunner of the medieval 
knights—and defeated the Arabs in 732. He 


Pepin the Short issued a silver coin for 
his realm with his name PIPI on one 
side. The new coinage marked his 
deposition of the ruling Merovingians 
and the assumption of the Frankish 
throne for himself and his heirs. 

was then declared the “Hammer of 
Christendom.” The pope perceived him as 
the savior of all Christians from the threat 
of Islam and invited him to come to Rome 
to deliver Italy from the threat of the 
resurgent Lombards. Charles refused to 
take on this fight. 

Pepin the Short (reigned 751-768), his 
son, was not content to govern for the 
Merovingians. He wanted to be king in his 
own right. His accession to mayor of the 
palace coincided with the Lombards’ suc¬ 
cess in taking Ravenna, the last Byzantine 
stronghold in Italy. Pope Stephen, worried 
about the survival of Rome, called on the 
powerful Christian leader of the north to 
save the city rather than turning to the 
Byzantine emperor. Pepin sent an embassy 
to the pope asking if it would be proper for 
him to assume the kingship. The pope 
quickly replied that “the man who had the 
actual power was more deserving of the 
crown than the one who was only a figure¬ 
head,” by whom he meant the current 
weak Merovingian king. Pepin then called 
an assembly of Frankish nobles, warriors, 
and clergy and had himself elected their 
king. The last of the Merovingian kings was 
sent to a monastery where his hair, worn 
long as befitting a king, was cut in the 
fashion of a monk. 

To legitimize Pepin’s coup, the pope 
crowned him in a coronation ceremony 
modeled on the anointing of David as 
described in the Bible. This ceremony be¬ 
came the standard for all coronations in 
western Europe. Pepin made good on his 
side of the bargain: He twice invaded Italy 
and defeated the Lombards. After securing 
the land around Rome from Lombard 

attack, he gave it to the pope in what 
became known as the “Donation ofPepin. ” 
This territory, which extended across the 
Italian peninsula from Rome to Ravenna, 
was referred to as the Papal States by the late 
Middle Ages. 

Following the Frankish custom of divid¬ 
ing an inheritance equally among all a 
deceased’s heirs, Pepin was succeeded by 
two sons. The early death of one left an able 
king, Charlemagne, in power. Much is 
known about Charlemagne because he had 
two contemporary biographers. Several stat¬ 
ues of him have also survived. 

Einhard, the more colorful biographer, 
wrote that Charlemagne had been his friend 
since childhood and that later he had lived 
close to the king at his court. He described 
Charlemagne as “large and strong, and of 
lofty stature, although not disproportion¬ 
ately tall (his height is well known to have 
been seven times the length of his foot); the 
upper part of his head was round, his eyes 
very large and animated, nose a little long, 
hair fair, and face laughing and merry. Thus 
his appearance was always stately and digni¬ 
fied, whether he was standing or sitting; 
although his neck was thick and somewhat 
short, and his belly rather prominent; but 
the symmetry of the rest of his body con¬ 
cealed these defects.” (In the late 19th 
century Charlemagne’s skeleton was mea¬ 
sured; he was 6 feet 3 inches.) Einhard also 
explained that the king had a firm walk and 
a clear voice, although softer than one 
would have expected in such a large man. 
For recreation Charlemagne enjoyed horse¬ 
back riding, hunting, and swimming. He 
swam in the hot springs at Aachen 
(Aix-la-Chapelle), often joined by his sons 


and nobles. He sometimes invited a troop 
of his bodyguards to swim with him as well. 

According to Einhard, Charlemagne 
drank and ate moderately, preferring roast 
meats to the boiled ones that his physicians 
recommended when his health was failing 
in old age. In dress, he favored Frankish 
clothing over Roman garb. (Only on two 
visits to Rome did he dress like a Roman.) 
Next to his skin he wore a “linen shirt and 
linen breeches, and above these a tunic 
fringed with oriental silk, while hose fas¬ 
tened by bands covered his lower limbs, 
and shoes his feet.” He always carried a 
sword with a gold or silver hilt. Over 
everything he wore a blue cloak. 

Both Christianity and learning were dear 
to Charlemagne. While he ate, he liked to 
have Augustine of Hippo’s books read to 
him, particularly The City of God. But he 
also enjoyed recitations of the old Frankish 
stories similar to Beowulf. He could, Einhard 
tells us, speak Latin as well as Frankish, but 
he could not write: “He used to keep tablets 
and blanks in bed under his pillow, that at 
leisure hours he might accustom his hand to 
form the letters; however, as he did not 
begin his efforts in due season, but late in 
life, they met with ill success.” 

Charlemagne saw that both his sons and 
daughters were educated. He also encour¬ 
aged the education of the clergy by starting 
schools in the cathedrals. To keep himself 
informed of intellectual matters, he sur¬ 
rounded himself with scholars from the 
monasteries of northern England and other 
parts of Europe. Notable among them was 
Alcuin, a scholar from England who brought 
to the continent the learning preserved by 
English and Irish monks. He and other 

This silver reliquary holds the bones of 
Charlemagne, who was regarded as the 
ideal Christian emperor. The crown 
and the scepter in his hand indicate his 
role as ruler, the small replica of a 
church in the other hand represents his 
role as protector of the Church, and the 
halo behind his head shows him to be 
a religious figure. 

scholars studied astronomy, grammar, and 
rhetoric. Perhaps their most lasting contri¬ 
bution was the development of Carolingian 
minuscule, a form of handwriting with 
capitals and small letters that influenced 
modern writing and typography. 

It is remarkable that Charlemagne ever 
had time to sit and listen to books being read 
or to pause for a swim. He spent most of his 
reign in military campaigns or supervising 
his vast kingdom. He pushed the bound¬ 
aries of the Frankish lands north into the 
modern Netherlands, east ofthe Rhine into 
Saxony, and into other areas that even the 
Romans had not conquered. Using monks 
as missionaries, Charlemagne encouraged 
the peoples of these newly conquered terri¬ 
tories to convert to Christianity. The monks 
used extreme measures, such as cutting 
down the oak trees that the local people 
worshipped and using the timber to build 

Charlemagne’s exploits as a warrior 
are commemorated on a panel of the 
reliquary above. The emperor sits in 
his tent dressing for battle. His fully 
armed knights , dad in chain mail, are 
either sleeping or already on horse¬ 
back. Charlemagne spent almost 
every year of his life in warfare. 


Carolingian Minuscule 

T he Romans used a 
script composed of 
all capital letters 
(majuscule). In formal 
documents these capitals 
looked much like our 
capital alphabet. The Ro¬ 
mans also developed a 
cursive (informal) script 
that was written so 
quickly that the words ran 
together, making reading 
very difficult. 

Merovingian scribes 
were even more careless. 

In some parts of Europe, 
notably Ireland and 
Northumbria, a combi¬ 
nation of the majuscule 
and the cursive were 
used. The beginnings of 
sentences were in capi¬ 
tals, but the rest was in a 
cursive. Because many of 
Charlemagne’s scholars 
(including Alcuin) came 
from northern En¬ 
gland, the writing that 
Charlemagne mandated 
for preserving laws, 

liturgical documents, 
Bibles, and government 
records resembled these 

Capital letters were 
clearly distinguished from 
small letters. Space was 
left between words, and 
the letters themselves 
were well rounded and 
distinct. Carolingian mi¬ 
nuscule outlasted the 
Carolingian kings and in¬ 
fluences our printing 

Inc i p i t l l be a . 




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^f^Mnui't frinJiriiiTcOiturTfu'ii 

A page from the book of Exodus from a Bible written in Tours about 834—43 shows 
the capital letter and the small letter combination typical of Carolingian minuscule . 

churches where the oaks had stood. When 
peaceful conversion did not work, 
Charlemagne backed up such efforts with 
threats. He told the Saxons that if they did 
not convert, he would put them all to 
death. They converted. 

The most famous of Charlemagne’s 
battles was recorded in a distorted form in 
The Song of Roland, a poem that was written 
down several centuries after the event. 
Charlemagne thought that he could take 
advantage of internal dissension among the 
Arab rulers to take over Spain. He was 
unsuccessful, and on his return from Spain 
in 778, his troops were attacked by Chris¬ 
tian Basques at a pass in the Pyrenees 
Mountains called Roncevaux. In the epic 
poem. Count Roland, the leader of the 
rearguard, is attacked by Arabs (rather than 
Basques) at the pass because of the treachery 
of Ganelon, another of Charlemagne’s 
nobles, who was jealous of Roland. The 
poem first appeared in written form in the 
12th century as the story of a warrior’s 
loyalties to his fellow warriors and of a man 
to his lord. 

Charlemagne’s relations with the pope 
in Rome were as intense as those of his 
father. He finished the task of subduing the 
Lombards and took their territory in north¬ 
ern Italy. But squabbles in Rome brought 
him back there as a peacemaker during the 
Christmas season of800. The pope, Leo III, 
had been deposed, and his enemies had cut 
out his tongue. When he appealed, in 
writing, for help, Charlemagne came to 
Italy with an army. He reinstated Leo as 
pope on December 23, and on December 
25 Leo crowned him emperor. 

Einhard claims that Charlemagne did 


In a 14th-century manuscript illus¬ 
tration of The Song of Roland, 
the aged emperor Charlemagne bids 
his nephew Roland goodbye as 
Roland stays behind to protect 
Charles’s army . 

not want this title and that if he had known 
what Leo was planning, he would not 
have gone to church that day even though 
it was Christmas. Despite Einhard’s pro¬ 
testations, Charles most likely orchestrated 
the coronation himself. Leo could hardly 
have been hiding a crown behind his back, 
only to plop it on Charles’s head as he 
lingered at the altar to pray. Neither the 
pope nor Charlemagne, of course, had any 
legal right to claim the imperial tide in the 
west. Indeed, Charlemagne had earlier 
tried to secure the title in a more legal 
fashion by proposing marriage to Irene, 
the empress of Byzantium. She turned 
him down. 

The Carolingian Empire, as Charle¬ 
magne’s realm came to be known, had little 
in common with the Byzantine Empire. 
The government relied on the presence of 
the emperor to keep everything running 
smoothly. If Charlemagne was not fighting, 
he was visiting various places in his empire 
to ensure his subjects’ loyalty. Fortunately, 
he enjoyed horseback riding, because he 
spent much of his time in the saddle. His 
household administration, including a cham¬ 
berlain who was in charge of the royal 
treasure, traveled with him. For the most 
part, the emperor’s income came not from 
taxes as was the case in Byzantium, but from 
estates that Charlemagne owned. Indeed, 
he was the biggest landowner in the coun¬ 
try. Likewise his cellarer, who oversaw the 
vineyards and wines, drew his stores from 
the emperor’s private estates. A constable 
was in charge of the stables and the army. A 
private chaplain and his assistants carried on 
both private and official correspondence, 
because only the clergy knew Latin well 

enough to do so. And because it was impos¬ 
sible to cart or ship all the goods grown on 
his estates to a central capital such as Aachen, 
his favorite residence, Charlemagne liter¬ 
ally had to travel from place to place with his 
anny, friends, family, and household offi¬ 
cials to eat and drink the wealth of his 

Realizing that governing such a vast 
territory was too much for one person, 
Charlemagne tned to delegate some of his 
power. The border provinces were a par¬ 
ticular problem, because the native 
populations were only recently conquered, 
thus still rebellious. These areas he put in 
charge of marquises or dukes—titles de¬ 
rived from Roman military leaders. They 
were to look after the defenses of their 
assigned tenitory. In the more established 

areas, Charlemagne relied on counts, who 
had mostly civil, or administrative duties. 
The counts, marquises, and dukes were 
drawn from the upper class of Franks and 
came to regard their positions as hereditary. 
Charlemagne could count on them to look 
after their own interests in the countryside 
and perhaps try to preserve some of his 
interests if he visited them with an army 
often enough. 

He could also ask them to raise an anny 
from their territory if it was threatened with 
attack. Only those with adequate land to 
support themselves and their attendants for 
a three-month campaign could serve. But 
asking a man to turn up with a horse, 
weapons, and armor was demanding more 
than most could afford. Charles Martel had 
rewarded those who withstood the Arabs 


with grants of land for their life use. Pepin 
and Charlemagne did the same when they 
required warriors for their many wars. 
Warriors, therefore, came to assume that 
they would receive a reward of land and its 
income in return for military service. In 
order to keep his counts loyal, Charles had 
to grant them even larger tracts of land and 
the rights to administer them. This policy 
was bound to weaken the emperor s con¬ 
trol of his territory unless he frequently 
appeared in person to remind his noble 
counts, marquises, and dukes that he had 
ultimate authority over the land and its 

After the Franks had arrived in the former 
Roman territories and the Carolingians had 

conquered the tribes on their borders, the 
way of life for most men and women 
proceeded as it had for centuries. The men 
did the hunting, fighting, gambling, metal 
work, and governing while the women did 
the farming, herding, brewing, clothing, 
and childrearing, and kept the religious 
practices. But a revolutionary change in 
these roles occurred when the tribes settled 
down in one place, became Christian, and 
had to cultivate the land for a living. From 
the earliest traditions of Mediterranean 
civilization, men’s lives had been closely 
tied to the plow, so much so that the plow 
became a metaphor for men. Similarly, 
women were so closely associated with 
spinning wool and weaving cloth that the 

spindle was often used to represent women. 
The men and women who came under 
the influence of Mediterranean culture 
gradually adopted these tasks and their 
respective symbols. Because metal was a 
scarce commodity in those times, men 
must literally have beaten their swords 
into plowshares. Women retreated from 
the fields to concentrate their labor about 
the house. These people must have had 
strong feelings about this radical change in 
patterns of behavior, but their emotions 
and thoughts are not recorded. 

The records from the reign of 
Charlemagne provide a picture of the lives 
of those who became peasants rather than 
paid warriors in the new regime of settled 
agriculture. The agricultural workers who 
cultivated the old Roman estates blended 
with the tribespeople who arrived and settled 
with their families. The estate books of the 
Carolingian period, in which details of the 
land, people, and produce from the estates 
were recorded, point to the diverse back¬ 
grounds and conditions of those who 
worked the lands. Their names are of Ro¬ 
man, Germanic, and Old Testament origin, 
suggesting a considerable amount of inter¬ 
marriage. For example, Electeus and his 
wife Landina had Roman names. Abrahil 
had a wife named Berthildis, and they had 
three children Abram, Avremarus, and 
Bertrada. This family, therefore, used both 
Biblical and Frankish names. The family of 
Ceslinus—which included his wife 
Leutberga and their two children, Leutgardis 
and Ingohildis—combined Roman and 
Frankish names. 

The estate records also noted the degree 
of freedom enjoyed by each person listed. 


Electeus and Abrahil were slaves, but their 
wives were colona, or free peasants. Berthildis, 
Ceslinus, and Leutberga were described as 
lidi, or halEfree peasants, because they owed 
labor on the estate. They may have been 
Germanic settlers. Those with free status 
were free only in terms of their bodies, 
labor, marriages, and families. They were 
not free to leave the land or estate on which 
they lived. 

The invasions of the fifth century de¬ 
stroyed much of the long-distance trade in 
Europe and around the Mediterranean. 
Although luxury items were still traded and 
an active trade continued in local markets, 
most of the population of Europe lived by 
farming the land, and most of the land was 
organized into large estates. In Roman 
times these estates were called latifundia, and 
they provided people such as Sidonius, the 
bishop and Roman patrician, and his friends 
with a comfortable, pastoral life. The estates 
changed hands in the Middle Ages. The 
large estates then became known as manors, 
and were owned by abbots, bishops, popes, 
counts, dukes, marquises, kings, and em¬ 
perors. Part of the land, the best part, was 
put aside for the exclusive use of the owner. 
The rest was divided among the agricultural 
laborers or peasants, who produced crops 
and raised animals to feed themselves and 
their children. They paid their lord for the 
use of this land by performing services on 
his portion of the property, by giving him 
goods such as cheeses, or by paying rent in 
money. Electeus, for instance, held half a 
farm that included both arable land and 
meadow. In return for the use of the land, 
he carted manure and plowed a portion of 
the lord’s fields for winter and spring plant¬ 

ing. Abrahil, Ceslinus, and another lidus , 
Godalbertus, held a farm together. During 
the month of May, they had to cart goods 
to local city markets for their lord. They also 
had to transport two loads of wood to the 
estate in the winter, mend the fences to 
keep the lord’s cattle from wandering off, 
and harvest his crops. They, too, plowed for 
winter and spring planting and hauled ma¬ 
nure. In addition, they paid four pennies a 
head as a tax. 

The records from Carolingian estates are 
complete enough to allow us to imagine a 
day in the life of Abrahil and his family. It 
is early spring, the day that the lord’s plow¬ 
ing must be done. Berthildis has risen early 
to start a fire in an open hearth in the center 
ofthe family’s hut. The smoke rises through 
a hole in the roof. She heats water for the 
family to use for washing. The morning 
meal—a gruel of cooked grain—needs only 
to be heated. Abrahil sends his son, Abram, 
to the shed that serves as a bam to fetch the 
ox and make sure that it has water and some 

Peasant women provided services for 
both their family and the owner of 
the manor. Transporting water and 
milk and caring for livestock were 
daily activities . 


Carolingian artists, imitating Byzan¬ 
tine styles, lavishly illustrated their 
Bibles. Here, Luke writes his Gospel 
with his symbol of the winged ox 
behind him on one page, and the 
Gospel begins on the facing page. 

fodder before the long day’s work. Abram 
will accompany his father into the fields to 
goad the ox. Abrahil will do the plowing, 
because his partners in the farm are busy 
with other tasks. Ceslinus is carting grain 
to Paris with the help of his son, and 
Godalbertus has gone to fetch wood. 
Abrahil and Abram meet up with the 
other villagers, and the steward organizes 
them into work teams for plowing. 
Berthildis, meanwhile, has washed and 
swaddled baby Bertrada and placed her in 
a cradle by the fire. Avremarus, who is 
eight years old, goes to get water from the 
well for brewing beer. He then takes the 
cow to pasture and watches it and the 
cows of the others who share the farm. 
Berthildis heats the water and begins the 
process of brewing. She will have only a 
light lunch. Her husband and sons will eat 
the bread and cheese that they have taken 

with them to their work. Those doing the 
plowing will have beer supplied by the 
estate’s steward. Returning tired in the 
evening, the family consumes bread, a por¬ 
ridge of peas boiled with ham, and beer. 
They are too weary to sit around the fire, so 
Berthildis extinguishes it with a clay cover, 
and they turn in early. Their beds are straw 
pallets on the floor, their bedding rough 
linen sheets and wool blankets woven by 
Berthildis. A peasant’s day is hard work 
from sunup to sundown. 

Management of these estates required 
continual oversight. Among Charlemagne’s 
many administrative duties, he took time to 
send directives to the stewards who ran his 
estates. One such directive survives. In it, 
Charlemagne’s first concern was that the 
profits go directly to himself, not to anyone 
else. His second concern was for his peas¬ 
ants: “That the people on our estates be well 

taken care of, and that they be reduced to 
poverty by no one.” He did not want the 
stewards forcing the peasants to labor for 
them rather than their lord, nor did he want 
them extracting bribes from the peasants in 
the form of wine, fruits, chickens, and eggs. 
On the other hand, if the peasants stole or 
did not fulfill the written rules, they were to 
be whipped if they were slaves and fined if 
they were coloni. Charlemagne’s directive 
then discussed the care of livestock, vines 
for wine, fields, fish ponds, mills, wood¬ 
lands, and the weaving houses where women 
wove cloth. Stewards were to render ac¬ 
counts on Palm Sunday every year and have 
all produce—such as cloth, wax, wine, 
mustard, cheese, salted meats, butter, beer, 
mead, honey, and flour—ready for the 
emperor’s arrival. 

Charlemagne’s arrival at one of his es¬ 
tates undoubtedly caused a great stir among 
its inhabitants. Cooking for the emperor 
and his retinue took days. The preparations 
included butchering, tapping and tasting 
barrels of wine, cleaning stables, scrubbing 
out the stone house where he would stay, 
and repairing the road on which he would 
enter the estate. Even though Charlemagne 
dressed like a Frank and rode a horse like 
any other Frankish warrior, his clothes 
were of much better quality than the peas¬ 
ants would ever have seen, and his horse 
would be a spirited stallion. He might even 
be accompanied by one of his daughters, 
who would be traveling in an ox-drawn 
cart and well bundled up in fine furs. Such 
a visit would be a time of feasting even for 
the peasants. 

Feast days occurred at other times of the 
year as well. When the missionaries and 


clergy were occupied with converting the 
pagans, they made a number of compro¬ 
mises about the dates of Christian feasts. 
Even the date of Christmas, Christ’s birth, 
was assigned to December 25 to coincide 
with pagan winter solstice celebrations. 
The Gospels did not give a date for Jesus’ 
birth. The revelries lasted 12 days as they 
had during the Roman holidays that were 
traditionally held at the same time. Other 
feast days, such as Michaelmas, marked the 
end of harvest in September. St. Martin’s 
Day, celebrated on November 11, was the 
traditional butchering day. 

Ordinary people’s understanding of 
Christianity was very slight and somewhat 
tentative. Many people combined old and 
new beliefs by worshipping both the old 
gods and the new one. To discourage this 
practice, the clergy sought to turn the old 
gods, such as Venus, Mars, andjupiter, into 
demons who tempted Christians’ souls. 
Christians who still worshipped these rep¬ 
resentatives of the devil would go to Hell, 
the clergy promised. Artists represented 
Hell on church walls as a terrifying place 
where demons tormented sinners with forks 
and threw them into burning pits. Even 
with such powerful weapons for dissuading 
people a tone of exasperation often crept 
into the clergy’s sermons: “For to light 
candles before rocks and trees and streams 
and at crossroads—is this anything else but 
the worship of the devil? To observe divi¬ 
nations and auguries and days of the idols—is 
this anything else but the worship of the 
devil?” asked Bishop Martin of Braga. The 
population, however, went on saying spells 
over their land, giving herbs to their sick, 
and consulting men and women thought to 

Omens of Charlemagne's Death 

I n the Middle Ages, as 
in the ancient world, 
natural phenomena and 
calamities were seen as 
omens of a major event. 
Of course, most of these 
signs were recollected af¬ 
ter the event they 
supposedly foretold had 
occurred. Following the 
death of Charlemagne on 
28 January 814, Einhard 

Very many omens had 
portended his ap¬ 
proaching end, a fact 
that he had recognized 
as well as others. 

Eclipses both of the 
sun and moon were 
very frequent during 
the last three years of 
his life, and a black 
spot was visible on the 
sun for the space of 
seven days. The gallery 
between the basilica 
and the palace, which 
he had built at great 
pains and labor, fell in 
sudden ruin to the 
ground on the day of 
the ascension of our 
Lord. The wooden 
bridge over the Rhine 
at Mayence ... was so 
completely consumed 
in three hours by an 

accidental fire that not 
a single splinter of it 
was left, except what 
was under water. 
Moreover, one day in 
his last campaign into 
Saxony against 
Godfred, King of the 
Danes, Charles himself 
saw a ball of fire fall 
suddenly from the 
heavens with great 
light, just as he was 
leaving camp before 
sunrise to set out on 

the march. It rushed 
across the clear sky 
from right to left, and 
everybody was won¬ 
dering what was the 
meaning of the sign, 
when the horse which 
he was riding gave a 
sudden plunge, head 
foremost, and fell, and 
threw him to the 
ground so heavily that 
his cloak buckle was 
broken and his sword 
belt shattered. 

Charlemagne’s crown is preserved in Aachen, where 
his reliquary is also kept. The crown resembles the 
one he is wearing on the reliquary. 

have the power to find lost animals or make 
love potions. 

Charlemagne spent the last years of his 
life at his favorite residence of Aachen. 
There he had built a beautiful chapel deco¬ 
rated with gold and silver in the Byzantine 
style that still stands today. Einhard wrote 
that as he neared death, Charlemagne called 
his son, Louis, to him and before all the 
chief men of the kingdom, placed the 
imperial crown on Louis’s head, proclaim¬ 
ing him emperor. Charlemagne then spent 
the fall hunting, but in January became very 
ill. After a reign of 47 years, he died at the 
age of 72. 

While Louis took the title of emperor, 
he was not able to fill the shoes of his 


Strasbourg Oaths: First Written Example ol French and German 

A s Latin ceased to be 
the language of every¬ 
day speech, vernacu¬ 
lar languages took its 
place. French is a Ro¬ 
mance language, meaning 
that it derives from the 
Roman language of Latin. 
German belongs to the 
Germanic language 
group, which also in¬ 
cludes the Scandinavian 
languages. English is a 
combination of French 
and German elements. All 
these languages belong to 
a greater, Indo-European 
language group. 

The earliest texts writ¬ 
ten in French and 
German are the Strasbourg 
Oaths. By reciting these 
oaths, Charles the Bald 
and Louis the German 
publicly pledged their 

loyalty to one another. 

English translation: 
“For the love of God and 
the common salvation of 
the Christian people and 
ourselves, from this day 
forth, as far as God gives 
me wisdom and power, I 
will treat this my brother 
as one should rightfully 
treat a brother, on condi¬ 
tion that he does the same 
by me. And with Lothair 
I will not willingly enter 
into any agreement which 
might injure this, my 

French: “Pro Deo 
amur et pro Christian 
poblo et nostro commun 
salvament, dist di in 
avant, in quant Deus savir 
et podir me dunat, si 
salvarai eo cist meon 
fradre Karlo et in adiudha 

et in adiudha, et in 
cadhuna cosa si cum om 
per dreit son fradra salvar 
dist, in o quid il mi altresi 
fazet; et ab Ludher nul 
plaid numquam prindrai, 
qui meon vol cist meon 
fradre Karlo in damno sit.” 

Gemian: “In Goddes 
minna ind in thes 
Christianes folches ind 
unser bedhero gealtnissi, 
fon thesemo dage 
frammordes, so fram so 
mir Got gewizci indi 
madh furgibit, so haldih 
thesan minan bruodher, 
soso man mit rehtu sinan 
bruodher shal, in thiu, 
thaz er mig sosama duo; 
indi mit Ludheren in 
noheinin thing ne 
geganga, the minan 
willon eino ce scadhen 

Charles the Bald, shown here in an illustration 
from his own Bible, became the king of the original 
Frankish part of the empire. 

energetic father. He was well educated and 
very devout—deserving of his nickname 
“the Pious”—but he was neither a good 
statesman nor a skilled military leader. Rev¬ 
erencing the language of the Old Testament 
and of Jesus, he learned Hebrew, and en¬ 
couraged Jews from the Mediterranean to 
settle in the empire, particularly in the newly 
conquered German areas. Perhaps the 
Carolingian Empire was too large and made 
up of too many different groups for one 
person to govern. Louis soon divided his 
land among his sons, giving them some of the 
responsibility for ruling, but this move sim¬ 
ply created further divisions. His sons had no 
sooner claimed their titles and property than 
they began to fight among themselves. 

When Louis the Pious died in 840, civil 
war broke out among his sons. Lothair, the 

eldest, had been made emperor of the 
whole territory, with his power base ofland 
in Italy. Charles the Bald was made king of 
the west Franks (in the original part of the 
empire), and Louis the German was made 
king of the east Franks (in the newly con¬ 
quered territories east of the Rhine in 
modern-day Germany). 

Charles and Louis quickly made an alli¬ 
ance against Lothair to curtail his power. To 
cement this alliance, they swore the 
Strasbourg Oaths. Louis swore loyalty to 
Charles in French and Charles made the 
same oath to Louis in German. They used 
these vernacular languages so that the re¬ 
tainers and troops of each would understand 
what their king had said. The oaths are of 
great interest today because they are the first 
written examples of French and German 


and indicate that Latin was no longer un¬ 
derstood by ordinary people. 

Charles and Louis defeated Lothair and 
imposed on him the Treaty of Verdun in 
843. The treaty confined Lothair’s power 
to a central section of land running north 
from Italy into the Netherlands. This 
“middle kingdom” included no natural or 
linguistic boundaries. On the west side of 
Lothair’s kingdom was that of Charles the 
Bald, which included much of modern 
France. On the east side was the kingdom 
of Louis the German, which included the 
German provinces of Saxony, Franconia, 
Swabia, and Bavaria. Some historians have 
suggested that the rationale behind the 
territorial divisions was to distribute the 
estates that still belonged to the monarchy 
among the three brothers. Whatever the 
reason, the middle kingdom continued to 
present a problem into the 20th century, 
because both France and Germany would 
claim parts of it as their own. Some histo¬ 
rians even claim that World War I and 
World War II were the direct result of the 
Treaty of Verdun. 

While Charlemagne was expanding his 
empire and his grandsons were fighting 
over its division, the Byzantine emperor 
was trying to preserve as much of his 
empire as possible. Political intrigues in 
Byzantium initially hindered an effective 
fight against northern encroachers, includ¬ 
ing Slavs, Bulgarians, and Russians. Irene 
(reigned 797-802), the empress whom 
Charlemagne proposed to marry, had risen 
to the throne by having her own son 
blinded and deposed. Further intrigue 
brought the Macedonian dynasty to power. 
Michael III (reigned 842-67)—“the 
Drunkard”—was a great devotee of 

chariot-racing and raised to power his 
favorite horse trainer, a Macedonian named 
Basil. Basil repaid the favor by having 
Michael murdered and taking the crown 
for himself. 

One way the Byzantines tried to dis¬ 
suade the tribes on the northern border of 
the empire from attacking was to convert 
them to Christianity. Michael III sent two 
brothers, Cyril and Methodius, as mission¬ 
aries to the Slavs. Before they left, the 
brothers devised a Slavonic alphabet based 
on Greek letters and translated the Gospels 
into Slavic. Their missionary efforts and 
those of their disciples were successful. By 
867 they had also devised a liturgy (mass) in 
Slavonic, which is still used. (The early 
version of the Slavic language is called Old 
Church Slavonic.) 

Meanwhile the Bulgars, a tribal group 
from central Asia, had moved into an area 
south of the Danube River in modem Bul¬ 
garia and mingled with the local Slavic 
population there. They too agreed to accept 
Christianity. But by now the pope and the 
patriarch of Constantinople, the head of the 
Greek-speaking Byzantine church, were en¬ 
gaged in both political and theological struggles. 
Among the issues was whether the clergy and 
the population of the Balkan peninsula would 
accept the pope’s or the patriarch’s version of 
Christianity. In the end, Croatia accepted 
Rome, while Serbia and Bulgaria adhered to 
Constantinople. These two types of Chris¬ 
tianity are now called Roman Catholicism 
and Greek Orthodox. 

The final triumph ofByzantine mission¬ 
ary work was the conversion of Russia a 
century after the conversion of the Slavs 
and Bulgars. The Rus were Swedish Vi¬ 
kings who had come from the area around 


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the Baltic Sea down the Dnieper Paver to 
trade in Constantinople. They had estab¬ 
lished two powerful cities—a northern one, 
Novgorod, and a more southern one, Kiev. 
They too had blended with the native 
Slavic population. By the mid-lOth cen¬ 
tury, the Rus were speaking Slavic and 
using Slavic names. 

The Radziwill Chronicle, written 
in Russian, chronicled the conversion 
of Vladimir, prince of Kiev (top), in 
988. Envoys from Vladim ir wit¬ 
nessed a Christian mass in 
Constantinople and returned to ex¬ 
plain the mass to Vladimir (bottom). 

In 987 Basil II of the Macedonian dy¬ 
nasty was faced with rebellions in his capital. 
He called on the king of Kiev, Vladimir, for 
assistance. Vladimir agreed, but asked to be 
rewarded with a Byzantine princess, even 
though he already had several wives and 
more than 800 concubines. In desperation, 
Basil promised his own sister, Anna. Anna 
was strong-willed and refused to marry a 
pagan polygamist, so Vladimir agreed to 
accept Christianity and accept only Anna as 
his wife. Soon Kiev and later all of Russia 
was converted to the Byzantine model of 
Christianity. Once again, a Christian prin¬ 
cess had been instrumental in bringing 
about the conversion of her husband and 
his people. Eventually, the Russian king 
was called a tsar, a corruption of the Roman 
title of caesar. 

While the Byzantine Empire was en¬ 
gaged in preserving itself from further attacks 
by tribes migrating west and south, the 
Arab Empire had split into a number of 
smaller caliphates. (A caliphate was the 
territory over which a caliph, an Arab 
religious and secular leader, presided.) Spain 
became a separate caliphate, with its capital 
in Cordoba. Morocco, Egypt, Syria, and 
other states split off as well. The divisions 
also represented religious disagreements. A 
group of Muslims held that Ali, the cousin 
and son-in-law ofMuhammad, should have 
been the first caliph and that he was unjustly 
passed over. When Ali and his sons were 
assassinated, a conflict broke out between 
his followers and those of the first four 
caliphs. Most of the adherents of Ali were 


Persian so that part of the split was along 
national lines. But deeper religious divi¬ 
sions created more serious differences. The 
followers of Ah, or the Shiites, rejected 
many of the oral traditions of Muhammad 
in which the majority group, the Sunni, 
believed. The split among Muslims contin¬ 
ues to this day. 

The Abbasids, who replaced the original 
Arab caliphs, were far more worldly. They 
resembled the former Persian emperors more 
than the original followers of Muhammad. 
The Abbasids established their capital in 
Baghdad and built fine palaces there. The 
grandson of the dynasty’s founder, Harun 
al-Rashid (reigned 786-809), became a great 
patron of writers and scientists. He knew of 
Charlemagne and sent him an elephant 
along with other gifts. Charlemagne used to 
take the elephant with him as he traveled 
throughout his realm. 

In spite of the religious and political 
splits, Arab culture remained unified by the 
Arabic language and a common acceptance 
oflslam and the Koran. All scholarship was 
in the language of the Koran, even though 
the population was now a mix of Greeks, 
Jews, Egyptians, and Persians, among oth¬ 
ers. With Arabic as the common language, 
the Abbasid dynasty became a time of 
remarkable learning. It was at the court of 
Harun al-Rashid that the Thousand and One 
Nights, or Arabian Nights , was composed. 
Thousand and One Nights is a series of anony¬ 
mous oriental stories, including those of Ali 
Baba, Sinbad the Sailor, and Aladdin. The 
tales are loosely woven together through 


he Arabs did not have 
a building tradition 
before they had con¬ 
quered the Byzantine and 
Persian empires. Initially, 
they used the structures 
they found in their new 
territories as mosques. But 
in time the caliphs wanted 
to construct their own re¬ 
ligious buildings to rival 
the Christian churches. 
The first of the grand new 

mosques, the Dome of the 
Rock, was built in Jerusa¬ 
lem in the seventh 
century. The dome was 
set on an octagon of ma¬ 
sonry, and the entire 
building was decorated in 
fine mosaic. The mosque 
in Damascus, built in the 
eighth century, was the 
first to serve as a place of 
worship, political center, 
and school. The building 

was surrounded by mina¬ 
rets, slender towers from 
which a muezzin (cryer) 
called the faithful to wor¬ 
ship. Mosaics were also 
used to decorate the Dam¬ 
ascus mosque. In addition, 
mosque architecture in¬ 
corporated several types 
of arches, which showed 
more variation in design 
than those found in 
western cathedrals. 

The Dome of the Rock mosque is built over the stone on which, according to the 
Bible, Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac . Islamic tradition calls it Ascension Rock , 
from which Muhammad was taken to heaven. 


The great flourishing of learning dur¬ 
ing the Ahbasid dynasty in Persia led 
to advances in mathematics, as¬ 
tronomy, medicine, and literature. 
Scholars met to discuss their work in 
mosques and palaces. 

a framing sequence in which Scheherezade, 
the wife of King Scariar, tells her husband a 
new story for each of 1,001 nights to keep 
him from killing her. She succeeds. 

Poetry also flourished during this pe¬ 
riod. Among the most notable works was 
the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam. Omar 
Khayam was born in the first half of the 11 th 
century in the city of Nishapur in Persia. 
Almost no information about his life sur¬ 
vives, but he was well known for his 
mathematical and astronomical scholarship 
during his lifetime. He wrote poems for his 
own amusement, and it was only after his 
death that they were discovered. His most 
famous verse is: 

Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath 
the Bough, 

A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse— 
and Thou 

Beside me singing in the 

And Wilderness is Paradise now. 

Western Europe did not learn about 
Khayam’s poems until they were translated 
in the 19th century. 

Like the Christians before them, Ara¬ 
bic and Persian scholars tried to reconcile 
the writings of the Greek philosophers 
Plato and Aristotle with their own reli¬ 
gious texts. But their most important and 
lasting contributions were in mathematics 
and science. By translating the works of 
Greek mathematicians such as Euclid and 
Ptolemy, Arab scholars were introduced 
to arithmetic, geometry, and trigonom¬ 
etry. They then added their own 
scholarship to these fields. But their major 
contribution to modern mathematics and 
astronomy came from studying Hindu 
(Indian) works on these subjects. Drawing 
on Hindu thought, they created Arabic 
numerals—that is, the numbers 0 through 
9. Greeks and Romans had used letters— 
I, V, X, C, M—for numbers but had not 
developed the concept of zero. Lacking 
numerals, the Greeks and Romans had 
performed their computations on an aba¬ 
cus—an instrument with beads or counters 
set on wires. Addition and subtraction 
were easy with these simple tools, but 
multiplication and division were very dif¬ 
ficult. The introduction of numerals and 
zero as a placeholder made these calcula¬ 
tions much easier. 

Other branches of science also flour¬ 
ished in the Arabic world. Avicenna 


(980-1037) wrote medical books that ex¬ 
pounded on those of Galen (200-130 B.C.), 
the Greek physician. Arabic thinkers also 
studied Greek, Persian, and Hindu as¬ 
tronomy and improved on the astrolabe, a 
Greek invention. The astrolabe helped to 
determine the position of a heavenly body 
so that mariners could establish the latitude 
of their boats. The first known division of 
musical melodies into equal intervals of 
time, or measures, was also the work of an 
Arab mathematician. 

Of the three empires that grew out of the 
old Roman Empire, the Muslim one had 
perhaps the greatest influence on learning. 
While the Carolingians studied fragments 
of Greek scholarship preserved by the Irish 
monks and Boethius, the Muslims had 
access to the full body of work by both 
Greek and Hindu philosophers and scien¬ 
tists. The learning of Baghdad spread west 
into Spain, Sicily, and southern Italy. From 
these centers, Latin scholars of the west 
eventually came to learn more about their 
own Greek tradition and the Arabic addi¬ 
tions to it. In contrast, the Byzantine Empire 
did not add significandy to the learning that 
the Greeks originated. 

All three empires, however, experienced 
problems intrinsic to large political units 
put together by conquest and governed 
largely by single individuals and their advis¬ 
ers. Even the empire of Charlemagne had 
been shattered by fighting among his grand¬ 
sons. The Arab Empire splintered into 
various smaller caliphates and other politi¬ 
cal units. The Byzantines managed to 
recapture some of their territory in the 
north through war and the spread of Chris¬ 
tianity, but a succession of weak rulers 

could not hold on to this advantage. Weak¬ 
ened internally, the empires fell prey to 
outside attack. The west was attacked by 
Muslim pirates to the south, Magyars or 
Hungarians in central Europe, and Vikings 
from the north and west. The Byzantine 
and Arab empires were threatened by the 
Turks. In a sense, Clotilda’s prophecy held 
true for all these empires: they started with 
lions and ended with jackals. 


The astrolabe was the 
most widely used astro¬ 
nomical instrument of the 
Middle Ages. It could de¬ 
termine the elevation of 
the sun or another star 
above the horizon. In ad¬ 
dition, the charts incised 
on its moveable plates 
helped solve the complex 
geometrical problems that 
arose in astronomy and 
navigation. The instru¬ 
ment had a round brass 
plate with a sighting bar 
attached at the center. 

The outermost plate was 
a star chart—the apparent 
movement of the con¬ 
stellations around the 
earth could be simulated 
by rotating this plate. A 
horizon plate helped lo¬ 
cate the angle of a star 
overhead. Different hori¬ 
zontal plates had to be 
used in different latitudes. 

Sailors’ astrolabes were 
simpler than those of as¬ 
tronomers because they 

had to withstand the 
winds on the oceans. 
Treatises on the construc¬ 
tion of astrolabes survive 
from as early as the sixth 
century b.c. Most surviv¬ 
ing astrolabes have Arabic, 
Latin, and Hebrew writ¬ 

ing on them. Texts on 
how to use the instru¬ 
ment were widely 
available. Even Geoffrey 
Chaucer, the great En¬ 
glish writer of the late 
14th century, wrote a 
treatise on the astrolabe. 

Astrolabes were usually made of brass so that the plates 
could move smoothly and they could stand up to frequent 
use either for astronomy or for navigation . 


Chapter 4 

The Turning Point 

The Vikings buried their dead with 
goods that they thought would be use¬ 
ful to them in the afterlife. These 
included boats, carts, sleds f and 
horses . Decorations on these objects f 
such as this wagon stave, were often 
fierce dragons or warriors. 

ew invaders swept into Europe in 
the late ninth century. Most dev¬ 
astating were the Vikings, the men 
from the fjords of Scandinavia. 
The anguish of the local population was 
well expressed in a contemporary Irish ac¬ 
count: “In a word, although there were a 
hundred hard steeled iron heads on one 
neck, and a hundred sharp, ready, cool, 
never-rusting, brazen tongues in each head, 
and a hundred garrulous, loud, unceasing 
voices from each tongue, they could not 
recount, or narrate, or enumerate, or tell, 
what all the Gaedhil [Irish] suffered in com¬ 
mon, both men and women, laity and 
clergy, old and young, noble and ignoble, of 
hardship, of injury, and of oppression, in 
every house, from these valiant, wrathful, 
foreign, purely-pagan people.” 

The weak governments of ninth-century 
Europe were no match for the vigorous 
new invaders. England was split into small 
kingdoms. Ireland had never had a strong 
government. The Carolingian Empire had 
first divided into three parts, and then, as 
wars continued over the Middle King¬ 
dom, the provinces became more and 
more independent in both the French and 

German parts of the empire. Who then 
could withstand the determined groups of 
raiders and pirates who came from 

Scandinavia had little agricultural land— 
mostly concentrated in southern Sweden 
and Denmark—but a growing population 
in the ninth and 10th centuries. As in the 
fourth century, when the Goths left 
Scandinavia, the population outstripped the 
ability of the land to support it. Fishing, 
trading, and plunder supplemented the 
people’s farming, but were still not enough 
to sustain their growing numbers. 

To facilitate their trade and plunder, the 
Swedes had developed remarkable boats 
that could navigate both the rough seas of 
the Atlantic and the shallow rivers of Eu¬ 
rope. The boats used oars and sails and 
varied in size, from those built for crews of 
40 to those capable of carrying 100 warriors. 
They traveled at speeds of up to 10 knots. 
The boats permitted the Swedes to travel 
throughout the Baltic Sea and down the 
rivers to Constantinople. They established 
the cities of Novgorod and Kiev, where 
they were known as the Rus and gave their 
name to Russia. 


Viking Ships 

B efore the Vikings 
were Christianized, 
they buried the bodies 
of their dead with objects 
that they had used during 
life and might need for 
the afterlife. The wealthy 
and noble were buried in 
their boats, so some ex¬ 
cellent examples of these 
vessels have survived. In 
Gokstad, Norway, near 
Oslo, a large ship burial 
was excavated in 1880. 
The Viking buned in the 
ship was 6 feet tall and 
about 50 years of age. At 
least 12 horses, six dogs, 
and an imported peacock 
were buried with him. 
Beds, tent posts, sleds, 
three small rowboats, and 

many other items were 
also found there. 

The main ship was 
built of oak, the decking 
and masts of pine. The 
keel consisted of one 
58-foot-long timber. 
The boat itself was 76.5 
feet in length and 17.5 
feet wide at midship. 
The boat was very shal¬ 
low draft, as are all the 
Viking boats that have 
been discovered, and 
drew only 3 feet of wa¬ 
ter even with a full load. 
The hull was clinker- 
built (the planks over¬ 
lapped and were riveted 
together) and lashed to 
the ribs of the boat with 
spruce roots. The result¬ 

ing boat was flexible and 
capable of traveling 
equally well on the high 
seas and up the rivers of 
Europe. A replica of the 
boat was built in 1893 
and sailed across the At¬ 
lantic for the Columbian 
Exposition in Chicago. 
The Gokstad boat and 
others may be seen in 
Oslo, and the replica is 
displayed in Chicago. 

Near Gokstad, in 
Oseberg, a boat burial for 
a noble woman was exca¬ 
vated. She was buried 
with horses as well as two 
oxen, carts, and three 
sleds. She must have trav¬ 
eled a great deal during 
her lifetime. 

This excavation photograph of one of the ship burials at Oseberg, Norway , shows the 
condition of the ship when archaeologists first uncovered it. 

The Danes and Norwegians had first 
come to Europe as traders but, with the 
population pressure, they turned to plun¬ 
dering. England was close and wealthy. 
The first Viking attack occurred in 787 
when they destroyed the monasteries of 
northern England, including Lindisfarne 
and Jarrow, which had been the home of 
the Venerable Bede. In their attack on 

London they used typical tactics. They 
plundered the city, but could not get their 
boats further up the Thames River because 
of London's bridge, which was built on 
pilings driven into the riverbed. By attach¬ 
ing ropes to the pilings and rowing their 
boats rapidly downstream, the Norse man¬ 
aged to destroy the bridge. 

They moved down the coast ofEurope, 
plundering Paris by 845 and reaching Aachen 
in 881. They had taken Ireland by the 
mid-ninth century and all of the rivers 
leading to the interior of France. The Vi¬ 
kings’ greed also led them to Spain and into 
the Mediterranean, where they plundered 
the southern coast of France as well. Going 
beyond the lands known to earlier travelers, 
they settled in Iceland and Greenland in the 
late 800s. 

The Vikings found that plundering was 
more efficient if they established perma¬ 
nent bases at river mouths. On the coast of 
France, the Danes settled on the mouth of 
the Seine and Loire rivers. They also settled 
in the north of England and Ireland. 

At first, nothing seemed capable of 
stopping their raiding. One monastery in 
France, that of St. Philbert, changed its 
location three times in 35 years to avoid 
repeated raids. But finally some rulers did 
succeed in halting the Vikings’ advances. 
Alfred, the Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex 
in southwest England, stopped the Norse 
advance in the 870s and began to take back 
other English territory from them. He 
finally established a diagonal boundary 
across England. The area north of the 
boundary was named the Danelaw. In its 
place names, this territory preserves the 
Danish influence to this day. 


Ships were so important to the Vi¬ 
kings that they appeared on their 
coins. One side shows the high- 
bowed ship with its sail up. The 
other side shows the boat loaded 
with shields of the fighters. 

In the eastern Frankish kingdom, the 
Carolingian monarch, Amulf, defeated the 
Danes in battle and thus spared Germany 
from further Viking attacks. In fact Arnulf s 
victory was doubly fortunate for the Ger¬ 
mans, because they were also facing an 
attack from the east by the Hungarians, or 
Magyars. Traveling on horseback, the Hun¬ 
garian raiders took plunder and murdered 
the population. They eventually settled in 
what is today called Hungary. 

The western Carolingians were less ef¬ 
fective. The Vikings wanted to plunder 
eastern France by taking their boats up the 
Seine. The bridges of Paris, however, were 
not as easily destroyed as the one in Lon¬ 
don. Furthermore, the count of Paris had 
strung a chain across the Seine. The Vikings 
offered to spare Paris if the Parisians would 
let them pass the city. The Parisians refused, 
and the city withstood two years of siege. In 
the end, however, their heroic stance was a 
wasted effort. Emperor Charles the Fat 
eventually allowed the Vikings to go be¬ 
yond Paris to plunder the interior of France. 

As the Vikings became Christianized 
and settled down, their threat to Europe 
diminished. Still, this process took one and 
a half centuries. In the meantime, the popu¬ 
lation sought protection against the invaders. 
With the exception of Alfred in England 
and Arnulf in Germany, the kings had 
proven useless in defending their subjects 
against outside attack. The Carolingians 
had agreed to give away a whole province, 
now called Normandy after the Norse who 
settled it. The most able ofthe Carolingians, 
Charles the Simple, had died chasing a 
peasant girl. She ran into the enclosed 
courtyard ofher father’s house, and Charles, 

following on a horse, hit his head on the 
beam on top ofthe gate and broke his neck. 
After his death, the Carolingians offered 
their subjects little leadership or protection. 

King Alfred of England (849-899) was 
renowned in his own time and after. Like 
Charlemagne, he had a biographer, Asser, 
who modeled his life of Alfred on Einhard’s 
life of Charlemagne. Asser describes the 
idyllic life ofthe young Alfred. He was loved 
by his parents, brought up in the royal court, 
and learned to write and hunt. He had a 
wonderful memory, and Asser wrote that 
“his mother one day was showing him and 
his brothers a certain book of Saxon poetry 
which she held in her hand.” She promised 
the book to the first boy who learned it by 
heart. Alfred was attracted by the beauty of 
the illuminated initials in the book and took 
it off to ask his tutor to read to him. He then 
returned to his mother and repeated it word 
for word, thereby winning the book. 

Alfred’s interest in learning and books 
was evident throughout his reign and was 
shared by other Anglo-Saxons. He encour¬ 
aged the translation of Boethius and other 
authors from Latin to Anglo-Saxon and 
contributed to the translations himself. In a 
preface to Gregory the Great’s Pastoral Care, 
he noted that it was written “before every¬ 
thing was ravaged and burned, when 
England’s churches overflowed with trea¬ 
sures and books.” But more significant for 
our appreciation of the rich culture that 
flourished under Alfred’s encouragement 
was the recording of Anglo-Saxon hymns 
and poems, including a written version of 

Under Alfred’s successors, the kingdom 
of Wessex gradually spread even farther. In 

The Vikings used long, double- 
edged swords that took two hands to 
swing. The cross bar was designed to 
keep the hands from sliding down 
the blade. The pommel (handle) 
was of woodbound with leather to 
soften the effects of blows to the 
user's hands. Since this sword comes 
from a tomb, the pommel has long 
since rotted away. 


Alfred (right) successfully defended his 
kingdom from Viking invasion. In 
making the peace with one of their 
leaders, Gut 1 1 rum (left), he was able 
to settle them in a region of northeast¬ 
ern England called the Danelaw. But 
the victory was hardly complete, and 
the Anglo-Saxons had to pay tribute, 
or Danegeld, to the Vikings to keep 
them from invading again. 

time the whole of England as far as the 
Welsh and Scottish borders was united 
under one king. The Danes, however, did 
not give up their ambitions to conquer 
England, and, with new invasions in 1016, 
King Canute managed to take Norway and 
England and incorporate them into his 
kingdom of Denmark. He died in 1035, 
and his successors were unable to hold on to 
England, which reverted to a pious descen¬ 
ded of Alfred’s Wessex dynasty, Edward 
the Confessor. 

In France and elsewhere royal authority 
had failed to provide the protection that 
Alfred had given his people, and the popu¬ 
lation sought help from local strongmen. In 
Paris, the local count, Hugh Capet, proved 
capable of defending his city, so the inhabit¬ 
ants were more loyal to him than to the 
Carolingians who had sold them out to the 
Vikings. In 987 Hugh Capet took the title of 
king and thus founded the Capetian dynasty 
that ruled France until the early 14th cen¬ 
tury. Initially, however, Hugh controlled 
only the area around Paris. Other counts and 
dukes assumed control over their own terri¬ 
tories and fought off the Viking raiders in 
these areas. Sometimes a local strongman or 
a bishop had the greatest success in defending 
the people against raids. Whether or not the 
strongmen had a title, they were generally 
referred to as “nobles.” 

The nobles maintained households of 
armed retainers to help them defend their 
territory. In many ways, the idea of a war 
chief surrounding himself with a band of 
fighting men resembled that of the Ger¬ 
manic commitatus (literally, a group of fighters 
gathered together). But this system was 
more formal: the nobles were assured of a 

gift of land and membership in the upper 
class. All men in the nobility trained to 
become knights—that is, they were in¬ 
structed in the use of amis in preparation 
for becoming professional warriors. Some 
of them were warriors all their lives. Others 
were given land by the lords and became 
vassals, men who swore to defend and 
serve their lord in return for the land. In 
the hierarchy of the nobles, kings had the 
highest title, followed by dukes, counts, 
marquises, and barons. What set these nobles 
apart from knights was their possession of 
land and enough wealth to secure other 
lords or at least knights as their clients. 

Boys began the training in arms for 
knighthood when they were seven or eight. 
Often they were taken into another noble’s 
household where they would be trained 
with other boys of their age. They learned 
to ride horses, wear helmets and chain-link 
mail (armor), use swords and spears, and 
carry a shield. 

Warfare had changed under the 
Carolingians. Romans had used legions of 
foot soldiers, while the Germanic tribes had 
a light and highly mobile cavalry. Battles 
were often fought on foot. But the 
Carolingians had acquired, perhaps from 
the Byzantines, a larger type of horse that 
could support a rider wearing a shirt of mail, 
leggings, and helmet and carrying a shield, 
lance, and sword. Romans stayed on their 
horses by clasping their knees around them. 
The Carolingian mounted warriors, how¬ 
ever, had stirrups that permitted them to 
remain in their saddles on the large horses 
even when they were hit by a lance held by 
another warrior riding toward them at full 
speed. The stirrups may have first been used 


by the nomadic tribes that invaded Europe. 
Not only was the training exacting for 
knights, the horse and equipment were 
very expensive. A war horse was equivalent 
in price to four oxen. Adding the armor and 
weapons, the cost of equipping a knight was 
22 oxen. The biggest plow teams used by 
the peasants had only eight oxen, therefore 
becoming a knight was far beyond the 
means of any of them. 

Another military development during 
the period of invasions was the castle. Be¬ 
cause the Vikings did not want to waste 
time on protracted sieges, they tended to 
leave fortresses and protected cities alone 
and raid the surrounding countryside in¬ 
stead. The castles at this time—called 
motte-and-bailey casdes—did not resemble 
the elaborate stone structures of the later 
Middle Ages. The motte was a natural hill 
or one that had been built up from nearby 
stone and earth. It was topped with a fort or 
stockade made from tree trunks sunk into 
the ground and sharpened at the top. The 
bailey had a larger, lower palisade con¬ 
structed in the same way that enclosed a 
larger space and was attached to or sur¬ 
rounded the motte. The bailey was large 
enough to hold and protect animals and 
other valuables of the lord and his peasants. 
If the raiders took the bailey, the people 
could retreat into the motte fort and, they 
hoped, at least save their lives. 

Building up the motte often left a circu¬ 
lar trench around the mound that was called 
the moat. Filled with water, it was so 
muddy that attackers sank in it. The mounds 
themselves were quickly covered with grass 
that was slippery to climb. At the top was 
the stockade of tree trunks that shielded the 

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castle’s defenders, who shot arrows and 
threw stones at the besiegers. As castles 
became more permanent, the wooden walls 
were replaced with stone ones, which had 
the added advantage of resisting fire. 

Castles represented an investment of 
labor and money. Those who had them 
built became the protectors of their neigh¬ 
bors, who in turn became the castle owners’ 
clients, beholden to them for protection. A 
whole system of personal ties and mutual 
obligations, which modern historians have 
termed feudalism, characterized the social 
and governmental arrangements of France 
at the time. Powerful lords, such as the 
counts and dukes, needed a group of fighters 

Anglo-Saxon society valued literacy. 
In addition to histories, poetry, in¬ 
structional literature, and religious 
texts, they preserved their legal docu¬ 
ments in written form in Old English 
or Latin. Tins charter, by which King 
Canute granted land to a monk, 

Aefic, is written on parchment in 
Latin in the careful lettering typical of 
the Anglo-Saxons. The land is de¬ 
scribed above and the names of the 
witnesses are written below. 


Chain Mail and Knisltt'8 Waapons 

M ail, an iron mesh 
tunic, was made 
from iron rings that 
were interconnected. 
The rings were pieces of 
wire with the ends riv¬ 
eted together. On some 
mail, these rings were 
alternated with solid 
disks. The rings were 
fashioned together to 
form a tunic, called a 
hauberk, that was heavy, 
but flexible. It was sus¬ 
pended from the 
shoulders and hung 
down to the knees so 
that a knight’s thighs 
would be protected. 
Knights also wore pad¬ 
ded tunics stuffed with 
wool called gambesons. 

A gambeson stopped the 
metal from chafing the 
skin and provided fur¬ 
ther protection. Warriors 
might also have worn 
mail on their legs. 

Mail could be pen¬ 
etrated by spears and 
arrows, so some knights 
wore hardened leather or 
whalebone as well as ar¬ 
mor. Their helmets were 
conical and had a nasal 
bar in the front to give 
the face some protection. 
In addition, the knights 
carried large, kite-shaped 
shields to ward off blows 
and arrows. Their weap¬ 
ons included axes, 

swords, lances, and 

Although chain mail 
continued to be used 
throughout the Middle 
Ages, as bows became 
more powerful knights fa¬ 
vored steel plates for 
armor. These were harder 
to penetrate and had con¬ 
vex surfaces to deflect 
arrows. Knights also fa¬ 
vored a helmet with a 
visor that could be low¬ 
ered so that the entire face 
was covered. Gauntlets 
protected the hands from 
arrows. A fully clad knight 
in mail and plate armor 
riding a horse that might 
also be clad in armor was 
the equivalent of a medi¬ 
eval tank. 

The sword was the 
single most important 
implement of war. A 
sword needed to be both 
strong and sharp. Viking 
smiths made the blades 
from several strips of 
iron, which they twisted 
and hammered out many 
times to ensure their du¬ 
rability and strength. The 
blades were double- 
edged, with a groove 
running down the cen¬ 
ter. The groove made 
the blade lighter and 
more flexible. The guard 
was a simple crosspiece 
intended to keep the 

By the 15th century knights 
preferred a full suit of plate 
armor. Where the plates 
joined—at the neck, over 
the upper legs, and at the 
elbows—they used chain 
mail for protection. 

hand from running 
down on the blade. A 
pommel surrounded by 
wood and bound with 
wire or leather made the 
handle. The blades were 
used for cutting rather 
than thrusting. 

to protect and administer their territory, so 
they offered lesser nobles land to support 
themselves if they would look after their 
interests in a particular district. The grant of 
land was called a fief (rhymes with “leaf’) 
and is derived from the old German word 
fthu for property. 

In theory the king held all the land, and 
the counts and dukes simply used it at his 
pleasure. They, in turn, granted it to the 
barons and knights. Because the kings were 

weak, however, the counts and dukes had 
considerable control over the land granted 
to them. They took their names from 
their provinces. For example, there was a 
Duke of Aquitaine and a Count of Flan¬ 
ders. Lesser nobles, such as Geoffrey de 
Mandeville and Roger de Beaumont, took 
the names of their principal castles. 

A warrior who received a fief from an 
overlord swore that he would be his homme 
(“man” in French) and serve him in times 
of need. This oath was called homage. Here 
is an early 12th-century example: Count 
William of Flanders asked a warrior if he 
was willing to become his man, and the 
warrior replied that he was. The warrior 
then clasped his hands together, and the 
count put his own hands around them. The 
two men exchanged a kiss of peace. Next 
the man did fealty—that is, he swore on his 
faith to keep the terms of his vassalage: “I 
promise on my faith that I will in future be 
faithful to Count William and will observe 
my homage to him completely against all 
persons in good faith and without deceit.” 
The man then took this oath on the relics 
(bones) of a saint. Finally, Count William 
gave him a little rod that he held in his hand 
to indicate that he was now invested with 
the fief. 

Giving over land as a fief was risky. A 
lord needed to ensure that the vassal would 
meet the obligations that the gift implied. 
By the 13th century the arrangements had 
become more formal. Written charters 
spelled out the services the lord and his 
vassal owed each other. Because the institu¬ 
tion began as a military one, fighting, not 
surprisingly, was the vassal’s first obligation. 

To avoid abuse, specific terms were set. 


The vassal was to serve his lord in war at his 
own expense. He was required to provide 
the armor, horses, and men needed to 
support the war effort. If the period of 
service was more than 40 days, however, 
the lord had to help pay the costs. The vassal 
also had to accompany his lord in times of 
peace and be present at his castle for two or 
three months each year. 

The lord also had certain rights that he 
could exercise to protect his land. He al¬ 
ways reserved the right to take the land back 
from an insubordinate vassal. In practice, 
however, retrieving land could be difficult, 
because an angry vassal might besiege the 
lord’s castle or cause a revolt among his 
fellow vassals. A more convenient way of 
addressing the problem was to impose con¬ 
trols over inheritance. When the vassal 
died, the lord retained the right to relief, 
that is, to impose a tax for passing the estate 
onto the heir. If the vassal died leaving 
minor children, the lord claimed the right 
to wardship of the children until they reached 
the age of 21, the usual age of majority and 
of knighthood. 

The lord could take the proceeds of the 
estate during this period. He also reserved 
the right to marry the widow and daughters 
to anyone of his choice. The lord could 
demand that the vassal contribute to the 
marriage gifts (dowries) ofhis daughters and 
the knighting of his first son. Finally, the 
lord could go to his vassal’s estate with his 
retinue, which might include a hundred 
men, and sit and eat for a period of his 
choice. This right was called “purveyance.” 
In the 16th century Queen Elizabeth I took 
advantage of this right as a way of keeping 
her potentially rebellious nobles sufficiently 

A noble father presents his reluc¬ 
tant young son to the care of 
monks. Since the first-born son 
was the only one who could in¬ 
herit property, fathers often 
dedicated younger sons to monas¬ 
teries, whether or not they wanted 
to become monks. Since fathers 
had to make marriage alliances for 
daughters, they often found it 
convenient to put extra daughters 
in nunneries. If the noble family 
had endowed the monastery, the 
son or daughter might rise to be 
the abbot or abbess. 

poor that they could not afford to form 
armies against her. In return for what seemed 
like burdensome rights, the lord gave the 
fief and offered his vassals protection in 
times of war or raiding. 

The solemn oaths of loyalty and the 
contracts of service would seem a peaceful 
solution for local government, yet warfare 
was endemic in feudal Europe. Vassals ac¬ 
cepted fiefs from different lords, so they 
often had conflicting loyalties. When a 
weakling or a daughter inherited a fief and 
could not defend it, lords and competing 
kin fought on the battlefield and in the 
courts to win control of the land. 

Furthermore, the Frankish custom of 
equal inheritances for all sons had given way 
to primogeniture, or inheritance by the 
firstborn son and, when there were no sons, 
by the daughters in equal portions. Thus 
younger sons were disinherited, and had to 
look for other ways to make a living. Some 
became priests or monks, sometimes against 
their will. Because younger sons were often 
raised to be knights like their eldest brother, 
many found the peaceful ways advocated 
by the Church difficult to adhere to. Clergy 
were not supposed to spill blood, so they 
could not carry swords. (However, they 
were permitted to use spiked clubs known 
as maces.) 


Other younger sons became knights in 
the service of various lords, and still others 
tried to conquer land for themselves. Fight¬ 
ing was so disruptive that influential abbots 
and bishops in France acted as peacekeep¬ 
ers. They persuaded the local lords to agree 
to the Truce of God, which protected the 
vineyards and the peasants’ animals and 
limited fighting to about four days a week, 
excluding holy days. They also established 
a treasure chest that could be drawn upon 
by local lords to ensure the Peace of God by 
supporting armed intervention in local fights. 

The social values that feudalism pro¬ 
duced are best expressed in the poem The 
Song of Roland , which was first written 
down in the early 12th century. A nephew 
and vassal of Charlemagne, Roland was a 
member of the rear guard for Charlemagne’s 
troops. The army managed to fight off the 
Arabs, but in the end was reduced to himself, 
his friend and fellow nobleman Oliver, and 
Archbishop Turpin, who was armed with a 
mace as befitted his clerical status. 

A somewhat foolhardy young man, 
Roland could have summoned help long 
before this desperate situation occurred 
because he had a famous horn, Oliphant (a 
horn made from an elephant tusk). When, 
at last, he decided to blow it, Oliver chas¬ 
tised him by saying, “Wise courage is not 
madness, and measure is better than rash¬ 
ness. Through thy folly these Franks have 
come to their death; nevermore shall Charles 
the king [Charlemagne] have service at our 
hands. Hadst thou taken my counsel, my 
liege lord would be here, and this batde 
ended.” Charlemagne heard Oliphant but 
arrived too late to save the three. Arch¬ 
bishop Turpin died on the ground: “His 

bowels had fallen out of his body, and his 
brains are oozing out of his forehead.” 
Count Roland lay down to die under a pine 
tree and called to mind “all the lands he had 
won by his valor, and sweet France, and the 
men of his lineage, and Charles, his liege 
lord, who had brought him up in his 
household.” He then wept and died. 

Absent from The Song of Roland and 
other such poems of valor and warfare from 
this period is a strong role for women. 
Roland has a fiancee in France, but as he 
dies he thinks ofhis liege lord, not of the girl 
he would have married. Noble women in 
this period of constant warfare had to be 
resourceful and capable of taking control of 
a casde. They did not learn to fight, as their 
brothers did, but they did learn to admin¬ 
ister estates, run a household full of rough 
warriors, and defend a castle if it was be¬ 
sieged. If they were heiresses to a fief, they 
took the vows of homage and fealty to their 
lord but had to supply a knight to fight in 
their place. Likewise, many abbots and 
even bishops held their lands from the king 
or another lord and had to swear homage 
and fealty for their fiefs. 

As membership in the nobility and the 
transfer of fiefs became increasingly heredi¬ 
tary, women became more and more 
important as pawns in marriage alliances. A 
woman who had no brothers was a valuable 
heiress because the man she married would 
get the use of her fief. Women in such 
circumstances were married off by their 
fathers or liege lords when they were quite 
young. They had no say in the matter, but 
would be married to the man who offered 
their father or their lord the best potential 
for political alliance, land acquisition, or 

military aid. Thus, the Duke of Aquitaine's 
only heir, a young daughter, Eleanor of 
Aquitaine, was married to Loius VII, king 
of France. Through this union, Eleanor’s 
entire estate, which included a large portion 
of southwestern France, came under the 
control of Louis VII. The couple was so 
mismatched, however, that the marriage 
was eventually annulled. 

When the nobility were not at war they 
spent their time in and around the castle. 
Hunting was very popular, and even women 
took part. Banquets and feasting, accompa¬ 
nied by recitations of chansons de geste 
(literally, “songs of great deeds”), were also 
favorite pastimes. Off the battlefield, men 
wore a loose-fitting tunic that was belted at 
the waist and dropped to the knees or 
slightly above. The legs were covered with 
a sort of tights. A mantle, fastened at the 
throat or the right shoulder with a brooch, 
completed the costume. They wore their 
hair short and are frequently represented as 

Women wore long tunics that covered 
them from the chin to the feet. They too 
wore belts and mantles attached by brooches. 
When they were young, their hair hung 
free, but later it was bound up with ties. 
Older women and married women wore 
headdresses or veils over their hair. Hoods 
provided both sexes with protection from 
rain and other inclement weather. Most 
clothing was made of linen and wool. Furs 
might be used as decoration or as lining for 
mantles to provide additional warmth. Silk 
was reserved for special occasions and for 
use by the clergy. Women in all ranks of life 
used a spindle to turn wool and linen into 
thread for weaving. In addition, upper-class 


women embroidered tapestries and cer¬ 
emonial clothing. 

Several elements contributed to the 
nobility’s exclusivity, including the expense 
of horses and armor, the importance of 
castles for defense, and the long training 
required to use arms. Certain behavior and 
values, as reflected in The Song of Roland, 
also set members of the class apart from 
those of lower rank. Most importantly, to 
be noble meant being bom into the class, 
because its privileges of membership could 
be gained only by heredity. The members 
of the noble class, along with the clergy, 
who were often the younger sons of nobles, 
comprised about 5 to 10 percent of the total 
population. The other 90 to 95 percent 
were peasants. Very few people fell outside 
the categories of noble and peasant during 
the early Middle Ages. Artisans and mer¬ 
chants were few. Long-distance trade was 
much less important than it had been in 
Roman times. The populations of towns 
had dropped to the level of villages, and the 
inhabitants engaged as much in agriculture 
as in crafts. 

The Roman latifundia system of farm¬ 
ing on large estates was readily adaptable to 
the needs of both the peasantry and the 
nobility in the early Middle Ages. The 
Carolingians had adapted the system on 
estates that included both the remnants of 
the Roman agricultural population and 
the more newly arrived Franks. It was 
further modified during and after the pe¬ 
riod of Viking invasions. 

These agricultural estates were called 
manors. Manors were an effective system 
for organizing agriculture and were found 
all over Europe in areas where grain was 

Poems Recount the Lives and Battles of Heroes 

Seeing his knights being massacred by the Arabs, Roland, the hero of The Song of 
Roland, finally blows his horn, Oliphant, to summon Charlemagne. 

T he warrior societies of 
both the Vikings and 
the early feudal period 
enjoyed the recitation of 
poems, which recounted 
histories, battles, tales of 
deceit and valor, and 
deeds of gods, kings, and 
adventurers. The poems 
were recited to the ac¬ 
companiment of a harp. 

The Icelandic sagas 
were written down in 
the 12th and 13th centu¬ 
ries. Some of them, such 
as the Volsungasaga, tell 
the same story as the 
German Nibelungenlied — 
that of a dragon 
protecting a magic trea¬ 
sure. Others narrate the 
adventures of actual 
people and events, such 

as Leif Ericsson and the 
discovery of Vineland. 

The chansons de geste, or, 
literally, songs of great 
deeds, were more deliber¬ 
ate compositions in French. 
Although harkening back 
to the Carolingian era, they 
reflect the society of 11th- 
and 12th-century France. 
The Chanson de Roland 
(Song of Roland) is the 
best known of the chansons 
de geste. The poem includes 
stirring battle scenes and 
descriptions of an aged and 
venerable Charlemagne, 
who is presented as a pro¬ 
totype of the ideal feudal 
king. Also memorable is 
the trial by battle of the 
traitor, Ganelon, and his 
final execution, during 

which he is bound to four 
war horses and pulled in 
four directions: 

And so they order four 
war-horses brought out 
To which they tie 
Ganelon’s feet and 

These are proud chargers, 
spirited, bred for speed: 
Four servants urge them 
the way they ought 
to go. 

There where a river across 
a meadow flows, 

Count Ganelon is utterly 

His ligaments are twisted 
and stretched out, 

His every limb is cracked 
and split apart; 

On the green grass the 
bright blood runs in 

cultivated. Usually, but not always, they 
coincided with villages. Fiefs ranged in size 
from a portion of a manor to many manors. 
The peasants had houses in the village with 
some garden and yard space around them 
for fruit trees, outbuildings, and straw stacks. 
The village also had a church and residence 
for the local priest. It might also have a 
manor house for the lord to stay in when he 
visited and a residence for his estate man¬ 
ager, the steward. The fields, which 


surrounded the village, might be divided 
into two or three large areas, depending on 
the type of agriculture undertaken. Each 
field consisted of several hundred acres. 

These large fields were not cultivated as 
units but were divided into a series of strips 
to be farmed by village families. The strips 
were scattered through all three fields. The 
best strips were reserved for the lord of the 
manor and were called demesne (literally, 
belonging to a lord) lands. The parish priest 
also had strips reserved for his use, and these 
were called glebe (literally, soil or earth) 
lands. The rest of the strips in the common 
fields were divided among the peasants for 
their use. This land was apportioned so that 
all received a mix of good and bad holdings, 
but the number of acres that each family 
held varied considerably. The better-off 
peasants had 30 acres or more, the moder¬ 
ately well-off peasants had about 15 acres, 
and the poorer ones had 5 or 6 acres. 

The division of the manor into two or 
three large fields and the distribution of 
strips were also done for conservation rea¬ 
sons. The division of the fields depended on 
the fertility of the soil The thinner soils, 
such as those found around the Mediterra¬ 
nean or in hilltop areas, could be cultivated 
only every other year. Consequently, a 
two-field system predominated in those 
regions. One of the large open fields was 

allowed to remain fallow, or uncultivated, 
for a year to regain its fertility while the 
other field was cultivated. In river valleys 
and other regions with deeper, richer soil, 
a three-field system was employed. Under 
this system one third of the land lay fallow 
each year, and the other two fields were 
cultivated. The strips in the fields were laid 
out in such a way that they would capture 
moisture, avoid erosion, and get plenty of 
sunshine. On hillsides, for instance, the 
strips ran horizontally around the slope 
rather than vertically. Where necessary, 
drainage ditches were constructed to draw 
water off wet ground. Likewise, terraces 
were built to trap water in arid areas. 

Crop rotation also increased fertility. 
Under the three-field crop rotation system, 
the first field would be planted in the fall 
with winter wheat. Wheat was a heavy 
feeder, taking many nutriments from the 
soil, so the next year the field was planted 
with peas or oats. Peas had many advan¬ 
tages. Legumes (peas and beans) fixed 
nitrogen in the soil, renewing its fertility. 
Peas were also a source of protein, and thus 
provided the peasants with a more bal¬ 
anced diet than one containing only wheat 
and other grains. The third year the field lay 
fallow and was used to graze the village 
herds so that their manure fertilized the 
soil. Animal protein, however, did not 

Women worked mostly around the 
house and village, caring for children, 
cooking, brewing ale, making cheese, 
gardening, and tending to domestic 
animals. When the crops were ready 
to harvest, however, the women as 
well as men went out to bring in 
the crops. 

make up a large part of the peasants’ diet 
because they did not have enough grass and 
grain to feed all of their animals throughout 
the winter. 

The second field was planted with peas 
or oats the first year, lay fallow the second, 
and was sown with wheat the third. The 
third field lay fallow the first year, sown 
with wheat the second, and planted with 
peas or oats the third. By rotating the crops 
in this way farmers had a field of wheat and 
one of peas or oats every year. 

The exploitation of the fields was similar 
to that practiced on the Carolingian estates. 
The duties of each peasant on the manor 
were spelled out in the custumal, the register 
of customary services and rents that each 
family owed. Slavery, prevalent on 
Carolingian estates, disappeared, but peas¬ 
ants were still categorized as free or unfree. 
The unfree peasants were called serfs or 
villeins. (“Villein” derives from villa, mean¬ 
ing “farm.”) On the surface, the differences 
between the two groups did not seem too 
great. Both free peasants and serfs had to 
work for the lord. They did the same sorts 
of work as the Carolingian peasants: They 
had to plow the lord’s land, plant it, reap 
and harvest it, carry the crops to market, and 
mend his fences, roads, and home. 

But the serfs had to provide other types 
of services and dues that free peasants did 
not. Free peasants had title to their lands, 
whereas custom dictated that serfs had only 
the right to take over their father’s holding 
and had to pay a death due to do so. Usually 
the due included a serf s best plow oxen as 
well as an entry fee. Serfs also paid an annual 
rent for their land. Furthermore, whereas 


free peasants could leave the manor as they 
wished, serfs were bound to the land and 
had to pay the lord if they wished to leave. 

Certain other dues were also part of a 
serf 5 s lot in life. When his daughter married, 
he had to pay a special tax to the lord, 
known as the merchet, and if his son wished 
to leave the manor, he had to pay for that as 
well. He also owed special rents and gifts, 
including the traditional gifts of fowl on 
feast days such as Christmas, and eggs at 
Easter. Our customs of having fowl for 
Christmas dinner and eating eggs at Easter 
derive from these practices. 

As in the Carolingian period, marriages 
between the free and unfree peasants were 
common, so it was hard to keep the two 
groups distinct. In practice, there was little 
difference between them in the 10th and 
11th centuries. A free peasant could move 
his family about if he wished, but there 
were few places to move. If he had a lord 
who offered him protection from the Vi¬ 
kings or Hungarians (Magyars), he was 
happy enough to stay where he was. If the 
manor was sacked, both the free and unfree 
peasants might leave and seek their fortunes 
elsewhere. Basically, livelihoods were so 
tenuous that people were grateful for the 
security of having land to work and protec¬ 
tion during invasions. Only in the 12th 
century, when new lands opened up and 
towns began to grow, offering an opportu¬ 
nity for new ways of earning a living, did 
peasants begin to care about whether they 
were free or unfree. 

Like the innovations in knights’ fighting 
equipment, innovations in the tools of 
cultivation profoundly changed medieval 

society. The larger horse was not only a 
better cavalry animal, but also made a better 
cart horse and plow beast. Romans had not 
used horses as draft animals because they did 
not have the horse collar. Instead they used 
oxen, which could be yoked to a plow or a 
cart. Horses in harnesses could pull only 
light objects, such as a chariot, because they 
would choke if the harnesses were pulled 
too tightly around their throats. The medi¬ 
eval invention of the horse collar, however, 
distributed the weight around a horse’s 
shoulders so it could pull a plow or heavily 
loaded cart. 

In the early Middle Ages the horseshoe 
also came into use. It allowed horses hooves 
to withstand a heavier load, be it a fully 
armed man, a cart, or a plow. Oxen contin¬ 
ued to be used for agriculture, but horses 
were faster as draught animals. They were, 
however, more expensive to feed because 
they needed grain rather than just pasture. 

Improved plow technology revolution¬ 
ized agriculture in the Middle Ages. The 
Romans had used a simple plow that was 
really a hardened, sharp stick drawn by 
oxen. It was very effective in the sandy, 

The new plow used in the Middle 
Ages for the heavy soils of northern 
Europe had wheels to help move the 
plow along and a coulter, a sort of long 
knife, to cut through the sod. The ac¬ 
tual plowshare is attached to the end of 
the shaft that the man holds. A mold 
board on the shaft turned the soil over 
and formed a furrow. The horses are 
equipped with collars that distributed 
the burden of pulling the plow to the 
horses' shoulders. The man in the 
background is planting seeds. 


W\\en William the Conqueror won 
the Battle of Hastings in 1066, he 
commemorated his victory by estab¬ 
lishing a monastery on the site of the 
battle. The monks kept a chronicle of 
events and in this 12th century 
manuscript initial depicted a king on 
a throne to represent their benefactor . 
It is not a real likeness. 

light soils of the Mediterranean area, but 
not adequate for the heavier clay and allu¬ 
vial soils of the fertile river valleys of northern 
Europe. The plow invented for these areas 
employed a coulter, or knife, to cut the 
heavy grass sod before the plowshare turned 
it. Added to the plowshare was a mold- 
board that turned the soil over into furrows, 
thus burying the weeds and grass to rot. 
After plowing, a harrow (a tool used to 
pulverize lumps in the soil) went over the 
furrows to break up the soil and prepare it 
for planting. Such improvements in plow¬ 
ing meant that lands that had not previously 
been used for agriculture could now be 
brought into cultivation. 

The overall result of these improve¬ 
ments was that yields from planting 
increased dramatically. In the Carolingian 

period, every bushel of wheat planted 
yielded only two or three bushels at har¬ 
vest. One of those bushels, of course, had 
to be saved for seed wheat for the next 
year. With crop rotation and a better 
plow, yields went up to as much as seven 
bushels harvested for every bushel planted. 
The implications of this early agricultural 
revolution were immense for medieval 
Europe. Everyone’s diet improved, so the 
population increased in all social classes. 
Lords and peasants alike began to trade 
their surplus grain for other items. This 
desire, in turn, encouraged a renewal of 
long-distance trade and the development 
of towns where goods were manufactured 
for expanded markets. 

In 1066 the Norse made one more 
major foray into England—the Norman 
Conquest. The English king, Edward the 
Confessor, had married Edith, the sister of 
the Anglo-Saxon nobleman Harold 
Godwinson, but they had no children. As 
the king aged, three powerful men 
weighed the possibilities of taking over his 
kingdom. Harold Godwinson’s family was 
not of royal blood. Still, for the 
Anglo-Saxons, his was the strongest claim 
because ofhis sister’s marriage. KingHarald 
Hardrada of Norway, who was the subject 
of a Norse saga, made his claim through 
Denmark’s King Canute who had also 
been king of England. Duke William of 
Normandy, a Dane by descent, main¬ 
tained that Edward the Confessor had 
promised the throne to him and that 
Harold Godwinson, on a visit to 
Normandy, had sworn an oath to uphold 
this claim. Edward the Confessor was half 
Norman and had grown up in Normandy. 


In 1066, as Edward the Confessor neared 
death, a comet appeared in the sky. Mod¬ 
ern astronomers have since identified it as 
Halley’s Comet, but people in England 
interpreted it as a dire prediction ofterrible 
events to come. The Anglo-Saxons met 
and elected Harold Godwinson as their 
king. Harald Hardrada immediately in¬ 
vaded the north of England and pressed 
toward York. Harold Godwinson man¬ 
aged to defeat him, but two weeks later, on 
October 14, Duke William’s fleet arrived 
from Normandy. William was well pre¬ 
pared. He brought supplies, war horses, 
and even a prefabricated castle. His neigh¬ 
bors in France and many of the younger 
sons of the nobility joined his army in the 
hope of being rewarded with fiefs of their 
own. The two armies met at Hastings on 
the southern coast of England. Harold’s 
troops had the better position on a rise, and 
made a shield wall to protect themselves. 
The Normans had to attack by going 
uphill. At some point, however, the shield 
wall broke down, and Harold was shot in 
the eye with an arrow. The Normans were 

One battle did not amount to a con¬ 
quest, however. William set off to the west 
with his army, building castles in every 
county and castles in every location where 
he met resistance. He proceeded north, 
where he met the greatest opposition. He 
killed many people there and destroyed 
much of their farmland. London was his 
final target. By the time he reached the city, 
the rest of England had been conquered, 
and London could no longer hold out. 
There William built the biggest of his 
castles, the Tower of London. Along the 

route of his conquest, he killed or drove out 
the Anglo-Saxon noblemen, but married 
their women to his followers when he gave 
them the noblemen’s land. His followers 
were thus richly rewarded with fiefs, and 
England came to experience the feudal 
system as it existed in France. Likewise, the 
English peasantry became serfs and were 
organized into the manorial system by their 
Norman and French overlords. 

When the conquest was complete and 
the English population subdued, William 
returned to Normandy and ruled England 
from a distance. By 1086 he began to 
survey the real estate and wealth he had 
acquired in such a brutal way. He sent out 
his officials to inquire about and record the 
number of fields, farm animals, agricul¬ 
tural implements, and people he had under 
his control. This great survey was pre¬ 
served and is called the Domesday Book , or 
the lord’s (dominus) book. 

In addition to the Domesday Book, two 
remarkable sources survive for the study of 
the Norman Conquest. One, which gives 
the English side, is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 

The Bayeux tapes tty was commis¬ 
sioned by the Normans to tell their 
version of events leading up to the 
conquest and battle . The Normans 
brought food, horses, weapons, and 
even a prefabricated castle in boats 
that were still built in Viking style. 
They wore chain mail, carried sail¬ 
like shields, and were armed with 
swords and lances. 


St. Maurice brings Otto I into the 
presence of Christ . Otto carries a rep¬ 
lica of the church he has built in honor 
of St. Maurice. St. Peter stands to 
the right holding his sytnbol } two 
keys. The Ottomans were great pa¬ 
trons of the Church. 

It had been started in the days of Alfred and 
continues through the death ofWilliam. In 
it William is described as: 

a very wise and great man, and more 
honored and more powerful than 
any of his predecessors; ... he 
caused castles to be built and op¬ 
pressed the poor; ... he was of great 
sternness, and he took from his sub¬ 
jects many marks of gold and many 
hundred pounds of silver, and this 
either with or without nght and 
with little need. . . . The rich com¬ 
plained and the poor murmured, but 
he was so sturdy that he recked 
naught of them; they must will all 
that the king willed, if they would 
live, or would keep their lands. 

The author comments that for the Domesday 

survey “so narrowly he had them investigate 

that there was not a single hide nor a rood of 
land, nor—it is a shame to tell though he 
thought it no shame to do—was there an ox 
or a cow or a pig that was not set down in the 
accounts.” But in the end, the author con¬ 
cedes that a man could travel from one end 
of the kingdom to the other with a bosom 
full of gold and not be robbed. William had, 
at least, brought peace. 

The other source is the Bayeux Tapestry, 
named for the town in France in which it is 
housed. Commissioned by the Normans, it 
is really an elaborate embroidery rather than 
a woven tapestry and tells the story of the 
conquest from the Norman point of view, 
through pictures and a mnning commen¬ 
tary in Latin. The tapestry is 230 feet long 
and 20 inches wide (70 meters by 51 cen¬ 
timeters). The death of Edward, the comet, 
Harold’s oath, the preparations for the ex¬ 
pedition, the feast before the batde, the 
battle, and the portable castle are all repre¬ 
sented. On the border are other illustrations, 
including plowing scenes. 

Germany’s response to the end of the 
Viking invasions was very different from 
that of France or England. Germany had 
not suffered as much, so its recovery was 
quicker. Otto I the Great (reigned 936- 
973) managed to bring some unity to the 
territory ofGermany and even to the Middle 
Kingdom that had been given to Lothair by 
the Treaty of Verdun a century earlier. He 
defeated the Magyars, and the process of 
Christianizing northeastern Europe began. 
Moving down into Italy to rescue the pope, 
much as Charlemagne had done, Otto took 
the title of “Roman Emperor” in 962. The 
German Kingdon became known eventu¬ 
ally as the Holy Roman Empire. 


Feudalism was late in coming to Ger¬ 
many. Although the great lords became 
vassals of the emperor, they did not have 
vassals of their own. The emperors gov¬ 
erned their territory with bishops and abbots 
rather than their vassals because they could 
appoint the churchmen, whereas the vassals 
held their positions by hereditary claims. 
Furthermore, the bishops and abbots were 
educated men and made very good admin¬ 
istrators. They were also loyal to the emperor 
who appointed them. 

Under the patronage of Otto and his 
dynasty, the Ottonians, learning flourished 
in Germany. Two scholars stand out from 
this period. One is the nun Roswitha of 
Gandersheim (c. 937-1004). She came from 
a noble family of Saxony but was put into 
a Benedictine nunnery at an early age. 
Gandersheim was founded by the Duke of 
Saxony in 852 and was governed by women 
who belonged to the Saxon dynasty. Otto 
the Great’s younger brother, a bishop, encour¬ 
aged learning at the nunnery, so Roswitha 
was educated by a series of learned nuns. 

During her early education, she wrote 
religious poetry on the life and miracles of 
the Virgin Mary and lives of other saints. 
She then read the comedies of Roman 
playwrights. Roswitha was beguiled by 
their language but bothered by the world¬ 
liness of their subject matter. Nevertheless, 
seeing the potential of drama, she began to 
write religious plays—the first plays written 
since Roman times. Finally, she turned to 
writing histories, including the Deeds of 
Otto about Otto the Great. 

The other great scholar of the age was 
a monk, Gerbert of Aurillac in France 
(d. 1003). Gerbert came from a peasant 

family, but his genius was recognized by the 
local monks who educated him. He was 
taken to Spain, where he came into contact 
with the great learning of the Arab and 
Hebrew populations in Barcelona. Although 
he studied with Christian scholars there 
because he did not know Arabic, he learned 
something of Arab mathematics. Back in 
Europe, he demonstrated the mathematical 
basis of music by using vibrating strings. He 
also taught astronomy. Although he had an 
abacus with Arabic numerals, he did not use 
the zero as the Arabs did. His fame in France 
brought him patronage from the Ottonians, 
who appointed him pope. He served as 
Sylvester II. So great was his knowledge 
that people thought he was a necromancer, 
or sorcerer. In reality, he was a man ahead 
of his time. 

By 1050, Europe was beginning to de¬ 
velop a strong economy and a vibrant 
culture that brought Roman, Christian, 
and Germanic elements into a coherent 
whole. The feudal arrangements among 
the nobility, and the manorial system for 
organizing land and labor, spread all over 
Europe. Kings such as William the Con¬ 
queror of England and Otto the Great of 
Germany were reviving a sense of unified 
monarchies. Towns and trade were begin¬ 
ning to develop and Europeans began to 
travel, explore, and conquer new territo¬ 
ries. Once again scholars had the leisure and 
intellectual curiosity to ask new questions. 
Even the weather cooperated as Europe 
experienced several centuries of warmer 
than usual weather. The 12th century was 
such an expansive period that a growth 
metaphor is often used to describe it: the 
flowering of the Middle Ages. 


^C^X.frr M 3i’ x i 


Chapter 5 

The Flowering of 
Medieval Europe 

Courtly love, the recommended stan¬ 
dards of polite relationships between 
knights and ladies in medieval Eu¬ 
rope, changed manners at the time 
and has had a long-lasting influence 
on our ideas of courtesy. 

E leanor of Aquitaine, heiress of the 
Duke of Aquitaine, married the king 
of France as a teenager. While in 
Paris she perhaps heard the leading 
philosopher of the day (Peter Abelard) lec¬ 
ture, was chastised by a saint (Bernard of 
Clairvaux), and advised by Abbot Suger, 
who commissioned the first Gothic build¬ 
ing. Eleanor also went on the second Crusade 
to the Holy Landbefore, at the age of30, she 
divorced her husband and married the 
18-year-old king of England. As Duchess of 
Aquitaine and Queen of England she par¬ 
ticipated in the creation of the culture of 
courtly love and bore four sons, two of 
whom would become kings. While Eleanor’s 
life was extraordinary, her personal experi¬ 
ences reflected the remarkable burst of 
creativity and energy of the period between 
1050 and 1150. It was a time of new ideas, 
increasing prosperity, and fervent religiosity 
which to some degree touched all the people 
and institutions of Europe. 

In the political arena, both the papacy and 
the monarchies began to bring stability to 
their respective domains. Political stability 
allowed trade to flourish once again and all 
classes to take advantage of increased agrar¬ 

ian prosperity. It also led to a revival of piety 
among the ordinary people—inspiring them 
to build new churches and undertake pil¬ 
grimages and crusades. Philosophy and 
learning revived as scholars reinterpreted 
ancient texts. The peace of the era forced the 
rough manners of war to give way to the 
polite behavior of the court, creating a new 
impetus to write romances and love lyrics. 

The founding of one new monastery had 
particularly far-reaching consequences for 
lay piety, architecture, learning, and the 
papacy. It had become customary for kings 
and lords to endow monasteries and nun¬ 
neries with sufficient land for their inhabitants’ 
livelihood and with laborers to support them 
so that they could spend their lives in prayer. 
Their motives were twofold. They wanted 
the monks and nuns to pray for their souls so 
that their afterlife would be spent in heaven 
rather than hell. But they also saw these 
establishments as offering an honorable ca¬ 
reer for the extra daughters and sons who 
would not marry or could not be endowed 
with lands. 

Placing these superfluous noble children 
in monastic institutions sometimes had good 
results. Some became worthy abbots and 


The Order of Cluny was responsible 
for great church reform, for an increase 
in piety, and for a new style of archi¬ 
tecture known as the Romanesque. 
The rounded arches on the windows 
and the massive walls of the abbey 
church at Cluny are typical of the 
Romanesque style . 

abbesses and occasionally even saints. But 
often the children had no taste for monas¬ 
tic life and lived very corruptly. They 
spent more time with their married broth¬ 
ers and sisters in their castles and, against 
monastic rules, took lovers and concu¬ 
bines themselves. 

To counteract the strong lay influence 
on monasteries, the Duke of Aquitaine 
founded a monastery at Cluny in 910. The 
Cluniac monks used the Benedictine Rule 
and were permitted to select their own 
abbot rather than accepting the duke’s 
choice. The abbot was answerable only to 
the pope, not to the duke. The monastery 
gradually gained respect and adherents. 
Other monasteries reformed and declared 
themselves Cluniacs. The movement in¬ 
spired Emperor Henry III of Germany, 
who reformed the Church in Germany. He 
then crossed the Alps to Rome, where 
three men were claiming to be pope. He 
deposed all of them and put in their place a 
series of popes who also supported the 
reform of the Church. 

The new wave of piety inspired the laity 
as well as the clergy. Because they no longer 
feared that their churches would be de¬ 
stroyed in warfare, the laity began to 
contribute some of their excess profits from 
agriculture to building parish churches, 
cathedrals, and new monastic houses. The 
architecture of the churches they built was 

derived from previous Roman models and 
is therefore called Romanesque, Ro¬ 
manesque architecture incorporated 
rounded arches and vaults, and ceilings or 
roofs of masonry (including barrel vaults 
and cross vaults). The buildings also tended 
to be low, and required a massive amount 
of masonry to hold up their stone ceilings. 
Some churches had wooden ceilings that 
allowed for height in the nave, which in 
turn allowed more windows in the clere¬ 
story (the wall extending above the aisles to 
the roof of the nave). 

To counterbalance the massive appear¬ 
ance of the masonry and the absence of 
large windows, the interiors of churches 
were brightly painted with Biblical scenes, 
including the lives of the saints, pictures of 
heaven and hell, and other such paintings 
that would instruct the congregation as 
they attended services or visited the churches. 
In the apse (a semi-circular room on the east 
end of a church) was a very large picture, 
often a mosaic, of Jesus giving the law to 
Christians. The effects of the heavy ma¬ 
sonry were further lightened both inside 
and out with carvings featuring biblical 
scenes, saints, and Christian symbols. A 
popular theme for the carvings over the 
main entrance to large churches was the 
symbols of the four gospel writers, Mat¬ 
thew, Mark, Luke, and John. This set of 
carvings was called the tympanum, from 
the Greek word for dmm. 

Romanesque architecture could be found 
throughout Europe, although it varied 
from area to area. William the Conqueror 


constructed several cathedrals in England. 
Durham, one of the best examples of the 
Norman style, is a massive structure capable 
of inspiring worship but also of withstand¬ 
ing siege. Normans favored geometric 
designs for their arches. French versions of 
Romanesque architecture tended to have 
more elaborate exterior and interior carv¬ 
ings, such as those that can be seen today at 
Vezelay and Autun. The French also added 
small chapels in the apse area for private 
worship. In Sicily, elements of Moslem 
architecture were added to the arches, mak¬ 
ing them appear less weighty. 

As the laity contributed more to the 
building of their parish churches and cathe¬ 
drals, they demanded more from their 
clergy. They wanted the clergy to know the 
liturgy (the rites used for public worship), to 
be able to instruct them, and to remain 
unmarried and lead exemplary lives. The 
quality of the clergy did improve. In the 
spirit of Cluny, the clergy wanted to re¬ 
move themselves from the control of the 
ruling elite, so that they could regulate their 
own ranks. Most important, of course, was 
liberating the papacy from the control of 
the emperors. Ever since Charlemagne’s 
rule, the emperors had claimed the right to 
reform the papacy when it became em¬ 
broiled in local fights. Henry III of Germany 
was acting on the same tradition when he 
set up a reform pope in Rome. 

To gain its freedom, the papacy needed 
to develop a way of electing its successors 
without outside influence. The man cred¬ 
ited with working out the details of papal 
election was a Cluniac monk named Hilde¬ 
brand, an Italian who had moved into the 
Church hierarchy in Rome. He developed 

Romanesque Cathedrals Show 
Blew Bujjdjnn Techniques 

asonry ceilings for 
churches were 
either barrel vaults or 
cross vaults (groin vaults). 
Barrel vaults looked like 
half of a barrel or half of a 
cylinder of masonry 
perched on the support¬ 
ing masonry walls. Cross 
vaults were composed of 
two half barrel vaults in¬ 
tersecting at a right angle. 
A series of these vaults 
formed the ceiling. The 
weight was concentrated 
at the four comers of the 

vault and the two groins. 
Cross-vaults had the ad¬ 
vantage of adding some 
height and allowing for 
an arch that could pro¬ 
vide space for a clerestory 
window, which let light 
in at the ceiling. Cross 
vaults were well suited 
for the aisles of a church 
because the wall of the 
nave and the outside wall 
could hold them up. 
However, the bigger ex¬ 
panse of the nave needed 
heavier, oblong vaults, 
and the weight of their 

heavy masonry required 
large piers to hold up 
each comer. Clerestory 
windows were minimal in 
the nave area. Sometimes 
wedge-shaped buttresses 
(supports) were used on 
the exterior of churches 
to hold up the masonry. 
Romanesque churches 
tended to be rather low 
and dark because the 
walls, piers, pillars, and, 
sometimes, masonry but¬ 
tresses had to be very 
thick in order to hold up 
the ceiling. 

Durham Cathedral is one of the most powerful examples of the Romanesque style. It 
has a massive, austere quality that represented both the piety of the Cluniac reform 
movement and the substantial conquest of the Normans in England. 


The struggle between Emperor Henry 
VI and Pope Gregory VII showed 
the tensions between the secular rulers 
of European monarchies and the 
power of the pope. In the famous fght 
between Henry and Gregory, each 
used his most powerful weapons. The 
pope used his spiritual power to ex¬ 
communicate Henry in the first 
round, but Henry appeared as a peni¬ 
tent and had it removed. Later Henry 
used force of arms to set up an anti¬ 
pope, Guibertus, and expel Gregory 
from Rome. Gregory again excom¬ 
municated Henry, but the pope died 
soon afterwards in exile. 

an electoral system called the College of 
Cardinals. In his plan the pope was to be 
elected by the most important clergy in 
Rome, that is, by the bishops, priests, and 
deacons of the churches in Rome and its 
surrounding countryside. The plan was an 
adaptation of the old custom of having the 
priests attached to a bishopric (or district) 
elect the new bishop. The College of Car¬ 
dinals, which still exists, was later enlarged 
to represent all of the clergy by giving some 
of the archbishops and important ecclesias¬ 
tical officials outside of Rome the tide of 
Cardinal so that they could vote. 
Hildebrand’s plan removed the emperor 
entirely from the process of electing a new 
pope. The first election went smoothly 
because Henry III had died, and his son, 
Henry IV (1056-1106), was only a boy and 
too young to interfere. 

In 1073 Hildebrand himselfbecame Pope 
Gregory VII (1073-1085), but not through 
an election by the College of Cardinals. He 
was so popular in Rome that the clergy and 
populace alike proclaimed him pope. Em¬ 
peror Henry IV went along with Hilde¬ 
brand’s elevation to the papacy because he 
was trying to establish control over his 
rebellious German nobles. 

Contemporaries described Gregory as a 
small man with a weak voice, but a strong 
vision of what the papacy should be. He 
claimed that the mission of the popes was to 
be the voice of St. Peter on earth and argued 
that, by the doctrine of the Petrine Succes¬ 
sion, the pope was accountable to St. Peter 
and to God for the sins of humans. If an 
emperor sinned, the pope had a duty to call 
even him to account. In Gregory’s eyes, 
Henry IV had become a sinner because he 
continued to appoint bishops and abbots in 
Germany and to invest them with the 
symbols of their spiritual office—the bishop’s 
crook (staff) and ring. Investiture by a 
layman such as the emperor, as Gregory saw 
it, was unacceptable. From the early days of 
the church, monks customarily elected their 
abbots and the clergy elected their bish¬ 
ops—a principle that Gregory had invoked 
in creating his system for papal elections. 

Henry IV had learned the hard realities 
of politics as a young boy. His mother had 
acted as regent, ruling in his stead while he 
was too young to do so, but during this time 
he became the virtual prisoner of the Bishop 
of Cologne. After freeing himself from 
these influences when he came of age, he 
began an active campaign to form his own 
power base. Realizing that he needed a 
wealthy region under his control, he se- 


lected Saxony, in part because it had silver 
mines. By 1075 he was successful in his 
campaign and feeling flush with impending 

By the same year, however, Pope Gre¬ 
gory VII was also feeling powerful enough 
to strike at the heart of lay investiture. 
Although Gregory was adamandy opposed 
to lay rulers selecting abbots and bishops, he 
recognized that ecclesiastical authorities 
might hold fiefs from a lay ruler, and he 
would pemiit them to receive those from a 
monarch, but he would not permit lay 
rulers to appoint ecclesiastical officers or 
invest them with the spiritual symbols of 
that office. In 1075 Gregory wrote several 
letters to Henry—calling him “beloved 
son”—in which he praised the emperor for 
not selling ecclesiastical offices and for up¬ 
holding the principle of unmarried clergy. 
But he then attacked Henry for appointing 

In one letter his address moved beyond 
a firm remonstrance: “Gregory, bishop, 
servant of God's servants, to King Henry, 
greeting and the apostolic benediction— 
but with the understanding that he obeys 
the Apostolic See as becomes a Christian 
King.” He went on to stress his own spiri¬ 
tual power over Henry, “considering and 
weighing carefully to how strict a judge we 
must render an account of the stewardship 
committed to us by St. Peter, prince of the 
Apostles, we hesitated to send you the 
apostolic benediction.” Gregory was angry 
that Henry was appointing and investing 
bishops in both Germany and Italy against 
the papal edict and threatened him with 
excommunication (expulsion from the 
Church) if he continued to do so. 

In 1076 Henry responded in a letter to 
his bishops. He called Gregory “not pope 
but false monk” and referred to Gregory's 
own assumption of the papal throne as a 
usurpation because he was neither appointed 
by the king nor elected by the College of 
Cardinals. The salutation of one of his 
letters to Gregory reads, “Henry, King not 
by usurpation, but by the pious ordination 
of God.” Henry argued that he too had a 
sacred trust from God because of his conse¬ 
cration during the coronation ceremony. 
In his estimation, a monarch had a duty to 
God to cleanse the Church of a false pope. 
He rallied the bishops of Germany and 
Italy, who were loyal to him, and with their 
support closed his letter with the statement: 
“I, Henry, King by the grace of God, 
together with all our bishops, say unto you: 
Descend! Descend!” He was asking that the 
pope abdicate because of his false election. 

Gregory realized that he could make no 
headway with the bishops that Henry had 
appointed in northern Italy and Germany, 
so he appealed to the German lay lords. 
They had resented Henry IV’s conquest of 
Saxony, and distrusted his plans to curtail 
their own independence. They were quite 
willing to listen to Pope Gregory’s sugges¬ 
tion that they rebel against their feudal 
overlord if he were excommunicated. Ex- 
communication meant that a Christian was 
not allowed to participate in Holy Com¬ 
munion, but its ramifications went far 
beyond this religious ceremony. It also 
dissolved all feudal bonds of loyalty and 
forbade anyone from serving the excom¬ 
municated former member of the Church. 
In other words, excommunication put the 
offender outside of the community of be¬ 

lievers. If Henry were excommunicated, 
the German nobles were released from all 
feudal vows and could select anyone they 
wanted as their ruler. 

Gregory excommunicated Henry in 
1076. The German nobles immediately 
met and declared that, if Gregory did not 
revoke the excommunication order within 
one year, they would depose Henry. 
Gregory’s triumph was shoit-lived, how¬ 
ever. Because Henry could find no loyal 
supporters among his nobility, he made a 
trip to Italy in January 1077 to waylay the 
pope, who was on his way to a meeting 
with the German nobility. 

At Canossa in the Alps, Henry appeared 
before the walls of the castle in which the 
pope stayed, standing barefoot and clad in 
the rough wool garments of a repentant 
sinner. After the penitent king had stood in 
the winter cold and snow for three days, the 
pope finally relented. As he wrote to the 
German nobility, Henry “ceased not with 
many tears to beseech the apostolic help and 
comfort until all who were present or who 
had heard the story were so moved by pity 
and compassion that they pleaded his cause 
with prayers and tears. All marveled at our 
unwonted severity, and some even cried 
out that we were showing, not the serious¬ 
ness of apostolic authority, but rather the 
cruelty of a savage tyrant.” As pope, Gre¬ 
gory could not refuse absolution to a sincere 
penitent, so the excommunication order 
was lifted. 

Henry regrouped his power and in 1084 
marched into Rome and selected a new 
pope. Gregory died in exile in 1085, re¬ 
portedly exclaiming: “I have loved 
righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore 


In Florence and other cities, the grain 
supply was crucial for the survival of 
the population, so the city regulated 
it. When grain was scarce, the poor 
and indigent who did not contribute 
to the economy of the city were 
evicted. When the city had abundant 
grain, officials distributed it liberally 
to the poor (right). 

I die in exile.” But Henry did not triumph, 
either. Papal reform was by now too strong 
a movement for the emperors to control, 
and future popes continued to pressure 
Henry. While Henry was engaged in Italy, 
the German nobles again rebelled and sup¬ 
ported Henry’s son against him. In 1122, at 
the Concordat of Worms, the Church was 
able to persuade his son, Henry V, to agree 
that only the clergy could invest the bishops 
with the symbols of their office and that the 
emperor could not appoint bishops and 
abbots. But the bestowing of fiefs remained 
the right of a king or an emperor. 

The papacy was not the only institution 
that reestablished itself in the late 11th 
century. The surplus of grain and the resto¬ 
ration of peace also allowed trade to flourish 
once again. Both peasants and nobles had 
surplus grain to sell and, therefore, money 
to buy practical items such as plowshares as 
well as luxury goods such as silks and 
ribbons, and spices to make their bland 
foods taste more interesting. 

With the revival of trade and crafts, 
towns became an important part of the 
European landscape, just as they had been 
during the Roman period. Lords were so 
interested in attracting people to their towns 
that they offered peasants freedom from 
serfdom if they migrated. Other serfs took 
advantage of town laws that promised free¬ 
dom to those who managed to live for a 
year and a day in town without their former 
masters claiming them. “Town air breathed 
free” is how they put it at the time. 

Towns flourished throughout Europe, 
but none as much as those in Italy, where 
Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Milan, and Florence 
became major trading and industrial cen¬ 

ters. Milan was known for its fine armor and 
its control of the overland trade with Ger¬ 
many. Venice, Pisa, and Genoa rivaled each 
other for their overseas trade in the Medi¬ 
terranean and even across the Atlantic to 
countries including France, England, and 
the Low Countries. As townspeople pros¬ 
pered, they also sought freedom from kings 
and bishops so they could govern them¬ 
selves and set their own rules of trade, 
government, and citizenship. Towns came 
to be governed by the merchants who dealt 
in luxury items and bulk shipments. The 
merchant class, in contrast to the nobility, 
enjoyed wealth derived from trade as op¬ 
posed to land. Furthermore, the merchants 
needed goods to trade overseas. This de¬ 
mand encouraged artisans to produce high- 
quality cloth, art, and other products that 
would be valuable in trade. Peasants, who 
were also enjoying new prosperity because 
crop yields were improving, wanted to 
purchase better shoes, plows, tools, and 
pottery. Town markets and trades flour¬ 
ished, and so did the artisans. 

The growing population moved into 
previously unsettled parts of Europe. As 
village populations became too large for 
their old sites, lords who held forests and 
swamps urged their serfs to clear the trees 
and drain the fens. To encourage them to 
take on this extra work, the lords offered 
serfs better terms and freedom from the 
servile duties they perfonned in return for 
their land on established manors. The new 
settlements adopted place-names that are 
still in use. Some of them were named for 
nearby settlements; for example, Little 
Horewood was a new settlement whose 
population came from Great Horewood. 



















North Sea 

500 mites 

SOS kilometers 


KINGDOM ? * 5 // 

OF FRANCE"^ - # ' LX 3 

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Others had names that indicated a new 
foundation, such as Newcastle or Villeneuve 
(literally, New City in French). 

During this period, Netherlander be¬ 
gan to settle the marshes bordering the 
North Sea, establishing a system of dikes 
and windmills to drain these areas. The 
German emperors also conquered more 
land in the Slavic east in an expansion called 
the drang nach Osten (drive to the east). They 
encouraged people in the heavily popu¬ 
lated areas of the Low Countries to move 
east and settle along the Baltic Sea and in 
Hungary and Bohemia. Just as in the United 
States during the 18th and 19th centuries 
the call to the adventurous was 4 ‘Go West, 
Young Man,” in the 11th and 12th centu¬ 
ries, agents of German lords recruited serfs 
to go east and settle the new lands, bringing 

with them their technology ofplowing and 
draining fens. 

If the peasant population was expanding 
both within the old territories and in newly 
conquered lands, the nobility was growing 
at an even faster pace. Noble mothers had 
a better diet than peasant mothers and 
produced children who were more likely to 
survive the dangers of childhood. The siz¬ 
able family of a minor noble, Tancred de 
Hauteville in Normandy, serves as a notable 
example of the circumstances of this large 
and aggressive group. He had 12 sons; five 
by his first wife and seven by his second. 
Because only one son could inherit the 
small ancestral lands, the others set out to 
seek their fortunes. 

Three of the brothers—William 
Iron-Arm, Humphrey, and Drogo— 


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The Reconquista in Spain was part 
of the armed expansion of Europe in 
the 11th and 12th centuries. The 
knights who sought their fortunes tak¬ 
ing land from the Arabs and from 
each other viewed their warfare as a 
holy endeavor. A century after the 
events f a Spanish king who was also 
a crusader commissioned a book that 
showed the blessing of the troops be¬ 
fore battle (top), the final victory of 
the Christians (center and bottom 
left), and a ceremony of thanksgiving 
for victory before the Virgin and 
Child (bottom right). 

became warriors, sometimes acting as mer¬ 
cenaries and sometimes as bandits. During 
their pilgrimage to Jerusalem, they discov¬ 
ered that Sicily and southern Italy were fine 
places to practice their skills ofwarfare. The 
Arabs and Greeks who were fighting in 
these places were both willing to hire 
mercenaries. Soon the remaining de 
Hauteville brothers had joined their kin 
and began carving out their own kingdoms 
rather than fighting for local factions. The 
half-brother of William, Robert Guiscard 
(“the Fox” or “the Sly”), managed to 
conquer southern Italy and receive papal 

recognition as ruler of the territory. His 
brother, Roger, captured Sicily and held it 
with papal approval by 1072. The brothers 
established a Norman kingdom in these 
two areas similar to the organized state that 
William the Conqueror had established in 

Other younger sons of the nobility sought 
their fortunes in Spain by fighting against 
the Moslems there and carving out princi¬ 
palities. This fight became known as the 
Reconquista (reconquest) and was portrayed 
in the epic poem El Cid . The poem’s hero 
is based on a historical figure, Rodrigo 
Diaz, a Castilian noble who is born in 
about 1043. (His nickname, “el Cid,” 
means “lord” in Arabic.) In the poem, Diaz 
is a champion of the Christian faith. In 
reality he was an opportunist who fought 
both Christians and Moslems, plundering 
both churches and mosques. By the early 
12th century, Moslem control in Spain 
started to crumble, and the kingdoms of 
Aragon, Castile, and even Portugal began 
to expand. 

During this period, the Arab world be¬ 
gan experiencing reverses that would lead 
to its decline. While the French and Norman 
nobility were creating separate kingdoms in 
Sicily and Spain where the Arabs had pre¬ 
viously ruled, the Seljuk Turks (a nomadic 
tribe that had converted to Islam) were 
making major conquests in the east. The 
Turks conquered Baghdad and moved west, 
where they defeated the Byzantine army 
and acquired Anatolia (part of modern 
Turkey), which they called the sultanate of 
Roum (an adaptation of “Rome”). Jerusa¬ 
lem and other areas of the Christian and 


Jewish heritage came under the Turks’ 
control. Thus, when western Christians 
began to make extended pilgrimages to the 
Holy Land, they were greeted at inns and 
shrines not by the tolerant Arabs, but by the 
Turks, a group newly converted to Islam. 
Pilgrimage thus became more difficult and 
much more dangerous, and the native Greek 
Christian population complained to the 
pilgrims of persecution. 

Relations between the Greek-speaking 
church in Byzantium and the Latin-speaking 
church in Rome also were strained. Al¬ 
though both parties believed that they were 
part of the same Christian church, the 
Roman Church, flexing its muscles during 
the reform movement, sought to dominate 
the patriarch of Constantinople. The “Great 
Schism” of 1054 was the culmination of a 
number of clashes over the centuries. Con¬ 
troversies had arisen over such issues as the 
use of the Roman or Cyrillic alphabet 
among the Slavs, the wording of the Nicene 
Creed, the question of whether Christians 
should use two fingers or three to cross 
themselves, and the position of the pope in 
Rome as the titular leader of Christianity. 
These tensions led to a split between the 
two branches of the Church. 

The increasing strength and belliger¬ 
ence of the European nobility and the 
papacy, together with the Turkish threat 
to Constantinople, led to an explosive clash 
of cultures called the Crusades. Literally, 
the word crusade meant “pilgrimage,” but 
the pilgrims were armed men from Europe 
who sought to retake the area around 
Jerusalem and any other rich territory that 
they could conquer, including the Byzan¬ 

tine Empire. While the 
ideal of crusading— 
to make Jerusalem a 
Christian city—lived on 
for centuries, many cru¬ 
saders simply wanted to 
gain territory. 

A volatile combination of in¬ 
terests, ambitions, and religious feeling 
gave rise to the first crusade. Pilgrims com¬ 
plained that they risked their lives going to 
Jerusalem, and that the Greek Christians, 
even though they were erring in their 
ways, were in grave danger of being killed. 
The merchants of Italian towns maintained 
that they were being ill-treated in 
Constantinople because of the schism and 
that trading in the former Byzantine and 
Arab territories had become increasingly 
dangerous. The economy of the Italian 
towns was suffering as a consequence. The 
Byzantine Emperor, Alexius Comnenus, 
wrote to the pope in consternation after a 
defeat suffered by the Byzantine army and 
asked that he send mercenaries, perhaps 
some of those fierce and footloose Normans. 

The liberation of Jerusalem from the 
Turks became the goal of the Crusad¬ 
ers. A map of the city drawn at the 
time of the Crusades showed the city 
wall with its fwe gates. The three ma¬ 
jor religions, Judaism, Christianity, 
and Islam, all had their sacred struc¬ 
tures in the city: the Temple of 
Solomon, the Church of the Holy 
Sepulcher, and the Dome of the 

In return for such help, the emperor hinted 
that he would mend the schism by invest¬ 
ing Rome with greater power than that of 
the patriarch of Constantinople. 

The pope at the time, Urban II, held a 
council of French clergy and nobility at 
Clermont in 1095. There he preached a 
sermon that was a stirring call to arms to 
liberate the Holy Land. Addressing the 
French laity, he flattered them by praising 
their fame as warriors and called on them to 
avenge the Christians in the east. He noted 
that the Turks, followers of Muhammad, 


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Pope Urban II met with the French 
nobility at Cleremont in 1095 and 
gave a stirring sermon calling upon his 
audience to recapture the Holy Sepul¬ 
cherfrom the Turks , relieve the 
Byzantine Empire from the threat of 
annihilation, and enrich themselves 
by conquering fiefs for themselves in 
the biblical land of milk and honey. 
He called upon them to undertake a 
glorious holy war—which became the 
First Crusade. 

had killed Christians, destroyed churches, 
and dismembered the Greek empire. The 
Franks could liberate the Holy Sepulcher 
(the tomb in which Jesus had been buried) 
and aid the Greeks. The pope also alluded 
to the overpopulation of France: “This 
land which you inhabit, shut in on all sides 
by the seas and surrounded by the mountain 
peaks, is too narrow for your large popula¬ 
tion. 5 ’ He pointed out that instead of fighting 
one another for land, they could go to the 

Holy Land, the traditional land of milk and 
honey, and carve out estates there. For 
those who went, he promised remission of 
their sins so that they would go to heaven, 
for this was to be a glorious pilgrimage. 

The audience responded enthusiastically, 
crying out “Dieu le veut!” (“God wills it!”). 
But Urban quickly realized that too much 
enthusiasm would not raise an army but a 
rabble. He cautioned that “we neither com¬ 
mand nor advise that the old or feeble, or 
those incapable of bearing arms, undertake 
this journey. Nor ought women to set out 
at all without their husbands, or brothers, or 
legal guardians. Let the rich aid the needy; 
and according to their wealth let them take 
with them experienced soldiers.” Clergy¬ 
men were not to go without the consent of 
their bishops. 

Urban had, indeed, anticipated the prob¬ 
lems that might arise. He and Emperor 
Alexius Comnenus needed an army of 
knights under the direction of a western 
king or at least a duke. But the pope’s first 
appeal inspired a mob of second sons, peas¬ 
ants, poor knights, and members of the 
clergy. Persuading the nobility to join up 
took more time. Finally, the Duke of 
Normandy (Robert, son of William the 
Conqueror); Count Raymond ofToulouse; 
Bohemund, son of Robert Guiscard; and 
several other French nobles agreed to go on 
the crusade. 

While the main army of nobles and 
knights took time to organize themselves, 
amass supplies, and negotiate with Italian 
merchants for ships, the popular crusade set 
off by foot across Europe. It was led by an 
impoverished knight, Walter the Penni- 


less, and a preacher, Peter the Hermit. 
Their followers believed that the year 1100 
would bring a second coming of Christ, 
and they wanted to be in Jerusalem when 
this happened. They also believed that the 
walls of Jerusalem would come tumbling 
down like those of Jericho, when they 
marched around them and blew their horns. 
Some people argued that they did not even 
need to go to the Holy Land to fight 
infidels; they could do just as well by 
attacking Jews in Europe. The first po¬ 
groms—in which Jews were rounded up, 
robbed, killed, and burned—occurred in 
Cologne. Most of the popular crusade, 
however, headed on through Hungary 
and the Balkans. The crusaders also be¬ 
lieved that, as an army of God, the local 
inhabitants should feed them. When this 
charity was not forthcoming, they stole 
food. When they finally arrived at 
Constantinople, the emperor was so dis¬ 
gusted with them that he forced them to 
camp outside the city. Even so, they com¬ 
mitted petty thefts and harassed the local 
population. Finally, the emperor agreed to 
ferry them over the Bosporus. There the 
Turks attacked them, and most were killed. 
Peter the Hermit, however, managed to 
return to Constantinople. 

In the meantime, the main body of 
crusaders assembled in Constantinople. 
Relations between Emperor Alexius and 
the westerners were not cordial. A remark¬ 
able account of the Greek viewpoint was 
written by Alexius’s daughter, Anna 
Comnena. Anna claimed that the crusaders 
could not be trusted: “There were among 
the Latins such men as Bohemund and his 

fellow counselors, who, eager to obtain the 
Roman Empire for themselves, had been 
looking with avarice upon it for a long 
time.” Anna was right about Bohemund. 
She described an incident in which her 
father greeted Bohemund and invited him 
to a feast. Knowing that Bohemund would 
be suspicious of this, Anna’s father had his 
cooks bring raw meat to his guest and told 
Bohemund to have his own cooks prepare 
it if he preferred. With a great gesture of 
liberality, Bohemund divided up the cooked 
food and gave it to his followers, but did not 
take any for himself. The next day he asked 
them if they were feeling well or if the meal 
had been poisoned. They were all well. 
Anna concluded: “Such a man was 
Bohemund. Never, indeed, have I seen a 
man so dishonest. In everything, in his 
words as well as his deeds, he never chose 
the right path.” 

After numerous squabbles between the 
crusaders and the Greeks, Alexius and the 
leaders of the crusade reached an agreement. 
Alexius would supply the cmsaders with the 
provisions necessary for their warfare, and in 
return the crusaders would deliver to him the 
cities of Asia Minor, which the Byzantine 
Empire had lost to the Turks. The emperor 
would also continue to supply the crusaders 
with food and drink. The first town the 
cmsaders captured was Nicaea. Anna wrote 
that they did not, however, turn over the city 
as promised, but forced Alexius to pay for the 
city once again. 

The cmsaders’ real test came at the siege 
of Antioch in 1098. Alexius stopped their 
supplies just as they attacked the city. The 
situation became desperate as food ran short 

Medieval bestiaries described ani¬ 
mals, both real and fictional. 
Sometimes the animals were charac¬ 
ters in fables written to teach the 
readers moral lessons about covetous¬ 
ness and other sins. Other times the 
descriptions are of animal behavior, 
habitats, and origins of names. 


The refinements in court culture that 
courtly love brought to Europe in¬ 
cluded round dancing. 

that winter. Finally, in the spring, an Italian 
fleet arrived with more supplies. According 
to the accounts of a person who was there, 
Bohemund suggested that whoever broke 
the siege and entered the city would be 
allowed to keep it. But the chronicler went 
on to say that Bohemund had already made 
contact with a Christian inside the city 
walls, who let him climb up at night and 
open the gates for the crusading army. The 
crusaders were victorious, but the victory 
was short-lived. The Turks soon recovered 
and sent a large force against Antioch. Now 
the crusaders were stuck between a castle in 
the city center still held by Turks, and the 
Turks outside the city walls. They were 
reduced to eating rats. In desperation, 
Bohemund suggested that they try to drive 
off the Turks encamped outside the city 
walls. The crusaders won this battle, and 
Bohemund claimed the city for himself in 
defiance of Alexius. 

The other nobles accompanying 
Bohemund were so angry with him that the 
crusade nearly fell apart at that point. The 
leaders resolved their differences, however, 

The assault on Antioch was long and 
brutal. The Turks held the city while 
the crusaders tried to attack it from 
the outside. The crusading army suf¬ 
fered from hunger and disease that 
decimated their ranks and led to fights 
among the leadership. 

and continued on to Jerusalem. The Italian 
cities sent fleets to supply food and siege 
equipment. In the summer of 1099, the 
crusaders took Jerusalem. It was a terrible 
defeat. One eyewitness said there was so 
much blood in the streets that it came up to 
the knees of the horses. 

The leaders of the crusade discussed 
what to do with the territory. The petty 
fighting and land-hunger that had charac¬ 
terized the conquests seemed inappropriate 
in the holy city itself. So they selected 
Godfrey of Lorraine, the only noble who 
had not participated in the internal dissen¬ 
sions, to be the first king of Jerusalem. 

The Latin conquests in the Near East 
established the Latin Kingdom of Jerusa¬ 
lem, and several principalities were given as 
rewards to the nobles who fought. The 
whole experience of colonizing the region 
also had an enormous impact on Europe. 
Among the things that the crusaders re¬ 
turned home with were a better knowledge 
of building stone castles and machines to 
besiege them, a taste for more highly spiced 
foods, an appreciation of the luxury of silk 
and cotton garments, and a number of relics 
of saints from the early days of Christianity. 

Life in Europe, particularly for the no¬ 
bility and merchants, was becoming more 
refined even without the influence of the 
crusades. Contact with the Arab population 
of Spain had taught them to appreciate 
lyrical poetry as opposed to the heroic 
poetry of the chansons degeste and the sagas. 
Internal warfare decreased because younger 
sons went to Spain to fight Arabs or joined 
the crusades, and the resulting peace brought 
about a remarkable change in the nobles' 


manners. The knights who went on the 
crusades had been warriors, trained to fight 
in battle. Those who remained in Europe, 
however, imbibed a new culture of military 
virtue called chivalry, from the French term 
for a mounted warrior, the chevalier. Ac¬ 
cording to the code of chivalry, a knight 
was to be courageous (sometimes to the 
point of foolhardiness), loyal, trustworthy, 
generous to a conquered foe, and eager to 
defend the Christian faith. But chivalric 
behavior was to be practiced only by nobles 
and, for the most part, by males. The 
12th-century refinements in living led to 
additional requirements for knights’ behav¬ 
ior: Noblewomen became objects of respect 
and elaborate courtesy; religious ceremo¬ 
nies surrounded the initiation of knights; 
and tournaments, or ritualized combat and 
warfare, became an entertainment. 

Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, estab¬ 
lished a court in which the new noble 
values flourished. Her grandfather, Duke 
William of Aquitaine, was a romantic figure 
known both for his love affairs and for the 
lyrical poetry he sang to his mistresses. 
Eleanor became the Duchess of Aquitaine 
upon her father’s death when she was a 
teenager. The adviser to the French king, 
Abbot Suger of the monastery of St. Denis 
outside of Paris, had arranged a marriage, 
with her father’s blessings, between Eleanor 
and the young king of France, Louis VII 

The marriage was not a happy one 
because the two were so different. Eleanor 
had come from a sophisticated, worldly 
court in the south of France and disliked the 
damp chill of Paris. Louis had been raised to 

tom Comnena, Byzantine Princess and Historian 

Anna Comnena, bom in 
1081, was the firstborn 
daughter of Emperor 
Alexius and the oldest of 
his 11 children. Because 
of the long gap between 
her birth and that of her 
oldest brother, John, she 
harbored the idea that 
she would become em¬ 
press. In her book, the 
Alexiad , she wrote that 
her real troubles with 
John began when she 
was eight. She was to be 
married to the rightful 
heir to the throne, who 
was then a boy of about 
her age. She assumed that 
together they would take 
over from her father, 
who had usurped the 
throne. But the marriage 
never took place, and she 
was eventually married to 

another man. Thereafter, 
she blamed her brother, 
John, for her failure to 
become empress. With a 
male heir, Alexius did 
not need her for the 

Anna received a fine 
education that included 
the study of literature, 
medicine, astronomy, and 
the mechanics of siege 
equipment. She wrote in 
the introduction of her 
book: “I, Anna, daughter 
of the Emperor Alexius 
and the Empress Irene, 
bom and bred in the 
Purple [bom and raised as 
a princess], not without 
some acquaintance with 
literature—having de¬ 
voted the most earnest 
study to the Greek lan¬ 
guage, in fact, and being 

not unpracticed in 
Rhetoric and having read 
thoroughly the treatises of 
Aristotle and the dia¬ 
logues of Plato, and 
having fortified my mind 
with the Quadrivium of 
sciences (these things 
must be divulged, and it is 
not selfradvertisement to 
recall what Nature and 
my own zeal for knowl¬ 
edge have given me, not 
what God has appor¬ 
tioned to me from above 
and what has been con¬ 
tributed by opportunity).” 
She not only observed 
firsthand the events of her 
father’s reign, but also had 
access to men who had 
advised him and to other 
writings, including those 
of her husband who also 
wrote history. 

become a member of the clergy, perhaps 
even abbot of St. Denis, and was more 
clerical than knightly in temperament. He 
was forced to take the throne on the death 
of his elder brother. 

The real difficulties between the couple 
occurred during the Second Crusade. 
Eleanor had given birth to two daughters 
but no sons, so she accompanied her hus¬ 
band on the crusade in the hopes of 
conceiving an heir to the French throne 
along the way. Dressed as female warriors, 
she and several other noble French ladies set 
off in high spirits. As if this behavior did not 


Battling dragons (left) and fearsome 
knights (right), the legendary knight 
Lancelot fulfills his chivalric duties . In 
the Middle Ages, romances about the 
feats of the nobility were popular in 
the courts, and the most popular sub¬ 
jects of all were the stories that related 
to King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, 
Lancelot, and the other knights of the 
Round Table. 

cause enough scandal, when the couple 
arrived in Antioch Eleanor announced to 
Louis that she would remain there with her 
uncle, Raymond. Rumor abounded that 
she and Raymond, a handsome man and 
great warrior, were having an affair. She 
was said to have commented of Louis, “I 
thought to have married a king, but I 
married a monk.” After their return to 
France, she still had not produced a male 
heir, and Louis agreed to solicit the pope for 
an annulment of their marriage. The mar¬ 
riage was dissolved and she returned to 
being Duchess of Aquitaine. 

But as an heiress, Eleanor remained a very 
desirable marriage partner. She was pursued 
by Henry, Count of Anjou and Duke of 
Normandy, who had met her in Paris when 
he had come to pay homage to Louis VII. He 
was only 18 and she was nearly 30, but 
marrying her would make him the Duke of 
Aquitaine. Furthermore, he was in line to 
become the king of England. They were 
wed barely eight weeks after the annulment 
of Eleanor’s first marriage. It is hard to 
imagine a bigger blow for Louis VII. Henry 
was his greatest rival, and now his rebellious 
vassal had combined his inheritance of 

Normandy, Anjou, and England with that of 
Eleanor. Together these counties and duch¬ 
ies were larger than the land that Louis 
personally controlled in his kingdom. As a 
further wound to Louis’s dignity, Eleanor 
produced four sons by Henry. A mighty feud 
arose between Henry and Louis. 

Her marriage to Henry left Eleanor with 
responsibilities for maintaining his interests 
in the duchy of Aquitaine, but it also gave 
her a considerable amount of free time. 
Henry had political responsibilities in En¬ 
gland, Normandy, and Anjou, so Eleanor 
was often alone in her own duchy. Her 
court was one of the most cosmopolitan in 
Europe. Her personal understanding of the 
world included the learned philosophy of 
Paris, the ways of Norman and English 
nobility, the exotic culture of the East, and 
the traditions of her grandfather, the poet. 
Poets and nobles were attracted to her 
brilliant court at Poitiers. 

The combination of poets and young 
courtiers with the time to pursue refine¬ 
ment produced new standards of polite 
behavior around the court (courtoisie, or 
courtesy), a new emphasis on the impor¬ 
tance of women as epitomized by courtly 


love, and new lyrical poetry and tales of 
romance that celebrated the changing rela¬ 
tions between men and women of the 
noblility. Under the patronage of Eleanor 
and her daughter, Marie (daughter of Louis 
VII), rules of behavior in love were estab¬ 
lished. Men were instructed concerning in 
how to address ladies and were punished in 
a “court oflove” if they offended a woman. 
Poets known as troubadours composed 
lyrical poetry in celebration oftheir love for 
women and wrote tales called romances, in 
which the love of the hero and heroine 
were tested by a number of separations and 
adventures. Many of the romances retold 
legends from the past about King Arthur, 
Lancelot, Guinevere, and the knights of the 
Round Table. Troubadours traveled widely 
seeking patronage from various nobles, and 
in this way the poetry, tales, and rules of 
behavior of courtly love became fashion¬ 
able all over Europe. 

Troubadours could be either professional 
musicians or nobles. Bernard de Ventadour, 
for example, was the son of a servant in a 
castle. Viscount Ventadour was his patron, 
but Bernard was very attracted to the vis¬ 
countess and addressed a number of his love 
poems to her. When her husband became 
jealous, Bernard sought the patronage of 
Eleanor of Aquitaine. Other poets included 
a noble man, Bertran de Bom, who wrote 
with tenderness about his love of war. He 
wrote of his enjoyment of the lusty spring 
with the songbirds singing and of the sight of 
the tented annies in the field. But what he 
liked most was to hear the cries of battle and 
the din of swords on armor and to see ‘ ‘ horses 
mad, with rolling eye, who frenzied through 
the battle fly.” The warrior, he wrote, thinks 

“but of blood and butchery and yearns for 
death or victory.” 

Authors of romances included Marie de 
France, an educated woman living in En¬ 
gland. She told the story of one of Arthurs 
knights who had never known love. He 
was out hunting one day and shot an arrow 
at a white doe, but the arrow glanced back 
and struck him in the thigh. The doe told 
him that he would not be healed until he 
won the love of a lady. He then took to the 
sea, but his boat was shipwrecked on the 
shore of a beautiful garden. There a lady, 
who was imprisoned in a tower by her cmel 
husband, found him and nursed him back 
to health. But the husband discovered the 
knight and sent him off again. After a long 
separation, the husband was slain, the knight 
and his lady love were reunited, and they 
lived happily together. Having found love, 
the knight’s leg healed. 

The music for lyrical poetry differed 
from church music. The plainchant, in 
which all voices sang the same parts in 
unison without instmmental accompani¬ 
ments, had been common in church services 
since the time of Gregory the Great. But the 
chansons degeste were sung to the accompa¬ 
niment of a harp, and the troubadours 
played a stringed instrument with a bow— 
probably in imitation of Arabic musicians. 
Polyphonic compositions, which include 
parts for different voices such as tenor and 
bass, gradually became part of both reli¬ 
gious and court functions. 

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the 
most influential figures of the day, contrib¬ 
uted hymns to the Virgin Mary to the music 
and poetry of the period. Bernard was raised 
with the traditional values of a nobleman, 

Stringed instruments, perhaps adopted 
from the Arabs , accompanied lyric 
songs and played carols for round 
dances. The fiddle was an oval instru¬ 
ment with three strings that was 
played with a bow. The guitar was 
also a popular instrument in court 


Tournaments, or mock battles, became 
both a way of keeping up fighting 
skills and of entertaining the nobility. 
They were an opportunity for rich dis¬ 
play of fashions, feasting, horses, and 
armor as well as feats of fighting 
prowess. Ladies attended, cheering on 
theirfavorite knight. The fighting was 
highly ritualized, with lists (wooden 
barriers) to confine the fighting space. 
Heralds made sure that the rules of 
fighting were followed. 

The worship of the Virgin Mary be¬ 
came very popular in the 12th century 
as hymns and churches were dedicated 
to Mary. Alary was shown as a gentle 
mother with the infant Jesus on her 
lap. People found it easier to direct 
prayers to this motherly figure than to 
the more distant God orJesus. 

but had a conversion experience during an 
outing with some of his companions and 
joined a monastery at Citeaux, where he 
entered the new Cistercian order. Although 
they followed the Benedictine Rule, 
Cistercians tended to be stricter in their 
observance than the Cluniacs, and empha¬ 
sized manual labor. By the time ofBemard’s 
death in 1153, the same year that Eleanor 
established her court in Aquitaine, the 
Cistercian order had spread throughout 
Europe. It was Bernard who had persuaded 
Louis VII to undertake the Second Cru¬ 
sade, and he had been an adviser to Louis 
and Eleanor. But he could not prevent their 
separation, and he grieved at the failure of 
the crusade. 

Bernard was a great leader in theology as 
well as an inspiration for monks and mon- 
archs. Among his major accomplishments 
were the hymns to the Virgin Mary, which 
greatly increased her popularity in the 
Church at the time. More and more, 
churches were dedicated to Mary, and 
ordinary worshipers found that addressing 
prayers to Mary was more comforting than 
addressing them to Christ the lawgiver, as 
he was depicted in the apses of cathedrals. 
Mary became the subject of popular ven¬ 
eration and was often addressed in the same 

terms of adoration as the noble ladies were 
in love lyrics. 

Noble men organized tournaments, or 
war games, that were suitable to the new 
court culture. Knights who did not go on 
crusades or engage in combat for long 
periods saw tournaments as an opportu¬ 
nity to exercise their skill with arms with 
minimal potential for loss of life and limb. 
Tournaments were organized by nobles 
to celebrate the knighting of a son, the 
marriage of a daughter, the coronation of 
a king, the heroic entrance of a prince into 
a city, or as part of yearly urban celebra¬ 
tions. In fact, any excuse was a good one 
for these mock battles. If single com¬ 
bat was the order of the day, then lists 
were set up in such a way that the com¬ 
batants could charge each other on 
horseback with lances. If a mock battle, or 
melee, was planned, then a field for two 
opposing sides was laid out. Elevated seat¬ 
ing permitted spectators, including 
women, to view the fights. In elaborate 
contests, whole towns were turned into 
fighting quarters, and the streets were 
filled with sawdust or sand so that the 
horses would not slip on the cobblestones. 
The mock battles were fought from street 
to street. 


Every noble had his own distinctive 
coat of arms and registered it in a 
book of heralds. Heraldry terminology 
was an elaborate language of symbol¬ 
ism that included such terms as 
chevrons (peaked stripes), rampant 
lions (on their hind legs), fleur-de-lis 
(lily flowers), and various bars drawn 
left to right or right to left. 

The tournaments not only permitted 
the knights to display their fighting prow¬ 
ess, but also included a number of other 
rituals that emphasized courtly behavior. 
Observance of the rules of the game was 
crucial. First, weapons and horses were 
inspected. The participants then presented 
a coat of arms declaring the origin of the 
fighter to the assembled dignitaries and 
ladies. (Anonymous fighters could display 
false coats of arms. Sometimes kings used 
these, because no one would knowingly 
fight against his king in open combat for 
fear of being charged with treason.) A 
fighter might also wear some favor from his 
lady, such as a scarf or sleeve, and fight in her 
honor. Although the knight might have 
wanted to gain the love of a lady, he could 
win material rewards as well. Organizers 
offered winners a piece of armor, a horse, or 
the right to take the suit of armor and horse 
of the knights they defeated. 

This remarkable period also saw a revival 
of learning in Europe. Boethius’s transla¬ 
tions of parts of Plato and Aristotle received 
new attention in the schools that grew up 
around the cathedrals. Students flocked 
from all over Europe to listen to famous 
teachers lecture. Lectures were given in 
Latin, the common scholarly language, so 
that students from all reaches could under¬ 
stand them. By far the most famous teacher 
was Peter Abelard (1079-1142). He wrote 
an autobiography, Historia Calamitatum or 
The History of My Misfortunes, thus much is 
known about his life. He was bom into a 
knightly family in Brittany. He could have 
inherited his father’s lands, but instead be¬ 
came fascinated by theological and 
philosophical arguments, and traveled 


throughout France to listen to various teach¬ 
ers. Paris was the center for these debates, and 
Abelard soon developed a reputation as the 
most subtle of thinkers. He had a number of 
students who paid fees to hear him lecture. 
He became famous throughout Europe, but 
especially in Paris. His book Sic et Non (Yes 
and No) presented arguments for and against 
a whole range of difficult questions, such as 
whether faith can be supported by reason, 
whether good angels and saints who enjoy 
the sight of God know all things, and whether 
God is a substance. 

In relating the history of his misfortunes 
in his autobiography, Abelard told of his 
romance with Helo'ise. The uncle of this 
very bright and beautiful young woman 
was a high official at Notre Dame cathe¬ 
dral. Wanting to provide the best 
instruction for his niece, he engaged 
Abelard as her tutor. Abelard’s description 
of their lessons recounted how they moved 
from reading books to kissing each other. 
The affair became more serious, and she 
became pregnant. The couple was faced 
with a dilemma. If they married, he would 
not be able to pursue a career in the 
Church, because the clergy had to remain 
unmarried. Helo'ise, not wanting to ruin 
his career, refused to marry him. But when 
their son was born, they were secretly 
wed. Not knowing that they had married, 
her uncle was outraged when he learned of 
the birth, and arranged for a group of thugs 
to assault and castrate Abelard. Abelard 
retired to a monastery and urged Helo'ise 
to do the same. 

Although Abelard continued to write 
and lecture, some people, such as Bernard of 

Clairvaux, believed that his thinking was 
close to heretical. While living in the mon¬ 
astery, Abelard wrote his autobiography. It 
was circulated widely, and Helo'ise read a 
copy. She, like Abelard, had by now be¬ 
come the head of a religious community. 
Reading the account of their love reopened 
the old wounds. She wrote a letter to 
Abelard in which she sympathized with his 
misfortunes but reminded him that she too 
had suffered. She did not think of their love 
affair as a sin and recalled that he was a singer 
of love songs in those days. Helo'ise wrote: 
“But in the whole period of my life I have 
ever feared to offend thee rather than God; 
I seek to please thee rather than Him. Thy 
command brought me, not the love of 
God, to the habit of religion.” She felt like 
a hypocrite for loving Abelard and becom¬ 
ing a nun only to please him. Abelard wrote 
back as a father confessor rather than as a 
former lover. 

The remarkable flowering of the arts in 
Europe had lasting effects, even into our 
own time. Courtly love and chivalry be¬ 
came the basis for polite relations between 
men and women and in society in general. 
The crusades marked the first major expan¬ 
sion of Europe into Asia since the Roman 
period and brought Europeans into contact 
with new products and ideas. The spirit of 
expansion and conquest never left people’s 
imagination and led to the age of discovery 
in the 16th century. The revitalized Church 
and the intellectual developments of the 
12th century came to further fruition in the 
13th century as lay governments—of both 
towns and monarchies—also began to pros¬ 
per as peace prevailed. 


William Marshall, the Ideal Knight 

W illiam Marshall was 
a younger son of a 
minor English 
nobleman. He grew up 
in a period of struggle for 
the English throne. Dur¬ 
ing a siege, his father 
offered him as a hostage 
to King Stephen, as a 
pledge that he would give 
up his castle if he could 
not find reinforcements. 
When his father reneged 
on the deal, King Stephen 
determined to kill Will¬ 
iam, who was five or six at 
the time. The king 
marched him to a tree to 
hang him, but was so 
overcome with pity for 
the boy that he stayed the 
execution and kept him 
with him for two months 
during the siege. 

When William was a 
teenager, his father sent 
him to Normandy to be 
a squire and learn the use 
of weapons. At the age of 
21, William, according to 
his biographer, “seemed 
so well and straightly 
made that if one judged 
honestly, one would be 
forced to say that he had 
the best formed body in 
the world.” He was 
knighted in a simple 
ceremony. His lord 
buckled on his sword and 
gave him a ceremonial 
blow on the shoulders. 
William participated in 
his first battle soon after¬ 
ward, but during its 
course he was pulled 
from his horse and the 
animal was killed. In the 

celebrations that fol¬ 
lowed, the lords told 
him that fighting was for 
profit as well as for the 
cause of the fight. He 
should have tried to cap¬ 
ture an enemy soldier, 
for whom the lords 
could have demanded 
a ransom. 

Without a war horse, 
William could not par¬ 
ticipate in tournaments. 
Finally, his lord relented 
and equipped him with a 
horse. William became a 
famous fighter on the 
tournament circuit and 
never forgot to make a 
profit from his victories. 
But he had his share of 
defeats as well. During 
one battle his horse was 
killed under him, and he 

had to fight with his back 
to a hedge. An enemy 
knight came up from be¬ 
hind and wounded him 
in the leg. He was taken 
prisoner and thrown on a 
horse. He had nothing to 
bind his wound with 
until his captors made a 
stop at a castle. There a 
lady noticed his wound. 
She gave him a loaf of 
bread, the center of 
which she had cut out 
and stuffed with linen 
bandages. Queen Eleanor 
eventually agreed to pay 
to set him free. 

Between the ages of 
25 and 40 William pur¬ 
sued a career as a knight- 
errant, earning his living 
by fighting. It was said 
that fully armed he could 

scale a siege ladder on the 
underside, lifting himself 
up the rungs with his 
own strength. He be¬ 
came so famous for his 
chivalry that Henry II 
made him the instructor 
of his heir. By this time 
William’s brothers had 
died, and he had inher¬ 
ited the family lands. He 
married the heiress of an 
English earl and thereby 
gained more land, and a 
title, the Earl of Pem¬ 
broke. William con¬ 
tinued to play a role in 
both Nomian and En¬ 
glish politics. When John 
I died in 1216, the En¬ 
glish barons appointed 
him regent for John’s son 
and successor, the young 
King Henry III. 

Many younger sons of nobles, such as William Marshall, earned their livings as knights-errant . For these men the best hope was to find a patron to 
support them or an heiress to marry them. 


Chapter 6 

New Architecture, Ideas, 
and Monastic Orders 

In Pope Innocent Ill's dream, St. 
Peter's church and papal palace are 
about to collapse and fall on his bed 
chamber, but the young St. Francis 
holds up the building and saves the 
pope, the church of St. Peter, and the 
Church in a more general sense. In 
many ways the picture is not an exag¬ 
geration. In 1200 the Church was in 
trouble. Heretics offered attractive, al¬ 
ternative teachings about Christianity. 
The laity was critical of the worldli¬ 
ness of the Church and its 
involvement in politics. While Inno¬ 
cent worked to reform the Church, it 
was St. Francis and his followers who 
reached out to the laity. 

W hile Eleanor of Aquitaine rep¬ 
resents the innovations and new 
spirit of the revival of Europe 
in the 12th century, no single 
figure can personify the late 12th and early 
13th centuries. Henry II, Eleanor’s young 
second husband, was an energetic man who 
established many of the laws and govern¬ 
ment systems in England that are still used 
today. Among Eleanor and Henry’s chil¬ 
dren were two sons who also made a major 
impact on historical events—Richard I (“the 
Lion-Hearted”), who led the Third Cru¬ 
sade, and John I (“Lackland”), who signed 
the Magna Carta. 

But perhaps the man who presided over 
the most far-reaching changes in Europe at 
the time was Innocent III, who was only 37 
when he was made pope. He had the vision 
to see that the new ideas of Francis of Assisi, 
founder of the Franciscans, and Dominic, 
founder of the Dominicans, about mingling 
among the laity might prove better than the 
seclusion of the older monastic orders. 

Enthusiasm for religious revival remained 
strong among lay Christians, but they began 
to voice their own concepts about religion, 
which they gleaned from the teachings of 

priests, stories of the lives of saints, and art in 
the churches. The contact between mer¬ 
chants, pilgrims, crusaders, and scholars and 
Byzantines, Turks, and Arabs also intro¬ 
duced new ideas about religion. The laity’s 
religious views often were counter to those 
of the Church, and the Franciscan and 
Dominican orders offered to teach by ex¬ 
ample and by preaching where the true path 
to salvation lay. But those who strayed far 
from the Church’s view were few in num¬ 
ber and most lay people continued to support 
the building of parish churches, cathedrals, 
and monasteries. 

An exciting new architectural style, 
called “gothic” by modern art historians, 
also revolutionized church building. Gothic 
architecture takes us back to the days of 
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Louis VII, Henry II, 
and that shaper ofEuropean politics—Suger, 
Abbot of St. Denis (d. 1151). He had been a 
mentor to Louis, had helped to arrange his 
marriage to Eleanor, and had governed 
France in their stead during the Second Cru¬ 
sade. He was an energetic man, who found 
time to patronize the development of a new 
architectural style in order to glorify his 
abbey church. His portrait, in which he is 


Gothic Architecture 

The front of Reims Cathedral in France, with its two rose 
windows, shows the extensive use of glass in Gothic ar¬ 
chitecture. The exteriors of Gothic churches were ornately 
carved with biblical figures to instruct the laity . 

T he term “Gothic” is a 
misnomer because the 
style had nothing to 
do with the Gothic tribes. 
It was first applied to late 
medieval architecture 
during the Renaissance, 
when all medieval artistic 
production was looked 
down on as barbaric. The 
identifying characteristics 
of Gothic style were “fly¬ 
ing” buttresses, pointed 
arches, ribbed vaults, ex¬ 
panses of stained glass 
windows, and a soaring 
height. The Gothic build¬ 
ings were towering 
frameworks of masonry 
piers or columns and 
arches that were sup¬ 
ported on the outside by 
flying buttresses. Only if 
all these elements were 
perfectly balanced would 
the structure be stable. 
Unlike Romanesque 
churches, in which the 
walls supported the roof, 
Gothic churches were 
held up by the skeletal 
structure. Their stone¬ 
work, therefore, could be 
thinner and used as a 
decorative element. 
Gothic churches were 
higher and lighter, and, 
because of their taller 
piers, had more space for 
windows in the clerestory 
as well as in other walls. 

A great rose window of 
stained glass dominated 
the front wall of the 

structures. All the win¬ 
dows had stone tracery 
that supported the glass; 
that of the rose window 
gave the appearance of a 
rose in its tracery. Filling 
in the stone were pieces 
of glass in bright colors set 
in a framework of lead. 
Figures of the saints, 
apostles, biblical charac¬ 
ters, animals, and flowers 

were painted on window 
glass. Taken together, the 
images on a church’s 
windows often told a 
story. The sculpture that 
appeared-on both the 
external and internal 
portions of churches also 
frequently represented 
biblical stories, the four 
Gospels, or the Last 

shown in prayer, appears in a small comer 
of one of the stained glass windows of his 

Romanesque churches were limited in 
height and number of windows because 
they required heavy masonry to support 
their barrel and cross vaults. As a result, the 
buildings were dark inside. Because candles 
were too expensive to illuminate an entire 
church, churches usually were quite dark 
even during services. Gothic architecture 
approached the building of large structures, 
such as cathedrals, very differendy. Rather 
than placing all the weight of the structure 
on the walls, an external skeleton com¬ 
posed of buttresses supported the internal 
building skeleton of columns and vaults. 
The buttresses are described as “flying” 
because an external column of masonry 
supported arches that met the stress points 
of the building itself. Because the skeletal 
structure supported the building, the walls 
could be pierced, allowing for portions of 
the wall to be used for windows. The 
change was revolutionary. Within 50 years 
of the development of Abbot Suger’s new 
style of architecture, cathedrals and large 
churches all over Europe had abandoned 
Romanesque architecture and adopted the 
new, Gothic innovations. 

Of course, some calamities resulted. 
Sometimes the engineering was faulty and 
the whole roof of a church caved in, as 
happened to the church at Beauvais. Many 
European cathedrals successfully melded 
elements of the Romanesque and Gothic 
styles, however. 

Building a cathedral was a complex un¬ 
dertaking that often took centuries. Some 
say that cathedrals are never really com- 


Castles served both as defensive struc¬ 
tures and as residences for the nobles, 
their knights and men-at-arms, ser¬ 
vants, and guests. The castle had a 
large keep in the center that could 
withstand siege. Around it was the 
bailey, which had stables and barns, a 
kitchen, and workshops for craftsmen. 
A portion of the bailey was a garden 
containing medicinal herbs. 

pleted, but are continually added to. The 
bishop and his clergy financed the building 
of a cathedral and hired an architect to 
design it. Sometimes they could afford to 
construct only part of the building, then the 
project lapsed until more money could be 
raised. Architects moved from one job to 
another, often from England to France to 
Gemiany and back again. Some became 
famous throughout Europe. Architects 
trained on the job and often integrated ideas 
inspired by other cathedrals into their own 
designs. Even so, an architect had to be able 
to draw plans of his proposed buildings and 
have a good knowledge of the principles of 
mechanical engineering. 

The sketchbook of Villard de Honne- 
court, a French architect ofthe 13th century, 
shows the way in which an architect devel¬ 
oped his ideas. De Honnecourt designed 
the cathedral at Cambrai, but seems to have 
observed the construction of the cathedrals 
at Laon, Chartres, and Reims. In about 
1250 the queen of Hungary commissioned 
him to build churches in that country. His 
notebook contained sketches of animals— 
such as a parakeet, crawfish, and dragon¬ 
fly—but also drawings of the features of the 
cathedrals he most admired. Inventions 
depicted in the notebook included siege 
equipment and a sawmill powered by wa¬ 
ter. Much of the book was dedicated to 
engineering questions, such as estimating 
the height of a tower from the ground, 
constructing a vaulted roof in wood, and 
finding the center of a given area. He 
observed in the introduction that “in this 
book may be found great help in learning 
about the principles of masonry and of 
construction by carpentry. You will also 

find in it methods of portraiture and draw¬ 
ing, according to the requirements and 
teachings of geometry.” 

A cathedral architect was also the fore¬ 
man ofthe project and hired master masons, 
carpenters, stonecutters, sculptors, and carv¬ 
ers. Preparation included acquiring timber 
for a scaffolding, stone for building the walls 
and the tracery of the windows and orna¬ 
mental designs, lime and sand for mortar, 
metal for bells, and fine quality sand and 
pigments for window glass. Master crafts¬ 
men designed and supervised each stage, 
but the apprentices and less skilled crafts¬ 
men under their direction did most of the 
work. The marks ofthe masons, stonecut¬ 
ters, and sculptors can be seen on the 
building blocks of cathedrals. In addition, 
the building of such a large structure re¬ 
quired a number of unskilled laborers to dig 
the foundations, carry the stones, set up the 
scaffolding, lift the timbers, and perform 
other heavy labor. 

The 12th and 13th centuries must have 
been golden years for architects, masons, 
carpenters, and even laborers. The devel¬ 
oping towns were building walls around 
their perimeters, partly to protect them¬ 
selves, but also to indicate that they had 
charters from the king that licensed them as 
independent cities. Nobles and even mem¬ 
bers of the clergy were building city 

dwellings in the major urban centers to be 
their residences when they were in town on 
official business. In the countryside, mon- 
archs and nobles alike were building bigger 
and better castles. Many of the ideas for 
constructing better fortresses came from 
those that the crusaders had found in the 
Near East, such as Antioch. 

Castles became far more complex than 
the simple motte-and-bailey structures of 
the 11th and early 12th centuries, although 
many of the basic features remained the 
same. The motte became a defensible tower 
made of stone. The parts below the ground 
served to stabilize a construction of ma¬ 
sonry with walls as thick as 15 feet. The 
basement rooms were used as dungeons or 
prisons. The first level above the ground 
was used for storing barrels of wine, flour, 
salted fish, and other provisions that were 
needed to feed the castle garrison. Weap¬ 
ons might also be stored at this level, which 
might include a guard room as well. On 
the main level was the great hall—the 
center of castle life. Everyone took their 
meals in the hall, and many people slept on 
its floor after the trestle tables had been put 
away for the night. The lord of the castle 
performed acts of governance in the great 
hall, and all guests were entertained there. 
The upper stories were reserved for the 
lord and his family. 


Recipe lor a Cure 


14 ! 

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£f | a| jjpk 

Herbal cures were common in the Middle Ages. Some could be grown at home, but oth¬ 
ers had to be purchased at an apothecary’s shop. Herbs from the vessels on the shelves 
were mixed and ground in different proportions according to the patient's needs. 

T he following recipe, 
from a 15th-century 
English manuscript, 
gives instructions for ser¬ 
vants to follow to cure 
their lord of illness. 

A medicinal bath: 
“Boil together holly¬ 
hock, mallow, wall- 
pellitory and brown fen¬ 
nel, danewort, St. John’s 

wort, centaury, ribwort 
and camomile, heyhove, 
heyriff, herb-bennet, 
bresewort, smallage, wa¬ 
ter speedwell, scabious, 
bugloss, and wild flax 
which is good for 
aches—boil withy leaves 
and green oats together 
with them and throw 
them hot into a vessel 

and put your 
lord over it and let him 
endure for a while as hot 
as he can, being covered 
over and closed on every 
side; and whatever dis¬ 
ease, grievance or pain 
ye be vexed with, this 
medicine shall surely 
make you whole, as 
men say.” 

Life was fairly comfortable in castles. 
Drinking water came from wells. Water for 
washing came from a cistern, or retaining 
tank, on the roof that collected rain, and 
pipes provided a flow of water through 
spigots to washbasins, called lavatories, in 
the living quarters and the great hall. La¬ 
trines in the castles might feed into chutes 
within the walls, or they might be outside 
the keep (central tower and living quarters) 
and drop directly to the ground or into the 
moat. The problems with latrines were re¬ 

corded with some vividness by one English 
king when he implored the engineers, “for 
the love of God,” to fix the latrines, since 
the cold updrafts and their odor in a castle 
that he frequently visited were intolerable. 

The bailey area of the new stone castles 
was also more sophisticated. The bailey 
was defended by a gate that would serve as 
a first line of defense during an attack. The 
walls were punctuated with towers, and 
protected pathways ran around the walls 
so that the garrison could move around the 
castle to defend it. Within the bailey walls, 
the buildings were arranged for times of 
both war and peace. There were stables for 
animals and workshops for repairing ar¬ 
mor and shoeing horses. The kitchen was 
often located in the bailey as well, to keep 
the heat generated during food prepara¬ 
tion outside the main hall, particularly 
during the summer. In addition, there was 
room for storage barns for hay and straw. 
The gardens were the preserve of the lady 
of the castle, who grew herbs used to treat 
the various ailments and wounds that the 
garrison might suffer. Women generally 
were responsible for preparing herbal medi¬ 
cines and healing foods for the ill in their 

Castles were, of course, primarily meant 
to be defensive structures rather than pleas¬ 
ant residences, so they were constructed to 
withstand a siege. Walls were thick, and the 
external windows were narrow, permitting 
arrows to be shot out but not in. A castle had 
to be well stocked with food, wine and 
beer, weapons and armor, firewood, tim¬ 
ber, and other necessities. One of the most 
essential elements, however, was a source 
of water. Although water could be piped 


into a castle from outside its walls, relying 
on such a system was too dangerous. Be¬ 
siegers could block the supply, and the 
castle’s defendants would be “parched 
out”—that is, they would be threatened 
with dying of thirst. A castle, therefore, was 
best situated if it had a well within its walls. 
If a castle was built on a hill of rock, as many 
were in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 
the wells would be very deep. 

Although castles were built as defensive 
structures, few experienced sieges. The 
most effective way to lay siege was to 
surround a castle and cut off its water and 
food supplies. This maneuver would even¬ 
tually starve or parch out the defenders. 
With exposure to the more sophisticated 
siege strategies used during the Crusades, 
however, the use of various siege machines 
became more common. The weak point of 
a castle was the bailey gate, and a battering 

ram could be used to break it down. To 
scale walls, ladders and even wooden tow¬ 
ers that could be rolled up the castle walls 
were popular. Finally, more accurate weap¬ 
ons, such as the trebuchet, were developed. 
A trebuchet was a type of catapult that 
could hurl stones repeatedly at one place in 
a castle wall and thus weaken it. 

Perhaps one of the most effective siege 
tactics was to undermine or sap the castle 
walls. This process was similar to putting a 
mineshaft under the walls. A description of 
the attack of Kingjohn I of England on his 
barons, who had seized Rochester castle, 
gives a vivid account of the sapping pro¬ 
cess. Kingjohn hired miners to sink a shaft 
under the wall and build supports of dry 
wood. He then called for a dozen hogs that 
were too fat to be eaten. These he had 
killed and their lard rendered. The lard was 
spread over the wooden supports in the 


The Krak des Chevaliers in Syria 
was built for defense against Turkish 
attack on the Latin kingdom of 
Jerusalem. The walls were extremely 
thick and a well was dug down 
through the rock so that the castle 
would have an internal water sup¬ 
ply. The castle held out against 
attack until 1268. 

shaft and set ablaze. The wall tumbled down 
as the supports burned. 

Most castles were living quarters for noble 
families and their households. Children who 
grew up in cashes were not necessarily raised 
by their parents in their early years, because 
their parents might be away at other castles, 
on crusade, or at the king’s court. These 
children had nurses who fed and entertained 
them. But their lives were not lonely, be¬ 
cause there were many adults in the castle as 
well as other children to play with. They 
rode horses, climbed around the battle¬ 
ments, went out into the countryside, and 
received some early instruction from a cler¬ 
gyman hired to teach them their letters. 
Parents customarily sent both boys and girls 
to another noble family of higher status 
when they reached the age of seven or eight. 
This practice was called fostering. There 
they learned the correct court manners from 
the lord and lady of the household. Both 
boys and girls learned to ride and hunt, to 
wash their hands before coming to the table, 
to eat properly with their fingers (they had 

no forks), and to share their trencher (a piece 
of rough bread that served as a plate) with 
their dinner partner. Glasses were also shared, 
and the proper young courtier learned to 
wipe the glass after drinking so that the rim 
would be clean for his or her dinner partner. 
Dogs were not fed at the table for fear that 
they would fight over the bones. Young 
boys might also become pages (perhaps late 
Latin or German for “child”) and serve their 
lord and lady and their guests at the table. 

As children grew up, boys and girls were 
trained to take on different roles. Young 
women learned to sew and embroider. 
They spent most of their time with the 
other women of the household in the 
women’s quarters. Here they might also 
learn to read romances and lyric poetry, 
play musical instruments and cards, and 
dance. Young men, on the other hand, 
became squires and learned to fight. They 
had to practice using a sword and lance 
while riding on a horse. Some young squires 
even accompanied their lords to batdes or 
on crusades. The knighting ceremony, usu¬ 
ally held when a man reached 21, ended his 
tenure as a squire. 

Marriage was important for those noble 
children who would inherit their father’s or 
mother’s property. Usually, the older chil¬ 
dren in the family would marry, and the 
younger children might find careers in the 
administration of the Church or in monas¬ 
teries. Parents or often a lord arranged the 
marriages. The Church taught that girls of 
12 and boys of 14 were old enough to be 
married, but the age of marriage varied 
greatly depending on the couple’s social 
class and the circumstances at the time. 
Among the nobility, girls were often mar- 


ried at a young age because the marriages 
could create alliances of political or eco¬ 
nomic importance. They might have been 
heiresses with valuable land, or given in 
marriage to a former enemy of their father 
as a symbol of peace between two families. 
Their marriage partners could be as young 
as they were or as old as their fathers. A large 
age disparity between husband and wife 
was not uncommon. 

Major negotiations took place between 
the families of the bride and groom. The 
bride’s family provided a dowry that might 
include land, but could also be wealth in the 
form of jewels, serving vessels of gold and 
silver, war horses, armor, or fine clothing. 
Princess Philippa, the fiancee of the young 
man who became Edward III of England, 
was given a dowry of a fleet of boats and 
fighting men so that the groom’s mother 
could invade England in his name. 

The husband’s family promised a dower 
(a benefit that a wife could collect on her 
husband’s death) composed of a third of his 
lands and estates. She would have the use of 
this land for as long as she lived, then it 
would be inherited by the children of the 
marriage. Widows living on their dower 
lands were called dowagers. Practices var¬ 
ied from region to region. In Italy the 
dower disappeared, but in other areas both 
the dower and the dowry remained impor¬ 
tant parts of contracts for arranged marriages. 

The marriages might be happy or at least 
acceptable to the married couples, or they 
could be miserable. Women were expected 
to produce children to carry on the family 
name, but their husbands might be away 
much of the time. One of the reasons that 
courtly love flourished was that ritualized 

flirtations helped to pass the time and ease 
the loneliness of a loveless marriage. Castles 
always had a number of young fighting men 
around to sing, compose songs, and partici¬ 
pate in tournaments for the entertainment 
of the women and girls who lived there. 

The elaborate castles of the Middle Ages 
were also centers of government. From 
them, lords administered their estates, and 
kings administered their kingdoms. 

In the 12th and 13th centuries through¬ 
out Europe, monarchs consolidated their 
power. To trace the development of the 
monarchies, it is necessary to go back a 
century to the time of Henry IPs grand¬ 
father, Henry I (reigned 1100—1135). When 
William the Conqueror died in 1087, he 
had three sons—Robert, William, and 
Henry. Robert received Normandy, Will¬ 
iam got England, and young Henry was 
given a cash setdement. Henry was ambi¬ 
tious, and when William died from an 
aiTow wound during a hunt, rumors spread 
that Henry was responsible. But Henry 
became king of England and, after Robert 
died, Duke of Normandy as well. In France 
the Capetians continued to rule from Paris. 
They tried to gain recognition from their 
wayward counts and dukes, among whom 
Henry I of England was the most trouble¬ 
some. Henry controlled not only Normandy, 
but also Brittany and some of the territory 
along the Seine River. He consolidated his 
power in England, then began to extend his 
authority throughout the realm. 

Henry I had misfortunes as well as suc¬ 
cesses. His two sons died crossing the English 
Channel, so as he approached death as an 
old man who had ruled for 35 years, his only 
heir was a daughter, Matilda. He took the 

Siege weapons included the catapult, 
which was used to throw large stones, 
boiling oil, and other objects in besieg¬ 
ing a castle. The catapult was cranked 
down with a winch which, when re¬ 
leased, caused the arm to rise swiftly 
and throw the object at or over a wall. 


Thomas Becket (on horse at right) re¬ 
fused to agree to the demands of 
Henry II that members of the clergy 
be tried for any crimes in the king's 
court. When Henry enlisted the help 
of Louis VII (both at left), Becket 
went into exile to enlist the help of 
the pope. 

best measures he could to assure his succes¬ 
sion. Henry married her to his worst 
enemy—Geoffrey Plantagenet, the Count 
of Anjou—in the hope that this maneuver 
would protect her inheritance of Normandy 
and Brittany. He then persuaded the En¬ 
glish and Norman vassals to accept her as 
queen. Before he died he had the satisfac¬ 
tion of knowing that she had a son who was 
named Henry. 

But the barons of England refused to 
accept Matilda as their queen, pardy be¬ 
cause she was a woman and partly because 
she married the Count of Anjou, who was 
their enemy as well. They selected a grand¬ 
son of William the Conqueror, Stephen of 
Blois, to become king. Civil war raged, and 
Matilda sometimes took to the saddle her¬ 
self to lead her army against Stephen. 
Eventually a compromise was reached, and 
Henry II, son of Matilda and Geoffrey and 
grandson of Henry I, became king. His 
kingship marked the beginning of what is 
known as the Plantagenet dynasty. The 

name derives from a type of heather flower 
that Geoffrey customarily wore. Henry 
Plantagenet, of course, added the Duchy of 
Aquitaine to his fiefs in France by marrying 
Eleanor in 1152, after her marriage to Louis 
VII of France was annulled. Historians have 
called this vast territory, which included 
half of France, the Angevin Empire. 

Henry II set about reorganizing England 
so that he would be free to defend his fiefs 
in France. Since William the Conqueror, 
all the kings of England had regarded the 
realm as a convenient source of revenue, 
but not as a fit place for a French-speaking 
Norman to live. So Henry II followed his 
grandfather’s example in making England’s 
judicial system work very smoothly and for 
his own financial gain. He encouraged the 
lesser barons and freemen to purchase writs 
from the crown. Writs were legal instru¬ 
ments that allowed the free population to 
have the king’s officials and judges try their 
cases. Henry not only made a profit on 
providing uniform legal standards to the 
English, but also won support for the idea 
that the king’s law should prevail through¬ 
out the land. 

When a dispute arose over who had the 
better claim to a piece of land, a writ 
empowered the king’s judges to call a jury 
(from the Latin term jurati, or men serving 
on oath to tell the truth) of the best in¬ 
formed people from the surrounding 
country. The judges called on the oldest 
and wisest members of the community to 
serve on an inquest jury, and asked them to 
determine who had the best claim to the 
property. On the basis of their testimony 
and verdict (from the Latin word veredictum, 
or true statement), the judges settled land 


disputes, with the authority of the king 
backing up their decision. The system was 
very popular and in time England used 
juries to decide criminal matters as well. 

For Henry the benefits were peace and 
increased profits. To keep track of the 
revenues that he received from England, he 
reinvigorated the Exchequer established by 
Henry I, which is still the chief cabinet 
office in charge of finances today. The 
Exchequer takes its name from a large 
tablecloth on which the accounts of the 
realm were calculated. On it was a series of 
columns, which were crossed by horizontal 
lines. The tablecloth was simply a large 
abacus that permitted calculation of sums 
owed without using cumbersome Roman 
numerals. The word “exchequer’’ derived 
from the Arabic word for the game of chess 
or checkers. The Exchequer usually met in 
Westminster (the royal palace located just 
west of London), and all county officials 
and royaljustices rendered their accounts at 
this central location. All debtors, even if 
they were officials, were imprisoned until 
they paid the amount due to the king. 

Henry was an energetic man. In fact, his 
courtiers complained that he exhausted 
them because he constantly administered, 
fought in tournaments and battles, hunted, 
and pursued his enemies with ruthlessness. 
Even during church services he had to have 
writing materials with him, or he would 
fidget. He was a redhead with a freckled 
face and a muscular physique. A fiery tem¬ 
perament accompanied his generally ruddy 
appearance. None felt the quick anger more 
than Thomas Becket, who became Arch¬ 
bishop of Canterbury. Becket, a London 
merchant’s son, had served Henry as Chan¬ 

cellor of the Exchequer. When the Arch¬ 
bishop of Canterbury died, Henry thought 
he could reward a loyal servant and have a 
subservient archbishop by appointing 

But Becket seemed to have undergone a 
conversion when he was elevated to the 
archbishopric. He took the side of the 
Church against his old friend, Henry. The 
focus of their fight was the relations be¬ 
tween the church courts and the royal 
courts. Henry wanted clergy who had com¬ 
mitted crimes tried in the powerful royal 
courts, and Becket wanted them tried by 
their bishop. If the clerks were tried in royal 
courts, they would be hanged if convicted, 
but if they were found guilty in the bishop’s 
court, they would only have to say prayers 
or go on a pilgrimage to atone for their 
wrongdoing. Henry exiled Becket, but the 

The Exchequer, or treasury, took its 
name from the checkered table cloth, a 
type of abacus on which they tallied 
the fines they had collected for the 
king . Officials presented their accounts 
and the money that was due. The 
Chancellor of the Exchequer and his 
clerks kept a record of the accounts 
and imprisoned those who did not 
pay the full amount. 


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The martyrdom of Thomas Becket at 
the altar of his cathedral in Canter¬ 
bury made him a saint almost 
immediately . His fame spread rapidly 
and illustrations of his martyrdom ap¬ 
peared quickly in England and as far 
away as Spain. 

move was so unpopular with both the pope 
and the laity that Henry had to reinstate 
him. When Becket came back to Canter¬ 
bury and resumed the old fights, Henry 
allegedly remarked to four of his knights, 
“Will no one rid me of this troublesome 
priest?” His courtiers were all too willing. 

They went to Canterbury and killed the 
archbishop as he was praying before an 
altar. Immediately, Becket became a martyr 
and saint. Henry was forced to confess that 
his short-tempered remark had led to the 
death of his archbishop, and was beaten to 
atone for his role in the death. The tomb of 
St. Thomas became the most popular place 
of pilgrimage in England, and figures in 
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, written two 
centuries later. 

Most of Henry’s energy went into 
protecting his continental possessions from 
the French kings who kept up continual 
warfare and intrigues against him. Louis 
VII was an obvious enemy even before 
Henry married his ex-wife, but when Louis 
died, his son, Philip II Augustus, became a 
formidable foe. Philip even succeeded in 
getting Henry’s heir, Henry “the Young 
King,” and Eleanor to conspire against 
Henry. Henry then imprisoned Eleanor in 
a rather comfortable English castle, where 
she was separated from the court culture 
that she had created and the pleasantries of 
life in her own Aquitanian duchy. Young 
Henry died before his father, so Richard, 
Eleanor’s favorite son, inherited all of the 
Angevin territory in France and the king- 
ship of England. 

Before his brother died, Richard was 
destined to become the Duke of Aquitaine 
and to follow in the footsteps of his 
great-grandfather: duke, fighter, trouba¬ 
dour, and chivalric figure. Richard carried 
out at least some of the roles. He sang and 
played musical instruments, but most of all, 
he was an ideal Christian knight who em¬ 
braced the Third Crusade with zeal. The 
pope persuaded his archenemy, Philip II 


Augustus of France, to crusade with him. 
Also entering into the scheme was Frederick 
I Barbarossa, emperor of Germany. 
Frederick had gained this name because of 
his large, red beard. 

The Third Crusade took careful plan¬ 
ning. Richard was the only enthusiastic 
participant, but Philip and Frederick joined 
because the Church and laity were con¬ 
cerned that the Turks had unified under 
their great leader, Saladin, and threatened 
to take over the entire Holy Land once 
again. Richard, imbued with the romances 
of his mother’s court, flung himself whole¬ 
heartedly into the campaign. Indeed, his 
name became Richard the Lion-Hearted, 
or Coeur de Lion to his French-speaking 
subjects. According to myth, he fought 
single-handedly against Saladin. Whether 
or not this is true, he did in fact achieve 
major victories and succeeded in reaching a 
compromise with the Turkish leader, who 
agreed to give the Christians the port city of 
Acre and a corridor through which pilgrims 
could pass to worship in Jerusalem. 

Frederick I Barbarossa never reached the 
Holy Land because he died while taking a 
swim. Philip II, on the other hand, hated 
fighting, disliked cooperating with the 
chivalric Richard, and decided to return to 
France to take advantage of Richard’s ab¬ 
sence by attacking his fiefs. On the way 
home from the Holy Land, Frederick’s 
heir, Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI, 
took Richard pnsoner and held him for 
ransom. While England and the Angevin 
territories in France scrambled to pay the 
ransom, Philip waged war against Richard’s 
French fiefs. When Richard was released, 
he conducted campaigns against Philip, but 

died at Chateau Gaillard from an infection 
resulting from an arrow wound. 

Philip II Augustus was not as loved by his 
subjects as Richard had been in England 
and in his French possessions, yet he was a 
very successful monarch. Unlike his father, 
Louis VII, he was an intelligent politician. 
He expanded his kingdom north into 
Flanders through marriage and bided his 
time until he could challenge the English 
king. The opportunity came under Rich¬ 
ard the Lion-Hearted’s successor, his brother 
John. The youngest son of Henry II and 
Eleanor, John I had not been in line for the 
succession, and became king only because 
his older brothers had died without sons. 
John was groomed for a more comfortable 
life than defending his territories against a 
calculating enemy such as Philip. John 
made a fatal blunder in marrying a young 
woman, Isabelle of Angoleme, who was 
engaged to one of King Philip’s vassals. 
Invoking a feudal lord’s right to protect his 
vassals’ interests, Philip invaded Normandy, 
Anjou, and Poitou (the northern part of the 
Angevin Empire) to punish John. He met 
with little resistance. John earned the name 
“Lackland” because of his loss of territory. 

The capture of Richard I in Germany 
was related to German political ambitions. 
Frederick Barbarossa (1152—1190) came to 
the throne with grand plans to restore the 
influence of the Holy Roman Empire by 
gaining power either in Germany itself or in 
Italy and Burgundy. But to consolidate 
power in Germany would involve pro¬ 
tracted fights with relatives and other 
German nobles. Frederick acquired the 
duchy of Burgundy by marrying its heiress, 
but Italy was a more difficult problem. 

Frederick I Barbarossa got his name 
from his red beard. His dream to re¬ 
store power to the Holy Roman 
Empire would naturally interest his 
sons (depicted here giving their father 
advice), one of whom would inherit 
the throne. 


At the coronation of John I, two arch¬ 
bishops anoint him with holy oil and 
place the crown on his head. Medieval 
kings claimed that this ceremony, 
based on the crowning of David in the 
Bible, gave them sacred powers that 
permitted them to challenge the eccle¬ 
siastical officials. The Church, 
however, disagreed. 

Italian towns had entered a period of great 
prosperity, but they had also become inde¬ 
pendent of lay and church authority. 
Frederick either had to overwhelm the 
towns of northern Italy or win them to his 
side. Finally, only Milan withstood his 
siege. At the end of three years, when the 
irate Frederick finally captured it, he threat¬ 
ened to destroy Milan entirely and salt the 
earth so that nothing would grow there. He 
relented to his regret, because Milan soon 
led a coalition of cities, called the Lombard 
League, against him. Frederick was de¬ 

feated at the battle of Legnano in 1176. 
Facing ultimate defeat in Italy and rebellion 
among his dukes in Germany, Frederick 
had no choice but to retreat to Germany 
and try to base his empire there. 

Although Frederick I died in 1190 dur¬ 
ing the Third Crusade, his plans to unite 
Italy with Germany looked as if they could 
be realized through marriage rather than 
war. Frederick’s able but ruthless son, Henry 
VI, detained Richard the Lion-Hearted 
simply because he needed a ready source of 
cash to unite his empire. Richard happened 
to be taking the land route home from 
crusading and was a convenient target. 
Henry pursued his fathers Italian policy by 
marrying the heiress to the kingdoms of 
Naples and Sicily. Before he died at the 
young age of 32, his wife produced a son, 
Frederick II, who became one of the most 
remarkable figures in medieval history. 

The Holy Roman Emperors’ Italian 
ambitions were countered by popes, who 
remained strong advocates of papal inde¬ 
pendence. The Church continued building 
its political power in the 12th and early 
13th centuries. Gregory VII and his suc¬ 
cessors had put the papacy in a good 
position to take control of its own bishops 
and abbots. Popes exercised greater power 
over the appointment of the bishops and 
kept in contact with their appointees. In 
this way, they directed both the spiritual 
and financial interests of the Church 
throughout Europe. 

In Rome itself, they established a central 
bureaucracy to handle their far-flung inter¬ 
ests. In addition to the College of Cardinals, 
the popes developed special bureaus that 
dealt with papal finances; a judicial branch 


that specialized in appeals to the pope for 
divorces, annulments of marriages, and other 
matters of spiritual guidance; and a chan¬ 
cery that handled diplomatic issues. The 
bureaucrats of the papal government also 
developed special ways of writing and spe¬ 
cial seals so that the directives and letters that 
came out of their offices could not be easily 
counterfeited. Papal bulls, as the official 
directives were called, had nothing to do 
with the male bovine, but rather took their 
name from the lead seal or bulla (a knob) 
that was attached to the documents to 
authenticate them. 

The most notable pope of the late 12th 
and early 13th centuries was Innocent III. 
He represented a new type of clergyman. 
Innocent had studied theology at the Uni¬ 
versity of Paris and church law at the 
University of Bologna. His legal training 
was very helpful to the Church, which was 
expanding its bureaucracy throughout Eu¬ 
rope and entering into political fights with 
the European monarchs. After becoming 
pope at the comparatively young age of 37, 
he had the energy and intelligence to ac¬ 
complish much during his papacy 

Among Innocent Ill’s political goals was 
to ensure that the German emperor re¬ 
spected the pope’s authority and left Rome 
in peace. He feared that an aggressive Holy 
Roman emperor could take control of the 
papacy because Henry Vi’s marriage gave 
the family domination over Germany to 
the north and Naples to the south. Citing 
the coronation of Charlemagne as em¬ 
peror, Innocent claimed that as pope he had 
the authority to intervene in the election of 
the German emperor. He thought that 

Frederick, Henry Vi’s young son, would 
bend to his guidance. By 1209, Frederick II 
was old enough to be made emperor, and 
Innocent extracted three promises from 
him: He would follow the spiritual direc¬ 
tion of the pope; he would lead a crusade; 
and he would abdicate as king ofNaples and 
Sicily and sever that territory from the Holy 
Roman Empire once he had gained control 
over his German possessions. 

In England, Innocent played a more 
proactive role. John I hadhis own candidate 
for the position of Archbishop of Canter¬ 
bury, but Innocent insisted on the 
appointment of Stephen Langton. Inno¬ 
cent excommunicated John and even 
threatened to encourage Philip II Augustus 
to invade England. John engaged in a series 
of unsuccessful campaigns to regain 
Normandy that proved very costly. In or¬ 
der to raise money for his batdes, he forced 

The Holy Roman Btipfre 

he imperial title of 
the Carolingians was 
abandoned in 924, 
but was revived in 962 by 
the emperor of Germany, 
Otto the Great. His realm 
is known to historians as 
the Holy Roman Empire. 
Despite its name, the 
Holy Roman Empire 
had little in common 
with the Roman Empire. 
In fact, it was geographi¬ 
cally located, for the most 
part, in an area that had 
included no Roman 

As a political unit, the 
Holy Roman Empire sur¬ 
vived until 1806. Its unity 
relied on the wealth and 
personality of the emperor 
rather than on common 
institutions or even com¬ 
mon languages, since Slavs, 
Hungarians, Bohemians, 
and Italians were all part of 
the empire. Its governance 
was weak compared with 
that of England and 
France, and its inhabitants 
developed no sense of a 
collective identity. If the 
emperor was strong and 

aggressive, the empire 
played a prominent role in 
European politics, but if 
the emperor was involved 
in internal civil wars, it 
was not a great power. 

The German nobility con¬ 
tinued to claim the right 
to elect the emperor, and 
they were often inclined 
to elect the weakest candi¬ 
date that they could find 
from the royal family. 
Nonetheless, some notable 
figures held the tide, in¬ 
cluding Frederick I and his 
grandson, Frederick II. 


Frederick II, king of Sicily and emperor 
of Germany, was a threat to the power 
of Rome and the Papacy. He holds an 
orb, a symbol of the globe and the 
emperor's control over it. 

the English nobility and townspeople to 
pay more taxes than they had ever paid 
before. When they refused, he used extor¬ 
tion. He insisted on turning a profit on 
every feudal right that he had over the 
nobility. For instance, he sold the right to 
marry noble widows. The right to marry 
went to the man who would pay the most 
money for the privilege of using the widow’s 
dower (one-third of her former husband’s 
property). For a fee, he also allowed guard¬ 
ians of noble orphans to keep an orphan’s 
property beyond his or her 21st birthday, 
the age of legal maturity. But faced with the 
possibility of revolt and invasion from the 
French king, John agreed to become 
Innocent’s vassal. 

In 1214 John and one of the German 
princes, who was a contender for the title of 
emperor, joined forces against Philip II 
Augustus at the battle of Bouvines. Philip 
won once again, and John returned to 
England in disgrace. The English nobility 
was no longer willing to accept his govern¬ 
ment and, under the leadership of 
Archbishop Stephen Langton, the nobles, 
townsmen, and knights banded together 
and defeated John at the battle of 
Runnymede in 1215. They then drew up 
a series of demands that have become known 
as the Magna Carta, and they insisted that 
John sign the document. 

The Magna Carta (literally, the “great 
charter”) derived its name from the large 
piece of parchment on which it was written 
rather than from its historical significance. 
Most clauses of the Magna Carta dealt with 
John’s abuses of his power over the nobility 
and of his feudal rights as king. It held, for 
instance, that the king could levy taxes if 

they were customary, but extra taxes re¬ 
quired the consent of the kingdom. It also 
addressed abuses involving the remarriage 
of widows and the property of heirs and 

Although some nobles disliked the judi¬ 
cial reforms the Magna Carta embodied, 
they were very popular among the towns¬ 
people, lesser nobles, and knights. One of 
the clauses, for example, read that “all free 
men shall be tried by a jury of their peers.” 
This provision ensured the continuance of 
the jury system. In a larger historical frame¬ 
work, the Magna Carta is seen as the 
beginning of the constitutional monarchy 
in England because it preserved the jury and 
stated that the king could not be above the 
laws of the land, but rather must abide by 
them. Various monarchs fought against this 
type ofconstitutional monarchy, but politi¬ 
cal events in the 13th and 14th centuries 
only made the principle more binding. 

Pope Innocent defended his vassal against 
the English nobility, claiming that John had 
signed the Magna Carta under duress and 
therefore should not be bound by it. When 
he died a few years later from consuming 
too many fresh peaches with cider, John left 
a nine-year-old son, Henry 111(1216—1272), 
as king. Because Henry was too young to 
rule, the nobility selected nobleman Wil¬ 
liam Marshall to act as regent and formed a 
council that would rule according to the 
Magna Carta. 

Pope Innocent, meanwhile, called a 
council of bishops and leading church fig¬ 
ures to the Lateran Palace in Rome in 1215 
to address reforms of church practices. 
Among the matters affecting the laity of 
Europe was the role of clergy in determin- 


ing the guilt or innocence of those accused 
of crimes. Until the Lateran Council, the 
accused were subjected to ordeals by fire or 
water or trials of combat. In an ordeal by 
fire, the person on trial would walk through 
a fire or carry a hot iron object. In an ordeal 
by water, he or she was thrown into a body 
of water. Before the trial began, a priest 
blessed the fire or water and asked God to 
allow the innocent to go unscathed. If the 
person was innocent, he or she would not 
be burned by the fire or would sink in the 
water. The guilty would float, having been 
rejected by the blessed water. In trial by 
battle, the innocent man would win and the 
guilty man would lose, whatever the natu¬ 
ral advantages of either fighter. 

Pope Innocent and his advisers believed 
that the presence of priests gave credence to 
these superstitious procedures. Furthermore, 
the ordeals did not prove very much. In a 
well-known example from the First Cru¬ 
sade when the army was besieged in Antioch, 
a man was told in a dream that if he dug in 

a certain place in a church, he would find 
the lance that had pierced Jesus’ side. Not 
convinced that his dream was true, he told 
no one. But when he had the same dream 
three times, he consulted a priest. Together 
they dug as directed and found a lance. 
Many crusaders were skeptical about this 
“miracle,” but their leaders were 
hard-pressed and decided to use the lance as 
a rallying symbol. Carrying it before them, 
they led a successful attack on the Turkish 
army outside the city walls. But the skeptics 
and the believers both wanted proof. The 
man who found it was to undergo the 
ordeal by fire. A hot bed of coals was 
prepared, and the lance was wrapped in 
cloth. The finder walked across the coals 
carrying the lance. Surely, the spectators 
reasoned, Jesus would protect the man if it 
was the true lance. But even when the poor 
man died, the sides were not reconciled. 
The skeptics believed that he died from his 
bums. But the believers argued that al¬ 
though he had made it across the coals safely 

The Magna Carta is named for the 
size of the parchment it is written 
on rather than for its importance in 
constitutional history. Although 
considered the fundamental docu¬ 
ment of constitutionalism in the 
English-speaking world, it is really 
a reiteration of feudal rights and le¬ 
gal procedures that the barons forced 
John I to confirm. 

The Inquisition: Notorious Secret Inquiries 




V~_-- ■ 

The Inquisition proceeded in secrecy until it had either gotten a repentance from the per¬ 
son it was investigating or sufficient evidence to condemn the suspect. 

T raditionally bishops 
had been charged 
with the spiritual cor¬ 
rection of the laity, 
including dealing with 
heresy. In the 1230s, the 
papacy replaced the bish¬ 
ops with tribunals of 
judges. These tribunals, 
known as the Inquisition, 
were made up of well- 
educated churchmen who 
had taken religious vows 
(often in the Dominican 
order). They were given 

sweeping powers to ques¬ 
tion suspected heretics 
and witnesses. The Inqui¬ 
sition, which did not 
allow suspects to confront 
witnesses or obtain legal 
counsel, accepted the tes¬ 
timony of two witnesses 
as sufficient evidence for 
conviction. The inquisi¬ 
tors often used torture as 
a way of extracting a con¬ 
fession. Their goal was to 
save the souls of those 
who had been led astray 

by heresy. Therefore 
they sought confessions, 
so that they could bring 
heretics back into the 
fold of the Church 
where the salvation of 
their souls could be as¬ 
sured. Those who 
confessed were given 
penances or prison terms. 
Only when heretics re¬ 
fused to recant their 
beliefs were they burned 
at the stake or otherwise 

enough, the mobs had been so rough in 
their jubilation that he had died as they 
flocked around him to touch the true lance. 

The Lateran council called for the exclu¬ 
sion of priests from ordeals and judicial 
combats. This policy forced monarchs to 
change the way they established guilt or 
innocence in criminal cases. No one was 
satisfied with ordeal, because the horror of 
it simply forced the accused and the accus¬ 
ers to reach an agreement. England had a 
tradition of using juries to settle land dis¬ 
putes and to decide if there was adequate 
evidence in a case to indict a person for a 
crime. Indictment meant that the known 
evidence strongly suggested that the person 
might be guilty and that he should therefore 
be tried in the king’s court. The indictment 
jury eventually was named the grand (large) 
jury. To replace ordeals and combat, En¬ 
gland created another jury, the petty {petit 
or small) jury, which rendered the verdict at 
the conclusion of a trial. 

On the continent, a different model was 
selected. Instead of a jury, a board of magis¬ 
trates or judges questioned the accusers and 
then, separately, questioned the accused. 
The two sides did not confront each other, 
which prevented the possibility of intimida¬ 
tion on either side. Thejustices then rendered 
a decision. Guilt in either system resulted in 
punishment by hanging. Fortunately, both 
systems were lenient, and only about a 
quarter of the accused were hanged. 

The Church itself was having problems 
with a large minority of laity who held 
beliefs contrary to those of the official 
doctrine. In the urban centers of southern 
Europe, the population began to question 
the growing power of the clergy and the 


wealth of the Church. Several heresies 
disturbed Innocent and the Church, but the 
most alarming were the beliefs of the Cathari 
(the pure), also known as the Albigensians, 
a name derived from the town of Albi in 
southern France around which their move¬ 
ment was centered. 

The Albigensians offered a coherent, 
distorted, and appealing alternative to the 
theology of the Church. Their theology 
might have had its origins in the Zoroas- 
trian dualistic religion of Persia. Both 
recognized two gods: a god of good who 
represented the spirit and a god of evil who 
represented the world of matter or material 
life. Because the Old Testament contained 
the story of the creation of the material 
world, in their view it portrayed the god of 
evil. The New Testament, they believed, 
portrayed the god of good, for it dealt with 
salvation, souls, and resurrection. Because 
spirit was better than flesh, the Albigensians 
urged abstinence from worldly living, ani¬ 
mal meat, and sex. In fact, only a few 
Albigensians, th eperfecti or the perfect ones, 
were able to follow this severe regime. 
When Albigensians died, they requested 
one of the perfecti to be at their bedside to 
speed salvation. 

By the beginning of the 13th century 
the Albigensians were attracting a large 
following, and Innocent III became 
alarmed. With no immediate weapon to 
combat them, he preached that a crusade 
should be undertaken against them in 1208. 
He promised the successful leader of the 
crusade the right to take over the 
Albigensians 5 property in southern France. 
The crusade was brutal, but not until 1229 
was the heresy under control. Many 

Albigensians were killed, and some re¬ 
turned to Christianity, but a determined 
group of believers practiced their religion 
secretly. To root out these secret groups of 
Albigensians, the Church resorted to the 
Inquisition, a tribunal for the discovery and 
punishment of heretics. 

The Albigensian Crusade was not the 
first that Innocent had launched. In 1202 he 
persuaded some European noblemen to 
undertake the Fourth Crusade to liberate 
the Holy Land from the Turks. The crusad¬ 
ers contracted with the Venetians to take 
them there by boat, but when they were 
unable to pay, the Venetians suggested that, 
as part of their payment, they could recap¬ 
ture a trading port that had been claimed by 
the Hungarian king. When Innocent learned 
of this attack on a Christian king, he ex¬ 
communicated the crusaders. Undaunted, 
they decided to proceed to Constantinople, 
where in 1204 they attacked and looted 
the capital and drove out the emperor. 
Their domination of the city lasted only 50 
years, but those who participated in the 
crusade returned to Europe with immense 
wealth in gold and gems, as well as many 
religious relics. 

Church councils and crusades were not 
the most effective way to confront and 
counter dissent. Instead, new religious or¬ 
ders sprang up to provide the laity with 
spiritual and intellectual guidance. Dominic 
(1170-1221), a Spaniard by birth, received 
an excellent education in the Hebrew/ 
Arabic/Christian environment ofhis native 
country. In his mid-30s he traveled to 
Rome, where he met Innocent III. Inno¬ 
cent, worried about the Albigensian crisis, 
asked him to preach against the heretics in 

Relics of saints, including their 
bones and clothing, played an im¬ 
portant part in religious worship 
during the Middle Ages. People felt 
that saints could intervene to help 
cure them of diseases or ease other 
distress. The relics were housed in 
rich reliquaries and became part of a 
church's treasury. Pieces of the cross 
on which Jesus was executed, con¬ 
tained in this reliquary, were 
especially important. 


Francis of flssisrs "Song ol Brother Sun" 

Francis of Assisi is frequently pictured preaching to birds. Also gathered around 
is a friendly lion and a member of the women’s order founded by Clare, a fol¬ 
lower of Francis . 

M uch of St. Francis’s poetry praised nature as an ex¬ 
ample of God’s greatness. St. Francis is frequently 
represented as preaching to animals. 

Praise be to you, my Lord, for all your creatures, 

Above all Brother Sun 

Who brings us the day, and lends us his light; 

Beautiful is he, radiant with great splendor. 

And speaks to us of you, O most high. 

Praise to you, my Lord, for Sister Moon and for the stars; 
In heaven you have set them, clear and precious and fair. 
Praise to you, my Lord, for Brother Wind, 

For air and clouds, for calm and all weather 
By which you support life in all your creatures. 

Praise to you , my Lord, for Sister Water 
Which is so helpful and humble, precious and pure. 

Praise to you, my Lord, for Brother Fire, 

By whom you light up the night; 

and fair is he, and joyous, and mighty, and strong. 

Praise to you, my Lord, for our sister, Mother Earth, 
Who sustains and directs us. 

And brings forth varied fruits, and plants, 
and flowers bright. 

southern France. Although Dominic 
brought to this calling a considerable repu¬ 
tation as a preacher and as a priest who led 
a humble, devout life, initially he won few 
converts. Realizing that he could make 
little impact alone, he organized volunteers 
to help him create an order whose mission 
would be to preach to heretics and unbe¬ 
lievers throughout the known world. Pope 
Innocent recognized the order in 1216. It 
was called the Order of the Friar Preachers, 
but it is still known also as the Dominicans. 

Rather than retreating to monasteries as 
previous monastic orders had done, the 
Dominicans moved about in the world. 
They were an educated order who could 
preach to inquiring new urban dwellers, 
argue with heretics, and provide teachers 
for the new universities. They could also 
staff the Inquisition. Rather than living off 
the proceeds of manors that were given to 
monasteries, as other orders did, the Do¬ 
minicans made their living by soliciting 
donations from the pious laity to support 

their preaching. With their learning and 
their example of living in the poverty 
associated with Jesus’ apostles, the Domini¬ 
cans made converts among the Albigensians. 
Later they became missionaries in central 
Asia and even China. 

A contemporary of Dominic, Francis of 
Assisi (1182-1226), earned the love and 
captured the imagination of the people of 
his time. As a young man he led the carefree 
life of a wealthy young Italian. His father 
was a cloth merchant in Assisi, in central 
Italy. Young Francis was not interested in 
business, being more inclined to imitate 
courtly manners and spend his time in 
revelry. In his early 20s he underwent a 
series of experiences that led to a profound 
religious conversion. The first incident oc¬ 
curred after a banquet that he had given for 
friends. The revelers moved into the street— 
singing and waving torches and flowers. 
Francis, however, separated from them and 
was later found in a religious trance. Con¬ 
tinuing his religious commitment, he went 

on pilgrimage to Rome, where he led a life 
of poverty. He exchanged clothing with a 
beggar and spent his days asking for alms. 
After returning to Assisi he continued to 
dress as a beggar and began giving away the 
family money. His father disinherited him 
to stop this erratic behavior. The action 
may have saved the family fortune, but 
Francis withdrew to the outskirts of Assisi, 
where he lived with the poor and minis¬ 
tered to the sick. He adopted a mission he 
had heard described in a sermon: “Cure the 
sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive 
out devils. Carry neither gold not silver nor 
money in your belts or bag, nor two coats, 
nor sandals, nor staff, for the workman is 
worthy of his hire.” So Francis took on 
these symbols of poverty and began preach¬ 
ing, even though he was a layman. 

When Francis had about a dozen fol¬ 
lowers, he urged them to go to Rome and 
ask permission to preach with the pope’s 
blessing. It was farsighted of Innocent to 
grant this request. He must have seen this 


completely pious young man as a valuable 
counter to the perfecti of the Albigensians. 
Even before Dominic had established his 
mendicant or begging order, Francis had 
organized his followers according to this 
model. As much as possible, they strove to 
imitate the life of Christ: They dressed as 
peasants, tended to the wants and ills of the 
urban poor, and preached to the unedu¬ 
cated with stories derived from folktales 
already familiar to their audiences. 

Their very name, “Friars Minor,” or 
“little brothers,” indicated the cheerful 
humility that they preached as an ideal all 
over Europe. Some of Francis’ old life as a 
troubadour reappeared in his hymns, which 
praised God through his creatures and his 
creation. Francis is associated with preach¬ 
ing the word of God even to animals. His 
order drew a vast following, including many 
women. Although it was acceptable for 
men to go begging, the Church certainly 
did not want women from respectable 
families to beg. Therefore, an enclosed 
female order was established by Francis’s 
friend and follower, Clare. The Poor Clares 
worked among the poor. 

But even the horde of men who fol¬ 
lowed the rule of Francis was too large to be 
supported by begging alone. They had to 
be organized into monastic institutions, and 
eventually they and the Dominicans came 
to resemble the older orders. Nonetheless, 
their monastic houses tended to be located 
in urban areas rather than in isolated regions 
like those of the Benedictines and the 

The 12th and early 13th century was a 
period of enormous excitement. There was 
something to engage everyone’s interest: 

campaigns, batdes, revolts, high-stake poli¬ 
tics between kings and popes, heresies, and 
new religious orders. Universities were 
being established at the same time that 
Francis and Dominic were preaching, and 
radical new intellectual debates caused as 
much chaos in the universities as the 
Albigensians did among the nobles and 
peasants of southern France. The English 
nobles continued their attempts to control 
their kings, resulting in the development of 
Parliament. Even the crusading ideal did 
not die. The great crusader and king of 
France, St. Louis, graced the 13th century 
with his presence. The next chapter will 
look at this exciting era from another per¬ 
spective—that of the peasants. Faced with 
war, political troubles, and taxes, were they 
as thrilled as the nobles during this exuber¬ 
ant period? 

Innocent III, flanked by two cardinals 
with their characteristic flat hats, rec¬ 
ognizes the order of Francis of Assisi. 
His followers are shown with the tra¬ 
ditional tonsure of monks and the 
simple garments of the order, includ¬ 
ing a rope belt holding together the 
brown robes. 


Chapter 7 

Communities and 
Theip Members 

Louis IX, or St. Louis (top right), 
was known for his pious life and his 
crusading. His mother, Blanche of 
Castile (top left), became regent for 
her son when he was abroad on cru¬ 
sades. The author dictating to the 
scribe (at bottom) indicates the intel¬ 
lectual excitement that characterized 
13th century Paris. 

D uring the Middle Ages, local com¬ 
munities were important to people’s 
sense ofbelonging. Ifpeasants were 
asked to identify themselves, they 
would not say that they were English, French, 
German, or Italian. They would say that 
they were the son or daughter of a certain 
man or woman. If pressed, they would 
explain that they were from a particular 
village. In international markets, a merchant 
from London, Florence, Milan, or Leipzig 
would identify himself by his town. People 
cared a great deal about the community 
from which they came. If pressed further 
they would identify themselves as Chris¬ 
tians, but the idea of having a national 
identity such as English, French, German, or 
Italian would leave them perplexed. They 
might identify their king or emperor and 
agree they owed allegiance to that person, 
but being part of a nation had little meaning 
for them. 

In the 13th and early 14th centuries, 
people organized their communities with 
rules and regulations that determined who 
belonged to the group and who was ex¬ 
cluded from it. Rules of behavior and 
membership requirements regulated trade 

and production of goods, education of 
scholars, government by councils and as¬ 
semblies (either with or without the king’s 
approval), and establishment of everyday 
order in peasant communities. These groups 
went by different names, but they had 
much in common. Universitas was a Latin 
name that translated into “guild” in En¬ 
glish. (It is also the root of the modern word 
“university.”) In the Middle Ages, it ap¬ 
plied to students and masters who organized 
into groups that regulated classes and ex¬ 
aminations as well as to guilds that organized 
craftsmen and merchants, setting the stan¬ 
dards for the quality of products that 
members produced and rules for permit¬ 
ting others to join the group as apprentices. 
Peasant communities developed mecha¬ 
nisms that regulated peacekeeping within 
villages. The representative units that ad¬ 
vised the monarchs of Europe went by the 
generic name of council, but they were 
called Estates in France, Parliament in En¬ 
gland, Cortes in Spain, and diets in Germany. 
They might consist of only nobles and 
higher clergy, but increasingly they in¬ 
cluded representatives from the urban 
populations and successful country gentle- 


Bollapdic Poems by Students 

University students learned their lessons by listening to a passage from the text and then 
taking notes on the lecture. 

A goliard was a glutton, but the name was applied to medieval students and a 
style of satiric poetry they wrote in both Latin and the vernacular. Some were 
love lyrics, others were drinking songs, and still others concerned nature. The poem 
below is a begging song, in which the student could insert the name of the patron to 
whom he was making his appeal in the last verse. 

I, a wandering scholar lad. 

Bom for toil and sadness, 
Oftentimes am driven by poverty 
to madness. 

Literature and knowledge I 
Fain would still be earning, 

Were it not that want of pelf 
Makes me cease from learning. 
These tom cloths that cover me 
Are too thin and rotten; 

Oft I have to suffer cold. 

By the warmth forgotten. 

Scarce I can attend at church, 

Sing God’s praises duly; 

Mass and vespers both I miss 
Though I love them truly. 

Oh, though pride of [Normandy], 
By thy worth I pray thee, 

Give the suppliant help in need; 
Heaven will sure repay thee. 

men who had made their name as admin¬ 
istrators of the king’s justice. 

The development ofcollective units was 
not sudden: All of them had their roots in 
a variety of institutions of earlier centuries. 
Universities, for instance, can be traced 
back to the days of Charlemagne, who felt 
so strongly about the need to educate clergy 
that he ordered his bishops to establish 

schools at their cathedrals. Scholarship re¬ 
mained centered at cathedrals, but by the 
early 12th century, scholars and professors 
had begun to move from place to place, 
giving lectures and charging students per 
lecture. Lectures were delivered in Latin, 
the universal language of the educated. 
(The name of the area in which students 
congregated on the left bank of the Seine in 

Paris is still known as the Latin Quarter.) By 
the early 13th century, universities were 
moving toward more formal structures as 
masters and students placed higher value on 
the knowledge and skills necessary to qualify 
for a degree. New careers in state and church 
bureaucracies and in business had opened 
for those with a university education. 

Europe developed two major models 
for universities: the student-run profes¬ 
sional schools such as the University of 
Bologna, and the master-dominated uni¬ 
versities such as the one in Paris. By the 
12th century Bologna was sufficiently fa¬ 
mous for the study of law that Thomas 
Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury 
who opposed Henry II, and the future 
Pope Innocent III went there for their 
legal training. Such students had clear 
career goals and wanted to ensure that the 
university prepared them for their chosen 
profession. They had already received in¬ 
struction in Latin, reasoning, and 
mathematics but needed specific training 
in either canon or civil law—that is, in 
the law of the Church or in Roman law. 
Students of canon law studied the works of 
Gratian, a compilation of papal pronounce¬ 
ments . This law was very important because 
tradition made St. Peter and his successors 
(the popes) the keepers of the keys to 
heaven. Whatever laws they issued on 
earth, according to the Doctrine ofPetrine 
Succession, would also be binding in 
heaven. Students of Roman law studied 
the CodexJustinianus and the Digest, which 
had been prepared by Justinian’s jurists 
centuries earlier. Because much had 
changed in both canon and civil law since 
these works had been written, the lectures 


consisted of explanations (glosses) and up¬ 
dating of the texts. 

In Bologna the students formed a univer- 
sitas or guild that set the standards to which 
professors were to adhere. To this end, the 
students determined the length of time that 
professors must lecture and the amount of 
text they were to cover in each course of 
lectures, and demanded that courses meet a 
set number of hours during the term and 
that professors not leave town without their 
consent. In defense, the masters formed 
their own guild to regulate their status 
within the university. They set the require¬ 
ments for the exams that qualified a person 
to become a master and teacher in his 
subjects, established fees for their lectures, 
regulated standards for degrees, and pre¬ 
scribed the dress and hoods that would 
distinguish them from the students. 

At the University of Paris the masters’ 
guild dominated the students. Most of the 
students at Paris were working for their 
bachelor of arts degrees (baccalaureates) and 
were very young, usually between 13 and 
18. Without experience in organizing their 
lives for themselves, they got drunk, ate 
irregularly, and neglected their studies while 
pursuing the proverbial wine, women, and 
song. They also fought with the towns¬ 
people over a number of issues, including 
high rents, unpaid bills for food and drink, 
crimes and property damage caused by 
student rowdmess, and the hostilities of 
townspeople who felt imposed on by the 
rowdy young men. A series of riots finally 
forced the masters to take responsibility for 
their young students. 

As was usual in university towns, includ¬ 
ing Bologna, students were both a blessing 

and a curse. Towns enjoyed profits from 
renting them rooms and providing them 
with food and drink; on the other hand, the 
students were disorderly. From the stu¬ 
dents’ point of view, the townspeople 
charged too much for their provisions and 
brutalized them with threats of criminal 
action. Whereas the sober student guilds of 
Bologna negotiated such disputes by the 

Lady Philosophy appears to 
Boethius in a dream in this 15th- 
century edition of Boethius’s 
Consolation of Philosophy. 
Adorning Lady Philosophy’s 
gown are the seven liberal arts that 
formed the core curriculum for the 
bachelor of arts degree: arithmetic, 
music, geometry, astronomy, 
grammar, rhetoric, and logic. 


The Lecture Method of Odofredus 

dofredus, a law pro¬ 
fessor in Bologna, 
outlined his lecture 
method when he an¬ 
nounced his plan to give 
a series of lectures on the 
Old Digest of Justinian: 
“For it is my purpose to 
teach you faithfully and 
in a kindly manner, in 
which instruction the 
following order has cus¬ 

tomarily been observed 
by the ancient and mod¬ 
ern doctors and partic¬ 
ularly by my master.... 
First, I shall give you the 
summaries of each title 
before I come to the 
text. Second, I shall put 
forth well and distincdy 
and in the best terms I 
can purport of each law. 
Third, I shall read the 

text [including all the 
glosses done before my 
time] in order to correct 
it. Fourth, I shall briefly 
restate the meaning. 
Fifth, I shall solve con¬ 
flicts, adding general 
matters and subtle and 
useful distinctions and 
questions with solutions, 
so far as divine Provi¬ 
dence shall assist me.” 

The medieval method of teaching was for the professor and students to read a text to¬ 
gether. The professor then explained the meaning of the text. 

very real threat of simply moving the uni¬ 
versity out of town, the young, hotheaded 
Parisian students had violent clashes with 
the legal establishment in that city. 

After a particularly serious riot in 1200, 
in which some people were killed, the 
masters took control and threatened to 
leave the city entirely unless the king of¬ 
fered redress. The king acted immediately. 
He granted a charter to the university, in 
which he allowed the students and masters 
to be tried in ecclesiastical courts rather than 

in the courts of the city of Paris. All students 
became members of the clergy when they 
entered the university and were, therefore, 
eligible for prosecution in ecclesiastical 
courts. These courts tended to be some¬ 
what more lenient: the punishments they 
meted out were penances (prayers, fasts, or 
pilgrimages) rather than hanging. 

The masters were in rebellion against the 
bishop of Paris over their own organization 
and the curriculum. In 1215 Pope Innocent 
III, himself a graduate of the University of 
Paris, confirmed the academic freedom of 
the Parisian masters. His statutes established 
that a master of arts must be at least 21 years 
of age and have completed six years of 
academic work. Masters were to wear dark 
gowns reaching to their heels and to main¬ 
tain sober behavior. Students were to enroll 
with a particular master, who undertook 
both to teach and discipline them. The 
faculty of arts, which granted the bachelor 
of arts degree, was the largest, but theology, 
law, and medicine were also taught at Paris. 

Scholasticism dominated the study for 
advanced degrees. Put simply, scholasti¬ 
cism is a method of logical argument used 
for examining a variety ofissues. The method 
derived first from the “old logic” used by 
the 12th-century philosopher Abelard, 
which was drawn from the portions of 
Aristotle’s and Plato’s works that were trans¬ 
lated by Boethius. But in the 13th century 
the “new logic,” based on the complete 
works of Aristotle, was introduced into 
Europe. The corpus (or body) of Aristotle’s 
writing had come to Europe by a curious 
route. It was among the books that the 
Arabs found in Persia. They translated it, 
and their scholars brought it to Spain. 


Thomas Aquinas reconciled the philo¬ 
sophical logic of Aristotle with the 
teaching of the Church. His works are 
still studied and form the basis of 
much of Catholic theology. 

There Hebrew scholars translated it, and 
finally it was translated into Latin. The 
reaction of European scholars to Aristotle 
was extreme excitement, but the Church 
was skeptical because his logic suggested 
that knowledge of God could be derived by 
reason rather than by faith or revelation. 
Part of the argument between the Church 
and the masters in Paris centered on the 
study and teaching of Aristotle. The Church 
could not ban his work, so instead it sought 
to integrate it into Christian teachings. 

The man who accomplished this task 
was Thomas Aquinas. He was bom near 
Naples in 1225 into a family related to 
Frederick II. His father, a count, was ap¬ 
palled when his brilliant younger son decided 
to become a Dominican. After all, he rea¬ 
soned, no member of his family should 
belong to a begging, mendicant order. 
Thomas’s father offered to buy the boy a 
bishopnc if he was set on going into the 
Church. His mother pleaded tearfully with 
him not to become a friar and tried to 
kidnap him from the order. His six brothers 
thought that they could corrupt him and 
break his resolve by putting a prostitute in 
his bed. Thomas, however, would not be 
tempted. After finishing his studies at the 
University of Naples, he went to Paris, 
where he earned his doctorate in 1257. He 
then taught at the university, where he 
wrote the treatise Summa Theologica (the 
highest or most important theology), which 
applied Aristotle to all aspects of Christian 
teaching, including social and doctrinal 
matters. Thomas argued that revealed 
knowledge of the Bible and the truth that 
was arrived at by Aristotle’s logic must agree 
because truth is truth—one could not be¬ 

lieve one thing on faith and another thing 
on reason. 

To this end he applied the tools of logic, 
including logical proof for the existence of 
God. But he held that some concepts, such 
as the Trinity (God, Christ, and the Holy 
Ghost), could not be understood by human 
reason because they were infinite. Only 
God’s reason, which was infinite, could 
understand such concepts, and faith would 
have to be humans’ directive here. The 
Dominican order so revered Thomas that, 
when he died in 1274, they boiled his body 
so that they could extract his bones and 
keep them as relics. He was canonized as a 
saint shortly after his death. 

The best medical school in the 12th and 
13th centuries was in Salerno, Sicily. Sicily 
encompassed a remarkable mixture of cul¬ 
tures, unlike that in any other area of 
Christian Europe except for parts of Spain. 
In Sicily western Christians, Moslems, and 
Greeks had all lived together, bringing with 
them their intellectual texts, including the 
superior Greek and Arabic medical texts. At 
the University of Salerno students studied 
these texts and learned anatomy by dissect¬ 
ing human cadavers. In Paris the Church 
prohibited the dissection of human bodies, 
though it did allow pigs to be dissected. As 
a consequence, physicians with degrees 
from Salerno were the more learned and 
most valued. 

Other universities were established 
throughout Europe, mostly modeled on 
the University of Paris. Another riot from 
1229 to 1231 was partly responsible for the 
dispersion of the Parisian faculty across 
Europe. The masters had threatened to 
leave Paris entirely, and some indeed did 

move to the university in Oxford, which 
was established in the late 11th century, and 
to Cambridge, which traces its origins to 
the dispersion of faculty from both Oxford 
and Paris. Germany opened its first univer¬ 
sities in the 14th century, and gradually 
towns in southern France, Austria, Bohemia, 
and Poland built universities as well. With 
Latin as the universal language of literacy 
and lecturing, all the universities were in¬ 
ternational. Both students and faculty often 
traveled from one university to another. 

A series of examinations established a 
student’s competency to teach. Students 
seeking the bachelor of arts degree were 
allowed to take the examinations after at¬ 
tending lectures for four years. The 
curriculum was divided into the trivium 
(grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic, or logical 
argumentation) and quadrivium (anthmetic, 
geometry, astronomy, and music). The 
trivium, from which the word “trivial” 
derives, would have been easy for a young 
man coming to school with a good back¬ 
ground in reading and writing the Latin 
language and in presenting arguments, or 
logical proofs. The quadrivium was more 
difficult, involving as it did the study of 
mathematics and sciences; even the music 


To treat a broken skull, medieval sur¬ 
geons cut the head open and either 
put the pieces of bone back in place or 
extracted them. The patient in this 
illustration from a medical treatise 
looks remarkably placid about this op¬ 
eration, but the chances of surviving 
such radical surgery were poor. 

portion focused on the study of harmony 
rather than on performance. Books for 
these subjects were expensive—some cost 
as much as £10 when a loaf of bread cost 
a penny—so students might rent books or 
try to learn the subject matter by taking 
lecture notes. The professor would read a 
selection of the text for the day and then 
explain or gloss its meaning for the stu¬ 
dents. Students used wax tablets and a 
stylus to take notes, which they later trans¬ 
ferred to parchment. 

When a student was at least 20 years old 
and felt ready to take the examination, the 
masters made up a committee that swore to 
examine him fairly and pass or fail him 
without prejudice. The student in turn 

swore not to contest the masters’ decision. 
The student was required to wear proper 
attire, a gown with a hood and a cap (much 
like modem academic robes), and was for¬ 
bidden from bringing a knife to the 
examination. The panel of examiners ques¬ 
tioned the student, judged his success, and 
awarded a degree if he knew the material 
well. The student then invited the masters 
and other students to a feast at his expense, 
as custom dictated. Advanced degrees in 
law and theology took an additional five to 
seven years; candidates for the theology 
degree had to be at least 35 years old. The 
examination was similar, but the candidate 
also had to present a wntten thesis that he 
would be called upon to defend. 

To pay for tuition, books, and room and 
board, a student had to have a patron—a 
member of the clergy or his family—-or rely 
on alms. Students customarily spent their 
summer vacations begging for money to 
support them for the next year. Robert de 
Sorbonne, a theologian, found a solution to 
financing education, providing living ex¬ 
penses, and disciplining students with the 
establishment of a residential college in 
Paris in about 1258. His will included the 
building of quarters for students of theol- 
ogy, where they could live, dine, and study 
in a library under a master’s supervision. 
The Sorbonne, now a part of the Univer¬ 
sity ofParis, takes its name from this original 

Founding colleges became a favorite 
form of charity for kings, queens, bishops, 
and other wealthy people. The colleges 
provided rooms, meals, libraries, lecture 
halls, and chapels for students and for the 
masters who supervised them. The college 


system still exists today and can best be 
observed at Oxford and Cambridge. 

A number of options were open to boys 
preparing to enter university. Those from 
wealthy families had private tutors who 
taught them grammar and rhetoric (the 
trivium). Parish priests taught the children of 
their parish, and many cathedrals had choir 
schools in which boys were given lessons in 
theology in exchange for singing at services 
and funerals. Monasteries and nunneries 
also played a role in educating young men 
and women. By the late Middle Ages, the 
endowment of grammar schools had be¬ 
come as popular among the wealthy as the 
endowment of colleges. For instance, in the 
15th century John Carpenter, a wealthy 
London merchant, founded a grammar 
school that still exists today. His will pro¬ 
vided for the teaching and housing of boys 
called “Carpenter’s Children,” and gave 
them a master who in addition to giving 
lessons saw that they learned to shave, 
bathed frequently, and had clean clothes 
and adequate shoes. 

A cardinal rule for the education of the 
young was that “to spare the rod was to 
spoil the child.” If a boy did not know his 
lessons, he was beaten so that the next time 
he came to school he would be prepared. 
(The youth of Oxford must have enjoyed 
hearing that one of their masters fell into a 
river and drowned while gathering willow 
twigs to make a switch.) Children learned 
Latin from grammar books, used dictio¬ 
naries to help them translate their vernacular 
language into Latin, practiced their sen¬ 
tences and Latin declensions on wax tablets, 
and recited famous passages in Latin to 
their teachers. 

Women could 
not go to universi¬ 
ties, because they 
were clerical estab¬ 
lishments and women 
were excluded from 
any role in the 
Church except that 
of a nun. Some wo¬ 

men, however, did 
learn to read and possibly to write. They 
sometimes gained a knowledge of Latin 
and classical works within nunneries. 
Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) com¬ 
posed a religious opera and hymns, wrote 
medical treatises, and made up a private 
alphabet of 23 letters and a language with 
900 words. Traveling extensively, she 
talked to people of all walks of life about 
her religious visions. She was so famous in 
her day that even St. Bernard ofClairvaux 
consulted her. 

The medieval universities established 
a college system to provide students 
with rooms, meals, books, and super¬ 
vision by masters. Merton College at 
Oxford University still exists today. 
In the Middle Ages it was best 
known for its scientific and math¬ 
ematical scholars. Noiv known as the 
<( Merton Calculators, ” they worked 
on the earliest form of mathematical 

A lay woman namedjacoba Felicie prac¬ 
ticed medicine very successfully in Paris and 
its environs, until she ran afoul of the 
University ofParis because she did not have 
a university degree. In her defense, a num¬ 
ber of men and women came forward to 
testify that she had succeeded in curing 
them after the “Doctors of the University” 
had failed. Jacoba probably had more im¬ 
mediate knowledge of the body and its parts 
and functions than did those who received 
medical degrees from Paris after studying 
the anatomy of pigs. Furthermore, she, like 
many women, knew much more about 
healing herbs than did the “doctors.” Nev¬ 
ertheless, she lost her right to practice in the 
face of the university’s monopoly on medi¬ 
cal education. 


The guilds and the cities of Europe 
regulated the price and quality of basic 
items such as bread and other foods, 
wine, beer, shoes, and clothing. Bak¬ 
ers were to make bread of 
good-quality grain rather than adding 
sawdust, the weight was specified, 
and the amount they could charge de¬ 
pended on the market price of grain. 
Those who sold inadequate bread 
were put on a hurdle behind horses 
with the bad bread tied around their 
necks, and were pulled through the 
streets to advertise to the population 
who sold bad bread. 

Hildegard, pictured in the left corner at 
her desk, mote about medicine in her 
Book of Divine Works. Like 
many other medical thinkers, she be¬ 
lieved that cosmic forces such as planets 
and constellations influenced the body 
and health. The constellations and 
signs of the Zodiac surround the body 
in the center. 

Women tended to be more literate in 
the vernacular languages than men. Some 
probably also could read official documents 
in Latin on legal matters concerning land 
and divorce. Certainly, the 12th century 
produced authors such as Marie de France 
and literary patrons such as Eleanor of 
Aquitaine. Wills show that women bought 
and bequeathed to their daughters religious 
books, romances, and books on courtly 
behavior. In the art of the period, the Virgin 
Mary and other women were often de¬ 
picted holding books, as opposed to men, 
who were shown clutching either swords 
or symbols of ecclesiastical office. Such 
images indicate how closely women were 
identified with reading. 

In all probability, women were the first 
instructors of their male and female chil¬ 
dren. Whereas the boys went on to schools, 
the girls continued to learn in the home 
with tutors or were sent to nunneries for 
further training. But an education in read¬ 
ing and doing sums was a requirement 
mostly of the landed classes and the bour¬ 
geoisie . Women were often left in charge of 
estates and businesses either because their 
husbands were away at war or on business 

or because they were widows. In any case, 
they needed to learn how to read house¬ 
hold accounts, charters, and other official 

The demand for education spread 
throughout Europe as the legal, clerical, 
and judicial worlds became more compli¬ 
cated. Students needed to have the 
baccalaureate in order to receive more 
specialized training. With only two years of 
law school in continental Europe, a man 
could become a notary and make a very 
good living drawing up legal contracts. In 
England the baccalaureate degree was help¬ 
ful in entering the Inns of Court, where 
students learned common law. Common 
law was based on precedents established in 
earlier cases or practice. Lawyers could 
work for the government as bureaucrats or 
for private clients as attorneys. Merchants 
who traded both locally and internationally 
needed to be able to read a contract in Latin. 
Increasingly, they required their appren¬ 
tices to be literate before they could become 
masters in their vocation. 

Controlling admittance into a guild or 
universitas was the practice not only of 
universities in the 13th and 14th centuries. 
In urban communities as well, craftsmen 
and merchants came together to keep the 
untrained out of their professions. The 
masters began by regulating themselves. 
They established the standards of quality 
necessary for their basic products and re¬ 
quired anyone who wanted to be a master 
to demonstrate that he could produce a 
product of this standard. For example, a 
baker or a shoemaker had to prove to his 
guild that he could produce a fine quality 
basic loaf of daily wheat bread or a basic 


shoe. Only after having done so could he 
become a master of his trade. Those who 
were not guild members could not trade. 
Those who allowed the quality of their 
wares to drop were punished by the guild 
and the city for selling false goods. A loaf of 
bread or a shoe, for instance, had to be made 
of high quality materials. Bread could not 
contain sawdust or rotted grain, and shoes 
had to be made of new, well-tanned leather. 
Punishments for selling false goods included 
fining members for a first offense. If a 
guildsman proved recalcitrant, city officials 
would have him paraded through the streets 
with musicians playing drums and beating 
on pans. The miscreant would be led to the 
public pillory with the offending item—his 
bad bread or his shoddy shoes—strung 
around his neck. His false goods would then 
be burned under his nose. Vintners who 
sold sour wine had to drink a draught of it, 
and the rest was poured over their heads. 
Guilds of merchants who dealt in banking 
and long-distance trade also regulated their 
members and fined them for false dealings. 

Modem economists have criticizedguilds 
because they limited outside competition 
and kept prices high as a consequence. 
Consumers, however, benefited under the 
guild system. With both guilds and the city 
governments regulating business, they could 
be sure that the city's banking and trade 
practices conformed to international busi¬ 
ness standards, and that the products they 
bought were of good quality. Weights and 
measures were carefully regulated by the 
city. Consumers had the satisfaction of 
seeing corrupt tradesmen paraded through 
the streets, a warning to all not to buy 
products from them. Those merchants and 

artisans who persisted in their bad practices 
were expelled from the guild and the city, 
so they could no longer trade. The guild 
system also allowed tradesmen a margin of 
profit. Although the price of basic bread, 
shoes, or cloth was set, a guildsman could 
sell higher quality goods—such as fine cakes 
and pies, exquisite boots or court shoes, or 
beautifully woven velvets or brocades—for 
a great profit. Price controls affected only 
basic goods. 

Like those of the universities, the urban 
guilds were controlled by masters, who 
undertook the training of apprentices. Ap¬ 
prentices wanted to learn particular trades 
so that they too could become masters. In 
the artisan guilds, most apprentices were 
peasants. But in the higher guilds—such as 
those of goldsmiths, bankers, overseas mer¬ 
chants, vintners, and clothiers—the 
apprentices came from urban families and 
were often the younger sons of knights. 
The family or friends of an apprentice 
agreed to pay a sum to his master to take in 
the young person for a set number of years, 
usually from 7 to 10, or sometimes even 
more. Apprenticeships began when a young 
man was about 14, old enough to be able to 
learn a trade. Parents or friends testified to 
the honesty and good upbringing of the 
young person, and the master agreed to 
provide clothing, a sleeping space, food, 
training, and a small salary as the apprentice 
became more skilled at the work. The 
apprentice could not spend the master’s 
money on gambling or theater and could 
not marry during the course of apprentice¬ 
ship. The apprentice moved into the home 
of the master and his family. He or she 
might be the only apprentice in the house- 

Guilds identified themselves by their 
clothing and other symbols. Each 
guild wore specially colored robes in 
civic parades and at guild feasts. They 
also had coats of arms that indicated 
their trade . 


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hold or there might be three or more, 
depending on the extent of the master’s 

Relationships between masters and ap¬ 
prentices varied considerably. Sometimes, 
they became extremely close, at other times, 
apprentices were badly abused. A male 
apprentice might be left his master’s busi¬ 
ness and responsibility of rearing his minor 
children. On the other hand, apprentices 
sometimes needed to call in the guild and 
the urban officials to remove them from the 
starvation, poor training, and beatings re¬ 
ceived in the master’s home. If all went 
according to plan, however, an apprentice 
could produce, at the end of the term, a fine 
loaf of ordinary bread or a very good shoe 
and qualify for membership in the appro¬ 

priate guild. At first, apprentices might not 
have the capital to open their own business, 
but they could get work as day laborers, or 
journeymen, and make a living by working 
as skilled laborers. 

In the 13th century, formal corporate 
movements were also organized in villages. 
While such movements might have existed 
before, it is only from this period that 
written records about how peasants orga¬ 
nized their communities have survived. 
Peasant villages had anywhere from 50 to 
800 residents. With such a small number of 
people living and working closely together, 
people were able to get to know everyone 
very well and to look after each other. 

But sometimes villagers knew each other 
too well and got on each other’s nerves. 

In the 13th century Herny Brackton, 
a royal judge, wrote On the Laws 
and Customs of England. Since 
English law was based on statutes 
and cases that set precedents for proce¬ 
dure and practice, such compilations 
and interpretations of the law were 
essential. The top of this page from 
his manuscript shows the king as 
the lawgiver flanked by soldiers and 

Tensions existed at all levels of village life. 
Because the strips in the open fields were 
not marked by fences, men argued over 
where one strip ended and another began. 
They claimed that their neighbors reaped 
their wheat or that another man’s plow had 
encroached onto their strip. They also ar¬ 
gued about when the village herds should 
be allowed to graze in the fields after the 
harvest and who among the villagers had 
gleaning rights—that is, the right to go into 
the fields after harvest and pick up the stray 
grain that had escaped harvesting. 

The villagers found that having bylaws 
that regulated these petty encroachments 
and a system of fines that permitted them to 
punish offenders helped to keep the peace. 
For example, the bylaws established that 
only the very poor of the village would 
have gleaning rights both after the grain 
harvest and just before the pea and bean 
harvest. The period after the harvest during 
which animals could graze was mutually 
agreed upon. To define the boundaries 
dividing one village from another, villagers 
established a date when the whole village 
would turn out and walk around the bound¬ 
aries—a custom called “beating the bounds. ” 

The bylaws were enforced in the lord’s 
manorial court. Every three weeks the 
lord’s bailiff, or estate manager, held a court 
that recorded transfers of lands, inherit¬ 
ances, infractions of the rules of the manor, 
and so forth, and the dues and fines that 
were paid for these transactions and repri¬ 
mands. The peasants used the same court to 
settle their private disputes and to enforce 
village peace. Thus two men who argued 
about encroachments on each other’s strips 
could bring the dispute to court and ask a 
jury made up of their neighbors to declare 

f v ' v £Tl ^ fro t ttjti 


who was at fault and fine the guilty party. 
People who disturbed the peace of the 
village by being noisy, argumentative, or 
abusive could be brought to court and 
fined. And those wealthy peasant women 
who went to the fields to glean when only 
poor women had that right were reported 
and fined in the manorial court. 

Peasants became used to acting as a 
governing unit through their administra¬ 
tion of the bylaws and participation in 
community policing. They learned to ar¬ 
gue in courts; to recognize, even if they 
could not read, the vanous Latin docu¬ 
ments from the king; and to understand the 
value of written records by having their 
own land transactions recorded in the ma¬ 
norial courts and by asking the bailiff to 
check these where disputes arose. Their 
cooperative action in village governance 
also led them to negotiate with their lords 
about changes in manorial rules. 

The people’s desire for self-government 
spilled over into the arena of the monar¬ 
chies as well. In England John I was 
succeeded by his son, Henry III, who was 
a mere child. A coalition of nobles, church¬ 
men, townsmen, and knights from the 
shires wanted to be sure that the provisions 
of Magna Carta would not be set aside. 
They had become accustomed to interven¬ 
ing in the royal government and formed a 
council to rule for the young king. 

When the king came of age, he rebelled 
against the nobles and pursued his own 
policies. Throughout most of his long reign 
in the 13th century, he fought with his 
nobles, but particularly with Simon de 
Montfort, who organized resistance against 
him. Although there were several pitched 
battles, the most lasting effect of the struggle 

The Memoirs of Jean, sire tie Joinville 

"On Chmtims Day I 
and my knights were 
dining with Pierre 
d’Avallon. While we 
were at table the Saracens 
[Moslems] came spur¬ 
ring hotly up to our 
camp and killed several 
poor fellows who had 
gone tor a scroll in the 
fields. Weal] went off to 
ami ourselves but. quick 
as we were, we did not 
return in time to rejoin 
our host; for tie was al¬ 
ready outside tbe camp 
and had gone to light 
the Saracens. We 
spurred after him and 
rescued him from the 
enemy, who had thrown 
him to the ground.” 

J ean de Joinville was 
a nobleman from 
Champagne who 
wrote a biography of 
King Louis IX of France. 
He accompanied Louis 
on his crusade to Egypt 
and on subsequent ones 
to Jerusalem and other 
points in the east. 
Joinville paid his own 
way on these expeditions, 
but at least once he re¬ 
ceived aid from Louis. 
Throughout his life he 
was an intimate of the 
king. After the king died 
and his grandson married 
the countess of Cham¬ 
pagne, Joinville wrote his 
memoirs at her request. 

Joinville completed his 
task in 1309, He lived 10 
years more, dying at the 
fine old age ot 95. 

Although he wrote of 
events many years after 
they had taken place, his 
detailed stories, particu¬ 
larly those concerning 
battle such as the one de- 
pitted below, retain their 
sense of immediacy. 
Joinville’s work is a testi¬ 
mony to the importance 
of the oral retelling ot 
tales in the Middle Ages. 

Louis IX (in center of boat) and his knights set sail for one of his crusades . Joinville was 
his companion throughout his campaigns. 


Edward I—flanked by the two arch¬ 
bishops of England and the kings of 
Scotland and Wales—convenes the 
English Parliament in Westminster 
Hall, which still stands. Churchmen 
sit on the left and red-robed barons on 
the right. The judges are seated on 
woolsacks between them. Wool was 
one of the most important products of 
England , so it is fitting that it had a 
place in Parliamentary ceremony. 

arose from Simon’s need to enlarge his 
power base by asking representatives of the 
counties and towns to support his rebellion. 
These meetings of an expanded council 
came to be called the Parliament. 

When the representatives of the towns 
and counties gathered in Westminster, they 
met separately from the nobles and power¬ 
ful bishops and abbots. Eventually these 

two groups became known as the House of 
Communes or communities (“commons” 
in modern parlance) and the House of 
Lords. Simon de Montfort called the repre¬ 
sentatives together largely for a show of 
support for his policies. But the meetings 
proved so useful that when Edward I came 
to the throne on Henry’s death, he contin¬ 
ued to call two elected representatives from 
each county and town on special occasions. 
His parliament of 1295, during which the 
representatives split into the two houses, 
became the model for future parliaments. 
Edward’s main purpose in organizing the 
parliaments was to inform the people of his 
policies, including his wish to conquer 
Wales. When Wales was finally defeated, 
he called a parliament to announce his 
victory and to consult with the representa¬ 
tives on whether David Llwellyn, the king 
of the Welsh, should be hanged like a 
common criminal or beheaded as befitted a 
nobleman. The representatives were not 
given the option of sparing Llwellyn’s life, 
nor did they have any say in the appropria¬ 
tion of the title “Prince of Wales” for the 
heir apparent to the English throne. 

By the 14th century it had become 
customary for the king to call Parliament 
when he planned to impose a general tax on 
the population. It was convenient to have 
the House of Commons approve the tax, 
because the king and his officials received 
more cooperation from the people if the 
parliamentary representatives returned to 
the countryside and explained why the king 
wanted taxes. Increasingly, however, the 
subjects became more concerned about 
how their money was being spent, and 
instructed their parliamentary representa¬ 
tives to negotiate with the king and correct 


Philip IV the Fair (seated, center) is 
surrounded by his children. The crowned 
queen is Isabelle, wife of Edward II and 
mother of Edward III. When Louis died 
his four sons inherited the throne in suc¬ 
cession. Since none of them produced a 
male heir, Edward III, as the son of 
Isabelle, claimed the throne. This act of 
defiance was among the causes of the 
Hundred Years’ War. 

mistakes they believed he was making in 
government. For instance, the House of 
Commons would tell the king that it would 
grant a subsidy, but only on the condition 
that he make some changes in law enforce¬ 
ment that would get rid of criminal gangs 
and punish those who were disrupting daily 
life and trade. By the mid-14th century, the 
Commons had become critical of the king’s 
free spending of money on warfare and 
wanted even more say in the way tax 
money was being spent. Thus, the House of 
Commons gradually became more power¬ 
ful, and more inclined to intervene in royal 

In France the development of represen¬ 
tative institutions was largely at the local 
level, because the provincial structure of 
France remained strong. The defeat of John 
Lackland and the crusade against the 
Albigensians had brought much more 
French territory under the direct rule of the 
monarch. The French mode of ruling re¬ 
lied on a well-trained, university-educated 
class ofprofessional lawyers and administra¬ 
tors. Royal officials administered the king’s 
justice, collected his taxes, and carried out 
his policies. To keep them honest and loyal, 
they were paid a salary and were moved 
about every five years so that they did not 
build up a local patronage system. Further¬ 
more, Louis IX (1226-70) increased 
surveillance of their work by sending out 
royal agents who traveled throughout the 
kingdom to hear complaints about his offi¬ 
cials’ administration. The French came to 
use the word parlement (meaning “a talk” or 
“a discussion”) for a central court that tried 
cases from all over France. 

France retained elements of the old sys¬ 
tem of government until the late 13th 

century. The contemporary biographer of 
Louis IX, Jean, sire dejoinville, wrote that 
his monarch sat on a rug under a tree, 
listening to cases his subjects brought to him 
and dispensing justice. Louis, however, 
spent little of his reign in France. His 
consuming passion was crusading, which 
earned him the title of “Saint Louis.” Leav¬ 
ing the kingdom in the capable hands of his 
mother, Blanche of Castile, he set off with 
an inadequate army in 1248, hoping to 
capture Egypt and force the Moslems there 
to surrender Jerusalem. Joinville accompa¬ 
nied Louis and later described the king’s 
great enthusiasm as the army began its first 
battle. Ignoring his advisors’ warnings, Louis 
jumped into the sea in full armor with his 
lance and shield and waded ashore with the 
first wave of knights. Once in Egypt he 
entered into a prolonged fight, during which 
dysentery (a serious intestinal disorder) was 
more of a threat to his army than warfare. 
The king’s own case was so bad that, 
according to Joinville, his undergarments 
were cut away so that he could have easier 
access to latrines. He and his army were 
captured, and only because he fell into the 
hands of superior Arab physicians did Louis 
survive the dysentery. 

After paying ransoms for their freedom, 
the men returned to France but stayed only 
briefly. Soon they were off to the Holy 

Land on another crusade of hardship and 
defeat. Louis finally died in Tunisia, again 
on a crusade. 

His grandson, Philip IV the Fair 
(1285-1314)—he was reputedly very 
handsome—was not the idealist that his 
grandfather had been. Pitting himselfagainst 
a worthy adversary, Edward I of England, 
he carried on a series of skirmishes over the 
former Angevin possessions in France. For 
both Edward and Philip, carrying out war¬ 
fare required first raising the money to 
finance it. Whereas the English became 
increasingly used to taxation, the French 
monarch looked elsewhere to raise his funds. 
Philip identified two potential sources of 
wealth that he might tap: the Jews and the 
clergy. In 1306 he expelled the Jews from 
France but seized their wealth before they 
left. Edward had already plundered and 
expelled the English Jews in 1292. The 
Jews went to the more tolerant new king¬ 
doms and to the old Arab states in Spain. 

Philip was aided in his maneuvers by the 
new class of university-trained lawyers, 
particularly his chief adviser, William de 
Nogaret. This man had mastered the most 
practical aspects of a university education, 
which included sophisticated argumenta¬ 
tive styles and a good knowledge of canon 
and civil law. His rise to power was based on 
his good education, audacity, and loyalty to 


Frederick IPs book on the art of fal¬ 
conry is still considered a valuable 
guide to this manner of hunting. 
Falcons were expensive and prized 
birds, a hunting animal that only the 
nobility could afford . 

his monarch. He organized an attack on the 
pope in order to gain control of the money 
that lay people paid to the clergy every year. 
The clergy in turn sent a portion to the 
pope in Rome. Tapping these funds would 
give the French king considerable income. 
But understanding this struggle for money 
requires a digression to Italy, to explain 
what was going on there at the time. 

In the early 13th century, Italy was part 
of the Holy Roman Empire. The heir to 
the throne, Frederick II—son of Queen 
Constance of the Kingdoms of Naples and 
Sicily and Henry VI, Emperor of Ger¬ 
many—was the ward of Pope Innocent III. 
The pope insisted that Frederick agree to 
three conditions when he became em¬ 
peror: He must be loyal to the pope, crusade 
against the Moslems in Jerusalem, and aban¬ 
don control ofSicily and Italy while retaining 
an empire north of the Alps in Germany. 

Frederick had the most unusual rearing 
and parentage of any European monarch. 
He was the grandson of Roger II ofSicily 
and had many of the Norman characteris¬ 
tics that had earned his predecessors names 
such as “the Fox. ” The grandson of Freder¬ 
ick I Barbarossa, he was also a German, 
although he did not visit Gemiany until 
1211. Although a papal ward and heir to the 
German imperial title, he was reared in 
Sicily. He was endowed with a fine intelli¬ 
gence that permitted him to absorb the 

learning of local Arabic, Greek, and Latin 
cultures. Unlike most people during the 
Middle Ages, he was comfortable dealing 
with people from all three cultures. 

Frederick was always interested in scien¬ 
tific experiments and the observation of 
nature, and was fascinated with biology. He 
traveled with a menagerie that included 
ostriches, parrots, monkeys, leopards, pan¬ 
thers, lions, camels, a giraffe, and an elephant. 
He wrote a book, On the Art of Hunting with 
Birds, that contains a general sketch of 
ornithology (the study of birds), as well as 
information on hawks, falcons, eagles, and 
other hunting birds. The book is based on 
his own observations and is illustrated with 
accurate pictures that were drawn and col¬ 
ored under his personal direction. He also 
conducted a number of experiments. For 
instance, he had heard that in Norway 
certain geese hatched from barnacles. He 
sent for some of the barnacles and discov¬ 
ered for himself that they did not produce 
geese. He concluded that the myth had 
started because people did not know where 
the birds’ nests were built. Frederick also 
experimented with how buzzards identi¬ 
fied meat. He placed hoods over their eyes, 
and when they could not detect meat near 
them, he concluded that sight rather than 
smell facilitated their hunting. It was also 
said that he thought he could discover the 
language of Adam by raising two children 

who would be nursed and cared for but 
would not be taught to speak. The children, 
however, died before they spoke. 

Frederick applied his scientific reasoning 
to politics—a most unusual practice for a 
monarch of his day. At 18 he was already 
defying the new pope. He made it clear that 
he planned to concentrate his power in 
Sicily and Italy rather than in Germany by 
having his infant son made king of Ger¬ 
many and himself declared emperor. His 
empire was to include the wealthy states of 
southern Italy in addition to Milan and 
selected cities that surrounded Rome. The 
pope countered by reminding him of his 
oath to go on crusade. Frederick, whose 
first wife had already died, married the 
heiress to the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 
He claimed to be eager to crusade, but only 
when the time was right—he was secretly 
negotiating with the Arabs to gain access to 

Under papal pressure, he finally em¬ 
barked on a crusade but returned to port 
complaining that his army was sick and 
could not go to war. Suspecting that he was 
only malingering, the pope excommuni¬ 
cated him. Nevertheless, once Frederick 
had finished his negotiations he sailed tri¬ 
umphantly out of port as an excommuni¬ 
cated crusader. He concluded his mission 
by signing an agreement with the Moslems 
to give Jerusalem to the Christians and 
provide a corridor from the port of Acre to 
the holy city. All that the Moslems required 
in exchange was that they be permitted to 
worship in their mosques. Frederick, a man 
with a good understanding of Arab culture, 
had no hesitation in entering into an agree¬ 
ment with the “infidel” within a year of 


beginning the crusade. But the pope was 
very distrustful of any Christian, particu¬ 
larly Frederick II, who made deals with 
those who could not swear an oath that was 
binding with the Christian God. Several 
more years passed before he removed the 
ban of excommunication. 

The pope was right to be suspicious of 
Frederick. He simply did not play by the 
rules of medieval feudal and Christian eth¬ 
ics. His kingdom and rule were more similar 
to those of an eastern despot or a Byzantine 
emperor than a king of England or France. 
After returning from his crusade, Frederick 
began to build an efficient state in Sicily. 
Sicily became a safe haven for shipping 
because his trade agreements with the 
Moslem states had removed much of the 
threat of piracy. Within Sicily Frederick 
encouraged the growth of new crops such 
as dates, sugar, and cotton. Under his guid¬ 
ance laws were codified; the economy 
prospered; and Moslems, Greeks, Jews, and 
Christians lived in harmony. He had vowed 
to the pope, however, that he would aban¬ 
don Sicily in favor of Germany. Instead, he 
allowed the princes, prelates, and cities of 
the Holy Roman Empire to go their own 
way. Like his grandfather he tried to take 
control of the wealthy cities of northern 
Italy. A series of battles, in which the pope 
sided with the cities, remained inconclusive 
because Frederick died in 1250. 

The 13th century saw a great number of 
changes in the politics ofEurope that would 
have consequences for centuries to come. 
Henry Ill’s weak rule in England and the 
death of Frederick II’s sons meant that the 
Capetian dynasty in France became the 
most powerful monarchy in Europe. King 

Louis DCs younger brother, Charles of 
Anjou, was looking for projects and de¬ 
cided to take over Sicily and southern Italy. 
By good fortune and some maneuvering on 
the part of the Capetians, there was a 
French pope who welcomed a French 
initiative. Charles, however, did not take 
into consideration the local opposition in 
Sicily nor the power of King Peter of 
Aragon. Aragon had emerged as a powerful 
kingdom in Spain when its king married 
the heiress of the valuable province of 
Catalonia and gained a navy. With a power 
vacuum in Sicily, Peter of Aragon sent his 
fleet. His aggression coincided with the 
Sicilian Vespers of 1282. On Easter Mon¬ 
day, when the church bells rang to call the 
congregations to evening service, this pre¬ 
arranged insurrection led to the massacre of 
all Charles of Anjou’s supporters. Peter of 
Aragon stepped into this civil revolt and 
claimed Sicily for himself. Some historians 
argue that the Mafia originated in the Sicil¬ 
ian Vespers. 

Following the Sicilian Vespers, the Col¬ 
lege of Cardinals realized that it must elect 
an Italian pope rather than a French one and 
that he must be a person of outstanding 
character who could regain respect for the 
spiritual mission of the Church. The cardi¬ 
nals selected a pious monk from southern 
Italy, who became Celestine V. The cardi¬ 
nals hoped that Celestine would be a 
figurehead for spiritual matters and leave 
the papal bureaucracy to continue running 
financial and political affairs. But the more 
Celestine learned of the papal bureaucrats 
and their program the more worried he 
became. He felt that if he allowed the 
corruption he discovered to continue, his 

Pope Boniface VIII argued 
strongly for papal supremacy. 

He quarreled with both Edward 
I of England and Philip IV of 
France to keep them from taxing 
the clergy in their countries . He 
died after being captured by 
agents of Philip IV. 


Marco Polo 

The caravan route across the vast internal land of Asia was known as the Great Silk Road. Marco Polo and his family took it to China. Silks, 
rugs, spices, precious gems, and other luxury goods were carried by camel. Tire merchants rode horses. 

M arco Polo’s father 
was a Venetian 
merchant named 
Niccolo. He and Marco’s 
uncle had made a trip to 
China in 1260 when 
Marco was only six years 
old and returned with 
stories of the great wealth 
they had found there. On 
a second voyage in 1271 
Marco went along, and 
he and his family spent 20 
years traveling through 
India, southeast Asia, and 

China under the patron¬ 
age of the Chinese 
emperor, Kublai Khan. 
Other Christians— 
including merchants, mis¬ 
sionaries, and Byzantine 
immigrants—were also 
present in the Orient at 
the time. 

Marco Polo wrote his 
memoirs after his return in 
1292. He was then a pris¬ 
oner in Genoa, where he 
met the romance writer 
Rustichello of Pisa. Polo’s 

account indicates that both 
men wrote the memoirs. 
The book recounts the 
perils of the route and the 
customs Polo leamt along 
the way. For example, he 
described a drink he dis¬ 
covered in southern Asia: 
“In this country they make 
date wine with the addi¬ 
tion of various spices, and 
very good it is. When it is 
drunk by men who are 
not used to it, it loosens 
the bowels and makes a 

thorough purge; but after 
that it does them good and 
makes them put on flesh.” 
Not having seen coal be¬ 
fore, he wrote: “Let me 
tell you next of stones that 
bum like logs. It is a fact 
that throughout the prov¬ 
ince in Cathay [China] 
there is a sort of black 
stone, which is dug out of 
veins in the hillsides and 
bums like logs. These 
stones keep a fire going 
better than wood.” 

The three Venetians 
spent 17 years in the ser¬ 
vice of the Khan and 
became immensely rich. 
They then wanted to re¬ 
turn home, but the Khan 
was reluctant to let them 
go. Finally, however, he 
needed to transport a Chi¬ 
nese bride to the king of 
Persia by sea. Marco, his 
father, and his uncle un¬ 
dertook the task and from 
Persia made their way 
back to Venice. 

immortal soul would be endangered. How 
could the successor of St. Peter rule over 
such covetousness? Celestine began to have 
dreams in which he heard a voice saying 
that it was the will of God that he resign. 
Later, detractors of his successor, Boniface 
VIII (1294-1303), suggested that he had 
actually rigged up a speaking tube into 
Celestine’s chamber and intoned the words 

Boniface undertook to stop secular rul¬ 
ers from taxing the clergy by issuing a papal 
bull against the practice. Edward I of En¬ 
gland responded by threatening to outlaw 
any subject who disobeyed him, and Philip 

IV of France simply forbade any gold or 
silver to leave his domain, thereby effec¬ 
tively stopping the flow of money to the 
papacy. Not one to take defeat lightly, 
Boniface issued more bulls, which Philip 
took as insults to the French monarchy. In 
1302 Philip called the first general meeting 
of the three estates: the nobility, the clergy, 
and the commons or third estate. The 
French king usually met these groups sepa¬ 
rately on a regional basis, but Philip brought 
together all representatives for what be¬ 
came known as the Estates General. At that 
first meeting, the king’s adviser, William de 
Nogaret, twisted the content of the bulls to 

make them seem even more insulting and 
persuaded the Estates General to back Philip. 
Undaunted, Boniface issued yet another 
bull, this time claiming that all Christians 
were his subjects. Philip IV’s response was 
to send Nogaret to Italy to confront 
Boniface, Finding the pope at his vacation 
home in Anagni, he and some of the pope’s 
enemies from Rome captured Boniface. 
Realizing that a captive pope was just an 
embarrassment to them, however, they let 
him go. Boniface died a month later. 

It is a measure of the low prestige of the 
papacy that Philip suffered no reprisals for 
his attack on Boniface. When the cardinals 


elected the archbishop of Bordeaux, a sub¬ 
ject of the king of England, as the next 
pope, people thought he would favor the 
English. In fact, he rescinded the bulls 
against Philip and forgave all those who had 
taken part in the attack at Anagni. Rather 
than moving to Rome, the new pope stayed 
in France, settling in the city of Avignon. 
This marked the beginning of the Avignon 
papacy; his successors also settling there. 

The 13th century was a pivotal period in 
the political history ofEurope. The organi¬ 
zation of representative bodies was the first 
tentative step toward constitutional monar¬ 
chy. Universities provided educated and 
trained people not only for the clergy, but 
also for secular governments and towns. 
The breakup of the Kingdom of the Two 
Sicilies and the disintegration of the Holy 
Roman Empire changed the political map 
ofEurope for centuries. The island of Sicily 
remained under Aragon, but Naples be¬ 
came a separate city-state. The northern 
Italian towns also formed city-states that 
bickered and warred with each other. Italy 
would not be united into a single state until 
1870. In Germany the tendency for the 
nobles, bishops, and towns to pursue their 
own policies gathered momentum with 
Frederick IPs abandonment of interest in 
the empire. The princes of the Holy Ro¬ 
man Empire finally met in the late 13th 
century and elected Rudolph of Hapsburg 
(reigned 1273-1291), a minor noble from 
Alsace, as emperor. The Hapsburg dynasty 
became a major power in the 16th century 
through a series of marriages that brought 
Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and even Bur¬ 
gundy and Spain under its control. But if 
the Hapsburgs gained a title, they lost con¬ 

siderable territory. The Swiss fomied a 
confederation and freed themselves from 
the Hapsburgs in 1291. Germany remained 
a loosely organized group of principalities, 
bishoprics, and towns under a Hapsburg 
emperor until Otto von Bismarck unified 
them in the late 19th century. 

A fter the death of Frederick II 
and a period with no king, 
the German nobility elected 
Rudolf I of Hapsburg. He 
was not among the powerful 
nobles and the German nobil¬ 
ity thought that he would be 
unable to create problems for 
them or involve them in 
struggles in Italy. However, 
the Hapsburgs were more suc¬ 
cessful than anticipated . 
Largely though a series of 
strategic marriages they be¬ 
came a dominant power in 
central Europe. 


Chapter 8 

The Four Horsemen 
of the Apocalypse 

The mortality from the plague was so 
great in the late 14th and 15th centu¬ 
ries that death became a predominant 
theme in medieval art. Representa¬ 
tions of death, such as the sarcophagus 
below the horseman , showed the rav¬ 
ages of decayed bodies . The armies of 
the dead, clothed in their shrouds, are 
led by Death, one of the four horse¬ 
men of the apocalypse. They easily 
defeat the living army and march to¬ 
ward a prosperous city. 

F rancesco de Marco Datini, an Italian 
merchant from Prato, lived through 
the best and the worst of the late 
Middle Ages. He was only a child 
when the Black Death raged through Italy in 
1348 and killed his parents. He had a small 
inheritance and was raised by a woman to 
whom he referred affectionately as a substi¬ 
tute mother; she signed her letters to him as 
“your mother in love/’ Francesco appren¬ 
ticed himself to a merchant in Florence and 
learned to trade. Soon after his 15th birth¬ 
day, he joined other merchants who were 
going to the rich papal city of Avignon. He 
prospered by importing Italian art and luxury 
items for the cardinals and other wealthy 
people who lived there. When Datini was 
more than 40, he returned to Prato and 
married Margherita, who was 25 years his 
junior. He was often away, and they ex¬ 
changed letters weekly. All of these letters 
and many others are preserved in his house 
in Prato. Although he was successful in 
business, he shared the anxieties of many 
people in the late Middle Ages about visita¬ 
tions of the plague. When plague was raging 
in Prato, Datini, Margherita, and his illegiti¬ 
mate daughter set out by mule for Bologna 

onjune 17,1400. One ofhis correspondents 
wrote from Florence, “I have seen two of 
my children die in my arms in a few hours.” 
Datini himself lived another 10 years, dying 
peacefully in Prato in 1411. 

People living during the 14th and 15th 
centuries often alluded to the Four Horse¬ 
men of the Apocalypse: famine, disease, 
war, and death or salvation. In northern 
Europe a prolonged shift in the weather 
patterns brought colder and wetter weather, 
which resulted in poor harvests and severe 
famines in the early 14th century. Disease, 
the second horseman, brought the Black 
Death in 1348, killing off a third to half of the 
population. War, never a stranger to Eu¬ 
rope, took on a new and more deadly form 
in the late 14th and 15th centuries. Europe 
had settled down to organized warfare un¬ 
der monarchies. Battles were contained on 
battlefields and did not do much harm to the 
local populations. During the Hundred Years’ 
War (1337-1453) between England and 
France, however, battles were infrequent. 
The real fighting was a war of attrition, in 
which France preyed on English shipping 
and invaded England’s southern coast and 
English troops marauded the French country- 


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 
Bring Terror to Europe_ 

B oth ancient Hebrew 
and Christian litera¬ 
ture included texts that 
dealt with the end of the 
world. In the New Testa¬ 
ment, the book of 
Revelation is often called 
the Apocalypse, whereas in 
the Old Testament the 
world’s end appears in 
Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and 
other books. 

The subject inspired 
texts full of rich imagery 
and symbols, among them 
the Four Horsemen of the 

Apocalypse. The meaning 
of these figures has been 
widely interpreted. One in¬ 
terpretation holds that the 
rider of the white horse is 
Christ, the rider of the red 
horse is war, the rider of the 
black horse is famine, and 
the rider of the pale horse is 
death and disease. 

The significance and 
meaning of the Bible’s 
apocalyptic prophesies re¬ 
ceived considerable 
attention from both Chris¬ 
tian and Jewish writers 

during the Middle Ages. 
Apocalypse 1:1-2 introduces 
the text: “The revelation of 
Jesus Christ which God 
gave him, to make known 
to his servants the things 
that must shortly come to 
pass; and he sent and signi¬ 
fied them through his angel 
to his servant John . . . 
Blessed is he who reads and 
those who hear the words 
of this prophecy, and keep 
the things that are written 
therein; for the time is at 

side, where they destroyed vineyards and 
plundered livestock, valuables, and crops. 
The pope was still at Avignon, but the 
papacy was by now completely discredited 
by its continual search for new sources of 
money. Many people had begun to question 
the pope’s authority, and new heresies— 
such as those of university professors John 
WyclifFe andJanHus—drew followers. With 
so much going wrong, people thought the 
end of the world was near. 

But these two centuries also brought 
new ideas, new freedom, new piety, and a 
comfortable life for many who survived the 
calamities. Vernacular, as opposed to Latin, 
literature became popular. Dante Alighieri, 
Francesco Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, 
Geoffrey Chaucer, and Christine de Pisan 
all contributed to the new literature. If the 
papacy was corrupt, the laity was becoming 
more pious and more intent on building 

their own parish churches and ensuring 
their own salvation. Luxuries of fine cloth, 
foods, larger homes, books, and art became 
more available as the population shrank. In 
the midst of death, therefore, new benefits 
arose for the living. 

Famine devastated the poor of northern 
Europe during the Great Famine from 
1315 to 1317 and again in the early 1320s. 
Contemporary accounts note that it rained 
so much in the summer of 1315 that the 
crops were ruined by the wet weather. The 
rain continued, making the fields too muddy 
for planting the winter wheat in the fall and 
the summer crops in the spring. The harvest 
was pitiful, and the grain that could be 
harvested had to be dried in ovens. And the 
rain continued into 1317. The cattle devel¬ 
oped diseases due to the wet weather and 
lack of grain and died. The poor died of 
starvation in lanes and fields in the country 

and in alleys in the cities. Prisoners tore 
apart and ate new inmates who were put 
into their jails. At a distribution of alms in 
London, 60 men, women, and children 
were crushed to death as the crowd pushed 
forward to get pennies for food. Charities 
had no surplus food to distribute because 
crops grown at monasteries were also ru¬ 
ined. Importation offood in large quantities 
from southern Europe was not feasible. 
When the king of England sought such 
relief, pirates boarded the ships before they 
could reach port. The population had no 
sooner recovered than another famine hit 
in 1323. 

The pope, comfortably resident in 
Avignon, suffered none of the deprivation 
of the faithful of northern Europe. Rome 
was in the hands of hostile families who 
engaged in fighting each other and oppos¬ 
ing any candidate for pope that the other 
side proposed. Over time the popes pur¬ 
chased the town of Avignon (located in 
what is now southern France), which was 
surrounded by vineyards, orchards, and 
grain fields. They built a magnificent palace 
that still stands, and the cardinals built 
palaces for themselves in the town and 
surrounding countryside. The churchmen 
became patrons of artisans, artists, and writ¬ 
ers, who were flourishing in the late 14th 
and 15th centuries. But the Avignon popes 
had some serious problems. They had the 
difficult task of defending their position as 
successors of St. Peter, founder of the Church 
of Rome, while living outside that city and 
never visiting it. They also had financial 
woes. All of the estates that Pope Gregory 
the Great had spent so much time organiz¬ 
ing and administering and that subsequent 


popes had defended against such powerful 
monarchs as Frederick I and II were now in 
the hands of various factions, none ofwhich 
wanted to contribute the usual amount to 
support the papacy. The papacy therefore 
had to look elsewhere for money. The 
pope had lost much of his power to tax the 
clergy because of fights with Edward I and 
Philip IV, so the papal courts became even 
more rapacious in collecting fines for di¬ 
vorces and annulments of marriages, and 
the popes sold bishoprics to the highest 
bidder. They also began an aggressive policy 
of selling indulgences, or the forgiveness of 
particular sins. Finally, they began to sell a 
plenary indulgence, which would forgive 
sins not yet committed. The theological 
presumption was that the sacrifice ofjesus at 
his crucifixion and the suffering of martyred 
saints had created a reservoir of goodness, 
similar to a bank deposit, that the faithful 
could draw upon for a price and avoid the 
torments of hell. The Franciscans and Do¬ 
minicans participated in selling indulgences, 
thus alienating themselves from the inspira¬ 
tion of their founders. The orders had 
become so corrupt that they were little 
more than fund-raisers for themselves and 
the papacy. Other clergy were also willing 
to enter into money-making schemes for 
personal enrichment. 

The lay response to churchmen using 
the money they raised to fund their own 
opulent lifestyles was twofold. Criticism of 
the lavish living mounted among the faith¬ 
ful, but some flocked to the papal court as 
purveyors of fine merchandise or as suitors 
for papal patronage. The correspondence 
of Francesco de Marco Datini provides an 
accurate picture of the luxury market and 

the opportunities it presented to shrewd 
businessmen. His orders to his partners in 
Italy included “a panel of Our Lady on a 
background of fine gold with two doors, 
and a pedestal with ornaments and leaves, 
handsome and the wood well carved, mak¬ 
ing a fine show, with good and handsome 
figures by the best painter, with many 
figures.” He was more of a merchant than 
an art critic, for he added, “Let there be in 
the center Our Lord on the Cross, or Our 
Lady, whomsoever you find—I care not, so 
that the figures be handsome and large, and 
best and finest you can purvey.” 

Others, such as Francesco Petrarch 
(1304-1374), came to sell their poetry and 
writing rather than goods. The son of a 
Florentine notary, Petrarch studied law at 
Montpellier and Bologna and then took 
holy orders, moving to Avignon. Putting 
aside his vocation as a priest, he wrote a 
series of love sonnets in Italian to a woman 
named Laura, who died in 1348, the plague 
year. Denied the patronage that he sought 
from Avignon, he became a severe critic of 
the town. He wrote that Avignon was a 
“fountain of anguish, the dwelling-place of 

The Burgundian court played a lead¬ 
ing role in politics and in setting 
aristocratic style in the 15th century . 
The marriage of Duke Philip the 
Good of Burgundy to Isabel of Portu¬ 
gal in 1430 was an occasion to 
display beautiful dress and fine foods . 
The wedding party was held outdoors 
and men and women even brought 
their falcons with them. 


Separated from Rome and its regular 
income, the Avignon papacy began to 
sell indulgences, or forgiveness of sins. 
The assumption was that the sacrifice 
of Christ and the saints had built up 
a reservoir of salvation which the 
Church could dispense by selling it to 
the laity. One could buy forgiveness 
for a specific sin or get a plenary in¬ 
dulgence that would cover all possible 
sins. Even when the Church returned 
to Rome, it continued to sell indul¬ 
gences, as this woodcut from the early 
16th century indicates . 

wrath, the school of errors, the temple of 
heresy, once Rome, now the false 
guilt-laden Babylon, the forge of lies, the 
horrible prison, the hell on earth.” 

Edward I of England and Philip IV of 
France had challenged the pope and taxed 
the clergy in order to carry on their political 
struggles against each other. Edward, of 
course, wanted to get back the French 
territory that John I had lost a century 
earlier, and Philip wanted to take from 
Edward the territory he still held in south¬ 
ern France. The two monarchs, however, 
did not engage in active warfare and, finally, 
Edward married his son, the future Edward 
II, to Isabelle, daughter of Philip. 

War between the two countries did not 
break out until the reign of their son, 
Edward III (1327-1377). Edward Ill’s as¬ 
cent to the * throne was surrounded by 
drama. His mother had taken him to France 

to pay homage to the French king for the 
English territory in France. Traveling with 
young Edward and his mother was the 
English baron Roger Mortimer. The three 
of them made a plan to overthrow Edward 
II. Young Edward married the daughter of 
the count of Hainault, and, as a dowry, she 
brought military help for the invasion of 
England. Isabelle and Mortimer returned to 
England and had Edward II killed after a 
humiliating captivity. With the support of 
Parliament, they declared Edward III king 
and themselves as his regents. But Edward 
III was an energetic young man. Collecting 
a band of knights, he seized Isabelle and 
hunted down her lover in their bedchamber. 
He had Mortimer executed, but confined 
his mother to a comfortable royal castle far 
from the political scene. 

Edward III embodied the ideals of me¬ 
dieval kingship. He was young, chivalrous, 
intelligent, and an excellent warrior. He 
fought in tournaments, sometimes anony¬ 
mously, and he reestablished King Arthur’s 
Round Table and a chivalric order, a 
group of nobles and knights selected by 
the king, called the Knights of the Garter. 
His love of warfare led him to pursue 
aggressive relations with France. The ex¬ 
cuse for beginning what became known as 
the Hundred Years’ War was that the 
Capetian line had failed to produce a male 
heir. Philip IV’s sons inherited in succes¬ 
sion, but they did not have male children. 
This meant that Edward, as the grandson 
of Philip through his mother, had a claim 
to the French throne. The French could 
not allow their ancient rival to take over 
the throne of France, so they selected 
another branch of the Capetian family, the 


As a young man, Edward III of En¬ 
gland paid homage to Philip IV of 
France for fiefs he held in France as a 
vassal of the French King. Edward 
wears a robe with the rampant lions 
symbolic of the English king, and 
Philip wears a robe with the fleur-de- 
lis that was the symbol of France. 

Valois. Nonetheless, Edward made him¬ 
self a new coat of arms by combining his 
arms (the rampant lions) with the lilies of 
France (fleurs de lys) and declared himself 
king of France as well as England. 

Another dispute that led to the war 
involved the county of Flanders (part of 
modem Belgium), which the French kings 
claimed belonged to France. Flanders was 
one of the wealthiest cloth-manufacturing 
centers of Europe. Fine woolen cloth and 
tapestries were woven and dyed there by 

wage laborers who worked on heavy looms. 
The wool for the cloth came mainly from 
England, so the Flemish economy was 
dependent on English wool. Edward saw a 
way to get at the French by stirring up 
trouble in Flanders. He encouraged the 
Flemish weavers to revolt by withholding 
the English wool from their markets. The 
embargo worked, and the Flemish weavers 
sided with the English against the French. 
With trouble brewing in Flanders, Edward 
launched his first campaigns. 

ft Feast Ht For a King 

m mm 

Servants served food to the nobles , who sit with their tren¬ 
chers before them and with spoons to eat with. Musicians 
created a lively party. 

he dukes of Burgundy 
in the 15th century 
were renowned for 
their feasts in honor of the 
Order of the Golden 
Fleece. The hall in which 
the feasts were held mea¬ 
sured 140 feet by 70 feet. 
The head table stood on a 
dais at one end of the hall, 
and two other tables ran 
lengthwise down the out¬ 
side of the room, leaving 
the center free for per¬ 
formers who provided 
entertainment. A buffet 
displayed gold and silver 
plates and was used for 
serving food and dispens¬ 
ing wine. 

By preference, guests 
sat on only one side of the 
u-shaped table to facilitate 
service and to allow each 
person to see and be seen 
by all. The order of seat¬ 
ing was important, with 
each guest seated accord¬ 

ing to his or her rank. 

The highest-ranking sat at 
the head of the table. 
Sometimes the dukes of 
Burgundy ate from 
silver-gilt plates, but gen¬ 
erally trenchers of 
whole-wheat bread that 
was several days old 
served as plates. Trenchers 
absorbed the sauces and 
juices from the meal and 
were distributed to the 
poor after the feast. The 
most prominent object on 
the table was the salt cel¬ 
lar. In addition to the 
trencher, each place was 
set with a drinking vessel, 
bowl, knife, and spoon. 
Until the 15th century 
when forks were intro¬ 
duced for upper-class use, 
guests ate delicately with 
their fingers. 

A trumpet fanfare an¬ 
nounced the beginning 
of the feast, with guests 

entering by rank to take 
part in the handwashing 
ceremony. They held 
their hands over a basin 
while a page poured 
herb-scented water over 
their hands and then of¬ 
fered them a linen napkin. 
The meals had a number 
of courses, called mets, and 
the activities between the 
courses were the entremets, 
or “sotelties” to the En¬ 
glish. At one Burgundian 
feast, the entremet began 
with the presentation of 
30 pies, each enclosed in a 
silk pavilion. When the 
pies were opened, birds 
popped out. They not 
only began to sing but 
also flew around the room 
to the delight of the 
guests. It is easy to see that 
the nursery song about 
four and twenty black¬ 
birds baked in a pie refers 
to a medieval banquet. 


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Early in the Hundred Years' War 
the English established their su¬ 
premacy on the seas at the Battle of 
Sulys. Here, Edward Ill's son lands 
in France. At the beginning of the 
war, Edward claimed his inheritance 
of the French throne and put the ram¬ 
pant lions of England with the French 
jleur-de-lis on his shield and banner. 
The English ships carry this banner. 

In 1345 Edward landed an army in 
Normandy and marched north toward 
Flanders. The French king met Edward’s 
army at Crecy in 1346 with a force that 
outnumbered the English by two to one. 
Fired with enthusiasm, the French at¬ 
tacked without resting from their march 
or waiting for their footsoldiers to arrive. 
Edward had the better position on a hill¬ 
top. He had his cavalry dismount, then 
grouped them on the crest of the hill. He 
flanked them with bowmen using the 
longbow, which had been extremely ef¬ 
fective in the Welsh wars. The French 
army had to charge uphill against a shower 
of arrows that shot the horses out from 
under them. Edward won this glorious 
first battle, but all that he had to show for 

a brilliant victory was the capture of the 
port city of Calais. 

After a truce—the Hundred Years’ War 
was not fought continuously—England 
launched another campaign in 1356. This 
time the leader was Edward’s oldest son, 
who was known as Edward the Black 
Prince. At a famous battle at Poitiers, the 
English used a similar tactic, and the French 
suffered major losses. It was said at the time 
that the French lost 2,000 knights and that 
an equal number were captured and held 
for ransom. Among those captured on the 
batdefield was the French king, John. King 
John spent the rest of his life in comfortable 
imprisonment in England, while Iris ag¬ 
gressive heir dragged his feet about paying 
a ransom for the return ofhis father. Instead, 
the French prince took control of the 
kingdom and harassed the English territory 
in France. 

These two major battles did little to 
determine the course of the war, but they 
did leave a legacy that marked a change in 
the nature of warfare. They showed that the 
heavily armed knight and pitched battles 
had become obsolete. The foot soldier 
armed with the English longbow, a cross¬ 
bow, or a pike was the soldier of the future. 
The longbow was both accurate and easily 
reloaded, so it could be used to create 
raining volleys of arrows. The crossbow 
was so powerful that it could penetrate 
chain mail. To counter its force, armor was 
made of plates with convex surfaces to 
deflect arrows. Even horses were amiored 
so that they could not be shot from under 
their riders. 

Compared to foot soldiers, knights with 
such heavy armor lacked maneuverability 


on the battlefield. Crossbows had the disad¬ 
vantage that their strings had to be cranked 
before an arrow could be released. At close 
quarters, foot soldiers with pikes were use¬ 
ful even against knights on horseback. A 
pike had a long shaft, a cutting blade like an 
ax, and a sharp knife like a spear on the end. 
In modem terms, they are sometimes re¬ 
ferred to as “multipurpose can openers”—that 
is, they could be used to pull a knight offhis 
horse, spear the knight or his horse from 
underneath, chop at a foe on the ground, or 
form a barricade of pointed and sharp sur¬ 
faces to halt a cavalry charge. 

The fact that foot soldiers rather than 
knights won battles had major consequences 
for social structure as well as for warfare. 
Foot soldiers were recruited from the peas¬ 
antry and urban dwellers of Europe. They 
were often violent men who had commit¬ 
ted crimes or impatient youths who wanted 
to make a quick fortune or who preferred 
excitement over the tedium of working as 
apprentices or plowmen. They were mer¬ 
cenaries—that is, soldiers of fortune who 
were paid to fight. When the pay ran out 
between campaigns, their commanders kept 
them together by having them pillage the 
countryside. France was devastated by these 
marauding mercenary armies. The English 
ones raided French territory, and the French 

ones raided the English-held territory in 
France. When these resources were spent, 
the mercenaries hired themselves out for 
war in Spain or Italy. 

The return of bubonic plague, absent 
from Europe since the reign of Justinian in 
the sixth century, devastated the popula¬ 
tion so thoroughly that warfare ceased. The 
path of the plague to Europe can be traced 
along the trade routes. In caravans carrying 
silk and spices out of the East, the 
plague-carrying fleas and their host rats 
(ratus ratus or the common house rat) came 
to the ports of the Black Sea. The cargoes 
were loaded onto an Italian boat bound for 
Venice in 1347. A terrible disease immedi¬ 
ately began killing the sailors and merchants 
on board. Venice did not want the ship to 
land there, so it touched at various other 
ports in Italy, where the rats and fleas were 
unloaded along with the cargo. The disease 
spread rapidly to all of Italy and then pro¬ 
ceeded along trade routes until it had infected 
most of Europe, both the urban and rural 
areas. The disease had a curious pattern. 
Some villages were decimated, whereas 
others had no sickness whatever. The entire 
region of Poland was skipped over in this 
visitation of plague. 

Unlike famine, plague claimed victims of 
every social class. Peasants’ thatched roofs, 

With no idea of what caused the 
Black Death or how to cure it, reli¬ 
gious processions praying to God for 
relief became common . But even the 
pope, lifting his hands in supplica¬ 
tion , followed by his cardinals, could 
not prevent several members of the 
procession from falling to the ground 
from the illness . 


The Battle of Poitiers was the sec¬ 
ond major defeat for the French in 
the Hundred Years’ War. The En¬ 
glish longbowmen attacked the 
French knights, first shooting horses 
out from under them and creating 
confusion on the field. The English 
knights then went in and won the 
battle, taking the French king and 
many French nobles captive. 

urban dwellers’ dirty ditches and streets, 
castles’ moats and wells, and bishops’ and 
cardinals’ palaces all had rats, and the fleas 
that lived on these rats bit humans, spread¬ 
ing the bacterial infection. After an incubation 
period of about two weeks, the infected 
person suffered from buboes, or swellings of 
the lymph nodes, and blood collected and 
congealed under the skin, leaving black 
patches. These symptoms gave the disease its 
two names—bubonic plague and the Black 
Death. In some urban areas, such as Florence 
and London, about half of the population 
died. In Europe as a whole perhaps a third of 
the population succumbed. 

This huge number of deaths occurred in 
only two years. As a result, all of the normal 
civilities and ceremonies for dealing with 
death and dying had to be put aside. Priests 

and members of the clergy who aided the 
dying by giving them the rites of the Church 
had a higher mortality than anyone else. 
Doctors claimed that they could do noth¬ 
ing, and, indeed, about all they could do 
was pierce the buboes. Very few patients 
recovered. No one knew what caused the 
disease. (Not until the 19th century was the 
bacterium responsible for bubonic plague 
discovered.) Some thought that the air was 
heavy and polluted. Others believed that 
the plague was the result of generally sinful 
living, and therefore only prayers and mor¬ 
tification of the flesh would help. Among 
these people were the flagellants, who went 
about the countryside beating themselves. 
Still others concluded that the plague spread 
through contagion and tried to avoid infec¬ 
tion by closing themselves in castles or, like 


Francesco de Marco Datmi and his family, 
fleeing from places that had plague. But 
cities became wise to this maneuver and 
refused entry to those coming from plague 
areas. Artistic representations tended to 
dwell on the death of the rich as well as the 
poor, on decay, and on the horrors of hell. 

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), an 
Italian poet, wrote about a fictional group 
of Italian merchants and nobles who gath¬ 
ered in a castle to avoid contagion. They 
agreed to entertain each other by telling 
stories. Boccaccio’s masterpiece, II 
Decamerone, is a collection of wonderful 
medieval stories about love won and lost as 
recited by these fictional characters. At the 
beginning of the book, Boccaccio wrote a 
vivid account of the Black Death as it 
ravaged Florence: 

The mortal pestilence then arrive[d] 
in the excellent city of Florence, 
which surpasses every other Italian 
city in nobility. Whether through the 
operations of the heavenly bodies, or 
sent upon us mortals through our 
wicked deeds by the just wrath of 
God for our correction, the plague 
had begun some years before in East¬ 
ern countries. ... It did not work as it 
had in the East, where anyone who 
bled from the nose had a manifest sign 
of inevitable death. But in its early 
stages both men, and women too, ac¬ 
quired certain swellings, either in the 
groin or under the armpits. The swell¬ 
ings reached the size of a common 
apple and others were as big as an egg, 
some more or less. . . . Then the ap¬ 
pearance of the disease began to 
change into black or livid blotches, 
which showed up in many on the 
arms or thighs and in every other part 
of the body. . . . The evil was still 
greater than this. Not only conversa¬ 

tion and contact with the sick carried 
the illness to the healthy and was 
cause of their common death, but 
even to handle the clothing or other 
things touched or used by the sick 
seemed to carry with it that same dis¬ 
ease. . . . Such events and many others 
similar to them . . . conjure up in 
those who remain healthy diverse 
fears and imaginings. . . . Almost all 
were inclined to a very cruel purpose, 
that is, to shun and to flee the sick and 
their belongings. . . . Others were of a 
contrary opinion. They affirmed that 
heavy drinking and enjoyment, mak¬ 
ing the rounds with singing and good 
cheer, the satisfaction of the appetite 
with everything one could, and the 
laughing and joking which derived 
from this, were the most effective for 
this great evil. 

As the plague reappeared about every 
20 years, people began to have theo¬ 
ries about the disease, including the 
possibility that it was contagious. 

They concluded that one way to stop 
the disease was to remove the victims 
from the city—in this case, the walled 
Italian city of Sansepolero. 


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John Ball , a priest, was one of the 
leaders of the English peasant revolt of 
1381. He preached a simple message 
of egalitarianism: "When Adam 
delved [dug] and Eve span } where 
then were all the gentleman. ” He 
asked why, if ourfirst parents culti¬ 
vated the earth and made cloth, some 
people should now claim to be above 
such work. 

The Black Death had extraordinary so¬ 
cial and economic effects on Europe, perhaps 
the most dramatic of which occurred in 
England. The peasants there realized that 
the decreased supply of labor and the in¬ 
creased demand for it allowed them to 
charge higher wages and to refuse the heavy 
work burdens imposed by the lords under 
the manorial system. The king and his 
nobles also saw the implications of a re¬ 
duced workforce and passed the Ordinance 
of Laborers in 1349 (made into law as the 
Statute of Laborers in 1351 by the House of 
Commons) in an attempt to freeze the 
prices of labor and products at the 1347 
level. Like all price and wage freezes, it did 
not work and caused a great deal of resent¬ 
ment among the laboring population. 

Similarly, in other areas ofEurope, peas¬ 
ants and laborers saw that they could charge 
more for their labor because there were 
fewer of them. But, as in England, when 
they tried to take advantage of the situation 

they discovered that the upper class had 
passed laws to keep them as serfs or poorly 
paid wage laborers. The possibility of free¬ 
dom from serfdom played itself out 
differently from country to country. In 
France in 1358 the peasants and the urban 
inhabitants revolted against a tax on salt 
levied on every person to finance the war 
with England. Furthermore, their agricul¬ 
ture and trade were being devastated by the 
war of attrition. The peasant revolt was 
called the Jacquerie after the name Jacques, 
which was used as a generic term for all 
peasants. The peasants formed a coalition 
with the middle class of Paris and had a 
short-lived success, but the king defeated 
them. The bloody repression of the peas¬ 
antry that followed discouraged revolt for 
centuries to come in France. 

The Revolt of 1381 in England was 
equally ineffectual, but by that time changes 
in the relationship between the lords and 
the peasantry were already underway. En¬ 
forcement of the Statute of Laborers was 
impossible because peasants simply left their 
manors and sought wage-paying jobs else¬ 
where. But the cause of the revolt in En¬ 
gland was similar to that of the Jacquerie in 
France. Earlier in the 14th century, the En¬ 
glish had been paying taxes at irregular 
intervals on the value of their moveable 
goods such as plows, grain, and animals. 
Because the wealthy had more goods, they 
were taxed more heavily than the poor. But 
in the 1370s and 1380s taxes were due more 
frequently and were levied equally on ev¬ 
eryone over the age of 14 in the form of a 
poll tax, or a tax paid by each person. This 
meant that the rich paid little tax but the 
poor were devastated by taxes. 


When the king’s tax collectors did not 
bring in enough money in 1380, they 
correctly suspected widespread evasion and 
started collecting taxes again in 1381. A 
group of peasants in Essex, a county just 
north of London, killed several of the 
collectors, and the revolt spread rapidly 
throughout England. Some of the peasants 
marched on London under the leadership 
of Wat Tyler, John Ball, and Jack Straw. 
There they killed the king’s advisors and 
destroyed the palace of the king’s uncle. 
Richard II, the grandson of Ed ward III and 
a boy of only 15 years, responded by agree¬ 
ing to meet with the peasant leaders. Leading 
them outside the walls of London, he lis¬ 
tened to their demands for an end to serfdom. 
When one of his followers drew a sword 
and killed Wat Tyler, Richard had the 
presence ofmind to ride boldly forward and 
tell the rebels that he was their leader. He 
promised them charters of freedom if they 
would go back to their homes. Richard 
broke his promise of freedom and sent out 
his royal justices to round up the ringleaders 
of the revolt and hanged them. 

The Revolt of 1381 had little impact on 
the gradual disappearance of serfdom in 
England. The peasants continued to pay 
rent for the land they cultivated, but they no 
longer paid for the marriage of their daugh¬ 
ters, for their sons to leave the manor, or for 
doing work on the lord’s property. These 
and all other fines and burdens that had 
been the mark of serf status were abolished. 

But in Poland, Spain, and some other 
parts of Europe, the 15 th century brought 
more repression rather than less. In these 
areas the response of lords to the decreased 
labor supply was to bind the peasants more 

closely to the manors and limit their free¬ 
dom ofmovement. Peasants were, therefore, 
forced into more restrictive serfdom than 
they had known previously. 

The disruption of plague and changes in 
the population also led urban workers to 
revolt. In Florence, which was a very im¬ 
portant center for the production of luxury 
woolen cloth, the workers rose up in the 
Ciompi revolt of1378 when manufacturers 
tried to lower their wages. Cloth workers 
also revolted in Flanders in the 14th cen¬ 
tury. But like the Revolt of 1381 and the 
Jacquerie, these revolts failed. 

The 14th century was not, however, all 
famine, war, and disease. Some of the 
greatest authors of all time lived during this 
century. Vernacular literature—poetry and 
prose written in the common tongue rather 
than in Latin—became fashionable. More 
people, both men and women, learned to 
read in their own languages. 

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was the 
great predecessor ofPetrarch and Boccaccio 
in writing in Italian. He grew up in Flo¬ 
rence, but was exiled when Boniface VIII 
stirred up a revolt there. Retiring to the 
countryside, he began to write poetry and 
essays. One of his essays dealt with the need 
for a literary Italian that would be equiva¬ 
lent to French, which had already been 
accepted as a language for literature. Dante 
proceeded to write poetry in the Italian that 
was close to his own Florentine dialect. His 
greatest work in Italian was the Commedia, 
or the Divine Comedy. It is an epic of a 
personal travel through the circles of hell 
that concludes with a beatific vision of God. 
Not surprisingly, devils eagerly awaited 
Boniface VIII in the lowest pit of hell, and 

Dante, shown here with a laurel leaf 
crown in imitation of the Roman cus¬ 
tom for heroes, was the first great 
writer in the Italian language. His 
most famous book is the Divine 
Comedy, but he wrote essays on 
politics and language and other po¬ 
ems. He was politically active in 
Florence, taking the side of the em¬ 
peror over that of the pope. 


Christine de Pisan mote about the 
virtues of women in the late 14th and 
early 15th centuries. She argued 
against other authors of the time who 
claimed that women were inferior to 
men . She also translated one of the 
major ancient authorities on warfare. 
A manuscript illustration from one of 
her books shows two lords seated with 
their entourage. 

when Dante reached heaven, St. Peter 
encouraged him to speak about the degen¬ 
eration of the papacy. 

In England the greatest author was 
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1342-1400). Chaucer 
was born in London, and the English that 
he wrote reflects the rich mixture of Old 
English and French that was used in the 
capital and that became the basis for stan¬ 

dard English. Pronouncing the words aloud 
makes his language more comprehensible: 

Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote 
The droghte of March hath perced to 
the roote. 

And bathed every veyne in swich licour. 
Of which vertu engendred is the flour .... 

Chaucer served as a diplomat for King 
Richard II and traveled extensively on the 
Continent, where he became familiar with 
the works of French and Italian authors, 
particularly Boccaccio. Although Chaucer 
wrote many poems, his Canterbury Tales 
is certainly the best known. Using 
Boccaccio’s device of having a group of 
storytellers link a series of tales together, 
Chaucer selected a cast of characters that 
included a knight and his son, a squire, a 
prioress, a monk, a friar, a student, and 
other clerical types, some urban dwellers 
and some country folk. The stories vary 
from highly edifying narratives to humor¬ 
ous tales of sex and scandal. 

Christine de Pisan (1364—c. 1440) was 
Chaucer’s contemporary. Her father had 
come from Italy and served as a court 
astrologer. He educated his daughter in 
Latin as well as French. When her husband 
died, leaving her a young widow with 
children to raise, she turned to translating 
texts, including an ancient work on war¬ 
fare, and writing poetry for patrons. Among 
her books was The City of Ladies, in which 
she discussed heroic and learned women 
from the past who could serve as role 
models for contemporary young women. It 
also showed that the prevalent view ofboth 
lay and clerical writers on the female nature 
was biased against women. The male au- 


thors of the Middle Ages classified women 
as either resembling the Virgin Mary or 
Eve. Needless to say, most women were 
portrayed as Eve—given to lust and inca¬ 
pable of ruling themselves. 

The production of art was also taking a 
new turn. Architecture, sculpture, and 
stained glass windows had previously been 
commissioned by the Church for public 
consumption. The miniatures that illus¬ 
trated prayer books and other texts were the 
only works of art that were made solely for 
more private enjoyment. But in the 14th 
and 15th centuries, pious people began to 
commission works of art including illus¬ 
trated books, altarpieces, and even portraits 
for their own use. Datini was typical of 
those who provided artwork for private 
consumption. He brought paintings and 
carvings from Italy to sell in Avignon. 

During this period, Italian art was head¬ 
ing in new directions with the introduction 
of the technique of bronze casting. An early 
master ofbronze sculpture, Donatello made 
an equerry statue of a Venetian general 
showing him fully armed as a Roman 
soldier sitting on a horse posed with one of 
its legs raised. But most striking in Italian art 
were the frescoes, or paintings on the plaster 
of church walls. 

Paintings and sculptures also more real¬ 
istically depicted their subjects. This 
movement toward realism predated the 
strong influence of classical art that charac¬ 
terized the Renaissance. In Flanders a 
northern European style became popular 
and spread to England, Norway, Sweden, 
and Germany. Jan van Eyck was noted for 
his realistic portraits, and a number of other 

artists contributed to a particular style of 
Flemish painting and carving. 

Warfare did not interfere with the de¬ 
velopment of art, architecture, and literature. 
The Hundred Years’ War was one ofphases 
rather than continuous fighting. In the 
beginning of the 15th century, however, 
the war once again became a serious matter. 
Henry V (1387-1422) had dreams of re¬ 
peating the glories of the battle ofCrecy and 
the heroism of Edward Ilfs reign. The king 
of France had bouts of insanity and could 
not control the factious nobles who divided 
the realm, presenting Henry with an op¬ 
portunity to attack. When Henry landed 
with about 10,000 troops in Normandy, 
the French responded with the same tactics 
that they had used at Crecy, with the same 
disastrous results. Meeting the English at 
Agincourt in 1415, the French knights 
charged right into the volley of arrows 
from the English longbowmen and suffered 
defeat. The French, already politically di¬ 
vided, made a disadvantageous treaty with 
Henry at Troyes in 1420. Under this treaty 
the heir to the throne of France, the Dauphin 
(prince) Charles, was declared illegitimate 
and ineligible to inherit the throne. Henry 
married the Dauphin’s sister Catherine, and 
the treaty stipulated that their child would 
inherit the thrones of both England and 
France. The dream of Edward III—who 
had decorated his shield with the lions of 
England and the fleurs-de-liys of France— 
became a reality when Henry VI 
(1421-1471) of England and France was 

Holding on to the territory of France, 
however, was a problem. Henry V died 

young, when Henry VI was only an infant. 
An alliance between the English and the 
dukes of Burgundy, who now ruled 
Flanders, was met with deepening hostility 
among the French population. An amazing 
series of events ultimately drove the English 
from France. Dauphin Charles was only 15 
when he fled south after the battle of 
Agincourt. In maturity he was a weak-willed 
man, who accepted the implications of the 
Treaty of Troyes that he was a bastard. A 
young peasant girl, Joan of Arc, is credited 
with giving him the courage to act as a real 
king of France. Although a woman and of 
peasant origins, she dressed in the armor of 
a knight and went to see Charles. His 
fortunes were so low that he was willing to 
listen to this strange girl who claimed to 
have heard the voices of saints telling her to 
rescue France. Under her guidance the 
course of the war changed. Orleans, one of 
France’s major cities, was rescued from 
siege, and Charles was officially crowned 
king of the French. Joan, however, was 
captured and burned as a heretic in 1431. 
To King Charles’s shame, he made no 
attempt to rescue his benefactress. The 
French, however, continued to fight the 
long battle to defeat the English. By 1453 
the Hundred Year’s War finally ended. Of 
the English Angevin Empire, only the port 
city of Calais was left. 

By the time of the defeat, England was 
embroiled in civil wars, which have be¬ 
come known as the Wars of the Roses. 
Henry Vi’s insanity contributed to a dynas¬ 
tic fight among the descendants of Edward 
III and Philippa. The successive dukes of 
York, whose family badge was a white rose. 


Joan of Arc: Peasant Girl Saves France 

Joan of Arc favored armor and male attire, but medieval 
artists found this so repulsive that they represented her in 
female dress. 

M uch of what is 

known about Joan 
of Arc comes from 
her testimony at her trial 
for heresy in 1431. She 
was bom in the village of 
Domremy in eastern 
France. Her father was a 
well-to-do peasant, but 
she was not literate. Her 
early life included games, 
sewing, spinning, and 

But this tranquil life 
was periodically inter¬ 
rupted by incursions of 
Burgundians who looted 
the countryside. During 
these attacks, the local 
people went to fortified 
cities for safety. Accord¬ 
ing to her trial transcript, 
Joan began having vi¬ 
sions that urged her to 
make an appeal to King 
Charles and rescue 
France from the 
Burgundians and the En¬ 
glish: “Two or three 
times a week the voice 
said she must leave and 
go into France . . . she 
must raise the siege then 
being made of the city of 
Orleans.” She persuaded 
one of the king’s captains 
that she was serious, and 
he gave her a suit of 

armor and an escort to 
Charles. She convinced 
him to give her troops to 
attack the city’s besiegers. 
She herself did not fight, 
but she provided encour¬ 
agement and the siege 
was relieved. 

After this success in 
warfare, she encouraged 
Charles to go to Rheims 
and have himself properly 
crowned king as the 
French kings before him 
had done. The French 
gained new resolve from 
this move and continued 
to fight against the En¬ 

glish and Burgundians. 
Joan was captured by the 
Burgundians and the En¬ 
glish had her put on trial 
for witchcraft and heresy 
in a Burgundian church 
court. After a vigorous 
self-defense she finally 
confessed but took back 
her confession. She was 
burned in the public 
square in 1431. Charles 
did nothing to defend or 
rescue her. Although she 
immediately became the 
symbol of resistance for 
France, she was not made 
a saint until 1923. 

claimed the throne by virtue of the third son 
of Edward III. The Lancastrians also main¬ 
tained they had a right to the crown because 
they descended from the fourth son of 
Edward III and their line included Henry V 
and his son Henry VI. (Popular custom 
assigned the red rose to this party.) The wars 
were fought largely between contenders 
for the throne and their noble adherents. 
During their course, such notable charac¬ 
ters as the Yorkist Richard III emerged as 
historical figures. His claim to the throne 

was encumbered by two young nephews 
who were in direct succession before 
him. When they disappeared into The 
Tower of London, he was accused of 
having them murdered. Finally, in 1485 
Henry Tudor defeated Richard at the 
battle of Bosworth Field. He became 
Henry VII, the founder of the Tudor 
dynasty. Richard fought gallantly to the 
end and died on the battlefield. In his play 
Richard III) Shakespeare was certainly 
wrong in portraying him as a coward who 
in his final moments called out, “A horse, 
a horse. My kingdom for a horse.” 

Throughout this period the Church pro¬ 
vided little political or spiritual leadership. 
The popes continued to live in Avignon, 
but the critics of the papacy were becoming 
more and more insistent. Two women 
who eventually became saints, Brigitte of 
Sweden and Catherine of Siena, urged the 
popes to reform and return to Rome. 
Political theorists at universities were argu¬ 
ing that the Church should be governed by 
a council composed of laymen as well as 
clergy. They also maintained that the pa¬ 
pacy should not be the dominant power in 
the religion or politics of Europe. 

Even more serious were the attacks of 
John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384), an ordained 
priest and professor at Oxford University. 
Increasingly, he argued that the papacy was 
corrupt and deviated from the early Church. 
He placed his belief in the authority of the 
Bible rather than the later pronounce¬ 
ments of popes, and he favored direct 
prayer rather than reliance on priests to 
intervene between Christ and Christians. 
His theology was so radical that he quickly 


came to be regarded as a heretic. Because 
he felt that the clergy should experience 
the poverty of the early apostles, he recom¬ 
mended the confiscation of church property. 
This position won favor at the English 
royal court, and he was protected from 

Wycliffe soon won followers in England, 
but more important were the students who 
brought his ideas from Oxford University to 
Prague University. In Prague Jan Hus, a 
young theologian, became attracted to 
Wycliffe's ideas and began to make them 
popular with the laity as well as the university 
community. His movement became tied up 
in politics and the revolt of the Bohemians 
(Czechs) against their German rulers. 

While the theological attacks and popu¬ 
lar lampoons against the papacy continued, 
the papacy became more and more mired 
in corruption. In 1378 Pope Gregory XI 
returned to Rome at the urging of Catherine 
of Siena, but he died that same year. Pres¬ 
sured by a Roman mob that broke into the 
voting chamber, the College of Cardinals 
selected an Italian pope. With the encour¬ 
agement of the French king, the cardinals 
returned to Avignon and elected a French 
pope. Neither pope would abdicate, and 
the Great Schism began with a pope in 
Rome and a pope in Avignon. When these 
popes died, their respective Colleges of 
Cardinals selected another pope in each of 
their places. 

Needless to say, the scandal of the Great 
Schism was immense. St. Peter could hardly 
have two voices on earth offering compet¬ 
ing jurisdictions. The laity were concerned 
that since the schism no one had gone to 

heaven and baptisms were no longer re¬ 
moving original sin. With resources spread 
between the two popes, papal fundraising 
became even more voracious. 

Finally, in 1409 a council was held in 
Pisa to resolve the schism. The council was 
intended to depose the two popes and elect 
a new one, but neither pope would abdi¬ 
cate. The third pope claimed that he was 
the only legitimate one because the Coun¬ 
cil of Pisa had elected him. With three 
popes and three colleges of cardinals, it was 
apparent that the Church could not reform 
itself Emperor Sigismund of Germany called 
a council at Constance representing laity 
and clergy from all over Europe to resolve 
the schism, reform the Church, and get rid 
of heresy. 

The Council of Constance managed to 
depose all three popes and elect an Italian 
pope who was acceptable to Rome and a 
newly formed College of Cardinals. The 
Council next turned to the question of Jan 
Hus. He was given safe conduct to 
Constance in order to defend his views. 
Thinking that he would receive a fair hear¬ 
ing because the Council was dedicated to 
reform, he came of his free will. Emperor 
Sigismund, however, had little sympathy 
for him because he had been at the heart of 
the Bohemian revolt. Hus was tried as a 
heretic and burned. Even Wycliffe was 
condemned, and his bones were dug up and 
burned. Having solved the two easier prob¬ 
lems, the Council disbanded without taking 
up the larger problem of church reform. 

One of the distinctive features of the 
earlier Church had been that new monastic 
movements took the lead in reforming the 

Medieval urban residents often did 
not have a kitchen in their quarters 
and relied on the equivalent of fast 
food. ” Two men moved an oven on a 
cart around the city and a woman 
made fresh bread and meat pies for 
customers. Other women sold pre¬ 
pared goods outside of shops. The 
shop sign shows that pretzels were 
available and the table indicates the 
availability of beer or wine (in the 
flask) and loaves of bread. 


Catherine of Siena: The Saint 
who Confronted the Pope 

om in 1347, 

Catherine of Siena 
was the 24th child of 
a wool-dyer and his wife. 
Living just down the hill 
from a Dominican 
church, Catherine resisted 
all her parents’ efforts to 
persuade her to lead a 
normal life and marry. 
Early on she instead em¬ 
braced self-sacrifice in 
order to show her devo¬ 
tion to God. She scalded 
herself in hot baths, de¬ 
veloped skin problems, 
and withdrew from her 
family. She fasted and re¬ 
jected meat entirely. She 
was, perhaps, anorexic, 
because her biographer 
reported seeing her stuff 
twigs down her throat to 
bring up food. He wrote: 
“I myself saw it happen, 
not once, but again and 

again, that her emaciated 
body would be reduced 
to the last extremity, un¬ 
able to take anything to 
restore its forces but a 
drink of cold water . . . 
and then suddenly she 
would seize ... an oppor¬ 
tunity of taking on some 
work for the honor of 
God’s name or the good 
of souls, and like a flash, 
without the help of any 
other restorative [food] . . . 
all her forces would re¬ 
vive.” She said in her 
letters that she was afflicted 
by God so that she would 
understand suffering and 
be purged of her gluttony. 

Catherine kept a close 
association with the Do¬ 
minicans all her life but 
did not become a nun. 

She preferred to go out 
into the world and work 

with the poor and sick. 
On one occasion she an¬ 
gered her father by giving 
away his best wine, but 
the cask was miraculously 
refilled. Catherine was 
educated and wrote ex¬ 
tensively in Italian. Her 
works include 400 letters 
and a dialogue about her 
mystical experiences. In 
the dialogue God pro¬ 
vided answers to a 
Christian soul about ques¬ 
tions regarding reform of 
the Church and salvation 
of souls. In 1376 she went 
to Avignon and helped 
persuade the pope to re¬ 
turn to Rome. 
Unfortunately, his return 
led to the Great Schism, 
which was in progress 
when in 1380 Catherine 
died from a stroke at the 
age of 33. 

Church, but the 14th and 15th centuries 
saw no such internal reforms. The laity 
were no less religious than they had been in 
earlier centuries, but now they sought their 
salvation through personal spiritual exer¬ 
cises. They joined guilds in their parish that 
supported charity and funeral services for 
their members and said prayers for the souls 
of dead brothers and sisters. They also went 
on pilgrimages and followed personal de¬ 
votions that imitated the life of Christ. 
While much of the wealth that people 
accumulated in the 15th century did go 
toward supporting religious projects, their 
funds were more likely to be given to a 
parish church and spent on personal devo¬ 

tions than offered to the papacy. Wycliffe 
and Hus had spoken for the larger laity 
when they suggested that the Bible rather 
the pope be a guide rather the pope. 

By the 15th century the Bible had been 
translated into the vernacular languages. 
The invention of the printing press made 
the Bible even more available to an increas¬ 
ingly literate laity. The use of paper was 
perhaps as important as the invention of 
moveable, metal type. Parchment, a prod¬ 
uct made from sheepskin, was laborious to 
prepare and, therefore, very expensive. 
Paper, which was invented in China, de¬ 
creased the costs ofbook production because 
even rags could be used to make it. The use 
of the printing press (whose design was 
derived from the wine press) and type also 
made books cheaper to produce. Johann 
Gutenberg published the Bible in about 
1455 as one of the first printed books. As 
printing shops became common, transla¬ 
tions of the Bible, grammar books, and 
works of literature soon became available 
throughout Europe. 

Another invention, the cannon, played a 
decisive role in the fall of the last vestige of 
the old Roman Empire. In 1453 
Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks. 
The Turks had surrounded the city after 
taking the territory of Asia Minor (modem 
Turkey) before moving into the Balkans and 
Greece. Finally, only the great walled city 
stood as a symbol of the power of the Roman 
Empire. Using cannons, which had first been 
experimented with dunng sieges in the 
Hundred Years’ War, and other siege en¬ 
gines, the Turks forced the city to surrender, 
and Constantinople became the Moslem 


The Biblia Latina was published 
about 1455 by Johann Gutenberg 
and Johan Fust in Mainz, Germany. 
Gutenberg was a goldsmith who ex¬ 
perimented with moveable metal type 
and a printing press . This Latin Bible 
was printed on vellum (treated 
calfskin) rather than paper and was il¬ 
luminated by hand in the manner of 
medieval manuscripts. 

city of Istanbul. The fall of Constantinople 
seemed cataclysmic to Europeans, who had 
regarded themselves as part of the long con¬ 
tinuum of Roman traditions and political 
life. Now this was broken, and a distant 
power, Muscovy, claimed to be the Third 
Rome. The new rulers called themselves 
caesars, or “tsars” in Russian. The patriarch 
of Moscow replaced the patriarch of 
Constantinople as the chief official of the 
Orthodox Church. 

For all the major calamities, there was also 
an irrepressible feeling of opportunity during 
the 14th and 15th centuries. The vernacular 
languages made literature and learning avail¬ 
able to a greater number of people, and the 
printing press allowed more people to own 
and read books. People exploited new ways 
of satisfying their desires—some by being 
more aggressive as traders, others by eating 
better because there were fewer mouths to 
feed, or by dressing in more luxurious cloth 
because it was more readily available. Still 
others built larger, more spacious homes. 

The emphasis on individual salvation 
seemed to spill over into the possibilities of 
individual achievements. Inventions sug¬ 
gested new horizons. Perhaps even the fall of 
Constantinople suggested a new need to 
know what was beyond Europe in all direc¬ 
tions. Befitting this climate of curiosity and 
optimism, the 15th century closed with the 
beginnings of an age of exploration, includ¬ 
ing Portuguese explorations around the coast 
of Africa and the discovery of the continents 
in the west (the Americas) by Christopher 
Columbus. Once again, Europe was ex¬ 
panding its horizons as it had done in the 
11th century. 

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Franks and Alamans settle on the Rhine 


Emperor Diocletian issues edict persecuting 


Emperor Constantine converts to Christian¬ 
ity at the Battle of Milvian Bridge and grants 
toleration to Christians 


Council of Nicaea rejects Arianism and issues 
Nicene Creed 


Emperor Constantine moves capital of Ro¬ 
man Empire to Constantinople (former site 
of Greek town of Byzantium) 


Ulfilas translates the New Testament into 
Gothic and becomes a missionary; converts 
the Goths to the Arian heresy. 


Huns invade Europe 


The Roman Empire is divided along the 
Danube into western and eastern halves 


Visigoths, settled within borders of Eastern 
Empire, defeat the Byzantine army 


St. Jerome translates the Bible into Latin 

400 and thereafter 

Franks, Alamans, Burgundians and Vandals 
cross Rhine into Gaul; Vandals move on to 


Visigoths, under leadership of Alaric, invade 


Burgundians found kingdom on the Rhone 


Visigoths sack Rome 

Roman legions withdraw from England 


Visigoths invade Spain 

G. 420 

St. Augustine writes The City of God 


Attila leads the Huns in their attacks on 


Pope Leo I persuades Attila not to attack 

C. 450 

Saxons, Angles, and Jutes invade Britain 


Vandals sack Rome 


Theodoric reigns as king of the Ostrogoths 
and invades Italy in 488 


The Western Roman Empire comes to an 


Boethius, a Roman in the service of 
Theodoric, writes The Consolation of Philoso¬ 
phy in prison before his execution 

C. 475 

Apollinaris Sidonius, a Roman bishop, writes 
letters to his fellow Romans in Gaul 


Clovis, king of the Franks, converts to Chris¬ 



Clovis dies and the Merovingian kingdom in 
France is divided among his sons 


Justinian I, the Great, and his wife Theodora 
(d. 548) rule the Byzantine Empire, commis¬ 
sion the CodexJustinianus, build Hagia Sophia, 
and finance military campaigns to regain the 
Western Empire 


St. Benedict founds monastery at Mt. Cassino 
in Italy 


Arthur, semi-legendary king of the Britons, 
killed in battle 


War between Persia and the Byzantine Em¬ 
pire ends in victory for the Byzantines 


Cassiodorus founds a monastery to copy 


Plague in the western Europe and the Byzan¬ 
tine Empire 


Lombards invade and conquer northern Italy 


Pope Gregory 1, the Great, dispatches mis¬ 
sionaries to England 


Muhammad hears the word of God and 
recounts it to his followers; Islam is born 


Muhammad emigrates to Medina (the Hegira), 
marking the advent of the Islamic calendar 


Muhammad’s followers defeat Meccans. 
Arabs unify under Islam 


Arabic expansion into the Byzantine Empire 


Arabs take possession of North Africa 


Synod of Whitby unites Christians of En¬ 
gland under the Pope, ending the strong Irish 


Charles Martel becomes mayor of the palace 
under the Merovingians 


Constantinople repulses major Arabic attack 


Venerable Bede completes ecclesiastical his¬ 
tory of England 


Charles Martel stops Arabic expansion in the 
west at the Battle of Tours and Poitiers 


Pepin the Short becomes king of the Franks 
(first of the Carolingian dynasty) 


Charles the Greatbecomes king of the Franks 


Alcuin becomes head of the Frankish court 

Golden period of Arabic learning in Baghdad 
during reign of Harun al-Rashid 


Vikings begin their attacks on England 


Vikings attack monastery of Lindisfarne 


Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne emperor 

Irene rules in Byzantium 

Harun al-Rashid sends an embassy to court of 

Development of “Carolingian” minuscule 


Charlemagne dies and his son, Louis the 
Pious, becomes king 


Swedish Vikings establish bases on the Volga 
and Dnieper rivers in Russia and trade with 


Danes begin their attacks on England 


Louis the Pious dies and divides his empire 
among his three sons: Lothair, Louis the 
German, and Charles the Bald 


Norwegians attack Ireland and found Dublin 


Louis the German and Charles the Bald swear 
oath in each other’s language: first written 
example of German and French 


Treaty of Verdun divides the Carolingian 
Empire among Lothair (middle kingdom and 
title of emperor), Louis the German (eastern, 
German speaking part), and Charles the Bald 
(western, French speaking part) 


Arabs sack Rome and pillage southern coast 
of France 


Danes invade England and France 


Rus state is established at Novgorod 



The missionary Cyril develops Cyrilic alphabet 


Alfred becomes king of Wessex 


Vikings occupy Iceland 


Alfred defeats Danes and recognizes bound¬ 
ary of Danelaw 

Vikings attack Paris 

G. 890 

Magyars attack Central Europe 


Feudal system begins to develop 


Duke of Aquitaine establishes monastery of 


Car olingian line ends in Germany; Carolingian 
king in France gives Danes the province of 

G. 937 

Roswitha of Gandersheim (Germany) is bom; 
becomes nun and playwright 


Otto I, the Great, revives the empire in 
Germany, crowned emperor by pope 


Last Carolingian on French throne is suc¬ 
ceeded by Hugh Capet, first of the Capetian 


Vladimir ofKiev marries a Byzantine princess 
and converts to Christianity 


Gerbert of Aurillac becomes Pope Sylvester II 

C. 1000 

Norwegian Vikings reach North American 


Danish conqueror Canute becomes king of 
England and Norway 


Venice, Genoa, and Pisa emerge as powerful 
cities in Italy 

C. 1025 

Romanesque architecture reaches its height 


William the Bastard becomes duke of 


Great Schism occurs between Rome and 


A papal decree announces that all future 
popes will be elected by the College of 


Henry IV of Germany becomes king 


Edward, king of England, dies; William of 
Normandy launches successful invasion of 
England, becoming king 


Gregory VII (the monk Hildebrand) be¬ 
comes pope 


Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV 


Henry IV travels to Canossa as a penitent 


Normans conquer Sicily 


Pope Urban II preaches the First Crusade 


First Crusade begins 


Crusaders take Jerusalem and establish the 
Latin Kingdom ofjersualem 


William Rufus dies and Henry I becomes 
king of England 


St. Bernard founds Clairvaux monastery 


Bologna University is established 


Scholastic philosophy becomes fully devel¬ 

Troubadour poetry and music develop 


Concordat of Worms settles the Investiture 


Louis VII of France ascends the throne 


Peter Abelard, scholastic philosopher, who 
wrote letters to Heloise, Sic et Non , and The 
History of My Misfortunes , dies 


Second Crusade fails 


University of Paris is established 


Louis VII and Eleanor of Aquitaine divorce 
and she marries Henry (II) of England 


Henry II ascends throne of England 



Vernacular literature develops 


Frederick I Barbarossa destroys Milan 


Frederick I Barbarossa is crowned emperor 


Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, is 
murdered by knights of Henry II 


Waldensian movement begins in Lyons 


Hildegard of Bingen, writer of music, medi¬ 
cal tracts, and mystical works, dies 


Richard I of England, Philip II Augustus of 
France, and Frederick I Barbarossa of Ger¬ 
many lead the Third Crusade 


Pontificate of Innocent III marks height of 
medieval papacy 


Crusaders defeats Byzantine Empire and take 
Constantinople in Fourth Crusade 

1207- 08 

Order of St. Francis is formed 

1208- 29 

Crusade against the Albigensian heretics 


Cambridge University is founded 


King John I of England is defeated at the 
Battle of Runnymede and signs the Magna 

Innocent III calls the Fourth Lateran Council 
to reform the Church 


St. Louis leads unsuccessful crusades 


Frederick II is crowned Emperor of Ger¬ 
many; he is also king of Sicily 


Frederick II makes treaty with Moslems on a 
crusade in Holy Land 


Pope Gregory IX begins Inquisition for trial 
of Albigensian heretics 


Simon de Montfort calls Parliament in En¬ 
gland: first time representatives oflords, knights 
and burgesses meet in two houses 


Thomas Aquinas writes Summa Theologica 

Rudolph of Hapsburg is elected Emperor of 


Sicilians revolt against Charles of Anjou in the 
Sicilian Vespers 


Swiss cantons form Swiss Confederation 


Marco Polo returns to Italy from China 


Philip IV the Fair convenes first Estates Gen¬ 
eral in France at which all three estates (nobility, 
clergy, and commoners) are represented 

Boniface VIII fights with Edward I of En¬ 
gland and Philip IV over taxing clergy 


Clement V becomes pope and moves the 
papacy to Avignon 

C. 1321 

Dante completes the Divine Comedy 


Outbreak of the Hundred Years’ War be¬ 
tween England and France 


Boccaccio writes The Decameron 


Black Death or bubonic plague peaks 


Revolt of French peasants, the Jacquerie 


Great Schism in papacy begins with two 


Peasants’ Revolt in England 

C. 1387 

Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales 


Council of Constance ends Great Schism and 
pope returns to Rome 

Jan Hus is burned as a heretic 


Henry V defeats French at Agincourt 


Joan of Arc is burned at Rouen 

C. 1450 

Invention of printing and moveable type 


Hundred Years’ War ends 
Constantinople falls to Turks 


Henry Tudor defeats Richard III at Battle of 
Bosworth Field and starts the Tudor line as 
Henry VII 


Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain finance the 
voyage of Christopher Columbus 


archbishop—a bishop in charge of a 
province that includes a number of bish¬ 
ops and their dioceses. He also exercises 
ecclesiastical law and authority in his 
own diocese. 

Arianism—the belief that Christ was of a 
different substance from God and that 
they should not be worshiped as equal. 
Based on the teachings of Arius, a priest 
in Alexandria, the Arianist movement of 
the late 3rd and 4th centuries gained a 
considerable following. Arianism was de¬ 
clared a heresy at the Council of Nicaea 
in 325. 

Black Death—the bubonic plague that 
appeared in the 6th and the 14th centu¬ 
ries in Europe. This bacterial disease 
was spread by the bite of a flea that 
lived on the common house rat. The 
signs of the disease were swellings 
(bubos) and the clotting of blood under 
the skin, giving the appearance of black 
blotches and hence the name, Black 
Death. (There was also a pneumonic 
variety of the disease.) 

baptism—a cleansing ritual that among 
Christians symbolizes the washing away 
of the original sin of Adam and Eve in 
their defiance of God’s commands. John 
the Baptist is traditionally credited with 
having baptized Jesus. In the Middle 
Ages, infant baptism was most com¬ 
mon, but during the period of conver¬ 
sions, Clovis, King of the Franks, and 
many other converts received baptism 
as adults. 

canon law—laws or rules regarding 
ecclesiastical doctrine and practice. In 
the Middle Ages, it was based on 
scripture, church councils, rules of 
religious orders, and, in the Roman 
Catholic Church, papal decrees. The 
body of canon law was organized and 
collected by Gratian (who died in 140), 
an Italian legal scholar whose work is 
known as the Decretum. 

Catholic, catholic—with a capital C, the 
word refers to the Roman Catholic 
Church; with a lowercase c, it refers to 
something universal or general. The Ro¬ 
man Catholic Church used catholic and 

the Eastern Orthodox Church used or¬ 
thodox to refer to the universality of their 
religious doctrines and to their religious 

cathedral—the main church of a diocese; 
the church of a bishop or archbishop. 
Cathedrals tended to be larger than other 
churches and are some of the most fa¬ 
mous architectural remains of the 
Middle Ages. The cathedra was the 
bishop’s chair. 

Codex Justianus —a collection of Roman 
laws and decrees that governed commer¬ 
cial transactions, criminal law, and the 
relationship of the emperor to the 
people. The Codex Justianus, properly 
called the Corpus Juris Civilis, was com¬ 
missioned by the Byzantine emperor Jus¬ 
tinian in the 6th century. It fomied the 
basis of western European commercial 
law when it was brought west and 
widely studied in the 12th century. In 
addition to the Codex, Justinian’s jurists 
also compiled a book of jurisprudence 
called the Digest. 

commitatus —the fighting unit of the Ger¬ 
manic tribes described by Roman histo¬ 
rian Tacitus in the first century a.d. Each 
commitatus had a leader who, because of 
his success in battle, was able to surround 
himself with armed fighters. They were 
loyal to him and did not leave the field as 
long as he was alive. In return, the leader 
provided them with spoils of war, in¬ 
cluding weapons and horses. 

crucifixion—a common mode of execu¬ 
tion in the Roman Empire. In a crucifix¬ 
ion, the hands and feet of a criminal 
were nailed or tied to a cross, and the 
offender was left to die in public view. 
According to the Gospels, Jesus was 
executed in this manner. 

diocese—an administrative unit or a prov¬ 
ince in the Roman Empire. The Church 
adopted the term, and it became associ¬ 
ated with a bishop. The diocese was a 
geographical area over which a bishop 
had jurisdiction. His responsibilities 
there included the ordaining of priests, 
administration of canon law, and over¬ 
sight of monasteries. The symbols of the 


bishop’s office were a ring and a staff 
(crozier) in the shape of a shepherd’s 
crook, which indicated his care for all 
Christians in his “flock.” 

Doctors of the Church —early theolo¬ 
gians of Christianity—such as Augustine 
of Hippo, Ambrose of Milan, Jerome, 
and Gregory the Great—who made es¬ 
sential contributions to the formulation 
of Christian thought. 

Eucharist —the chief sacrament among 
Christians, which commemorates the last 
supper Jesus had with the apostles before 
his arrest and crucifixion. Derived from 
the Greek word for “thanksgiving,” the 
Eucharist is also known as communion. 

Germanic tribes —a group of loosely knit 
tribes—including the Anglo-Saxons, 
Franks, Burgundians, Alamani, and 
Swabians—who spoke languages in what 
is now known as the Germanic linguistic 
group and also shared customs, modes of 
warfare, economic systems, and religious 
beliefs. These peoples lived on the bor¬ 
ders of the Roman Empire in the first 
century a.d., when Roman historian 
Tacitus wrote of them in a book titled 
Germania . They invaded the western 
Roman Empire in the late fourth and 
fifth centuries. 

Gospels —the first four books of the New 
Testament, whose authors are tradition¬ 
ally believed to be the disciples Matthew, 
Mark, Luke, and John. The Gospels pro¬ 
vide information on Jesus’ life and spiri¬ 
tual teachings. 

Gothic tribes —a group of loosely knit 
tribes—including the Vandals, Visigoths 
(west Goths), and Ostrogoths (east 
Goths)—who had their origins in 
Scandinavia and spoke a language in 
what is now known as the Germanic lin¬ 
guistic group. They swept east through 
central Europe and were forced into the 
western Roman Empire by the advance 
of the Huns in the 5th century. 

heresy —the adoption of a set of principles 
at variance with those established or gen¬ 
erally accepted. In the Middle Ages, 
people who accepted views that were 

contrary to those of the established 
church were regarded as heretics and 
their views as heretical. Among the larg¬ 
est groups of heretics were the Arians, 
Cathars, and Lollards (the followers of 
John Wycliffe). 

Huns —a nomadic group from central Asia 
that was driven west by famines and 
forced the Goths into the Roman Em¬ 
pire. They entered the empire them¬ 
selves under the leadership of Attila the 
Hun in the fifth century. 

Koran —the religious book of Islam, 
which consists of the teachings of 
Muhammad and parts of the Old and 
New Testament. It is the moral and re¬ 
ligious guide for the followers of Allah, 
or Muslims. 

monastery —a house for religious seclu¬ 
sion whose residents withdraw from the 
world in order to concentrate on prayer 
and devotion. In the Middle Ages, 
monasteries contained religious commu¬ 
nities whose members observed set rules 
and lived, worked, and prayed together. 
The Rule of St. Benedict was the most 
common monastic rule in the western 
medieval Church. The Rule of St. Basil 
was more common in the Eastern Or¬ 
thodox Church. Monasteries were also 
known as abbeys, priories, nunneries, 
and convents. The head of these estab¬ 
lishments was an abbot, an abbess, a 
prior or a prioress. 

Mythras —a semi-divine figure who was 
the inspiration for the mystery cult of 
Mythracism. The cult flourished in the 
Roman Empire in the 2nd and 3rd cen¬ 
turies. Mythras symbolized the god of 
the sun, and the cult offered ethical pre¬ 
cepts for living, the idea that Mythras 
was resurrected, baptism with bulls’ 
blood, and salvation and eternal fife for 
his followers. 

Nicaean Creed or Nicene Creed —a 

creed repeated in many Christian 
churches that states that Christ, God, and 
the Holy Ghost are all of one substance 
and are all divine. It emerged from the 
Council of Nicaea of 325, during which 
a group of bishops led by Emperor 

Constantine examined Arianism and the 
disputes it had caused over the relation¬ 
ship of Christ to God. The council for¬ 
mulated the concept of the Holy Trinity 
and determined that Arianism, which 
held that Christ and God could not both 
be divine, was a heresy. 

Orthodox, orthodox —with a capital O, 
the word refers to the Eastern Ortho¬ 
dox Church; with a lowercase o, it refers 
to the approved and generally accepted 
religious beliefs or doctrines of faith. 

The term Eastern Orthodox Church 
came into use in the 8th century to de¬ 
scribe the Byzantine and Slavic 
churches. Although its beliefs were very 
close to the western version of Chris¬ 
tianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church 
did not accept the authority of the 
Roman popes. 

pagan —a heathen, or one who worships 
idols and false gods. In the Middle 
Ages, Christians considered as pagans 
those who worshiped either the 
Roman or Greek pantheon of Gods— 
including Jupiter, Mars, and Venus— 
or the Germanic gods, such as Woden, 
Thor, and Tiu. 

plebeians —the common people or lower 
ranks of ancient and imperial Rome. 

The plebeians were free citizens who 
were not patricians (senators). Their rep¬ 
resentatives met as an assembly, whereas 
those of the patricians met in the senate. 

rhetoric —the art of effective argument in 
prose, verse, or oratory. Knowledge of 
rhetoric was regarded as essential training 
in the Greek, Roman, and medieval peri¬ 
ods, during which oral and written argu¬ 
ments were considered equally important. 

Romance languages —those languages 
that are based on Latin, such as Italian, 
French, Spanish, and Romanian. English 
is a combination of Germanic and 
French roots. 

senator —a title held by upper-class 
Romans that gave them considerable 
control over the army, government, and 
economy of ancient Rome and the 
Roman Empire. 


General History and References 



Barraclough, G. The Origins of Modem Ger¬ 
many. New York: Norton, 1984. 

Bunson, Matthew. Encyclopedia of the Middle 
Ages. New York: Facts on File, 1995. 

Collins, Roger. Early Medieval Europe, 
300—1000 . New York: St. Martin’s, 

Duby, Georges. France in the Middle Ages, 
987—1460. Translated by Juliet Vale. 
Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1991. 

Hollister, C. Warren. The Making of En¬ 
gland, 55 b.c. to 1399. 6th ed. Lexing¬ 
ton, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1992. 

Hyde, J. K. Society and Politics in Medieval 
Italy. New York: St. Martin’s, 1973. 

Jordan, William Chester, ed. The Middle 
Ages: An Encyclopedia for Children. New 
York: Scribner, 1996. 

Kibler, William W., et al., eds. Medieval 
France: An Encyclopedia. New York: Gar¬ 
land, 1995. 

Le GofF, Jacques. Medieval Civilization, 
400-1500. Translated by Julia Barrow. 
New York: Blackwell, 1988. 

Nicholas, David. The Evolution of the Medi¬ 
eval World: Society, Government, and 
Thought in Europe, 312—1500. New 
York: Longman, 1992. 

-. Medieval Flanders. New York: 

Longman, 1992. 

O’Callaghan, Joseph F. A History of Medi¬ 
eval Spain. Ithaca: Cornell University 
Press, 1975. 

Power, Eileen. Medieval People. New York: 
Harper & Row, 1963. 

Pulsiano, Phillip, et al., eds. Medieval 
Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia. New York: 
Garland, 1993 

Riche, Pierre. Daily Life in the World of 
Charlemagne. Translated by Jo Ann 
McNamara. Philadelphia: University of 
Pennsylvania Press, 1978. 

Strayer, Joseph R., ed. Dictionary of the 
Middle Ages. New York: Scribner, 

Szarmach, Paul E., M. Teresa Tavormina, 
and Joel T. Rosenthal. Medieval England: 
An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 

Primary Sources 

Alfred the Great. Translated and introduced 
by Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge. 
New York: Penguin, 1983. 

Augustine, bishop of Hippo. City of God. 
Translated by Marcus Dods. New York: 
The Modem Library, 1950. 

-. Confessions. Translated by Henry 

Chadwick. New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1991. 

Bede, the Venerable. A History of the English 
Church and People. Translated by Leo 
Sherley-Price. Hannondsworth: Penguin, 

Comnena, Anna. The Alexiad of Anna Comnena. 
Translated and Introduced by E. R. A. 
Sewter. New York: Penguin, 1969. 

Einhard and Notker the Stammerer. Two 
Lives of Charlemagne. Translated by Lewis 
Thorpe. London: Penguin, 1969. 

Eusebius. The History of the Church from 
Christ to Constantine. Translated by G. A. 
Williamson. New York: Penguin, 1989. 

Francis of Assisi. Francis and Clare: The Com¬ 
plete Works. Translated and introduced by 
Regis J. Armstrong and Ignatius C. Brady. 
New York: Paulist Press, 1982. 

Froissart, Jean. Chronicles. Translated by Geoffrey 
Brereton. Baltimore: Penguin, 1978. 

Gregory the Great. Dialogues. New York: 
Fathers of the Church, 1959. 

Gregory of Tours. History of the Franks. 
Translated by Lewis Thorpe. New York: 
Penguin Books, 1974. 

Joinville and Villehardouin. Chronicle of the 
Crusades. Baltimore: Penguin, 1963. 

The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Translated 
by Betty Radice. New York: Viking 
Penguin, 1974. 

The Book of Margery Kempe. Translated by 
B. A. Windeatt. New York: Viking 
Penguin, 1985. 


Polo, Marco. The Travels. Translated and 
introduced by Ronald Latham. Balti¬ 
more: Penguin, 1958. 

Stenton, Frank, et al. The Bayeux Tapestry: 
A Comprehensive Survey. New York: 
Phaidon, 1957. 

Sturluson, Snorri. King Harald’s Saga: 

Harald Hardradi of Norway. Translated by 
Magnus Magnusson and Hermann 
Palsson. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 


Suger, Abbot. The Deeds of Louis the Fat. 
Translated by Richard Cusimano and 
John Moorhead. Washington, D.C.: 
Catholic University of America Press, 

Tacitus, Cornelius. The Histories . Translated 
by Kenneth Wellesley. Baltimore: Pen¬ 
guin, 1975. 

Teresa of Avila. The Life of Saint Teresa of 
Avila by Herself Translated and Intro¬ 
duced by J. M. Cohen. New York: Pen¬ 
guin, 1988. 

Germanic Tribes 

Bums, Thomas. A History of the Ostrogoths. 
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 

Campbell, James, ed. The Anglo-Saxons. 
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982. 

Christie, Neil. The Lombards. Cambridge, 
Mass.: Blackwell, 1995. 

Heather, Peter. The Goths. Cambridge, 
Mass.: Blackwell, 1996. 

James, Edward. The Franks. Cambridge, 
Mass.: Blackwell, 1991. 

Jones, Gwyn. A History of the Vikings. New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1984. 

Manchen-Helfen, J. O. The World of the 
Huns. Berkeley: University of California 
Press, 1973. 

Thompson, E. A. The Goths in Spain. Ox¬ 
ford: Clarendon Press, 1969. 

Todd, Malcolm. The Early Germans. Cam¬ 
bridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992. 

Wolfram, Herwig. History of the Goths. 
Translated by Thomas J. Dunlap. Berke¬ 
ley: University of California Press, 1979. 


Bisson, Thomas N. The Medieval Crown of 
Aragon. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. 

Duckett, Eleanor Shipley. Carolingian Por¬ 
traits: A Study in the Ninth Century/. Ann 
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 

Fawtier, Robert. The Capetian Kings of 
France. New York: St. Martin's, 1960. 

Gillingham, John. The Angevin Empire. 

New York: Holmes Sc Meier, 1984. 

Riche, Pierre. The Carolingians: A Family 
Who Forged Europe. Philadelphia: Uni¬ 
versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. 

Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. Early Germanic King- 
ship in England and on the Continent. Ox¬ 
ford: Clarendon Press, 1971. 


Brooke, Rosalind, and Christopher 
Brooke. Popular Religion in the Middle 
Ages. London: Thames Sc Hudson, 1985. 

Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo: A Biogra¬ 
phy. Berkeley: University of California 
Press, 1967. 

Bynum, Caroline Walker. Holy Feast and 
Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of 
Food to Medieval Women. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 


-. Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spiri¬ 
tuality of the High Middle Ages. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1982. 

Duckett, Eleanor. The Wandering Saints of 
the Early Middle Ages. New York: 
Norton, 1959. 

Ferguson, Everett, ed. Encyclopedia of Early 
Christianity. New York: Garland, 1990. 

Hamilton, Bernard. Religion in the Medieval 
West. London: Edward Arnold, 1986. 

Hilgarth, J. N., ed. Christianity and Pagan¬ 
ism, 350-750: The Conversion of Western 
Europe. Philadelphia: University of Penn¬ 
sylvania Press, 1986. 

Jones, A. H. M. Constantine and the Conver¬ 
sion of Europe. New York: Collier Books, 

Lambert, Malcolm. Medieval Heresy: Popular 
Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the 
Reformation. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: 
Blackwell, 1992. 

Lawrence, C. H. The Friars: The Impact of 
the Early Mendicant Movement on Western 
Society. New York: Longman, 1994. 

Lynch, Joseph H. The Medieval Church: A 
Brief History. New York: Longman, 1992. 

Oakley, Francis. The Western Church in the 
Later Middle Ages. Ithaca: Cornell Uni¬ 
versity Press, 1979. 

Southern, R. W. Western Society and the 
Church in the Middle Ages. New York: 
Penguin, 1977. 

Ward, Bene dicta. Miracles and the Medieval 
Mind. Philadelphia: University of Penn¬ 
sylvania Press, 1982. 

The Crusades 

Mayer, H. E. The Crusades. Translated by J. 
Gillingham. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The Crusades: A 
Short History. New Haven: Yale Univer¬ 
sity Press, 1987. 

Unstead, R. J. Living in a Crusader Land. Il¬ 
lustrated by Victor Ambrus. Reading, 
Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1971. 

Architecture and Art 

Binski, Paul. Painters. Medieval Craftsmen se¬ 
ries. Toronto: University of Toronto 
Press, 1991. 

Brown, Michelle P. Understanding Illumi¬ 
nated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical 
Terms. Malibu, Calif.: J. Paul Getty Mu¬ 
seum, 1994. 

Brown, Sarah, and David O’Connor. 
Glass-Painters. Medieval Craftsmen series. 
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 

Coldstream, Nicola. Masons and Sculptors. 
Medieval Craftsmen series. Toronto: Uni¬ 
versity of Toronto Press, 1991. 

Eames, Elizabeth. English Tilers. Medieval 
Craftsmen series. Toronto: University of 
Toronto Press, 1991. 


Gimpel, Jean. The Cathedral Builders. Trans¬ 
lated by C. F. Barnes, Jr. New York: 
Grove Press, 1961. 

Hamel, Christopher de. Scribes and Illumina¬ 
tors. Medieval Craftsmen series. Toronto: 
University of Toronto Press, 1991. 

Staniland, Kay. Embroiderers. Medieval 
Craftsmen series. Toronto: University of 
Toronto Press, 1991. 

Swaan, Wim. The Late Middles Ages: Art 
and Architecture from 1350 to the Advent of 
the Renaissance. Ithaca: Cornell Univer¬ 
sity Press, 1977. 


Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy. 
Translated by C.H. Sisson. New York: 
Oxford University Press, 1995. 

Andre le Chapelain. The Art of Courtly 
Love. New York: F. Ungar, 1959. 

Beowulf. Translated by Michael Alexander. 
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 

Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. 
Translated by G. H. Me William. New 
York: Penguin, 1995. 

Chaucer, Geof&ey. 77ie Canterbury Tales. 
New York: Knopf, 1992. 

Chretien de Troyes. Arthurian Romances. 
New York: Dutton, 1975. 

Christine de Pisan. The Treasure of the City 
of Ladies, or, The Book of the Three Virtues. 
Translated by Sarah Lawson. New York: 
Penguin, 1985. 

Geoffrey of Monmouth. The History of the 
Kings of Britain. Translated by Lewis 
Thorpe. Baltimore: Penguin, 1966. 

The Lais of Marie de France. Translated by 
Glyn S. Burgess and Keith Busby. New 
York: Penguin, 1986. 

Langland, William. Piers the Ploughman. 
Translated byj. F. Goodridge. New 
York: Penguin, 1968. 

The Song of Roland. Translated by Glyn 
Burgess. New York: Penguin, 1983. 

Von Strassburg, Gottfried. Tristan. New 
York: Penguin, 1967. 


Bloch, Marc. Feudal Society. 2 vols. Chi¬ 
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. 

Herlihy, David. The History of Feudalism. 
Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities 
Press, 1971. 

Poly, J. P., and Eric Boumazel. The Feudal 
Transformation, 900-1200. New York: 
Holmes & Meier, 1991. 

Chivalry and Courtly Love 

Barber, Richard. The Knight and Chivalry. 
New York: Harper & Row, 1970. 

Bumke, Joachim. Courtly Culture: Literature 
and Society in the High Middle Ages. 
Translated by Thomas Dunlap. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1991. 

Keen, Maurice. Chivalry. New Haven: 

Yale University Press, 1984. 

Painter, Sidney. French Chivalry. Ithaca: 
Cornell University Press, 1957. 


Biesty, Stephen, and Richard Platt. Castle. 
Illustrated by Stephen Biesty. Boston: 
Houghton Mifflin, 1994. 

Burke, John. Life in the Castle in Medieval 
England. London: B. T. Batsford, 1978. 

Gies, Joseph, and Frances Gies. Lfe in a 
Medieval Castle. New York: Harper Sc 
Row, 1974. 

Gregor, Hugh. Castles: A Guide for Young 
People. London: Her Majesty's Stationery 
Office, 1977. 

Oakeshott, R. Ewart. A Knight and His 
Castle. Illustrated by R. Ewart 
Oakeshott. London: Lutterworth, 


Unstead, R. J. Living in a Castle. Illustrated 
by Victor Ambrus. Reading, Mass.: 
Addison-Wesley, 1971. 

Warner, Philip. The Medieval Castle: Lfe in 
a Fortress in Peace and War. New York: 
Taplinger, 1971. 


Ashdown, Charles Henry. European Arms 
and Armour. New York: Barnes Sc 
Noble, 1995. 

Borg, Alan. Arms and Armour in Britain. 
London: Her Majesty’s Stationery 
Office, 1979. 

DeVries, Kelly. Medieval Military Technol¬ 
ogy. Lewiston, N.Y.: Broadview Press, 

Glubock, Shirley. Knights in Armor. New 
York: Harper Sc Row, 1969. 

Nicolle, David. Arms and Armour of the Cru¬ 
sading Era, 1050-1350. White Plains, 
N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 

Pfaffenbichler, Matthias. Amourers. Medieval 
Craftsmen series. Toronto: University of 
Toronto Press, 1991. 

Peasant Life and Manors 

Bennett, H. S. Life on the English Manor. 
Wolfeboro, N.H.: A. Sutton, 1989. 


Chapelot, Jean and Robert Fossier. The 
Village and House in the Middle Ages. 
Translated by Henry Cleere. Berkeley: 
University of Califoia Press, 1985. 

Fossier, Robert. Peasant Life in the Medieval 
West. New York: Blackwell, 1988. 

Genicot, Leopold. Rural Communities in the 
Medieval World . Baltimore: Johns 
Hopkins University Press, 1990. 

Gies, Frances, and Joseph Gies. Life in a 
Medieval Village. New York: Harper & 
Row, 1990. 

Hanawalt, Barbara A. The Ties That Bound: 
Peasant Families in Medieval England. New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1986. 

Morgan, Gwyneth. Life in a Medieval Vil¬ 
lage. New York: Cambridge University 
Press, 1975. 

Trade and Towns 

Cherry, John. Goldsmiths. Medieval Crafts¬ 
men series. Toronto: University of 
Toronto Press, 1991. 

Ennen, Edith. The Medieval Town. New 
York: North-Holland, 1979. 

Gies, Joseph, and Frances Gies. Life in a 
Medieval City. New York: Harper & 
Row, 1973. 

Nicholas, David. The Growth of the Medieval 
City: From Late Antiquity to the Early 
Fourteenth Century. New York: 

Longman, 1997. 

-. The Later Medieval City, 1300- 

1500. New York: Longman, 1997. 

Rorig, Fritz. The Medieval Town. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1967. 

Thrupp, Sylvia. Merchant Class of Medieval 
London. Ann Arbor: University of 
Michigan Press, 1968. 

The Plague 

Hatcher, John. Plague, Population and the 
English Economy, 1348—1530. London: 
Macmillan, 1977. 

McNeill, W. H. Plagues and People. New 
York: Anchor Press, 1976. 

Platt, Colin. King Death: The Black Death 
and Its Aftermath in Late-Medieval England. 
Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 

Ziegler, Philip. The Black Death. New 
York: John Day, 1969. 

Family Life 

Duby, Georges. The Knight, the Lady, and 
the Priest: The Making of Modem Marriage 
in Medieval France. New York: Pantheon 
Books, 1983. 

Hanawalt, Barbara A. Growing Up in Medi¬ 
eval London: The Experience of Childhood 
in History. New York: Oxford Univer¬ 
sity Press, 1993. 

Herlihy, David. Medieval Households. Cam¬ 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 

Parsons, John Carmi, and Bonnie Wheeler, 
eds. Medieval Mothering. New York: Gar¬ 
land, 1996. 

Shahar, Shulasmith. Childhood in the Middle 
Ages. New York: Roudedge, 1990. 

Womeninthe Middle Ages 

Ennen, Edith. The Medieval Woman. Ox¬ 
ford: Basil Blackwell, 1989. 

Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane. A History of 
Women in the West. Silences of the Middle Ages. 
Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press, 1992. 

Labarge, M. W. A Small Sound of the Trum¬ 
pet: Women in Medieval Life. Boston: 
Beacon Press, 1986. 

McNamara, Jo Ann. A New Song: Celibate 
Women in the First Three Christian Centu¬ 
ries. New York: Haworth Press, 1983. 

Power, Eileen. Medieval Women. New 
York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. 

Shahar, Shulasmith. The Fourth Estate: A 
History of Women in the Middle Ages. 
Translated by C. Galai. New York: 
Methuen, 1983 

Wemple, Suzanne Fonay. Women in Frank¬ 
ish Society: Marriage and the Cloister, 500 
to 900. Philadelphia: University of Penn¬ 
sylvania Press, 1981. 

Food and Cooking 

Adamson, Melitta Weiss, ed. Food in the 
Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. New 
York: Garland, 1995. 

Am, Mary-Jo, ed. Medieval Food and Drink. 
Binghamton, N.Y.: Center for Medieval 
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Black, Maggie. The Medieval Cookbook. 

New York: Thames & Hudson, 1992. 

Cosman, Madeleine Pelner. Fabulous Feasts: 
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York: Braziller, 1976. 

Hieatt, Constance B., Brenda M. 
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Delit: Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks. 
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Scully, D. Eleanor. Early French Cookery: 
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ern Adaptations. Ann Arbor: University of 
Michigan Press, 1995. 

Scully, Terence. The Art of Cookery in the 
Middle Ages. Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell 
Press, 1995. 



References to illustrations are indicated 
by page numbers in italics 

Aachen, 40, 43, 47, 56 
Abbasids, 51—53 
Abelard, Peter, 87-88 
Aethelbert (king of Kent), 32 
Agincourt, Battle of, 141 
Alaric (Visigoth king), 22 
Albigensians, 107, 108 
Alcuin (scholar), 41, 42 
Alexius Comnenus (Byzantine em¬ 
peror), 79, 80 

Alfred of Wessex (king of England), 56, 

Ali (cousin and son-in-law of 
Muhammad), 50—51 
Amalsuntha (Byzantine princess), 21 
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 9-10, 19 
Angevin Empire, 98, 100, 141 
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 67-68 
Anglo-Saxons, 21, 22, 33, 59, 67-68 
Anna (queen of Kiev), 50 
Anna Comnena, 81, 83 
Anthony, St., 18 
Antioch, 81-82 
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 115 
Arabic numerals, 52 
Arabs and Arab Empire, 36-37, 39, 42, 
50-53, 78, 82, 124 
Arianism, 17-18, 25, 27 
Aristotle, 114-15 
Arnulf (Carolingian emperor), 57 
Asser (historian), 57 
Astrolabe, 53 

Athaulf (Visigoth king), 22 
Attila the Hun, 22, 23 
Augustine of Hippo, 7, 9, 19, 23, 41 
Avicenna (physician), 52—53 
Avignon papacy (France), 127, 129, 
130-31, 132, 142, 143 

Ball, John, 139 

Basil I (Byzantine emperor), 49 
Basil II (Byzantine emperor), 50 
Bayeux tapestry, 67, 68 
Becket, St. Thomas, 98-100 
Bede, the Venerable, 32-33 
Belgium. See Flanders 
Benedict, St., 30 
Benedictine Rule, 30-32 
Beowulf, 20-21, 57 
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 85-86, 88 
Bernard de Ventadour (troubador), 85 
Bertha (queen of Kent), 32 
Bertran de Born (troubador), 85 
Bestiaries, 81 

Bible, 13-14, 15, 19, 31, 46, 144, 145 
Black Death, 28, 128, 129, 135-38 
Blanche of Castile, 110, 123 
Boethius (Roman scholar), 27, 28, 57, 

Bohemund (French noble), 80, 81, 82 

Boniface VIII, Pope, 125, 126, 139 

Book of Kells, 31 

Bosworth Field, Battle of, 142 

Bouvines, Battle of, 104 

Brendan, St., 30 

Brigitte of Sweden, St., 142 

Britain. See Anglo-Saxons; Danelaw; 

Norman Conquest; Wales 
Bubonic plague. See Black Death 
Bulgars, 49 

Burgundian court, 131, 133, 141 
Burgundians (tribe), 23 
Byzantine Empire, 13, 28, 36, 37, 46- 
50, 79-80, 81 

Calendars, Julian and Gregorian, 16 
Caliphs and caliphates, 50 
Cambridge University, 115, 117 
Canterbury Cathedral (England), 33 
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 100, 140 
Canute (king of Norway and England), 

Capetian dynasty, 58, 97, 125, 132 
Carolingian Empire, 39-49, 57, 58 
Carolingian minuscule, 41, 42 
Carpenter, John, 117 
Cassiodorus (scholar), 27 
Cathedrals, 33, 72-73, 91-92 
Catherine of Siena, St., 142-144 
Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic 

Celestine V, Pope, 125-26 
Celts, 10, 31. See also Ireland; Scotland; 

Charlemagne, 39, 40-47 
Charles VII (king of France), 141 
Charles of Anjou (Charles I of Sicily), 

Charles the Bald (king of Franks), 38, 

Charles the Fat (Carolingian emperor), 

Charles Martel (Merovingian king), 39, 

Charles the Simple (Carolingian em¬ 
peror), 57 

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 100, 140 
China, 126 

Chivalry, code of, 83, 84, 88. See also 
Courtly love 

Christianity, early, 13-19, 25-27, 29- 
33. See also Cathedrals; Great Schism; 
Greek Orthodox Church; Monastic 
orders; Papacy; Roman Catholic 

Christine de Pisan, 140 

Ciompi revolt (Italy, 1378), 139 

Cistercian Order, 86 

City of God (Augustine), 9, 10, 41 

Claret St., 108, 109 

Clotilda (queen of Franks), 27, 32, 39 

Clovis (king of Franks), 25, 26, 39 

Cluny, Order of, 72, 73 


Codex Justinianus. See Corpus Juris Civilis 
College of Cardinals, 74 
Concordant of Worms, 76 
Confessions (Augustine), 9 
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius), 28, 

Constantine (Roman emperor), 13, 14, 

Constantinople (Byzantine Empire), 13, 
Corpus Juris Civilis (Justinian), 32, 34, 

Council of Constance, 143 
Council of Nicaea, 25 
Council of Pisa, 143 
Courtly love, 70, 82, 84, 85, 88 
Crecy, Battle of, 134 
Crusades, 79-82, 86, 88, 100-1, 107, 
121, 124-25 
Cuthbert, St., 30 

Danelaw, 56, 58 

Dante Alighieri, 139-40 

David Llwellyn (king of Wales), 122 

Decameron (Boccaccio), 137 

Denmark, 55, 56, 58 

Diaz, Rodrigo (El Cid), 78 

Diocletian (Roman emperor), 13, 14, 16 

Dionysius Exiguus, 16 

Divine Comedy (Dante), 139 

Doctors of the Church, 8, 19 

Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem), 51 

Domesday Book (England), 67, 68 

Dominic, St., 91, 107-8 

Dominican Order, 91, 108, 115, 131 

Drogo (Normandy), 77-78 

Durham Cathedral (England), 73 

Edward I (king of England), 122, 126, 

Edward II (king of England), 132 
Edward III (king of England), 97, 132- 

Edward the Black Prince (England), 134 
Edward the Confessor (king of En¬ 
gland), 66, 67 

Egeria (early Christian nun), 18-19 
Einhard (biographer), 40-41, 43, 47 
El Cid (epic poem), 78 
Eleanor of Aquitaine (queen of En¬ 
gland), 62, 71, 83-84, 89, 91, 98, 100 
Elizabeth I (queen of England), 61 
England. See specific people, places, and 

Epistles of Saint Paul, 10, 14 
Estates General (France), 126 
Exchequer, 99 

Famine, Great of 1315-1317, 130 
Farming, 63-66, 130 
Felicie, Jacoba, 117 
Feudalism, 59-62, 67, 69 
Flanders, 133-34, 141 

Florence, 76 

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 129, 

France. See specific people, places, and 

Francesco de Marco Datini, 129, 131, 
137, 141 

Francis of Assisi, St., 91, 108-9 
Franciscan Order, 91, 109, 131 
Franks, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 39, 41 
Frederick I Barbarossa (emperor of Ger¬ 
many), 101, 102, 104 
Frederick II (king of Siciliy and em¬ 
peror of Germany), 124-25, 127 

Galen (physician), 53 
Galla Placidia (Roman empress), 22 
Gaul, 21, 22, 23, 25 
Geoffrey of Lorraine (king of Jerusa¬ 
lem), 82 

Geoffrey Plantagenet (Count of Anjou), 

Germanic tribes, 20-23, 25 
Germany. See specific people, places, 
and topics 

Golgotha, shrine of, 18 
Gospels. See Bible 
Gothic architecture, 91-92 
Gothic tribes, 20-23 
Great Schism (Catholic Church), 79, 
143, 144 

Great Silk Road, 126 

Greek Orthodox Church, 49, 79, 145 

Greenland, 56 

Gregory VII, Pope, 73-74, 75, 102 
Gregory XI, Pope, 143 
Gregory XIII, Pope, 16 
Gregory the Great, Pope, 73-74, 75, 


Gregory of Tours (bishop), 26, 28, 29 
Guilds, 111, 118-20 
Guiscard, Robert de, 78 
Guiscard, Roger de, 78 
Gutenberg, Johann, 144, 145 

Hadrian’s Wall (England/Scotland), 11 
Hagia Sophia (Constantinople), 34, 35 
Hapsburg dynasty, 127 
Harald Hardrada (Norway), 66, 67 
Harold Godwinson (England), 66, 67 
Harun al-Rashid (caliph of Arabic Em¬ 
pire), 51 

Hastings, Battle of, 66—67 
Helena (mother of Constantine), 16 
Heloise (Prioress), 88 
Henry I (king of England), 97-98 
Henry II (king ofEngland), 84, 91, 98- 

Henry III (king ofEngland), 141 
Henry III (emperor of Germany), 72 
Henry IV (emperor of Germany), 74-76 
Henry V (king ofEngland), 141 
Henry V (emperor of Germany), 76 

Henry VI (king ofEngland and France), 

Henry VI (emperor of Germany), 101, 


Henry VII (king ofEngland), 142 
Heraldry, 87 

Hildebrand. See Gregory VII 
Hildegard of Bingen, 117 
History of the English Church and People 
(Bede), 32, 33 

Holy Roman Empire, 68-69, 101-2, 
103, 124 

Honorius (Roman emperor), 22 
Hugh Capet (France), 58 
Humphrey (Normandy), 77-78 
Hundred Years’ War, 123 , 129-30, 

132, 134, 141 
Hungarians. See Magyars 
Huns, 22, 23 
Hus, Jan, 130, 143, 144 

Iceland, 56, 63 
India, 52 

Innocent III, Pope, 90, 91, 103, 104—5, 
107, 109, 114, 124 

Inquisition (Roman Catholic Church), 

Ireland, 30, 31, 42, 55, 56 
Irene (Byzantine empress), 49 
Isabelle (queen of France), 123 
Isabelle of Angouleme (queen ofEn¬ 
gland), 101 
Islam, 36, 37, 50-51 
Italy. See specific people, places, and 

Jacquerie (peasant revolt, France), 138 

Jerome, St., 18, 19, 22 

Jerusalem, 79, 80, 81, 82, 124 

Joan of Arc, 141, 142 

John I “Lackland” (king ofEngland), 

91, 101, 103 

John II “the Good” (king of France), 


Joinville, Jean de, 121, 123 
Justinian (Roman emperor), 28, 32, 33— 

Kiev (Russia), 50, 55 

Koran, 36, 3 7, 51 

Krak des Chevaliers (Syria), 96 

Langton, Stephen (archbishop), 103, 104 
Languages: Arabic, 51; French, 48; Ger¬ 
man, 48; Greek, 26, 27, 35; Latin, 11, 
26, 35; Old English, 20; Romance 
group, 29, 48; Slavonic, 49 
Lateran Council, 104—6 
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 82 
Legnano, Battle of, 102 
Leo III, Pope, 42-43 
Lombard League, 102 
Lombards, 29, 33, 42 
Lothair (Holy Roman emperor), 48, 49 

INDEX • 157 

Louis VII (king of France), 83-84, 98, 


Louis IX (king of France), 110 , 121 , 123 
Louis the German (king of Franks), 48- 

Louis the Pious (Holy Roman em¬ 
peror), 47-49 

Low Countries (Belgium, Netherlands), 
41, 77, 133. See also Flanders 

Magna Carta, 91, 104, 105 
Magyars, 53, 57 
Manuscripts, illuminated, 31 
Maps, medieval, 6 
Marie de France (author), 85, 118 
Marriage, 61-62, 65, 71, 83-84, 96-97 
Marshall, William (Earl of Pembroke), 
89, 104 

Marthana (early Christian), 18 
Martin of Braga (bishop), 47 
Martyrs, Christian, 15-16 
Matilda (queen of England), 97-98 
Mecca, shrine of, 36 
Medieval, definition of, 7 
Merovingian dynasty, 27, 39 
Michael III “the Drunkard” (Byzantine 
emperor), 49 

Middle Ages, definition of, 7 
Middle Kingdom (Holy Roman Em¬ 
pire), 49, 55, 68 
Milan, 76, 102 
Monks. See Monastic orders 
Monastic orders, 30-31, 41, 61, 71-72, 

Montfor, Simon de, 121-22 
Mortimer, Roger, 132 
Moslems, 78. See also Arabs and Arab 
Empire; Islam; Turks 
Muhammad (Prophet), 36, 50, 51 
Music, #5-86 

Mythras and Mythrasism, 13, 17 

Naples (Italy), 102, 127 
Netherlands. See Low Countries 
Nicene Creed, 17-18, 79 
Nobles. See Feudalism 
Nogaret, William de, 123-24, 126 
Norman Conquest, 66-68 
Normandy, 77-78, 66 
Norway, 56, 58. See also Vikings 
Novgorod (Russia), 50, 55 

Nuns, 18, 88, 71, 144 

Odofredus (law professor), 114 

Omar Khayam, 52 

Omens, 47 

Ostrogoths, 23, 27 

Otto the Great (king of Germany), 


Ottoman Empire. See Turks 
Oxford University, 115, 117 

158 * 

Paganism, 47 

Papacy, 29-30, 73-76, 102-3, 127, 129, 
130-31, 132 , 142, 143 
Papal bulls, 103 
Papal States, 40 
Parliament (England), 122-23 
Patrick, St., 30 
Pax Romana, 11 

Peasants. See Farming; Feudalism; Revolts 
Pepin the Short (Merovingian king), 40, 

Perpetua (Christian martyr), 15-16 
Persians, 13, 35, 36-37, 51-52 
Peter, St., 29-30 
Peter of Aragon, 125 
Petrarch, Francesco, 131-32 
Philip II Augustus (king of France), 100, 
101, 104 

Philip IV “the Fair” (king of France), 
123, 126-27, 132, 133 
Philippa (queen of England), 97 
Philo Judaes (Jewish scholar), 19 
Piets, 11 

Plantagenet dynasty, 98 
Poitiers, Battle of, 134, 135 
Poland, 135, 139 
Polo, Marco, 126 
Pompeii (Italy), 11-13 
Prince of Wales (title), 122 
Printing press, 144, 145 
Procopius (historian), 33—34 

Raymon of Toulouse, 80 
Reconquista (Spain), 78 
Reims Cathedral (France), 92 
Relics, of saints, 29, 41, 107, 115 
Religion. See Christianity; Greek Or¬ 
thodox Church; Islam; Paganism; Ro¬ 
man Catholic Church 
Revolts, of peasants, 138-39 
Richard I “the Lion-Hearted” (king of 
England), 91, 100, 101-2 
Richard II (king of England), 140-141 
Richard III (king of England), 142 
Robert (Duke of Normandy), 80 
Roman Catholic Church, 29-30, 40, 49, 
73-74, 75-76, 79, 102-9, 127, 130- 
31, 142, 143. See also Cathedrals; Mo¬ 
nastic orders; Papacy 
Romances, and chivalry, 84, 85. See also 
Courtly love 

Roman Empire, 9-13, 20, 21,27, 33-35 
Romanesque architecture, 72-73, 92 
Rome, sack of, 22-23, 25 
Roswitha of Gandersheim, 69 
Rubaiyat (Omar Khyyam), 52 
Rudolf I of Hapsburg, 127 
Runnymead, Battle of, 104 
Rus (Vikings), 49-50, 55 
Russia, 49-50, 55, 145. See also Slavs 
Saladin (Turk leader), 101 
Scholastica, St., 30 

Scholasticism, 114 
Scotland, 11 

Serfs. See Farming; Feudalism; Revolts 
Shiites (Islam), 51 
Sicilian Vespers, 125 
Sicily, 28, 78, 102, 124, 125, 127 
Sidonius Apollinarius (Roman official), 

Sigismund (emperor of Germany), 143 
Slavs, 49, 50 

Song of Roland, 42, 43, 62, 63 
Sorbonne, Robert de, 116 
Spain, 22, 23, 44, 42, 50, 56, 78, 82, 
125, 139 

Stephen (king of England), 89, 98 
Stephen, Pope, 40 
Strasborg Oaths, 48 
Suger (abbot of St. Denis), 91-92 
Sulys, Battle of, 134 
Sutton Hoo (England), 21 
Sweden, 20, 21, 55. See also Vikings 
Sylvester II, Pope, 69 
Synod of Whitby, 32, 33 

Tacitus (Roman historian), 20 
Tancred de Hauteville (Normandy), 

Theodora (Byzantine empress), 33-35, 

Theodoric (Ostrogoth leader), 14 
Thousand and One Nights, 51-52 
Tournaments, 86-87 
Troubadors, 85 
Troyes, Treaty of, 141 
Tudor dynasty, 142 

Turks, 78-79, 80, 81, 82, 101, 144. See 
also Arabs and Arabic Empire; Islam 
Tyler, Wat, 139 

Universities, 115-117 
University of Paris, 113-115 
Urban II, Pope, 79-80 

Vandals (tribe), 23 
Van Eyck, Jan, 141 
Verdun, Treaty of, 49, 68 
Vesuvius, Mt., 13 
Vikings, 53, 54, 55-59, 63 
Villard de Honnecourt, 93 
Villein, definition of, 64 
Visigoths (tribe), 22, 25, 33 
Vladimir (king of Kiev), 50 

Wales, 122 

War of the Roses, 141-42 
William Iron-Arm (Normandy), 77-78 
William the Conqueror (king of En¬ 
gland), 66—68 

Women, 34 ,, 45, 46, 61-62, 64, 96, 
117-18, 142. See also Courtly love; 
Marriage; Nuns 

Wycliffe, John, 130, 142-43, 144 




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1071, f.81r) Bibliotheque Municipale de 
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Universitetets Oldsaksamling, Oslo: 54, 

56; Vanni/Art Resource, NY: 35; 

Victoria & Albert Museum, London/Art 
Resource, NY: 64. 

About the Author 

Barbara A. Hanawalt is the George III 
Professor of British History at Ohio State 
University. She was previously professor of 
history at the University of Minnesota and 
the director of its Medieval Studies Center. 
Her most recent books include Growing Up 
in Medieval London: The Experience of Child¬ 
hood in History, The Ties that Bound: Peasant 
Families in Medieval England , and ‘Of Good 
and HI Repute } : Gender and Social Control in 
Medieval England.