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Poster: hgoodall Date: Apr 17, 2012 12:48pm
Forum: animationandcartoons Subject: I am looking for the Lost Alice Comedy series

Some of these mixed animation had been lost because Disney went Bankrupt and headed for Los Angeles with his brother Roy. Walt's Uncle Robert Disney was in possession of these films. He set Walt up with s studio in Los Angeles. This is where the trail goes cold. Here is a list of them

Alice Charms the Fish
Alice's Monkey Business
Alice Cuts the Ice
Alice Picks the Champ (Fragments remain)
Alice the Golf Bug
Alice Foils the Pirates
Alice at the Carnival
Alice the Collegiate
Alice in the Alps
Alice's Auto Race
Alice's Knaughty Knight
Alice's Three Bad Eggs
Alice's Channel Swim
Alice in the Klondike
Alice's Medicine Show
Alice the Beach Nut

Also folks if you have these films in your possession Disney does not hold the copyright on them.