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Poster: Guspaz Date: May 12, 2004 6:59am
Forum: freecache Subject: Re: Limiting bandwidth?

The issue exists on a larger scale. There are a lot of people out there with dedicated servers that are on a fast pipe (Most are located at datacenters with 10-15gbit connectivity) but have a monthly cap (Mine has 1200GB/mth for example). I know for a fact that most of these people only use 100-200GB of their bandwidth, and have tons left over.

However, if they were to fun a FreeCache, it might easily eat up more than their allotment. If a user was able to specify that FreeCache was only to take up, for example, 800GB/mth, I'm sure many of these server owners would be happy to donate a few hundred or thousand gigabytes of monthly traffic.

If this sort of thing is implemented, you might get some luck posting requests for FreeNodes in the forums of major datacenters (EV1, ServerMatrix, ServerBeach, 1and1, managed, etc)