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Poster: glenn Date: Mar 11, 2007 1:12am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: abusive 'reviews'

Really, when you post here, upload or download, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions here:

which partly say that the archive may contain disturbing and objectionable material, and that it is not their responsibility

and partly says that the archive can, at their discretion, remove anything.

Also, before you uploaded, you certainly saw that people review anything, and that there are good and bad reviews posted...

so you have agreed to have your stuff reviewed...

On the other hand, it states in the terms that the archive is not to be used to harass and annoy anyone, so to some extent, people reviewing items with 'reviews' that are substantially not reviews of the item in question, but are instead intentionally harassing or annoying, or people uploading content with the intent of harassing or annoying someone... is in violation of the terms of service agreement.

On the other, other hand, every time you get a bad review, your stuff becomes a 'recently reviewed item' and gets noticed and maybe viewed/listened/read and appreciated by people who might otherwise never have seen it...

And finally, in 'show biz' "a knock is a plug" any time someone gives someone a bad review or says their material is worthless or crappy or whatever, is in effect giving them free publicity...

don't let the bad reviews bug you.