The Kingdom of Egypt 265 while Zaglul still retains an extra-constitutional position and power comparable to that of Mustapha Kernel or Mussolini, The Constitution was not finally passed without another struggle ; but this time not with an Egyptian Sultan, newly promoted King, but with a British Protector, now become a plenipotentiary. For the first draft declared that Egyptian territory included the Sudan and that Fuad's title should be ct King of Egypt and the Sudan." This was an ingenious nationalist device for dividing the British and the King and for challenging the British on an issue of intense interest to the nation. That it was a new departure, ignoring the basis of the Sudanese con- dominium of 1899 and of the Declaration of Independence of 1922, did not so much matter. But when it was found that it might result in a British annexation of the Sudan the objectionable clauses were withdrawn (February 3, 1923). The dispute served, however, for a renewal of disorders. Tewfik Nessim resigned, and a number of British soldiers were injured by bombs (February 27, March 4). There was thereafter some difficulty in find- ing a co-operator courageous enough to complete the constituent task. This was finally accomplished by Yehia Ibrahim Pasha, an ex-Minister of Education. The new Constitution was based on the ground plan of that of Belgium, but in course of construction grew in a way that is very significant of the King's efforts to retain the Khedival prerogatives. The choice of Belgium was obvious as being a constitutional monarchy with French culture and of allied, but not British, associations. Its first article defines the new nation as '' a sovereign State, free and independent." Its rights of sovereignty are indivisible and inalienable. Its government is that of a hereditary monarchy with representative institutions.