Financial Reconstruction 159 stitutionalists, and had all been adopted by Arabi, That Sherif, during the "anarchy" of 1882, had produced a Budget surplus of ££400,000, and that Ismail had reduced the debt more than Cromer ever did. That Cromer's early deficits were due to the expenses of crushing Arabi, while his difficulties were all derived from an extension of international control caused by British intervention. To which we can reply that the militarist regime under Arabi would not have been economical; and that though a revolutionary cut might have been made of the various anomalies and abuses, yet that our evolutionary cure had advantages over such a surgical operation. The kurbash or hippopotamus hide whip had been the main instrument of Egyptian administration since the days when Pharaoh and the hippopotamus ruled the Nile. Whenever anything was wanted—recruits for the army, evidence by judges, or taxes for the Government—the Pasha kurbashed the Sheikh and the Sheikh kurbashed the fellaheen. The kurbash had again and again been prohibited ; but in vain. The British made an effective effort to put it down. Under them that trodden worm the fellah did at last turn. "You cannot kurbash me/1 he would say to his Sheikh. " I will tell the English/1 . Its abolition, even so, took time. " I am not prepared to state confidently that the use of the kurbash and other forms of torture have altogether disappeared/' wrote Lord Cromer as late as 1891 (Egypt, No. III., p. 53). But in time the Government of Egypt became as exemplary, if also as exotic, as that of Gibraltar. And it was a later generation of Egyptians, and one that had never felt the kurbash, who complained that they would sooner have been chastised with whips than with " scorpions/1