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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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and it was bought for 13 weeks. and if it didn't do well in 1we3 weeks, that w tas the end of the sho. obviously, it's de one very well. so, for what it's worth, thank you very much from a very humble guy on "jeopardy !" audience: this is "jeopardy!" from a very humble guy on "jeopardy yes! [applause] captioned by los anlegeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. college campuses. >> pre pre college time from marches to hunger strikes. >> the new war protests and arrests and overnight, amid a growing rift with the white house, israel's prime minister
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revealing new information about the fight in gaza. >> stormy on the stand stormy daniels defiant during cross-examination at the trump trial. the defense demanding a mistrial as prosecutors prepare to call their star witness. what comes next in court? >> new video of the fatal police shooting of a decorated u.s. airman in his own home. his family claims deputies got the wrong address. what authorities are saying. >> plus, the rescue effort as a horse becomes stranded atop this roof for days during historic floods. >> music to her ears, the breakthrough treatment that helped this baby born deaf, hear for the first time. >> prodigy on the pitch, the 14 year old soccer phenom making history going pro. the contract he just signed, and the special bond between a student and teacher. >> years later. how that student who made it big is honoring a classroom commitment.
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>> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with new tensions on college campuses over the war in gaza. >> antiwar protesters marched at george washington university overnight, and clashes erupted at the university of arizona police firing rubber bullets and tear gas after they say protesters threw rocks. we've also learned that a commencement speaker set to address students at the university of massachusetts has withdrawn over a police crackdown there. >> meanwhile, israeli prime minister netanyahu, in a new interview with doctor phil, is responding to a decision by president biden to withhold some weapons from israel. abc's em nguyen has the latest on that. and good morning, rhiannon. >> good morning. yeah. in that new interview, prime minister netanyahu said he hopes he and president biden can reach an agreement. he's also reacting to the new unrest on college campuses here in the u.s. overnight. george washington university in washington, d.c, going into so-called emergency
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mode, restricting access to certain areas of campus, three free college stein as antiwar protesters marched through the streets, stopping outside the school president's office and forming a line across from police while demanding the school divest from companies with ties to israel. now, 33 people were arrested earlier this week at a pro-palestine an encampment at the university. police say they deployed pepper spray after officers were assaulted. the school says only six of those arrested are current students. >> prohibiting the entry of food. >> students at princeton are taking a different approach to protest the war in gaza. they've been on a hunger strike since last friday evening. meanwhile, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains defiant after president biden threatened to withhold more u.s. weapons from israel. netanyahu saying if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. but in already
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halting a shipment of 3500 bombs, saying the u.s. will not provide israel with weapons to attack rafah, the southern gaza city where more than a million palestinians have sought refuge. israeli forces already launching what they describe as limited operations. there netanyahu providing details on that operation in an interview overnight with doctor phil. >> we've destroyed about 20 battalions of the hamas's 24, terrorist battalions. we have another four to go there in rafah. and that's why we want to go into rafah. >> and netanyahu had this to say about the students protesting on college campuses in the u.s. >> first of all, you have a lot of ignorant people there who's, i'm sorry to say, who have whose sense of history at best goes back to breakfast. not even that. okay they don't have the faintest clue what hamas is. >> as for cease fire talks, they're now stalled. israel insists any deal for a pause in fighting must exclude its
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operation in rafah. rhiannon. >> all right. and thank you for that. severe storms are rolling through parts of the southeastern u.s. right now. it's all part of a five day severe weather outbreak that has spawned tornado activity in 20 states from south dakota all the way to georgia. that same storm system dumped tennis and even softball sized hail and heavy rain in central texas. officials there have warned of life threatening flash flooding today , an area from mississippi to florida is under threat. we will, of course, check your forecast coming up in just a few moments now to star stormy daniels on the stand at the trump hush money trial. >> facing cross-examination. our legal analyst is weighing in on the trump team's effort to undermine daniels credibility. we thought it was a tense cross-examination as stormy daniels wrapped up her nearly seven hours on the stand, questioned about her alleged sexual encounter with former president trump at a california hotel in 2006, an encounter trump denies as the defense questioned the veracity of daniels story, including her
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claims that she became lightheaded and felt the room spin after seeing trump in his underwear. >> another thing that was just totally not believable was like, and i went to the bathroom and our dinner, and when i came out of the bathroom, he was there just in boxers and a t shirt, and i almost fainted. and susan necklace said, you've made 200 movies. and a man in his 60s, and the boxers and the t shirt that made you faint, she's like, well, i just wasn't expecting it didn't come off as credible, but daniels, defiant on the stand when trump's lawyer asked, you have a lot of experience of making phony stories about sex appear to be real, daniels fired back. >> the sex in the films is very real, just like what happened to me in that room. she added that if she were to fictionalize her encounter with trump, i would have written it to be a lot better. the defense once again moved for a mistrial, claiming daniels graphic account was extremely prejudicial. testimony but the judge refused, telling trump's lawyers you deny that there was ever a sexual encounter between stormy daniels and the defendant. your denial puts the jury in a position to decide who they believe. daniels
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late yesterday called trump out directly, writing on social media, real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. oh wait, never mind it comes as we learn that one of the potential prosecution witnesses, karen mcdougal, will not be taking the stand. mcdougal, a former playboy playmate, claims she also had an affair with trump and that trump's team allegedly paid the national enquirer to buy the rights to her story to keep it a secret. the only key witness remaining for the prosecution, trump's former fixer michael cohen, who has claimed that trump reimbursed him for the $130,000 payment made to contain daniels story before the 2016 election. the prosecution, looking to make the case that trump falsified business records. but trump insists all payments to cohen were for legal services and his lawyers are expected to pounce on the fact that cohen previously admitted to lying to congress. also on the stand yesterday, trump's former executive assistant who handled checks she testified trump was closely involved in reviewing checks and financial details. she'll be back on the stand
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today. michael cohen is expected to testify next week. >> authorities in florida have released body camera video showing the moment a sheriff's deputy shot and killed a u.s. airman inside his own home, and a warning the video is disturbing. >> the sheriff's office opened the door. step out >> investigators say the deputy was responding to a disturbance call when he knocked on the door of roger ferguson's apartment. ferguson answered the door holding a legally owned gun, which he was pointing down. but within seconds, that deputy shot fortson six times. the military says the 23 year old was a proven combat veteran and a, quote, incredible teammate. his mother describes him as the backbone of their family. >> he shot up our baby. we shot up. >> the deputy is on administrative leave while the shooting is investigated. the family's lawyer claims the deputy responded to the wrong apartment, but authorities
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dispute that claim. >> a man from maine, who police say carried out a terrorist attack with a machete in new york, has been sentenced to 27 years in prison. they say he targeted three police officers near times square on new year's eve in 2022, to quote, wage jihad. the officers survived. >> cruz will head into the mountains near salt lake city today, hoping to recover two skiers who were killed by an avalanche. a third skier was brought to safety yesterday after digging himself out of the snow. the area got nearly three feet of snow this week. stargazers are getting ready for a big treat. the northern lights might be seen as far south as alabama. tonight, scientists say it's all because of energy from solar flares released by the sun. >> time now for your friday weather >> good morning. we're dealing with yet another round of strong and severe thunderstorms to close out. what has been a stormy week friday, we're looking mainly at the carolina
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coast, south georgia and north florida, damaging wind, hail and locally heavy rain are the main concerns. some of the strongest storms will be near i-10, but also some scattered storms will pop into areas like the carolinas into the afternoon and evening. now the weekend cool and showery, including on mother's day in the northeast and the great lakes. drier in the southeast. heavy rain returns to texas late in the weekend and warm and dry in the west. i'm accuweather meteorologist jeff cornish. >> coming up, a new way to save money for families booking airline tickets. >> but first, the effort to save this horse who was stranded on a roof during a historic flooding and the medical breakthrough that allowed this baby girl who was deaf to hear for the
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be the mother of all surprises on gma. >> emergency crews rescued this
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horse stranded on a rooftop for two days during the worst flooding to hit southern brazil in some 80 years. after sedating the agitated horse, they removed him on a raft and soldiers in patrol boats saved a man forced to grab onto a fence to avoid rushing water. more than 100 people have died in those floods. >> the senate voted last night to reauthorize a key aviation law to boost safety standards and consumer protections. the $105 billion bill would govern the faa for five years. it makes it easier for customers to get refunds for delayed or canceled flights, and it prohibits airlines from charging families extra money to sit together. the house is expected to pass the bill next week, and target is reportedly pulling lgbtq themed merchandise from certain locations during pride month. bloomberg reports. the move follows a backlash blamed for a drop in sales last year. some stores had to remove items after a spike in confrontations between workers and customers. >> now to a positive story
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that'll put a smile on anyone's face. a toddler born deaf can suddenly hear again. all thanks to a breakthrough medical procedure. here's abc's andrea fujii this morning, 18 month old opal sandy can finally hear her family. >> born deaf, she's the first person in the world to receive a groundbreaking gene therapy treatment to help her hear her parents in the uk amazed with the results. >> absolutely mind blowing. you were at work at the time and you messaged me to say say what had gone on and i'm not sure i believed it. i think i'd get my phone out. said it was a just a fluke. >> just before opal's first birthday, she was given an infusion of gene therapy into her right ear, which replaces the dna that causes her type of inherited deafness. >> one thing that we've been really excited about here is that we've been able to use a really small dose of gene therapy delivered directly to the cochlear, and what that means is that we're not delivering a large dose of gene
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therapy to the rest of the body. so it means that we see fewer side effects within four weeks of the surgery, opal responded to sound. >> and now, six months in, she can hear soft noises, even whispering. >> they played us the sounds that she was turning to and were quite mind blown by how how soft it was, how quiet it was. >> doctors hope opal's success can lead to gene therapy for more common types of hearing loss, and kids hearing can be restored rather than having to wear implants, which for opal and her family has changed their lives. >> can i have a kiss? oh good girl. >> opal was part of a trial sponsored by u.s. biotech company regeneron, and they're continuing to enroll patients through the u.s. and europe. >> andrew, rhiannon, what a great story, andrea. thank you for that. coming up, problems in the mail, the changes that could bring delivery delays also ahead making history. >> the 14 year old soccer phenom who just signed a big contract
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who just signed a big contract introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. [introspective music] recipes. recipes written by hand and lost to time. are now being analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. ♪ (vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot. using the power of dell ai. for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today.
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that's the certainty of four or imprint for certain. >> at first i didn't believe it. >> it's like, how in the world did she get her furniture up there? >> well, that is the reaction of michigan shoppers after learning a woman was living inside of this. a roof top supermarket sign for about a year. the structure was actually roomy enough for a desk, a computer, even a coffee maker. police say she has a job, but she is homeless. some residents pointing to the affordable housing crisis the postal service is facing pushback over
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its plan to consolidate processing and delivery operations. >> a bipartisan group of senators warns that this sort of consolidation and cuts to mail collection could slow deliveries and cause critical delays for what's supposed to be overnight mail. in one case, mail in michigan will be rerouted to green bay, wisconsin, 100 miles away. the senators are calling for a review. >> what were you doing when you were 14 years old? well the teenager you're about to meet could soon do something no one else his age has ever done before. this morning, kevin sullivan is on the verge of making sports history. >> my name is kevin sullivan. i play center, attacking midfield, and i am 14 years old. >> the 14 year old has signed a deal with major league soccer's philadelphia union. if he takes the field for the union before july 29th, he'll be the youngest player to ever play in a top american sports league. >> to be totally honest, i'm a pretty boring kid. i don't i
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don't do much outside of soccer, sources tell the atlantic, sullivan's deal with the union is worth more than half $1 million per year, and there's a major clause in his contract. >> once he turns 18, he'll be transferred to english powerhouse manchester city. >> it means a lot that that they see the town in me at such a young age. >> comparisons are already being made to former soccer phenom freddy adu, who played for d.c. united back in 2004, when he was just two months shy of his 15th birthday. but a new star faded quickly and now serves as a cautionary tale about high expectations. sullivan, who's from philadelphia, hopes to remain grounded by living at home and playing for his local team until he can develop into a world class player. >> my main goal is to win the mls cup, so development starts now. >> he's got goals. his older brother already plays for the union and the coach says it is likely that kevin will play in the next few weeks. >> a bright future indeed. and caitlin clark was feeling the love making her wnba home debut
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for the indiana fever last night. she scored 12 points in a preseason win more than 13,000 fans showed up about three times the typical crowd for a regular season game. there is fever in indiana, that's for sure. >> actually, around the country, right? coming up, the gym membership getting more expensive for the first time in decades. >> plus the special bond between >> plus the special bond between a student and his teacher y dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener.
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clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. ♪ ♪ yeah i'm up on a cloud ain't coming back down ♪ first you hear it. then you feel it. ♪ that's the crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling of ritz toasted chips. ♪ i got a good good, a good feelin' ♪ my hair was thinning all around my hairline. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol. it's 100 % drug—free and clinically tested. my hair is longer, thicker. nutrafol is life—changing for me. get growing at if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. ♪ mom genes. she passed them down to you.
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but who passed them to her? those mom genes helped make her who she is. show her with ancestrydna. this mother's day, she can see the traits she inherited, the places where they started, and the people she shares them with. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you. on gma. >> time to check the pulse. and we begin with an apology from apple. after facing blowback over the ad for its latest ipad. >> yeah, we showed you this yesterday. the ad was widely seen as dismissive to the creative community, showing a hydraulic press, crushing musical instruments, cameras, paint and other items that are used by artists all to create the new ipad pro. >> the video struck a nerve
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online with one post saying it lacks any respect for creative equipment. apple responded saying yeah, we missed the mark and we are sorry. next, a big change at a popular gym. >> for the first time in 26 years, planet fitness is raising membership fees. the basic no frills plan will now cost 15 bucks a month for new members. it has been $10 since 1998, but the company blames rising costs. >> next, an nfl rookie makes good on a promise to his fourth grade teacher on the last day of school. >> back then, ennis rakestraw left a letter for his teacher. in the letter, he told mr. gammon you gave me confidence. and then he wrote, i hope you're alive because if i make it to become a professional football player, i will talk about you. well, last month rakestraw was drafted by the detroit lions to the delight of his teacher, mr. gammon enlisted to write that because he thought i was a i taught him a lot of math that year. >> he wrote it because we were very close and, you know, we had a good bond and football was one
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of the things we bonded over. teachers will do anything for our kids, but one potential problem, mr. gammon, is a dallas cowboys fan. >> and finally, bieber party of three justin and hailey bieber are expecting their first baby. >> the couple took to instagram to announce the pregnancy with these gorgeous photos. hailey showing off her baby bump. we are told she is about six months along. >> the announcement comes a few weeks after justin sparked concern by posting a series of crying selfies. fans are now saying those were likely tears of joy. >> he was giving us a hint and >> he was giving us a hint and we didn't [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america.
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san francisco, now a five. the legal action now happening over oakland airport's official name change. >> president biden is waking up in the bay area this morning. activist groups are planning to gather and protest during the president's campaign. fundraising visit. >> former president trump back in court today following graphic testimony by stormy daniels when trump's former lawyer michael cohen is expected to take the stand. a taste of summer as the heat moved in, people across


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